Ewch i’r prif gynnwys
Hywel Rogers

Mr Hywel Rogers

Pennaeth Proffesiynol: Radiograffeg Diagnostig


Research Interests

Healthcare violence and aggression (V&A): small scale studies focussing on the assessment of the extent and effects of V&A in diagnostic radiography departments in Wales and in addition, an assessment the efficacy and consistency of approach to the management of V&A in diagnostic radiography departments in Wales.

Recent Publications

Rogers, H., Pratt, S., Brown, P., Gambling, T. (2010) Confidence in the use of information management and technology (IM&T) in radiography: Is age a barrier? Radiography
16 (3): pp 230-237

Pratt, S., Rogers, H., Gambling, T., Brown, P. (2009) How skilled are you? Synergy (August issue)

Pratt, S., Rogers, H., Gambling, T., Brown, P. (2009) A report compiled by Cardiff University for the Society and college of Radiographers: Information Management and Technology (IM&T) Survey, Society of Radiographers:London












Current research interests

Healthcare violence and aggression (V&A): small scale studies focussing on the assessment of the extent and effects of V&A in diagnostic radiography departments in Wales and in addition, an assessment the efficacy and consistency of approach to the management of V&A in diagnostic radiography departments in Wales.


Clinical career: 1987-2003

I have 16 years experience in the healthcare sector as a Radiographer and have worked both as a student and state registered Radiographer in most of the hospitals in South Wales. In 1994 I gained promotion to Senior Radiographer with a wide supervisory remit including General Radiography, Fluoroscopy, Computerised Tomography and Nuclear Medicine. In 1998 I gained promotion to the position of Superintendent Radiographer responsible for the Nuclear Medicine services at Llandough Hospital. This involved service provision including patient diagnosis, research, staffing, training and radiation safety. At this time I was also a member of the CT scanning team including on-call responsibilities. I also briefly worked in the A&E department of the Royal Gwent hospital where I gained valuable experience dealing with major casualty situations. Responsibilities during my radiography career include: Health and Safety Representative, Manual Handling Adviser, Radiation Protection Supervisor (Nuclear Medicine) and many audit projects.

Academic career: 2003 $acirc;

Learning and Teaching: I am involved with many undergraduate and post- graduate radiography modules and also lead the Introduction to Radiation Science module for both undergraduate student radiographers and the Certificate in Higher Education for Assistant Practitioners. In 2005 I completed the Post graduate Certificate in Education with distinction. My interests lie with the use of IT to make the learning experience both enjoyable and successful for the students.

Future aspirations

To develop a successful research profile involving NHS service delivery.