Dr Magda Sibley
Timau a rolau for Magda Sibley
Athro mewn Hanes a Theori Pensaernïaeth
Rwyf wedi addysgu a hyfforddi penseiri yn y DU ers 1994, gan ddechrau drwy raglenni ARB a RIBA wedi'u dilysu yn Ysgolion Pensaernïaeth Huddersfied a Phrifysgolion Lerpwl. Rwyf wedi cael fy mhenodi'n ddiweddarach yn 2015 yng Nghanolfan Ymchwil Pensaernïaeth Manceinion yn cydlynu rhaglenni pensaernïol ar gyfer y graddau pensaernïol deuol rhwng prifysgolion Manceinion a Phrifysgol Metropolitan Manceinion a datganoli addysgu a arweinir gan ymchwil.
Symudais wedyn i Ysgol Pensaernïaeth Prifysgol Sheffield yn 2015, gan arwain addysgu Hanes a Theori Pensaernïaeth, cyn joio Ysgol Pensaernïaeth Cymru ym mis Chwefror 2019, gan ddod â 25 mlynedd o brofiad academaidd llawn amser gydag mi o addysgu ac ymchwil Bensaernïol.
Roedd fy hyfforddiant fel pensaer yn Algeria, wedi'i seilio'n fawr ar system Addysg Bensaernïol Ffrainc o bum mlynedd barhaus yn Ecole Polytechnique d'Architecture of Algiers (EPAU), lle graddiais fel pensaer a threfolwr gyda gradd Dosbarth Cyntaf, gan gyrraedd y sgôr uchaf o 5 mlynedd ar gyfer carfan o 150 o fyfyrwyr pensaernïaeth.
Rwyf wedi sefydlu enw da yn rhyngwladol trwy fy ymchwil amlddisgyblaethol ar Dreftadaeth Drefol a Phensaernïol yng Ngogledd Affrica a dinasoedd y Dwyrain Canol gyda ffocws ar dai cwrt a baddondai cyhoeddus. Derbyniodd fy ymchwil gyllid rheolaidd gan yr UE, AHRC, EPSRC a'r Academi Brydeinig, sy'n gyfanswm o bron i hanner miliwn o bunnoedd o gyllid allanol.
Rwyf wedi goruchwylio mwy na 20 o fyfyrwyr PhD yn llwyddiannus hyd yma ac wedi archwilio mwy na 30 o draethodau ymchwil PhD yn y DU, Ffrainc, yr Aifft, Moroco a Malaysia.
Mae fy ngweithgareddau ymchwil diweddar yn croestorri Hanes a Theori Pensaernïaeth, treftadaeth a newid yn yr hinsawdd a gwytnwch trefol mewn hinsoddau anialwch eithafol ffocws ar drawsnewidiadau ecolegol mewn lleoliadau treftadaeth, gweler https://ecohammam.com
Arweiniodd fy ymchwil dan arweiniad y dyniaethau at ddatblygu fy nghynllun arloesol o gydran werinol hybrid / uwch-dechnoleg ar gyfer goleuo gofodau di-wifr, ar y rhestr fer ar gyfer y Wobr Technoleg Lân.
Mae fy arbenigedd ymchwil rhyngwladol ar seilwaith glas treftadaeth, sy'n canolbwyntio ar baddondai cyhoeddus yng ngwledydd Môr y Canoldir, wedi cael effaith ryngwladol, gan arwain at fy nghyfranogiad fel ymgynghorydd ar gyfer Rhaglen Ddatblygu'r Cenhedloedd Unedig (UNDP) ar gyfer adsefydlu dau baddondy treftadaeth o'r 14eg Ganrif yn Hen Jeriwsalem a'm cyfraniad i brosiect adsefydlu cyntaf hammam treftadaeth o'r 14eg ganrif yn Fez, Moroco mewn cydweithrediad â'r pensaer Rachid Haloui.
Rwy'n parhau i gael fy ngwahodd fel prif siaradwr mewn cynadleddau a gweithdai rhyngwladol amrywiol ac rwyf wedi bod yn olygydd gwadd i'r International Journal of Architectural Research (IJAR), gyda mater arbennig a'r Adolygiad Amgylchedd Adeiledig Byd-eang.
Fel Prif Ymchwilydd prosiect a ariennir gan Gyngor Ymchwil y Celfyddydau a'r Dyniaethau ar dreftadaeth, mae fy ymchwil yn parhau i gael effaith ryngwladol fel y dangosir yn fy mhrosiect ar Amgueddfeydd Cairo angof cyfnod Belle Epoque a dderbyniodd Wobr Arfer Gorau gan Gyngor Rhyngwladol yr Amgueddfeydd (ICOM) yn Cairo, gweler https://becami.com ac yn cael ei gydnabod gan yr AHRC fel enghraifft lwyddiannus sydd wedi cyrraedd Nod Datblygu Cynaliadwy'r Cenhedloedd Unedig ar gyfer Addysg o Ansawdd.
Rwy'n parhau i fwynhau addysgu arloesol a arweinir gan ymchwil yn stiwdios Dyniaethau a Dylunio Pensaernïol yr wyf yn dod â dimensiynau rhyngddisgyblaethol a rhyngwladol iddynt.
Rwy'n rhugl mewn tair iaith: Arabeg, Ffrangeg a Saesneg.
- El Faouri, B. F. and Sibley, M. 2024. Balancing social and cultural priorities in the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for UNESCO World Heritage cities. Sustainability 16(14), article number: 5833. (10.3390/su16145833)
- El Faouri, B. F. and Sibley, M. 2024. Mapping the role of Jordan's governmental institutions and NGOs in the inscription of As-Salt City on the UNESCO World Heritage. Presented at: 6th International Conference on Conservation of Architectural Heritage (CAH), 25-27 May 2022Conservation of Architectural Heritage (CAH). Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation Cham: Springer pp. 431-448., (10.1007/978-3-031-33222-7_36)
- AlWaer, H., Sibley, M. and Cooper, I. 2023. Design and use of space in refugee camps: a case study of a contested terrain. Presented at: rchitectural Humanities ResearchAssociation (AHRA) conference, Dundee, November 2019, Vol. 176. Vol. 3. ICE Publishing pp. 123-141., (10.1680/jurdp.22.00068)
- Alghafis, M. and Sibley, M. 2023. The vernacular mosques of Al-Khabra in Saudi Arabia: Investigating urban architectural and social dimensions. Journal of Engineering Research, pp. 1-15. (10.36909/jer.ICMA.20211)
- Alghafis, M., Sibley, M. and Latif, E. 2023. Folk Memory and Temperature Measurements for Thermal Comfort in Vernacular Courtyard Houses of Saudi Arabia’s Hot Arid Climate. Presented at: WILL CITIES SURVIVE?, Santiago, 22-25 November 2022PLEASTGO 2022 WILL CITIES SURVIVE? BOOK OF PROCEEDINGS VOL 1 ONLINE SESSIONS.
- El Faouri, B. F. and Sibley, M. 2022. Heritage-led urban regeneration in the context of WH listing: lessons and opportunities for the newly inscribed city of As-Salt in Jordan. Sustainability 14(8), article number: 4557. (10.3390/su14084557)
- Alghafis, M., Sibley, M. and Latif, E. 2022. A review of existing literature in Saudi domestic architecture. Presented at: 5th International Conference on Conservation of Architectural Heritage (CAH 2021), Virtual, 8-10 February 2021 Presented at Versaci, A. et al. eds.Conservation of Architectural Heritage. Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation Springer Cham pp. 261-271., (10.1007/978-3-030-74482-3_20)
- Hu, X., Sibley, M. and Davidová, M. 2022. Applying a systemic approach for sustainable urban hillside landscape design and planning: The case study City of Chongqing in China. Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics 20(7), pp. 121-153. (10.54808/JSCI.20.07.121)
- Sibley, M., Pezzica, C. and Tweed, A. 2021. Eco-hammam: the complexity of accelerating the ecological transition of a key social heritage sector in Morocco. Sustainability 13(17), article number: 9935. (10.3390/su13179935)
- Sibley, M. and Pena-Garcia, A. 2020. Flat glass or crystal dome aperture? A year-long comparative analysis of the performance of light pipes in real residential settings and climatic conditions. Sustainability 12(9), article number: 3858. (10.3390/su12093858)
- Sibley, M. and Pezzica, C. 2020. Eco-hammam - share the resources, save the planet!. [Online]. https://ecohammam.com: Cardiff University. Available at: https://ecohammam.com/
- Sibley, M., Pezzica, C., Elkadi, G. and Abouelmagd, D. A. S. 2020. Belle epoque Cairo museums itineraries: مسارات متاحف الزمن الجميل. [Online]. https://becami.com/: Cardiff University. Available at: https://becami.com/
- Alghafis, M., Latif, E. and Sibley, M. 2019. A review of existing literature on architectural identity of Saudi buildings. Presented at: SPACE International Conference 2019 Architectural Culture and Society, London, England, 29 November - 1 December 2019Proceedings - SPACE International Conference 2019 on Architectural Culture and Society, 29 November - 1 December 2019, London. London, UK: SPACE Studies Publications pp. 110-118.
- Idris, M. M. and Sibley, M. 2019. What are users' perceptions of the hospital courtyard garden and how satisfied are they with it?. Asian Journal of Environment -Behavior Studies 4, pp. 60-75. (10.21834/aje-bs.v4i13.348)
- Sibley, M. 2018. Let there be light! Investigating vernacular daylighting in Moroccan heritage hammams for rehabilitation, benchmarking and energy saving. Sustainability 10(11), article number: 3984. (10.3390/su10113984)
- Ahmed, V., Tezel, A., Aziz, Z. and Sibley, M. 2017. The future of Big Data in facilities management: opportunities and challenges. Facilities 35(13/14), pp. 725-745. (10.1108/F-06-2016-0064)
- Sibley, M. and Sibley, M. 2015. Hybrid transitions: combining biomass and solar energy for water heating in public bathhouses. Energy Procedia 83, pp. 525-532. (10.1016/j.egypro.2015.12.172)
- Sibley, M. and Sibley, M. 2013. Hybrid green technologies for retrofitting heritage buildings in North African medinas: combining vernacular and high-tech solutions for an innovative solar powered lighting system for hammam buildings. Energy Procedia 42, pp. 718-725. (10.1016/j.egypro.2013.11.074)
- Sibley, M. 2013. The historic hammams of Damascus and Fez. In: Weber, W. and Yannas, S. eds. Lessons from Vernacular Architecture. Routledge, pp. 77-91.
- Destino, T. and Sibley-Behloul, M. 2013. The Hammam living traditions. In: Dumreicher, H., Levine, R. S. and Sibley-Behloul, M. eds. Hammam Rehabilitation Reader. Sonderzahl Verlagsges.
- Sibley-Behloul, M. 2013. Rehabilitating hammam seffarine in Fez. In: Dumreicher, H., Levine, R. S. and Sibley-Behloul, M. eds. Hammam Rehabilitation Reader. Sonderzahl Verlagsges
- Dumreicher, H., Levine, R. S. and Sibley, M. 2013. Hammam rehabilitation reader. Vienna, Austria: Sonderzahl Verlagsges.
- Sibley, M. and Jackson, I. 2012. The architecture of Islamic public baths of North Africa and the Middle East: an analysis of their internal spatial configurations. arq: Architectural Research Quarterly 16(2), pp. 155-170. (10.1017/S1359135512000462)
- Alatni, B., Sibley, M. and Minuchin, L. 2012. Evaluating the impact of the internationalisation of urban planning on Saudi Arabian cities. Presented at: 7th International Conference on Urban Regeneration and Sustainability 2012, Ancona, Italy, 7-9 May 2012 Presented at Pacetti, M. and Passerini, G. eds.Sustainable City VII: Urban Regeneration and Sustainability, Vol. 1. WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environmen pp. 291-301., (10.2495/SC120251)
- Sibley, M. 2009. The courtyards houses of the Medina of Fez. In: Ludovico, M. and Vadini, E. eds. The Mediterranean Medina. Gangem Edition
- Sibley, M. and Fodil, F. 2009. The utopian space of the Islamic bathhouse or hammam. In: Phillips, R. ed. Muslim Spaces of Hope: Geographies of possibilities in Britain and the West. Zed Books
- Fadli, F. and Sibley, M. 2009. Hammams of North Africa: an architectural study of sustainability concepts in a historic traditional building. In: Claude, D. and Andre, P. eds. Architecture Energy and the Occupant's Perspective. Presses de l'Université Laval
- AlWaer, H., Sibley, M. and Lewis, J. 2008. Factors and priorities for assessing sustainability of regional shopping centres in the UK. Architectural Science Review 51(4), pp. 391-402. (10.3763/asre.2008.5143)
- AlWaer, H., Sibley, M. and Lewis, J. 2008. Different stakeholder perceptions of sustainability assessment. Architectural Science Review 51(1), pp. 48-59. (10.3763/asre.2008.5107)
- Tee, G. A. and Sibley, M. 2008. Sustainable housing development: design towards zero energy for space heating. Presented at: 25th International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture (PLEA), Dublin, Ireland, 22-24 Oct 2008.
- Sibley, M. 2005. Informal transformations of formal housing estates in Algiers and Cairo. In: Shakur, T. ed. Cities in Transition: Transforming the Global Built Environment. Open House Press, pp. 88-98.
- Sibley, M. 2005. The Courtyard houses of North African medinas: past, present and future. In: Edwards, B. et al. eds. Courtyard Housing: Past, Present and Future. London, UK: Taylor & Francis, pp. 49-62.
- El Faouri, B. F. and Sibley, M. 2024. Balancing social and cultural priorities in the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for UNESCO World Heritage cities. Sustainability 16(14), article number: 5833. (10.3390/su16145833)
- Alghafis, M. and Sibley, M. 2023. The vernacular mosques of Al-Khabra in Saudi Arabia: Investigating urban architectural and social dimensions. Journal of Engineering Research, pp. 1-15. (10.36909/jer.ICMA.20211)
- El Faouri, B. F. and Sibley, M. 2022. Heritage-led urban regeneration in the context of WH listing: lessons and opportunities for the newly inscribed city of As-Salt in Jordan. Sustainability 14(8), article number: 4557. (10.3390/su14084557)
- Hu, X., Sibley, M. and Davidová, M. 2022. Applying a systemic approach for sustainable urban hillside landscape design and planning: The case study City of Chongqing in China. Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics 20(7), pp. 121-153. (10.54808/JSCI.20.07.121)
- Sibley, M., Pezzica, C. and Tweed, A. 2021. Eco-hammam: the complexity of accelerating the ecological transition of a key social heritage sector in Morocco. Sustainability 13(17), article number: 9935. (10.3390/su13179935)
- Sibley, M. and Pena-Garcia, A. 2020. Flat glass or crystal dome aperture? A year-long comparative analysis of the performance of light pipes in real residential settings and climatic conditions. Sustainability 12(9), article number: 3858. (10.3390/su12093858)
- Idris, M. M. and Sibley, M. 2019. What are users' perceptions of the hospital courtyard garden and how satisfied are they with it?. Asian Journal of Environment -Behavior Studies 4, pp. 60-75. (10.21834/aje-bs.v4i13.348)
- Sibley, M. 2018. Let there be light! Investigating vernacular daylighting in Moroccan heritage hammams for rehabilitation, benchmarking and energy saving. Sustainability 10(11), article number: 3984. (10.3390/su10113984)
- Ahmed, V., Tezel, A., Aziz, Z. and Sibley, M. 2017. The future of Big Data in facilities management: opportunities and challenges. Facilities 35(13/14), pp. 725-745. (10.1108/F-06-2016-0064)
- Sibley, M. and Sibley, M. 2015. Hybrid transitions: combining biomass and solar energy for water heating in public bathhouses. Energy Procedia 83, pp. 525-532. (10.1016/j.egypro.2015.12.172)
- Sibley, M. and Sibley, M. 2013. Hybrid green technologies for retrofitting heritage buildings in North African medinas: combining vernacular and high-tech solutions for an innovative solar powered lighting system for hammam buildings. Energy Procedia 42, pp. 718-725. (10.1016/j.egypro.2013.11.074)
- Sibley, M. and Jackson, I. 2012. The architecture of Islamic public baths of North Africa and the Middle East: an analysis of their internal spatial configurations. arq: Architectural Research Quarterly 16(2), pp. 155-170. (10.1017/S1359135512000462)
- AlWaer, H., Sibley, M. and Lewis, J. 2008. Factors and priorities for assessing sustainability of regional shopping centres in the UK. Architectural Science Review 51(4), pp. 391-402. (10.3763/asre.2008.5143)
- AlWaer, H., Sibley, M. and Lewis, J. 2008. Different stakeholder perceptions of sustainability assessment. Architectural Science Review 51(1), pp. 48-59. (10.3763/asre.2008.5107)
Book sections
- Sibley, M. 2013. The historic hammams of Damascus and Fez. In: Weber, W. and Yannas, S. eds. Lessons from Vernacular Architecture. Routledge, pp. 77-91.
- Destino, T. and Sibley-Behloul, M. 2013. The Hammam living traditions. In: Dumreicher, H., Levine, R. S. and Sibley-Behloul, M. eds. Hammam Rehabilitation Reader. Sonderzahl Verlagsges.
- Sibley-Behloul, M. 2013. Rehabilitating hammam seffarine in Fez. In: Dumreicher, H., Levine, R. S. and Sibley-Behloul, M. eds. Hammam Rehabilitation Reader. Sonderzahl Verlagsges
- Sibley, M. 2009. The courtyards houses of the Medina of Fez. In: Ludovico, M. and Vadini, E. eds. The Mediterranean Medina. Gangem Edition
- Sibley, M. and Fodil, F. 2009. The utopian space of the Islamic bathhouse or hammam. In: Phillips, R. ed. Muslim Spaces of Hope: Geographies of possibilities in Britain and the West. Zed Books
- Fadli, F. and Sibley, M. 2009. Hammams of North Africa: an architectural study of sustainability concepts in a historic traditional building. In: Claude, D. and Andre, P. eds. Architecture Energy and the Occupant's Perspective. Presses de l'Université Laval
- Sibley, M. 2005. Informal transformations of formal housing estates in Algiers and Cairo. In: Shakur, T. ed. Cities in Transition: Transforming the Global Built Environment. Open House Press, pp. 88-98.
- Sibley, M. 2005. The Courtyard houses of North African medinas: past, present and future. In: Edwards, B. et al. eds. Courtyard Housing: Past, Present and Future. London, UK: Taylor & Francis, pp. 49-62.
- Dumreicher, H., Levine, R. S. and Sibley, M. 2013. Hammam rehabilitation reader. Vienna, Austria: Sonderzahl Verlagsges.
- El Faouri, B. F. and Sibley, M. 2024. Mapping the role of Jordan's governmental institutions and NGOs in the inscription of As-Salt City on the UNESCO World Heritage. Presented at: 6th International Conference on Conservation of Architectural Heritage (CAH), 25-27 May 2022Conservation of Architectural Heritage (CAH). Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation Cham: Springer pp. 431-448., (10.1007/978-3-031-33222-7_36)
- AlWaer, H., Sibley, M. and Cooper, I. 2023. Design and use of space in refugee camps: a case study of a contested terrain. Presented at: rchitectural Humanities ResearchAssociation (AHRA) conference, Dundee, November 2019, Vol. 176. Vol. 3. ICE Publishing pp. 123-141., (10.1680/jurdp.22.00068)
- Alghafis, M., Sibley, M. and Latif, E. 2023. Folk Memory and Temperature Measurements for Thermal Comfort in Vernacular Courtyard Houses of Saudi Arabia’s Hot Arid Climate. Presented at: WILL CITIES SURVIVE?, Santiago, 22-25 November 2022PLEASTGO 2022 WILL CITIES SURVIVE? BOOK OF PROCEEDINGS VOL 1 ONLINE SESSIONS.
- Alghafis, M., Sibley, M. and Latif, E. 2022. A review of existing literature in Saudi domestic architecture. Presented at: 5th International Conference on Conservation of Architectural Heritage (CAH 2021), Virtual, 8-10 February 2021 Presented at Versaci, A. et al. eds.Conservation of Architectural Heritage. Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation Springer Cham pp. 261-271., (10.1007/978-3-030-74482-3_20)
- Alghafis, M., Latif, E. and Sibley, M. 2019. A review of existing literature on architectural identity of Saudi buildings. Presented at: SPACE International Conference 2019 Architectural Culture and Society, London, England, 29 November - 1 December 2019Proceedings - SPACE International Conference 2019 on Architectural Culture and Society, 29 November - 1 December 2019, London. London, UK: SPACE Studies Publications pp. 110-118.
- Alatni, B., Sibley, M. and Minuchin, L. 2012. Evaluating the impact of the internationalisation of urban planning on Saudi Arabian cities. Presented at: 7th International Conference on Urban Regeneration and Sustainability 2012, Ancona, Italy, 7-9 May 2012 Presented at Pacetti, M. and Passerini, G. eds.Sustainable City VII: Urban Regeneration and Sustainability, Vol. 1. WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environmen pp. 291-301., (10.2495/SC120251)
- Tee, G. A. and Sibley, M. 2008. Sustainable housing development: design towards zero energy for space heating. Presented at: 25th International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture (PLEA), Dublin, Ireland, 22-24 Oct 2008.
- Sibley, M. and Pezzica, C. 2020. Eco-hammam - share the resources, save the planet!. [Online]. https://ecohammam.com: Cardiff University. Available at: https://ecohammam.com/
- Sibley, M., Pezzica, C., Elkadi, G. and Abouelmagd, D. A. S. 2020. Belle epoque Cairo museums itineraries: مسارات متاحف الزمن الجميل. [Online]. https://becami.com/: Cardiff University. Available at: https://becami.com/