Yr Athro Paul Rosin
Athro Golwg Cyfrifiadurol
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Am dros 30 mlynedd rwyf wedi bod yn weithgar mewn ymchwil golwg gyfrifiadurol. Egwyddor arweiniol yw y dylai fy ngwaith ddarparu dulliau effeithiol a chadarn sy'n cael eu gwerthuso'n drylwyr. Mae hyn wedi arwain at fy ngwaith (ee fy dulliau ar gyfer dyrnu unimodal, segmentu polygonal, amcangyfrif darfudedd, ac ati) yn cael ei ddefnyddio'n eang ar draws llawer o ddisgyblaethau a chymwysiadau y tu hwnt i'r gymuned weledigaeth gyfrifiadurol yn unig. Yn ogystal â datblygu dulliau gweledigaeth gyfrifiadurol sylfaenol, Rwyf hefyd wedi bod yn rhan o lawer o gydweithrediadau amlddisgyblaethol mewn meysydd fel seicoleg, deintyddiaeth, optometreg, cymdeithaseg, diogelwch a threftadaeth ddiwylliannol. Am fwy o wybodaeth ewch i'n tudalen we bersonol.
- Zhou, F., Li, C., Zhu, M., Zhang, Y., Lai, Y. and Rosin, P. 2025. Chat-driven 3D human pose and shape editing with Large Language Models. Presented at: IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Hyderabad, India, 6-11 April 2025.
- Zhang, M., Zhang, Q., Song, R., Rosin, P. L. and Zhang, W. 2024. Ship landmark: An informative ship image annotation and its applications. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 25(11), pp. 17778-17793. (10.1109/TITS.2024.3404973)
- Zhao, H., Ji, T., Rosin, P. L., Lai, Y., Meng, W. and Wang, Y. 2024. Cross-lingual font style transfer with full-domain convolutional attention. Pattern Recognition 155, article number: 110709. (10.1016/j.patcog.2024.110709)
- Wu, X. et al. 2024. Image manipulation quality assessment. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (10.1109/tcsvt.2024.3504854)
- Yi, R., Zhu, H., Hu, T., Lai, Y. and Rosin, P. 2024. AesStyler: Aesthetic guided universal style transfer. Presented at: ACM Multimedia 2024, Melbourne, Australia, 28 October - 1 November 2024MM '24: Proceedings of the 32nd ACM International Conference on Multimedia. ACM pp. 9789-9798., (10.1145/3664647.3680784)
- Lou, J., Wu, X., Corcoran, P., Rosin, P. L. and Liu, H. 2024. TranSalNet+: Distortion-aware saliency prediction. Neurocomputing 600, article number: 128155. (10.1016/j.neucom.2024.128155)
- Chauhan, J., Rosin, P. L. and Goyal, P. 2024. Burnsnet: Burn region segmentation network from color images with two-way CNN. Presented at: 2024 International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, 27-30 October 2024Proceedings of 2024 International Conference on Image Processing, Vol. 41. pp. 3172-3178., (10.1109/icip51287.2024.10647789)
- Wang, Y., Zhang, L., Song, R., Li, H., Rosin, P. L. and Zhang, W. 2024. Exploiting inter-sample affinity for knowability-aware universal domain adaptation. International Journal of Computer Vision 132(5), pp. 1800-1816. (10.1007/s11263-023-01955-y)
- Yi, R., Liu, Y., Lai, Y. and Rosin, P. L. 2024. Generating artistic portrait drawings from images. In: Lyu, Z. ed. Applications of Generative AI. Springer, pp. 437-460., (10.1007/978-3-031-46238-2_22)
- Zhao, H., Zhang, L., Rosin, P. L., Lai, Y. and Wang, Y. 2024. HairManip: High quality hair manipulation via hair element disentangling. Pattern Recognition 147, article number: 110132. (10.1016/j.patcog.2023.110132)
- Zhou, F., Shen, P., Dai, J., Jiang, N., Lai, Y. and Rosin, P. 2024. AHRNet: Attention and heatmap-based regressor for hand pose estimation and mesh recovery. Presented at: IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Seoul, Korea, 14-19 April 2024Proceedings International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). IEEE, (10.1109/ICASSP48485.2024.10446600)
- Liang, Y., Garg, B., Rosin, P. and Qin, Y. 2024. Deep generative model based rate-distortion for image downscaling assessment. Presented at: The IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2024, Seattle, USA, 17-21 June 2024.
- Zhu, H., Chong, J. I., Hu, T., Yi, R., Lai, Y. and Rosin, P. L. 2024. SAMVG: A multi-stage image vectorization model with the segment-anything model. Presented at: IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Seoul, Korea, 14-19 April, 2024.
- Hu, T., Yi, R., Qian, B., Zhang, J., Rosin, P. and Lai, Y. 2024. SuperSVG: Superpixel-based scalable vector graphics synthesis. Presented at: IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Seattle, WA, USA, 17-21 June 2024.
- Lyu, H., Elangovan, H., Rosin, P. and Lai, Y. 2024. SCD: Statistical color distribution-based objective image colorization quality assessment. Presented at: Computer Graphics International, Geneva, Switzerland, 1-5 July 2024.
- Huang, K., Zhang, F., Zhang, F., Lai, Y., Rosin, P. and Dodgson, N. A. 2024. Multi-task geometric estimation of depth and surface normal from monocular 360° images. Computational Visual Media
- Lyu, H., Rosin, P. L. and Lai, Y. 2023. WCGAN: Robust portrait watercolorization with adaptive hierarchical localized constraints. Displays 80, article number: 102530. (10.1016/j.displa.2023.102530)
- Song, R., Zhang, W., Zhao, Y., Liu, Y. and Rosin, P. L. 2023. 3D Visual saliency: an independent perceptual measure or a derivative of 2d image saliency?. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 45(11), pp. 13083-13099. (10.1109/TPAMI.2023.3287356)
- Alhamazani, F., Lai, Y. and Rosin, P. L. 2023. 3DCascade-GAN: Shape completion from single-view depth images. Computers and Graphics 115, pp. 412-422. (10.1016/j.cag.2023.07.033)
- Yi, R., Liu, Y., Lai, Y. and Rosin, P. 2023. Quality metric guided portrait line drawing generation from unpaired training data. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 45(1), pp. 905-918. (10.1109/TPAMI.2022.3147570)
- Chen, S., Lai, Y., Xia, S., Rosin, P. and Gao, L. 2023. 3D face reconstruction and gaze tracking in the HMD for virtual interaction. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 25, pp. 3166-3179. (10.1109/TMM.2022.3156820)
- Yi, R., Tian, H., Gu, Z., Lai, Y. and Rosin, P. L. 2023. Towards artistic image aesthetics assessment: a large-scale dataset and a new method. Presented at: IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Vancouver, Canada, 18-22 June 2023.
- Alhamazani, F., Rosin, P. and Lai, Y. 2023. An Image-based model for 3D shape quality measure. Presented at: EG UK Computer Graphics & Visual Computing, Aberystwyth, UK, 14-15 September 2023Proceedings EG UK Computer Graphics & Visual Computing. Eurographics - The European Association for Computer Graphics, (10.2312/cgvc.20231187)
- Wu, X., Dong, Z., Zhang, F., Rosin, P. and Liu, H. 2022. Analysis of video quality induced spatio-temporal saliency shifts. Presented at: 29th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (IEEE ICIP), Bordeaux, France, 16-19 October 20222022 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP).
- Rosin, P. L. et al. 2022. NPRportrait 1.0: A three-level benchmark for non-photorealistic rendering of portraits. Computational Visual Media 8, pp. 445-465. (10.1007/s41095-021-0255-3)
- Chen, S., Zhang, J., Zhao, Y., Rosin, P. L., Lai, Y. and Gao, L. 2022. A review of image and video colorization: From analogies to deep learning. Visual Informatics 6(3), pp. 51-68. (10.1016/j.visinf.2022.05.003)
- Ma, W., Karakuş, O. and Rosin, P. L. 2022. AMM-FuseNet: attention-based multi-modal image fusion network for land cover mapping. Remote Sensing 14(18), article number: 4458. (10.3390/rs14184458)
- Wu, G., Song, R., Zhang, M., Li, X. and Rosin, P. L. 2022. LiTMNet: A deep CNN for efficient HDR image reconstruction from a single LDR image. Pattern Recognition 127, article number: 108620. (10.1016/j.patcog.2022.108620)
- Yi, R., Ye, Z., Fan, R., Shu, Y., Liu, Y., Lai, Y. and Rosin, P. L. 2022. Animating portrait line drawings from a single face photo and a speech signal. Presented at: ACM SIGGRAPH, Vancouver, Canada, 7 - 11 August 2022SIGGRAPH ’22 Conference Proceedings. ACM pp. 1-8., (10.1145/3528233.3530720)
- Zhou, F., Lai, Y., Rosin, P. L., Zhang, F. and Hu, Y. 2022. Scale-aware network with modality-awareness for RGB-D indoor semantic segmentation. Neurocomputing 492, pp. 464-473. (10.1016/j.neucom.2022.04.025)
- Nieva De La Hidalga, A. et al. 2022. Cross-validation of a semantic segmentation net-work for natural history collection specimens. Machine Vision and Applications 33, article number: 39. (10.1007/s00138-022-01276-z)
- Arslan, M. F. et al. 2022. SHREC'21: Quantifying shape complexity. Computers and Graphics 102, pp. 144-153. (10.1016/j.cag.2021.09.005)
- Qiao, Y., Gao, L., Yang, J., Rosin, P., Lai, Y. and Chen, X. 2022. Learning on 3D meshes with laplacian encoding and pooling. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 28(2), pp. 1317-1327. (10.1109/TVCG.2020.3014449)
- Alfarasani, D. A., Sweetman, T., Lai, Y. and Rosin, P. L. 2022. Learning to predict 3D Mesh saliency. Presented at: International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Montreal, Canada, 21-25 August 2022.
- Yi, R., Xia, M., Liu, Y., Lai, Y. and Rosin, P. L. 2021. Line drawings for face portraits from photos using global and local structure based GANs. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 43(10), pp. 3462-3475. (10.1109/TPAMI.2020.2987931)
- Chen, S., Liu, F., Lai, Y., Rosin, P. L., Li, C., Fu, H. and Gao, L. 2021. DeepFaceEditing: deep face generation and editing with disentangled geometry and appearance control. ACM Transactions on Graphics 40(4), article number: 90. (10.1145/3450626.3459760)
- Zhang, B., Gao, M., Rosin, P. L., Sun, X., Chang, Q., Yan, Q. and Shang, Y. 2021. Research on performance evaluation and optimization theory for thermal microscope imaging systems. Applied Sciences 11(13), article number: 5897. (10.3390/app11135897)
- Song, R., Liu, Y. and Rosin, P. 2021. Mesh saliency via weakly supervised classification-for-saliency CNN. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 27(1), pp. 151-164. (10.1109/TVCG.2019.2928794)
- Fan, L., Sun, X. and Rosin, P. L. 2021. Attention-modulated triplet network for face sketch recognition. IEEE Access 9, pp. 12914 - 12921. (10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3049639)
- Dyke, R. M. et al. 2020. SHREC'20: Shape correspondence with non-isometric deformations. Computers and Graphics 92, pp. 28-43. (10.1016/j.cag.2020.08.008)
- Langenfeld, F. et al. 2020. SHREC2020 track: multi-domain protein shape retrieval challenge. Computers and Graphics 91, pp. 189-198. (10.1016/j.cag.2020.07.013)
- Cui, M., Lu, S., Miao, W., Yang, Y., Lai, Y. and Rosin, P. 2020. 3D computational modeling and perceptual analysis of kinetic depth effects. Computational Visual Media 6, pp. 265-277. (10.1007/s41095-020-0180-x)
- Redfern, J., Sidorov, K., Rosin, P. L., Corcoran, P., Moore, S. C. and Marshall, D. 2020. Association of violence with urban points of interest. PLoS ONE 15(9), article number: e0239840. (10.1371/journal.pone.0239840)
- Yang, J., Wu, X., Liang, J., Sun, X., Cheng, M., Rosin, P. and Wang, L. 2020. Self-paced balance learning for clinical skin disease recognition. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 31(8), pp. 2832-2846. (10.1109/TNNLS.2019.2917524)
- Zhao, H., Rosin, P. L., Lai, Y. and Wang, Y. 2020. Automatic semantic style transfer using deep convolutional neural networks and soft masks. Visual Computer 36, pp. 1307-1324. (10.1007/s00371-019-01726-2)
- Zhao, H., Rosin, P., Lai, Y., Zheng, J. and Wang, Y. 2020. Adaptive gradient-based block compressive sensing with sparsity for noisy images. Multimedia Tools and Applications 79, pp. 14825-14847. (10.1007/s11042-019-7647-8)
- Song, R., Liu, Y. and Rosin, P. L. 2020. Distinction of 3D objects and scenes via classification network and Markov random field. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 26(6) (10.1109/TVCG.2018.2885750)
- Yang, J., Liang, J., Wang, K., Rosin, P. L. and Yang, M. 2020. Subspace clustering via good neighbors. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 42(6), pp. 1537-1544. (10.1109/TPAMI.2019.2913863)
- Zunic, J. and Rosin, P. L. 2020. Measuring shapes with desired convex polygons. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 42(6) (10.1109/TPAMI.2019.2898830)
- Dongyu, S., Jufeng, Y., Ming-Ming, C., Lai, Y., Rosin, P. and Liang, W. 2020. WSCNet: Weakly Supervised Coupled Networks for Visual Sentiment Classification and Detection. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 22(5), pp. 1358-1371. (10.1109/TMM.2019.2939744)
- Zhang, B. et al. 2020. Adaptive position calibration technique for an optical micro-scanning thermal microscope imaging system. Infrared Physics and Technology 105, article number: 103186. (10.1016/j.infrared.2020.103186)
- Nieva de la Hidalga, A. et al. 2020. Designing an herbarium digitisation workflow with built-in image quality management. Biodiversity Data Journal 8, article number: e47051. (10.3897/BDJ.8.e47051)
- Bo, L., Lai, Y. and Rosin, P. L. 2020. Sparse graph regularized mesh color edit propagation. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 29, pp. 5408-5419. (10.1109/TIP.2020.2980962)
- Cai, W., Xiong, Z., Sun, X., Rosin, P. L., Jin, L. and Peng, X. 2020. Panoptic segmentation-based attention for image captioning. Applied Sciences 10(1), article number: 391. (10.3390/app10010391)
- Yi, R., Liu, Y., Lai, Y. and Rosin, P. L. 2020. Unpaired portrait drawing generation via asymmetric cycle mapping. Presented at: Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Seattle, Washington, USA, 16-18 June 2020.
- Dyke, R. M. et al. 2020. SHREC'20: Non-rigid shape correspondence of physically-based deformations. Presented at: Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval, Graz, Austria, 4-5 September 2020.
- Zhao, H., Rosin, P. L., Lai, Y., Lin, M. and Liu, Q. 2019. Image neural style transfer with global and local optimization fusion. IEEE Access 7(1), pp. 85573-85580. (10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2922554)
- Bonnici, A. et al. 2019. Sketch-based interaction and modeling: where do we stand?. AI EDAM 33(4), pp. 370-388. (10.1017/S0890060419000349)
- Corcoran, P., Zunic, J. and Rosin, P. 2019. A multi-scale topological shape model for single and multiple component shapes. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation 64, article number: 102617. (10.1016/j.jvcir.2019.102617)
- Asghar, K., Sun, X., Rosin, P., Saddique, M., Hussain, M. and Habib, Z. 2019. Edge-texture feature based image forgery detection with cross dataset evaluation. Machine Vision and Applications 30(7-8), pp. 1243-1262. (10.1007/s00138-019-01048-2)
- Li, B., Lai, Y., John, M. and Rosin, P. L. 2019. Automatic example-based image colorization using location-aware cross-scale matching. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 28(9), pp. 4606-4619. (10.1109/TIP.2019.2912291)
- Pezzica, C., Schroeter, J., Prizeman, O., Jones, C. and Rosin, P. 2019. Between images and built form: automating the recognition of standardised building components using deep learning. Presented at: 27th CIPA International Symposium “Documenting the past for a better future”, Avila, Spain, 1-5 September 2019ISPRS Ann. Photogramm. Remote Sens, Vol. IV-2. Copernicus pp. 123-132., (10.5194/isprs-annals-IV-2-W6-123-2019)
- Cheng, M., Liu, X., Wang, J., Lu, S., Lai, Y. and Rosin, P. 2019. Structure-preserving neural style transfer. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 29, pp. 909-920.
- Liang, J., Yang, J., Cheng, M., Rosin, P. L. and Wang, L. 2019. Simultaneous subspace clustering and cluster number estimating based on triplet relationship. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 28(8), pp. 3973-3985. (10.1109/TIP.2019.2903294)
- Nieva De La Hidalga, A., Owen, D., Spasic, I., Rosin, P. and Sun, X. 2019. Use of semantic segmentation for increasing the throughput of digitisation workflows for natural history collections. Presented at: Biodiversity_Next 2019, Leiden, The Netherlands, 21-25 October 2019Biodiversity Information Science and Standards, Vol. 3. Vol. e37161. Pensoft, (10.3897/biss.3.37161)
- Krumhuber, E. G., Lai, Y., Rosin, P. and Hugenberg, K. 2019. When facial expressions do and do not signal minds: the role of face inversion, expression dynamism, and emotion type. Emotion 19(4), pp. 746-750. (10.1037/emo0000475)
- Zhao, H., Rosin, P. and Lai, Y. 2019. Block compressive sensing for solder joint images with wavelet packet thresholding. IEEE Transactions on Components and Packaging Technologies 9(6), pp. 1190-1199. (10.1109/TCPMT.2019.2907106)
- Liu, J., Rosin, P. L., Sun, X., Xiao, J. and Lian, Z. 2019. Image-driven unsupervised 3D model co-segmentation. Visual Computer 35(6-8), pp. 909-920. (10.1007/s00371-019-01679-6)
- Dyke, R., Lai, Y., Rosin, P. and L., T. 2019. Non-rigid registration under anisotropic deformations. Computer Aided Geometric Design 71, pp. 142-156. (10.1016/j.cagd.2019.04.014)
- Dyke, R., Stride, C., Lai, Y. and Rosin, P. 2019. SHREC-19: Shape correspondence with isometric and non-isometric deformations. Presented at: Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval, Genova, Italy, 5-6 May 2019.
- Cheng, M., Liu, Y., Lin, W., Zhang, Z., Rosin, P. L. and Torr, P. H. S. 2019. BING: Binarized normed gradients for objectness estimation at 300fps. Computational Visual Media 5(1), pp. 3-20. (10.1007/s41095-018-0120-1)
- Yi, R., Liu, Y., Lai, Y. and Rosin, P. 2019. APDrawingGAN: Generating artistic portrait drawings from face photos with hierarchical GANs. Presented at: CVPR 2019, Long Beach, California, USA, 16-20 June 2019.
- Liu, C., Sun, X., Chen, C., Rosin, P., Yan, Y., Jin, L. and Pen, X. 2019. Multi-scale residual hierarchical dense networks for single image super-resolution. IEEE Access 7, pp. 60572 -60583. (10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2915943)
- Fan, D. et al. 2019. Scoot: A perceptual metric for facial sketches. Presented at: ICCV 2019: International Conference on Computer Vision, Seoul, South Korea, 27 Oct - 2 Nov 2019IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision. Computer Vision Foundation pp. 5612-5622.
- Gao, L., Yang, J., Qiao, Y., Lai, Y., Rosin, P. L., Xu, W. and Xia, S. 2018. Automatic unpaired shape deformation transfer. ACM Transactions on Graphics 37(6), article number: 237. (10.1145/3272127.3275028)
- Farnell, D. J. J. et al. 2018. What's in a smile? Initial analyses of dynamic changes in facial shape and appearance. Journal of Imaging 5(1), article number: 2. (10.3390/jimaging5010002)
- Jufeng, Y., Dongyu, S., Lai, Y., Rosin, P. and Ming-Hsuan, Y. 2018. Weakly supervised coupled networks for visual sentiment analysis. Presented at: IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Lake Salt City, UT, USA, 18-22 Jun 2018IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition workshops.
- Yang, J., Sun, X., Liang, J. and Rosin, P. L. 2018. Clinical skin lesion diagnosis using representations inspired by dermatologist criteria. Presented at: IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2018), Salt Lake City, UT, USA, 18-22 June 20182018 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. IEEE pp. 1258-1266., (10.1109/CVPR.2018.00137)
- Yang, J., Liang, J., Shen, H., Wang, K., Rosin, P. L. and Yang, M. 2018. Dynamic match kernel with deep convolutional features for image retrieval. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 27(11), pp. 5288-5302. (10.1109/TIP.2018.2845136)
- Lai, Y., Echavaarria, K., Song, R. and Rosin, P. 2018. An image-based approach for detecting faces carved in heritage monuments. Presented at: EUROGRAPHICS Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage, Vienna, Austria, 12-15 Nov 2018Eurographics Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage. The Eurographics Association pp. 215-219.
- Yang, J., She, S., Sun, M., Cheng, M., Rosin, P. L. and Wang, L. 2018. Visual sentiment prediction based on automatic discovery of affective regions. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 20(9), pp. 2513-2525. (10.1109/TMM.2018.2803520)
- Rosin, P., Lai, Y., Liu, C., Davis, G., Mills, D., Tuson, G. and Russell, Y. 2018. Virtual recovery of content from x-ray micro-tomography scans of damaged historic scrolls. Scientific Reports 8, article number: 11901. (10.1038/s41598-018-29037-x)
- Yang, J., Gao, L., Lai, Y., Rosin, P. and Xia, S. 2018. Biharmonic deformation transfer with automatic key point selection. Graphical Models 98, pp. 1-13. (10.1016/j.gmod.2018.05.003)
- Pickup, D. et al. 2018. An evaluation of canonical forms for non-rigid 3D shape retrieval. Graphical Models 97, pp. 17-29. (10.1016/j.gmod.2018.02.002)
- Liu, C., Rosin, P. L., Lai, Y. and Hu, W. 2018. Robust virtual unrolling of historical parchment XMT images. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 27(4), pp. 1914-1926. (10.1109/TIP.2017.2783626)
- Chen, S., Gao, L., Lai, Y., Rosin, P. and Xia, S. 2018. Real-time 3D face reconstruction and gaze tracking for virtual reality. Presented at: IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces, Reutlingen, Germany, 18-22 March 2018. pp. -.
- Langenfeld, F. et al. 2018. SHREC 2018 - Protein Shape Retrieval. Presented at: EG workshop 3D Object Retrieval, Delft, the Netherlands, 16 April 2018.
- Bo, L., Lai, Y. and Rosin, P. L. 2017. Example-based image colorization via automatic feature selection and fusion. Neurocomputing 266, pp. 687-698. (10.1016/j.neucom.2017.05.083)
- Li, B., Zhao, F., Su, Z., Liang, X., Lai, Y. and Rosin, P. L. 2017. Example-based image colorization using locality consistent sparse representation. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 26(11), pp. 516-525. (10.1109/TIP.2017.2732239)
- Redfern, J., Sidorov, K., Rosin, P. L., Moore, S. C., Corcoran, P. and Marshall, D. 2017. An open-data, agent-based model of alcohol related crime. Presented at: 2017 14th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance (AVSS), Lecce, 29 August - 1 September 2017Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance (AVSS), 2017 14th IEEE International Conference. IEEE Xplore, (10.1109/AVSS.2017.8078513)
- Huang, H., Fang, X., Ye, Y., Zhang, S. and Rosin, P. L. 2017. Practical automatic background substitution for live video. Computational Visual Media 3(3), pp. 273-284. (10.1007/s41095-016-0074-0)
- Al-Meyah, K., Marshall, D. and Rosin, P. L. 2017. 4D analysis of facial ageing using dynamic features. Procedia Computer Science 112, pp. 790-799. (10.1016/j.procs.2017.08.037)
- Lloyd, K., Rosin, P. L., Marshall, A. D. and Moore, S. C. 2017. Violent behaviour detection using local trajectory response. Presented at: 7th International Conference on Imaging for Crime Detection and Prevention, Madrid, Spain, 23-25 November 20167th International Conference on Imaging for Crime Detection and Prevention (ICDP 2016). IET Seminar Digests 2016/0006 Institution of Engineering and Technology pp. 78-83., (10.1049/ic.2016.0082)
- Mould, D. and Rosin, P. L. 2017. Developing and applying a benchmark for evaluating image stylization. Computers and Graphics 67, pp. 58-76. (10.1016/j.cag.2017.05.025)
- Lloyd, K., Rosin, P. L., Marshall, D. and Moore, S. C. 2017. Detecting violent and abnormal crowd activity using temporal analysis of grey level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM)-based texture measures. Machine Vision and Applications 28, pp. 361-371. (10.1007/s00138-017-0830-x)
- Khayeat, A., Rosin, P. L. and Sun, X. 2017. Copy-move forgery detection using the segment gradient orientation histogram. Presented at: Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis, Tromsø, Norway, 12-14,June 2017 Presented at Sharma, P. and Bianchi, F. M. eds.SCIA 2017: Image Analysis, Vol. 1. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 10269. Cham: Springer pp. 209-220., (10.1007/978-3-319-59126-1_18)
- Cheng, M., Hou, Q., Zhang, S. and Rosin, P. L. 2017. Intelligent visual media processing: when graphics meets vision. Journal of Computer Science and Technology 32(1), pp. 110-121. (10.1007/s11390-017-1681-7)
- Rosin, P. L. et al. 2017. Benchmarking non-photorealistic rendering of portraits. Presented at: NPAR Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 29-30 July 2017 Presented at Spencer, S. N. ed.NPAR '17 Proceedings of the Symposium on Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering. Association for Computing Machinery pp. 11., (10.1145/3092919.3092921)
- Liu, X., Cheng, M., Lai, Y. and Rosin, P. L. 2017. Depth-aware neural style transfer. Presented at: NPAR Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 29-30 July 2017 Presented at Spencer, S. N. ed.NPAR '17 Proceedings of the Symposium on Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering. Association for Computing Machinery pp. 4., (10.1145/3092919.3092924)
- Rosin, P. and Lai, Y. 2017. Watercolour rendering of portraits. Presented at: PSIVT Vision meets Graphics 2017, Wuhan, China, 21 November 2017.
- Tralic, D., Grgic, S., Sun, X. and Rosin, P. L. 2016. Combining cellular automata and local binary patterns for copy-move forgery detection. Multimedia Tools and Applications 75(24), pp. 16881-16903. (10.1007/s11042-015-2961-2)
- Pickup, D. et al. 2016. Shape retrieval of non-rigid 3D human models. International Journal of Computer Vision 120(2), pp. 169-193. (10.1007/s11263-016-0903-8)
- Pickup, D., Sun, X., Rosin, P. L. and Martin, R. R. 2016. Skeleton-based canonical forms for non-rigid 3D shape retrieval. Computational Visual Media 2(3), pp. 231-243. (10.1007/s41095-016-0045-5)
- Wu, J., Rosin, P. L., Sun, X. and Martin, R. R. 2016. Improving shape from shading with interactive Tabu search. Journal of Computer Science and Technology 31(3), pp. 488-500. (10.1007/s11390-016-1639-1)
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- Khayeat, A., Sun, X. and Rosin, P. L. 2016. Improved DSIFT descriptor based copy-rotate-move forgery detection. Presented at: PSIVT 2015: 7th Pacific Rim Symposium on Image and Video Technology, Auckland, New Zealand, 25-27November 2015Image and Video Technology, Vol. 9431. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 9431. Springer pp. 642-655., (10.1007/978-3-319-29451-3_51)
- Rosin, P. L., Pantovic, J. and Zunic, J. 2016. Measuring linearity of curves in 2D and 3D. Pattern Recognition 49, pp. 65-78. (10.1016/j.patcog.2015.07.011)
- Liu, C., Rosin, P. L., Lai, Y., Davis, G. R., Mills, D. and Norton, C. 2016. Recovering historical film footage by processing microtomographic images. Presented at: EuroMed 2016: Digital Heritage. Progress in Cultural Heritage: Documentation, Preservation, and Protection, Nicosia, Cyprus, 31 October -5 November 2016 Presented at Ioannides, M. et al. eds.6th International Conference, EuroMed 2016, Nicosia, Cyprus, October 31 – November 5, 2016, Proceedings, Part I. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Springer Verlag pp. 219-231., (10.1007/978-3-319-48496-9_18)
- Pratikakis, I. et al. 2016. SHREC'16 track: partial shape queries for 3D object retrieval. Presented at: Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval, Lisbon, Portugal, 8 May 2016.
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- Rosin, P. L., Pantovic, J. and Zunic, J. 2015. Measuring linearity of connected configurations of a finite number of 2D and 3D curves. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 53(1), pp. 1-11. (10.1007/s10851-014-0542-z)
- Liu, C., Rosin, P. L., Lai, Y. and Hu, W. 2015. Robust segmentation of historical parchment XMT images for virtual unrolling. Presented at: Digital Heritage, Granada, Spain, 28 Sep - 2 Oct 2015.
- Pickup, D., Sun, X., Rosin, P. L. and Martin, R. R. 2015. Euclidean-distance-based canonical forms for non-rigid 3D shape retrieval. Pattern Recognition 48(8), pp. 2500-2512. (10.1016/j.patcog.2015.02.021)
- Rosin, P. L. 2015. Feature neighbourhood mutual information for multi-modal image registration: An application to eye fundus imaging. Pattern Recognition 48(6), pp. 1937-1946. (10.1016/j.patcog.2014.12.014)
- Rosin, P. and Lai, Y. 2015. Non-photorealistic rendering of portraits. Presented at: Expressive 2015: The Joint Symposium on Computational Aesthetics and Sketch-Based Interfaces and Modeling and Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering, Istanbul, Turkey, 20-22 June 2015.
- Pickup, D., Sun, X., Rosin, P. L., Martin, R. R., Cheng, Z., Nie, S. and Jin, L. 2015. SHREC'15 Track: Canonical forms for non-rigid 3D shape retrieval. Presented at: 8th Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval, Zurich, Switzerland, 2-3 May 2015Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval. pp. 316-327., (10.2312/3dor.20151063)
- Lian, Z. et al. 2015. SHREC'15 Track: Non-rigid 3D shape retrieval. Presented at: 8th Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval, Zurich, Switzerland, 2-3 May 2015. pp. 257-266., (10.2312/3dor.20151064)
- Duvernoy, S. and Rosin, P. L. 2015. The compass, the ruler and the computer: An analysis of the design of the amphitheatre of Pompeii. In: Williams, K. and Ostwald, M. J. eds. Architecture and Mathematics from Antiquity to the Future. Springer, pp. 525-540., (10.1007/978-3-319-00143-2_36)
- Slade, J. D., Jones, C. B. and Rosin, P. L. 2015. Semantic and geometric enrichment of 3D geo-spatial building models with photo captions and illustration labels using template matching & SIFT. Presented at: GIS Research UK (GISRUK) 2015, Leeds, UK, 15-17 April 2015.
- Slade, J. D., Jones, C. B. and Rosin, P. L. 2015. Automatic semantic and geometric enrichment of CityGML building models using HoG-based template matching. In: Abdul-Rahman, A. ed. Advances in 3D Geoinformation. Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography Springer International Publishing, pp. 357-372., (10.1007/978-3-319-25691-7_20)
- Marshall, A. D., Rosin, P. L., Vandeventer, J. and Aubrey, A. 2015. 4D Cardiff Conversation Database (4D CCDb): A 4D database of natural,dyadic conversations. Presented at: FAAVSP - The 1st Joint Conference on Facial Analysis, Animation, and Auditory-Visual Speech Processing, Vienna, Austria, 11-13 September 2015FAAVSP-2015. ISCA pp. 157-162.
- Zunic, J., Pantovic, J. and Rosin, P. L. 2015. Measuring linearity of planar curves. Presented at: International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM) 2013, Barcelona, Spain, 15-18 February 2013 Presented at Fred, A. and De Marsico, M. eds.Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods, Vol. 318. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing Springer pp. 257-271., (10.1007/978-3-319-12610-4_16)
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- Mills, D., Davis, G. R., Lai, Y. and Rosin, P. L. 2014. Apocalypto: revealing lost text with XMT. Presented at: Developments in X-Ray Tomography IX, San Diego, California, August 17, 2014Proc. SPIE 9212,, Vol. 9212. Developments in X-Ray Tomography Vol. IX. San Diego, California: SPIE pp. 921210., (10.1117/12.2061956)
- Song, R., Liu, Y., Martin, R. R. and Rosin, P. L. 2014. Scan integration as a labelling problem. Pattern Recognition 47(8), pp. 2768-2782. (10.1016/j.patcog.2014.02.008)
- Jones, C. B., Rosin, P. L. and Slade, J. D. 2014. Semantic and geometric enrichment of 3D geo-spatial models with captioned photos and labelled illustrations. Presented at: Workshop on Vision and Language, 25th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Coling 2014,, Dublin, Ireland, 23 August 2014.
- Wu, J., Martin, R. R., Rosin, P. L., Sun, X., Lai, Y., Liu, Y. -. H. and Wallraven, C. 2014. Use of non-photorealistic rendering and photometric stereo in making bas-reliefs from photographs. Graphical Models 76(4), pp. 202-213. (10.1016/j.gmod.2014.02.002)
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- Zunic, J., Hirota, K. and Rosin, P. L. 2014. Note on the shape circularity measure method based on radial moments. Journal of Electronic Imaging 23(2), article number: 29701. (10.1117/1.JEI.23.2.029701)
- Lai, Y. and Rosin, P. L. 2014. Efficient circular thresholding. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 23(3), pp. 992-1001. (10.1109/TIP.2013.2297014)
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- Tam, G. K. L., Martin, R. R., Rosin, P. L. and Lai, Y. 2014. Diffusion pruning for rapidly and robustly selecting global correspondences using local isometry. ACM Transactions on Graphics 33(1), article number: 4. (10.1145/2517967)
- Samko, O., Lai, Y., Marshall, D. and Rosin, P. L. 2014. Virtual unrolling and information recovery from scanned scrolled historical documents. Pattern Recognition 47(1), pp. 248-259. (10.1016/j.patcog.2013.06.015)
- Pickup, D. et al. 2014. SHREC'14 Track: Shape retrieval of non-rigid 3D human models. Presented at: Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval, Strasbourg, France, 6 April 2014. pp. 101-110.
- Dijana, T., Rosin, P. L., Sun, X. and Grgic, S. 2014. Detection of duplicated image regions using cellular automata. 2014 International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing (IWSSIP), pp. 167-170.
- Tam, G. K., Martin, R. R., Rosin, P. L. and Lai, Y. 2014. An efficient approach to correspondences between multiple non-rigid parts. Computer graphics forum 33(5), pp. 137-146. (10.1111/cgf.12439)
- Rosin, P. L. and Sun, X. 2014. Edge detection using cellular automata. In: Rosin, P. L., Adamatzky, A. and Sun, X. eds. Cellular Automata in Image Processing and Geometry. Emergence, Complexity and Computation Vol. 10. Springer, pp. 85-103., (10.1007/978-3-319-06431-4_5)
- Tralic, D., Rosin, P. L., Sun, X. and Grgic, S. 2014. Copy-move forgery detection using cellular automata. In: Rosin, P., Adamatzky, A. and Sun, X. eds. Cellular Automata in Image Processing and Geometry., Vol. 10. Emergence, Complexity and Computation Springer, pp. 105-125., (10.1007/978-3-319-06431-4_6)
- Lai, Y. and Rosin, P. L. 2013. Artistic rendering enhancing global structure. The Visual Computer 30(10), pp. 1179-1193. (10.1007/s00371-013-0898-x)
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- Rosin, P. L. and Lai, Y. 2013. Artistic minimal rendering with lines and blocks. Graphical Models 75(4), pp. 208-229. (10.1016/j.gmod.2013.03.004)
- Song, R., Liu, Y., Martin, R. R. and Rosin, P. L. 2013. 3D point of interest detection via spectral irregularity diffusion. The Visual Computer 29(6-8), pp. 695-705. (10.1007/s00371-013-0806-4)
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- Rosin, P. L. and Lai, Y. 2013. Non-photorealistic rendering with spot colour. Presented at: SBIM-NPAR: Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering, Anaheim, CA, USA, 19-21 July 2013Proceedings of the Symposium on Computational Aesthetics. New York, NY: ACM pp. 67-75., (10.1145/2487276.2487280)
- Lai, Y. and Rosin, P. L. 2013. Non-photorealistic rendering with reduced colour palettes. In: Rosin, P. L. and Collomosse, J. eds. Image and Video-Based Artistic Stylisation., Vol. 42. Computational Imaging and Vision Vol. 42. Springer, pp. 211-236., (10.1007/978-1-4471-4519-6_11)
- Zunic, J. and Rosin, P. L. 2013. Orientation and anisotropy of multi-component shapes. In: Breuss, M., Bruckstein, A. and Maragos, P. eds. Innovations for Shape Analysis. Models and Algorithms Vol. 1. Springer, pp. 137-157., (10.1007/978-3-642-34141-0_7)
- Al Ali, A. et al. 2012. The influence of asthma on face shape: a three-dimensional study. European Journal of Orthodontics 36(4), pp. 373-380. (10.1093/ejo/cjs067)
- Song, R., Liu, Y., Martin, R. R. and Rosin, P. L. 2012. Saliency-guided integration of multiple scans. Presented at: IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Providence, RI, 16-21 June 2012Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2012 IEEE Conference on. pp. 1474-1481., (10.1109/CVPR.2012.6247836)
- Havell, B., Rosin, P. L., Sanei, S., Aubrey, A., Marshall, A. D. and Hicks, Y. A. 2012. A hybrid phoneme based clustering approach for audio driven facial animation. Presented at: 2012 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Kyoto, Japan, 25-30 March 20122012 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing: Proceedings. Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE pp. 2261-2264., (10.1109/ICASSP.2012.6288364)
- Kajic, V., Esmaeelpour Hajyar, M., Povazay, B., Marshall, A. D., Rosin, P. L. and Drexler, W. 2012. Automated choroidal segmentation of 1060 nm OCT in healthy and pathologic eyes using a statistical model. Biomedical Optics Express 3(1), pp. 86-103. (10.1364/BOE.3.000086)
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- Popat, H., Richmond, S., Marshall, A. D. and Rosin, P. L. 2012. Three-dimensional assessment of functional change following Class 3 orthognathic correction - a preliminary report. Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery 40(1), pp. 36-42. (10.1016/j.jcms.2010.12.005)
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- Song, R., Liu, Y., Zhao, Y., Martin, R. R. and Rosin, P. L. 2012. An evaluation method for multiview surface reconstruction algorithms. Presented at: Second International Conference on 3D Imaging, Modeling, Processing, Visualization and Transmission (3DIMPVT), Zurich, Switzerland, 13-15 October 20123D Imaging, Modeling, Processing, Visualization and Transmission (3DIMPVT), 2012 Second International Conference on. IEEE pp. 387-394., (10.1109/3DIMPVT.2012.24)
- Lian, Z., Godil, A., Rosin, P. L. and Sun, X. 2012. A new convexity measurement for 3D meshes. Presented at: IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Providence, RI, 16-21 June 20122012 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. Piscataway: IEEE pp. 119-126., (10.1109/CVPR.2012.6247666)
- Samko, O., Lai, Y., Marshall, A. D. and Rosin, P. L. 2011. Segmentation of parchment scrolls for virtual unrolling. Presented at: BMVC 2011: The 22nd British Machine Vision Conference, Dundee, UK, 29 August - 2 September 2011 Presented at Hoey, J., McKenna, S. and Trucco, E. eds.Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference. Manchester: BMVA Press pp. 37.1-37.11., (10.5244/C.25.37)
- Sun, X., Rosin, P. L. and Martin, R. R. 2011. Fast rule identification and neighborhood selection for cellular automata. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B: Cybernetics 41(3), pp. 749-760. (10.1109/TSMCB.2010.2091271)
- Tam, K., Fang, H., Aubrey, A., Grant, P. W., Rosin, P. L., Marshall, D. and Chen, M. 2011. Visualization of time-series data in parameter space for understanding facial dynamics. Computer Graphics Forum 30(3), pp. 901-910. (10.1111/j.1467-8659.2011.01939.x)
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- Song, R., Liu, Y., Martin, R. R. and Rosin, P. L. 2011. Higher Order CRF for Surface Reconstruction from Multi-view Data Sets. Presented at: International Conference on 3-D Imaging, Modeling, Processing, Visualization and Transmission, Hangzhou, China, 16-19 May, 20112011 International Conference on 3D Imaging, Modeling, Processing, Visualization and Transmission (3DIMPVT), Hangzhou, China, 16-19 May 2011. Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE pp. 156-163., (10.1109/3DIMPVT.2011.27)
- Song, R., Liu, Y., Martin, R. R. and Rosin, P. L. 2011. MRF Labeling for Multi-view Range Image Integration. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6493, pp. 27-40. (10.1007/978-3-642-19309-5_3)
- Song, R., Liu, Y., Zhao, Y., Martin, R. R. and Rosin, P. L. 2011. MRF-based automatic image ordering and its application to mosaicing. Presented at: International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing ( ICASSP), Pregue, Czech Republic, 22-27 May 20112011 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing proceedings : 22-27 May 2011, Prague, Czech Republic. Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE pp. 1549-1552., (10.1109/ICASSP.2011.5946790)
- Žunić, J. and Rosin, P. L. 2011. Measuring linearity of open planar curve segments. Image and Vision Computing 29(12), pp. 873-879. (10.1016/j.imavis.2011.10.002)
- Rosin, P. L. and Žunić, J. 2011. Orientation and anisotropy of multi-component shapes from boundary information. Pattern Recognition 44(9), pp. 2147-2160. (10.1016/j.patcog.2011.02.018)
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- Žunić, J., Hirota, K. and Rosin, P. L. 2010. A Hu moment invariant as a shape circularity measure. Pattern Recognition 43(1), pp. 47-57. (10.1016/j.patcog.2009.06.017)
- Song, R., Liu, Y., Martin, R. R. and Rosin, P. L. 2010. Markov Random Field-Based Clustering for the Integration of Multi-view Range Images. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6453, pp. 644-653. (10.1007/978-3-642-17289-2_62)
- Popat, H., Henley, E., Richmond, S., Benedikt, L., Marshall, D. and Rosin, P. L. 2010. A comparison of the reproducibility of verbal and nonverbal facial gestures using three-dimensional motion analysis. Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery 142(6), pp. 867-72. (10.1016/j.otohns.2010.03.003)
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- Sun, X., Rosin, P. L., Martin, R. R. and Langbein, F. C. 2009. Random walks for feature-preserving mesh denoising. Computer Aided Geometric Design 25(7), pp. 437-456. (10.1016/j.cagd.2007.12.008)
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- Popat, H., Richmond, S., Benedikt, L., Marshall, D. and Rosin, P. L. 2009. Quantitative analysis of facial movement - A review of three-dimensional imaging techniques. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 33(5), pp. 377-383. (10.1016/j.compmedimag.2009.03.003)
- Sun, X., Rosin, P. L., Martin, R. R. and Langbein, F. C. 2009. Bas-relief generation using adaptive histogram equalization. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 15(4), pp. 642-653. (10.1109/TVCG.2009.21)
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- Legg, P. A., Rosin, P. L., Marshall, A. D. and Morgan, J. E. 2009. A Robust Solution to Multi-modal Image Registration by Combining Mutual Information with Multi-scale Derivatives. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5761, pp. 616-623. (10.1007/978-3-642-04268-3_76)
- Huang, H., Fu, T., Rosin, P. L. and Qi, C. 2009. Real-time content-aware image resizing. Science in China Series F - Information Sciences 52(2), pp. 172-182. (10.1007/s11432-009-0041-9)
- Rosin, P. L. 2009. A simple method for detecting salient regions. Pattern Recognition 42(11), pp. 2363-2371. (10.1016/j.patcog.2009.04.021)
- Rosin, P. L. 2009. Classification of pathological shapes using convexity measures. Pattern Recognition Letters 30(5), pp. 570-578. (10.1016/j.patrec.2008.12.001)
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- Legg, P. A., Rosin, P. L., Marshall, A. D. and Morgan, J. E. 2009. Non-rigid elastic registration of retinal images using local window mutual information. Presented at: Medical image understanding and analysis 2009, Kingston upon Thames, UK, 14-15 July 2009 Presented at Dehmeshki, J., Hoppe, A. and Greenhill, D. eds.Proceedings of the 13th Annual Conference on Medical Image Understanding and Analysis 2008, Kingston, UK, 14-15 July 2009. British Machine Vision Association pp. 144-148.
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- Sun, X., Rosin, P. L., Martin, R. R. and Langbein, F. C. 2008. Noise in 3D laser range scanner data. Presented at: 10th International Conference on Shape Modeling and Applications, Stony Brook, NY, USA, 4-6 June 2008 Presented at Michela Spagnuolo, M., Cohen-Or;, D. and Gu, X. D. G. eds.Shape Modeling and Applications, 2008. SMI 2008. IEEE International Conference. Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE Computer Society pp. 37-45., (10.1109/SMI.2008.4547945)
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- Truong-Benedikt, L., Kajic, V., Cosker, D. P., Rosin, P. L. and Marshall, A. D. 2008. Facial dynamics in biometric identification. Presented at: British Machine Vision Conference, Leeds, UK, September 2008 Presented at Everingham, M. and Needham, C. J. eds.Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference, Leeds, UK, 1-4 September 2008. BMVA Press pp. 107.1-107.10., (10.5244/C.22.107)
- Lai, Y., Hu, S., Martin, R. R. and Rosin, P. L. 2008. Fast mesh segmentation using random walks. Presented at: ACM Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling, Stony Brook, New York, USA, 2-4 June 2008 Presented at Haines, E. and McGuire, M. eds.SPM 2008 Proceedings: ACM Solid and Physical Modeling Symposium, Stony Brook, New York, June 02-04, 2008. Proceedings of the 2008 ACM symposium on Solid and physical modeling New York: ACM pp. 183-192., (10.1145/1364901.1364927)
- Rosin, P. L. and Zunic, J. 2008. 2D shape measures for computer vision. In: Nayak, A. and Stojmenovic, I. eds. Handbook of applied algorithms : solving scientific, engineering and practical problems. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley, pp. 347-372.
- Cosker, D., Borkett, R. P., Marshall, A. D. and Rosin, P. L. 2008. Towards automatic performance-driven animation between multiple types of facial model. IET Computer Vision 2(3), pp. 129-141. (10.1049/iet-cvi:20070041)
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- Balikai, A., Rosin, P. L., Song, Y. and Hall, P. 2008. Shapes fit for purpose. Presented at: British Machine Vision Conference 2008, Leeds, UK, 1-4 September 2008 Presented at Everingham, M. and Needham, C. eds.Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference, Leeds, UK, 1-4 September 2008. BMVA Press pp. 45.1-45.10., (10.5244/C.22.45)
- Song, Y. -., Rosin, P. L., Hall, P. M. and Collomosse, J. 2008. Arty shapes. Presented at: Eurographics Workshop on Computational Aesthetics in Graphics, Visualization and Imaging, Lisbon, Portugal, 18-20 June 2008 Presented at Brown, P. et al. eds.Computational Aesthetics 2008: Proceedings of the Eurographics Workshop on Computational Aesthetics in Graphics, Visualization and Imaging, Lisbon, Portugal, 18-20 June 2008. Aire-la-Ville, Switzerland: The Eurographics Association pp. 65-72.
- Cosker, D., Holt, C. A., Mason, D., Whatling, G. M., Marshall, A. D. and Rosin, P. L. 2008. Automatic audio driven animation of non-verbal actions. Presented at: Proceedings. of the 8th International Conference on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, Porto, Portugal, Porto, Portugal.
- Legg, P. A., Rosin, P. L., Marshall, A. D. and Morgan, J. E. 2008. Incorporating neighbourhood feature derivatives with Mutual Information to improve accuracy of multi-modal image registration. Presented at: 12th Annual Conference on Medical Image Understanding and Analysis, Dundee, UK, 2-3 July 2008 Presented at McKenna, S. and Hoey, J. eds.Medical Image Understanding and Analysis 2008: Proceedings of the 12th Annual Conference University of Dundee, 2-3 July 2008. Dundee: British Machine Vision Association pp. 39-43.
- Sun, X., Rosin, P. L., Martin, R. R. and Langbein, F. C. 2007. Fast and Effective Feature-Preserving Mesh Denoising. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 13(5), pp. 925-938. (10.1109/TVCG.2007.1065)
- Rosin, P. L. 2007. Evaluating Harker and O'Leary's distance approximation for ellipse fitting. Pattern recognition letters 28(13), pp. 1804-1807. (10.1016/j.patrec.2007.05.012)
- Rosin, P. L. 2007. Measuring the orientability of shapes. Presented at: CAIP 2007: 12th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, Vienna, Austria, 27-29 August 2007Computer analysis of images and patterns. Lecture notes in computer science Vol. 4673. Berlin / Heidelberg: Springer pp. 620-627., (10.1007/978-3-540-74272-2_77)
- Zunic, J. and Rosin, P. L. 2007. A definition for orientation for multiple component shapes. Presented at: CAIP 2007: 12th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, Vienna, Austria, 27-29 August 2007Computer analysis of images and patterns. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 4673. Berlin / Heidelberg: Springer pp. 677-685., (10.1007/978-3-540-74272-2_84)
- Legg, P. A., Rosin, P. L., Marshall, A. D. and Morgan, J. E. 2007. Improving accuracy and efficiency of registration by mutual information using Sturges' Histogram Rule. Presented at: 11th Conference on Medical Image Understanding and Analysis 2007, Aberystwyth, Wales, 17-18 July 2007 Presented at Zwiggelaar, R. and Labrosse, F. eds.Proceedings of Medical Image Understanding and Analysis 2007. Cambridge: BMVA pp. 26-30.
- Cosker, D. P., Roy, S., Rosin, P. L. and Marshall, A. D. 2007. Re-mapping animation parameters between multiple types of facial model. Presented at: MIRAGE 2007, Rocquencourt, France, 28-30 March 2007Computer Vision/Computer Graphics Collaboration Techniques. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 4418. Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer pp. 365-376., (10.1007/978-3-540-71457-6_33)
- Samko, O., Rosin, P. L. and Marshall, A. D. 2007. Robust automatic data decomposition using a modified sparse NMF. Presented at: MIRAGE 2007, Rocquencourt, France, 28-30 March 2007Computer Vision/Computer Graphics Collaboration Techniques. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 4418/2. Berlin / Heidelberg: Springer pp. 225-234., (10.1007/978-3-540-71457-6_21)
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- Mann, D. G., Bayer, M. M., Droop, S. J. M., Hicks, Y. A., Marshall, A. D., Martin, R. R. and Rosin, P. L. 2007. New methods for preparing, imaging and typifying desmids (Chlorophyta, Zygnematophyceae), including extended depth of focus and 3-D reconstruction. Phycologia 46(1), pp. 29-45. (10.2216/04-60.1)
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- Liu, S., Martin, R. R., Langbein, F. C. and Rosin, P. L. 2007. Segmenting geometric reliefs from textured background surfaces. Computer-aided design and applications 4(5), pp. 565-583.
- Liu, S., Martin, R. R., Langbein, F. C. and Rosin, P. L. 2007. Background surface estimation for reverse engineering of reliefs. International Journal of CAD/CAM 7(1), pp. 1-17.
- Krumbhuber, E., Manstead, A. S. R., Cosker, D. P., Marshall, A. D., Rosin, P. L. and Kappas, A. 2007. Facial dynamics as indicators of trustworthiness and cooperative behavior. Emotion 7(4), pp. 730-735. (10.1037/1528-3542.7.4.730)
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- Cosker, D. P., Krumhuber, E., Sidorov, K., Marshall, A. D., Rosin, P. L. and Manstead, A. 2006. Discovering Realistic Facial Dynamics for Animation. Presented at: The 3rd European Conference on Visual Media Production (CVMP 2006), London, UK, 29–30 November 2006 Presented at Grau, O. ed.Proceedings: The 3rd European Conference on Visual Media Production (CVMP 2006): part of the 2nd Multimedia Conference 2006. London: Institution of Electrical Engineers pp. 173.
- Hicks, Y. A., Marshall, A. D., Rosin, P. L., Martin, R. R., Mann, D. G. and Droop, S. J. M. 2006. A model of diatom shape and texture for analysis, synthesis and identification. Machine Vision and Applications 17(5), pp. 297-307. (10.1007/s00138-006-0035-1)
- Mann, D. G., Droop, S. J. M., Hicks, Y. A., Marshall, A. D., Martin, R. R. and Rosin, P. L. 2006. Alleviating the Taxonomic Impediment in Diatoms: Prospects for Automatic and Web-based Identification Systems. Presented at: 18th International Diatom Symposium, Międzyzdroje, Poland, 2-7 September 2004 Presented at Withowski, A. ed.Proceedings of the Eighteenth International Diatom Symposium. Bristol: Biopress pp. 265-285.
- Rosin, P. L. and Mumford, C. L. 2006. A symmetric convexity measure. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 103(2), pp. 101-111. (10.1016/j.cviu.2006.04.002)
- Rosin, P. L. 2006. Training cellular automata for image processing. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 15(7), pp. 2076-2087. (10.1109/TIP.2006.877040)
- Marshall, A. D., Cosker, D. P., Rosin, P. L. and Hicks, Y. A. 2006. Speech and expression driven animation of a video-realistic appearance based hierarchical facial model. Presented at: IEEE CVPR Workshop on Learning, Representation and Context for Human Sensing in Video, New York, NY, USA, 22 June 2006.
- Duvernoy, S. and Rosin, P. L. 2006. The Compass, the Ruler and the Computer. Presented at: Nexus 2006, Genoa, Italy, 7-9 June 2006 Presented at Duvernoy, S. and Pedemonte, O. eds.Nexus VI: Architecture and Mathematics. Turin, Italy: Kim Williams Books pp. 21-34.
- Krumhuber, E., Manstead, A. S. R., Cosker, D. P., Marshall, A. D. and Rosin, P. L. 2006. Smile authenticity and trustworthiness in a one-shot trust game. Presented at: Second European Conference on Emotion, Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium, 18-20 May 2006.
- Liu, S., Martin, R. R., Langbein, F. C. and Rosin, P. L. 2006. Segmenting reliefs on triangle meshes. Presented at: SPM 2006: ACM Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling, Cardiff, UK, 6-8 June 2006Proceedings, SPM 2006 : ACM Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling : Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom, June 06-08, 2006, Vol. SPM06. New York, USA: Association for Computing Machinery pp. 7-16., (10.1145/1128888.1128890)
- Zunic, J., Rosin, P. L. and Kopanja, L. 2006. On the orientability of shapes. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 15(11), pp. 3478-3487. (10.1109/TIP.2006.877527)
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- Samko, O., Marshall, A. D. and Rosin, P. . L. 2006. Selection of the optimal parameter value for the Isomap algorithm. Pattern Recognition Letters 27(9), pp. 968-979. (10.1016/j.patrec.2005.11.017)
- Zunic, J., Rosin, P. L. and Kopanja, L. 2006. Shape Orientability. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3852, pp. 11-20. (10.1007/11612704_2)
- Cosker, D. P., Paddock, S., Marshall, A. D., Rosin, P. L. and Rushton, S. K. 2005. Toward Perceptually Realistic Talking Heads: Models, Methods, and McGurk. ACM Transactions on Applied Perception 2(3), pp. 270-285. (10.1145/1077399.1077405)
- Krumhuber, E., Manstead, A. S. R., Cosker, D. . P., Marshall, A. D. and Rosin, P. . L. 2005. Temporal dynamics of smiling: Human versus synthetic faces. Presented at: XIIIth Conference of the International Society for Research on Emotions, Bari, Italy, 11-15 July 2005.
- Krumhuber, E., Cosker, E., Manstead, A. S. R., Marshall, A. D. and Rosin, P. L. 2005. Synthetic humans for the study of subtle temporal aspects in facial displays. Presented at: XIIIth Conference of the International Society for Research on Emotions, Bari, Italy, 11-15 July 2005.
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- Rosin, P. L. 2005. Computing global shape measures. In: Chen, C. H. ed. Handbook of Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision. World Scientific Publishing, pp. 177-196., (10.1142/9789812775320_0010)
- Rosin, P. l. and Mumford, C. L. 2004. A symmetric convexity measure. Presented at: 17th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2004), Cambridge, UK, 23-26 August 2004 Presented at Kittler, J., Petrou, M. and Nixon, M. eds.Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Vol. 4. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE pp. 11-14., (10.1109/ICPR.2004.1333693)
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- Rosin, P. L. 2004. Measuring sigmoidality. Pattern Recognition 37(8), pp. 1735-1744. (10.1016/j.patcog.2004.02.011)
- Zunic, J. and Rosin, P. L. 2004. A New Convexity Measure for Polygons. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 26(7), pp. 923-934. (10.1109/TPAMI.2004.19)
- Martin, R. R. and Rosin, P. L. 2004. Turning shape decision problems into measures. International Journal of Shape Modeling 10(1), pp. 83. (10.1142/S0218654304000614)
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- Rosin, P. L. 2004. On the construction of ovals. Presented at: Fifth Interdisciplinary Conference of The International Society of The Arts, Mathematics, and Architecture, Chicago, IL, USA, 15-19 June 2004.
- Hicks, Y. A., Marshall, A. D., Martin, R. R., Rosin, P. L., Droop, S. J. M. and Mann, D. G. 2004. Building shape and texture models of diatoms for analysis and synthesis of drawings and identification. Presented at: Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference, Dublin, 1-3 Sept 2004.
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- Mann, D. G., Droop, S. J. M., Hicks, Y. A., Marshall, A. D., Martin, R. R. and Rosin, P. L. 2004. Heroic failure or new dawn? Image-based identification of microalgae. The Phycologist 66, pp. 24-25.
- Rosin, P. L. and Rana, O. F. 2004. Agent-based computer vision [Editorial]. Pattern Recognition 37(4), pp. 627-629. (10.1016/j.patcog.2003.09.013)
- Zunic, J. and Rosin, P. L. 2003. Rectilinearity measurements for polygons. IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 25(9), pp. 1193-1200. (10.1109/TPAMI.2003.1227997)
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- Cosker, D. P., Marshall, A. D., Rosin, P. L. and Hicks, Y. A. 2003. Speaker-independent speech-driven facial animation using a hierarchical model. Presented at: International Conference on Visual Information Engineering 2003, University of Surrey, UK, 7-9 July 2003.
- Hicks, Y. A., Marshall, A. D., Rosin, P. L., Martin, R. R., Bayer, M. M. and Mann, D. G. 2002. Modelling life cycle related and individual shape variation in biological specimens. Presented at: 13th British Machine Vision Conference, Cardiff, Wales, 2-5 Sept 2002.
- Hicks, Y. A., Marshall, A. D., Martin, R. R., Rosin, P. L., Bayer, M. M. and Mann, D. G. 2002. Automatic landmarking for building biological shape models. Presented at: 2002 International Conference on Image Processing, Rochester, New York, 22-25 Sept 2002.
- Rosin, P. L., Marshall, A. D. and Morgan, J. E. 2002. Multimodal retinal imaging: new strategies for the detection of glaucoma. Presented at: 2002 International Conference on Image Processing, Rochester, NY, USA, 22-25 September 2002Proceedings of the 2002 International Conference on Image Processing, Vol. 3. IEEE pp. III-137., (10.1109/ICIP.2002.1038923)
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- Mann, D. G., Bayer, M. M., Droop, S. J. M., Hicks, Y. A., Marshall, A. D., Martin, R. R. and Rosin, P. L. 2007. New methods for preparing, imaging and typifying desmids (Chlorophyta, Zygnematophyceae), including extended depth of focus and 3-D reconstruction. Phycologia 46(1), pp. 29-45. (10.2216/04-60.1)
- Liu, S., Martin, R. R., Langbein, F. C. and Rosin, P. L. 2007. Segmenting geometric reliefs from textured background surfaces. Computer-aided design and applications 4(5), pp. 565-583.
- Liu, S., Martin, R. R., Langbein, F. C. and Rosin, P. L. 2007. Background surface estimation for reverse engineering of reliefs. International Journal of CAD/CAM 7(1), pp. 1-17.
- Krumbhuber, E., Manstead, A. S. R., Cosker, D. P., Marshall, A. D., Rosin, P. L. and Kappas, A. 2007. Facial dynamics as indicators of trustworthiness and cooperative behavior. Emotion 7(4), pp. 730-735. (10.1037/1528-3542.7.4.730)
- Hicks, Y. A., Marshall, A. D., Rosin, P. L., Martin, R. R., Mann, D. G. and Droop, S. J. M. 2006. A model of diatom shape and texture for analysis, synthesis and identification. Machine Vision and Applications 17(5), pp. 297-307. (10.1007/s00138-006-0035-1)
- Rosin, P. L. and Mumford, C. L. 2006. A symmetric convexity measure. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 103(2), pp. 101-111. (10.1016/j.cviu.2006.04.002)
- Rosin, P. L. 2006. Training cellular automata for image processing. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 15(7), pp. 2076-2087. (10.1109/TIP.2006.877040)
- Zunic, J., Rosin, P. L. and Kopanja, L. 2006. On the orientability of shapes. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 15(11), pp. 3478-3487. (10.1109/TIP.2006.877527)
- Tuset, V. M., Rosin, P. L. and Lombarte, A. 2006. Sagittal otolith shape used in the identification of fishes of the genus Serranus. Fisheries Research 81(2-3), pp. 316-325. (10.1016/j.fishres.2006.06.020)
- Samko, O., Marshall, A. D. and Rosin, P. . L. 2006. Selection of the optimal parameter value for the Isomap algorithm. Pattern Recognition Letters 27(9), pp. 968-979. (10.1016/j.patrec.2005.11.017)
- Zunic, J., Rosin, P. L. and Kopanja, L. 2006. Shape Orientability. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3852, pp. 11-20. (10.1007/11612704_2)
- Cosker, D. P., Paddock, S., Marshall, A. D., Rosin, P. L. and Rushton, S. K. 2005. Toward Perceptually Realistic Talking Heads: Models, Methods, and McGurk. ACM Transactions on Applied Perception 2(3), pp. 270-285. (10.1145/1077399.1077405)
- Rosin, P. L. and Zunic, J. 2005. Measuring rectilinearity. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 99(2), pp. 175-188. (10.1016/j.cviu.2005.01.003)
- Rosin, P. . L. and Hervás, J. 2005. Remote sensing image thresholding methods for determining landslide activity. International Journal of Remote Sensing 26(6), pp. 1075-1092. (10.1080/01431160512331330481)
- Cosker, D. P., Marshall, A. D., Rosin, P. L. and Hicks, Y. A. 2004. Speech-driven facial animation using a hierarchical model. IEE Proceedings - Vision Image and Signal Processing 151(4), pp. 314-321. (10.1049/ip-vis:20040752)
- Rosin, P. L. 2004. Measuring sigmoidality. Pattern Recognition 37(8), pp. 1735-1744. (10.1016/j.patcog.2004.02.011)
- Zunic, J. and Rosin, P. L. 2004. A New Convexity Measure for Polygons. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 26(7), pp. 923-934. (10.1109/TPAMI.2004.19)
- Martin, R. R. and Rosin, P. L. 2004. Turning shape decision problems into measures. International Journal of Shape Modeling 10(1), pp. 83. (10.1142/S0218654304000614)
- Stewart, S. A., Hay, G. J., Rosin, P. L. and Wynn, T. J. 2004. Multiscale structure in sedimentary basins. Basin Research 16(2), pp. 183-197. (10.1111/j.1365-2117.2004.00228.x)
- Mann, D. G., Droop, S. J. M., Hicks, Y. A., Marshall, A. D., Martin, R. R. and Rosin, P. L. 2004. Heroic failure or new dawn? Image-based identification of microalgae. The Phycologist 66, pp. 24-25.
- Rosin, P. L. and Rana, O. F. 2004. Agent-based computer vision [Editorial]. Pattern Recognition 37(4), pp. 627-629. (10.1016/j.patcog.2003.09.013)
- Zunic, J. and Rosin, P. L. 2003. Rectilinearity measurements for polygons. IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 25(9), pp. 1193-1200. (10.1109/TPAMI.2003.1227997)
- Rosin, P. L. 2001. Unimodal Thresholding. Pattern Recognition 34(11), pp. 2083-2096. (10.1016/S0031-3203(00)00136-9)
- Nyongesa, H. O., Otieno, A. W. and Rosin, P. L. 2001. Neural fuzzy analysis of delaminated composites from shearography imaging. Composite Structures 54(2-3), pp. 313-318. (10.1016/S0263-8223(01)00103-9)
- Rosin, P. L. 2001. Robust pixel unmixing. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 39(9), pp. 1978-1983. (10.1109/36.951088)
- Rosin, P. L. 2001. Straightening and Partitioning Shapes. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2059, pp. 440-450. (10.1007/3-540-45129-3_40)
Book sections
- Yi, R., Liu, Y., Lai, Y. and Rosin, P. L. 2024. Generating artistic portrait drawings from images. In: Lyu, Z. ed. Applications of Generative AI. Springer, pp. 437-460., (10.1007/978-3-031-46238-2_22)
- Duvernoy, S. and Rosin, P. L. 2015. The compass, the ruler and the computer: An analysis of the design of the amphitheatre of Pompeii. In: Williams, K. and Ostwald, M. J. eds. Architecture and Mathematics from Antiquity to the Future. Springer, pp. 525-540., (10.1007/978-3-319-00143-2_36)
- Slade, J. D., Jones, C. B. and Rosin, P. L. 2015. Automatic semantic and geometric enrichment of CityGML building models using HoG-based template matching. In: Abdul-Rahman, A. ed. Advances in 3D Geoinformation. Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography Springer International Publishing, pp. 357-372., (10.1007/978-3-319-25691-7_20)
- Rosin, P. L. and Sun, X. 2014. Edge detection using cellular automata. In: Rosin, P. L., Adamatzky, A. and Sun, X. eds. Cellular Automata in Image Processing and Geometry. Emergence, Complexity and Computation Vol. 10. Springer, pp. 85-103., (10.1007/978-3-319-06431-4_5)
- Tralic, D., Rosin, P. L., Sun, X. and Grgic, S. 2014. Copy-move forgery detection using cellular automata. In: Rosin, P., Adamatzky, A. and Sun, X. eds. Cellular Automata in Image Processing and Geometry., Vol. 10. Emergence, Complexity and Computation Springer, pp. 105-125., (10.1007/978-3-319-06431-4_6)
- Lai, Y. and Rosin, P. L. 2013. Non-photorealistic rendering with reduced colour palettes. In: Rosin, P. L. and Collomosse, J. eds. Image and Video-Based Artistic Stylisation., Vol. 42. Computational Imaging and Vision Vol. 42. Springer, pp. 211-236., (10.1007/978-1-4471-4519-6_11)
- Zunic, J. and Rosin, P. L. 2013. Orientation and anisotropy of multi-component shapes. In: Breuss, M., Bruckstein, A. and Maragos, P. eds. Innovations for Shape Analysis. Models and Algorithms Vol. 1. Springer, pp. 137-157., (10.1007/978-3-642-34141-0_7)
- Rosin, P. L. and Sun, X. 2011. Cellular automata as a tool for image processing. In: Chen, C. H. ed. Emerging Topics in Computer Vision and its Applications., Vol. 1. Series in Computer Vision Vol. 1. World Scientific Publishing, pp. 233-251., (10.1142/9789814343008_0012)
- Rosin, P. L. and Zunic, J. 2008. 2D shape measures for computer vision. In: Nayak, A. and Stojmenovic, I. eds. Handbook of applied algorithms : solving scientific, engineering and practical problems. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley, pp. 347-372.
- Rosin, P. L. 2005. Computing global shape measures. In: Chen, C. H. ed. Handbook of Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision. World Scientific Publishing, pp. 177-196., (10.1142/9789812775320_0010)
- Zhou, F., Li, C., Zhu, M., Zhang, Y., Lai, Y. and Rosin, P. 2025. Chat-driven 3D human pose and shape editing with Large Language Models. Presented at: IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Hyderabad, India, 6-11 April 2025.
- Yi, R., Zhu, H., Hu, T., Lai, Y. and Rosin, P. 2024. AesStyler: Aesthetic guided universal style transfer. Presented at: ACM Multimedia 2024, Melbourne, Australia, 28 October - 1 November 2024MM '24: Proceedings of the 32nd ACM International Conference on Multimedia. ACM pp. 9789-9798., (10.1145/3664647.3680784)
- Chauhan, J., Rosin, P. L. and Goyal, P. 2024. Burnsnet: Burn region segmentation network from color images with two-way CNN. Presented at: 2024 International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, 27-30 October 2024Proceedings of 2024 International Conference on Image Processing, Vol. 41. pp. 3172-3178., (10.1109/icip51287.2024.10647789)
- Zhou, F., Shen, P., Dai, J., Jiang, N., Lai, Y. and Rosin, P. 2024. AHRNet: Attention and heatmap-based regressor for hand pose estimation and mesh recovery. Presented at: IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Seoul, Korea, 14-19 April 2024Proceedings International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). IEEE, (10.1109/ICASSP48485.2024.10446600)
- Liang, Y., Garg, B., Rosin, P. and Qin, Y. 2024. Deep generative model based rate-distortion for image downscaling assessment. Presented at: The IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2024, Seattle, USA, 17-21 June 2024.
- Zhu, H., Chong, J. I., Hu, T., Yi, R., Lai, Y. and Rosin, P. L. 2024. SAMVG: A multi-stage image vectorization model with the segment-anything model. Presented at: IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Seoul, Korea, 14-19 April, 2024.
- Hu, T., Yi, R., Qian, B., Zhang, J., Rosin, P. and Lai, Y. 2024. SuperSVG: Superpixel-based scalable vector graphics synthesis. Presented at: IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Seattle, WA, USA, 17-21 June 2024.
- Lyu, H., Elangovan, H., Rosin, P. and Lai, Y. 2024. SCD: Statistical color distribution-based objective image colorization quality assessment. Presented at: Computer Graphics International, Geneva, Switzerland, 1-5 July 2024.
- Yi, R., Tian, H., Gu, Z., Lai, Y. and Rosin, P. L. 2023. Towards artistic image aesthetics assessment: a large-scale dataset and a new method. Presented at: IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Vancouver, Canada, 18-22 June 2023.
- Alhamazani, F., Rosin, P. and Lai, Y. 2023. An Image-based model for 3D shape quality measure. Presented at: EG UK Computer Graphics & Visual Computing, Aberystwyth, UK, 14-15 September 2023Proceedings EG UK Computer Graphics & Visual Computing. Eurographics - The European Association for Computer Graphics, (10.2312/cgvc.20231187)
- Wu, X., Dong, Z., Zhang, F., Rosin, P. and Liu, H. 2022. Analysis of video quality induced spatio-temporal saliency shifts. Presented at: 29th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (IEEE ICIP), Bordeaux, France, 16-19 October 20222022 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP).
- Yi, R., Ye, Z., Fan, R., Shu, Y., Liu, Y., Lai, Y. and Rosin, P. L. 2022. Animating portrait line drawings from a single face photo and a speech signal. Presented at: ACM SIGGRAPH, Vancouver, Canada, 7 - 11 August 2022SIGGRAPH ’22 Conference Proceedings. ACM pp. 1-8., (10.1145/3528233.3530720)
- Alfarasani, D. A., Sweetman, T., Lai, Y. and Rosin, P. L. 2022. Learning to predict 3D Mesh saliency. Presented at: International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Montreal, Canada, 21-25 August 2022.
- Yi, R., Liu, Y., Lai, Y. and Rosin, P. L. 2020. Unpaired portrait drawing generation via asymmetric cycle mapping. Presented at: Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Seattle, Washington, USA, 16-18 June 2020.
- Dyke, R. M. et al. 2020. SHREC'20: Non-rigid shape correspondence of physically-based deformations. Presented at: Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval, Graz, Austria, 4-5 September 2020.
- Pezzica, C., Schroeter, J., Prizeman, O., Jones, C. and Rosin, P. 2019. Between images and built form: automating the recognition of standardised building components using deep learning. Presented at: 27th CIPA International Symposium “Documenting the past for a better future”, Avila, Spain, 1-5 September 2019ISPRS Ann. Photogramm. Remote Sens, Vol. IV-2. Copernicus pp. 123-132., (10.5194/isprs-annals-IV-2-W6-123-2019)
- Nieva De La Hidalga, A., Owen, D., Spasic, I., Rosin, P. and Sun, X. 2019. Use of semantic segmentation for increasing the throughput of digitisation workflows for natural history collections. Presented at: Biodiversity_Next 2019, Leiden, The Netherlands, 21-25 October 2019Biodiversity Information Science and Standards, Vol. 3. Vol. e37161. Pensoft, (10.3897/biss.3.37161)
- Dyke, R., Stride, C., Lai, Y. and Rosin, P. 2019. SHREC-19: Shape correspondence with isometric and non-isometric deformations. Presented at: Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval, Genova, Italy, 5-6 May 2019.
- Yi, R., Liu, Y., Lai, Y. and Rosin, P. 2019. APDrawingGAN: Generating artistic portrait drawings from face photos with hierarchical GANs. Presented at: CVPR 2019, Long Beach, California, USA, 16-20 June 2019.
- Fan, D. et al. 2019. Scoot: A perceptual metric for facial sketches. Presented at: ICCV 2019: International Conference on Computer Vision, Seoul, South Korea, 27 Oct - 2 Nov 2019IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision. Computer Vision Foundation pp. 5612-5622.
- Jufeng, Y., Dongyu, S., Lai, Y., Rosin, P. and Ming-Hsuan, Y. 2018. Weakly supervised coupled networks for visual sentiment analysis. Presented at: IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Lake Salt City, UT, USA, 18-22 Jun 2018IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition workshops.
- Yang, J., Sun, X., Liang, J. and Rosin, P. L. 2018. Clinical skin lesion diagnosis using representations inspired by dermatologist criteria. Presented at: IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2018), Salt Lake City, UT, USA, 18-22 June 20182018 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. IEEE pp. 1258-1266., (10.1109/CVPR.2018.00137)
- Lai, Y., Echavaarria, K., Song, R. and Rosin, P. 2018. An image-based approach for detecting faces carved in heritage monuments. Presented at: EUROGRAPHICS Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage, Vienna, Austria, 12-15 Nov 2018Eurographics Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage. The Eurographics Association pp. 215-219.
- Chen, S., Gao, L., Lai, Y., Rosin, P. and Xia, S. 2018. Real-time 3D face reconstruction and gaze tracking for virtual reality. Presented at: IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces, Reutlingen, Germany, 18-22 March 2018. pp. -.
- Langenfeld, F. et al. 2018. SHREC 2018 - Protein Shape Retrieval. Presented at: EG workshop 3D Object Retrieval, Delft, the Netherlands, 16 April 2018.
- Redfern, J., Sidorov, K., Rosin, P. L., Moore, S. C., Corcoran, P. and Marshall, D. 2017. An open-data, agent-based model of alcohol related crime. Presented at: 2017 14th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance (AVSS), Lecce, 29 August - 1 September 2017Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance (AVSS), 2017 14th IEEE International Conference. IEEE Xplore, (10.1109/AVSS.2017.8078513)
- Lloyd, K., Rosin, P. L., Marshall, A. D. and Moore, S. C. 2017. Violent behaviour detection using local trajectory response. Presented at: 7th International Conference on Imaging for Crime Detection and Prevention, Madrid, Spain, 23-25 November 20167th International Conference on Imaging for Crime Detection and Prevention (ICDP 2016). IET Seminar Digests 2016/0006 Institution of Engineering and Technology pp. 78-83., (10.1049/ic.2016.0082)
- Khayeat, A., Rosin, P. L. and Sun, X. 2017. Copy-move forgery detection using the segment gradient orientation histogram. Presented at: Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis, Tromsø, Norway, 12-14,June 2017 Presented at Sharma, P. and Bianchi, F. M. eds.SCIA 2017: Image Analysis, Vol. 1. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 10269. Cham: Springer pp. 209-220., (10.1007/978-3-319-59126-1_18)
- Rosin, P. L. et al. 2017. Benchmarking non-photorealistic rendering of portraits. Presented at: NPAR Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 29-30 July 2017 Presented at Spencer, S. N. ed.NPAR '17 Proceedings of the Symposium on Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering. Association for Computing Machinery pp. 11., (10.1145/3092919.3092921)
- Liu, X., Cheng, M., Lai, Y. and Rosin, P. L. 2017. Depth-aware neural style transfer. Presented at: NPAR Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 29-30 July 2017 Presented at Spencer, S. N. ed.NPAR '17 Proceedings of the Symposium on Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering. Association for Computing Machinery pp. 4., (10.1145/3092919.3092924)
- Rosin, P. and Lai, Y. 2017. Watercolour rendering of portraits. Presented at: PSIVT Vision meets Graphics 2017, Wuhan, China, 21 November 2017.
- Khayeat, A., Sun, X. and Rosin, P. L. 2016. Improved DSIFT descriptor based copy-rotate-move forgery detection. Presented at: PSIVT 2015: 7th Pacific Rim Symposium on Image and Video Technology, Auckland, New Zealand, 25-27November 2015Image and Video Technology, Vol. 9431. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 9431. Springer pp. 642-655., (10.1007/978-3-319-29451-3_51)
- Liu, C., Rosin, P. L., Lai, Y., Davis, G. R., Mills, D. and Norton, C. 2016. Recovering historical film footage by processing microtomographic images. Presented at: EuroMed 2016: Digital Heritage. Progress in Cultural Heritage: Documentation, Preservation, and Protection, Nicosia, Cyprus, 31 October -5 November 2016 Presented at Ioannides, M. et al. eds.6th International Conference, EuroMed 2016, Nicosia, Cyprus, October 31 – November 5, 2016, Proceedings, Part I. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Springer Verlag pp. 219-231., (10.1007/978-3-319-48496-9_18)
- Pratikakis, I. et al. 2016. SHREC'16 track: partial shape queries for 3D object retrieval. Presented at: Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval, Lisbon, Portugal, 8 May 2016.
- Liu, C., Rosin, P. L., Lai, Y. and Hu, W. 2015. Robust segmentation of historical parchment XMT images for virtual unrolling. Presented at: Digital Heritage, Granada, Spain, 28 Sep - 2 Oct 2015.
- Rosin, P. and Lai, Y. 2015. Non-photorealistic rendering of portraits. Presented at: Expressive 2015: The Joint Symposium on Computational Aesthetics and Sketch-Based Interfaces and Modeling and Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering, Istanbul, Turkey, 20-22 June 2015.
- Pickup, D., Sun, X., Rosin, P. L., Martin, R. R., Cheng, Z., Nie, S. and Jin, L. 2015. SHREC'15 Track: Canonical forms for non-rigid 3D shape retrieval. Presented at: 8th Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval, Zurich, Switzerland, 2-3 May 2015Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval. pp. 316-327., (10.2312/3dor.20151063)
- Lian, Z. et al. 2015. SHREC'15 Track: Non-rigid 3D shape retrieval. Presented at: 8th Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval, Zurich, Switzerland, 2-3 May 2015. pp. 257-266., (10.2312/3dor.20151064)
- Slade, J. D., Jones, C. B. and Rosin, P. L. 2015. Semantic and geometric enrichment of 3D geo-spatial building models with photo captions and illustration labels using template matching & SIFT. Presented at: GIS Research UK (GISRUK) 2015, Leeds, UK, 15-17 April 2015.
- Marshall, A. D., Rosin, P. L., Vandeventer, J. and Aubrey, A. 2015. 4D Cardiff Conversation Database (4D CCDb): A 4D database of natural,dyadic conversations. Presented at: FAAVSP - The 1st Joint Conference on Facial Analysis, Animation, and Auditory-Visual Speech Processing, Vienna, Austria, 11-13 September 2015FAAVSP-2015. ISCA pp. 157-162.
- Zunic, J., Pantovic, J. and Rosin, P. L. 2015. Measuring linearity of planar curves. Presented at: International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM) 2013, Barcelona, Spain, 15-18 February 2013 Presented at Fred, A. and De Marsico, M. eds.Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods, Vol. 318. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing Springer pp. 257-271., (10.1007/978-3-319-12610-4_16)
- Mills, D., Davis, G. R., Lai, Y. and Rosin, P. L. 2014. Apocalypto: revealing lost text with XMT. Presented at: Developments in X-Ray Tomography IX, San Diego, California, August 17, 2014Proc. SPIE 9212,, Vol. 9212. Developments in X-Ray Tomography Vol. IX. San Diego, California: SPIE pp. 921210., (10.1117/12.2061956)
- Jones, C. B., Rosin, P. L. and Slade, J. D. 2014. Semantic and geometric enrichment of 3D geo-spatial models with captioned photos and labelled illustrations. Presented at: Workshop on Vision and Language, 25th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Coling 2014,, Dublin, Ireland, 23 August 2014.
- Pickup, D. et al. 2014. SHREC'14 Track: Shape retrieval of non-rigid 3D human models. Presented at: Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval, Strasbourg, France, 6 April 2014. pp. 101-110.
- Rosin, P. L. and Lai, Y. 2013. Non-photorealistic rendering with spot colour. Presented at: SBIM-NPAR: Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering, Anaheim, CA, USA, 19-21 July 2013Proceedings of the Symposium on Computational Aesthetics. New York, NY: ACM pp. 67-75., (10.1145/2487276.2487280)
- Song, R., Liu, Y., Martin, R. R. and Rosin, P. L. 2012. Saliency-guided integration of multiple scans. Presented at: IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Providence, RI, 16-21 June 2012Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2012 IEEE Conference on. pp. 1474-1481., (10.1109/CVPR.2012.6247836)
- Havell, B., Rosin, P. L., Sanei, S., Aubrey, A., Marshall, A. D. and Hicks, Y. A. 2012. A hybrid phoneme based clustering approach for audio driven facial animation. Presented at: 2012 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Kyoto, Japan, 25-30 March 20122012 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing: Proceedings. Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE pp. 2261-2264., (10.1109/ICASSP.2012.6288364)
- Song, R., Liu, Y., Zhao, Y., Martin, R. R. and Rosin, P. L. 2012. An evaluation method for multiview surface reconstruction algorithms. Presented at: Second International Conference on 3D Imaging, Modeling, Processing, Visualization and Transmission (3DIMPVT), Zurich, Switzerland, 13-15 October 20123D Imaging, Modeling, Processing, Visualization and Transmission (3DIMPVT), 2012 Second International Conference on. IEEE pp. 387-394., (10.1109/3DIMPVT.2012.24)
- Lian, Z., Godil, A., Rosin, P. L. and Sun, X. 2012. A new convexity measurement for 3D meshes. Presented at: IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Providence, RI, 16-21 June 20122012 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. Piscataway: IEEE pp. 119-126., (10.1109/CVPR.2012.6247666)
- Samko, O., Lai, Y., Marshall, A. D. and Rosin, P. L. 2011. Segmentation of parchment scrolls for virtual unrolling. Presented at: BMVC 2011: The 22nd British Machine Vision Conference, Dundee, UK, 29 August - 2 September 2011 Presented at Hoey, J., McKenna, S. and Trucco, E. eds.Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference. Manchester: BMVA Press pp. 37.1-37.11., (10.5244/C.25.37)
- Song, R., Liu, Y., Martin, R. R. and Rosin, P. L. 2011. Higher Order CRF for Surface Reconstruction from Multi-view Data Sets. Presented at: International Conference on 3-D Imaging, Modeling, Processing, Visualization and Transmission, Hangzhou, China, 16-19 May, 20112011 International Conference on 3D Imaging, Modeling, Processing, Visualization and Transmission (3DIMPVT), Hangzhou, China, 16-19 May 2011. Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE pp. 156-163., (10.1109/3DIMPVT.2011.27)
- Song, R., Liu, Y., Zhao, Y., Martin, R. R. and Rosin, P. L. 2011. MRF-based automatic image ordering and its application to mosaicing. Presented at: International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing ( ICASSP), Pregue, Czech Republic, 22-27 May 20112011 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing proceedings : 22-27 May 2011, Prague, Czech Republic. Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE pp. 1549-1552., (10.1109/ICASSP.2011.5946790)
- Tong, Q., Zhang, S., Martin, R. R. and Rosin, P. L. 2011. Nested Images. Presented at: Asian Conference on Design and Digital Engineering 2011 (ACDDE 2011), Shanghai, China, 27-29 August 2011Proceedings of the 2011 Asian Conference on Design and Digital Engineering (ACDDE 2011). pp. 445-450.
- Legg, P. A., Rosin, P. L., Marshall, A. D. and Morgan, J. E. 2009. Non-rigid elastic registration of retinal images using local window mutual information. Presented at: Medical image understanding and analysis 2009, Kingston upon Thames, UK, 14-15 July 2009 Presented at Dehmeshki, J., Hoppe, A. and Greenhill, D. eds.Proceedings of the 13th Annual Conference on Medical Image Understanding and Analysis 2008, Kingston, UK, 14-15 July 2009. British Machine Vision Association pp. 144-148.
- Godil, A. et al. 2009. SHREC'09 Track: Generic shape retrieval. Presented at: EG 3DOR 2009 : Eurographics 2009 Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval, Munich, Germany, 29 March 2009 Presented at Pratikakis, I. et al. eds.Proceedings of the Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval, Munich, Germany, 29 March 2009. Aire-la-Ville, Switzerland: Eurographics Association pp. 61-68.
- Sun, X., Rosin, P. L., Martin, R. R. and Langbein, F. C. 2008. Noise in 3D laser range scanner data. Presented at: 10th International Conference on Shape Modeling and Applications, Stony Brook, NY, USA, 4-6 June 2008 Presented at Michela Spagnuolo, M., Cohen-Or;, D. and Gu, X. D. G. eds.Shape Modeling and Applications, 2008. SMI 2008. IEEE International Conference. Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE Computer Society pp. 37-45., (10.1109/SMI.2008.4547945)
- Lian, Z., Rosin, P. L. and Sun, X. 2008. A rectilinearity measurement for 3d meshes. Presented at: 1st ACM International Workshop on Multimedia Information Retrieval ; 16th ACM International Conference on Multimedia, Vancouver, Canada, 30-31 October 2008 Presented at Lew, M. S. ed.MIR '08 Proceedings of the 1st ACM international conference on Multimedia information retrieval. ACM conference proceedings series; ; 476. Vol. 476. New York, NY: ACM pp. 395-402., (10.1145/1460096.1460161)
- Truong-Benedikt, L., Cosker, D. P., Rosin, P. L. and Marshall, A. D. 2008. 3D facial gestures in biometrics: from feasibility study to application. Presented at: IEEE Conference on Biometrics: Theory, Applications, and Systems, Arlington, VA, USA, 29 September - 1 October 2008 Presented at Bowyer, K. W. ed.BTAS 2008. 2nd IEEE International Conference on Biometrics: Theory, Applications and Systems, 2008, Arlington, VA, 29 Sept. -1 Oct. 2008. Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE, (10.1109/BTAS.2008.4699351)
- Truong-Benedikt, L., Kajic, V., Cosker, D. P., Rosin, P. L. and Marshall, A. D. 2008. Facial dynamics in biometric identification. Presented at: British Machine Vision Conference, Leeds, UK, September 2008 Presented at Everingham, M. and Needham, C. J. eds.Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference, Leeds, UK, 1-4 September 2008. BMVA Press pp. 107.1-107.10., (10.5244/C.22.107)
- Lai, Y., Hu, S., Martin, R. R. and Rosin, P. L. 2008. Fast mesh segmentation using random walks. Presented at: ACM Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling, Stony Brook, New York, USA, 2-4 June 2008 Presented at Haines, E. and McGuire, M. eds.SPM 2008 Proceedings: ACM Solid and Physical Modeling Symposium, Stony Brook, New York, June 02-04, 2008. Proceedings of the 2008 ACM symposium on Solid and physical modeling New York: ACM pp. 183-192., (10.1145/1364901.1364927)
- Balikai, A., Rosin, P. L., Song, Y. and Hall, P. 2008. Shapes fit for purpose. Presented at: British Machine Vision Conference 2008, Leeds, UK, 1-4 September 2008 Presented at Everingham, M. and Needham, C. eds.Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference, Leeds, UK, 1-4 September 2008. BMVA Press pp. 45.1-45.10., (10.5244/C.22.45)
- Song, Y. -., Rosin, P. L., Hall, P. M. and Collomosse, J. 2008. Arty shapes. Presented at: Eurographics Workshop on Computational Aesthetics in Graphics, Visualization and Imaging, Lisbon, Portugal, 18-20 June 2008 Presented at Brown, P. et al. eds.Computational Aesthetics 2008: Proceedings of the Eurographics Workshop on Computational Aesthetics in Graphics, Visualization and Imaging, Lisbon, Portugal, 18-20 June 2008. Aire-la-Ville, Switzerland: The Eurographics Association pp. 65-72.
- Cosker, D., Holt, C. A., Mason, D., Whatling, G. M., Marshall, A. D. and Rosin, P. L. 2008. Automatic audio driven animation of non-verbal actions. Presented at: Proceedings. of the 8th International Conference on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, Porto, Portugal, Porto, Portugal.
- Legg, P. A., Rosin, P. L., Marshall, A. D. and Morgan, J. E. 2008. Incorporating neighbourhood feature derivatives with Mutual Information to improve accuracy of multi-modal image registration. Presented at: 12th Annual Conference on Medical Image Understanding and Analysis, Dundee, UK, 2-3 July 2008 Presented at McKenna, S. and Hoey, J. eds.Medical Image Understanding and Analysis 2008: Proceedings of the 12th Annual Conference University of Dundee, 2-3 July 2008. Dundee: British Machine Vision Association pp. 39-43.
- Rosin, P. L. 2007. Measuring the orientability of shapes. Presented at: CAIP 2007: 12th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, Vienna, Austria, 27-29 August 2007Computer analysis of images and patterns. Lecture notes in computer science Vol. 4673. Berlin / Heidelberg: Springer pp. 620-627., (10.1007/978-3-540-74272-2_77)
- Zunic, J. and Rosin, P. L. 2007. A definition for orientation for multiple component shapes. Presented at: CAIP 2007: 12th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, Vienna, Austria, 27-29 August 2007Computer analysis of images and patterns. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 4673. Berlin / Heidelberg: Springer pp. 677-685., (10.1007/978-3-540-74272-2_84)
- Legg, P. A., Rosin, P. L., Marshall, A. D. and Morgan, J. E. 2007. Improving accuracy and efficiency of registration by mutual information using Sturges' Histogram Rule. Presented at: 11th Conference on Medical Image Understanding and Analysis 2007, Aberystwyth, Wales, 17-18 July 2007 Presented at Zwiggelaar, R. and Labrosse, F. eds.Proceedings of Medical Image Understanding and Analysis 2007. Cambridge: BMVA pp. 26-30.
- Cosker, D. P., Roy, S., Rosin, P. L. and Marshall, A. D. 2007. Re-mapping animation parameters between multiple types of facial model. Presented at: MIRAGE 2007, Rocquencourt, France, 28-30 March 2007Computer Vision/Computer Graphics Collaboration Techniques. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 4418. Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer pp. 365-376., (10.1007/978-3-540-71457-6_33)
- Samko, O., Rosin, P. L. and Marshall, A. D. 2007. Robust automatic data decomposition using a modified sparse NMF. Presented at: MIRAGE 2007, Rocquencourt, France, 28-30 March 2007Computer Vision/Computer Graphics Collaboration Techniques. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 4418/2. Berlin / Heidelberg: Springer pp. 225-234., (10.1007/978-3-540-71457-6_21)
- Liu, S., Martin, R. R., Langbein, F. C. and Rosin, P. L. 2007. Segmenting periodic reliefs on triangle meshes. Presented at: 12th IMA International Conference, Sheffield, UK, 4-6 September 2007Mathematics of surfaces XII : 12th IMA international conference, Sheffield, UK, September 4-6, 2007 : proceedings. Lecture notes in computer science Vol. 4647. Berlin, Germany: Springer pp. 290-306., (10.1007/978-3-540-73843-5_18)
- Sun, X., Rosin, P. L., Martin, R. R. and Langbein, F. C. 2007. Random walks for mesh denoising. Presented at: SPM 2007: ACM Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling, Beijing, China, 4-6 June 2007Proceedings, SPM 2007 : ACM Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling : Beijing, China, June 04-06, 2007. New York, USA: Association for Computing Machinery pp. 11-22., (10.1145/1236246.1236252)
- Sidorov, K. A., Marshall, A. D., Rosin, P. L. and Richmond, S. 2007. Towards efficient 3D facial appearance models. Presented at: The ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation, San Diego, CA, USA, 3-4 August 2007 Presented at Gleicher, M. and Thalmann, D. eds.Computer Animation 2007 : ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation : San Diego, California, August 3-4, 2007. New York, N.Y.: Eurographics Association pp. 1-2.
- Cosker, D. P., Krumhuber, E., Sidorov, K., Marshall, A. D., Rosin, P. L. and Manstead, A. 2006. Discovering Realistic Facial Dynamics for Animation. Presented at: The 3rd European Conference on Visual Media Production (CVMP 2006), London, UK, 29–30 November 2006 Presented at Grau, O. ed.Proceedings: The 3rd European Conference on Visual Media Production (CVMP 2006): part of the 2nd Multimedia Conference 2006. London: Institution of Electrical Engineers pp. 173.
- Mann, D. G., Droop, S. J. M., Hicks, Y. A., Marshall, A. D., Martin, R. R. and Rosin, P. L. 2006. Alleviating the Taxonomic Impediment in Diatoms: Prospects for Automatic and Web-based Identification Systems. Presented at: 18th International Diatom Symposium, Międzyzdroje, Poland, 2-7 September 2004 Presented at Withowski, A. ed.Proceedings of the Eighteenth International Diatom Symposium. Bristol: Biopress pp. 265-285.
- Marshall, A. D., Cosker, D. P., Rosin, P. L. and Hicks, Y. A. 2006. Speech and expression driven animation of a video-realistic appearance based hierarchical facial model. Presented at: IEEE CVPR Workshop on Learning, Representation and Context for Human Sensing in Video, New York, NY, USA, 22 June 2006.
- Duvernoy, S. and Rosin, P. L. 2006. The Compass, the Ruler and the Computer. Presented at: Nexus 2006, Genoa, Italy, 7-9 June 2006 Presented at Duvernoy, S. and Pedemonte, O. eds.Nexus VI: Architecture and Mathematics. Turin, Italy: Kim Williams Books pp. 21-34.
- Krumhuber, E., Manstead, A. S. R., Cosker, D. P., Marshall, A. D. and Rosin, P. L. 2006. Smile authenticity and trustworthiness in a one-shot trust game. Presented at: Second European Conference on Emotion, Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium, 18-20 May 2006.
- Liu, S., Martin, R. R., Langbein, F. C. and Rosin, P. L. 2006. Segmenting reliefs on triangle meshes. Presented at: SPM 2006: ACM Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling, Cardiff, UK, 6-8 June 2006Proceedings, SPM 2006 : ACM Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling : Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom, June 06-08, 2006, Vol. SPM06. New York, USA: Association for Computing Machinery pp. 7-16., (10.1145/1128888.1128890)
- Krumhuber, E., Manstead, A. S. R., Cosker, D. . P., Marshall, A. D. and Rosin, P. . L. 2005. Temporal dynamics of smiling: Human versus synthetic faces. Presented at: XIIIth Conference of the International Society for Research on Emotions, Bari, Italy, 11-15 July 2005.
- Krumhuber, E., Cosker, E., Manstead, A. S. R., Marshall, A. D. and Rosin, P. L. 2005. Synthetic humans for the study of subtle temporal aspects in facial displays. Presented at: XIIIth Conference of the International Society for Research on Emotions, Bari, Italy, 11-15 July 2005.
- Rosin, P. l. and Mumford, C. L. 2004. A symmetric convexity measure. Presented at: 17th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2004), Cambridge, UK, 23-26 August 2004 Presented at Kittler, J., Petrou, M. and Nixon, M. eds.Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Vol. 4. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE pp. 11-14., (10.1109/ICPR.2004.1333693)
- Rosin, P. L. 2004. On the construction of ovals. Presented at: Fifth Interdisciplinary Conference of The International Society of The Arts, Mathematics, and Architecture, Chicago, IL, USA, 15-19 June 2004.
- Hicks, Y. A., Marshall, A. D., Martin, R. R., Rosin, P. L., Droop, S. J. M. and Mann, D. G. 2004. Building shape and texture models of diatoms for analysis and synthesis of drawings and identification. Presented at: Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference, Dublin, 1-3 Sept 2004.
- Cosker, D. P., Marshall, A. D., Rosin, P. L. and Hicks, Y. A. 2004. Speech driven facial animation using a hidden Markov coarticulation model. Presented at: 17th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Cambridge, UK, 23-26 August.
- Cosker, D. P., Marshall, A. D., Rosin, P. L. and Hicks, Y. A. 2003. Video realistic talking heads using hierarchical non-linear speech-appearance models. Presented at: Mirage 2003, Rocquencourt, France, 10-11 March 2003.
- Cosker, D. P., Marshall, A. D., Rosin, P. L. and Hicks, Y. A. 2003. Speaker-independent speech-driven facial animation using a hierarchical model. Presented at: International Conference on Visual Information Engineering 2003, University of Surrey, UK, 7-9 July 2003.
- Hicks, Y. A., Marshall, A. D., Rosin, P. L., Martin, R. R., Bayer, M. M. and Mann, D. G. 2002. Modelling life cycle related and individual shape variation in biological specimens. Presented at: 13th British Machine Vision Conference, Cardiff, Wales, 2-5 Sept 2002.
- Hicks, Y. A., Marshall, A. D., Martin, R. R., Rosin, P. L., Bayer, M. M. and Mann, D. G. 2002. Automatic landmarking for building biological shape models. Presented at: 2002 International Conference on Image Processing, Rochester, New York, 22-25 Sept 2002.
- Rosin, P. L., Marshall, A. D. and Morgan, J. E. 2002. Multimodal retinal imaging: new strategies for the detection of glaucoma. Presented at: 2002 International Conference on Image Processing, Rochester, NY, USA, 22-25 September 2002Proceedings of the 2002 International Conference on Image Processing, Vol. 3. IEEE pp. III-137., (10.1109/ICIP.2002.1038923)
- Eakins, J. P., Edwards, J. D., Riley, K. J. and Rosin, P. L. 2001. Comparison of the effectiveness of alternative feature sets in shape retrieval of multicomponent images. Presented at: Storage and Retrieval for Media Databases 2001, San Jose, CA, USA, 24-26 January 2001 Presented at Yeung, M. M., Li, C. and Lienhart, R. W. eds.Storage and Retrieval for Media Databases 2001. Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 4315. The International Society for Optical Engineering pp. 196., (10.1117/12.410929)
- Gagaudakis, G. and Rosin, P. L. 2001. Shape measures for image retrieval. Presented at: 2001 International Conference on Image Processing, Thessaloniki, Greece, 7-10 October 2001Proceedings of the 2001 International Conference on Image Processing, Vol. 2. IEEE pp. 757-760., (10.1109/ICIP.2001.958604)
Mae fy niddordebau ymchwil yn seiliedig ar weledigaeth gyfrifiadurol, gyda diddordebau penodol cyfredol mewn rendro nad yw'n ffotorealistig, modelau wyneb 2D a 3D, dadansoddi siâp a phrosesu rhwyll. Rwyf hefyd (neu wedi bod) â diddordeb mewn ystod o bynciau yn y maes megis awtomeiddio cellog, brasamcanu a chynrychioli cromliniau, dulliau ar gyfer gwerthuso perfformiad a phrosesu delweddau lefel isel. Rwyf hefyd yn weithgar wrth brosesu data biolegol, geoffisegol, o bell a chelf / pensaernïol.
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
Mae gen i ddiddordeb mewn goruchwylio myfyrwyr PhD ym meysydd:
- Gweledigaeth gyfrifiadurol
- Trosglwyddiad rendro / arddull niwral nad yw'n ffotorealistig
- prosesu rhwyll
Os hoffech gyflwyno cais, bydd angen i chi ddilyn y weithdrefn a amlinellir ar dudalennau ymchwil ôl-raddedig y Brifysgol. Mae'r broses yn ei gwneud yn ofynnol i ymgeiswyr nodi goruchwyliwr posibl fel rhan o'u cais. Mae croeso i chi gysylltu â mi i drafod goruchwyliaeth.
Hefyd, ers blynyddoedd lawer rwyf wedi goruchwylio ymwelwyr o Tsieina a ariennir gan Gyngor Ysgoloriaethau Tsieina (CSC). Mae hyn yn cynnwys: myfyrwyr sy'n cael eu hariannu'n llawn i astudio am PhD yn y DU, myfyrwyr PhD (wedi'u lleoli mewn prifysgol yn Tsieina) a ariennir i dreulio blwyddyn ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd, aelodau o staff (wedi'u lleoli mewn prifysgol yn Tsieina) a ariennir i dreulio blwyddyn ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd. Sylwer, ar gyfer y categori cyntaf, bod Prifysgol Caerdydd yn cynnig nifer o ysgoloriaethau sy'n darparu hepgoriadau ffioedd dysgu ar gyfer myfyrwyr llwyddiannus Cyngor Ysgoloriaethau Tsieina.
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