Ewch i’r prif gynnwys
Michael Ryan

Dr Michael Ryan


Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig


Dr Michael Ryan is a Lecturer in the High Value Manufacturing Group in Cardiff School of Engineering. His research interests lie in the field of Additive Manufacturing, in particular Metal Additive Manufacturing. His previous experience includes the development of thermal and metallurgical finite element models, new product research and development in collaboration with industry, investigation of materials and design for additive manufacturing, and investigating business models for application of additive manufacturing.








  • Sibanda, P., Carr, P., Ryan, M. and Bigot, S. 2019. State of the art in surface finish of metal additive manufactured parts. Presented at: 17th International Conference on Manufacturing Research (ICMR 2019), Belfast, Northern Ireland, 10-12 September 2019 Presented at Lin, Y. and Price, M. eds.Advances in Manufacturing Technology XXXIII: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Manufacturing Research, incorporating the 34th National Conference on Manufacturing Research, Vol. 9. Advances in Dransdisciplinary Engineering Netherlands: IOS Press BV pp. 221 - 225., (10.3233/ATDE190039)






Book sections



As part of Cardiff School of Engineering's High Value Manufacturing Group, Dr Michael Ryan is interested in reseach in Additive Manufacturing, in particular metal additive manufacturing. With a background in finite element analysis and materials simulation, he is interested in the simulation and characterisation of Metal AM processes and the products which they produce. He is also interested in building on previous industrial research, and developing industrial applications for Metal AM.


Fluid Power and Control

Product Design and System Integration


Dr Michael Ryan received a MEng in Integrated Engineering from Cardiff University in 2008. Following a period in industry working with high pressure fuel systems, he undertook an EngD in Materials Engineering at Swansea University (in partnership with Tata Steel UK), graduating in 2015. The focus of this work was the development of a bespoke finite element model for the hot rolling process in steel making, created using FORTRAN, examining both thermal and metallurgical aspects of the process.

In 2013 he returned to Cardiff School of Engineering, working as a project officer on the ASTUTE project, which was established to promote advanced and sustainable manufacturing, with companies based within the convergence area of Wales. In this role he continued to work in the field of finite element analysis, whilst also developing further knowledge in engineering design, and in the filed of additive manufacturing. In 2016 he was appointed as a Research Associate at Cardiff Business School, carrying out a newly-established "Engaged Manufacturing" project, which examined future business models for additive manufacturing systems, with a particular focus on customised products.

Dr Ryan was appointed to the position of Lecturer in High Value Manufacturing in January 2018, with a focus in metal additive manufacturing systems. His research interests lie in the characterisation and simulation of the process, and of products manufactured using metal additive manufacturing, and also in the industrial application of additive manufacturing.

Meysydd goruchwyliaeth

  • Gweithgynhyrchu Ychwanegion (AM)
  • Datblygu Deunydd ar gyfer AM
  • Ceisiadau newydd ar gyfer technolegau AM
  • Ymchwil rhyngddisgyblaethol trwy AM
  • AC mewn cynhyrchiad rhannol sbâr

Goruchwyliaeth gyfredol

Prospera Sibanda

Prospera Sibanda

Ahmet Pekok

Ahmet Pekok

Ben Mason

Ben Mason

Karan Baramate Baramate

Karan Baramate Baramate

Yixin Li

Yixin Li

Contact Details

Email RyanM6@caerdydd.ac.uk
Telephone +44 29208 74070
Campuses Adeiladau'r Frenhines, Ystafell W2.22, 5 The Parade, Heol Casnewydd, Caerdydd, CF24 3AA