Dr Sarah Thompson
Research Associate, CASCADE
Ysgol y Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol
- ThompsonS25@caerdydd.ac.uk
- +44 29208 74435
- sbarc|spark, Ystafell 03.14, Heol Maendy, Cathays, Caerdydd, CF24 4HQ
Rwy'n Gydymaith Ymchwil yn y Ganolfan Ymchwil a Datblygu Gofal Cymdeithasol Plant (CASCADE). Ers mis Hydref 2021 rwyf wedi bod yn ymgymryd â chymrodoriaeth a ariennir gan Ymchwil Iechyd a Gofal Cymru o'r enw 'Sut allwn ni wella profiadau a chanlyniadau plant awtistig mewn gofal? Astudiaeth dulliau cymysg o anghenion, gwasanaethau ac arfer da'.
Cwblheais PhD yng Nghanolfan Ymchwil Awtistiaeth Cymru ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd yn 2018. Ers hynny, rwyf wedi ymgymryd â rôl ymchwil yn y sector cyhoeddus sy'n gweithio i Estyn ar ymchwil addysg yng Nghymru ac wedi bod yn gydymaith ymchwil ym Mhrifysgol Durham yn gwerthuso rhaglen gymorth i rieni plant awtistig.
Ers ymuno â CASCADE yn 2019 rwyf wedi gweithio ar nifer o brosiectau gan gynnwys:
- Gwerthusiad o Action for Children's Serious Organised Crime Early Intervention Service
- Treial rheoli ar hap o Schwartz Rounds, ymyriad grŵp sy'n ceisio gwella lles staff gwaith cymdeithasol
- Gwerthusiad o'r defnydd o ddull sy'n seiliedig ar drawma mewn gwasanaethau cam-drin domestig
- Beth sy'n Gweithio i Brosiectau Gofal Spocial Plant a ariennir ar weithwyr cymdeithasol mewn ysgolion a chyllidebau datganoledig
- Westlake, D. et al. 2024. Social workers in schools: a feasibility study of three local authorities. Journal of Social Work (10.1177/14680173241258927)
- Wilkins, D., Thompson, S., Jones, R., Bezeczky, Z. and Bennett, V. 2024. Implementing Schwartz Rounds in children’s social care: enablers and barriers. Journal of Social Work
- Jones, R., Wilkins, D., Bezeczky, Z. and Thompson, S. 2023. How did levels of psychological distress and perceptions of workplace support among children’s social work staff change during the Covid-19 pandemic?. British Journal of Social Work 53(1), pp. 405-424. (10.1093/bjsw/bcac126)
- Westlake, D., Corliss, C., Thompson, S., Meindl, M., Diaz, C., Talwar, R. and Folkes, L. 2022. Devolved budgets in Children’s Social Care: A logic model based on three pilot evaluations. British Journal of Social Work 52(7), pp. 3999-4020. (10.1093/bjsw/bcac019)
- Maxwell, N., Williams, A., Ablitt, J., Bezeczky, Z., Thompson, S. and Crowley, A. 2022. Serious Organised Crime Early Intervention Service: Interim Evaluation Report. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: CASCADE. Available at: https://cascadewales.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2022/10/Serious-Organised-Crime-Early-Intervention-Service-Evaluation-Report.pdf
- Wilkins, D., Thompson, S., Bezeczky, Z., Daher, S., Bennett, V., Jones, R. and Clayton, V. 2021. A randomised controlled trial of Schwartz Rounds: an intervention to reduce psychological distress for staff in Children's Services. Project Report. [Online]. What Work's for Children's Social Care. Available at: https://whatworks-csc.org.uk/research-report/a-randomised-controlled-trial-of-schwartz-rounds/
- Wilkins, D., Thompson, S., Bezeczky, Z., Daher, S., Bennett, V., Jones, R. and Clayton, V. 2021. A randomised controlled trial of Schwartz Rounds: An intervention to reduce psychological distress for staff in children's services. Available at: https://whatworks-csc.org.uk/research-report/a-randomised-controlled-trial-of-schwartz-rounds/
- Wilkins, D., Thompson, S. and Bezeczky, Z. 2020. Child and family social work during the COVID-19 pandemic: a rapid review of the evidence in relation to social work practice, natural disasters and pandemics. Project Report. [Online]. London: What Works Centre for Children's Social Care. Available at: https://whatworks-csc.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/WWCSC_Natural-Disasters-Rapid-Review_Aug-2020.pdf
- Wilkins, D., Thompson, S. and Bezeczky, Z. 2020. Child and family social work during the COVID-19 pandemic: a rapid review of the evidence in relation to remote leadership. Project Report. [Online]. London: What Works Centre for Children's Social Care. Available at: https://whatworks-csc.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/WWCSC_Rapid_Review_Remote_Leadership_June_2020.pdf
- Westlake, D. et al. 2020. Social workers in schools: an evaluation of pilots in three local authorities in England. Project Report. [Online]. London: What Works Centre for Children's Social Care. Available at: https://whatworks-csc.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/WWCSC_Social-Workers-in-Schools_pilot-study_full-report_May-2020.pdf
- Westlake, D. et al. 2020. Devolved budgets: an evaluation of pilots in three local authorities in England. Project Report. [Online]. London: What Works Centre for Children's Social Care. Available at: https://whatworks-csc.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/WWCSC_Devolved_Budgets_Full_Report_March_2020_FINAL.pdf
- Thompson, S. J., Foulsham, T., Leekam, S. R. and Jones, C. R. 2019. Attention to the face is characterised by a difficult to inhibit first fixation to the eyes. Acta Psychologica 193, pp. 229-238. (10.1016/j.actpsy.2019.01.006)
- Westlake, D. et al. 2024. Social workers in schools: a feasibility study of three local authorities. Journal of Social Work (10.1177/14680173241258927)
- Wilkins, D., Thompson, S., Jones, R., Bezeczky, Z. and Bennett, V. 2024. Implementing Schwartz Rounds in children’s social care: enablers and barriers. Journal of Social Work
- Jones, R., Wilkins, D., Bezeczky, Z. and Thompson, S. 2023. How did levels of psychological distress and perceptions of workplace support among children’s social work staff change during the Covid-19 pandemic?. British Journal of Social Work 53(1), pp. 405-424. (10.1093/bjsw/bcac126)
- Westlake, D., Corliss, C., Thompson, S., Meindl, M., Diaz, C., Talwar, R. and Folkes, L. 2022. Devolved budgets in Children’s Social Care: A logic model based on three pilot evaluations. British Journal of Social Work 52(7), pp. 3999-4020. (10.1093/bjsw/bcac019)
- Thompson, S. J., Foulsham, T., Leekam, S. R. and Jones, C. R. 2019. Attention to the face is characterised by a difficult to inhibit first fixation to the eyes. Acta Psychologica 193, pp. 229-238. (10.1016/j.actpsy.2019.01.006)
- Maxwell, N., Williams, A., Ablitt, J., Bezeczky, Z., Thompson, S. and Crowley, A. 2022. Serious Organised Crime Early Intervention Service: Interim Evaluation Report. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: CASCADE. Available at: https://cascadewales.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2022/10/Serious-Organised-Crime-Early-Intervention-Service-Evaluation-Report.pdf
- Wilkins, D., Thompson, S., Bezeczky, Z., Daher, S., Bennett, V., Jones, R. and Clayton, V. 2021. A randomised controlled trial of Schwartz Rounds: an intervention to reduce psychological distress for staff in Children's Services. Project Report. [Online]. What Work's for Children's Social Care. Available at: https://whatworks-csc.org.uk/research-report/a-randomised-controlled-trial-of-schwartz-rounds/
- Wilkins, D., Thompson, S., Bezeczky, Z., Daher, S., Bennett, V., Jones, R. and Clayton, V. 2021. A randomised controlled trial of Schwartz Rounds: An intervention to reduce psychological distress for staff in children's services. Available at: https://whatworks-csc.org.uk/research-report/a-randomised-controlled-trial-of-schwartz-rounds/
- Wilkins, D., Thompson, S. and Bezeczky, Z. 2020. Child and family social work during the COVID-19 pandemic: a rapid review of the evidence in relation to social work practice, natural disasters and pandemics. Project Report. [Online]. London: What Works Centre for Children's Social Care. Available at: https://whatworks-csc.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/WWCSC_Natural-Disasters-Rapid-Review_Aug-2020.pdf
- Wilkins, D., Thompson, S. and Bezeczky, Z. 2020. Child and family social work during the COVID-19 pandemic: a rapid review of the evidence in relation to remote leadership. Project Report. [Online]. London: What Works Centre for Children's Social Care. Available at: https://whatworks-csc.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/WWCSC_Rapid_Review_Remote_Leadership_June_2020.pdf
- Westlake, D. et al. 2020. Social workers in schools: an evaluation of pilots in three local authorities in England. Project Report. [Online]. London: What Works Centre for Children's Social Care. Available at: https://whatworks-csc.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/WWCSC_Social-Workers-in-Schools_pilot-study_full-report_May-2020.pdf
- Westlake, D. et al. 2020. Devolved budgets: an evaluation of pilots in three local authorities in England. Project Report. [Online]. London: What Works Centre for Children's Social Care. Available at: https://whatworks-csc.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/WWCSC_Devolved_Budgets_Full_Report_March_2020_FINAL.pdf
PhD Seicoleg, Prifysgol Caerdydd (2013-2017)
MSc Seicoleg, Prifysgol Essex (2011-2012)
BA Daearyddiaeth, Prifysgol Sheffield (201-2005)
Swyddi academaidd
Cydymaith ymchwil, CASCADE, Prifysgol Caerdydd (2019-presennol)
Cydymaith ymchwil, Seicoleg, Prifysgol Durham (2018-2019)