Ewch i’r prif gynnwys
Liba Sheeran

Dr Liba Sheeran

Darllennydd: Ffisiotherapi


My research work has strong focus on assessment, prevention and management of chronic musculoskeletal conditions including spinal and pelvic pain disorders, occupational back pain and sports-related overuse spinal and lower limb injuries. My work emphasis is on exploring mechanisms underlying the development and perpetuation of chronic musculoskeletal conditions with an aim to develop new directions for rehabilitation and prevention strategies. I study the spinal-pelvic movements and motor control during gait, running, sitting and standing. I am also involved in development and testing of new assessment methods quantifying spinal movements, postures, sensory function and motor control whilst carrying relevance and applicability to clinical practice.
























My current research activity involves a continuation of my PhD work on $acirc;  Motor Control in non-specific chronic low back pain (NSCLBP) when subclassified$acirc;  , exploring novel rehabilitation methods using visual and positional feedback and imagery with the purpose of inducing improvements in motor control, clinical outcomes and how patients perceive their condition.   I also have an interest in exploring the use of classification to guide interventions.   I am currently in process of getting a grant funding and a fellowship to carry out a staged project that involves a collaboration with the disciplines of bioengineering, computer science, biomechanics to develop a novel rehabilitation programme that has the flexibility to be adapted to a particular classification subgroup of NSCLBP, gathering evidence for its effectiveness in the laboratory setting, continuing onto a feasibility in a clinical setting and running it into a multi-centre controlled clinical trial.


Rwy'n addysgu, asesu a goruchwylio myfyrwyr ar raglenni israddedig ac ôl-raddedig mewn meysydd iechyd cyhoeddus, rheoli cyflyrau cyhyrysgerbydol, anatomeg, ymarfer corff, gweithgaredd corfforol a maeth ar gyfer iechyd. Rwy'n darlithio mewn ffisiotherapi chwaraeon ac ymarfer corff, gan gynnwys diagnosis a rheoli anafiadau sy'n gysylltiedig â chwaraeon. Rwy'n addysgu modelau rheoli poen cefn yn helaeth ar draws ystod o boblogaethau (plant, oedolion, athletwyr a'r boblogaeth gyffredinol, y sector galwedigaethol). Rwyf hefyd yn addysgu ar raglenni dulliau ymchwil Meistr a Doethuriaeth.

Rwy'n siaradwr a wahoddir yn rheolaidd yn genedlaethol ac yn rhyngwladol ar atal, rheoli a diagnosis o gyflyrau poen cymhleth mewn chwaraeon a phoblogaethau athletaidd ac yn cynnal gweithdai arbenigol. Mae hyn yn cynnwys cyflwyno gweithdai yn genedlaethol ac yn rhyngwladol i ymarferwyr gofal iechyd ar atal a rheoli cyflyrau poen cyhyrysgerbydol tymor hir trwy wahoddiadau gan Gymdeithas y Ffisiotherapyddion Siartredig mewn Meddygaeth Chwaraeon ac Ymarfer Corff (ACPSEM). Hefyd, cyflwynais weithdai a phrif ddarlithoedd yn Fforwm Athletwyr Ifanc Cymdeithas Ffisiotherapi y Swistir yn y Swistir (2017) a 6ed Symposiwm Chwaraeon Ffisiotherapi Salzburg yn Awstria (2019).

Rwy'n ddarlithydd gwadd ym Mhrifysgol Gwyddorau Cymhwysol a Chelfyddydau De y Swistir (SUPSI), y Swistir. Rwy'n perthyn i gonsortiwm grŵp arbenigol rhyngwladol Pain-Ed sy'n hyrwyddo ymarfer sy'n seiliedig ar dystiolaeth mewn rheoli poen cymhleth a chyflwyno darlithoedd yn genedlaethol ac yn rhyngwladol. 

Addysgu lefel Meistr:

  • Cinaesioleg Glinigol a Phatholeg Meinwe (HCT 226)
  • Diagnosis a Thriniaeth Cyhyrysgerbydol (HCT 139)
  • Asesu a Thrin Anafiadau Chwaraeon (HCT 022)
  • MSc Dulliau ymchwil a dadansoddi data (HCT 206)
  • modiwl traethawd hir MSc (HCT117)

Addysgu lefel doethur:

  • Dulliau Meintiol Cymhwysol mewn Ymchwil Gofal Iechyd (NRT 108)


BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy (University of the West of England), June 1999

MSc Sports Physiotherapy (Cardiff University), June 2006

PhD (Cardiff University), Jan 2010

I work as a post-doctoral researcher at the Research Centre for Clinical Kinaesiology, Cardiff University. I am also involved in Arthritis Research UK Biomechanics and Bioengineering Centre (ARUK BBC) at Cardiff University, in the spinal osteoarthritis branch with responsibilities of ensuring that the generated research is being translated into the clinical practice. This includes co-supervision a PhD student ($acirc;  Are motor control impairments in subgroups of chronic low back pain present consistently in range of functional tasks? Does this contribute to development of osteoarthritis in the spine?$acirc;  ) in form of mentoring, project management, development of the study protocol and reading drafts. I also lecture on Clinical Biomechanics and Kinaesiology, Sports Physiotherapy and Neuromuscular Physiotherapy MSc Modules at Cardiff University and Sports Medicine and Exercise MSc at UWIC, Cardiff. I am involved in reviewing of grant applications and manuscripts for publications.

In addition to my research I also work as a Senior Physiotherapist at Sport Council for Wales with Welsh and UK Athletics and Sports and Exercise Medicine Clinic at National Indoor Athletic Centre in Cardiff. I have over 10 years experience working in Sport Physiotherapy, Private Practice, Occupational Health as well as the National Health Service. I am actively involved in high performance sport as an HQ Physiotherapist at the 2010 Commonwealth Games in Delhi, the 2007 World Winter University Games in Turin, the 2006 World Archery Championships in Slovakia, the 2005 British University Games in Wales and work with British Orienteering Federation (2006-2009). My clinical work informs my research exploring the mechanisms underlining development of chronic low back pain and ways to rehabilitate impaired motor control to prevent and manage injuries and enhance sports performance.

Anrhydeddau a dyfarniadau

  • Derbynnydd y Gronfa Her Gwaith ac Iechyd (2018)
  • Ymddiriedolaeth Wellcome a Chymrodoriaeth Teithio Seedcorn Rhyngwladol Prifysgol Caerdydd (2016)
  • Society of Back Pain Research Travelling Fellowship recipient (2016)
  • Ymchwil Iechyd a Gofal Cymru RCBC Gwobr Cymrodoriaeth Ymchwil Ôl-ddoethurol CBSRh (2015)

Aelodaethau proffesiynol

  • Cymdeithas Siartredig Ffisiotherapi (CSP) (ers 1999)
  • Cyngor Proffesiynau Gofal Iechyd (HCPC) (ers 1999)
  • Cymdeithas y Ffisiotherapyddion Siartredig mewn Meddygaeth Chwaraeon ac Ymarfer Corff (ACPSEM) (ers 1999)
  • Cymrawd yr Academi Addysg Uwch (HEA) (ers 2014)
  • Cymdeithas Gwyddor Chwaraeon ac Ymarfer Corff Prydain (BASES) (ers 2017)
  • Cymdeithas Meddygaeth Chwaraeon ac Ymarfer Corff Prydain (BASEM) (ers 2018)

Pwyllgorau ac adolygu

  • Arthritis Research UK Biomechanics and Bioengineering Centre research Committee member (2010-presennol)
  • Aelod o bwyllgor Merched mewn Gwyddoniaeth Caerdydd (2016-17)
  • Aelod o bwyllgor ymchwil Sefydliad Ymchwil Peirianneg Meinwe Caerdydd (CITER) (2014-2016)
  • Aelod o bwyllgor Cymdeithas Ymchwil Ffisiotherapi (2012-14)

adolygydd cyfnodolion

  • Ergonomeg Gymhwysol
  • Raddfa
  • Gwyddoniaeth ac Ymarfer Cyhyrysgerbydol
  • British Journal of Sports Medicine
  • Ffisiotherapi
  • Ymarfer ffisiotherapi
  • Jpournal Rhyngwladol Therapi ac Adsefydlu

Adolygydd Grant

  • Sefydliad Ymchwil Peirianneg Meinwe Caerdydd (CITER)
  • Cymdeithas Ymchwil Ffisiotherapi

Gynhadledd/adolygydd haniaethol y Gyngres

  • Cynhadledd Cymdeithas Siartredig Ffisiotherapi y DU (2012)
  • Cyngres y Byd mewn Therapi Corfforol (2015)
  • Cymdeithas Ymchwil Ffisiotherapi (2012-2014)

Meysydd goruchwyliaeth

Rwy'n goruchwylio myfyrwyr PhD mewn ymchwil a datblygu technolegau iechyd digidol gan gynnwys realiti rhithwir, synwyryddion, olrhain cynnig fideo; Defnyddio deallusrwydd artiffisial ac offer dysgu peirianyddol.

Mae gen i ddiddordeb mewn goruchwylio myfyrwyr yn y meysydd canlynol:

  • Defnyddio technolegau (gwisgadwy, synwyryddion IMU, olrhain fideo) ar gyfer e-rehab
  • Gwell hunanreolaeth o anhwylderau cyhyrysgerbydol a niwroddirywiol
  • Llwyfannau digidol ar gyfer atal a rheoli anafiadau chwaraeon
  • Cloddio data ar gyfer adsefydlu unigol

Prosiectau PhD a ddewiswyd: 

  • Run Healthy - Run Strong: Llwyfan digidol ar gyfer atal anafiadau chwaraeon a hunanreolaeth (PhD: Kathleen Walker)
  • Technolegau gwisgadwy ar gyfer olrhain gweithgarwch corfforol pobl â Chlefydau Huntington (PhD: Vincent Poile)
  • Back-to-Fit: e-rehab ar gyfer poen cefn (PhD: Akushla Senarath Rathnayake)
  • Dichonoldeb a derbynioldeb ymyriadau realiti rhithwir mewn pobl â phoen cefn (PhD: Anfal Astek)
  • Dichonoldeb a derbynioldeb BACK-on-LINETM mewn ystod o sectorau gwaith (PhD: Minghao Chen)
  • Lefelau gweithgarwch corfforol mewn oedolion â chlefyd cynhenid y galon a'i effaith ar allu ymarfer corff ac ansawdd bywyd (Doethuriaeth Broffesiynol: Lynda Shaughnessy)