Dr Islam Sobhy
Darlithydd mewn Ecoleg Planhigion
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
- Rwy'n Ddarlithydd mewn Ecoleg Planhigion, yn addysgu cyrsiau ecoleg a gwyddor planhigion israddedig ac ôl-raddedig yr ysgol.
- Fy mhrif ddiddordebau ymchwil yw ym maes bioleg planhigion gymhwysol, rhyngweithiadau planhigion-microbe-pryfed, ecoleg cemegol, a diogelu cnydau. Rwy'n canolbwyntio ar swyddogaethau amddiffynnol cyfansoddion organig anweddol (VOCs), gan ymchwilio i'w rôl fel infochemicals hanfodol mewn rhyngweithio planhigion.
- Trwy ddull rhyngddisgyblaethol sy'n cwmpasu cemeg ddadansoddol, entomoleg, microbioleg, ecoleg ymddygiadol a mwy, yr wyf yn nodweddu'r proffiliau VOC mewn planhigion cnwd a microbau, gan ddatgelu ffactorau sy'n dylanwadu ar eu allyriadau.
- Mae fy labordy yn ymdrechu i ddeall rhyngweithiadau planhigion-microbe-pryfed i ddatblygu tactegau ecolegol gyfeillgar ar gyfer amddiffyn cnydau, gan fynd i'r afael â diogelwch bwyd byd-eang.
- Fel Golygydd Cyswllt ac yn Adolygydd ar gyfer nifer o gyfnodolion o'r radd flaenaf yn ogystal â bod yn Gymrawd y Gymdeithas Entomolegol Frenhinol, mae fy arbenigedd yn ymestyn y tu hwnt i academyddion.
- Mae fy nghyhoeddiadau a'm cofnod gwirio o adolygiadau o gyfnodolion i'w gweld ResearchGate, Google Scholar, Publons ac ORCID®. I wybod mwy am fy ndiweddariadau ymchwil, dilynwch fi ar Twitter a LinkedIn.
- Arweinydd Modiwl - Ecoleg B BI2136
- Arweinydd Modiwl - Ymchwil a Lleoliad Maes BIT055
- Dirprwy Arweinydd Modiwl - Ecoleg BI2135 A
- Sobhy, I. S., Goelen, T., Wäckers, F., Verstrepen, K. J., Wenseleers, T., Jacquemyn, H. and Lievens, B. 2025. Impact of nectar composition and nectar yeasts on volatile emissions and parasitoid behavior. Journal of Chemical Ecology 51, article number: 29. (10.1007/s10886-025-01587-1)
- Ermio, J. D. L. et al. 2024. The indirect effect of nectar-inhabiting yeasts on olfactory responses and longevity of two stink bug egg parasitoids. BioControl 69, pp. 575-588. (10.1007/s10526-023-10237-y)
- Sobhy, I. S., Gurr, G. M. and Jones, T. H. 2024. Induced plant resistance and its influence on natural enemy use of plant-derived foods. Current Opinion in Insect Science 64, article number: 101218. (10.1016/j.cois.2024.101218)
- Sobhy, I. S. and Berry, C. 2024. The chemical ecology of nectar-mosquito interactions: recent advances and future directions. Current Opinion in Insect Science 63, article number: 101199. (10.1016/j.cois.2024.101199)
- Osinde, C. et al. 2023. Comparative analysis of sorghum (C4) and rice (C3) plant headspace volatiles induced by artificial herbivory. Plant Signaling & Behavior 18(1), article number: 2243064. (10.1080/15592324.2023.2243064)
- Osinde, C., Sakamoto, W., Kajiya-Kanegae, H., Sobhy, I. S., Tugume, A. K., Nsubuga, A. M. and Galis, I. 2023. Identification of quantitative trait loci associated with sorghum susceptibility to Asian stem borer damage. Journal of Plant Interactions 18(1), article number: 2153182. (10.1080/17429145.2022.2153182)
- Ali, J., Sobhy, I. S. and Bruce, T. J. A. 2022. Wild potato ancestors as potential sources of resistance to the aphid Myzus persicae. Pest Management Science 78(9), pp. 3931-3938. (10.1002/ps.6957)
- Agarwala, N. et al. 2022. Impact of endophytic colonization by entomopathogenic fungi on the behavior and life history of the tobacco peach aphid Myzus persicae var. nicotianae. PLoS ONE 17(9), article number: e0273791. (10.1371/journal.pone.0273791)
- Sobhy, I. S., Lou, Y. and Bruce, T. J. A. 2022. Editorial: Inducing plant resistance against insects using exogenous bioactive chemicals: Key advances and future perspectives. Frontiers in Plant Science 13, article number: 890884. (10.3389/fpls.2022.890884)
- Sobhy, I. S. et al. 2022. Bioactive volatiles from push-pull companion crops repel fall armyworm and attract its parasitoids. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10, article number: 883020. (10.3389/fevo.2022.883020)
- Ali, J., Covaci, A. D., Roberts, J. M., Sobhy, I. S., Kirk, W. D. J. and Bruce, T. J. A. 2021. Effects of cis-jasmone treatment of brassicas on interactions with myzus persicae aphids and their parasitoid diaeretiella rapae. Frontiers in Plant Science 12, article number: 7. (10.3389/fpls.2021.711896)
- Mujiono, K., Tohi, T., Sobhy, I. S., Hojo, Y., Shinya, T. and Galis, I. 2021. Herbivore-induced and constitutive volatiles are controlled by different oxylipin-dependent mechanisms in rice. Plant, Cell and Environment 44(8), pp. 2687-2699. (10.1111/pce.14126)
- Sobhy, I. S. and Bruce, T. J. 2021. Evolutionary ecology: Plant volatile profile changes after escaping specialist insects. Current Biology 31(15), pp. PR969-R971. (10.1016/j.cub.2021.06.043)
- Goelen, T. et al. 2021. Identification and application of bacterial volatiles to attract a generalist aphid parasitoid: from laboratory to greenhouse assays. Pest Management Science 77(2), pp. 930-938. (10.1002/ps.6102)
- Chiriboga Morales, X., Tamiru, A., Sobhy, I. S., Bruce, T. J. A., Midega, C. A. O. and Khan, Z. 2021. Evaluation of African maize cultivars for resistance to fall armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) larvae. Plants 10(2), article number: 392. (10.3390/plants10020392)
- Mujiono, K., Tohi, T., Sobhy, I. S., Hojo, Y., Ho, N. T., Shinya, T. and Galis, I. 2020. Ethylene functions as a suppressor of volatile production in rice. Journal of Experimental Botany 71(20), pp. 6491-6511. (10.1093/jxb/eraa341)
- Goelen, T. et al. 2020. Bacterial phylogeny predicts volatile organic compound composition and olfactory response of an aphid parasitoid. Oikos 129(9), pp. 1415-1428. (10.1111/oik.07301)
- Meza, F. C., Roberts, J. M., Sobhy, I. S., Okumu, F. O., Tripet, F. and Bruce, T. J. A. 2020. Behavioural and electrophysiological responses of female Anopheles gambiae mosquitoes to volatiles from a mango bait. Journal of Chemical Ecology 46(4), pp. 387-396. (10.1007/s10886-020-01172-8)
- Goelen, T. et al. 2020. Volatiles of bacteria associated with parasitoid habitats elicit distinct olfactory responses in an aphid parasitoid and its hyperparasitoid. Functional Ecology 34(2), pp. 507-520. (10.1111/1365-2435.13503)
- Sobhy, I. S., Caulfield, J. C., Pickett, J. A. and Birkett, M. A. 2020. Sensing the danger signals: cis-Jasmone reduces aphid performance on potato and modulates the magnitude of released volatiles. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 7, article number: 499. (10.3389/fevo.2019.00499)
- Sobhy, I. 2019. Exploiting phytochemicals for developing a new phase of ‘push–pull’ strategy for tackling the devastating fall armyworm. Presented at: Association of Applied Biologist (AAB) IPM Meeting “Advances in Biological Control and IPM 2019: Addressing the innovation crisis, 20 November 2019 Presented at Sobhy, I. ed.
- Meza, F. C., Roberts, J. M., Sobhy, I. S., Moore, S. J., Okumu, F. O., Bruce, T. J. A. and Tripet, F. 2019. Identifying and testing the attractiveness of volatile chemical compounds from mango juice that attract malaria vectors in toxic sugar bait. Presented at: ASTMH 2019: Annual Meeting of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 20-24 November 2019.
- Sobhy, I. S., Goelen, T., Herrera-Malaver, B., Verstrepen, K. J., Wackers, F., Jacquemyn, H. and Lievens, B. 2019. Associative learning and memory retention of nectar yeast volatiles in a generalist parasitoid. Animal Behaviour 153, pp. 137-146. (10.1016/j.anbehav.2019.05.006)
- Bosmans, L. et al. 2018. Habitat-specific variation in gut microbial communities and pathogen prevalence in bumblebee queens (Bombus terrestris). PLoS ONE 13(10), article number: e0204612. (10.1371/journal.pone.0204612)
- Sobhy, I. et al. 2018. Sweet scents: Nectar specialist yeasts enhance nectar attraction of a generalist aphid parasitoid without affecting survival. Frontiers in Plant Science 9, article number: 1009. (10.3389/FPLS.2018.01009)
- Sobhy, S. I., Turlings, T. C. J. and Bruce, T. J. A. 2018. Priming of cowpea volatile emissions with defense inducers enhances the plant's attractiveness to parasitoids when attacked by caterpillars. Pest Management Science 74(4), pp. 966-977. (10.1002/PS.4796)
- Sobhy, I. and Lievens, B. 2018. Optimizing crops for biological control as a sustainable strategy of crop protection. Presented at: The International Days (International=digital?), 12-16 March 2018.
- Sobhy, I. et al. 2017. Floral nectar yeasts enhance parasitoid foraging and maintenance. Presented at: Ecology Across Borders: Joint Annual Meeting 2017, 11-14 December 2017.
- Sobhy, I., Miyake, A., Shinya, T. and Galis, I. 2017. Oral secretions affect HIPVs iInduced by Generalist (Mythimna loreyi) and Specialist (Parnara guttata) herbivores in rice. Journal of Chemical Ecology 43, pp. 929-943. (10.1007/S10886-017-0882-4)
- Galis, I. et al. 2017. Omics everywhere: How about in chemical ecology?. Presented at: 33rd Conference for the International Society of Chemical Ecology (ISCE), 23-27 August 2017.
- Galis, I., Sobhy, I., Miyake, A., Tanabe, K., Hojo, Y., Wari, D. and Shinya, T. 2016. Direct and indirect defense mechanism reveal complex protective shield against insect herbivores in rice. Presented at: The 11th JKUAT Scientific, Technological and Industrialization Conference, 10-11 November 2016.
- Sobhy, I., Miyake, A. and Galis, I. 2015. The diurnal emission pattern of constitutive and induced rice volatiles. Presented at: ISCE 2015: 31st Conference of the International Society of Chemical Ecology, 29 June - 3 July 2015.
- Sobhy, I., Erb, M. and Turlings, T. 2015. Plant strengtheners enhance parasitoid attraction to herbivore-damaged cotton via qualitative and quantitative changes in induced volatiles. Pest Management Science 71(5), pp. 686-693. (10.1002/ps.3821)
- Sobhy, I. S., Mandour, N. S. and Sarhan, A. A. 2015. Tomato treatment with chemical inducers reduces the performance of Spodoptera littoralis (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Applied Entomology and Zoology 50(2), pp. 175-182. (10.1007/s13355-014-0319-2)
- No authors listed, . 2015. Characterization of herbivore-induced rice volatiles under real and mimic herbivory. Presented at: 56th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists (JSPP), 16-18 March 2015 Presented at Sobhy, I. ed.
- Sobhy, I., Abdul-Hamid, A., Sarhan, A., Shoukry, A., Mandour, N. and Reitz, S. 2014. Life history traits of Blaptostethus pallescens (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae), a candidate for use in augmentative biological control in Egypt. Applied Entomology and Zoology 49(2), pp. 315-324. (10.1007/s13355-014-0252-4)
- Sobhy, I. S., Erb, M., Lou, Y. and Turlings, T. C. J. 2014. The prospect of applying chemical elicitors and plant strengtheners to enhance the biological control of crop pests. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 369(1639), article number: 20120283. (10.1098/rstb.2012.0283)
- Sobhy, I. 2013. Elicitation of potato defence against Macrosiphum euphorbiae by cis-jasmone. Presented at: ENTO’ 13- Annual Meeting of The Royal Entomological Society (RES), 4 September 2013.
- Christensen, S. A. et al. 2013. The maize lipoxygenase, ZmLOX10, mediates green leaf volatile, jasmonate and herbivore-induced plant volatile production for defense against insect attack. Plant Journal 74(1), pp. 59-73. (10.1111/tpj.12101)
- Sobhy, I., Erb, M., Sarhan, A., El-Husseini, M., Mandour, N. and Turlings, T. 2012. Less is more: Treatment with BTH and Laminarin reduces herbivore-induced volatile emissions in maize but increases parasitoid attraction. Journal of Chemical Ecology 38(4), pp. 348-360. (10.1007/s10886-012-0098-6)
- Consales, F. et al. 2012. Insect oral secretions suppress wound-induced responses in Arabidopsis. Journal of Experimental Botany 63(2), pp. 727-737. (10.1093/jxb/err308)
- Sobhy, I. 2011. How to be more attractive: New approach to increase the general attractiveness of maize plants to parasitic wasps. Presented at: 3rd International Conference for Applied Biological Pests Control, 11 October 2011.
- Erb, M. et al. 2011. Synergies and trade-offs between insect and pathogen resistance in maize leaves and roots. Plant, Cell and Environment 34(7), pp. 1088-1103. (10.1111/j.1365-3040.2011.02307.x)
- Sobhy, I., Sarhan, A., Shoukry, A., El-Kady, G., Mandour, N. and Reitz, S. 2010. Development, consumption rates and reproductive biology of Orius albidipennis reared on various prey. BioControl 55(6), pp. 753-765. (10.1007/s10526-010-9304-z)
- Sobhy, I. 2010. Do elicitors of plant pathogen resistance also enhance defenses against herbivores?. Presented at: 62nd International Symposium of Crop Protection (ISCP), 18 May 2010.
- Sobhy, I. 2010. Crop strengtheners: can they increase parasitoid attraction in multitrophic interactions?. Presented at: Multitrophic Interactions Workshop, Georg-August University, 19/03/2019.
- Sobhy, I. 2009. Enhancing the attractiveness of crop plants to parasitoids with the use of natural elicitors. Presented at: 8th Phytochemical Society of Europe Meeting on Biopesticides, 21-26 September 2009.
- Sobhy, I. and Turlings, T. 2009. Sweet stuff for the good guys: Do poly-saccharide plant strengtheners enhance plant attractiveness to parasitic wasps?. Presented at: 25th Conference for the International Society of Chemical Ecology (ISCE), 23-27 August 2009.
- Sobhy, I., Sarhan, A. and Shoukry, A. 2007. Reproductive biology and feeding consumption of Orius albidipennis (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae) reared on four different prey. Presented at: 2nd International Conference of Economic Entomology ”Insect Pests and their Impact on National Economy”, 8-11 December 2007.
- Sobhy, I., Sarhan, A., Shoukry, A., El-Kady, G. and Mandour, N. 2006. Effects of different temperature levels on the biological attributes of Orius albidipennis (Reuter) (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae). 6, pp. 213-216.
- Sobhy, I. S., Goelen, T., Wäckers, F., Verstrepen, K. J., Wenseleers, T., Jacquemyn, H. and Lievens, B. 2025. Impact of nectar composition and nectar yeasts on volatile emissions and parasitoid behavior. Journal of Chemical Ecology 51, article number: 29. (10.1007/s10886-025-01587-1)
- Ermio, J. D. L. et al. 2024. The indirect effect of nectar-inhabiting yeasts on olfactory responses and longevity of two stink bug egg parasitoids. BioControl 69, pp. 575-588. (10.1007/s10526-023-10237-y)
- Sobhy, I. S., Gurr, G. M. and Jones, T. H. 2024. Induced plant resistance and its influence on natural enemy use of plant-derived foods. Current Opinion in Insect Science 64, article number: 101218. (10.1016/j.cois.2024.101218)
- Sobhy, I. S. and Berry, C. 2024. The chemical ecology of nectar-mosquito interactions: recent advances and future directions. Current Opinion in Insect Science 63, article number: 101199. (10.1016/j.cois.2024.101199)
- Osinde, C. et al. 2023. Comparative analysis of sorghum (C4) and rice (C3) plant headspace volatiles induced by artificial herbivory. Plant Signaling & Behavior 18(1), article number: 2243064. (10.1080/15592324.2023.2243064)
- Osinde, C., Sakamoto, W., Kajiya-Kanegae, H., Sobhy, I. S., Tugume, A. K., Nsubuga, A. M. and Galis, I. 2023. Identification of quantitative trait loci associated with sorghum susceptibility to Asian stem borer damage. Journal of Plant Interactions 18(1), article number: 2153182. (10.1080/17429145.2022.2153182)
- Ali, J., Sobhy, I. S. and Bruce, T. J. A. 2022. Wild potato ancestors as potential sources of resistance to the aphid Myzus persicae. Pest Management Science 78(9), pp. 3931-3938. (10.1002/ps.6957)
- Agarwala, N. et al. 2022. Impact of endophytic colonization by entomopathogenic fungi on the behavior and life history of the tobacco peach aphid Myzus persicae var. nicotianae. PLoS ONE 17(9), article number: e0273791. (10.1371/journal.pone.0273791)
- Sobhy, I. S., Lou, Y. and Bruce, T. J. A. 2022. Editorial: Inducing plant resistance against insects using exogenous bioactive chemicals: Key advances and future perspectives. Frontiers in Plant Science 13, article number: 890884. (10.3389/fpls.2022.890884)
- Sobhy, I. S. et al. 2022. Bioactive volatiles from push-pull companion crops repel fall armyworm and attract its parasitoids. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10, article number: 883020. (10.3389/fevo.2022.883020)
- Ali, J., Covaci, A. D., Roberts, J. M., Sobhy, I. S., Kirk, W. D. J. and Bruce, T. J. A. 2021. Effects of cis-jasmone treatment of brassicas on interactions with myzus persicae aphids and their parasitoid diaeretiella rapae. Frontiers in Plant Science 12, article number: 7. (10.3389/fpls.2021.711896)
- Mujiono, K., Tohi, T., Sobhy, I. S., Hojo, Y., Shinya, T. and Galis, I. 2021. Herbivore-induced and constitutive volatiles are controlled by different oxylipin-dependent mechanisms in rice. Plant, Cell and Environment 44(8), pp. 2687-2699. (10.1111/pce.14126)
- Sobhy, I. S. and Bruce, T. J. 2021. Evolutionary ecology: Plant volatile profile changes after escaping specialist insects. Current Biology 31(15), pp. PR969-R971. (10.1016/j.cub.2021.06.043)
- Goelen, T. et al. 2021. Identification and application of bacterial volatiles to attract a generalist aphid parasitoid: from laboratory to greenhouse assays. Pest Management Science 77(2), pp. 930-938. (10.1002/ps.6102)
- Chiriboga Morales, X., Tamiru, A., Sobhy, I. S., Bruce, T. J. A., Midega, C. A. O. and Khan, Z. 2021. Evaluation of African maize cultivars for resistance to fall armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) larvae. Plants 10(2), article number: 392. (10.3390/plants10020392)
- Mujiono, K., Tohi, T., Sobhy, I. S., Hojo, Y., Ho, N. T., Shinya, T. and Galis, I. 2020. Ethylene functions as a suppressor of volatile production in rice. Journal of Experimental Botany 71(20), pp. 6491-6511. (10.1093/jxb/eraa341)
- Goelen, T. et al. 2020. Bacterial phylogeny predicts volatile organic compound composition and olfactory response of an aphid parasitoid. Oikos 129(9), pp. 1415-1428. (10.1111/oik.07301)
- Meza, F. C., Roberts, J. M., Sobhy, I. S., Okumu, F. O., Tripet, F. and Bruce, T. J. A. 2020. Behavioural and electrophysiological responses of female Anopheles gambiae mosquitoes to volatiles from a mango bait. Journal of Chemical Ecology 46(4), pp. 387-396. (10.1007/s10886-020-01172-8)
- Goelen, T. et al. 2020. Volatiles of bacteria associated with parasitoid habitats elicit distinct olfactory responses in an aphid parasitoid and its hyperparasitoid. Functional Ecology 34(2), pp. 507-520. (10.1111/1365-2435.13503)
- Sobhy, I. S., Caulfield, J. C., Pickett, J. A. and Birkett, M. A. 2020. Sensing the danger signals: cis-Jasmone reduces aphid performance on potato and modulates the magnitude of released volatiles. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 7, article number: 499. (10.3389/fevo.2019.00499)
- Sobhy, I. S., Goelen, T., Herrera-Malaver, B., Verstrepen, K. J., Wackers, F., Jacquemyn, H. and Lievens, B. 2019. Associative learning and memory retention of nectar yeast volatiles in a generalist parasitoid. Animal Behaviour 153, pp. 137-146. (10.1016/j.anbehav.2019.05.006)
- Bosmans, L. et al. 2018. Habitat-specific variation in gut microbial communities and pathogen prevalence in bumblebee queens (Bombus terrestris). PLoS ONE 13(10), article number: e0204612. (10.1371/journal.pone.0204612)
- Sobhy, I. et al. 2018. Sweet scents: Nectar specialist yeasts enhance nectar attraction of a generalist aphid parasitoid without affecting survival. Frontiers in Plant Science 9, article number: 1009. (10.3389/FPLS.2018.01009)
- Sobhy, S. I., Turlings, T. C. J. and Bruce, T. J. A. 2018. Priming of cowpea volatile emissions with defense inducers enhances the plant's attractiveness to parasitoids when attacked by caterpillars. Pest Management Science 74(4), pp. 966-977. (10.1002/PS.4796)
- Sobhy, I., Miyake, A., Shinya, T. and Galis, I. 2017. Oral secretions affect HIPVs iInduced by Generalist (Mythimna loreyi) and Specialist (Parnara guttata) herbivores in rice. Journal of Chemical Ecology 43, pp. 929-943. (10.1007/S10886-017-0882-4)
- Sobhy, I., Erb, M. and Turlings, T. 2015. Plant strengtheners enhance parasitoid attraction to herbivore-damaged cotton via qualitative and quantitative changes in induced volatiles. Pest Management Science 71(5), pp. 686-693. (10.1002/ps.3821)
- Sobhy, I. S., Mandour, N. S. and Sarhan, A. A. 2015. Tomato treatment with chemical inducers reduces the performance of Spodoptera littoralis (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Applied Entomology and Zoology 50(2), pp. 175-182. (10.1007/s13355-014-0319-2)
- Sobhy, I., Abdul-Hamid, A., Sarhan, A., Shoukry, A., Mandour, N. and Reitz, S. 2014. Life history traits of Blaptostethus pallescens (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae), a candidate for use in augmentative biological control in Egypt. Applied Entomology and Zoology 49(2), pp. 315-324. (10.1007/s13355-014-0252-4)
- Sobhy, I. S., Erb, M., Lou, Y. and Turlings, T. C. J. 2014. The prospect of applying chemical elicitors and plant strengtheners to enhance the biological control of crop pests. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 369(1639), article number: 20120283. (10.1098/rstb.2012.0283)
- Christensen, S. A. et al. 2013. The maize lipoxygenase, ZmLOX10, mediates green leaf volatile, jasmonate and herbivore-induced plant volatile production for defense against insect attack. Plant Journal 74(1), pp. 59-73. (10.1111/tpj.12101)
- Sobhy, I., Erb, M., Sarhan, A., El-Husseini, M., Mandour, N. and Turlings, T. 2012. Less is more: Treatment with BTH and Laminarin reduces herbivore-induced volatile emissions in maize but increases parasitoid attraction. Journal of Chemical Ecology 38(4), pp. 348-360. (10.1007/s10886-012-0098-6)
- Consales, F. et al. 2012. Insect oral secretions suppress wound-induced responses in Arabidopsis. Journal of Experimental Botany 63(2), pp. 727-737. (10.1093/jxb/err308)
- Erb, M. et al. 2011. Synergies and trade-offs between insect and pathogen resistance in maize leaves and roots. Plant, Cell and Environment 34(7), pp. 1088-1103. (10.1111/j.1365-3040.2011.02307.x)
- Sobhy, I., Sarhan, A., Shoukry, A., El-Kady, G., Mandour, N. and Reitz, S. 2010. Development, consumption rates and reproductive biology of Orius albidipennis reared on various prey. BioControl 55(6), pp. 753-765. (10.1007/s10526-010-9304-z)
- Sobhy, I., Sarhan, A., Shoukry, A., El-Kady, G. and Mandour, N. 2006. Effects of different temperature levels on the biological attributes of Orius albidipennis (Reuter) (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae). 6, pp. 213-216.
- Sobhy, I. 2019. Exploiting phytochemicals for developing a new phase of ‘push–pull’ strategy for tackling the devastating fall armyworm. Presented at: Association of Applied Biologist (AAB) IPM Meeting “Advances in Biological Control and IPM 2019: Addressing the innovation crisis, 20 November 2019 Presented at Sobhy, I. ed.
- Meza, F. C., Roberts, J. M., Sobhy, I. S., Moore, S. J., Okumu, F. O., Bruce, T. J. A. and Tripet, F. 2019. Identifying and testing the attractiveness of volatile chemical compounds from mango juice that attract malaria vectors in toxic sugar bait. Presented at: ASTMH 2019: Annual Meeting of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 20-24 November 2019.
- Sobhy, I. and Lievens, B. 2018. Optimizing crops for biological control as a sustainable strategy of crop protection. Presented at: The International Days (International=digital?), 12-16 March 2018.
- Sobhy, I. et al. 2017. Floral nectar yeasts enhance parasitoid foraging and maintenance. Presented at: Ecology Across Borders: Joint Annual Meeting 2017, 11-14 December 2017.
- Galis, I. et al. 2017. Omics everywhere: How about in chemical ecology?. Presented at: 33rd Conference for the International Society of Chemical Ecology (ISCE), 23-27 August 2017.
- Galis, I., Sobhy, I., Miyake, A., Tanabe, K., Hojo, Y., Wari, D. and Shinya, T. 2016. Direct and indirect defense mechanism reveal complex protective shield against insect herbivores in rice. Presented at: The 11th JKUAT Scientific, Technological and Industrialization Conference, 10-11 November 2016.
- Sobhy, I., Miyake, A. and Galis, I. 2015. The diurnal emission pattern of constitutive and induced rice volatiles. Presented at: ISCE 2015: 31st Conference of the International Society of Chemical Ecology, 29 June - 3 July 2015.
- No authors listed, . 2015. Characterization of herbivore-induced rice volatiles under real and mimic herbivory. Presented at: 56th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists (JSPP), 16-18 March 2015 Presented at Sobhy, I. ed.
- Sobhy, I. 2013. Elicitation of potato defence against Macrosiphum euphorbiae by cis-jasmone. Presented at: ENTO’ 13- Annual Meeting of The Royal Entomological Society (RES), 4 September 2013.
- Sobhy, I. 2011. How to be more attractive: New approach to increase the general attractiveness of maize plants to parasitic wasps. Presented at: 3rd International Conference for Applied Biological Pests Control, 11 October 2011.
- Sobhy, I. 2010. Do elicitors of plant pathogen resistance also enhance defenses against herbivores?. Presented at: 62nd International Symposium of Crop Protection (ISCP), 18 May 2010.
- Sobhy, I. 2010. Crop strengtheners: can they increase parasitoid attraction in multitrophic interactions?. Presented at: Multitrophic Interactions Workshop, Georg-August University, 19/03/2019.
- Sobhy, I. 2009. Enhancing the attractiveness of crop plants to parasitoids with the use of natural elicitors. Presented at: 8th Phytochemical Society of Europe Meeting on Biopesticides, 21-26 September 2009.
- Sobhy, I. and Turlings, T. 2009. Sweet stuff for the good guys: Do poly-saccharide plant strengtheners enhance plant attractiveness to parasitic wasps?. Presented at: 25th Conference for the International Society of Chemical Ecology (ISCE), 23-27 August 2009.
- Sobhy, I., Sarhan, A. and Shoukry, A. 2007. Reproductive biology and feeding consumption of Orius albidipennis (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae) reared on four different prey. Presented at: 2nd International Conference of Economic Entomology ”Insect Pests and their Impact on National Economy”, 8-11 December 2007.
Trosolwg ymchwil
Fy mhrif ddiddordebau ymchwil yw ym maes bioleg planhigion gymhwysol, rhyngweithiadau planhigion-microbe-pryfed, amddiffyn planhigion a ysgogir, ecoleg cemegol a diogelu cnydau. Mae gen i ddiddordeb arbennig yn swyddogaethau amddiffynnol y cyfansoddion organig anweddol (VOCs) a allyrrir gan blanhigion a'u microbau cysylltiedig. Gan gyfuno bioleg planhigion, entomoleg, ecoleg ymddygiadol, microbioleg, cemeg ddadansoddol, bioleg foleciwlaidd, ffisioleg planhigion, ac ystadegau aml-amrywiol, rwy'n ceisio nodweddu proffiliau VOC planhigion a microbau, yn enwedig y ffactorau (biotig a biotig) sy'n effeithio neu'n rheoleiddio allyriadau'r signalau amddiffyn hyn a sut mae'r VOCs hyn yn cyfryngu ymddygiad pryfed o lefelau troffig uwch. Fy mhrif ymdrech yw deall mecanweithiau sylfaenol rhyngweithiadau planhigion-microbe-pryfed sy'n cael eu cyfryngu gan VOCs yn well, gyda'r nod o ddatblygu ymyriadau ecolegol, diniwed, ecogyfeillgar, a fforddiadwy ar gyfer amddiffyn cnydau rhag plâu pryfed fel cyfyngiadau allweddol i ddiogelwch bwyd byd-eang.
O ystyried fy mod yn ymchwilio i'r cwestiynau ymchwil canlynol.
1- Sut mae planhigion primed amddiffyn eu hunain rhag ymosodiad llysysyddion?
2- Sut mae cymdeithasau microb-gwraidd yn modiwleiddio'r rhyngweithiadau planhigion uwchben y ddaear?
3- A yw microbau neithdar yn effeithio ar ymddygiad fforio mosgito?
Cyllid ymchwil
Cefnogwyd fy ngwaith gan y cyllidwyr canlynol:
- Taith
- KU Leuven
- Y Gymdeithas Entomolegol Frenhinol
- Ysgol y Biowyddorau Prifysgol Caerdydd
Lefel Israddedig
- Sgiliau BI1001 ar gyfer Gwyddoniaeth
- BI2132 Geneteg a'i gymwysiadau
- BI2135 Ecoleg A - Dirprwy arweinydd modiwl
- BI2136 Ecoleg B - Arweinydd modiwl
- Prosiect Blwyddyn Derfynol Biowyddorau BI3001
- BI3151 Planhigion ar gyfer y Dyfodol: Ffiniau mewn Gwyddor Planhigion
- BI3154 Bioamrywiaeth a Bioleg Cadwraeth
Lefel Ôl-raddedig
- BI4001 Ymchwil Uwch Peojects
- BI4002 Ffiniau yn y Biowyddorau - Dulliau Ymchwil Uwch
- Ymchwil a Lleoliad Maes BIT055 - Arweinydd modiwl
- Ar hyn o bryd, rwy'n Ddarlithydd mewn Ecoleg Planhigion, yn addysgu cyrsiau ecoleg a gwyddor planhigion israddedig ac ôl-raddedig yr ysgol. Mae fy niddordebau ymchwil ym maes bioleg planhigion gymhwysol, rhyngweithiadau planhigion-microbe-pryfed, ecoleg cemegol a diogelu cnydau.
- Yn 2021, ymunais â Phrifysgol Caerdydd fel Cydymaith Ymchwil i gynnal ymchwil o fewn ymddygiad bwydo mosgito gan ddefnyddio systemau bwydo siwgr newydd.
- Yn 2018, ymunais â Phrifysgol Keele, y DU, fel cydymaith ymchwil mewn ecoleg gemegol. Yno, gweithiais gyda chydweithwyr o icipe (Kenya) ar ddatblygu cam newydd o blannu cydymaith 'gwthio' ar gyfer mynd i'r afael â'r llyngyr byddin cwympo, bygythiadau pryfed ymledol newydd diogelwch bwyd, yn Affrica Is-Sahara.
- Yn 2016, ymunais â KU Leuven, Gwlad Belg, fel cydymaith ymchwil ôl-ddoethurol lle cefais gyfle i ehangu fy arbenigedd mewn rhyngweithio planhigion-pryfedi i gynnwys microbau sy'n gysylltiedig â neithdarn blodeuol, yn enwedig burumau sy'n cynhyrchu aroma. Dangosais fod burumau sy'n byw mewn neithdar yn cynhyrchu llygod microbaidd penodol sy'n cyfryngu'n gadarn ymddygiad chwilota pryfed sy'n ymweld â blodau.
- Yn 2013, ymunais â'r grŵp Rhyngweithiadau Plant-Pryfed ym Mhrifysgol Okayama, Japan, ar ôl bod yn dyfarnu Cymrodoriaeth Ôl-ddoethurol Cymdeithas Japan ar gyfer Hyrwyddo Gwyddoniaeth (JSPS). Yno, ymchwiliais i nodweddion amddiffyn anorchfygol reis a sorghum yn erbyn llysysyddion lepidopterous.
- Yn 2012, ar ôl dyfarnu fy PhD mewn Entomoleg (Ecoleg Cemegol), dyfarnwyd Cymrodoriaeth Ryngwladol Rothamsted (RIF) i mi barhau â'm llinell ymchwil PhD ar gymellwyr amddiffyn planhigion, fel cymrawd ôl-ddoethurol yn Rothamsted Research, y DU. Ymchwiliais i sut mae elicitor, cis-jasmone (CJ), yn ennyn amddiffyniad tatws yn erbyn aphids ac yn modiwleiddio allyriad folatilau amddiffyn.
- Yn 2009, dyfarnwyd cymrodoriaeth doethuriaeth (Sandwich PhD) i mi gynnal fy astudiaethau PhD ym Mhrifysgol Neuchâtel, y Swistir. Yn fy PhD, llwyddais i gynyddu atyniad planhigion indrawn i barasioidau gyda chymhwyso elicitorau cemegol planhigion.
- Yn 2004, cwblheais MSc mewn Entomoleg (Rheoli Biolegol) yn llwyddiannus ar y ffactorau sy'n effeithio ar gynhyrchu màs yr ysglyfaethwyr anthocorid ym Mhrifysgol Camlas Suez, yr Aifft.
Anrhydeddau a dyfarniadau
- Taith Symudedd Ymchwil.
- Cymrawd y Gymdeithas Entomolegol Frenhinol (FRES).
- Grant Arbenigedd KU Leuven.
- Cymrodoriaeth Ôl-ddoethurol JSPS.
- Rothamsted International Postdoctoral Fellowship.
- Gwobr Cymdeithas Ffytocemegol Ewrop ar gyfer Ymchwilwyr Ifanc.
Aelodaethau proffesiynol
- Cymrawd y Gymdeithas Entomolegol Frenhinol (RES).
- Aelod o Gymdeithas y Biolegydd Cymhwysol (AAB).
- Aelod o'r Gymdeithas Ryngwladol Ecoleg Gemegol (ISCE).
- Aelod o'r Gymdeithas Diwydiant Cemegol (SCI)
Safleoedd academaidd blaenorol
- 2023-Hyd yn hyn: Darlithydd mewn Ecoleg Planhigion, Prifysgol Caerdydd, UK
- 2021-2022: Cydymaith Ymchwil, Prifysgol Caerdydd, y DU
- 2018-2021: Cydymaith Ymchwil mewn Ecoleg Cemegol, Prifysgol Keele, DU
- 2017-2018: Cydymaith Ymchwil Ôl-ddoethurol, KU Leuven, Gwlad Belg
- 2012-2017: Darlithydd mewn Entomoleg, Prifysgol Camlas Suez, Yr Aifft
- 2013-2015: Cymrawd Ymchwil Ôl-ddoethurol, Prifysgol Okayama, Japan
- 2012-2013: Cymrawd Ôl-ddoethurol, Rothamsted Research, UK
- 2009-2011: Myfyriwr PhD, Prifysgol Neuchâtel, Y Swistir
- 2004-2012: Darlithydd Cynorthwyol mewn Entomoleg, Prifysgol Camlas Suez, Yr Aifft
- 2000-2004: Cynorthwyydd Addysgu, Prifysgol Camlas Suez, Yr Aifft
Pwyllgorau ac adolygu
- Golygydd Cyswllt Entomoleg Ffisiolegol, Frontiers in Plant Science, Arthropod-Plant Inetrcations.
- Golygydd Gwadd ar gyfer y pwnc ymchwil (cymell ymwrthedd planhigion yn erbyn pryfed gan ddefnyddio cemegau bioactif ecsogenous: datblygiadau allweddol a safbwyntiau'r dyfodol) - Ffiniau mewn gwyddoniaeth planhigion.
- Golygydd Adolygu ar gyfer Frontiers in Plant Science (Metaboledd Planhigion a Chemodiversity) a Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution (Ecoleg Cemegol).
- Adolygydd ar gyfer nifer o gyfnodolion (Global Change Biology, Journal of Experimental Botany, Current Opinion in Insect Science, Pest Management Science, Oikos, Scientific Reports, Animal Behaviour, PLoS One, Journal of Chemical Ecology, Insects, Crop Protection, Arthropod-Plant Interactions, Journal of Economic Entomology, Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, The Canadian Entomologist, International Journal of Acarology, and Physiological Entomology).
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
Myfyrwyr Ôl-raddedig presennol
·2023-2024 Ella Brooks - Myfyriwr Meistr Integredig.
Teitl traethawd ymchwil: A yw microbau sy'n byw yn nectaraidd yn effeithio ar ymddygiad fforio mosgito?
·2023-2024 Lloyd Roberts - myfyriwr MSc.
Teitl traethawd ymchwil: Effaith cynefinoedd cadwraeth newydd mewn tir amaethyddol âr ar infertebratau.
·2023-2024 Matthew Clark – myfyriwr MSc.
Teitl traethawd ymchwil: Y berthynas rhwng mynegeion ecoacwstig a chyfoeth rhywogaethau a digonedd o infertebratau mewn glaswelltiroedd sialc.
Mae gen i ddiddordeb mewn goruchwylio myfyrwyr Meistr a PhD ac ym meysydd:
- Rhyngweithiadau planhigion-microbe-pryfed
- Diogelu cnydau
- Ecoleg gemegol
- Rheolaeth fiolegol
Rwy'n agored i sgyrsiau gydag ymgeiswyr ôl-ddoethurol brwdfrydig sy'n awyddus i archwilio cyfleoedd i sicrhau cyllid o lwyfannau fel BBSRC, cymrodoriaethau Marie Skłodowska-Curie ac ysgoloriaethau ôl-ddoethurol llywodraethol eraill.
Os oes gennych ddiddordeb, mae croeso i chi gysylltu â mi drwy e-bost.
Contact Details
Themâu ymchwil
- Ymddygiad anifeiliaid
- Agrocemegolion a biocides
- Amaethyddiaeth, rheolaeth tir a fferm