Dr Riyaz Timol
Cymrawd Ymchwil mewn Astudiaethau Mwslimaidd Prydeinig
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Rwy'n gweithio fel Cymrawd Ymchwil yng Nghanolfan Astudio Islam ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd yn y DU. Mae fy niddordebau ymchwil yn cynnwys methodoleg ethnograffig, trosglwyddiad rhwng cenedlaethau Islam ym Mhrydain a pherthynas Islam â moderniaeth. Mae fy ymagwedd ddisgyblu o fewn cymdeithaseg crefydd gan gyfeirio'n benodol at gyfraniadau damcaniaethol Peter L. Berger. Rwy'n addysgu'r modiwl MA 'Hanes a Datblygiad Cymunedau Mwslimaidd ym Mhrydain', yn goruchwylio sawl myfyriwr ôl-raddedig ac yn helpu i gyflwyno'r cwrs ar-lein arloesol Mwslimiaid ym Mhrydain: Newidiadau a Heriau. Fi yw Prif Ymchwilydd prosiect pedair blynedd o bwys archwilio profiadau byw Imamiaid Prydeinig a chyd-olygydd rhifyn arbennig o'r cyfnodolyn rhyngwladol Religions sy'n archwilio ' Arweinyddiaeth, Awdurdod a Chynrychiolaeth mewn Cymunedau Mwslimaidd Prydain'.
PhD Thesis:
- Wayfarers Ysbrydol mewn Oes Seciwlar: The Tablighi Jama'at in Modern Britain (gyrhaeddodd restr fer Gwobr BRAIS 2018 – De Gruyter yn Astudiaeth Islam a'r Byd Mwslimaidd)
Ysgrifennu Cyhoeddus:
- Understanding British Imams: A Research Bulletin - (cyhoeddwyd yng nghylchlythyr Crefydd Cymdeithas Gymdeithasegol Prydain - Mehefin 2023)
- Beth mae'r ddadl Covid-19 am gau mosgiau yn ei ddweud wrthym am awdurdod crefyddol yn Islam Brydeinig? - (cyhoeddwyd ar y Journal of British Muslim Studies - 20 Ebrill, 2020)
- Te, chillies a tecawê: beth mae dewisiadau bwyd yn ei ddatgelu am hunaniaeth Fwslimaidd Prydain - (cyhoeddwyd ar The Conversation - 1 Ebrill, 2019)
- Yr Apostates: When Muslims Leave Islam gan Simon Cottee (cyhoeddwyd adolygiad llyfr ar thebookslamist - 18 Ionawr, 2018)
- Sociology, Faith and Islam: Some Reflections on the Legacy of Peter L. Berger (1929-2017) - (cyhoeddwyd ar flog Adolygiad Cymdeithasegol - Gorffennaf 10, 2017)
- Chwe phwynt ar gyfer PhD Llwyddiannus - (cyhoeddwyd ar flog Canolfan Islam-UK - 4 Gorffennaf, 2017)
- Hafiz Patel (1926-2016) - (cyhoeddwyd Ar Grefydd - Chwefror 28, 2016)
Ymddangosiadau cyfryngau:
- BBC Radio Wales Ystyried Pob Peth: Gweddi a Brexit
- BBC Radio 4 Last Word: Sheikh Yusuf Motala
- TRT World: Y cenhadwr camddealledig - stori'r Jamaat Tablighi
- Y Sianel Islam: Trafodaeth arolwg cymunedol Imamiaid Prydain
- Teledu Mwslimaidd Prydain: Prosiect ymchwil Deall Imams Prydain
Trefnydd y gynhadledd:
- INSIDE OUT: Reflexivity and Methodology in Research with British Muslims (Medi 2014)
- Arweinyddiaeth, Awdurdod a Chynrychiolaeth mewn Cymunedau Mwslimaidd Prydeinig (Ionawr 2019)
Siarad yn gyhoeddus:
- Darlith gyhoeddus 'Spiritual Wayfarers in a Secular Age: The Tablighi Jama'at in Modern Britain' a draddodwyd yn y Ganolfan Astudio Islam yn y DU, Prifysgol Caerdydd, Chwefror 2017.
- 'Steadfastness in God's Way: Frameworks of Religious Practice in the Lives of Contemporary Tablighis and Franciscans' darlith gyhoeddus a draddodwyd yng Nghanolfan Astudiaethau Mwslim-Gristnogol Rhydychen, Hydref 2019.
- Timol, R. 2023. Religious authority, popular preaching and the dialectic of structure-agency in an Islamic revivalist movement: the case of Maulana Tariq Jamil and the Tablighi Jama’at. Religions 14(1), article number: 60. (10.3390/rel14010060)
- Timol, R. 2022. Born-again Muslims? Intra-religious conversion and the Tablighi Jama'at. Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations 33(3), pp. 281-306. (10.1080/09596410.2022.2049110)
- Gilliat-Ray, S. and Timol, R. eds. 2021. Leadership, authority and representation in British Muslim communities. MDPI. (10.3390/books978-3-03943-742-9)
- Timol, R. 2020. Ethno-religious socialisation, national culture and the social construction of British Muslim identity. Contemporary Islam (10.1007/s11562-020-00454-7)
- Gilliat-Ray, S. and Timol, R. 2020. Introduction: leadership, authority and representation in British Muslim communities. Religions 11(11), article number: 559. (10.3390/rel11110559)
- Timol, R. 2020. Mosque closures and religious authority in the British Muslim community amidst COVID-19. [Online]. www.britishmuslimstudies.com: Journal of British Muslim Studies. Available at: https://www.britishmuslimstudies.com/post/mosque-closures-and-religious-authority-in-the-british-muslim-community-amidst-covid-19
- TImol, R. 2019. Structures of organisation and loci of authority in a glocal Islamic movement: the Tablighi Jama’at in Britain. Religions 10(10), article number: 573. (10.3390/rel10100573)
- Timol, R. 2019. Young British Muslims: Between rhetoric and realities, by Sadek Hamid (ed.)[Book Review]. Muslim World Book Review 39(2), pp. 55-58.
- Timol, R. 2018. Islamic revivalism and Europe's secular 'sacred canopy': exploring the debunking capacity of public religion. In: Hjelm, T. ed. Peter L. Berger and the Sociology of Religion: 50 Years after The Sacred Canopy. Bloomsbury Academic
- Timol, R. 2018. Islamic revivalism and Europe's secular 'sacred canopy': Exploring the debunking capacity of public religion. In: Hjelm, T. ed. Peter L. Berger and the Sociology of Religion: 50 Years after The Sacred Canopy. London: Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 119-133.
- Timol, R. 2018. The Apostates: When Muslims leave Islam by Simon Cottee [Book Review]. [Online]. thebookslamist: WordPress. Available at: http://thebookslamist.com/2018/01/16/apostates-muslims-leave-islam/
- Timol, R. 2017. REVIEW - Norton Anthology, Islam. JBASR 18, pp. 51-53. (10.18792/jbasr.v18i1.4)
- Timol, R. 2017. Spiritual wayfarers in a secular age: the Tablighi Jama'at in modern Britain. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
- Timol, R. 2016. Loyal enemies: British converts to Islam, 1850- 1950 by Jamie Gilham [Book Review]. Journal of Islamic Studies 27(3), pp. 410-413. (10.1093/jis/etw023)
- Timol, R. 2016. The many altars of modernity: Toward a paradigm for religion in a pluralist age [Book Review]. Journal of Contemporary Religion 31(1), pp. 130-131. (10.1080/13537903.2016.1109882)
- Timol, R. 2015. Religious travel and Tablighī Jamā‘at: modalities of expansion in Britain and beyond. In: Suleiman, Y. ed. Muslims in the UK and Europe. I. Cambridge: Centre of Islamic Studies, University of Cambridge, pp. 194-206.
- Timol, R. 2015. Islam, youth, and modernity in the Gambia: The Tablighi Jama'at by Marloes Janson [Book Review]. Muslim World Book Review 35(3), pp. 28-32.
- Timol, R. 2014. Shaykh Abu al-Hasan Ali Nadwi: His life & works. Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations 25(4), pp. 538-540. (10.1080/09596410.2014.926600)
- Timol, R. 2014. Missionary impositions: Conversion, resistance and other challenges to objectivity in religious ethnography [Book Review]. Culture and Religion 15(4), pp. 494-496. (10.1080/14755610.2014.972089)
- Timol, R. 2013. Commentary on the Eleventh Contentions, by Abdal Hakim Murad [Book Review]. Muslim World Book Review 34(1), pp. 28-30.
Adrannau llyfrau
- Timol, R. 2018. Islamic revivalism and Europe's secular 'sacred canopy': exploring the debunking capacity of public religion. In: Hjelm, T. ed. Peter L. Berger and the Sociology of Religion: 50 Years after The Sacred Canopy. Bloomsbury Academic
- Timol, R. 2018. Islamic revivalism and Europe's secular 'sacred canopy': Exploring the debunking capacity of public religion. In: Hjelm, T. ed. Peter L. Berger and the Sociology of Religion: 50 Years after The Sacred Canopy. London: Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 119-133.
- Timol, R. 2015. Religious travel and Tablighī Jamā‘at: modalities of expansion in Britain and beyond. In: Suleiman, Y. ed. Muslims in the UK and Europe. I. Cambridge: Centre of Islamic Studies, University of Cambridge, pp. 194-206.
- Timol, R. 2023. Religious authority, popular preaching and the dialectic of structure-agency in an Islamic revivalist movement: the case of Maulana Tariq Jamil and the Tablighi Jama’at. Religions 14(1), article number: 60. (10.3390/rel14010060)
- Timol, R. 2022. Born-again Muslims? Intra-religious conversion and the Tablighi Jama'at. Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations 33(3), pp. 281-306. (10.1080/09596410.2022.2049110)
- Timol, R. 2020. Ethno-religious socialisation, national culture and the social construction of British Muslim identity. Contemporary Islam (10.1007/s11562-020-00454-7)
- Gilliat-Ray, S. and Timol, R. 2020. Introduction: leadership, authority and representation in British Muslim communities. Religions 11(11), article number: 559. (10.3390/rel11110559)
- TImol, R. 2019. Structures of organisation and loci of authority in a glocal Islamic movement: the Tablighi Jama’at in Britain. Religions 10(10), article number: 573. (10.3390/rel10100573)
- Timol, R. 2019. Young British Muslims: Between rhetoric and realities, by Sadek Hamid (ed.)[Book Review]. Muslim World Book Review 39(2), pp. 55-58.
- Timol, R. 2017. REVIEW - Norton Anthology, Islam. JBASR 18, pp. 51-53. (10.18792/jbasr.v18i1.4)
- Timol, R. 2016. Loyal enemies: British converts to Islam, 1850- 1950 by Jamie Gilham [Book Review]. Journal of Islamic Studies 27(3), pp. 410-413. (10.1093/jis/etw023)
- Timol, R. 2016. The many altars of modernity: Toward a paradigm for religion in a pluralist age [Book Review]. Journal of Contemporary Religion 31(1), pp. 130-131. (10.1080/13537903.2016.1109882)
- Timol, R. 2015. Islam, youth, and modernity in the Gambia: The Tablighi Jama'at by Marloes Janson [Book Review]. Muslim World Book Review 35(3), pp. 28-32.
- Timol, R. 2014. Shaykh Abu al-Hasan Ali Nadwi: His life & works. Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations 25(4), pp. 538-540. (10.1080/09596410.2014.926600)
- Timol, R. 2014. Missionary impositions: Conversion, resistance and other challenges to objectivity in religious ethnography [Book Review]. Culture and Religion 15(4), pp. 494-496. (10.1080/14755610.2014.972089)
- Timol, R. 2013. Commentary on the Eleventh Contentions, by Abdal Hakim Murad [Book Review]. Muslim World Book Review 34(1), pp. 28-30.
- Timol, R. 2017. Spiritual wayfarers in a secular age: the Tablighi Jama'at in modern Britain. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
- Timol, R. 2020. Mosque closures and religious authority in the British Muslim community amidst COVID-19. [Online]. www.britishmuslimstudies.com: Journal of British Muslim Studies. Available at: https://www.britishmuslimstudies.com/post/mosque-closures-and-religious-authority-in-the-british-muslim-community-amidst-covid-19
- Timol, R. 2018. The Apostates: When Muslims leave Islam by Simon Cottee [Book Review]. [Online]. thebookslamist: WordPress. Available at: http://thebookslamist.com/2018/01/16/apostates-muslims-leave-islam/
- Gilliat-Ray, S. and Timol, R. eds. 2021. Leadership, authority and representation in British Muslim communities. MDPI. (10.3390/books978-3-03943-742-9)
Understanding British Imams (Principal Investigator)
Imams are the largest group of Muslim religious professionals in Britain who work principally within mosques leading prayers, delivering sermons and providing guidance to their congregations. However, there is growing evidence to suggest that this role is being expanded to encompass pastoral care, chaplaincy, charity work or wider community projects such as inter-faith activity or civic events. Further, the pressures of a post-9/11 and 7/7 socio-political climate, in which counter-terrorism measures become increasingly conflated with integration issues, have foregrounded the imam as a figure that may guide his flock in either constructive or destructive ways. Yet, somewhat paradoxically, the British imam has only rarely been the subject of in-depth ethnographic research. Generously funded by the Jameel Research Programme, this project aims to fill this lacuna by conducting the most detailed and rigorous study ever undertaken of British imams; and communicating the results, and interest in Muslim religious leadership in the West more generally, to many beneficiaries. The project will transform our understanding of British imams and create a lasting reference point for future research on Muslim religious professionals.
For more details, please visit the project website.
Science and British Muslim Religious Leadership (Co-investigator)
What does science mean to British Muslim religious scholars? How is it understood, debated and taught in British Islamic institutions? What do attitudes towards science tell us about the relationship between Islam and modernity? While it is common to hear claims in the media about Islam and Muslims being ‘anti-science’, virtually no research has been conducted on what Muslim religious leaders actually think about scientific topics. This collaborative project based at the University of Birmingham will fill this gap by exploring the views of Muslim leaders (the ‘ulama) about science, and how they engage with scientific issues in their day-to-day roles.
For more details, please visit the project website.
Building Positive Relationships among University Students across Religion and Worldview Diversity (Steering Group Member)
For more details, please visit the project website.
Undergraduate teaching
- Introduction to the Study of Religion
- Islam in the Contemporary World
- Living Islam: Between Text and People
- Islamic Studies Dissertation Tutor
- I have supervised undergraduate dissertations on a broad range of topics including Islamic philosophy and mysticism, Middle Eastern religio-political movements, South Asian culture and diaspora, Islamophobia, religion and media, Islamic art and culture, Sunni and Shia theology, Sufism, Islamic feminism and gendered sartorial practices.
Postgraduate teaching
- Theory & Method in Qualitative Research with British Muslims
- Skills and Methods for Postgraduate Study
- History and Development of Muslim Communities in Britain
- Supervision of Ph.D. and MA student dissertations.
Anrhydeddau a dyfarniadau
- 2018 - Ph.D. thesis shortlisted for the BRAIS – De Gruyter Prize in the Study of Islam and the Muslim World
- 2012 - awarded Jameel scholarship for Ph.D. study
- 2004 - awarded prize for best undergraduate dissertation in English Literary Studies
Aelodaethau proffesiynol
- Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
- Member of
- British Sociological Association (Sociology of Religion sub-group)
- British Association of Islamic Studies
- Muslims in Britain Research Network
- British Association for the Study of Religions
Safleoedd academaidd blaenorol
- 2017 - Present, Research Associate in British Muslim Studies, Cardiff University
- 2015 - 2018, Islamic Studies Dissertation Tutor, Manchester University
Pwyllgorau ac adolygu
Co-editor of Special Issue "Leadership, Authority and Representation in British Muslim Communities" in the international journal Religions.
Peer reviewer for
- Journal of Classical Sociology
- Journal of Contemporary Religion
- Journal of Church and State
- Numen – International Review of the History of Religions (Brill)
- Religions
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
Ar hyn o bryd rwy'n goruchwylio dau Ph.D.S.
- Fatou Sambe - Trosi a'r Genhedlaeth Nesaf o Fwslimiaid Prydeinig
- Moamer Khalayleh - Ymgysylltu ag anffyddiaeth gyfoes trwy offer cysyniadol diwinyddiaeth Ash'arī
Mae gen i ddiddordeb mewn goruchwylio myfyrwyr PhD ym meysydd:
- Profiadau a hyfforddiant imams Prydeinig
- Llwybrau gyrfa Graddedigion Dar al-Uloom Prydain (Seminary Islamaidd)
- Trosi ac apostasi mewn Islam gyfoes
- Symudiadau o adfywiad Islamaidd ym Mhrydain
- Hunaniaeth Fwslimaidd Prydain
Goruchwyliaeth gyfredol
Moamer Khalayleh
Contact Details
+44 29208 74884
Adeilad John Percival , Ystafell 5.49B, Rhodfa Colum, Caerdydd, CF10 3EU
Themâu ymchwil
- Astudiaethau Mwslimaidd Prydeinig
- Awdurdod Crefyddol
- Diwygiad Islamaidd