Ewch i’r prif gynnwys
Steven Schockaert

Yr Athro Steven Schockaert


Sylwebydd y cyfryngau
Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig


Ymunodd yr Athro Steven Schockaert â'r Ysgol Cyfrifiadureg a Gwybodeg yn 2011. Cyn hynny bu'n fyfyriwr PhD ym mhrifysgol Ghent rhwng 2004 a 2008 ac yn gymrawd ôl-ddoethurol Fflandrys Research Foundation rhwng 2008 a 2011. Mae ei ymchwil, ym maes Deallusrwydd Artiffisial, yn canolbwyntio ar Brosesu Iaith Naturiol, Rhesymu Synnwyr Cyffredin, Dysgu Cynrychiolaeth, a Deallusrwydd Artiffisial Niwrosymbolaidd. Ef yw prif olygydd AI Communications ac mae'n gwasanaethu ar fwrdd golygyddol Machine Learning a Neurosymbolic Artificial Intelligence. Mae'n aelod o Sefydliad Alan Turing.





















  • Schockaert, S., De Cock, M., Cornelis, C. and Kerre, E. E. 2007. Clustering web search results using fuzzy ants. International Journal of Intelligent Systems 22(5), pp. 455-474. (10.1002/int.20209)
  • Schockaert, S., De Cock, M. and Kerre, E. E. 2007. Qualitative temporal reasoning about vague events. Presented at: Twentieth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), Hyderbad, India, 6-12 January 2007 Presented at Veloso, M. M. ed.Proceedings of the Twentieth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI): Hyderbad, India, 6-12 January, 2007. AAAI Press pp. 569-574.


  • Schockaert, S., De Cock, M. and Kerre, E. E. 2006. Imprecise temporal interval relations. Presented at: 6th International Workshop on Fuzzy Logic and Applications, Crema, Italy, 15-17 September 2005 Presented at Bloch, I., Petrosino, A. and Tettamanzi, A. G. B. eds.Fuzzy logic and applications: 6th international workshop, WILF 2005, Crema, Italy, September 15-17, 2005, revised selected papers. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence Vol. 3849. Springer pp. 108-113.
  • Schockaert, S., Ahn, D., De Cock, M. and Kerre, E. E. 2006. Question answering with imperfect temporal information. Presented at: 7th International Conference on Flexible Query Answering Systems (FQAS 2006), Milan, Italy, 7-10 June 2006 Presented at Larsen, H. L. et al. eds.Flexible query answering systems: 7th international conference, FQAS 2006, Milan, Italy, June 7-10, 2006. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence Vol. 4027. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag pp. 647-658., (10.1007/11766254)
  • Schockaert, S., De Cock, M. and Kerre, E. E. 2006. An efficient characterization of fuzzy temporal interval relations. Presented at: 2006 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, Vancouver, CanadaProceedings of the IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (FUZZ-IEEE). IEEE pp. 1894-1901., (10.1109/FUZZY.2006.1681963)
  • Schockaert, S., Cornelis, C., De Cock, M. and Kerre, E. E. 2006. Fuzzy spatial relations between vague regions. Presented at: 3rd International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Systems, London, UK, September 2006Proceedings of the Third IEEE Conference on Intelligent Systems 2006. IEEE pp. 217-222., (10.1109/IS.2006.348421)


  • Schockaert, S., De Cock, M. and Kerre, E. E. 2005. Fuzzy constraint based answer validation. Presented at: Third International Atlantic Web Intelligence Conference (AWIC 2005), Lodz, Poland, 6-9 June 2005 Presented at Szczepaniak, P. S., Kacprzyk, J. and Niewiadomski, A. eds.Advances in Web Intelligence: proceedings of Third International Atlantic Web Intelligence Conference, AWIC 2005, Lodz, Poland, June 6-9, 2005.. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 3528. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer Verlag pp. 394-400., (10.1007/b137066)
  • Schockaert, S., De Cock, M. and Kerre, E. E. 2005. Automatic acquisition of fuzzy footprints. Presented at: OTM 2005, Agia Napa, Cyprus, October 31 - November 4 2005 Presented at Tari, Z. ed.On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2005: OTM 2005 Workshops. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 3762. Springer pp. 1077-1086.
  • Schockaert, S., De Cock, M. and Cornelis, C. 2005. Relatedness of fuzzy sets. Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems 16(4), pp. 297-303.


  • Schockaert, S., De Cock, M., Cornelis, C. and Kerre, E. E. 2004. Fuzzy ant based clustering. Presented at: 4th International Workshop on Ant Colony Optimization and Swarm Intelligence (ANTS 2004), Brussels, Belgium, 5-8 September 2004 Presented at Dorigo, M. et al. eds.Ant colony optimization and swarm intelligence: 4th international workshop, ANTS 2004, Brussels, Belgium, September 5-8, 2004, proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 3172. Springer pp. 342-349.
  • Schockaert, S., De Cock, M., Cornelis, C. and Kerre, E. E. 2004. Efficient clustering with fuzzy ants. Presented at: 6th International FLINS Conference, Blankenberge, Belgium, 1-2 September 2004 Presented at Ruan, D. et al. eds.Applied computational intelligence: proceedings of the 6th international FLINS conference. World Scientific Publishing pp. 195-200.


Book sections



Current research projects:

  • Approximating Markov logic theories in possibilistic logic (with Jesse Davis), Leverhulme Trust, 2014-2016.
  • Formal lexically informed logics for searching the web, ERC Starting Grant, 2015-2020.

Previous research projects:

  • Fuzzy answer set programming 2.0 (with Dirk Vermeir and Martine De Cock), Research Foundation - Flanders, 2010-2014.
  • A synergistic approach to extraction, learning and reasoning for machine reading (with Jesse Davis, Marie-Francine Moens and Martine De Cock), Research Foundation - Flanders, 2011-2016.
  • Enriching, repairing and merging taxonomies by inducing qualitative spatial representations from the web, EPSRC First Grant, 2013-2014.


Anrhydeddau a dyfarniadau

  • Gwobr papur rhagorol yn ACL 2023
  • Gwobr papur hir gorau yn RepL4NLP 2021
  • Enillydd gwobr papur gorau yn ISWC 2019
  • Gwobr SPC Eithriadol yn AAAI 2019
  • Enillydd gwobr papur gorau yn KR 2018
  • Gwobr papur gorau yn ILP 2017
  • Gwobr papur gorau yn GEOCROWD 2012
  • Enillydd gwobr papur gorau yn ECAI 2012
  • Gwobr Traethawd Hir Deallusrwydd Artiffisial ECCAI 2008
  • Gwobr IBM Gwlad Belg ar gyfer Cyfrifiadureg 2008
  • Gwobr Naid Cwantwm yn MediaEval 2010

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