Yr Athro Ceri Sullivan
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Rwy'n ymchwilio ac yn addysgu ar sut mae crefydd, masnach a biwrocratiaeth y Dadeni yn defnyddio technegau llenyddol i gyflawni eu gwaith, a sut, yn gyfnewid, awduron llenyddol - yn enwedig Shakespeare a'r beirdd metaffisegol - ymgysylltu â'r sectorau hyn.
Rwyf wedi cyhoeddi chwe monograff, dau gasgliad wedi'u cyd-olygu, a thua saith deg o nodiadau, erthyglau a phenodau am yr ardaloedd hyn.
Ar hyn o bryd rwy'n cwblhau monograff newydd ar sut y gall testunau ymgynghoriaeth reoli ddarparu darlleniadau defnyddiol i feirniaid Shakespeare (nid dim ond y ffordd arall), sy'n cynnwys cyn-hanes o theori ymddygiad sefydliadol. Mae llawer o destunau'r cyfnod yn manteisio ar y rhagfarnau cynhenid mewn meddwl sy'n creu amodau rhesymoldeb rhwymedig wrth wneud penderfyniadau. (rhagfarnau sydd bellach yn cael eu disgrifio gan economegwyr ymddygiadol fel hewristiaid, llwybrau byr i feddwl trwy broblem). Maent felly'n caniatáu rhywfaint o nudging, yn aml trwy greu pensaernïaeth i fanteisio ar un opsiwn dros un arall. Gellir mynd at gwnsler o'r fath fel techneg hunangymorth sy'n ddefnyddiol ac yn bleserus, gan ganiatáu i'r darllenydd fwynhau ffantasi am fod yn effeithiol. Efallai y bydd y llyfr yn dadlau, gellir mynd at ddramâu hanes Shakespeare yn yr un ffordd?
- Sullivan, C. 2026. Imitation as a teaching technique in The Taming of the Shrew and Erasmus's Colloquies. In: Smith, E. ed. Shakespeare Survey 79. Cambridge University Press
- Sullivan, C. 2024. Shakespeare's will, lambswool, and Puck's joke. Notes & Queries 71, pp. 402-406. (10.1093/notesj/gjae116)
- Sullivan, C. 2024. George Herbert and the business of practical piety: Nudging towards God. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Sullivan, C. 2023. ‘I would cure you': Self-help advice on love in Sidney and Shakespeare. In: Smith, E. ed. Shakespeare Survey 76: Digital and Virtual Shakespeare. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 150-162.
- Sullivan, C. 2023. Sidney and Herbert on Failure: Modesty Topos or Writer’s Block?. Essays in Criticism 73(2), pp. 141-155. (10.1093/escrit/cgad022)
- Sullivan, C. 2023. Orlando’s beard and love cures in As you like it. Notes & Queries 70(1), pp. 15-16. (10.1093/notesj/gjad001)
- Sullivan, C. 2022. Musty and unbolted grain in Coriolanus. Notes and Queries 69(3), pp. 214-215. (10.1093/notesj/gjac071)
- Sullivan, C. 2021. ‘For whom the bell tolls’, John Donne, and William Perkins. Notes and Queries 68(2), pp. 180-181. (10.1093/notesj/gjab055)
- Sullivan, C. 2021. Choice architecture in Shakespeare’s public meetings: nudge theory and Richard III, Coriolanus, and Julius Caesar. English 70(268), pp. 9-22. (10.1093/english/efaa026)
- Sullivan, C. 2021. The lively corpse of A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Notes and Queries 68(1), article number: p95. (10.1093/notesj/gjab015)
- Sullivan, C. 2021. Early modern protestant listicles: God’s ‘Done’ and George Herbert’s ‘To Do’ lists. Review of English Studies 72(303), pp. 85-103., article number: hgaa035. (10.1093/res/hgaa035)
- Sullivan, C. 2021. Intimacy and Schadenfreude in reports of problems in Early Modern productions. In: Shakespeare Survey. Shakespeare Survey Cambridge University Press
- Sullivan, C. 2020. Some economic aspects to private prayer in Shakespeare. In: Mukherji, S. et al. eds. Change and Exchange: Early Modern Economies of Literature and Knowledge. Crossroads of Knowledge in Early Modern Literature Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 29-50.
- Sullivan, C. 2020. Shakespeare and the play scripts of private prayer. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Sullivan, C. 2020. The 'er..' as one of Ben Jonson's composition techniques?. Notes and Queries 67(2), pp. 273-274. (10.1093/notesj/gjaa051)
- Sullivan, C. 2020. What did early modern audiences relish about Hamlet's ghost?. Notes and Queries 67(2), pp. 242-243. (10.1093/notesj/gjaa043)
- Sullivan, C. 2017. John Donne, "The Crosse" and recusant graffiti. Notes and Queries 63(3), pp. 458-458. (10.1093/notesj/gjw136)
- Sullivan, C. 2016. The Second Tetralogy’s move from achievements to badges. In: Holland, P. ed. Shakespeare and Rome. [Shakespeare and Rome]. Shakespeare Survey Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 277-291., (10.1017/SSO9781316670408.021)
- Sullivan, C. 2016. ‘“Sermons in Stones”: Augustine, Joseph Hall, and "As You Like It". Notes and Queries 63(3), pp. 420-421. (10.1093/notesj/gjw143)
- Sullivan, C. 2016. ‘Drunken porters keepe open gates’: Macbeth and Henry Smith. Notes and Queries 63(3), pp. 432-432. (10.1093/notesj/gjw137)
- Sullivan, C. 2016. Literary sources. In: Sangha, L. and Willis, J. eds. Understanding Early Modern Primary Sources. Routledge Guides to Using Historical Sources Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 95-106.
- Sullivan, C. 2016. George Herbert’s building works. Essays in Criticism 66(2), pp. 168-197. (10.1093/escrit/cgw007)
- Sullivan, C. 2015. Armin, Shakespeare, and Heywood on dramatic empathy. Notes and Queries 62(4), pp. 560-562. (10.1093/notesj/gjv134)
- Sullivan, C. 2015. The Consumer Rights Act and English literature applicants. English Association Newsletter 210, pp. 14-15.
- Sullivan, C. 2014. Property. In: Hadfield, A., Dimmock, M. and Shinn, A. eds. The Ashgate Research Companion to Popular Culture in the Early Modern Period. Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 295-308.
- Sullivan, C. 2013. "A horse, a horse, my kingdom for a horse". Notes and Queries 60(3), pp. 400-401. (10.1093/notesj/gjt118)
- Sullivan, C. 2013. Community libraries and the university. English Association Newsletter 202, pp. 7-9.
- Sullivan, C. 2013. Literature in the public service: sublime bureaucracy. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. (10.1057/9781137287427)
- Sullivan, C. 2012. Ben Jonson and Hugh Broughton. Notes and Queries 59(4), pp. 571. (10.1093/notesj/gjs186)
- Sullivan, C. 2012. London. In: Corns, T. N. ed. The Milton Encyclopedia. New Haven: Yale University Press, pp. 384.
- Sullivan, C. 2012. Westminster. In: Corns, T. N. ed. The Milton Encyclopedia. New Haven: Yale University Press, pp. 221-222.
- Sullivan, C. 2011. The importance of boredom in learning about the early modern. In: Conroy, D. and Clarke, D. eds. Teaching the Early Modern Period. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 222-226.
- Sullivan, C. 2011. Supplying the city. In: Gossett, S. ed. Thomas Middleton in Context. Literature in Context Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 83-89.
- Sullivan, C. 2011. Vaughan. In: Sullivan, G. A. J. et al. eds. The Encyclopedia of English Renaissance Literature. Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 997-1000.
- Sullivan, C. 2011. Teaching as public engagement and impact. English Association Newsletter, pp. 5.
- Sullivan, C. 2011. Traherne. In: Sullivan, G. A. J. et al. eds. The Encyclopedia of English Renaissance Literature., Vol. 3. Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 964-968.
- Sullivan, C. 2009. Introduction. In: Sullivan, C. and Harper, G. eds. Authors at Work: the Creative Environment. Cambridge: D.S. Brewer, pp. 1-20.
- Sullivan, C. and Muse, E. 2009. The value of literary analysis to City financial institutions. Project Report. [Online]. Higher Education Academy. Available at: http://www.english.heacademy.ac.uk/explore/projects/archive/careers/careers9.php
- Sullivan, C. 2009. The carpe diem topos and the 'geriatric gaze' in early modern verse. Early Modern Literary Studies 14(3), pp. 1-21., article number: 8.
- Sullivan, C. and Harper, G. eds. 2009. Authors at work: the creative environment. Essays and studies 2009 Vol. 62. Cambridge: D. S. Brewer.
- Sullivan, C. 2008. The rhetoric of the conscience in Donne, Herbert, and Vaughan. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199547845.001.0001)
- Sullivan, C. 2007. Middleton. In: Hiscock, A. and Hopkins, L. eds. Teaching Shakespeare and Early Modern Dramatists. Basingstoke: Palgrave/ English Subject Centre, pp. 146-157.
- Sullivan, C. 2007. Disposable elements? Indications of genre in early modern titles. Modern Language Review 102(3), pp. 641-653. (10.2307/20467425)
- Sullivan, C. 2007. Thomas Middleton’s view of public utility. Review of English Studies 58(234), pp. 160-174. (10.1093/res/hgl143)
- Sullivan, C. 2006. The art of listening in the seventeenth century. Modern Philology 104(1), pp. 34-71. (10.1086/510262)
- Sullivan, C. 2006. Metaphysical poets. In: Kastan, D. S. ed. The Oxford Encyclopedia of British Literature. New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 128-129.
- Sullivan, C. 2006. Marston. In: Kastan, D. S. ed. The Oxford Encyclopedia of British Literature. New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 476-478.
- Sullivan, C. 2006. Webster. In: Kastan, D. S. ed. The Oxford Encyclopedia of British Literature. New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 398-400.
- Sullivan, C. 2006. London’s early modern creative industrialists. Studies in Philology 103(3), pp. 313-328. (10.1353/sip.2006.0015)
- Sullivan, C. 2006. Barnfield. In: Kastan, D. S. ed. The Oxford Encyclopedia of British Literature. [.]. New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 390-392.
- Sullivan, C. 2005. Wreaths in Marvell’s "The Garden". Notes and Queries 52(3), pp. 314-315. (10.1093/notesj/gji308)
- Sullivan, C. and Thomas, D. L. 2004. Salisbury [Salusbury; alias Parry], John (1575/6–1626). In: Cannadine, D. ed. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford: Oxford University Press, (10.1093/ref:odnb/24539)
- Sullivan, C. and Cooper, T. 2004. Gwyn [Wynne, Jones], Robert (c.1540–1604?). In: Cannadine, D. ed. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford: Oxford University Press, (10.1093/ref:odnb/11812)
- Cooper, T. and Sullivan, C. 2004. Cottam, Thomas (1549–1582). In: Cannadine, D. ed. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford: Oxford University Press, (10.1093/ref:odnb/6394)
- Thomas, D. L. and Sullivan, C. 2004. Jones, John [name in religion Godfrey Maurice] (1559–1598). In: Cannadine, D. ed. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford: Oxford University Press, (10.1093/ref:odnb/15024)
- Sullivan, C. 2004. Constable, Henry (1562–1613). In: Cannadine, D. ed. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford: Oxford University Press, (10.1093/ref:odnb/6103)
- Sullivan, C. 2002. Herbert’s "Artillerie" and Affliction. Notes and Queries 49(3), pp. 330-331. (10.1093/nq/49.3.330)
- Sullivan, C. 2002. The rhetoric of credit: merchants in early modern writing. Madison: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press.
- Sullivan, C. and Richards, J. 2001. Sixteenth century: excluding drama after 1550. The Year's Work in English Studies 79(1), pp. 227-250. (10.1093/ywes/79.1.227)
- Sullivan, C. 2001. Silver in "The Jew of Malta". Notes and Queries 48(1), pp. 265. (10.1093/nq/48.3.265-a)
- Sullivan, C. 2001. Shooters in Herbert’s "Artillerie". Notes and Queries 48(1), pp. 15. (10.1093/nq/48.1.15-a)
- Sullivan, C. 2000. The physiology of penance in weeping texts of 1590s. Cahiers Elisabethains 57(1), pp. 31-48. (10.7227/CE.57.1.3)
- Sullivan, C. 2000. Britain’s renaissance of letters. In: Mateer, D. ed. Courts, Patrons, Poets. The Renaissance in Europe New Haven: Yale University Press/ Open University, pp. 227-297.
- Sullivan, C. 2000. Shakespeare: poetry. The Year’s Work in English Studies 78, pp. 324-328. (10.1093/ywes/78.1.285)
- Sullivan, C. and Richards, J. 2000. Sixteenth century: excluding drama after 1550. Year’s Work in English Studies 78, pp. 262-276. (10.1093/ywes/78.1.262)
- Sullivan, C. 1999. Shakespeare: poetry. The Year’s Work in English Studies 77, pp. 297-299. (10.1093/ywes/77.1.269)
- Sullivan, C. 1999. Introduction. In: Sullivan, C. and White, B. eds. Writing and Fantasy. Crosscurrents London: Longman, pp. 1-13.
- Sullivan, C. and White, B. eds. 1999. Writing and fantasy. Crosscurrents. London: Longman.
- Sullivan, C. 1999. “Oppressed by the force of truth”: Robert Persons edits John Foxe. In: Loades, D. M. ed. John Foxe and the English Reformation. St Andrews Studies in Reformation History Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 154-167.
- Sullivan, C. 1999. Silly money, fantastic credit. In: Sullivan, C. and White, B. eds. Writing and Fantasy. Crosscurrents London: Longman, pp. 122-136.
- Sullivan, C. 1998. The “well wrought urne” as competitive trope. Essays in Criticism 48(2), pp. 129-143. (10.1093/eic/XLVIII.2.129)
- Sullivan, C. and Wright, S. J. 1997. Sixteenth century: excluding drama after 1550. The Year's Work in English Studies 75, pp. 201-220. (10.1093/ywes/75.1.201)
- Sullivan, C. 1996. Wreath poems as florilegia. George Herbert Journal 19, pp. 95-102.
- Sullivan, C. 1996. Sixteenth century: excluding drama after 1550. Year’s Work in English Studies 77(1), pp. 250-259. (10.1093/ywes/77.1.250)
- Sullivan, C. 1996. Faustus and the apple. Review of English Studies XLVII(185), pp. 46-50. (10.1093/res/XLVII.185.47)
- Sullivan, C. 1995. Donne’s sifted soul. Notes and Queries 42(3), pp. 345-346. (10.1093/notesj/42.3.345)
- Sullivan, C. 1995. Dismembered rhetoric. English recusant writing, 1580-1603. Madison, N.J.: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press.
- Sullivan, C. 1995. Sixteenth century: excluding drama after 1550. The Year's Work in English Studies 76, pp. 208-219.
- Sullivan, C. 1994. Cannibalizing Persons’s "Christian Directorie", 1582. Notes and Queries 41(4), pp. 445-446. (10.1093/nq/41.4.445)
- Sullivan, C. 1994. Marlowe’s "Edward II" and recusant phrasing. Notes and Queries 41(4), pp. 451. (10.1093/nq/41.4.451-a)
Adrannau llyfrau
- Sullivan, C. 2026. Imitation as a teaching technique in The Taming of the Shrew and Erasmus's Colloquies. In: Smith, E. ed. Shakespeare Survey 79. Cambridge University Press
- Sullivan, C. 2023. ‘I would cure you': Self-help advice on love in Sidney and Shakespeare. In: Smith, E. ed. Shakespeare Survey 76: Digital and Virtual Shakespeare. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 150-162.
- Sullivan, C. 2021. Intimacy and Schadenfreude in reports of problems in Early Modern productions. In: Shakespeare Survey. Shakespeare Survey Cambridge University Press
- Sullivan, C. 2020. Some economic aspects to private prayer in Shakespeare. In: Mukherji, S. et al. eds. Change and Exchange: Early Modern Economies of Literature and Knowledge. Crossroads of Knowledge in Early Modern Literature Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 29-50.
- Sullivan, C. 2016. The Second Tetralogy’s move from achievements to badges. In: Holland, P. ed. Shakespeare and Rome. [Shakespeare and Rome]. Shakespeare Survey Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 277-291., (10.1017/SSO9781316670408.021)
- Sullivan, C. 2016. Literary sources. In: Sangha, L. and Willis, J. eds. Understanding Early Modern Primary Sources. Routledge Guides to Using Historical Sources Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 95-106.
- Sullivan, C. 2014. Property. In: Hadfield, A., Dimmock, M. and Shinn, A. eds. The Ashgate Research Companion to Popular Culture in the Early Modern Period. Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 295-308.
- Sullivan, C. 2012. London. In: Corns, T. N. ed. The Milton Encyclopedia. New Haven: Yale University Press, pp. 384.
- Sullivan, C. 2012. Westminster. In: Corns, T. N. ed. The Milton Encyclopedia. New Haven: Yale University Press, pp. 221-222.
- Sullivan, C. 2011. The importance of boredom in learning about the early modern. In: Conroy, D. and Clarke, D. eds. Teaching the Early Modern Period. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 222-226.
- Sullivan, C. 2011. Supplying the city. In: Gossett, S. ed. Thomas Middleton in Context. Literature in Context Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 83-89.
- Sullivan, C. 2011. Vaughan. In: Sullivan, G. A. J. et al. eds. The Encyclopedia of English Renaissance Literature. Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 997-1000.
- Sullivan, C. 2011. Traherne. In: Sullivan, G. A. J. et al. eds. The Encyclopedia of English Renaissance Literature., Vol. 3. Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 964-968.
- Sullivan, C. 2009. Introduction. In: Sullivan, C. and Harper, G. eds. Authors at Work: the Creative Environment. Cambridge: D.S. Brewer, pp. 1-20.
- Sullivan, C. 2007. Middleton. In: Hiscock, A. and Hopkins, L. eds. Teaching Shakespeare and Early Modern Dramatists. Basingstoke: Palgrave/ English Subject Centre, pp. 146-157.
- Sullivan, C. 2006. Metaphysical poets. In: Kastan, D. S. ed. The Oxford Encyclopedia of British Literature. New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 128-129.
- Sullivan, C. 2006. Marston. In: Kastan, D. S. ed. The Oxford Encyclopedia of British Literature. New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 476-478.
- Sullivan, C. 2006. Webster. In: Kastan, D. S. ed. The Oxford Encyclopedia of British Literature. New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 398-400.
- Sullivan, C. 2006. Barnfield. In: Kastan, D. S. ed. The Oxford Encyclopedia of British Literature. [.]. New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 390-392.
- Sullivan, C. and Thomas, D. L. 2004. Salisbury [Salusbury; alias Parry], John (1575/6–1626). In: Cannadine, D. ed. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford: Oxford University Press, (10.1093/ref:odnb/24539)
- Sullivan, C. and Cooper, T. 2004. Gwyn [Wynne, Jones], Robert (c.1540–1604?). In: Cannadine, D. ed. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford: Oxford University Press, (10.1093/ref:odnb/11812)
- Cooper, T. and Sullivan, C. 2004. Cottam, Thomas (1549–1582). In: Cannadine, D. ed. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford: Oxford University Press, (10.1093/ref:odnb/6394)
- Thomas, D. L. and Sullivan, C. 2004. Jones, John [name in religion Godfrey Maurice] (1559–1598). In: Cannadine, D. ed. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford: Oxford University Press, (10.1093/ref:odnb/15024)
- Sullivan, C. 2004. Constable, Henry (1562–1613). In: Cannadine, D. ed. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford: Oxford University Press, (10.1093/ref:odnb/6103)
- Sullivan, C. 2000. Britain’s renaissance of letters. In: Mateer, D. ed. Courts, Patrons, Poets. The Renaissance in Europe New Haven: Yale University Press/ Open University, pp. 227-297.
- Sullivan, C. 1999. Introduction. In: Sullivan, C. and White, B. eds. Writing and Fantasy. Crosscurrents London: Longman, pp. 1-13.
- Sullivan, C. 1999. “Oppressed by the force of truth”: Robert Persons edits John Foxe. In: Loades, D. M. ed. John Foxe and the English Reformation. St Andrews Studies in Reformation History Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 154-167.
- Sullivan, C. 1999. Silly money, fantastic credit. In: Sullivan, C. and White, B. eds. Writing and Fantasy. Crosscurrents London: Longman, pp. 122-136.
- Sullivan, C. 2024. Shakespeare's will, lambswool, and Puck's joke. Notes & Queries 71, pp. 402-406. (10.1093/notesj/gjae116)
- Sullivan, C. 2023. Sidney and Herbert on Failure: Modesty Topos or Writer’s Block?. Essays in Criticism 73(2), pp. 141-155. (10.1093/escrit/cgad022)
- Sullivan, C. 2023. Orlando’s beard and love cures in As you like it. Notes & Queries 70(1), pp. 15-16. (10.1093/notesj/gjad001)
- Sullivan, C. 2022. Musty and unbolted grain in Coriolanus. Notes and Queries 69(3), pp. 214-215. (10.1093/notesj/gjac071)
- Sullivan, C. 2021. ‘For whom the bell tolls’, John Donne, and William Perkins. Notes and Queries 68(2), pp. 180-181. (10.1093/notesj/gjab055)
- Sullivan, C. 2021. Choice architecture in Shakespeare’s public meetings: nudge theory and Richard III, Coriolanus, and Julius Caesar. English 70(268), pp. 9-22. (10.1093/english/efaa026)
- Sullivan, C. 2021. The lively corpse of A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Notes and Queries 68(1), article number: p95. (10.1093/notesj/gjab015)
- Sullivan, C. 2021. Early modern protestant listicles: God’s ‘Done’ and George Herbert’s ‘To Do’ lists. Review of English Studies 72(303), pp. 85-103., article number: hgaa035. (10.1093/res/hgaa035)
- Sullivan, C. 2020. The 'er..' as one of Ben Jonson's composition techniques?. Notes and Queries 67(2), pp. 273-274. (10.1093/notesj/gjaa051)
- Sullivan, C. 2020. What did early modern audiences relish about Hamlet's ghost?. Notes and Queries 67(2), pp. 242-243. (10.1093/notesj/gjaa043)
- Sullivan, C. 2017. John Donne, "The Crosse" and recusant graffiti. Notes and Queries 63(3), pp. 458-458. (10.1093/notesj/gjw136)
- Sullivan, C. 2016. ‘“Sermons in Stones”: Augustine, Joseph Hall, and "As You Like It". Notes and Queries 63(3), pp. 420-421. (10.1093/notesj/gjw143)
- Sullivan, C. 2016. ‘Drunken porters keepe open gates’: Macbeth and Henry Smith. Notes and Queries 63(3), pp. 432-432. (10.1093/notesj/gjw137)
- Sullivan, C. 2016. George Herbert’s building works. Essays in Criticism 66(2), pp. 168-197. (10.1093/escrit/cgw007)
- Sullivan, C. 2015. Armin, Shakespeare, and Heywood on dramatic empathy. Notes and Queries 62(4), pp. 560-562. (10.1093/notesj/gjv134)
- Sullivan, C. 2015. The Consumer Rights Act and English literature applicants. English Association Newsletter 210, pp. 14-15.
- Sullivan, C. 2013. "A horse, a horse, my kingdom for a horse". Notes and Queries 60(3), pp. 400-401. (10.1093/notesj/gjt118)
- Sullivan, C. 2013. Community libraries and the university. English Association Newsletter 202, pp. 7-9.
- Sullivan, C. 2012. Ben Jonson and Hugh Broughton. Notes and Queries 59(4), pp. 571. (10.1093/notesj/gjs186)
- Sullivan, C. 2011. Teaching as public engagement and impact. English Association Newsletter, pp. 5.
- Sullivan, C. 2009. The carpe diem topos and the 'geriatric gaze' in early modern verse. Early Modern Literary Studies 14(3), pp. 1-21., article number: 8.
- Sullivan, C. 2007. Disposable elements? Indications of genre in early modern titles. Modern Language Review 102(3), pp. 641-653. (10.2307/20467425)
- Sullivan, C. 2007. Thomas Middleton’s view of public utility. Review of English Studies 58(234), pp. 160-174. (10.1093/res/hgl143)
- Sullivan, C. 2006. The art of listening in the seventeenth century. Modern Philology 104(1), pp. 34-71. (10.1086/510262)
- Sullivan, C. 2006. London’s early modern creative industrialists. Studies in Philology 103(3), pp. 313-328. (10.1353/sip.2006.0015)
- Sullivan, C. 2005. Wreaths in Marvell’s "The Garden". Notes and Queries 52(3), pp. 314-315. (10.1093/notesj/gji308)
- Sullivan, C. 2002. Herbert’s "Artillerie" and Affliction. Notes and Queries 49(3), pp. 330-331. (10.1093/nq/49.3.330)
- Sullivan, C. and Richards, J. 2001. Sixteenth century: excluding drama after 1550. The Year's Work in English Studies 79(1), pp. 227-250. (10.1093/ywes/79.1.227)
- Sullivan, C. 2001. Silver in "The Jew of Malta". Notes and Queries 48(1), pp. 265. (10.1093/nq/48.3.265-a)
- Sullivan, C. 2001. Shooters in Herbert’s "Artillerie". Notes and Queries 48(1), pp. 15. (10.1093/nq/48.1.15-a)
- Sullivan, C. 2000. The physiology of penance in weeping texts of 1590s. Cahiers Elisabethains 57(1), pp. 31-48. (10.7227/CE.57.1.3)
- Sullivan, C. 2000. Shakespeare: poetry. The Year’s Work in English Studies 78, pp. 324-328. (10.1093/ywes/78.1.285)
- Sullivan, C. and Richards, J. 2000. Sixteenth century: excluding drama after 1550. Year’s Work in English Studies 78, pp. 262-276. (10.1093/ywes/78.1.262)
- Sullivan, C. 1999. Shakespeare: poetry. The Year’s Work in English Studies 77, pp. 297-299. (10.1093/ywes/77.1.269)
- Sullivan, C. 1998. The “well wrought urne” as competitive trope. Essays in Criticism 48(2), pp. 129-143. (10.1093/eic/XLVIII.2.129)
- Sullivan, C. and Wright, S. J. 1997. Sixteenth century: excluding drama after 1550. The Year's Work in English Studies 75, pp. 201-220. (10.1093/ywes/75.1.201)
- Sullivan, C. 1996. Wreath poems as florilegia. George Herbert Journal 19, pp. 95-102.
- Sullivan, C. 1996. Sixteenth century: excluding drama after 1550. Year’s Work in English Studies 77(1), pp. 250-259. (10.1093/ywes/77.1.250)
- Sullivan, C. 1996. Faustus and the apple. Review of English Studies XLVII(185), pp. 46-50. (10.1093/res/XLVII.185.47)
- Sullivan, C. 1995. Donne’s sifted soul. Notes and Queries 42(3), pp. 345-346. (10.1093/notesj/42.3.345)
- Sullivan, C. 1995. Sixteenth century: excluding drama after 1550. The Year's Work in English Studies 76, pp. 208-219.
- Sullivan, C. 1994. Cannibalizing Persons’s "Christian Directorie", 1582. Notes and Queries 41(4), pp. 445-446. (10.1093/nq/41.4.445)
- Sullivan, C. 1994. Marlowe’s "Edward II" and recusant phrasing. Notes and Queries 41(4), pp. 451. (10.1093/nq/41.4.451-a)
- Sullivan, C. 2024. George Herbert and the business of practical piety: Nudging towards God. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Sullivan, C. 2020. Shakespeare and the play scripts of private prayer. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Sullivan, C. 2013. Literature in the public service: sublime bureaucracy. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. (10.1057/9781137287427)
- Sullivan, C. and Harper, G. eds. 2009. Authors at work: the creative environment. Essays and studies 2009 Vol. 62. Cambridge: D. S. Brewer.
- Sullivan, C. 2008. The rhetoric of the conscience in Donne, Herbert, and Vaughan. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199547845.001.0001)
- Sullivan, C. 2002. The rhetoric of credit: merchants in early modern writing. Madison: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press.
- Sullivan, C. and White, B. eds. 1999. Writing and fantasy. Crosscurrents. London: Longman.
- Sullivan, C. 1995. Dismembered rhetoric. English recusant writing, 1580-1603. Madison, N.J.: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press.
- Sullivan, C. and Muse, E. 2009. The value of literary analysis to City financial institutions. Project Report. [Online]. Higher Education Academy. Available at: http://www.english.heacademy.ac.uk/explore/projects/archive/careers/careers9.php
Roedd fy monograff cyntaf yn ymdrin â sut i berswadio eich hun mewn defosiwn, gan ganolbwyntio ar destunau Catholig (Datgysylltwyd Rhetorig: Saesneg Recusant Writing 1580-1603). Ystyriodd yr ail sut mae masnachwr yn ei gynrychioli ei hun ac yn darllen ysgrifau eraill (Rhethreg Credyd: Masnachwyr mewn Ysgrifennu Modern Cynnar). Gofynnodd y trydydd p'un a yw'r gydwybod wedi'i strwythuro fel iaith, canlyniad y dwyfol yr wyf yn ei YDW i yw nad ydych chi (Rhethreg y Cydwybod yn Donne, Herbert a Vaughan). Roedd y pedwerydd, Llenyddiaeth yn y Gwasanaeth Cyhoeddus: Biwrocratiaeth Aruchel, yn ailasesu dealltwriaeth Max Weber o'r unigolyn yn y fiwrocratiaeth ddelfrydol, a'r berthynas rhwng creadigrwydd a biwrocratiaeth. Mae'r pumed, Shakespeare and the Playscripts of Private Prayer, yn dadlau bod gweddïau preifat yn cynnwys sgriptio ac actio hunan delfrydol, a bod Shakespeare wedi manteisio ar weithredu mor ddramatig. Mae'r chweched, George Herbert and the Business of Practical Piety: Nudging Towards God, yn dadlau bod Herbert yn creu amgylchedd cymdeithasol, ysgrifenedig a chorfforol i oresgyn casgliadau doreithiog rhagordeinio.
Ar hyn o bryd rwy'n gorffen llyfr ar dechnegau rheoli a archwiliwyd gan hanesion Shakespeare. Mae'r bennod gyntaf yn edrych ar y defnydd o ffuglen mewn hyfforddiant rheoli heddiw, ar estheteg rheoli, ac ar hyfforddiant yn seiliedig ar Shakespeare, sydd â diddordeb i raddau helaeth mewn arweinyddiaeth weledigaethol. Mae'r ail bennod yn dadlau, er bod trafodaeth elfennol mewn testunau modern cynnar ynghylch sut i drefnu a rhedeg sefydliad, nid yw hyn yn adio at drafodaeth gynhwysfawr neu fanwl. Mae'r dull presennol a dweud y gwir yn fy llyfr yn tybio bod dulliau rheoli yn parhau dros amser wrth ddelio ag ymddygiad grŵp parhaus, sydd eu hangen i wneud dewisiadau mewn sefyllfaoedd o resymoldeb cyfyng. Mae penodau dilynol yn ymdrin â phedwar dull rheoli penodol sy'n ymddangos yn hanes Shakespeare. Mae Pennod 3 yn edrych ar ddulliau o ymgynghori allanol a mewnol, a'r noethlymunau y mae'r rheolwyr yn eu rhoi i gael eu canlyniad dewisol, boed hynny'n defnyddio cyfarfodydd, arolygon neu wyliadwriaeth. Mae Pennod pedwar yn edrych ar ddau fodel dylanwadol o wneud penderfyniadau (gall meddwl grŵp a sothach), y ddau ohonynt yn defnyddio rhesymeg o briodoldeb wrth honni eu bod yn cymryd ymagwedd resymol. Mae Pennod 5 yn archwilio ymchwil i dechnegau negodi, sydd naill ai'n hawlio neu'n creu gwerth. Mae Pennod 6 yn edrych ar sut mae gosod nodau ar gyfer staff yn glymu damcaniaethau ar sail cymhelliant yn seiliedig ar anghenion, disgwyliad ac ecwiti, ac yn gorffen gyda'r hyn y mae israddedigion yn ei feddwl am fod yn destun y rhain.
Shakespeare and the Play Scripts of Private Prayer (Rhydychen: Oxford University Press, 2020). Adolygwyd fel: 'eglurder a gwreiddioldeb', 'cynhyrchiol... ffrwythlon', 'ystod eang o ffynonellau', 'tystiolaeth hanesyddol gref' (Comitatus 52); 'hwyrfrydig a chroeso mawr', 'dadleuwn yn gymhellol', 'trylwyr, defnyddiol, a difyr', 'yn ddryslyd yn wych', 'wedi cyffroi'n llawen drwy gyda hanesion hanesyddol' (Adolygiad o Astudiaethau Saesneg 72.307 ); 'persbectif gwreiddiol gweddi breifat', 'yn negodi'r ymchwil gyfredol yn arbenigol', 'diddorol a phryfoclyd', 'cymhellol', 'clir ac ymgysylltu' (Astudiaethau Llenyddol Modern Cynnar 22.1); 'triniaeth barhaus', 'ymgysylltu', 'cyfraniad sylweddol i... astudiaethau perfformiad', 'mewnwelediad gwych', mewnwelediadau diddorol a manylion pendrol' (Astudiaethau Bunyan 25); 'newid mewn methodoleg... i ddadansoddiad llenyddol a rhethregol arloesol o'r newydd', 'wedi'i ymchwilio'n drawiadol', 'achos cymhellol', 'chwilio a pherswadio' (Adolygiad Spenser 52.2); 'syndod', 'wedi'u hymchwilio'n feddylgar', 'astudiaethau achos diddorol', 'cyfraniad cadarn'; 'Ei brif ddadlau yw argyhoeddi', 'dulliau cymhellol' (Shakespeare Quarterly 72.3-4); Mae 'nifer rhyfeddol o destunau gweddi' yn dangos 'sut mae grym gweddi theatrig a naratif, a'i egni perfformiadol, yn hyrwyddo meddwl gwrthffeithiol', 'cyfraniad amhrisiadwy i astudiaethau llenyddol modern cynnar' (Chwarterol y Dadeni 76.1 ).
Llenyddiaeth yn y Gwasanaeth Cyhoeddus: Biwrocratiaeth Aruchel (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013). Cyrhaeddodd restr fer Llyfr Gorau 2012 a 2013, Cymdeithas Ewropeaidd ar gyfer Astudio Saesneg.
Rhethreg y Cydwybod yn Donne, Herbert, a Vaughan (Rhydychen: Gwasg Prifysgol Rhydychen, 2008). Wedi'i adolygu fel: 'deallus a difyr', 'ffraeth', 'synnwyr brwd wrth fynd ar drywydd gwyryf duwiol i gomedi sardonig' (Adolygiad o Astudiaethau Saesneg 60.247); 'hynod ddiddorol, os yw curiad stumog', 'darlleniadau agos ardderchog', 'cynnil, diddorol... gwerthfawr a chroeso' (MLR 104.3); 'cyfoethog ac ysgogol, trwchus ond darllenadwy', 'dadansoddiadau rhethregol arloesol, cynhaliol, a goleuo [o] bwnc hanfodol yn ein hanes deallusol' Rhetorica (28); 'mewnwelediadau gwych trwy juxtaposition anarferol a chymhathiad deft' (Seventeenth Century Journal 25.1); 'ehangu ein gwybodaeth am gysylltiadau diwinyddol a throtropolegol mewn testunau defosiynol modern cynnar', 'syndod a gwerthfawr' (Year's Work in English Studies 89); 'Craff... miniog ... treiddgar ' (George Herbert Journal 32.1); 'Ymwneud ag anobaith deallusol... egni bywiog... ffraethineb gysyniadol' (Ffiloleg Modern 110.2); 'wedi'i ysgrifennu'n ddwys... compactively compact... playfulness... ffraethineb anturus' (Nodiadau ac Ymholiadau 61.3)
Rhethreg y Credyd. Masnachwyr mewn Ysgrifennu Modern Cynnar (Madison/Llundain: Associated University Presses, 2002). Wedi'i adolygu fel: 'trisive and learned', 'diddorol', 'an important book' (Journal for Early Modern Cultural Studies 4.2); 'redresses deficienc[ies]', 'historically specific', 'disdains previous interpretations', 'drives home her point' (The Historical Journal 49.4); 'gwreiddiol a chymhleth', 'cyfuniad anarferol o gynhyrchiol o sgiliau proffesiynol', 'profi ond croeso balast ffeithiol i dueddiadau beirniadol arferol' (Nodiadau ac Ymholiadau 3/2004); 'succinct, informed... fresh', 'learned ... and important' (Fforwm y Dadeni 7); 'arbenigedd dwbl', 'diddorol', 'pryfoclyd a phwysig iawn' (Hanes Busnes 46.1); 'welcome corrective', yn fanwl iawn' (Adolygiad o Astudiaethau Saesneg 55); 'cythruddo palpable [sydd] ... yn ymgysylltu, nid yn digalonni, yn ysbrydoli, nid yn adweithiol' (Cylchgrawn 34.3 o'r unfed ganrif ar bymtheg)
Rhydd rhethreg. Ysgrifennu Perthynol i Loegr 1580-1603 (Madison/Llundain: Associated University Presses, 1995). Adolygwyd fel: 'amserol... dadleuol... cryf', 'diddorol a grymus', 'cynnil, dysgedig, a diddorol' (MLR 93.1); 'diddorol' (Shakespeare Quarterly ); 'gwych', 'dylid ei dderbyn yn gynnes ac yn frwdfrydig', 'dadleuir yn ddwys' , 'craig gadarn a boddhaol' (Cylchgrawn 27.2 o'r unfed ganrif ar bymtheg); 'Dewch ag is-ddiwylliannau i ddeialog ... patrymau diddorol' (Astudiaethau mewn Llenyddiaeth Saesneg 36.1).
Awduron yn y Gwaith: yr Amgylchedd Creadigol (Cymdeithas Saesneg, Traethodau ac Astudiaethau), mewnblygiad, a chyd-olygydd. gyda Graeme Harper (Woodbridge: Boydell and Brewer, 2009). adolygwyd fel: 'deliciously voyeuristic' (Guardian 15/8/09); 'gwobrwyo chwilfrydedd' (TLS 26/6/09)
Ysgrifennu a Ffantasi , cyd-olygydd. gyda Barbara White (Llundain: Longman, 1999). Adolygwyd fel: 'soffistigedig yn ddamcaniaethol', 'sureness of touch', 'impresses' (Astudiaethau Gothig); 'rhagorol yn ei ystod a'i lled'; 'pellgyrhaeddol a phwysig... ffres a diddorol', 'dim un o'r archdeip-hela arferol a dim honiadau facile' (Journal of the Fantastic)
Grantiau a Chymrodoriaethau a ddyfarnwyd
- Grant Ymchwil Bach yr Academi Brydeinig-Leverhulme Trust (pedair gwaith)
- CRASSH (Caergrawnt), cymrodoriaeth ymweld
- Coleg St Catherine, Rhydychen, cymrodoriaeth ymweld
- Coleg Corpus Christi, Rhydychen, cymrodoriaeth ymweld
- Cymrodoriaeth Ymchwil Ymddiriedolaeth Leverhulme
- Catalydd Trosglwyddo Gwybodaeth AHRC
- Canolfan Pwnc Saesneg (ddwywaith)
- Cronfa Cydweithio ac Ailgyflunio CCAUC
- Cymrodoriaeth Llyfrgell Folger
- Grant bloc yr Academi Brydeinig ar gyfer cyfranogwyr cynhadledd
- Absenoldeb astudio Bwrdd Ymchwil y Celfyddydau a'r Dyniaethau (ddwywaith)
- Cymrodoriaeth yr Academi Brydeinig/Llyfrgell Huntington
- Cronfa Gydweithredu Prifysgol Cymru
- Cronfa Offer Prifysgol Cymru
- Grant cynhadledd Cymdeithas Astudiaethau'r Dadeni
- Gwobr ôl-raddedig yr Academi Brydeinig
I currently teach the following modules:
- Leaders in Shakespeare
- Representations of Work in Early Modern Drama
- Modern British Political Drama
- Elizabethan Shakespeare
- Jacobean Shakespeare
- Talking to God in the Early Modern Period
- Texts in Time 1500-1800
Dissertations and theses (BA, MA, and PhD): my next project is on Metaphors at Work, and I am actively seeking students interested in exploring this area. The question is, how do literary techniques influence the working environment? Does, for instance, a firm employ the metaphors of the epic, in its accounts of heroic labour, or the revenge tragedy, in its employer/ee relationships? I want to gather together a an inter-disciplinary and cross-career group to work on a history of working metaphors, and a contemporary study of how these metaphors facilitate or block progress. There is a large and unsatisfied demand for research by doctoral students into the impact of historical literature on contemporary life. Cardiff University has two outstanding resources in this area. Early English Books Online has a digital copy of every book published between 1473 to 1700. Special Collections (SCOLAR) has collections of national significance in physical copies of early modern histories and prescriptive manuals on how to do something (especially leadership, education, horticulture, and manners). These have not yet been read through by any researcher, for marginalia and other signs of use. I would welcome expressions of interest, at any level, in this project.
Addysgwyd yn Ysgol Gyfun Gatholig Cardinal Newman, Rhydyfelin, a Choleg Hertford , Prifysgol Rhydychen.
Gyrfa gyntaf yn Ninas Llundain, gyda KPMG Peat Marwick McLintock, fel uwch gyfrifydd siartredig a dadansoddwr bancio.
Ail yrfa mewn cyrff anllywodraethol, fel Cyfarwyddwr Cyllid (trwy V.S.O.) ar gyfer Cyngor Zambian ar gyfer y Handicapped, a gyda Phrif Swyddfa Oxfam fel uwch gyfrifydd tramor Mozambique (gyda gwaith maes ychwanegol yn y Swdan, Zambia, a'r DRC).
Trydydd gyrfa mewn prifysgolion: Rhydychen, y Brifysgol Agored, Bangor, ac yma yng Nghaerdydd, yn dysgu llenyddiaeth fodern gynnar a drama wleidyddol fodern.
Anrhydeddau a dyfarniadau
Cymrawd y Gymdeithas Hanesyddol Frenhinol a'r Academi Addysg Uwch.
Aelodaethau proffesiynol
Cymdeithas Astudiaethau'r Dadeni.
Pwyllgorau ac adolygu
Pwyllgorau Allanol
- Cyngor Ymchwil Ewropeaidd, adolygydd arbenigol ar gyfer ceisiadau Horizon 2020 (2017-2020)
- JISC Llyfrau Hanesyddol, Bwrdd Cynghori (2012-19)
- Cymdeithas Lloegr, Pwyllgor Addysg Uwch (2009-19)
- Aelod o'r Coleg Adolygu Cymheiriaid AHRC (2004-14)
- Asiantaeth Sicrhau Ansawdd, grŵp adolygu Datganiad Meincnod Saesneg, aelod (2014)
- Cymdeithas Astudiaethau'r Dadeni, Aelod o'r Cyngor (hefyd 1996-03, 2005-07, 2012-18); Barnwr wedyn yn Gadeirydd Cystadleuaeth Cymrodoriaeth (2016-2017); Gwobr Barnwr Llyfr Lluosflwydd (2016)
- Cyngor y Coleg a'r Brifysgol Saesneg, Aelod Gweithredol (2011-14)
- International Society for History of Rhetoric, cynrychiolydd y DU (2004-08)
Pwyllgorau Mewnol
- Senedd (2014-23)
- Llywodraethu (2020-23)
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
I am interested in supervising work in the following areas:
- early modern poetry, prose, and drama
- early modern rhetoric
- the representation of religion (all periods)
- the representation of trade (all periods)
To cite Raymond Williams, ‘culture is ordinary’; as Michel de Certeau argues, even banal situations can exhibit a resistant, alternative micro-politics in which individuals claim autonomy. Students who want to reconceive of creativity as a quality of ordinary people - shown in the way they produce extraordinary things in common places - are particularly welcome. Literature is not ethically superior to prescriptive management theory, but it is often more methodologically productive...
Contact Details
+44 29208 75617
Adeilad John Percival , Ystafell 2.21, Rhodfa Colum, Caerdydd, CF10 3EU