Dr Lowri Thomas
- Siarad Cymraeg
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Dechreuais weithio fel darlithydd yn yr Ysgol Fferylliaeth a Gwyddorau Fferyllol yn 2018, ar ôl treulio'r rhan fwyaf o'm gyrfa fel ymchwilydd a ariennir gan Sefydliad Prydeinig y Galon. Mae fy ymchwil yn canolbwyntio ar y sianel ïonau cardiaidd mewngellog enfawr, y derbynnydd ryanodine (RyR2) a'i rôl ym maes iechyd a chlefydau - yn benodol, cynhyrchu arrhythmia cardiaidd. Rwy'n defnyddio mutagenesis a thechnegau mynegiant i wneud proteinau sianel ïonau cyfunol ac asesu eu hymddygiad paru (hy patrwm agor a chau) gan ddefnyddio recordio sianel sengl mewn bilayers lipid planar artiffisial. Mae gen i ddiddordeb hefyd mewn edrych ar sut mae'r digwyddiadau moleciwlaidd hyn yn trosi'n gamweithrediad rhyddhau calsiwm ar y lefel gellog gan ddefnyddio delweddu calsiwm mewn systemau celloedd byw, yn ogystal â sut mae rheoleiddio gwahaniaethol a thrin cyffuriau yn effeithio ar y ffenomenau hyn. Mae fy niddordebau addysgu yn deillio o'r astudiaethau hyn, gan gynnwys ffisioleg a phathoffisioleg cardiaidd a fasgwlaidd, signalau Ca2+ , bioffiseg sianel ïon a rhyngweithio cyffuriau.
- Thomas, N. L., Dart, C. and Helassa, N. 2023. Editorial: The role of calcium and calcium binding proteins in cell physiology and disease. Frontiers in Physiology 14, article number: 1228885. (10.3389/fphys.2023.1228885)
- Prakash, O. et al. 2022. Calmodulin variant E140G associated with long QT syndrome impairs CaMKIIδ autophosphorylation and L-type calcium channel inactivation. Journal of Biological Chemistry 299(1), article number: 102777. (10.1016/j.jbc.2022.102777)
- Prakash, O. et al. 2022. CPVT-associated calmodulin variants N53I and A102V dysregulate calcium signalling via different mechanisms. Journal of Cell Science 135(2), article number: jcs258796. (10.1242/jcs.258796)
- Seidel, M. et al. 2021. Identification of an amino-terminus determinant critical for ryanodine receptor/Ca2+ release channel function. Cardiovascular Research 117(3), pp. 780-791., article number: cvaa043. (10.1093/cvr/cvaa043)
- Olubando, D. et al. 2020. Classification and correlation of RYR2 missense variants in individuals with catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia reveals phenotypic relationships. Journal of Human Genetics 65, pp. 531-539. (10.1038/s10038-020-0738-6)
- Williams, A. and Thomas, N. L. 2019. Reconstitution of ion channels from intracellular membranes and bacteria not amenable to conventional electrophysiological techniques. In: Roberts, G. and Watts, A. eds. Encyclopedia of Biophysics. Berlin, Germany: Springer
- Handhle, A., Ormonde, C. E., Thomas, N. L., Bralesford, C., Williams, A. J., Lai, F. A. and Zissimopoulos, S. 2016. Calsequestrin interacts directly with the cardiac ryanodine receptor luminal domain. Journal of Cell Science 129(21), pp. 3983-3988. (10.1242/jcs.191643)
- Bannister, M., Thomas, N. L., Markus, S., Mukherjee, S., Chloe, M., Kenneth, M. and George, C. H. 2016. Questioning flecainide's mechanism of action in the treatment of catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia [Letter]. The Journal of Physiology 594(21), pp. 6431-6432. (10.1113/JP272497)
- Mukherjee, S., Thomas, N. L. and Williams, A. J. 2016. Unambiguous observation of blocked states reveals altered, blocker-induced, cardiac ryanodine receptor gating. Scientific Reports 6, article number: 34452. (10.1038/srep34452)
- Bannister, M. L. et al. 2016. Effect of flecainide derivatives on sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium release suggests a lack of direct action on the cardiac ryanodine receptor. British Journal of Pharmacology 173(15), pp. 2446-2459. (10.1111/bph.13521)
- Bannister, M. L. et al. 2015. The mechanism of flecainide action in CPVT does not involve a direct effect on RyR2. Circulation Research 116(8), pp. 1324-1335. (10.1161/CIRCRESAHA.116.305347)
- Seidel, M., Thomas, N. L., Williams, A. J., Lai, F. A. and Zissimopoulos, S. 2015. Dantrolene rescues aberrant N-terminus intersubunit interactions in mutant pro-arrhythmic cardiac ryanodine receptors. Cardiovascular Research 105(1), pp. 118-128. (10.1093/cvr/cvu240)
- Mukherjee, S., Thomas, N. L. and Williams, A. J. 2014. Insights into the gating mechanism of the ryanodine-modified human cardiac Ca2+- release channel (ryanodine receptor 2). Molecular Pharmacology 86(3), pp. 318-329. (10.1124/mol.114.093757)
- Zissimopoulos, S. et al. 2013. Amino-terminus oligomerization regulates cardiac ryanodine receptor function. Journal of Cell Science n/a (10.1242/jcs.133538)
- Euden, J., Mason, S., Viero, C., Thomas, N. L. and Williams, A. J. 2013. Investigations of the contribution of a putative glycine hinge to ryanodine receptor channel gating. Journal of Biological Chemistry 288(23), pp. 16671-16679. (10.1074/jbc.M113.465310)
- Zissimopoulos, S. et al. 2013. N-terminus oligomerization regulates the function of cardiac ryanodine receptors. Journal of Cell Science 126(21), pp. 5042-5051. (10.1242/jcs.133538)
- Mukherjee, S., Thomas, N. L. and Williams, A. J. 2012. A mechanistic description of gating of the human cardiac ryanodine receptor in a regulated minimal environment. The Journal of General Physiology 140(2), pp. 139-158. (10.1085/jgp.201110706)
- Thomas, N. L. and Williams, A. J. 2012. Pharmacology of ryanodine receptors and Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Membrane Transport and Signaling 1(4), pp. 383-397. (10.1002/wmts.34)
- Viero, C., Thomas, N. L., Euden, J., Mason, S. A., George, C. H. and Williams, A. J. 2012. Techniques and methodologies to study the ryanodine receptor at the molecular, subcellular and cellular level. In: Calcium Signaling. Advances in Experimental and Medical Biology Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 183-215., (10.1007/978-94-007-2888-2_8)
- Viero, C., Thomas, N. L., Euden, J., Mason, S., George, C. H. and Williams, A. J. 2012. Techniques and methodologies to study the ryanodine receptor at the molecular, subcellular and cellular level. In: Islam, M. S. ed. Calcium Signaling. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology Vol. 740. Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 183-215., (10.1007/978-94-007-2888-2_8)
- Thomas, N. L., Maxwell, C., Mukherjee, S. and Williams, A. J. 2010. Ryanodine receptor mutations in arrhythmia: the continuing mystery of channel dysfunction. FEBS Letters 584(10), pp. 2153-2160. (10.1016/j.febslet.2010.01.057)
- Zissimopoulos, S., Thomas, N. L., Jamaluddin, W. W. and Lai, F. A. 2009. FKBP12.6 binding of ryanodine receptors carrying mutations associated with arrhythmogenic cardiac disease. Biochemical Journal 419(2), pp. 273-278. (10.1042/BJ20082324)
- George, C. H. et al. 2007. Alternative splicing of ryanodine receptors modulates cardiomyocyte Ca2+ signalling and susceptibility to apoptosis. Circulation Research 100(6), pp. 874-883. (10.1161/01.RES.0000260804.77807.cf)
- Fry, D., Jundi, H., Thomas, N. L., Lai, F. A. and George, C. H. 2007. Modulating intracellular Ca2+ signaling using recombinant fragments of the human cardiac ryanodine receptor (RyR2). Biophysical Journal, pp. 260A-260A.
- George, C. H., Jundi, H., Thomas, N. L., Fry, D. L. and Lai, F. A. 2007. Ryanodine receptors and ventricular arrhythmias: Emerging trends in mutations, mechanisms and therapies. Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology 42(1), pp. 34-50. (10.1016/j.yjmcc.2006.08.115)
- George, C. H., Thomas, N. L., Williams, A. J. and Lai, F. A. 2007. Ryanodine receptor mutations in arrhythmias: advances in understanding the mechanisms of channel dysfunction. Biochemical Society Transactions 35(5), pp. 946-951. (10.1042/BST0350946)
- George, C. H., Thomas, N. L. and Lai, F. A. 2006. Role of ryanodine receptor mutations in cardiac pathology: more questions than answers?. Biochemical Society Transactions 34(5), pp. 913-918. (10.1042/BST0340913)
- George, C., Jundi, H., Walters, N., Thomas, N. L., West, R. R. and Lai, F. A. 2005. Arrhythmogenic mutation-linked defects in ryanodine receptor autoregulation reveal a novel mechanism of Ca2+ release channel dysfunction. Circulation Research 98(12), pp. 88-97. (10.1161/01.RES.0000199296.70534.7c)
- Thomas, N. L. 2005. Molecular mechanisms underlying cardiac ryanodine receptor dysfunction in sudden cardiac death.. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
- George, C. H., Thomas, N. L. and Lai, F. A. 2005. Ryanodine receptor dysfunction in arrhythmia and sudden cardiac death. Future Cardiology 1(4), pp. 531-541. (10.2217/14796678.1.4.531)
- Thomas, N. L., Lai, F. A. and George, C. H. 2005. Differential Ca2+ sensitivity of RyR2 mutations reveals distinct mechanisms of channel dysfunction in sudden cardiac death. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 331(1), pp. 231-238. (10.1016/j.bbrc.2005.02.194)
- Thomas, N. L., George, C. and Lai, F. A. 2004. Functional heterogeneity of ryanodine receptor mutations associated with sudden cardiac death. Cardiovascular Research 64(1), pp. 52-60. (10.1016/j.cardiores.2004.06.009)
- George, C., Jundi, H., Thomas, N. L., Scoote, M., Walters, N., Williams, A. J. and Lai, F. A. 2004. Ryanodine receptor regulation by intramolecular interaction between cytoplasmic and transmembrane domains. Molecular biology of the cell 15(6), pp. 2627-2638. (10.1091/mbc.E03-09-0688)
Adrannau llyfrau
- Williams, A. and Thomas, N. L. 2019. Reconstitution of ion channels from intracellular membranes and bacteria not amenable to conventional electrophysiological techniques. In: Roberts, G. and Watts, A. eds. Encyclopedia of Biophysics. Berlin, Germany: Springer
- Viero, C., Thomas, N. L., Euden, J., Mason, S. A., George, C. H. and Williams, A. J. 2012. Techniques and methodologies to study the ryanodine receptor at the molecular, subcellular and cellular level. In: Calcium Signaling. Advances in Experimental and Medical Biology Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 183-215., (10.1007/978-94-007-2888-2_8)
- Viero, C., Thomas, N. L., Euden, J., Mason, S., George, C. H. and Williams, A. J. 2012. Techniques and methodologies to study the ryanodine receptor at the molecular, subcellular and cellular level. In: Islam, M. S. ed. Calcium Signaling. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology Vol. 740. Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 183-215., (10.1007/978-94-007-2888-2_8)
- Thomas, N. L., Dart, C. and Helassa, N. 2023. Editorial: The role of calcium and calcium binding proteins in cell physiology and disease. Frontiers in Physiology 14, article number: 1228885. (10.3389/fphys.2023.1228885)
- Prakash, O. et al. 2022. Calmodulin variant E140G associated with long QT syndrome impairs CaMKIIδ autophosphorylation and L-type calcium channel inactivation. Journal of Biological Chemistry 299(1), article number: 102777. (10.1016/j.jbc.2022.102777)
- Prakash, O. et al. 2022. CPVT-associated calmodulin variants N53I and A102V dysregulate calcium signalling via different mechanisms. Journal of Cell Science 135(2), article number: jcs258796. (10.1242/jcs.258796)
- Seidel, M. et al. 2021. Identification of an amino-terminus determinant critical for ryanodine receptor/Ca2+ release channel function. Cardiovascular Research 117(3), pp. 780-791., article number: cvaa043. (10.1093/cvr/cvaa043)
- Olubando, D. et al. 2020. Classification and correlation of RYR2 missense variants in individuals with catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia reveals phenotypic relationships. Journal of Human Genetics 65, pp. 531-539. (10.1038/s10038-020-0738-6)
- Handhle, A., Ormonde, C. E., Thomas, N. L., Bralesford, C., Williams, A. J., Lai, F. A. and Zissimopoulos, S. 2016. Calsequestrin interacts directly with the cardiac ryanodine receptor luminal domain. Journal of Cell Science 129(21), pp. 3983-3988. (10.1242/jcs.191643)
- Bannister, M., Thomas, N. L., Markus, S., Mukherjee, S., Chloe, M., Kenneth, M. and George, C. H. 2016. Questioning flecainide's mechanism of action in the treatment of catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia [Letter]. The Journal of Physiology 594(21), pp. 6431-6432. (10.1113/JP272497)
- Mukherjee, S., Thomas, N. L. and Williams, A. J. 2016. Unambiguous observation of blocked states reveals altered, blocker-induced, cardiac ryanodine receptor gating. Scientific Reports 6, article number: 34452. (10.1038/srep34452)
- Bannister, M. L. et al. 2016. Effect of flecainide derivatives on sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium release suggests a lack of direct action on the cardiac ryanodine receptor. British Journal of Pharmacology 173(15), pp. 2446-2459. (10.1111/bph.13521)
- Bannister, M. L. et al. 2015. The mechanism of flecainide action in CPVT does not involve a direct effect on RyR2. Circulation Research 116(8), pp. 1324-1335. (10.1161/CIRCRESAHA.116.305347)
- Seidel, M., Thomas, N. L., Williams, A. J., Lai, F. A. and Zissimopoulos, S. 2015. Dantrolene rescues aberrant N-terminus intersubunit interactions in mutant pro-arrhythmic cardiac ryanodine receptors. Cardiovascular Research 105(1), pp. 118-128. (10.1093/cvr/cvu240)
- Mukherjee, S., Thomas, N. L. and Williams, A. J. 2014. Insights into the gating mechanism of the ryanodine-modified human cardiac Ca2+- release channel (ryanodine receptor 2). Molecular Pharmacology 86(3), pp. 318-329. (10.1124/mol.114.093757)
- Zissimopoulos, S. et al. 2013. Amino-terminus oligomerization regulates cardiac ryanodine receptor function. Journal of Cell Science n/a (10.1242/jcs.133538)
- Euden, J., Mason, S., Viero, C., Thomas, N. L. and Williams, A. J. 2013. Investigations of the contribution of a putative glycine hinge to ryanodine receptor channel gating. Journal of Biological Chemistry 288(23), pp. 16671-16679. (10.1074/jbc.M113.465310)
- Zissimopoulos, S. et al. 2013. N-terminus oligomerization regulates the function of cardiac ryanodine receptors. Journal of Cell Science 126(21), pp. 5042-5051. (10.1242/jcs.133538)
- Mukherjee, S., Thomas, N. L. and Williams, A. J. 2012. A mechanistic description of gating of the human cardiac ryanodine receptor in a regulated minimal environment. The Journal of General Physiology 140(2), pp. 139-158. (10.1085/jgp.201110706)
- Thomas, N. L. and Williams, A. J. 2012. Pharmacology of ryanodine receptors and Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Membrane Transport and Signaling 1(4), pp. 383-397. (10.1002/wmts.34)
- Thomas, N. L., Maxwell, C., Mukherjee, S. and Williams, A. J. 2010. Ryanodine receptor mutations in arrhythmia: the continuing mystery of channel dysfunction. FEBS Letters 584(10), pp. 2153-2160. (10.1016/j.febslet.2010.01.057)
- Zissimopoulos, S., Thomas, N. L., Jamaluddin, W. W. and Lai, F. A. 2009. FKBP12.6 binding of ryanodine receptors carrying mutations associated with arrhythmogenic cardiac disease. Biochemical Journal 419(2), pp. 273-278. (10.1042/BJ20082324)
- George, C. H. et al. 2007. Alternative splicing of ryanodine receptors modulates cardiomyocyte Ca2+ signalling and susceptibility to apoptosis. Circulation Research 100(6), pp. 874-883. (10.1161/01.RES.0000260804.77807.cf)
- Fry, D., Jundi, H., Thomas, N. L., Lai, F. A. and George, C. H. 2007. Modulating intracellular Ca2+ signaling using recombinant fragments of the human cardiac ryanodine receptor (RyR2). Biophysical Journal, pp. 260A-260A.
- George, C. H., Jundi, H., Thomas, N. L., Fry, D. L. and Lai, F. A. 2007. Ryanodine receptors and ventricular arrhythmias: Emerging trends in mutations, mechanisms and therapies. Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology 42(1), pp. 34-50. (10.1016/j.yjmcc.2006.08.115)
- George, C. H., Thomas, N. L., Williams, A. J. and Lai, F. A. 2007. Ryanodine receptor mutations in arrhythmias: advances in understanding the mechanisms of channel dysfunction. Biochemical Society Transactions 35(5), pp. 946-951. (10.1042/BST0350946)
- George, C. H., Thomas, N. L. and Lai, F. A. 2006. Role of ryanodine receptor mutations in cardiac pathology: more questions than answers?. Biochemical Society Transactions 34(5), pp. 913-918. (10.1042/BST0340913)
- George, C., Jundi, H., Walters, N., Thomas, N. L., West, R. R. and Lai, F. A. 2005. Arrhythmogenic mutation-linked defects in ryanodine receptor autoregulation reveal a novel mechanism of Ca2+ release channel dysfunction. Circulation Research 98(12), pp. 88-97. (10.1161/01.RES.0000199296.70534.7c)
- George, C. H., Thomas, N. L. and Lai, F. A. 2005. Ryanodine receptor dysfunction in arrhythmia and sudden cardiac death. Future Cardiology 1(4), pp. 531-541. (10.2217/14796678.1.4.531)
- Thomas, N. L., Lai, F. A. and George, C. H. 2005. Differential Ca2+ sensitivity of RyR2 mutations reveals distinct mechanisms of channel dysfunction in sudden cardiac death. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 331(1), pp. 231-238. (10.1016/j.bbrc.2005.02.194)
- Thomas, N. L., George, C. and Lai, F. A. 2004. Functional heterogeneity of ryanodine receptor mutations associated with sudden cardiac death. Cardiovascular Research 64(1), pp. 52-60. (10.1016/j.cardiores.2004.06.009)
- George, C., Jundi, H., Thomas, N. L., Scoote, M., Walters, N., Williams, A. J. and Lai, F. A. 2004. Ryanodine receptor regulation by intramolecular interaction between cytoplasmic and transmembrane domains. Molecular biology of the cell 15(6), pp. 2627-2638. (10.1091/mbc.E03-09-0688)
- Thomas, N. L. 2005. Molecular mechanisms underlying cardiac ryanodine receptor dysfunction in sudden cardiac death.. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
- Seidel, M. et al. 2021. Identification of an amino-terminus determinant critical for ryanodine receptor/Ca2+ release channel function. Cardiovascular Research 117(3), pp. 780-791., article number: cvaa043. (10.1093/cvr/cvaa043)
Mae'r derbynnydd ryanodine cardiaidd yn gyfrifol am ryddhau Ca2+ mewngellol wedi'i storio mewn ymateb i signalau actifadu ar bilen y gell. Mae hwn yn ddigwyddiad allweddol mewn cyplu cyffroi cardiaidd: y broses sy'n trosglwyddo actifadu'r galon yn drydanol i gyfangiad corfforol yn ystod pob curiad calon. Gall mwtaniad genetig neu ddysregulation y sianel ïon enfawr hon arwain at arrhythmia cardiaidd, a all yn aml fod yn angheuol. Mae fy ymchwil yn defnyddio technegau moleciwlaidd i ymchwilio i'r mecanweithiau y mae camweithrediad y sianel hon yn digwydd. Rydym yn defnyddio mutagenesis a thechnegau mynegiant cyfunol i ail-greu proteinau sianel camweithredol, fel y gallwn fonitro unrhyw newidiadau rhyddhau Ca2+ mewn systemau celloedd dynol. Gallwn hefyd edrych yn fanwl iawn ar sut mae patrymau agor a chau sianeli yn effeithio (hy mecanweithiau gratio) gan ddefnyddio ailgodio sianel sengl mewn bilayers lipid planar artiffisial. Bydd y math hwn o wybodaeth unigryw am swyddogaeth sianel yn rhoi mewnwelediad i heterogenedd camweithrediad mutational, a allai effeithio ar effeithiolrwydd therapïau yn y dyfodol. Darllenwch fwy am fy mhrosiectau British Heart Foundation yma.
- PH1124 Systemau Corff Dynol: darlithydd ac arweinydd gweithdy ar gyfer ffisioleg cardiofasgwlaidd
- PH2113 Clefydau a Chyffuriau I: darlithydd ac arweinydd gweithdy ar gyfer ffarmacoleg cardiofasgwlaidd
- Prosiect Ymchwil Fferylliaeth PH4116: goruchwyliwr prosiect ymchwil
- Cyfrannu at OSCE marcio ar gyfer blynyddoedd MPharm 1-4
- Tiwtor personol
MSc Bioleg Canser a Therapeutics:
- PHT801 Bioleg Cellog a Moleciwlaidd Canser: darlithydd ar gyfer Ca2+ Signalau a Chynnwys Sianel ïonau mewn canser
- Rwyf wedi goruchwylio prosiectau ar PHT805 (ymchwil nad yw'n labordy) ac wedi cyfrannu at farcio posteri
- Darlithydd, Ysgol Fferylliaeth a Gwyddorau Fferyllol, 2018 – presennol
- Cymrawd Ymchwil a chydymgeisydd ar grant Rhaglen BHF [Rhagfynegi effeithiolrwydd cyffuriau gwrth-arrhythmig o sail moleciwlaidd dargyfeiriol RyR2 camweithrediad mewn syndromau arrhythmia genetig (£995,228)], Ysgol Feddygaeth Prifysgol Abertawe, 2016-2018
- Uwch gydymaith ymchwil yng ngrŵp yr Athro Alan Williams, Sefydliad y Galon Cymru, Prifysgol Caerdydd, Ysgol Meddygaeth Prifysgol Caerdydd 2007 -2016.
Yn ystod y cyfnod hwn dyfarnwyd sawl grant ymchwil BHF i mi fel prif ymchwilydd [Asesiad swyddogaethol o boblogaethau sianel rhyddhau Ca2+ derbynnydd ryanodine cardiaidd: arddangosiad uniongyrchol o gatio cypledig? (Grant prosiect, 2016-2019, £223,056) a Datrys cyfraniad Caluminal a cytosolic Ca 2+ yn y dysfunction sianeli RyR2 mutant sydyn sy'n gysylltiedig â marwolaeth y galon (Ysgoloriaeth, 2014- 2017, (£102,393) a chyd-ymchwilydd [Datgelu'r mecanweithiau sy'n ymwneud â bloc rhyddhau Ca 2+ o'r reticulum sarcoplasmig cardiaidd gan flecainide (Grant prosiect, 2011-2013,£274,862)], dan oruchwyliaeth 4 myfyriwr PhD i gwblhau yn ogystal â gwaith PDRAs.
- Cydymaith ymchwil yn y grŵp o Athro Tony Lai, Sefydliad y Galon Cymru, Prifysgol Caerdydd, 2006-2007
- PhD, Signalau calsiwm Cardiaidd, Prifysgol Caerdydd, 2005
- BSc (Anrh) Geneteg, Prifysgol Caerdydd, 2001
Ar ôl bod yn ddigon ffodus i dderbyn cefnogaeth y BHF drwy gydol fy ngyrfa, rwyf wedi bod yn rhan o nifer o gyfleoedd ymgysylltu gyda chodwyr arian ac aelodau'r cyhoedd yn gyffredinol i godi ymwybyddiaeth o'r ymchwil y maent yn ei ariannu, gan gynnwys: ymweliadau ysgolion, cyflwyniadau yn yr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol, teithiau labordy, cyfweliadau radio a theledu.
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
I am an accomplished supervisor of post-graduate students and am interesting in all projects relating to the function of ryanodine receptors in any setting.
Current Supervision:
Tessa Harris (2021- ) Title: “Investigation of cardiomyopathy linked RyR2 mutation within the clamp region and its effects on channel function and arrangement”
Contact Details
+44 29208 70636
Adeilad Redwood , Ystafell 1.85, Rhodfa'r Brenin Edward VII, Caerdydd, CF10 3NB