Dr Edward Shepherd
Timau a rolau for Edward Shepherd
Uwch Ddarlithydd
Mae fy ymchwil yn archwilio dimensiynau ideolegol marchnadoedd tir a thir, gan ganolbwyntio ar ddaearyddiaethau gwleidyddol ac economaidd defnydd a datblygiad tir. Er bod tir yn ddadleuol iawn, mae ei ystyron wedi'u hadeiladu'n gymdeithasol. Mae gan ystyron dominyddol oblygiadau dwys i fywyd dynol ac arall-na-ddynol. Mae beirniadu'r ystyron hyn a'r cysylltiadau pŵer sy'n eu siapio yn hanfodol foesol yng nghyd-destun argyfyngau sy'n gysylltiedig â thir lluosog, gan gynnwys bioamrywiaeth a thai.
Mae fy nghefndir proffesiynol mewn ymgynghoriaeth cynllunio a datblygu, lle bues i'n cynghori ar geisiadau cynllunio, briffiau datblygu a hyfywedd tai fforddiadwy ar gyfer cleientiaid yn y sector cyhoeddus a'r sector preifat. Yn ystod y profiad hwn, deuthum yn ymwybodol iawn o sut cafodd fy ymarfer proffesiynol ei lunio gan yr amgylchedd gwleidyddol ehangach. Mae hyn wedi arwain at fy ymchwil academaidd yn cael ei lywio gan sut mae syniadau gwleidyddol a gwleidyddiaeth yn llunio polisi, llywodraethu ac ymarfer ynghylch marchnadoedd tir datblygu a chynllunio trefol. Felly, rwy'n cyfuno dealltwriaeth ymarferol o'r wleidyddiaeth a'r polisïau cymhleth sy'n llunio'r broses datblygu trefol, gyda dealltwriaeth eang o'r darlun ehangach.
Rwyf wedi cynnal ymchwil ar gyflenwad tai, marchnadoedd tir, cipio gwerth tir, gwleidyddiaeth diwygio cynllunio, risg cynllunio a hyrwyddo tir. Mae fy ymchwil wedi denu cyllid o dros £300,000 o ffynonellau amrywiol, gan gynnwys yr ESRC a Chomisiwn Tir yr Alban. Trwy'r profiad ymchwil hwn, rwyf wedi datblygu dealltwriaeth ddofn o'r cyfleoedd a'r cyfyngiadau sy'n bodoli ar gyfer addasu polisi mewn perthynas â rheoleiddio marchnadoedd datblygu tir a thai. Felly, mae fy ymchwil yn ymgysylltu'n gyson â goblygiadau polisi.
Mae fy mhrofiad rhyngddisgyblaethol yn cwmpasu ymchwil academaidd, ymarfer proffesiynol, ac ymgysylltu polisi, gan fy ngalluogi i bontio safbwyntiau gwahanol a chyfrannu'n effeithiol at ddatblygu polisi a arweinir gan dystiolaeth. Rwy'n aelod o Sefydliad Brenhinol y Syrfewyr Siartredig a'r Sefydliad Cynllunio Trefol Brenhinol. Rwy'n Gymrawd o AdvanceHE (yr Academi Addysg Uwch gynt). Gallwch gael mynediad at restr o fy nghyhoeddiadau trwy'r tab 'Cyhoeddiadau'.
Mae enghreifftiau o lwyddiannau diweddar yn cynnwys:
- Ar hyn o bryd mae fy ymchwil ar 'Ideology, housing and land value capture: uncovering the politics of development land value' yn cael ei gefnogi gan Grant Ymchwilydd Newydd ESRC.
- Enillodd fy ymchwil gyda Dr Chris Foye ar broffidioldeb adeiladwyr tai cyfrol a'r hyn y mae hyn yn ei olygu ar gyfer cyflenwi tai Wobr y Sefydliad Cynllunio Trefol Brenhinol am Ragoriaeth Ymchwil 2024.
- Cefais wahoddiad i ddarparu tystiolaeth ysgrifenedig a llafar ar gyfer Ymchwiliad Pwyllgor Llywodraeth Leol a Thai Senedd Cymru i Gyflenwad Tai Cymdeithasol 2024, a ddyfynnir bedair gwaith yn adroddiad y pwyllgor.
- Rwyf wedi sicrhau cyllid effaith ESRC gyda'r nod o adeiladu cymuned o arbenigwyr cipio gwerth tir yng Nghymru, yn ogystal â rhwydwaith o arbenigwyr ac ymarferwyr sy'n arbenigo mewn Enillion Net Bioamrywiaeth ac adfer natur drwy'r system gynllunio.
- Foye, C. and Shepherd, E. 2024. Housebuilding, land and structural power: the case of mortgage market support schemes in England. Business and Politics (10.1017/bap.2024.19)
- Shepherd, E., McAllister, P. and Wyatt, P. 2024. State regulation of land financialisation: Land promoters, planning risk and the land market in England. Housing Studies 39(8), pp. 1903-1929. (10.1080/02673037.2022.2149705)
- Shepherd, E. and Wargent, M. 2024. Embedding the land market: Polanyi, urban planning, and regulation. Environment and Planning A 56(3), pp. 905-926. (10.1177/0308518X231203484)
- Shepherd, E. 2024. Housing development, land values and the decentred state: Traditions and dilemmas in House of Commons planning debates. The Journal of Legislative Studies 30(2), pp. 227-252. (10.1080/13572334.2023.2298127)
- Lord, A., Shepherd, E. and White, T. 2024. Language Value Capture? Redefining terms for the debate on land's public value.. Planning Theory and Practice
- Foye, C. and Shepherd, E. 2023. Why have the volume housebuilders been so profitable? The power of volume housebuilders and what this tells us about housing supply, the land market and the state.. Project Report. [Online]. UK Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence. Available at: https://housingevidence.ac.uk/publications/why-have-the-volume-housebuilders-been-so-profitable/
- McAllister, P., Shepherd, E. and Wyatt, P. 2023. An exploration of the role and significance of specialist land promoters in the housing land development market in the UK. Journal of Property Research 40(2), pp. 134-156. (10.1080/09599916.2022.2114927)
- Shepherd, E. 2023. Capturing value: the return of the land question in planning. Town and Country Planning Association Journal 92(2)
- Shepherd, E., Inch, A., Sturzker, J. and Marshall, T. 2023. Ideology, statecraft and the ‘double shuffle’ of Conservative planning reform in England.. Town Planning Review 95(2), pp. 151-174. (10.3828/tpr.2023.36)
- Ball, M., Shepherd, E. and Wyatt, P. 2022. The relationship between residential development land prices and house prices. Town Planning Review 93(4), pp. 401-421. (10.3828/tpr.2021.27)
- Shepherd, E. 2021. Ideology and institutional change: The case of the English National Planning Policy Framework. Planning Theory and Practice 22(4), pp. 519–536. (10.1080/14649357.2021.1942528)
- Parker, G. et al. 2020. The future of the planning profession. Planning Theory and Practice 21(3), pp. 453-480. (10.1080/14649357.2020.1776014)
- Hughes, C., Sayce, S., Shepherd, E. and Wyatt, P. 2020. Implementing a land value tax: Considerations on moving from theory to practice. Land Use Policy 94, article number: 104494. (10.1016/j.landusepol.2020.104494)
- Shepherd, E., Inch, A. and Marshall, T. 2020. Narratives of power: Bringing ideology to the fore of planning analysis. Planning Theory 19(1), pp. 3-16. (10.1177/1473095219898865)
- Inch, A. and Shepherd, E. 2020. Thinking conjuncturally about ideology, housing and English planning. Planning Theory 19(1), pp. 59-79. (10.1177/1473095219887771)
- Shepherd, E. 2020. Liberty, property and the state: The ideology of the institution of English town and country planning. Progress in Planning 135, article number: 100425. (10.1016/j.progress.2018.09.001)
- McAllister, P., Shepherd, E. and Wyatt, P. 2018. Policy shifts, developer contributions and land value capture in London 2005–2017. Land Use Policy 78, pp. 316-326. (10.1016/j.landusepol.2018.06.047)
- Shepherd, E. 2018. Continuity and change in the institution of town and country planning: Modelling the role of ideology. Planning Theory 17(4), pp. 494-513. (10.1177/1473095217737587)
- Lees, E. and Shepherd, E. 2018. Morphological analysis of legal ideology: locating interpretive divergence. Journal of Property, Planning and Environmental Law 10(1), pp. 5-16. (10.1108/jppel-12-2017-0041)
- Allmendinger, P., Haughton, G. and Shepherd, E. 2016. Where is planning to be found? Material practices and the multiple spaces of planning. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 34(1), pp. 38-51. (10.1177/0263774x15614178)
- Lees, E. and Shepherd, E. 2015. Incoherence and incompatibility in planning law. International Journal of Law in the Built Environment 7(2), pp. 111-126. (10.1108/ijlbe-07-2014-0019)
- Foye, C. and Shepherd, E. 2024. Housebuilding, land and structural power: the case of mortgage market support schemes in England. Business and Politics (10.1017/bap.2024.19)
- Shepherd, E., McAllister, P. and Wyatt, P. 2024. State regulation of land financialisation: Land promoters, planning risk and the land market in England. Housing Studies 39(8), pp. 1903-1929. (10.1080/02673037.2022.2149705)
- Shepherd, E. and Wargent, M. 2024. Embedding the land market: Polanyi, urban planning, and regulation. Environment and Planning A 56(3), pp. 905-926. (10.1177/0308518X231203484)
- Shepherd, E. 2024. Housing development, land values and the decentred state: Traditions and dilemmas in House of Commons planning debates. The Journal of Legislative Studies 30(2), pp. 227-252. (10.1080/13572334.2023.2298127)
- Lord, A., Shepherd, E. and White, T. 2024. Language Value Capture? Redefining terms for the debate on land's public value.. Planning Theory and Practice
- McAllister, P., Shepherd, E. and Wyatt, P. 2023. An exploration of the role and significance of specialist land promoters in the housing land development market in the UK. Journal of Property Research 40(2), pp. 134-156. (10.1080/09599916.2022.2114927)
- Shepherd, E. 2023. Capturing value: the return of the land question in planning. Town and Country Planning Association Journal 92(2)
- Shepherd, E., Inch, A., Sturzker, J. and Marshall, T. 2023. Ideology, statecraft and the ‘double shuffle’ of Conservative planning reform in England.. Town Planning Review 95(2), pp. 151-174. (10.3828/tpr.2023.36)
- Ball, M., Shepherd, E. and Wyatt, P. 2022. The relationship between residential development land prices and house prices. Town Planning Review 93(4), pp. 401-421. (10.3828/tpr.2021.27)
- Shepherd, E. 2021. Ideology and institutional change: The case of the English National Planning Policy Framework. Planning Theory and Practice 22(4), pp. 519–536. (10.1080/14649357.2021.1942528)
- Parker, G. et al. 2020. The future of the planning profession. Planning Theory and Practice 21(3), pp. 453-480. (10.1080/14649357.2020.1776014)
- Hughes, C., Sayce, S., Shepherd, E. and Wyatt, P. 2020. Implementing a land value tax: Considerations on moving from theory to practice. Land Use Policy 94, article number: 104494. (10.1016/j.landusepol.2020.104494)
- Shepherd, E., Inch, A. and Marshall, T. 2020. Narratives of power: Bringing ideology to the fore of planning analysis. Planning Theory 19(1), pp. 3-16. (10.1177/1473095219898865)
- Inch, A. and Shepherd, E. 2020. Thinking conjuncturally about ideology, housing and English planning. Planning Theory 19(1), pp. 59-79. (10.1177/1473095219887771)
- Shepherd, E. 2020. Liberty, property and the state: The ideology of the institution of English town and country planning. Progress in Planning 135, article number: 100425. (10.1016/j.progress.2018.09.001)
- McAllister, P., Shepherd, E. and Wyatt, P. 2018. Policy shifts, developer contributions and land value capture in London 2005–2017. Land Use Policy 78, pp. 316-326. (10.1016/j.landusepol.2018.06.047)
- Shepherd, E. 2018. Continuity and change in the institution of town and country planning: Modelling the role of ideology. Planning Theory 17(4), pp. 494-513. (10.1177/1473095217737587)
- Lees, E. and Shepherd, E. 2018. Morphological analysis of legal ideology: locating interpretive divergence. Journal of Property, Planning and Environmental Law 10(1), pp. 5-16. (10.1108/jppel-12-2017-0041)
- Allmendinger, P., Haughton, G. and Shepherd, E. 2016. Where is planning to be found? Material practices and the multiple spaces of planning. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 34(1), pp. 38-51. (10.1177/0263774x15614178)
- Lees, E. and Shepherd, E. 2015. Incoherence and incompatibility in planning law. International Journal of Law in the Built Environment 7(2), pp. 111-126. (10.1108/ijlbe-07-2014-0019)
- Foye, C. and Shepherd, E. 2023. Why have the volume housebuilders been so profitable? The power of volume housebuilders and what this tells us about housing supply, the land market and the state.. Project Report. [Online]. UK Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence. Available at: https://housingevidence.ac.uk/publications/why-have-the-volume-housebuilders-been-so-profitable/
Rwy'n addysgu ar draws ystod o fodiwlau sy'n canolbwyntio ar gynllunio a datblygu. Mae'r modiwlau presennol yn cynnwys:
- Cymdeithas CP0120, Amrywiaeth a Chynllunio
- CPT857 Cynllunio ac Eiddo Tiriog
- CP0250 Cynllunio Safle a Phrisio Datblygu
Rwy'n arbennig o mwynhau addysgu deunydd ar hyfywedd datblygu mewn theori ac ymarfer. Mae'r mecanwaith hwn yn sylfaenol bwysig i gyflawni prosiectau datblygu ac, yn hollbwysig, rhannu gwerth datblygu rhwng tirfeddianwyr, datblygwyr a darparu nwyddau cyhoeddus.
Yn ogystal â'm cyfrifoldebau addysgu, fi yw cydlynydd Llais Myfyrwyr yr Ysgol. Mae hwn yn gyfle gwych i weithio'n uniongyrchol gyda myfyrwyr i sicrhau bod eu safbwyntiau'n cael eu clywed a'u hystyried drwy wella'n barhaus ein rhaglenni a phrofiad y myfyrwyr.
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
Ar hyn o bryd rwy'n goruchwylio prosiectau PhD ar:
- Tai hawliau eiddo bach yn Tsieina
- Budd net ar gyfer polisi bioamrywiaeth yng Nghymru.
- Datblygiad eiddo tiriog rhyngwladol yn Ghana.
Cysylltwch â ni os oes gennych ddiddordeb mewn gwneud PhD yn fras mewn un neu fwy o'r meysydd canlynol:
- Economi wleidyddol marchnadoedd tir
- Polisi gwella bioamrywiaeth
- Gwleidyddiaeth a llywodraethu trefol
- Diwygio cynllunio
- Cymariaethau rhyngwladol o gynllunio a systemau marchnad tir
- Economi wleidyddol a'r broses ddatblygu
- Datblygu tai
Hyd yn oed os nad yw'ch syniad ymchwil yn ffitio'n daclus i un o'r categorïau uchod, ond rydych chi'n dal i feddwl y gallai fod gen i ddiddordeb, yna peidiwch ag oedi cyn cysylltu. Rwyf bob amser yn hapus i gael sgwrs.
Goruchwyliaeth gyfredol
Contact Details
+44 29208 76412
Adeilad Morgannwg, Ystafell S/2.85, Rhodfa’r Brenin Edward VII, Caerdydd, CF10 3WA