Ewch i’r prif gynnwys
Philip Taylor

Yr Athro Philip Taylor

Athro Imiwnoleg Drosiadol


I have expertise in study of the innate immune system, in particular, macrophages, myeloid cell surface receptors involved in pathogen recognition and inflammation and the complement system. More recently, I have been engaged in fundamental questions of macrophage biology, relating to origins, development and renewal, and the transcriptional control of cellular activation. I have an additional interest in the development and validation of technologies that promote the 3Rs within a framework of scientific excellence. I have a strong foundation in the study of and development of experimental murine models of disease and immunity. Ultimately, my aim is to elucidate novel mechanisms to manipulate macrophage activity for beneficial outcome in disease.

























Book sections


Current Research:

Research is carried out under the umbrella of the ‘Myeloid Cell Biology’ Group (led by Prof. Taylor and Dr. Selinda Orr (Wellcome Trust funded Sir Henry Dale Fellow).

The Myeloid Cell Biology group is interested primarily in macrophages, but also dendritic cells and neutrophils. These cells are phagcocytes, specialised blood cells, which ingest other cells (both microbial and self) as well as foreign particles. Phagocytes have diverse roles during development, host defence, inflammation (mediation and resolution), wound healing, immune surveillance and alteration of the adaptive immune response.

Professional phagocytes are defined by their expression of a diverse array of receptors for recognising invading organisms such as bacteria and fungi, dead and dying cells, abnormal host cells and environmental particles. These receptors are ‘opsonic’, such as the Fc and complement receptors, and ‘non-opsonic’, such as the Toll-like receptors, and specific cell surface lectins.

The Myeloid Cell Biology group is primarily interested in fundamental aspects of phagocyte biology, such as the receptors used to recognise pathogens, the signalling molecules involved in the subsequent downstream cellular activation events and fundamental aspects of cell biology such as the regulation of apoptosis or cell renewal. Understanding, how phagocytes respond to specific challenges presents an opportunity to manipulate the behaviour of cells at the very heart of innate and adaptive immunity.

Ongoing Projects are primarily in the areas of:

  • Macrophage biology in homeostasis and disease
  • Collaborative and Redundant Roles of C-type Lectin-like Receptors in Anti-Fungal Immunity

Current Grant Funding:

  • Wellcome Trust Investigator Award (2016-2021). “Understanding the molecular controls of tissue resident macrophages” (Sole Applicant). £1.41M.
  • MRC International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium (IMPC) Pump Prime Award (2016-2018). “IMPC: Characterisation of a novel Alzheimer’s disease susceptibility locus” (Lead applicant with L. Jones, M. Hill & B.P. Morgan). £24,024 (fEC: Exception).
  • Kidney Research UK Postdoctoral Fellowship: awarded to Chia-Te Liao (2016-2019; Lead sponsor). £246,000.
  • MRC Project Grant (2016-2019). “Innate pathogen sensing by unconventional T cells during microbial infections” (Co-applicant with M. Eberl (lead), D.Price, D. Fraser, J. Rossjohn & K. Ladell). £660,663 (100% of fEC).
  • Ser Cymru Equipment Award for an Amnis ImageStreamx MkII 2015-2020; £225,923. Supplemented with £100,000 from the Systems Immunity University Research Institute and £68,348 from Cardiff University’s Research Infrastructure Fund (Total Value of bid: £394,271)
  • MRC-DTP Studentship (Ruth Jones) (2015-2019). £75,000 approx (3.5 year duration).
  • Wellcome Trust Sir Henry Wellcome Postdoctoral Fellowship: awarded to Luke Davies 2015-2019 (Sponsor). £250,000.
  • Kidney research UK (Fellowship to Dr. Rob Jenkins). “Control of peritoneal macrophage phenotype by microRNAs” (co-applicant with D. Fraser (lead sponsor), T. Bowen and N. Topley). £192,656.
  • Cardiff University PhD studentship (Robert Pickering) (2013-2017). ~£68,000.
  • Cardiff University PhD studentship (Leah Wallace) (2013-2017). ~£75,000.
  • Cardiff University LREF (Large Research Equipment Fund) (2011-2016) “Polychromatic cell-sorting at Cardiff University’s Medical School” (lead applicant with A. Gallimore, C. Pepper and G. Wilkinson). £150,000.
  • Wellcome Trust Programme Grant (2011-2016) “Chemical and biological actions of esterified eicosanoids generated by human immune cells: Understanding membrane signaling actions of novel lipid families” (coapplicant with V O’Donnell (lead), S. Jones, P. Collins and I. Sabroe (Sheffield)). £1,202,625.

Further Reading:

Rosas, M., Davies, L.C., Giles, P.J., Liao, C-T., Kharfan, B., Stone, T.C., O’Donnell, V.B., Fraser, D.J., Jones, S.A. & Taylor, P.R. 2014. “The transcription factor Gata6 links tissue macrophage phenotype and proliferative renewal”. Science 344: 645-648.

Davies, L.C., Rosas, M., Jenkins, S., Liao, C., Scurr, M.J., Brombacher, F., Fraser, D.J., Allen, J.E., Jones, S.A. & Taylor, P.R. 2013. “Distinct bone marrow-derived and tissue resident macrophage-lineages proliferate at key stages during inflammation”. Nat. Commun., 4: 1886.    

Davies, L.C., Jenkins, S.J., Allen, J.E. & Taylor, P.R. 2013. “Tissue Resident Macrophages”. Nat Immunol., 14: 986-995.


Education and qualifications

1998 PhD Molecular Genetics, Imperial College London.
1994 BSc Human Genetics, University College London.

Career overview

2016- Wellcome Trust Investigator Cardiff Institute of Infection and Immunity, Cardiff University.
2012- Professor of Translational Immunology Cardiff Institute of Infection and Immunity, Cardiff University.
2007-2012 Medical Research Council Senior Research Fellowship/Reader Department of Infection, Immunity and Biochemistry, Cardiff University.
2006-2007 Wellcome Trust Research Career Development Fellowship Department of Medical Biochemistry and Immunology, Cardiff University.
2003-2006 Wellcome Trust Research Career Development Fellowship Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, Oxford University.
1999-2002 Wellcome Trust Postdoctoral Research Associate Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, Oxford University.
1998-1999 Wellcome Trust Postdoctoral Research Associate Hammersmith Hospital, Imperial College School of Medicine, London.
1997-1998  Arthritis Research Campaign Postdoctoral Research Associate Hammersmith Hospital, Imperial College School of Medicine, London.

Anrhydeddau a dyfarniadau

2016-2021 Enillydd Gwobr Ymchwilydd Ymddiriedolaeth Wellcome
2007-2014 Derbynnydd Uwch Gymrodoriaeth y Cyngor Ymchwil Meddygol
2006 Dyfarnwyd statws Athro Ymchwil , Prifysgol Rhydychen
2003-2007 Derbynnydd Cymrodoriaeth Datblygu Gyrfa Ymchwil Ymddiriedolaeth Wellcome
2002 Dyfarnwyd statws RSII, Prifysgol Rhydychen.
1994 Derbynnydd efrydiaeth PhD y Cyngor Ymchwil Feddygol.

Pwyllgorau ac adolygu

  • 2015 - presennol: Bwrdd Rheoli Partneriaeth Hyfforddiant MRC-Doethurol GW4 y Brifysgol
  • 2015 - presennol: Grŵp Strategaeth MRC y Brifysgol
  • 2015 - presennol: Pwyllgor Gweithredol Sefydliad Ymchwil Prifysgol Imiwnedd Systemau (SIURI)
  • 2015 - presennol: Sefydliad Ymchwil Ôl-raddedig Sefydliad Ymchwil Prifysgol Imiwnedd Systemau
  • 2013 - presennol: Pwyllgor Biowybodeg a Bioystadegau'r Ysgol Meddygaeth
  • 2011 - presennol: Pwyllgor Graddau Ymchwil yr Ysgol Meddygaeth
  • 2011 - presennol: Is-adran/Pwyllgor Gweithredol Sefydliad Heintiau ac Imiwnedd
  • 2011 - presennol: Division/Insitute of Infection and Immunity Research Group
  • 2011 - presennol: Cynrychiolydd PGR ar gyfer yr Is-adran/Sefydliad Heintiau ac Imiwnedd
  • 2009 - 2011: Pwyllgor Llywio Grŵp Ymchwil Rhyngddisgyblaethol Heintiau ac Imiwnedd a Llid

Contact Details