Dr Stephen Smith
Darllenydd yn y Gyfraith
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Ymunais ag Ysgol y Gyfraith a Gwleidyddiaeth Caerdydd fel Uwch Ddarlithydd mewn Cyfraith Feddygol a Moeseg ym mis Medi 2016. Cefais fy nyrchafu yn Ddarlithydd yn 2021. Cyn cyrraedd Caerdydd, roeddwn i'n Ddarlithydd yn Ysgol y Gyfraith Birmingham lle roeddwn i'n dysgu Jurisprudence, Biomoeseg a Chyfraith Droseddol a Meddygaeth. Mae gen i PhD o Fanceinion a dderbyniodd yn 2003. Mae gen i hefyd radd J.D. o Ysgol y Gyfraith Prifysgol Washington (St Louis, Missouri) (1998) a B.A. mewn Seicoleg o Goleg Mercyhurst (Erie, Pennsylvania) (1995).
Fy mhrif ddiddordebau ymchwil yw mewn cyfraith biofoeseg a gofal iechyd. Mae gen i ddiddordeb arbennig yn y rhyngweithio rhwng biofoeseg a'r gyfraith, yn enwedig wrth wneud penderfyniadau barnwrol. Mae gen i ddiddordeb hefyd yn sut mae biofoeseg yn cael ei weithredu mewn polisi a sut mae diwylliant poblogaidd yn rhyngweithio â chyfraith biofoeseg a gofal iechyd. Mae llawer o'm gwaith wedi golygu penderfyniadau diwedd oes. Fi yw prif olygydd Ethical Judgments: Re-Writing Medical Law a gyhoeddwyd gan Hart-Bloomsbury yn 2017. Rwyf hefyd yn awdur llyfr gan Cambridge University Press (2012) o'r enw End-of-Life Decisions in Medical Care: Principles and Policies for Regulating the Dying Process. Ar hyn o bryd rwy'n gweithio ar lyfr am benderfyniadau cydwybod a gofal iechyd.
Rwyf wedi goruchwylio nifer o brosiectau israddedig a Meistr yn Birmingham yn ogystal â goruchwylio dau fyfyriwr PhD yn y gyfraith i'w cwblhau (Dr Mandeep Dyal, 2014 a Dr Clark Hobson, 2015). Rwy'n barod i oruchwylio prosiectau PhD yn fy meysydd arbenigedd sy'n cynnwys biomoeseg, cyfraith feddygol/gofal iechyd a chyfreitheg.
- Smith, S. 2023. Principled effects: The importance of Beauchamp and Childress' Principles of Biomedical Ethics. In: Fovargue, S. and Purshouse, C. eds. Leading Works in Health Law and Ethics. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 25-38.
- Smith, S. W. 2020. The responsibilities of conscience in healthcare decisions: moving towards a collaborative framework. Cambridge Law Journal 79(1), pp. 120-147. (10.1017/S000819732000001X)
- Smith, S. 2018. Individualised claims of conscience, clinical judgement and best interests. Health Care Analysis 26(1), pp. 81-93. (10.1007/s10728-016-0330-6)
- Smith, S. et al. eds. 2017. Ethical judgments: re-writing medical law. UK: Hart Publishing.
- Smith, S. 2017. Nicklinson and the ethics of the legal system. In: Smith, S. et al. eds. Ethical Judgments: Re-Writing Medical Law. Oxford, UK: Hart Publishing, pp. 221-226.
- Smith, S. 2017. Ethical judgment 1, AIredale NHS Trust v. Bland. In: Smith, S. et al. eds. Ethical Judgments: Re-Writing Medical Law. Oxford, UK: Hart Publishing, pp. 65-70.
- Smith, S. W. 2016. Dogs and monsters: moral status claims in the fiction of Dean Koontz. Journal of Medical Humanities 37(1), pp. 35-51. (10.1007/s10912-015-9329-5)
- Smith, S. 2015. A bridge too far: individualised claims of conscience. Medical Law Review 23(2), pp. 283-302. (10.1093/medlaw/fwv011)
- Smith, S. 2013. Aintree University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust v James, [2013] EWCA Civ 65 [Case Comment]. Medical Law Review 21(4), pp. 622-631. (10.1093/medlaw/fwt028)
- Smith, S. 2013. Right answers and Realism: Ronald Dworkin's theory of integrity as a successor to Realism. Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly 64(4), pp. 507-523.
- Smith, S. 2012. Dignity as a socially constructed value. In: Alghrani, A., Ost, S. and Bennett,, R. eds. Bioethics, Medicine and the Criminal Law: The Criminal Law and Bioethical Conflict: Walking the Tightrope., Vol. 1. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, pp. 175-188.
- Smith, S. 2012. End-of-life decisions in medical care: principles and policies for regulating the dying process. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
- Smith, S. 2010. How we value life: George Bailey and the life not worthy of being lived. In: Yorke, J. ed. The Right to Life and the Value of Life: Orientations in Law, Politics and Ethics. Abingdon, UK: Routledge Publishers, pp. 101-118.
- Smith, S. 2010. Assisted suicide and the law: what every nurse should know. British Journal of Nursing 19(13), pp. 858-859. (10.12968/bjon.2010.19.13.48866)
- Smith, S. and Deazley, R. eds. 2009. The medical, legal and cultural regulation of the body: transformation and transgression. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
- Smith, S. 2009. New guidelines on assisted suicide: will nurses be prosecuted?. British Journal of Nursing 18(22), pp. 1396-1397. (10.12968/bjon.2009.18.22.45569)
- Smith, S. 2008. Precautionary reasoning in determining moral worth. In: Michael, F. ed. Law and Bioethics: Current Legal Issues., Vol. 11. Current Legal Issues Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, pp. 197-212.
- Smith, S. 2007. Dignity: the difference between abortion and neonaticide for the severely disabled. In: Erin, C. A. and Ost, S. eds. The Criminal Justice System and Health Care. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, pp. 175-188.
- Smith, S. 2007. Empirical research in the debate on physician-assisted suicide and voluntary euthanasia. Clinical Ethics 2(3), pp. 129-132. (10.1258/147775007781870128)
- Smith, S. 2007. Some realism about end of life: the current prohibition and the euthanasia underground. American Journal of Law and Medicine 33(1), pp. 55-95.
- Smith, S. 2005. Fallacies of the logical slippery slope in the debate on physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia. Medical Law Review 13(2), pp. 224-243. (10.1093/medlaw/fwi013)
- Smith, S. 2005. Evidence for the practical slippery slope in the debate on physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia. Medical Law Review 13(1), pp. 17-44. (10.1093/medlaw/fwi002)
- Smith, S. 2005. The killing of severely disabled newborns: the spectre behind the legalisation of physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia. Medicine and Law 24(4), pp. 791-802.
Adrannau llyfrau
- Smith, S. 2023. Principled effects: The importance of Beauchamp and Childress' Principles of Biomedical Ethics. In: Fovargue, S. and Purshouse, C. eds. Leading Works in Health Law and Ethics. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 25-38.
- Smith, S. 2017. Nicklinson and the ethics of the legal system. In: Smith, S. et al. eds. Ethical Judgments: Re-Writing Medical Law. Oxford, UK: Hart Publishing, pp. 221-226.
- Smith, S. 2017. Ethical judgment 1, AIredale NHS Trust v. Bland. In: Smith, S. et al. eds. Ethical Judgments: Re-Writing Medical Law. Oxford, UK: Hart Publishing, pp. 65-70.
- Smith, S. 2012. Dignity as a socially constructed value. In: Alghrani, A., Ost, S. and Bennett,, R. eds. Bioethics, Medicine and the Criminal Law: The Criminal Law and Bioethical Conflict: Walking the Tightrope., Vol. 1. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, pp. 175-188.
- Smith, S. 2010. How we value life: George Bailey and the life not worthy of being lived. In: Yorke, J. ed. The Right to Life and the Value of Life: Orientations in Law, Politics and Ethics. Abingdon, UK: Routledge Publishers, pp. 101-118.
- Smith, S. 2008. Precautionary reasoning in determining moral worth. In: Michael, F. ed. Law and Bioethics: Current Legal Issues., Vol. 11. Current Legal Issues Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, pp. 197-212.
- Smith, S. 2007. Dignity: the difference between abortion and neonaticide for the severely disabled. In: Erin, C. A. and Ost, S. eds. The Criminal Justice System and Health Care. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, pp. 175-188.
- Smith, S. W. 2020. The responsibilities of conscience in healthcare decisions: moving towards a collaborative framework. Cambridge Law Journal 79(1), pp. 120-147. (10.1017/S000819732000001X)
- Smith, S. 2018. Individualised claims of conscience, clinical judgement and best interests. Health Care Analysis 26(1), pp. 81-93. (10.1007/s10728-016-0330-6)
- Smith, S. W. 2016. Dogs and monsters: moral status claims in the fiction of Dean Koontz. Journal of Medical Humanities 37(1), pp. 35-51. (10.1007/s10912-015-9329-5)
- Smith, S. 2015. A bridge too far: individualised claims of conscience. Medical Law Review 23(2), pp. 283-302. (10.1093/medlaw/fwv011)
- Smith, S. 2013. Aintree University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust v James, [2013] EWCA Civ 65 [Case Comment]. Medical Law Review 21(4), pp. 622-631. (10.1093/medlaw/fwt028)
- Smith, S. 2013. Right answers and Realism: Ronald Dworkin's theory of integrity as a successor to Realism. Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly 64(4), pp. 507-523.
- Smith, S. 2010. Assisted suicide and the law: what every nurse should know. British Journal of Nursing 19(13), pp. 858-859. (10.12968/bjon.2010.19.13.48866)
- Smith, S. 2009. New guidelines on assisted suicide: will nurses be prosecuted?. British Journal of Nursing 18(22), pp. 1396-1397. (10.12968/bjon.2009.18.22.45569)
- Smith, S. 2007. Empirical research in the debate on physician-assisted suicide and voluntary euthanasia. Clinical Ethics 2(3), pp. 129-132. (10.1258/147775007781870128)
- Smith, S. 2007. Some realism about end of life: the current prohibition and the euthanasia underground. American Journal of Law and Medicine 33(1), pp. 55-95.
- Smith, S. 2005. Fallacies of the logical slippery slope in the debate on physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia. Medical Law Review 13(2), pp. 224-243. (10.1093/medlaw/fwi013)
- Smith, S. 2005. Evidence for the practical slippery slope in the debate on physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia. Medical Law Review 13(1), pp. 17-44. (10.1093/medlaw/fwi002)
- Smith, S. 2005. The killing of severely disabled newborns: the spectre behind the legalisation of physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia. Medicine and Law 24(4), pp. 791-802.
- Smith, S. et al. eds. 2017. Ethical judgments: re-writing medical law. UK: Hart Publishing.
- Smith, S. 2012. End-of-life decisions in medical care: principles and policies for regulating the dying process. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
- Smith, S. and Deazley, R. eds. 2009. The medical, legal and cultural regulation of the body: transformation and transgression. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
Fy mhrif feysydd arbenigedd yw cyfraith a moeseg gofal iechyd. Yn benodol, mae fy ngwaith yn canolbwyntio ar y rhyngweithio rhwng cyfraith gofal iechyd a biofoeseg. Mae hyn wedi cynnwys monograff ar benderfyniadau diwedd oes a gyhoeddwyd gan Wasg Prifysgol Caergrawnt yn 2012. Yn ogystal, fi oedd prif olygydd y Ethical Judgments Project a arweiniodd at y casgliad golygedig Ethical Judgments: Re-Writing Medical Law a gyhoeddwyd gan Hart-Bloomsbury yn 2017.
Mae fy ymchwil presennol yn canolbwyntio ar faterion cydwybod a'i rôl wrth wneud penderfyniadau gofal iechyd. Rwyf wedi cyhoeddi cyfres o erthyglau ar y pwnc hwn yn y Medical Law Review, Health Care Analysis, a Cambridge Law Journal. Ar hyn o bryd rwy'n gweithio ar fonograff ar y pwnc hwn ar gyfer Gwasg Prifysgol Caergrawnt.
Ar hyn o bryd fi yw arweinydd y modiwl ac rwy'n addysgu ar y modiwl Gofal Iechyd, Moeseg a'r Gyfraith Israddedigion (HEAL).
Rwyf hefyd yn gyfarwyddwr rhaglen rhaglen LLM Agweddau Cyfreithiol ar Ymarfer Meddygol (LAMP). Fi yw arweinydd y modiwl ac rwy'n addysgu ar ddau o fodiwlau'r rhaglen (Cyflwyniad i Gyfraith Feddygol a Moeseg a Dyfarniadau Moesegol mewn Cyfraith Gofal Iechyd). Rwyf hefyd yn addysgu ar y ddau fodiwl sy'n weddill o'r rhaglen (Rheoleiddio Ymarfer Meddygol Cyfreithiol a Phroffesiynol a Chapasiti a Chaniatâd i Driniaeth)
Addysg a Chymwysterau
- 2003: PhD (Cyfraith), Prifysgol oif Manchester, UK
- 1998: J.D., Ysgol y Gyfraith Prifysgol Washington, St. Louis, Missouri, UDA
- 1995: B.A. (Seicoleg), Coleg Mercyhurst, Erie, Pennsylvania, UDA
Trosolwg Gyrfa
- 2021 - presennol: Darllenydd mewn Cyfraith Feddygol a Moeseg, Ysgol y Gyfraith a Gwleidyddiaeth Caerdydd
- 2016 - 2021: Uwch Ddarlithydd mewn Cyfraith Feddygol a Moeseg, Ysgol y Gyfraith a Gwleidyddiaeth Caerdydd
- 2003 - 2016: Darlithydd yn y Gyfraith, Ysgol y Gyfraith Birmingham, UK
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
Mae gen i ddiddordeb mewn goruchwylio myfyrwyr PhD ym meysydd:
- Cyfraith feddygol / gofal iechyd a moeseg
- croestoriad a rhyngweithio cyfraith gofal iechyd a biofoeseg
- penderfyniadau barnwrol a biofoeseg
- cyfreitheg
Goruchwyliaeth gyfredol

Dani O'Connor
Contact Details
+44 29206 88714
Adeilad y Gyfraith, Ystafell 2.37, Rhodfa'r Amgueddfa, Caerdydd, CF10 3AX
Themâu ymchwil
- Biofoeseg
- Y Gyfraith a'r dyniaethau
- Damcaniaeth gyfreithiol, cyfreitheg a dehongli cyfreithiol
- Cyfraith feddygol ac iechyd
- Moeseg feddygol