Dr Saadia Tayyaba
- Metcalf, E., Goodfellow, R., Allen, J., Frost, P., O'Mahoney, S. and Tayyaba, S. 2021. Patient & student safety - central & essential to undergraduate student progression. Presented at: EBMA Virtual Conference 2020 - Theme 6: Professionalism, Virtual, 11 February 2021.
- Harris, B. H. L., Walsh, J., Tayyaba, S., Harris, D. A., Wilson, D. J. and Smith, P. E. M. 2015. A novel student-led approach to multiple-choice question generation and online database creation, with targeted clinician input. Teaching and Learning in Medicine 27(2), pp. 182-188. (10.1080/10401334.2015.1011651)
- Kilgour, J. M. and Tayyaba, S. 2016. An investigation into the optimal number of distractors in single-best answer exams. Advances in Health Sciences Education 21(3), pp. 571-585. (10.1007/s10459-015-9652-7)
- Harris, B. H. L., Walsh, J., Tayyaba, S., Harris, D. A., Wilson, D. J. and Smith, P. E. M. 2015. A novel student-led approach to multiple-choice question generation and online database creation, with targeted clinician input. Teaching and Learning in Medicine 27(2), pp. 182-188. (10.1080/10401334.2015.1011651)
- Metcalf, E., Goodfellow, R., Allen, J., Frost, P., O'Mahoney, S. and Tayyaba, S. 2021. Patient & student safety - central & essential to undergraduate student progression. Presented at: EBMA Virtual Conference 2020 - Theme 6: Professionalism, Virtual, 11 February 2021.