Dr Anna Skeels
(Mae hi'n)
BA (Hons), MA, PhD
Cymrawd Ymchwil
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Rwy'n Gymrawd Ymchwil, yn gweithio o fewn tîm yr Athro Chris Taylor yn SPARK. Mae fy niddordebau ymchwil yn cynnwys plant a chaethwasiaeth fodern, astudiaethau ffoaduriaid a mudo, hawliau plant ac amddiffyniad, cynnal ymchwil gyda grwpiau a allai fod yn agored i niwed mewn lleoliadau incwm isel a heriol a'r defnydd o fethodolegau cyfranogol. Mae gen i ymrwymiad cryf i ymchwil sy'n mynd i'r afael â'r materion cymdeithasol mwyaf dybryd yng Nghymru ac yn ddiweddar gweithiais yng Nghanolfan Polisi Cyhoeddus Cymru (WCPP) sy'n arwain ar eu rhaglen ymchwil Cydraddoldeb.
- Skeels, A. and Bashir, F. 2024. Prevention of child trafficking and exploitation: A synthesis of Modern Slavery and Human Rights Policy and Evidence Centre funded research on child trafficking and child exploitation (2020-24): Report 1: Methods and Approach. Project Report. [Online]. Oxford: Modern Slavery and Human Rights Policy and Evidence Centre. Available at: https://files.modernslaverypec.org/production/assets/downloads/Children-prevention-report-1.pdf?dm=1736268029
- Skeels, A. and Bashir, F. 2024. Prevention of child trafficking and exploitation: A synthesis of Modern Slavery and Human Rights Policy and Evidence Centre funded research on child trafficking and child exploitation (2020-24): Report 2: BETR Prevention Continuum. Project Report. [Online]. Oxford: Modern Slavery and Human Rights Policy and Evidence Centre. Available at: https://www.modernslaverypec.org/resources/prevention-of-child-trafficking-in-pec-funded-research
- Skeels, A. and Bashir, F. 2024. Prevention of child trafficking and exploitation: A synthesis of Modern Slavery and Human Rights Policy and Evidence Centre funded research on child trafficking and child exploitation (2020-24): Report 3: Cross-cutting themes and recommendations. Project Report. [Online]. Oxford: Modern Slavery and Human Rights Policy and Evidence Centre. Available at: https://files.modernslaverypec.org/production/assets/downloads/Children-prevention-report-3.pdf?dm=1736268030
- Huxley, K. and Skeels, A. 2024. Exploitation of children in England and Wales: Barriers to understanding child-centred support service outcomes. Presented at: International Population Data Linkage Network Conference, Chicago, USA, 15 -18 September 2024, Vol. 9. Vol. 5. Swansea University, (10.23889/ijpds.v9i5.2793)
- Skeels, A., Huxley, K. and Stott, H. 2024. Outcomes for children and young people affected by modern slavery: An analysis of Independent Child Trafficking Guardianship service support in England and Wales. Project Report. [Online]. Modern Slavery and Human Rights Policy Evidence Centre. Available at: https://www.modernslaverypec.org/resources/guardianship-service-outcomes
- Skeels, A. and Bashir, F. 2024. Prevention of child trafficking and exploitation: A synthesis of Modern Slavery and Human Rights Policy and Evidence Centre funded research on child trafficking and child exploitation (2020-24) Research summary. Project Report. [Online]. Oxford: Modern Slavery and Human Rights Policy and Evidence Centre. Available at: https://files.modernslaverypec.org/production/assets/downloads/Chidren-prevention-summary.pdf?dm=1736268029
- Bristow, D., Skeels, A., Roberts, M. and Carter, I. 2022. Poverty and social exclusion: A way forward. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Wales Centre for Public Policy. Available at: https://www.wcpp.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Poverty-and-social-exclusion-A-way-forward.pdf
- Huxley, K. and Skeels, A. 2024. Exploitation of children in England and Wales: Barriers to understanding child-centred support service outcomes. Presented at: International Population Data Linkage Network Conference, Chicago, USA, 15 -18 September 2024, Vol. 9. Vol. 5. Swansea University, (10.23889/ijpds.v9i5.2793)
- Skeels, A. and Bashir, F. 2024. Prevention of child trafficking and exploitation: A synthesis of Modern Slavery and Human Rights Policy and Evidence Centre funded research on child trafficking and child exploitation (2020-24): Report 1: Methods and Approach. Project Report. [Online]. Oxford: Modern Slavery and Human Rights Policy and Evidence Centre. Available at: https://files.modernslaverypec.org/production/assets/downloads/Children-prevention-report-1.pdf?dm=1736268029
- Skeels, A. and Bashir, F. 2024. Prevention of child trafficking and exploitation: A synthesis of Modern Slavery and Human Rights Policy and Evidence Centre funded research on child trafficking and child exploitation (2020-24): Report 2: BETR Prevention Continuum. Project Report. [Online]. Oxford: Modern Slavery and Human Rights Policy and Evidence Centre. Available at: https://www.modernslaverypec.org/resources/prevention-of-child-trafficking-in-pec-funded-research
- Skeels, A. and Bashir, F. 2024. Prevention of child trafficking and exploitation: A synthesis of Modern Slavery and Human Rights Policy and Evidence Centre funded research on child trafficking and child exploitation (2020-24): Report 3: Cross-cutting themes and recommendations. Project Report. [Online]. Oxford: Modern Slavery and Human Rights Policy and Evidence Centre. Available at: https://files.modernslaverypec.org/production/assets/downloads/Children-prevention-report-3.pdf?dm=1736268030
- Skeels, A., Huxley, K. and Stott, H. 2024. Outcomes for children and young people affected by modern slavery: An analysis of Independent Child Trafficking Guardianship service support in England and Wales. Project Report. [Online]. Modern Slavery and Human Rights Policy Evidence Centre. Available at: https://www.modernslaverypec.org/resources/guardianship-service-outcomes
- Skeels, A. and Bashir, F. 2024. Prevention of child trafficking and exploitation: A synthesis of Modern Slavery and Human Rights Policy and Evidence Centre funded research on child trafficking and child exploitation (2020-24) Research summary. Project Report. [Online]. Oxford: Modern Slavery and Human Rights Policy and Evidence Centre. Available at: https://files.modernslaverypec.org/production/assets/downloads/Chidren-prevention-summary.pdf?dm=1736268029
- Bristow, D., Skeels, A., Roberts, M. and Carter, I. 2022. Poverty and social exclusion: A way forward. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Wales Centre for Public Policy. Available at: https://www.wcpp.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Poverty-and-social-exclusion-A-way-forward.pdf
Rwyf wedi gweithio yn y sector gwirfoddol yng Nghymru ar amrywiaeth o faterion gan gynnwys hawliau plant a chyfranogiad, amddiffyn plant, diogelwch cymunedol a throseddu ieuenctid. Yn fwy diweddar, rwyf wedi gweithio yn y maes dyngarol, er enghraifft fel Ymgynghorydd i UNHCR ac fel arweinydd ar gyfer Achub y Plant ar gydweithrediad academaidd-ymarferydd sy'n mesur gwahanu plant mewn argyfyngau yn Ethiopia a Gweriniaeth Ddemocrataidd Congo. Cyn ymuno â SPARK, roeddwn yn Bennaeth Cronfa Arloesi Dyngarol Elrha (HIF), yn arwain cyllid tîm ac yn cefnogi atebion newydd arloesol i wella effeithiolrwydd ymateb dyngarol.
Mae gen i brofiad sylweddol o sefydlu ac arwain mentrau newydd, gweithio ar y cyd a rheoli timau sy'n canolbwyntio ar brosiectau.
Mae gennyf PhD o Ganolfan Ymchwil Mudo a Pholisi Prifysgol Abertawe (CMPR), MA mewn Daearyddiaeth Ddiwylliannol o Brifysgol British Columbia a BA mewn Daearyddiaeth Ddynol o Brifysgol Rhydychen.
Safleoedd academaidd blaenorol
Uwch Gymrawd Ymchwil, Canolfan Polisi Cyhoeddus Cymru, SPARK, Prifysgol Caerdydd
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
Caethwasiaeth plant
Amddiffyn plant, hawliau a chyfranogiad ffoaduriaid a cheiswyr lloches
Amddiffyn plant dyngarol a chyfranogiad plant mewn argyfyngau
Cymryd rhan mewn ymateb dyngarol
Plant heb eu pen eu hunain ac wedi gwahanu / gwahanu teuluol mewn lleoliadau argyfwng
Tlodi plant
Prosiectau'r gorffennol
Ar hyn o bryd rwy'n ail oruchwyliwr i Safaa Ahmed, yn ymgymryd â'i doethuriaeth broffesiynol ar ffoaduriaid sy'n oedolion Arabaidd mynediad i addysg a chyflogaeth yng Nghymru. Rwyf hefyd yn adolygydd cynnydd i Agnes Szorenyi sy'n ymgymryd â'i PhD ar 'Hyrwyddo datblygiad gwytnwch a chyfalaf cymdeithasol mewn ffoaduriaid plant sy'n derbyn gofal o sefydliadau Wcrain trwy fentora'.
Contact Details
+44 29225 12351
sbarc|spark, Ystafell 03.14, Heol Maendy, Cathays, Caerdydd, CF24 4HQ
Themâu ymchwil
- Hawliau Plant
- Ymfudo
- Cyfranogiad
- Trychinebau dyngarol, gwrthdaro ac adeiladu heddwch
- caethwasiaeth plant