Dr Dimitrinka Stoyanova Russell
Uwch Ddarlithydd mewn Rheoli, Cyflogaeth a Threfniadaeth
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Mae fy ymchwil yn canolbwyntio ar yrfaoedd, dysgu, sgiliau a datblygiad. Mae gen i ddiddordeb arbennig mewn gwaith llawrydd a chreadigol ac rydw i wedi ymchwilio i'r rhain yng Nghymru, Lloegr a'r Alban. Rwyf wedi cyhoeddi ar sgiliau a pherfformiad, rhwydweithiau cymdeithasol, amrywiaeth, gyrfaoedd a datblygu sgiliau yn y DU Ffilm a Theledu, a chyflogaeth a llafur emosiynol comedïwyr stand-yp. Rwy'n aelod o Gymdeithas Gymdeithasegol Prydain, yn aelod o'r Bwrdd Gwaith Cyswllt, Cyflogaeth a Chymdeithas, ac yn Gydymaith Ymchwil y Sefydliad Cyfalafu ar Greadigrwydd ym Mhrifysgol St Andrews. Mae fy ymchwil chwilfrydig yn cynnwys prosiect a ariennir gan DIGIT Deallusrwydd Artiffisial Cynhyrchiol a sgiliau mewn BBaChau: Astudiaeth o sgiliau amnewid ychwanegiad d mewn cwmnïau digidol a chyfryngau yn Brighton mwy https://digit-research.org/research/innovation-fund/.
Mae elfen arall o fy reseach yn ymwneud â threfniadaeth amgen ac, yn benodol, busnesau sy'n eiddo i weithwyr. Rwy'n ysbeidiol â'r effaith a'r dylanwad y maent yn ei gael ar drefniadaeth gweithle a'r profiad o weithio.
- Stoyanova Russell, D. and Butler, N. 2025. Careering through comedy: Liminal boundaries in freelance creative work. Organization Studies (10.1177/01708406251323367)
- Stoyanova Russell, D. 2024. Media review: dramas of dignity: cleaners in the corporate underworld of Berlin [Book Review]. Organization Studies (10.1177/01708406241305751)
- Alvarez, F. A., Stoyanova Russell, D. and Townley, B. 2023. What lies beneath: organisational responses to powerful stakeholders. Sociology 57(3), pp. 552-568. (10.1177/00380385221103955)
- Stoyanova Russell, D. 2023. Skill. In: Johnstone, S., Rodriguez, J. K. and Wilkinson, A. eds. Encyclopedia of Human Resource Management. Elgar Encyclopedias in Business and Management series Edward Elgar
- Stoyanova Russell, D. 2023. Training and development. In: Johnstone, S., Rodriguez, J. K. and Wilkinson, A. eds. Encyclopedia of Human Resource Management. Elgar Encyclopedias in Business and Management series Edward Elgar
- Butler, N. and Stoyanova Russell, D. 2018. No funny business: precarious work and emotional labour in stand-up comedy. Human Relations 71(12), pp. 1666-1686. (10.1177/0018726718758880)
- Finkel, R., Jones, D., Sang, K. and Stoyanova Russell, D. 2017. Diversifying the creative: creative work, creative industries, creative identities. Organization 24(3), pp. 281-288. (10.1177/1350508417690167)
- Davies, O. R. and Stoyanova Russell, D. 2016. Report of findings prepared by Fieldwork for the Arts Council of Wales: to establish baseline data and to evaluate the current approach of the Arts Council of Wales to supporting creative professionals in Wales. Arts Council of Wales.
- Stoyanova Russell, D. 2016. Skill. In: Wilkinson, A. and Johnstone, S. eds. Encyclopedia of Human Resource Management. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 406-407.
- Stoyanova Russell, D. 2016. Training and development. In: Wilkinson, A. and Johnstone, S. eds. Encyclopedia of Human Resource Management. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 447-449.
- Franklin, M., Stoyanova Russell, D. and Townley, B. 2015. From marketing to performing the market: the emerging role of digital data in the independent film business. In: Mingant, N., Tintaine, C. and Augros, J. eds. Film Marketing into the Twenty-First Century. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 147-160.
- Young, M. and Stoyanova Russell, D. 2015. Starting a record label: Song, by Toad. In: Beech, N. and Gilmore, C. eds. Organising Music: Theory, Practice, Performance. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 285-289.
- Mitchell, L. and Stoyanova Russell, D. 2015. Organising music festivals. In: Beech, N. and Gilmore, C. eds. Organising Music: Theory, Practice, Performance. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 213-217.
- Franklin, M., Searle, N., Stoyanova Russell, D. and Townle, B. 2013. Innovation in the application of digital tools for managing uncertainty: the case of UK independent film. Creativity and Innovation Management 22(3), pp. 320-333. (10.1111/caim.12029)
- Grugulis, I. and Stoyanova Russell, D. 2012. Social capital and networks in film and TV : Jobs for the boys?. Organization Studies -Berlin- European Group for Organizational Studies- 33(10), pp. 1311-1331. (10.1177/0170840612453525)
- Stoyanova Russell, D. and Grugulis, I. 2012. Tournament careers: working in UK television. In: Mathieu, C. ed. Careers in Creative Industries. Routledge, pp. 88-106.
- Grugulis, I. and Stoyanova Russell, D. 2012. Learning on the job in UK TV production.. In: Dundon, T. and Wilkinson, A. eds. Case Studies in Global Management. Strategy, Innovation and People.. Tilde Publishing, pp. 231-238.
- Grugulis, I. and Stoyanova Russell, D. 2011. Skill and performance. British Journal of Industrial Relations 49(3), pp. 515-536. (10.1111/j.1467-8543.2010.00779.x)
- Grugulis, I. and Stoyanova Russell, D. 2011. The missing middle: communities of practice in a freelance labour market. Work, Employment and Society 25(2), pp. 342-351. (10.1177/0950017011398891)
- Grugulis, I. and Stoyanova Russell, D. 2010. UK TV: skills in a fragmented industry. Project Report. UKCES.
- Grugulis, I. and Stoyanova Russell, D. 2010. Getting a job in TV: it's all about who you know. Project Report. Economic and Social Research Council.
- Ford, J., Harding, N. and Stoyanova Russell, D. 2010. Talent management at the NHS Yorkshire and the Humber.. Project Report. Bradford: Centre for Managerial Excellence. Bradford School of Management.
- Ford, J., Harding, N. and Stoyanova Russell, D. 2010. Talent management and development. An overview of current theory and practice. Project Report. Bradford: Centre for Managerial Excellence. Bradford School of Management.
- Grugulis, I. and Stoyanova Russell, D. 2009. Skill and performance. Project Report. UKCES.
- Grigulis, I. and Stoyanova Russell, D. 2009. "I don't know where you learn them": skills in film and TV. In: McKinlay, A. and Smith, C. eds. Creative Labour: Working in the Creative Industries. Critical Perspectives on Work and Employment Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 135-155.
- Stoyanova Russell, D. and Grugulis, I. 2008. Fragmented (working) lives. Project Report. Bradford: Bradford School of Management.
- Grugulis, I. and Stoyanova Russell, D. 2008. Learning skills in the TV sector. Discussion Paper. Skillset.
- Grugulis, I. and Stoyanova Russell, D. 2007. Skill and performance?. Project Report. Bradford: Bradford School of Management.
- Grugulis, I. and Stoyanova Russell, D. 2006. Skill and performance?. Project Report. SKOPE, Oxford and Warwick Universities.
Adrannau llyfrau
- Stoyanova Russell, D. 2023. Skill. In: Johnstone, S., Rodriguez, J. K. and Wilkinson, A. eds. Encyclopedia of Human Resource Management. Elgar Encyclopedias in Business and Management series Edward Elgar
- Stoyanova Russell, D. 2023. Training and development. In: Johnstone, S., Rodriguez, J. K. and Wilkinson, A. eds. Encyclopedia of Human Resource Management. Elgar Encyclopedias in Business and Management series Edward Elgar
- Stoyanova Russell, D. 2016. Skill. In: Wilkinson, A. and Johnstone, S. eds. Encyclopedia of Human Resource Management. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 406-407.
- Stoyanova Russell, D. 2016. Training and development. In: Wilkinson, A. and Johnstone, S. eds. Encyclopedia of Human Resource Management. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 447-449.
- Franklin, M., Stoyanova Russell, D. and Townley, B. 2015. From marketing to performing the market: the emerging role of digital data in the independent film business. In: Mingant, N., Tintaine, C. and Augros, J. eds. Film Marketing into the Twenty-First Century. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 147-160.
- Young, M. and Stoyanova Russell, D. 2015. Starting a record label: Song, by Toad. In: Beech, N. and Gilmore, C. eds. Organising Music: Theory, Practice, Performance. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 285-289.
- Mitchell, L. and Stoyanova Russell, D. 2015. Organising music festivals. In: Beech, N. and Gilmore, C. eds. Organising Music: Theory, Practice, Performance. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 213-217.
- Stoyanova Russell, D. and Grugulis, I. 2012. Tournament careers: working in UK television. In: Mathieu, C. ed. Careers in Creative Industries. Routledge, pp. 88-106.
- Grugulis, I. and Stoyanova Russell, D. 2012. Learning on the job in UK TV production.. In: Dundon, T. and Wilkinson, A. eds. Case Studies in Global Management. Strategy, Innovation and People.. Tilde Publishing, pp. 231-238.
- Grigulis, I. and Stoyanova Russell, D. 2009. "I don't know where you learn them": skills in film and TV. In: McKinlay, A. and Smith, C. eds. Creative Labour: Working in the Creative Industries. Critical Perspectives on Work and Employment Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 135-155.
- Stoyanova Russell, D. and Butler, N. 2025. Careering through comedy: Liminal boundaries in freelance creative work. Organization Studies (10.1177/01708406251323367)
- Stoyanova Russell, D. 2024. Media review: dramas of dignity: cleaners in the corporate underworld of Berlin [Book Review]. Organization Studies (10.1177/01708406241305751)
- Alvarez, F. A., Stoyanova Russell, D. and Townley, B. 2023. What lies beneath: organisational responses to powerful stakeholders. Sociology 57(3), pp. 552-568. (10.1177/00380385221103955)
- Butler, N. and Stoyanova Russell, D. 2018. No funny business: precarious work and emotional labour in stand-up comedy. Human Relations 71(12), pp. 1666-1686. (10.1177/0018726718758880)
- Finkel, R., Jones, D., Sang, K. and Stoyanova Russell, D. 2017. Diversifying the creative: creative work, creative industries, creative identities. Organization 24(3), pp. 281-288. (10.1177/1350508417690167)
- Franklin, M., Searle, N., Stoyanova Russell, D. and Townle, B. 2013. Innovation in the application of digital tools for managing uncertainty: the case of UK independent film. Creativity and Innovation Management 22(3), pp. 320-333. (10.1111/caim.12029)
- Grugulis, I. and Stoyanova Russell, D. 2012. Social capital and networks in film and TV : Jobs for the boys?. Organization Studies -Berlin- European Group for Organizational Studies- 33(10), pp. 1311-1331. (10.1177/0170840612453525)
- Grugulis, I. and Stoyanova Russell, D. 2011. Skill and performance. British Journal of Industrial Relations 49(3), pp. 515-536. (10.1111/j.1467-8543.2010.00779.x)
- Grugulis, I. and Stoyanova Russell, D. 2011. The missing middle: communities of practice in a freelance labour market. Work, Employment and Society 25(2), pp. 342-351. (10.1177/0950017011398891)
- Davies, O. R. and Stoyanova Russell, D. 2016. Report of findings prepared by Fieldwork for the Arts Council of Wales: to establish baseline data and to evaluate the current approach of the Arts Council of Wales to supporting creative professionals in Wales. Arts Council of Wales.
- Grugulis, I. and Stoyanova Russell, D. 2010. UK TV: skills in a fragmented industry. Project Report. UKCES.
- Grugulis, I. and Stoyanova Russell, D. 2010. Getting a job in TV: it's all about who you know. Project Report. Economic and Social Research Council.
- Ford, J., Harding, N. and Stoyanova Russell, D. 2010. Talent management at the NHS Yorkshire and the Humber.. Project Report. Bradford: Centre for Managerial Excellence. Bradford School of Management.
- Ford, J., Harding, N. and Stoyanova Russell, D. 2010. Talent management and development. An overview of current theory and practice. Project Report. Bradford: Centre for Managerial Excellence. Bradford School of Management.
- Grugulis, I. and Stoyanova Russell, D. 2009. Skill and performance. Project Report. UKCES.
- Stoyanova Russell, D. and Grugulis, I. 2008. Fragmented (working) lives. Project Report. Bradford: Bradford School of Management.
- Grugulis, I. and Stoyanova Russell, D. 2008. Learning skills in the TV sector. Discussion Paper. Skillset.
- Grugulis, I. and Stoyanova Russell, D. 2007. Skill and performance?. Project Report. Bradford: Bradford School of Management.
- Grugulis, I. and Stoyanova Russell, D. 2006. Skill and performance?. Project Report. SKOPE, Oxford and Warwick Universities.
Mae fy ymchwil yn canolbwyntio ar gyflogaeth yn y diwydiannau creadigol a digidol, gyrfaoedd creadigol, gwaith llawrydd, dysgu a datblygu sgiliau. Mae gen i ddiddordeb yn y ffyrdd y mae'r strwythurau sefydliadol yn rhyngweithio â'r ysgogiadau a'r penderfyniadau unigol, yn enwedig mewn cyd-destunau creadigol sy'n cael eu dominyddu gan gyflogaeth llawrydd, a'r goblygiadau ar gyfer profiad gwaith, cyflogwyr a llunwyr polisi. Mae'r themâu yn fy ymchwil yn cynnwys cyfalaf cymdeithasol, cymunedau ymarfer, gyrfaoedd twrnamaint, ffiniau gyrfa, llafur emosiynol, rhwydweithiau, datblygu sgiliau, profiad gwaith a chyflogaeth. Y prif gyd-destunau empirig ar gyfer ymchwilio i'r rhain yw ffilm, teledu a chomedi stand-up. Ariennir fy mhrosiect chwilfrydig gan DIGIT (https://digit-research.org/research/innovation-fund/) ac mae'n archwilio'r ffyrdd y mae Generatvie AI yn effeithio ar y sgiliau mewn BBaChau yn Brighton Fwyaf.
Rwyf hefyd wedi bod yn ymchwilio i fusnesau sy'n eiddo i weithwyr: y sefydliad gwaith, yr effaith ar brofiadau yn y gweithle ac arferion HRM.
I teach and lead on HRM, Management and Organisaitons modules at undergraduate and postgraduale level including our Executive MBA programme.
Rwyf wedi bod yn Ysgol Busnes Caerdydd ers 2015. Cyn hyn, roeddwn yn dal swyddi academaidd yn Ysgol Fusnes Warwick, Ysgol Reolaeth St Andrews ac Ysgol Reolaeth Prifysgol Bradford. Cyn ymuno â'r byd academaidd yn 2004 roeddwn yn rheoli is-gwmni ymgynghoriaeth ryngwladol. Rwy'n aelod o Gymdeithas Gymdeithasegol Prydain ac yn Gydymaith Ymchwil y Sefydliad Cyfalafu ar Greadigrwydd ym Mhrifysgol St Andrews. Rwyf wedi bod yn aelod o'r Bwrdd Gwaith Cyswllt, Cyflogaeth a Chymdeithas. Rwyf wedi bod yn arholwr allanol ym Mhrifysgol Glasgow, Prifysgol yr Ucheldiroedd a'r Ynysoedd a Phrifysgol Gorllewin yr Alban. Rwy'n arholwr allanol cyfredol ym Mhrifysgolion Napier Caeredin ac Abertay. Cyflawniad llai arferol ond nodedig i mi yw wedi perfformio yng nghlwb Glee yng Nghaerdydd (mewn rhinwedd academaidd yn unig!).
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
I am interested in supervising PhD students interested in researching areas such as:
- Creative work and employment
- Creative industries and creative organisations
- Skills and skills development
- Emotional labour
- Careers, esepcially inter-organisational careers
- Freelance work
- Alternative organisations
- Employee-owned businesses
Contact Details
+44 29208 77697
Adeilad Aberconwy, Ystafell C05, Rhodfa Colum, Cathays, Caerdydd, CF10 3EU