Dr Robert Thomas
Staff academaidd ac ymchwil
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Rwy'n Ddarlithydd mewn Marchnata a Strategaeth yn Ysgol Busnes Caerdydd, Prifysgol Caerdydd, yn Gymrawd y Sefydliad Siartredig Marchnata (FCIM), Cymrawd y Gymdeithas Frenhinol er Annog y Celfyddydau, Gweithgynhyrchu a Masnach (FRSA) a Chymrawd yr Academi Addysg Uwch (FHEA).
Mae fy niddordebau ymchwil yn eang o ran cwmpas ac ar hyn o bryd mae'n cynnwys rheoli brand, ymddygiad ar-lein, cynhyrchu alffa, arferion busnes cynaliadwy, dallineb moesol a thanatourism.
Mae fy ymchwil wedi ymddangos mewn cyfnodolion rhyngwladol a adolygir gan gymheiriaid gan gynnwys European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Business Ethics, Computers in Human Behavior, Journal of Macromarketing, Journal of Marketing Management, Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal, Journal of Product and Brand Management, Young Consumers, ac eraill. Rwy'n Olygydd Cyswllt yn y Journal of Strategic Marketing ac yn eistedd ar y Bwrdd Golygyddol Journal of Product and Brand Management yn enillydd adolygydd y flwyddyn 2015.
Rwyf wedi cyhoeddi dau lyfr gyda SAGE ac yn mwynhau rôl fel 'Arbenigwr Mater Pwnc' ar gyfer campws SAGE gan greu tri chwrs ar-lein – 'Dadansoddi Data Ansoddol', 'Cynnal Adolygiad Llenyddiaeth' a 'NVivo 12 i Ddechreuwyr'.
Y tu allan i'm gweithgareddau academaidd, rwyf wedi bod yn rhan o ddatblygu ac ysgrifennu cynllun 'Help to Grow: Management' y Llywodraeth. Mae'r cynllun hwn yn cefnogi uwch reolwyr busnesau bach a chanolig i hybu perfformiad, gwytnwch a thwf tymor hir eu busnes.
- Samuel, A., White, G. R. T., Thomas, R., McGouran, C. and Bull, M. 2025. Boundary objects at play in the world's greenest football club. Strategic Change 34(1), pp. 9-21. (10.1002/jsc.2618)
- Thomas, R. 2024. "Also, ich bin Ihr Führer für heute Morgen": Exploring tour guide 'performance' through the lens of moral blindness at the Nuremberg Rally sites. Presented at: 2024 Academy of Marketing Conference, Cardiff, UK, 1 - 4 July 2024.
- Thomas, R. and Samuel, A. 2024. Collective absolution, practised dubiety, ersatz ethics and permanent positions: An exploration of moral blindness in contemporary collecting. Presented at: 2024 Academy of Marketing Conference, Cardiff, UK, 1-4 July 2024.
- Thomas, R. and Samuel, A. 2024. Contested commemoration and new meanings: A study of soviet-era war memorials in Berlin. Presented at: 49th Macromarketing Conference, Helsinki, Finland, 17 - 20 June 2024.
- Mukattash, I. L., Dandis, A., Thomas, R., Nusair, M. and Mukattash, T. L. 2023. Social marketing, shock advertising and risky consumption behavior. International Journal of Emerging Markets 18(8), pp. 1994-2011. (10.1108/IJOEM-09-2020-1111)
- White, G. R., Samuel, A. and Thomas, R. 2023. Exploring and expanding supererogatory acts: beyond duty for a sustainable future. Journal of Business Ethics 185, pp. 665-688. (10.1007/s10551-022-05144-8)
- Samuel, A., McGouran, C., Thomas, R. J. and White, G. R. 2023. Chapter 9: Directing ethical consumption through the development of ethical foodscapes. In: Carrigan, M., Wells, V. and Papadas, K. eds. Research Handbook on Ethical Consumption. Elgar Online, pp. 136-157., (10.4337/9781802202021)
- Thomas, R. 2023. A qualitative study of parental influence on young adults? Motivations to join a brand community. Presented at: Academy of Marketing Conference 2023:From Revolution to Revolutions 3: 3, University of Birmingham, 3-6 July 2023.
- Thomas, R. 2023. An empirical analysis of the motivation(s) to collect death. A pan cultural study of consumer collectors. Presented at: Academy of Marketing Conference 2023:From Revolution to Revolutions 3: 3, University of Birmingham, 3-6 July 2023.
- Thomas, R. 2023. Collecting death: From memorabilia to thanabillia?. Presented at: Consumer Culture Theory Conference:Utopia Revisited, Lund, Sweden Lund University, AF-Borgen, 27-30 June 2023.
- Samuel, A., McGouran, C., Thomas, R. and Gareth, W. 2023. FIFA's Greenest Football Club: delivering and Disseminating Social Innovation at Forest Green Rovers. Presented at: 48th Macromarketing Conference, Seattle, 19-22nd June 2023.
- Samuel, A., Thomas, R. J., McGouran, C. and White, G. R. T. 2022. Experiencing the macromarketing dimensions of sustainability: Lessons learned from field trips to the ultra novel. Journal of Marketing Education 44(3), pp. 322-336. (10.1177/02734753211049825)
- White, G., Allen, R., Samuel, A., Abdullah, A. and Thomas, R. J. 2022. Antecedents of cybersecurity implementation: a study of the cyber-preparedness of U.K. social enterprises. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 69(6), pp. 3826-3837. (10.1109/TEM.2020.2994981)
- Samuel, A., White, G. R., Peattie, K. and Thomas, R. 2022. Social enterprise places: a place-based initiative facilitating syntactic, semantic and pragmatic constructions of legitimacy. Journal of Macromarketing 42(1), pp. 51-70. (10.1177/02761467211040765)
- White, G. R. T., Allen, R., Samuel, A., Taylor, D., Thomas, R. and Jones, P. 2022. The ecosystem of UK social entrepreneurship: a meta-analysis of contemporary studies. In: Grant Pickernell, D. et al. eds. Disadvantaged Entrepreneurship and the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem., Vol. 14. Contemporary Issues in Entrepreneurship Research Emerald, pp. 193-218., (10.1108/S2040-724620220000014009)
- Thomas, R. J., White, G. R. T. and Samuel, A. 2021. Exploring the motivations to participate in an online brand community: a study of 7-11-year-old children. European Journal of Marketing 55(8), pp. 2308-2343. (10.1108/EJM-09-2019-0730)
- Thomas, R. J., White, G. R. T. and Samuel, A. 2021. What are the social and personal drivers to engage in co-creation? A study of UK 7-13-year-olds. Young Consumers: Insight and Ideas for Responsible Marketers 22(2), pp. 202-218. (10.1108/YC-09-2020-1215)
- Samuel, A., White, G., Thomas, R. and Jones, P. 2021. Programmatic advertising: an exegesis of consumer concerns. Computers in Human Behavior 116, article number: 106657. (10.1016/j.chb.2020.106657)
- Thomas, R. J. 2020. From social activism to active socialization: The evolution of football ideology in community-owned football clubs. Strategic Change Briefings in Entrepreneurial Finance 29(4), pp. 459-470. (10.1002/jsc.2357)
- Thomas, R. J., White, G. and Samuel, A. 2020. Exploring children's reactions to sponsorship transition: a study of interpersonal and pro-social demands. Young Consumers: Insight and Ideas for Responsible Marketers 21(4), pp. 419-433. (10.1108/YC-06-2020-1174)
- White, G. R. T., Ahmed, A., Cicmil, S., Allen, R. and Thomas, R. 2019. University-industry collaboration through knowledge transfer partnerships in the UK: an extension of activity theory. The International Journal of Management 8(4), pp. 14-24.
- Thomas, R. J. 2019. Find the theme in your data: Little quick fix. SAGE.
- Thomas, R. J. 2019. Turn your literature review into an argument: Little quick fix. SAGE.
- Thomas, R. J. 2018. Mapping the perceptions and antecedents of football fans' co-creation behaviours with sponsoring brands: a pan-cultural study of the European leagues. Journal of Marketing Management 34(17-18), pp. 1470-1502. (10.1080/0267257X.2018.1545685)
- Thomas, R. J. 2018. Exploring the motivations and benefits of joining a brand community: A study of UK 7-11-year-olds. Presented at: Academy of Marketing Conference : Marketing the Brave, University of Sterling , Sterling , United Kingdom, 2-5 July 2018.
- Thomas, R. J. 2018. An analysis of the impact of dispositional characteristics in relation to fan/sponsor loyalty. Presented at: Academy of Marketing Conference : Marketing the Brave, University of Sterling , Sterling , United Kingdom, 2-5 July 2018.
- Thomas, R. J. 2018. Constructing the self through consumer contribution: A study of self-monitoring behaviour and co-creation. Presented at: Academy of Marketing Conference : Marketing the Brave, University of Sterling , Sterling , United Kingdom, 2-5 July 2018.
- Thomas, R. J. 2018. The effect of personality on brand alignment: an empirical study of elite sport. Presented at: 47th European Marketing Academy Conference, Glasgow, United Kingdom, 29 May - 1 Jun 2018.
- Thomas, R. J. 2017. Mapping the boundaries and antecedents of football fans - Individual co-creation activities: A pan-cultural, exploratory study of the European Leagues. Presented at: Academy of Marketing Conference 2017- Freedom Through Marketing: Looking Back, Going Forward, Hull, Uk, 3-6 July 2017.
- Thomas, R. J. 2016. Exploring football fans' utilitarian shopping motivation and its effect on sponsorship engagement: Qualitative evidence from Europe's 'Big Five' leagues and Campeonato Brasileiro Série A.. Presented at: 45th European Marketing Academy Conference, Oslo, Norway, 27-29 May 2016.
- Thomas, R. J. 2016. Deciphering football fans brand relationships, consumption values and loyalty predicates: A utilitarian perspective.. Presented at: Academy of Marketing Conference 2016: Radical Marketing, Newcastle, United Kingdom, 4-7 July 2016.
- Thomas, R. J. 2015. Out with the old and in with the new: a study of new kit sponsorship and brand associations in the Barclays Premier League. Journal of Product and Brand Management 24(3), pp. 229-251. (10.1108/JPBM-07-2014-0657)
- Thomas, R. J. 2014. Female self-enhancement, ingratiation practices and consumption symbolism: Qualitative insights into personality driven customer behaviour and evaluations of consumer electronics. Journal of Customer Behaviour 13(4), pp. 291-324. (10.1362/147539214X14185702584360)
- Thomas, R. J. 2014. An evaluation of the effectiveness of rugby event sponsorship: A study of Dove Men+Care and the Welsh Rugby Union. Journal of Product & Brand Management 23(4/5), pp. 304-321. (10.1108/JPBM-03-2014-0533)
- Thomas, R. J. 2014. Utilitarianism, low-self monitoring and consumer electronics: A female perspective. Presented at: Academy of Marketing Conference 2014: Marketing Dimensions: People, places and spaces, Bournemouth, UK, 8-10 July 2014.
- Thomas, R. J. 2014. An investigation into fans' perceptions of International Rugby Union kit sponsorship: A study of England and Wales. Presented at: Academy of Marketing Conference 2013 Marketing Dimensions: People, places and spaces,, Bournemouth, UK, 8-10 July 2014.
- Thomas, R. J. and Roeseler, F. 2013. An exploratory investigation into the effectiveness of team kit sponsorship: Fans' perspectives of new sponsorship in the German Bundesliga. Journal of Customer Behaviour 12(2-3), pp. 177-192. (10.1362/147539213X13832198548337)
- Thomas, R. J. 2013. There's a real value in people telling you what's what: An exploration of female high self-monitoring and herd behaviour. Presented at: Academy of Marketing Conference 2013 - Marketing Relevance, Cardiff, UK, 8-11 July 2013.
- Thomas, R. J. 2013. Trust! A qualitative exploration into self-monitoring and the susceptibility to celebrity influence. Presented at: Academy of Marketing Conference 2013 - Marketing Relevance, Cardiff, UK, 8-11 July 2013.
Adrannau llyfrau
- Samuel, A., McGouran, C., Thomas, R. J. and White, G. R. 2023. Chapter 9: Directing ethical consumption through the development of ethical foodscapes. In: Carrigan, M., Wells, V. and Papadas, K. eds. Research Handbook on Ethical Consumption. Elgar Online, pp. 136-157., (10.4337/9781802202021)
- White, G. R. T., Allen, R., Samuel, A., Taylor, D., Thomas, R. and Jones, P. 2022. The ecosystem of UK social entrepreneurship: a meta-analysis of contemporary studies. In: Grant Pickernell, D. et al. eds. Disadvantaged Entrepreneurship and the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem., Vol. 14. Contemporary Issues in Entrepreneurship Research Emerald, pp. 193-218., (10.1108/S2040-724620220000014009)
- Thomas, R. 2024. "Also, ich bin Ihr Führer für heute Morgen": Exploring tour guide 'performance' through the lens of moral blindness at the Nuremberg Rally sites. Presented at: 2024 Academy of Marketing Conference, Cardiff, UK, 1 - 4 July 2024.
- Thomas, R. and Samuel, A. 2024. Collective absolution, practised dubiety, ersatz ethics and permanent positions: An exploration of moral blindness in contemporary collecting. Presented at: 2024 Academy of Marketing Conference, Cardiff, UK, 1-4 July 2024.
- Thomas, R. and Samuel, A. 2024. Contested commemoration and new meanings: A study of soviet-era war memorials in Berlin. Presented at: 49th Macromarketing Conference, Helsinki, Finland, 17 - 20 June 2024.
- Thomas, R. 2023. A qualitative study of parental influence on young adults? Motivations to join a brand community. Presented at: Academy of Marketing Conference 2023:From Revolution to Revolutions 3: 3, University of Birmingham, 3-6 July 2023.
- Thomas, R. 2023. An empirical analysis of the motivation(s) to collect death. A pan cultural study of consumer collectors. Presented at: Academy of Marketing Conference 2023:From Revolution to Revolutions 3: 3, University of Birmingham, 3-6 July 2023.
- Thomas, R. 2023. Collecting death: From memorabilia to thanabillia?. Presented at: Consumer Culture Theory Conference:Utopia Revisited, Lund, Sweden Lund University, AF-Borgen, 27-30 June 2023.
- Samuel, A., McGouran, C., Thomas, R. and Gareth, W. 2023. FIFA's Greenest Football Club: delivering and Disseminating Social Innovation at Forest Green Rovers. Presented at: 48th Macromarketing Conference, Seattle, 19-22nd June 2023.
- Thomas, R. J. 2018. Exploring the motivations and benefits of joining a brand community: A study of UK 7-11-year-olds. Presented at: Academy of Marketing Conference : Marketing the Brave, University of Sterling , Sterling , United Kingdom, 2-5 July 2018.
- Thomas, R. J. 2018. An analysis of the impact of dispositional characteristics in relation to fan/sponsor loyalty. Presented at: Academy of Marketing Conference : Marketing the Brave, University of Sterling , Sterling , United Kingdom, 2-5 July 2018.
- Thomas, R. J. 2018. Constructing the self through consumer contribution: A study of self-monitoring behaviour and co-creation. Presented at: Academy of Marketing Conference : Marketing the Brave, University of Sterling , Sterling , United Kingdom, 2-5 July 2018.
- Thomas, R. J. 2018. The effect of personality on brand alignment: an empirical study of elite sport. Presented at: 47th European Marketing Academy Conference, Glasgow, United Kingdom, 29 May - 1 Jun 2018.
- Thomas, R. J. 2017. Mapping the boundaries and antecedents of football fans - Individual co-creation activities: A pan-cultural, exploratory study of the European Leagues. Presented at: Academy of Marketing Conference 2017- Freedom Through Marketing: Looking Back, Going Forward, Hull, Uk, 3-6 July 2017.
- Thomas, R. J. 2016. Exploring football fans' utilitarian shopping motivation and its effect on sponsorship engagement: Qualitative evidence from Europe's 'Big Five' leagues and Campeonato Brasileiro Série A.. Presented at: 45th European Marketing Academy Conference, Oslo, Norway, 27-29 May 2016.
- Thomas, R. J. 2016. Deciphering football fans brand relationships, consumption values and loyalty predicates: A utilitarian perspective.. Presented at: Academy of Marketing Conference 2016: Radical Marketing, Newcastle, United Kingdom, 4-7 July 2016.
- Thomas, R. J. 2014. Utilitarianism, low-self monitoring and consumer electronics: A female perspective. Presented at: Academy of Marketing Conference 2014: Marketing Dimensions: People, places and spaces, Bournemouth, UK, 8-10 July 2014.
- Thomas, R. J. 2014. An investigation into fans' perceptions of International Rugby Union kit sponsorship: A study of England and Wales. Presented at: Academy of Marketing Conference 2013 Marketing Dimensions: People, places and spaces,, Bournemouth, UK, 8-10 July 2014.
- Thomas, R. J. 2013. There's a real value in people telling you what's what: An exploration of female high self-monitoring and herd behaviour. Presented at: Academy of Marketing Conference 2013 - Marketing Relevance, Cardiff, UK, 8-11 July 2013.
- Thomas, R. J. 2013. Trust! A qualitative exploration into self-monitoring and the susceptibility to celebrity influence. Presented at: Academy of Marketing Conference 2013 - Marketing Relevance, Cardiff, UK, 8-11 July 2013.
- Samuel, A., White, G. R. T., Thomas, R., McGouran, C. and Bull, M. 2025. Boundary objects at play in the world's greenest football club. Strategic Change 34(1), pp. 9-21. (10.1002/jsc.2618)
- Mukattash, I. L., Dandis, A., Thomas, R., Nusair, M. and Mukattash, T. L. 2023. Social marketing, shock advertising and risky consumption behavior. International Journal of Emerging Markets 18(8), pp. 1994-2011. (10.1108/IJOEM-09-2020-1111)
- White, G. R., Samuel, A. and Thomas, R. 2023. Exploring and expanding supererogatory acts: beyond duty for a sustainable future. Journal of Business Ethics 185, pp. 665-688. (10.1007/s10551-022-05144-8)
- Samuel, A., Thomas, R. J., McGouran, C. and White, G. R. T. 2022. Experiencing the macromarketing dimensions of sustainability: Lessons learned from field trips to the ultra novel. Journal of Marketing Education 44(3), pp. 322-336. (10.1177/02734753211049825)
- White, G., Allen, R., Samuel, A., Abdullah, A. and Thomas, R. J. 2022. Antecedents of cybersecurity implementation: a study of the cyber-preparedness of U.K. social enterprises. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 69(6), pp. 3826-3837. (10.1109/TEM.2020.2994981)
- Samuel, A., White, G. R., Peattie, K. and Thomas, R. 2022. Social enterprise places: a place-based initiative facilitating syntactic, semantic and pragmatic constructions of legitimacy. Journal of Macromarketing 42(1), pp. 51-70. (10.1177/02761467211040765)
- Thomas, R. J., White, G. R. T. and Samuel, A. 2021. Exploring the motivations to participate in an online brand community: a study of 7-11-year-old children. European Journal of Marketing 55(8), pp. 2308-2343. (10.1108/EJM-09-2019-0730)
- Thomas, R. J., White, G. R. T. and Samuel, A. 2021. What are the social and personal drivers to engage in co-creation? A study of UK 7-13-year-olds. Young Consumers: Insight and Ideas for Responsible Marketers 22(2), pp. 202-218. (10.1108/YC-09-2020-1215)
- Samuel, A., White, G., Thomas, R. and Jones, P. 2021. Programmatic advertising: an exegesis of consumer concerns. Computers in Human Behavior 116, article number: 106657. (10.1016/j.chb.2020.106657)
- Thomas, R. J. 2020. From social activism to active socialization: The evolution of football ideology in community-owned football clubs. Strategic Change Briefings in Entrepreneurial Finance 29(4), pp. 459-470. (10.1002/jsc.2357)
- Thomas, R. J., White, G. and Samuel, A. 2020. Exploring children's reactions to sponsorship transition: a study of interpersonal and pro-social demands. Young Consumers: Insight and Ideas for Responsible Marketers 21(4), pp. 419-433. (10.1108/YC-06-2020-1174)
- White, G. R. T., Ahmed, A., Cicmil, S., Allen, R. and Thomas, R. 2019. University-industry collaboration through knowledge transfer partnerships in the UK: an extension of activity theory. The International Journal of Management 8(4), pp. 14-24.
- Thomas, R. J. 2018. Mapping the perceptions and antecedents of football fans' co-creation behaviours with sponsoring brands: a pan-cultural study of the European leagues. Journal of Marketing Management 34(17-18), pp. 1470-1502. (10.1080/0267257X.2018.1545685)
- Thomas, R. J. 2015. Out with the old and in with the new: a study of new kit sponsorship and brand associations in the Barclays Premier League. Journal of Product and Brand Management 24(3), pp. 229-251. (10.1108/JPBM-07-2014-0657)
- Thomas, R. J. 2014. Female self-enhancement, ingratiation practices and consumption symbolism: Qualitative insights into personality driven customer behaviour and evaluations of consumer electronics. Journal of Customer Behaviour 13(4), pp. 291-324. (10.1362/147539214X14185702584360)
- Thomas, R. J. 2014. An evaluation of the effectiveness of rugby event sponsorship: A study of Dove Men+Care and the Welsh Rugby Union. Journal of Product & Brand Management 23(4/5), pp. 304-321. (10.1108/JPBM-03-2014-0533)
- Thomas, R. J. and Roeseler, F. 2013. An exploratory investigation into the effectiveness of team kit sponsorship: Fans' perspectives of new sponsorship in the German Bundesliga. Journal of Customer Behaviour 12(2-3), pp. 177-192. (10.1362/147539213X13832198548337)
- Thomas, R. J. 2019. Find the theme in your data: Little quick fix. SAGE.
- Thomas, R. J. 2019. Turn your literature review into an argument: Little quick fix. SAGE.
Mae fy ymchwil amlddisgyblaethol wedi archwilio meysydd sy'n gysylltiedig â rheoli brand a brand, mentrau cymdeithasol, defnydd moesegol, defnyddwyr ifanc ac addysg farchnata. Mae fy ymchwil presennol yn canolbwyntio ar foesoldeb, dallineb moesol, thanatwristiaeth a diwylliant defnyddwyr.
Ar hyn o bryd rwy'n dysgu ar y modiwlau canlynol:
- Prosiect Marchnata BS3011 : BSc Rheoli Busnes a Marchnata L6 (Arweinydd Modiwl)
- Prosiect Marchnata BST360 : MSc Marchnata Strategol L7 (Arweinydd Modiwl)
- Prosiect Marchnata BST249 : MSc Marchnata L7 (Arweinydd Modiwl)
- BST351 Marchnata Gwasanaethau: MSc Marchnata L7 (Arweinydd Modiwl)
- PhD (Marchnata), Prifysgol Morgannwg , Tachwedd 2011
- MSc Managament, Prifysgol Morgannwg (Rhagoriaeth) Mehefin 2005
- BTh, Prifysgol Cymru, Aberystwyth, Mehefin 1996
Rolau Golygyddol
- Golygydd Cyswllt Journal of Strategic Management
- Golygyddol Board Journal of Product and Brand Management
Aelodaeth Proffesiynol
- Y Sefydliad Siartredig Marchnata (FCIM)
- Cymdeithas Frenhinol y Celfyddydau (FRSA)
- Cymrawd yr Academi Addysg Uwch (FHEA)
Siarad Ymrwymiadau
- Datblygiad Cyflenwyr Lleiafrif Hydref-2020 (MSDUK) - Datblygu strategaeth frand aflonyddgar, Praghmatig a chyraeddadwy
- Tachwedd-2020-Aston Rhaglen ar gyfer Twf Busnesau Bach/Cronfa Datblygu Rhanbarthol yr Undeb Ewropeaidd (ERDF)- 'Strategaethau Arweinyddiaeth a Marchnata'
- Tachwedd- 2021-Cymdeithas Farchnata TedX Aston/Aston - 'Brandiau Dynol'
- Chwefror - 2022. TedX Aston- 'Y Brand MetaModern; Brand o'r enw chi.
- Mawrth-2022-TedX Aston. Cymdeithas Marchnata Aston - 'Canmoliaeth Brand'.
- Ionawr -2023-Citavi 'Arwain ac Adeiladu Adolygiad Llenyddiaeth er mwyn cael yr effaith fwyaf'
- Medi-2023 - Lumivero Rhith-gasgliad 'Oratori Gwreiddiol: Ymgysylltu â'r darllenydd gyda'r hyn sydd wedi mynd o'r blaen'
- Hydref -2023 - Busnes Cymru/Menter a Busnes/Cyswllt Ffermio - 'Creu Gwerth er Mantais Gystadleuol'
- Hydref-2023- Efelychiadau StratX - 'Llywio Heriau AI mewn Addysg: Rôl Efelychiadau Busnes'.
- Tachwedd-2023- Sefydliad Alacrity 'Brandio-The Fundamentals'
- Tachwedd-2023-Alacrity Foundation Busnes 'Adeiladu Brand' Cymdeithasol
Sgyrsiau Gwahoddedig
Januray- 2025 - Cymdeithas Prydain ac Iwerddon ar gyfer Astudiaethau Holocost-Twristiaeth a Chanllawiau Teithiau Deddfau Dallineb Moesol; Datblygiadau yn Auschwitz-Birkenau a Nuremberg
- Insider Media- Ask the Expert, 20th Chwef 2023
- Y tu mewn i'r cyfryngau - Heads up- Sut y gall businesess ddefnyddio TikTok i adeiladu proffil a gwerthiannau, Gorffennaf 2023
Adolygydd Journal
- European Journal of Marketing
- Journal of Marketing Management
- Journal of Brand Management
- Journal of Product and Brand Management
- Journal of Brand Management
- Ymchwil y Farchnad Ansoddol: An International Journal
- Journal of Consumer Marketing
- Journal of Marketing Education
- Defnyddwyr Ifanc: Mewnwelediad a Syniadau ar gyfer Marchnatwyr Cyfrifol
Rolau Archwilio Allanol
- 2019 - Arholwr Allanol y Cwrs BSc (Anrh) Marchnata, Prifysgol Salford.
- 2019- Arholwr Cwrs Allanol MSc Marchnata, Prifysgol Kingston
- Arholwr Allanol Cwrs 2013-2019 ar gyfer BA Marchnata, Prifysgol Sheffield Hallam.
- Arholwr Allanol Cwrs 2014-2018 ar gyfer MSc Marchnata, Prifysgol Abertawe.
- Arholwr Eithafol Cwrs 2012-2016 ar gyfer MBA amser llawn, Prifysgol Glyndŵr.
- Arholwr Allanol Cwrs 2014-2018 (Hons)/FdA Rheoli Marchnata a BA (Anrh) / FdA Marchnata gyda rhaglenni Rheoli Digwyddiadau , Coleg Prifysgol Birmingham (a ddyfarnwyd gan Brifysgol Birmingham).
- Cwrs 2015-2019 Arholwr Allanol Busnes a Rheolaeth FDA, Prifysgol Portsmouth
- 2015-2019 Arholwr Allanol ar gyfer BA (Anrh) Arweinyddiaeth, Busnes a Rheolaeth, Prifysgol Portsmouth.
Rolau Ychwanegol
- Aelod Panel Beirniadu GOAwards (Cymru), GOAwards UK National a Sefydliad Cyfarwyddwyr (IOD) Cymru (2023)
- Aelod Panel Beirniadu dros GOAwards (Cymru), Go Awards UK National a Institute of Directors( IOD) Wales (2024)
- Aelod Panel Beirniadu ar gyfer Grant Rhyngwladol QSR/Lenivo ar gyfer Ymchwilwyr Gyrfa Gynnar (2024)
Enwebiadau - 'Gwobrau Cyfoethogi Bywyd Myfyrwyr' 2024
- Profiad dysgu mwyaf rhagorol
- Hyrwyddwr Cydraddoldeb, Amrywiaeth a Chynhwysiant
- Hyrwyddwr Llais a Phartneriaeth Myfyrwyr
- Cefnogaeth Gwasanaeth Proffesiynol y Flwyddyn
- Defnydd Mwyaf Effeithiol a Rhagorol o Asesu fel Dysgu
- Cydweithrediad Dysgu ac Addysgu'r Flwyddyn
- Pencampwr Addysg Gymraeg.
Gwobr Papur Academaidd Gorau yng Nghynhadledd yr Academi Farchnata 2017- Rhyddid Trwy Farchnata: Edrych yn Ôl, Wrth Ymlaen, Ysgol Fusnes Prifysgol Hull, y DU, 3-6 Gorffennaf 2017, Thomas, R.J. (2017) "Mapio ffiniau a chynseiliau gweithgareddau cyd-greu unigol cefnogwyr pêl-droed: Astudiaeth Pan-ddiwylliannol, Archwiliadol o Gynghreiriau Ewrop.
Journal of Product and Brand Management: Adolygydd y Flwyddyn 2015
Enwebai Cynnyrch Sage y Flwyddyn 2020 - Dewch o hyd i'r thema yn eich data: Ychydig o ateb cyflym.
Anrhydeddau a dyfarniadau
Contact Details
+44 29225 14100
Adeilad Aberconwy, Ystafell B28, Rhodfa Colum, Cathays, Caerdydd, CF10 3EU