Dr Mark Toon
Uwch Ddarlithydd mewn Marchnata a Strategaeth
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
- Toon, M. 2024. Jet zero? Why net zero in aviation can’t get off the ground. The Conversation 2024(3 Dec)
- Toon, M. 2020. Survey design for quantitative analysis: A large-scale investigation into stress and burnout within the UK dental profession. In: Sage Research Methods Cases. Medicine and Health SAGE, (10.4135/9781529744224)
- Toon, M., Collin, V., Whitehead, P. and Reynolds, L. 2019. An analysis of stress and burnout in UK general dental practitioners: sub dimensions and causes. British Dental Journal 226, pp. 125-130. (10.1038/sj.bdj.2019.46)
- Collins, V., Toon, M., O'Selmo, E., Reynolds, L. and Whitehead, P. 2019. A survey of stress, burnout and well-being in UK dentists. British Dental Journal 226, pp. 40-49. (10.1038/sj.bdj.2019.6)
- Toon, M. and Burki, U. 2019. Market knowledge and governance choice in international marketing alliances: implications for export performance. Presented at: Australian and New Zealand Marketing Association Conference (ANZMAC) 2019 hosted in Wellington, New Zealand, Wellington, New Zealand, 2-4th Dec 2019.
- Toon, M. and Hurth, V. 2018. Organisational purpose and employee-company identification: a relational marketing perspective. Presented at: International Colloquium on Relationship Marketing 2018 hosted in Cardiff UK, Cardiff, 12-14 Sept 2018.
- Toon, M., Robson, M. and Morgan, R. 2018. Mapping managerial exchange and alliance performance: The contingent effects of firm size and managerial tenure. Presented at: IMM Summit 2018, 2018. pp. -.
- Toon, M. and Burki, U. 2018. Measuring the impact of supplier specific assets and business culture on the Asian-Asian and Asian-Western export relationships. Presented at: EMAC 2018, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom, 29 May-1 June 2018. pp. -.
- Toon, M. and Lemke, F. 2016. Hearing the quiet voices: digital empowerment of low status stakeholders in complex value co-creation construction scenarios. Presented at: ICRM 2016, Toulouse, France, 7-9 Sept 2016.
- Lemke, F. and Toon, M. 2016. Value co-creation in complex projects: opening the time-value box. Presented at: EMAC 2016, Oslo, Norway, 24-26 May 2016.
- Toon, M., Morgan, R. E., Lindgreen, A., Vanhamme, J. and Hingley, M. 2016. Processes and integration in the interaction of purchasing and marketing: considering synergy and symbiosis. Industrial Marketing Management 52, pp. 74-81. (10.1016/j.indmarman.2015.07.014)
- Toon, M. and Lemke, F. 2015. What is multi-agency value co-creation anyway?. Presented at: International Colloquium on Relationship Marketing 2015, Helsinki, Finland, 15-17 September 2015.
- Toon, M., Morgan, R. E. and Robson, M. J. 2014. Building the exchange process: The antecedents of operational exchange in collaborative business to business relationships. Presented at: International Colloquium on Relationship Marketing, Newcastle, UK, 8-10 September 2014.
- Toon, M., Morgan, R. E. and Robson, M. J. 2013. Operational exchange in collaborative business to business alliances: antecedents and the impact of firm size. Presented at: EMAC 2013, Istanbul, Turkey, 4-7 June 2013.
- Toon, M., Robson, M. J. and Morgan, R. E. 2012. A value-in-process analysis of relationship interactions in non-equity alliances. Industrial Marketing Management 41(1), pp. 186-196. (10.1016/j.indmarman.2011.11.016)
- Toon, M., Morgan, R. E. and Robson, M. 2011. Alliance governance in marketing channels: substitutes and multidimensional forms. Presented at: Marketing Theory Challenges in Emerging Societies : Conference Proceedings, Iaşi, Romania, 21-23 September 2011 Presented at Munteanu, C. ed.Proceedings of 2nd European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Regional Conference, Iasi, Romania, 21-23 September 2011. Iasi: Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi pp. 247-253.
- Toon, M. 2010. Non-trust in non-equity relationships: A non-transaction costs perspective. Presented at: 18th International Colloquium in Relationship Marketing, Reading, UK, 27-30 September 2010.
- Toon, M., Robson, M. and Morgan, R. 2010. Non-trust in non-equity relationships: A non-transaction costs approach. Presented at: International Colloquium on Relationship Marketing 2010, Henley-on-Thames, UK, 27-29 September 2010. pp. 31-32.
- Toon, M. 2008. Coordinating mechanisms in interorganisational alliances : context, classification and performance outcomes.. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
- Toon, M., Robson, M., Morgan, R. E. and Chuang, F. 2008. Assessment of inter-organisational governance types: multidimensionality and repeated ties. Presented at: British Academy of Management Conference (BAM) 2008, Harrogate, UK, 9-11 September 2008.
- Chuang, F., Robson, M., Morgan, R. E. and Toon, M. 2008. The contingent value of stage-gate capabilities for new product performance in Chinese new technology ventures. Presented at: Academy of Marketing Conference 2008, Aberdeen, UK, 8-10 July 2008.
- Toon, M., Robson, M., Morgan, R. E. and Chuang, F. 2008. Assessment of interorganisational governance types: multidimensionality and repeated ties. Presented at: British Academy of Management 2008, Harrogate, UK, September 2008. pp. 31-32.
- Toon, M., Robson, M., Morgan, R. E. and Skarmeas, D. 2007. Formal governance in co-marketing alliances: conceptualization and assessment of factor model. Presented at: British Academy of Management Conference 2007, Warwick, UK, 10-13 September 2007. pp. 31-32.
- Toon, M., Robson, M. J., Skarmeas, D. and Morgan, R. E. 2007. Formal governance in co-marketing alliances: conceptualization and assessment of factor structure. Presented at: British Academy of Management Conference 2007, Warwick, UK, 10-13 September 2007.
- Toon, M. 2007. Drivers of expectations of continuity in importer-exporter relationships. Presented at: 36th EMAC Annual Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland, 22-25 May 2007.
- Toon, M. 2024. Jet zero? Why net zero in aviation can’t get off the ground. The Conversation 2024(3 Dec)
- Toon, M., Collin, V., Whitehead, P. and Reynolds, L. 2019. An analysis of stress and burnout in UK general dental practitioners: sub dimensions and causes. British Dental Journal 226, pp. 125-130. (10.1038/sj.bdj.2019.46)
- Collins, V., Toon, M., O'Selmo, E., Reynolds, L. and Whitehead, P. 2019. A survey of stress, burnout and well-being in UK dentists. British Dental Journal 226, pp. 40-49. (10.1038/sj.bdj.2019.6)
- Toon, M., Morgan, R. E., Lindgreen, A., Vanhamme, J. and Hingley, M. 2016. Processes and integration in the interaction of purchasing and marketing: considering synergy and symbiosis. Industrial Marketing Management 52, pp. 74-81. (10.1016/j.indmarman.2015.07.014)
- Toon, M., Robson, M. J. and Morgan, R. E. 2012. A value-in-process analysis of relationship interactions in non-equity alliances. Industrial Marketing Management 41(1), pp. 186-196. (10.1016/j.indmarman.2011.11.016)
Book sections
- Toon, M. 2020. Survey design for quantitative analysis: A large-scale investigation into stress and burnout within the UK dental profession. In: Sage Research Methods Cases. Medicine and Health SAGE, (10.4135/9781529744224)
- Toon, M. and Burki, U. 2019. Market knowledge and governance choice in international marketing alliances: implications for export performance. Presented at: Australian and New Zealand Marketing Association Conference (ANZMAC) 2019 hosted in Wellington, New Zealand, Wellington, New Zealand, 2-4th Dec 2019.
- Toon, M. and Hurth, V. 2018. Organisational purpose and employee-company identification: a relational marketing perspective. Presented at: International Colloquium on Relationship Marketing 2018 hosted in Cardiff UK, Cardiff, 12-14 Sept 2018.
- Toon, M., Robson, M. and Morgan, R. 2018. Mapping managerial exchange and alliance performance: The contingent effects of firm size and managerial tenure. Presented at: IMM Summit 2018, 2018. pp. -.
- Toon, M. and Burki, U. 2018. Measuring the impact of supplier specific assets and business culture on the Asian-Asian and Asian-Western export relationships. Presented at: EMAC 2018, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom, 29 May-1 June 2018. pp. -.
- Toon, M. and Lemke, F. 2016. Hearing the quiet voices: digital empowerment of low status stakeholders in complex value co-creation construction scenarios. Presented at: ICRM 2016, Toulouse, France, 7-9 Sept 2016.
- Lemke, F. and Toon, M. 2016. Value co-creation in complex projects: opening the time-value box. Presented at: EMAC 2016, Oslo, Norway, 24-26 May 2016.
- Toon, M. and Lemke, F. 2015. What is multi-agency value co-creation anyway?. Presented at: International Colloquium on Relationship Marketing 2015, Helsinki, Finland, 15-17 September 2015.
- Toon, M., Morgan, R. E. and Robson, M. J. 2014. Building the exchange process: The antecedents of operational exchange in collaborative business to business relationships. Presented at: International Colloquium on Relationship Marketing, Newcastle, UK, 8-10 September 2014.
- Toon, M., Morgan, R. E. and Robson, M. J. 2013. Operational exchange in collaborative business to business alliances: antecedents and the impact of firm size. Presented at: EMAC 2013, Istanbul, Turkey, 4-7 June 2013.
- Toon, M., Morgan, R. E. and Robson, M. 2011. Alliance governance in marketing channels: substitutes and multidimensional forms. Presented at: Marketing Theory Challenges in Emerging Societies : Conference Proceedings, Iaşi, Romania, 21-23 September 2011 Presented at Munteanu, C. ed.Proceedings of 2nd European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Regional Conference, Iasi, Romania, 21-23 September 2011. Iasi: Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi pp. 247-253.
- Toon, M. 2010. Non-trust in non-equity relationships: A non-transaction costs perspective. Presented at: 18th International Colloquium in Relationship Marketing, Reading, UK, 27-30 September 2010.
- Toon, M., Robson, M. and Morgan, R. 2010. Non-trust in non-equity relationships: A non-transaction costs approach. Presented at: International Colloquium on Relationship Marketing 2010, Henley-on-Thames, UK, 27-29 September 2010. pp. 31-32.
- Toon, M., Robson, M., Morgan, R. E. and Chuang, F. 2008. Assessment of inter-organisational governance types: multidimensionality and repeated ties. Presented at: British Academy of Management Conference (BAM) 2008, Harrogate, UK, 9-11 September 2008.
- Chuang, F., Robson, M., Morgan, R. E. and Toon, M. 2008. The contingent value of stage-gate capabilities for new product performance in Chinese new technology ventures. Presented at: Academy of Marketing Conference 2008, Aberdeen, UK, 8-10 July 2008.
- Toon, M., Robson, M., Morgan, R. E. and Chuang, F. 2008. Assessment of interorganisational governance types: multidimensionality and repeated ties. Presented at: British Academy of Management 2008, Harrogate, UK, September 2008. pp. 31-32.
- Toon, M., Robson, M., Morgan, R. E. and Skarmeas, D. 2007. Formal governance in co-marketing alliances: conceptualization and assessment of factor model. Presented at: British Academy of Management Conference 2007, Warwick, UK, 10-13 September 2007. pp. 31-32.
- Toon, M., Robson, M. J., Skarmeas, D. and Morgan, R. E. 2007. Formal governance in co-marketing alliances: conceptualization and assessment of factor structure. Presented at: British Academy of Management Conference 2007, Warwick, UK, 10-13 September 2007.
- Toon, M. 2007. Drivers of expectations of continuity in importer-exporter relationships. Presented at: 36th EMAC Annual Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland, 22-25 May 2007.
- Toon, M. 2008. Coordinating mechanisms in interorganisational alliances : context, classification and performance outcomes.. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
Diddordebau ymchwil
Mae Dr Mark Toon yn arbenigwr mewn llywodraethu a chydlynu perthynas rhyngsefydliadol. Mae Mark yn Uwch Ddarlithydd mewn Marchnata a Strategaeth yn Ysgol Busnes Caerdydd lle mae'n dysgu Busnes Rhyngwladol. Mae'n addysgwr profiadol ar lefelau israddedig, ôl-raddedig a gweithredol. Mark yw Cyfarwyddwr Rhaglen MSc Marchnata a Chyfarwyddwr Asesu ac Adborth Ysgol Busnes Caerdydd.
Mae Mark yn dod â'i brofiad diwydiannol mewn rheolaeth i'w ymchwil ac yn ceisio cymhwyso theori i broblemau diwydiannol. Mae'r 'problemau' hyn yn canolbwyntio ar berthnasoedd rhyngsefydliadol mewn lleoliadau cymhleth ac yn rhychwantu llu o sectorau. Mae Mark wedi cyfrannu dealltwriaeth mewn adeiladu a datblygu polisi mewn gofal iechyd. Mae gwaith diweddar ym maes hedfan yn ceisio cymhwyso ei wybodaeth o gydlynu sefydliadol i gydweithrediadau cymhleth fel cynghorau jet sero a thasgfeydd. Gan weithio gyda chydweithwyr yn rhyngwladol, mae Mark wedi dadansoddi effeithiolrwydd ymdrechion y cyngor a'r tasglu i sicrhau sero net ym maes hedfan. "Mae goresgyn gwahaniaethau mewn agendâu a sefydlu fforymau cydweithredol yn aml yn fan cychwyn i brosiect llwyddiannus" meddai. "Ond mae'n ymddangos bod sefydlu nodau cyffredin ystyrlon gyda set o werthoedd ynghlwm yn allweddol i lwyddiant dro ar ôl tro ar draws gwahanol sectorau."Mae ei ffocws ar gyd-greu gwerth mewn cynghreiriau cymhleth yn adlewyrchu diddordeb brwd mewn hyrwyddo gwell dealltwriaeth o'r heriau y mae sefydliadau'n eu hwynebu wrth ddilyn agendâu lluosog. Mae ymddiriedaeth ymhlith cymheiriaid a gwerthoedd a rennir yn ganolog i'r ymdrechion cydweithredol y mae Mark yn ymchwilio iddynt. Maent yn dod yn hanfodol i wireddu prosiectau gweledigaethol. Mae gwaith yn y maes hwn yn ehangu mewnwelediad i ymarferwyr ac academyddion fel ei gilydd.
Proffil geiriau allweddol:
Marchnata diwydiannol
Perthnasoedd rhyng-sefydliadol
Marchnata Perthynas
Gwerth (cyd-)creu
Busnesau bach
Diddordebau ymchwil goruchwylio PhD
- Diwydiannol (busnes i fusnes) marchnata
- Llywodraethu rhyng-sefydliadol
- Cysylltiadau rhyng-sefydliadol
- Theori cost trafodiad
Ymrwymiadau addysgu
- Goruchwylio PhD
- MSc Marchnata, Cyfarwyddwr Rhaglen
- Busnes Rhyngwladol Bl 3 (cydlynydd modiwl)
- PhD (Cardiff)
- MPhil (Newcastle)
- MSc (Cardiff)
Contact Details
+44 29208 74420
Adeilad Aberconwy, Ystafell D04, Rhodfa Colum, Cathays, Caerdydd, CF10 3EU