Dr Dimitrios Theocharis
Timau a rolau for Dimitrios Theocharis
Darlithydd mewn Economeg Forol a Thrafnidiaeth
Rwy'n Ddarlithydd mewn Economeg Forol a Thrafnidiaeth yn yr Adran Logisteg a Rheoli Gweithrediadau.
Fi yw Cyfarwyddwr Rhaglen yr MSc Polisi Morwrol a Rheoli Llongau. Rwyf hefyd yn Gymrawd yr Academi Addysg Uwch (FHEA). Ymunais ag Ysgol Busnes Caerdydd ym mis Mehefin 2022.
Dyfarnwyd Ysgoloriaeth ESRC 3+1 y DU i wneud PhD yn 2015. Pwnc fy Thesis PhD yw: Dichonoldeb Llwybr Môr y Gogledd: Achosion o'r farchnad tancer cynnyrch olew. Mae gen i MSc mewn Trafnidiaeth Ryngwladol o Ysgol Busnes Caerdydd ac MSc mewn Dulliau Ymchwil y Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol o Brifysgol Caerdydd. Mae gen i BSc (Anrh) mewn Economeg o Brifysgol Democritus yn Thrace, Gwlad Groeg. Treuliais beth amser ar fwrdd torrwr iâ ym Mae Bothnia yn y Môr Baltig yn ystod tymor yr iâ yn 2017, lle cefais gyfle i arsylwi a chasglu data sy'n gysylltiedig â gweithrediadau morwrol ar ddyfroedd iâ.
Cefais wahoddiad i gyflwyno fy ngwaith yn Ysgol Fusnes Normandi, Ffrainc ym mis Mawrth 2018, ac ym Mhrifysgol Tokyo, Japan, ym mis Mawrth 2022. Cefais wahoddiad i gyfrannu at lyfrau wedi'u golygu. Cyflwynais fy ngwaith mewn cynadleddau fel Cymdeithas Ryngwladol Economegwyr Morwrol (IAME) a chynhadledd y Rhwydwaith Ymchwil Logisteg (CILT-LRN).
- Theocharis, D., Sanchez Rodrigues, V., Pettit, S. and Haider, J. 2024. Feasibility and implications of the Northern Sea Route choice: The role of commodity prices, in-transit inventory, and alternative operational modes for the oil product tanker market. Maritime Policy and Management 51(3), pp. 363-391. (10.1080/03088839.2022.2119613)
- Lu, P. and Theocharis, D. 2024. Investigating the relationship between EEXI, CII and vessel values in the oil tanker and dry bulk carrier sectors. Presented at: International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME) 2024, Valencia, Spain, 26-28 June 2024.
- Theocharis, D. 2023. Arctic shipping: Economic and environmental assessments. In: Goodsite, M. and Swanström, N. eds. Towards a Sustainable Arctic: International Security, Climate Change and Green Shipping. World Scientific, pp. 95-140., (10.1142/9781800613225_0006)
- Theocharis, D., Sanchez Rodrigues, V., Pettit, S. and Haider, J. 2021. Feasibility of the Northern Sea Route for seasonal transit navigation: The role of ship speed on ice and alternative fuel types for the oil product tanker market. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 151, pp. 259-283. (10.1016/j.tra.2021.03.013)
- Theocharis, D., Sanchez Rodrigues, V., Pettit, S. and Haider, J. 2021. Viability of the Northern Sea Route for oil product tankers: The role of commodity prices, in-transit inventory, and alternative operational modes. Presented at: Logistics Research Network Conference 2021, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK, 8-10 September 2021.
- Theocharis, D. 2021. Feasibility of the Northern Sea route: cases from the oil product tanker market. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
- Theocharis, D. 2019. Approaches of the profitability of Arctic shipping in the literature 1. In: Lasserre, F. and Faury, O. eds. Arctic Shipping: Climate Change, Commercial Traffic and Port Development. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 23-39.
- Theocharis, D., Sanchez Rodrigues, V., Pettit, S. and Haider, J. 2019. Feasibility of the Northern Sea Route: The role of distance, fuel prices,ice breaking fees and ship size for the product tanker market. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 129, pp. 111 - 135. (10.1016/j.tre.2019.07.003)
- Theocharis, D., Sanchez Rodrigues, V., Pettit, S. and Haider, J. 2019. Viability of the Northern Sea Route for the product tanker segment: The role of distance, ship size and fuel prices. Presented at: 27th Annual IAME Conference,, Athens, Greece, 25-28 June 2019.
- Theocharis, D., Pettit, S., Sanchez Rodrigues, V. and Haider, J. 2018. Arctic shipping: a systematic literature review of comparative studies. Journal of Transport Geography 69, pp. 112-128. (10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2018.04.010)
- Theocharis, D., Pettit, S. and Sanchez Rodrigues, V. 2017. A systematic literature review of maritime routing studies with a specific focus on arctic shipping. Presented at: International Association of Maritime Economists Conference, Kyoto, Japan, 27-30 June 2017.
- Theocharis, D., Pettit, S. J., Beresford, A. K. C. and Sanchez Rodrigues, V. 2015. An assessment of the potential feasibility for oil transport using the Arctic northern sea route compared to the Suez Canal. Presented at: Logistics Research Network Conference, Derby, 9 - 11 September 2015.
Adrannau llyfrau
- Theocharis, D. 2023. Arctic shipping: Economic and environmental assessments. In: Goodsite, M. and Swanström, N. eds. Towards a Sustainable Arctic: International Security, Climate Change and Green Shipping. World Scientific, pp. 95-140., (10.1142/9781800613225_0006)
- Theocharis, D. 2019. Approaches of the profitability of Arctic shipping in the literature 1. In: Lasserre, F. and Faury, O. eds. Arctic Shipping: Climate Change, Commercial Traffic and Port Development. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 23-39.
- Lu, P. and Theocharis, D. 2024. Investigating the relationship between EEXI, CII and vessel values in the oil tanker and dry bulk carrier sectors. Presented at: International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME) 2024, Valencia, Spain, 26-28 June 2024.
- Theocharis, D., Sanchez Rodrigues, V., Pettit, S. and Haider, J. 2021. Viability of the Northern Sea Route for oil product tankers: The role of commodity prices, in-transit inventory, and alternative operational modes. Presented at: Logistics Research Network Conference 2021, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK, 8-10 September 2021.
- Theocharis, D., Sanchez Rodrigues, V., Pettit, S. and Haider, J. 2019. Viability of the Northern Sea Route for the product tanker segment: The role of distance, ship size and fuel prices. Presented at: 27th Annual IAME Conference,, Athens, Greece, 25-28 June 2019.
- Theocharis, D., Pettit, S. and Sanchez Rodrigues, V. 2017. A systematic literature review of maritime routing studies with a specific focus on arctic shipping. Presented at: International Association of Maritime Economists Conference, Kyoto, Japan, 27-30 June 2017.
- Theocharis, D., Pettit, S. J., Beresford, A. K. C. and Sanchez Rodrigues, V. 2015. An assessment of the potential feasibility for oil transport using the Arctic northern sea route compared to the Suez Canal. Presented at: Logistics Research Network Conference, Derby, 9 - 11 September 2015.
- Theocharis, D., Sanchez Rodrigues, V., Pettit, S. and Haider, J. 2024. Feasibility and implications of the Northern Sea Route choice: The role of commodity prices, in-transit inventory, and alternative operational modes for the oil product tanker market. Maritime Policy and Management 51(3), pp. 363-391. (10.1080/03088839.2022.2119613)
- Theocharis, D., Sanchez Rodrigues, V., Pettit, S. and Haider, J. 2021. Feasibility of the Northern Sea Route for seasonal transit navigation: The role of ship speed on ice and alternative fuel types for the oil product tanker market. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 151, pp. 259-283. (10.1016/j.tra.2021.03.013)
- Theocharis, D., Sanchez Rodrigues, V., Pettit, S. and Haider, J. 2019. Feasibility of the Northern Sea Route: The role of distance, fuel prices,ice breaking fees and ship size for the product tanker market. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 129, pp. 111 - 135. (10.1016/j.tre.2019.07.003)
- Theocharis, D., Pettit, S., Sanchez Rodrigues, V. and Haider, J. 2018. Arctic shipping: a systematic literature review of comparative studies. Journal of Transport Geography 69, pp. 112-128. (10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2018.04.010)
- Theocharis, D. 2021. Feasibility of the Northern Sea route: cases from the oil product tanker market. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
My research interests and expertise are in the areas of Shipping Economics, Transport Geography, Arctic shipping, and Commodity Markets. I am interested at the effect of trade on the geography and economics of sea transport, the development of techno-economic models to explain route, ship and technologies choice, and the economics of Arctic routes.
I teach at the MSc Maritime Policy and Shipping Management programme.
- Maritime Economics
- Shipping Management and Finance
- Maritime Policy
I am Lecturer in Maritime Economics and Transport in the Logistics and Operations Management Section of Cardiff Business School. I am also an Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (Advance HE). I joined Cardiff Business School in June 2022.
I was awarded a UK ESRC 3+1 Scholarship to do a PhD in 2015. The topic of my PhD Thesis is: Feasibility of the Northern Sea Route: Cases from the oil product tanker market. I hold a MSc in International Transport from Cardiff Business School and a MSc in Social Science Research Methods from Cardiff University. I hold a BSc (Hons) in Economics from Democritus University of Thrace, Greece. I spent some time on board an icebreaker in the Bay of Bothnia in the Baltic Sea during the ice season of 2017, where I had the opportunity to conduct observation and collect data related to maritime operations on ice-infested waters.
I was invited to present my work at Normandy Business School, France in March 2018, and at the University of Tokyo, Japan, in March 2022. I was invited to contribute to edited books. I presented my work in conferences such as the International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME) and the Logistics Research Network (CILT-LRN) conference.
Anrhydeddau a dyfarniadau
ESRC 1 + 3 PhD Studentship, Wales Doctoral Training Partnership (2015)
Aelodaethau proffesiynol
- Cymrawd yr Academi Addysg Uwch (FHEA - Advance HE) - 2024
- Cymrawd Cyswllt yr Academi Addysg Uwch (Advance HE) - 2022
Safleoedd academaidd blaenorol
- Darlithydd mewn Economeg Forol a Thrafnidiaeth (2022)
- Ymgeisydd PhD yn Ysgol Busnes Caerdydd, Prifysgol Caerdydd (2015 - 2022)
- PhD Thesis: Dichonoldeb Llwybr Môr y Gogledd: Achosion o'r farchnad tancer cynnyrch olew
- Rheoli a Chyllid Llongau (2019 a 2020)
- Rheoli Gweithrediadau (2017)
Pwyllgorau ac adolygu
- Cynrychiolydd LOM ar Bwyllgor Moeseg Ymchwil yr Ysgol (SREC)
- Adolygydd Cyfnodolyn:
Journal of Transport Geography
Ymchwil Trafnidiaeth Rhan A: Polisi ac Ymarfer
Ymchwil Trafnidiaeth Rhan D: Trafnidiaeth a'r Amgylchedd
Ymchwil Trafnidiaeth Rhan E: Adolygiad Logisteg a Thrafnidiaeth
Polisi a Rheolaeth Forol
WMU Journal of Materion Morwrol
Adolygiad Busnes Morwrol
Rheolaeth Cefnfor ac Arfordir
Polisi Trafnidiaeth
Ocean and Society
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
I supervise MSc students at the MSc Maritime Policy and Shipping Management programme.
Contact Details
+44 29208 76932
Adeilad Aberconwy, Ystafell E41, Rhodfa Colum, Cathays, Caerdydd, CF10 3EU