Yr Athro Laurence Totelin
Athro Hanes yr Henfyd
- Sylwebydd y cyfryngau
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Rwy'n hanesydd Gwyddoniaeth Groegaidd a Rhufeinig, Technoleg a Meddygaeth. Rwyf wedi cyhoeddi'n helaeth ar hanes ffarmacoleg hynafol, gynecoleg, botaneg, a'r corff.
Mae gen i gefndir yn y Clasuron/Hanes yr Henfyd (BA, Prifysgol Rydd Brwsel); Hanes ac Athroniaeth Gwyddoniaeth (MPhil, Caergrawnt); Hanes Meddygaeth (PhD, UCL). Ymunais â Phrifysgol Caerdydd yn 2009 ar ôl cymrodoriaeth ôl-ddoethurol Wellcome ym Mhrifysgol Caergrawnt.
Ar hyn o bryd rwy'n cynnal ymchwil ar hanes hylifau corfforol, ac yn enwedig llaeth o'r fron; hanes manwerthu ffarmacolegol; hanes pori planhigion; a hanes colur hynafol a chymhorthion rhywiol, megis afrodisiacs.
Rwyf hefyd yn mwynhau rhannu fy ymchwil drwy gyfrwng blogio. Roeddwn i'n un o gyd-olygyddion y Prosiect Ryseitiau. ac roeddwn yn ymwneud â dylunio Iechyd a Lles MOOC FutureLearn yn yr Hen Fyd.
Ar hyn o bryd fi yw gweinyddwr Pwyllgor Clasurol y Merched, y DU. Fi yw'r cyd-olygydd adolygu ar gyfer y Journal of Hellenic Studies.
- Totelin, L. and Perkins, E. Totelin, L. and Perkins, E. eds. 2025. Tools, Techniques, and Technologies Essays on Ancient Science and its Reception in Honour of Liba Taub. Trends in Classics – Pathways of Reception. De Gruyter.
- Totelin, L. 2024. The dark side of sunthesis? fraud and substitution in Graeco-Roman pharmacology. In: Newman, W. and Schickore, J. eds. Traditions of Analysis and Synthesis. Archimedes (ARIM, volume 73) Cham, Switzerland: Springer
- Totelin, L. 2024. A thorn in the flesh: roses, rose gardens, and health in Greek and Roman antiquity. Studies in the History of Gardens and Designed Landscapes 44(2-3), pp. 105-117. (10.1080/14601176.2024.2367927)
- Totelin, L. 2024. Review of John G. Fitch, On Simples, attributed to Dioscorides. Studies in ancient medicine, 57. Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2022. Bryn Mawr Classical Review
- Totelin, L. 2023. Orchids, lizards, and lettuce: aphrodisiacs and technosomata. In: Gerolemou, M. and Chesi, G. M. eds. Body Technologies in the Greco-Roman World: Technosôma, Gender and Sex. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, pp. 221-239.
- Totelin, L. 2023. Weaning and lactation cessation in late antiquity and the early byzantine period. In: Constantinou, S. and Skouroumouni-Stavrinou, A. eds. Breastfeeding and mothering in antiquity and early Byzantium. London: Routledge, pp. 130-151., (10.4324/9781003265658-7)
- Totelin, L. 2023. Waxing lyrical: Ancient medical authors on wax and wax tablets. Deltos 33, pp. 13-18.
- Totelin, L. 2023. Before “breast is best”. Argo, A Hellenic Review 19, pp. 18-19.
- Totelin, L. and Rieder, P. 2023. Purger, fortifier: remèdes lactés (d’Hippocrate à Pasteur). In: Foehr-Janssens, Y. and Solfaroli Camillocci, D. eds. Allaiter: De l’Antiquité à nos jours. Histoire pratiques d'une culture en Europe. Brepols, pp. 669-677.
- Totelin, L. 2022. [Book Review] (D.) Lavalle Norman and (A.) Petkas (eds) Hypatia of Alexandria. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2020.. The Journal of Hellenic Studies 142, pp. 460-461. (10.1017/S0075426922001057)
- Totelin, L. 2022. The body in antiquity. - (F.) Gherchanoc, (S.) Wyler (edd.) Corps en morceaux. Démembrer et recomposer les corps dans l'Antiquité classique. [Book review]. Classical Review 72(2), pp. 569-572. (10.1017/S0009840X22000439)
- Totelin, L. 2022. Aelian’s fabulous trees. In: De Brasi, D. and Fronterotta, F. eds. Poikile Physis: Biological Literature in Greek during the Roman Empire: Genres, Scopes, and Problems. Science, Technology, and Medicine in Ancient Cultures De Gruyter, pp. 115-128., (10.1515/9783110796858-007)
- Totelin, L. 2022. Paula S. De Vos, Compound remedies: Galenic pharmacy from the Ancient Mediterranean to New Spain [Book Review]. Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 77(3), pp. 372-374. (10.1093/jhmas/jrac019)
- Totelin, L. and King, H. 2022. Body. In: Whitmarsh, T. ed. Oxford Classical Dictionary Online. Oxford University Press, pp. online., (10.1093/acrefore/9780199381135.013.1120)
- Totelin, L. 2022. Trade and exploration. In: Giesecke, A. and Mabberley, D. eds. A Cultural History of Plants in Antiquity., Vol. 1. A Cultural History of Plants London: Bloomsbury, pp. 67-83.
- Totelin, L. 2021. Hippocratic corpus. In: Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Oxford Classical Dictionary. Oxford: Oxford University Press, (10.1093/acrefore/9780199381135.013.8525)
- Bradley, M., Leonard, V. and Totelin, L. eds. 2021. Bodily fluids in antiquity. London: Routledge.
- Bradley, M., Leonard, V. and Totelin, L. 2021. Introduction. In: Bradley, M., Leonard, V. and Totelin, L. eds. Bodily Fluids in Antiquity. London: Routledge, pp. 1-14.
- Totelin, L. 2021. Breastmilk in the cave and on the arena: early Christian stories of lactation in context. In: Bradley, M., Leonard, V. and Totelin, L. eds. Bodily Fluids in Antiquity. Routledge, pp. 240-255.
- Totelin, L. ed. 2021. A cultural history of medicine in antiquity. The Cultural Histories Series. London: Bloomsbury.
- Totelin, L. 2021. Easy remedies – difficult texts: the Pseudo-Galenic Euporista. In: Petit, C., Swain, S. and Fischer, K. eds. PseudoGalenica: The Formation of the Galenic Corpus from Antiquity to the Renaissance. London: The Warburg Institute, pp. 31-45.
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2020. A woman in flux: fluidity in Hippocratic gynaecology. In: Thumiger, C. ed. Holism in ancient medicine and its reception. Leiden: Brill, pp. 220-236., (10.1163/9789004443143_011)
- Totelin, L. 2020. Do no harm: Phanostrate's midwifery practice. Technai, An International Journal for Ancient Science and Technology 11, pp. 129-143. (10.19272/202010501010)
- Totelin, L. 2020. A little old lady told me: appropriation of weak actors' knowledge in Graeco-Roman pharmacology. In: Epple, M., Imhausen, A. and Muller, F. eds. Weak Knowledge: Forms, Functions, and Dynamics. Campus Verlag, pp. 109-124.
- Totelin, L. and Flemming, R. eds. 2020. Medicine and markets in the Graeco-Roman world and beyond: Essays in honour of Vivian Nutton. Classical Press of Wales.
- Totelin, L. 2020. Healing correspondence: letters and remedy exchange in the Graeco-Roman world. In: Totelin, L. and Flemming, R. eds. Medicine and Markets in the Graeco-Roman World and Beyond: Essays in Honour of Vivian Nutton. Classical Press of Wales, pp. 17-36.
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2020. What's a plant?. In: Taub, L. ed. The Cambridge Companion to Ancient Greek and Roman Science. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 141-159., (10.1017/9781316136096.008)
- Totelin, L. M. V. and Nutton, V. eds. 2020. Ancient medicine, behind and beyond Hippocrates: essays in honour of Elizabeth Craik. Pisa: Fabrizio Serra.
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2019. Review of the pharmakon: concept figure, image of transgression, poetic practice ed. by Hermann Herlinghaus. Bulletin of the History of Medicine 93(3), pp. 453-454. (10.1353/bhm.2019.0061)
- Totelin, L. 2019. The map of knowledge: how classical ideas were lost and found: a history in seven cities, by Violet Moller [Book Review]. BBC History Magazine, pp. 73.
- Totelin, L. 2019. A sea of synonyms: naming plants in ancient pharmacological texts. In: Reggiani, N. and Bertonazzi, F. eds. Parlare la medicina: fra lingue e culture, nello spazio e nel tempo. Atti del Convegno Internazionale, Universita di Parma, 5-7 Settembre 2016. Le Monnier Universita, pp. 195-206.
- Totelin, L. 2019. Hystérie. In: Bodiou, L. and Mehl, V. eds. Dictionnaire du corps dans l'Antiquité. Presses universitaires de Rennes, pp. 326-327.
- Totelin, L. 2019. Puberté. In: Bodiou, L. and Mehl, V. eds. Dictionnaire du corps dans l'Antiquité. Presses universitaires de Rennes, pp. 529-531.
- Totelin, L. 2019. Utérus. In: Bodiou, L. and Mehl, V. eds. Dictionnaire du corps dans l'Antiquité. Presses universitaires de Rennes, pp. 635-636.
- Totelin, L. 2019. Gynécologie. In: Bodiou, L. and Mehl, V. eds. Dictionnaire du corps dans l'Antiquité. Presses universitaires de Rennes, pp. 296-298.
- Totelin, L. 2019. Sweet honey and hare's brains: Ancient pharmacology for children's diseases. In: Lambrugo, C. ed. Una favola breve: Archeologia e antropologia per la storia del''infanzia. Edizioni All'Insegna del Giglio, pp. 37-42.
- Totelin, L. 2018. Botany. In: Jones, A. and Taub, L. eds. The Cambridge history of science. Volume 1. Ancient Science. Cambridge University Press, pp. 238-247.
- Totelin, L. 2018. Animal and plant generation in classical antiquity. In: Hopwood, N., Flemming, R. and Kassell, L. eds. Reproduction: Antiquity to the Present. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 53-66.
- Totelin, L. 2018. Therapeutics. In: Pormann, P. E. ed. The Cambirdge Companion to Hippocrates. Cambridge Companions to Philosophy Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 200-216.
- Totelin, L. 2018. Review of A. Ferraces Rodriguez, Curae quae ex hominibus atque animalibus fiunt. Estudio y edición crítica. L’Antiquité Classique 87, article number: 396.
- Totelin, L. 2018. Gone with the wind: laughter and the audience of the Hippocratic treatises. In: Bouras-Vallianatos, P. and Xenophontos, S. eds. Greek medical literature and its readers: From Hippocrates to Islam and Byzantium. Routledge, pp. 30-47.
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2018. Tastes in ancient botany, medicine and science. In: Rudolph, K. C. ed. Taste and the Ancient Senses. London: Routledge, pp. 60-71.
- Totelin, L. 2018. Recréer les recettes de Galien. In: Verbanck-Pirard, A., Boudon-Millot, V. and Gourevitch, D. eds. Au temps de Galien: Un médecin grec dans l'empire Romain. Musée Royal de Mariemont, pp. 214-217.
- Totelin, L. 2017. The third way. In: Lemhaus, L. and Martelli, M. eds. Collecting Recipes: Byzantine and Jewish Pharmacology in Dialogue. Science, Technology, and Medicine in Ancient Cultures Boston and Berlin: De Gruyter, pp. 103-122., (10.1515/9781501502538)
- Totelin, L. 2017. From technē to kakotechnia: use and abuse of ancient cosmetic texts. In: Formisano, M. and van der Eijk, P. eds. Knowledge, Text and Practice in Ancient Technical Writing. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 138-162., (10.1017/9781316718575.008)
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2017. Milk: the symbolism & ambivalence of a substance. Viewpoint: the Magazine of the British Society for the History of Science 112, pp. 6-7.
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2017. Whose fault is it anyway? Plant infertility in antiquity. In: Davies, G. and Loughran, T. eds. The Palgrave Handbook of Infertility in History: Approaches, Contexts and Perspectives. Basingstoke: Palgrave, pp. 57-75.
- Trickey, H., Totelin, L. M. V. and Sanders, J. 2017. Nain, Mam and Me: Historical artefacts as prompts for reminiscence, reflection and conversation about feeding babies. A qualitative development study. Research for All 1(1), pp. 64-83. (10.18546/RFA.01.1.06)
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2017. Snakes and ladders: wonder cures of the ancient world. BBC History Magazine Collec, pp. 22-25.
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2017. Call the (Roman) midwife. BBC History Magazine Collec, pp. 40-43.
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2017. Technology in the ancient world. BBC History Magazine: The story of science & technology., pp. 16-19.
- Totelin, L. 2017. Motherhood in flux: Greek nymphs, breastfeeding, and ancient gynaecology. In: Guignard, F. P., Pedrucci, G. and Scapini, M. eds. Maternita e politeismi. Motherhood(s) and polytheisms. Patron Editore, pp. 359-370.
- Totelin, L. 2016. Pharmakopolai: a re-evaluation of the sources. In: Harris, W. V. ed. Popular Medicine in Graeco-Roman Antiquity: Explorations. Columbia Studies in the Classical Tradition Brill, pp. 65-85., (10.1163/9789004326040_003)
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2016. Ido Israelowich. Patients and healers in the High Roman Empire [Book Review]. Isis 107(3), pp. 620-621. (10.1086/688242)
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2016. Breastfeeding. In: Bagnall, R. S. et al. eds. The Encyclopedia of Ancient History. Wiley, pp. 1-2., (10.1002/9781444338386.wbeah30237)
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2016. Technologies of knowledge: pharmacology, botany, and medical recipes. Oxford Handbooks Online (10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199935390.013.94)
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2016. L’Expressivité du lexique médical en Grèce et à Rome: Hommages à Françoise Skoda ed. by Isabelle Boehm and Nathalie Rousseau [Book Review]. Bulletin of the History of Medicine 90(1), pp. 141-142.
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2016. Hippocratic and Aristophanic recipes: a comparative study. In: Dean-Jones, L. and Rosen, R. eds. Ancient Concepts of the Hippocratic. Papers presented at the XIIIth Hippocrates Colloquium, Austin, Texas, 11-13 August, 2008. Leiden: Brill, pp. 292-301.
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2016. The world in a pill: local specialties and global remedies in the Graeco-Roman world. In: Futo Kennedy, R. and Jones-Lewis, M. eds. The Routledge Handbook of Identity and the Environment in the Classical and Medieval World. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 151-170.
- Trickey, H., Totelin, L. M. V. and Sanders, J. 2016. Mamgu, mam and me: feeding babies in Wales - now and then. Exhibition for the general public at Cardiff Story Museum. [Exhibition]. Cardiff Story Musuem, 5-6 November 2016.
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2016. Homo Patiens, Approaches to the patient in the Ancient World, edited by Georgia Petridou and Chiara Thumiger [Book Review]. Early Science and Medicine 21(6), pp. 575-577. (10.1163/15733823-00216p05)
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2015. Stephen M. Oberhelman (ed.), Dreams, healing and medicine in Greece: from antiquity to the present [Book Review]. Social History of Medicine 28(4), pp. 930-931. (10.1093/shm/hkv080)
- Trickey, H., Totelin, L. M. V. and Sanders, J. 2015. Nain and Mam and me: Historical artefacts, social history and opening the conversation about infant feeding in Wales. [Blog]. Fferm Mathrafal, Meifod, Wales, 1-8 August 2015.
- Hardy, G. and Totelin, L. 2015. Ancient botany. Science of Antiquity. Abingdon and New York: Routledge. (10.4324/9780203458358)
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2015. When foods become remedies in ancient Greece: the curious case of garlic and other substances. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 167, pp. 30-37. (10.1016/j.jep.2014.08.018)
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2015. L'odeur des autres: femme et odeur - l'intersection de la pratique Hippocratique et de la pratique religieuse. In: Jouanna, J. and Zinc, M. eds. Hippocrate et les hippocratismes : médecine, religion, société. Academies des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres, pp. 83-98.
- Trickey, H., Sanders, J. and Totelin, L. M. V. 2015. Nain and Mam and Me: historical artefacts, social history and opening the conversation about infant feeding in Wales. NCT Perspective 29, pp. 33-34.
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2015. Ancient breast milk for modern debates. Breastfeeding matters: La Leche League GB mother-to-mother support for breastfeeding(209), pp. 12-15.
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2014. Smell as sign and cure in ancient medicine. In: Bradley, M. ed. Smell and the Ancient Senses. The Senses in Antiquity London: Routledge, pp. 17-29.
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2014. Sweet as honey. [Online]. The Recipes Project. Available at: http://recipes.hypotheses.org/4099
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2014. Review: Anne Van Arsdall and Timothy Graham (eds), herbs and healers from the ancient Mediterranean through the medieval West: essays in honor of John M. Riddle. Social History of Medicine 27(1), pp. 165-166. (10.1093/shm/hkt078)
- Baker, P., King, H. and Totelin, L. M. V. 2014. Teaching ancient medicine: the issues of abortion. In: Rabinowitz, N. S. and McHardy, F. eds. From Abortion to Pederasty: Addressing Difficult Topics in the Classics Classroom. Columbus, Ohio: The Ohio State University Press, pp. 71-91.
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2014. J. Jouanna, Greek medicine from Hippocrates to Galen [Book Review]. Isis 105(1), pp. 206-206. (10.1086/676764)
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2014. Suzanne Amigues, Théophraste. Les causes des phénomènes végétaux. Tome I. Livres I et II [Book Review]. Aestimatio 11, pp. 168-170.
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2013. Richard A. Gabriel, Man and wound in the Ancient World: A history of miltary medicine from Sumer to the Fall of Constantinople [Book Review]. Isis 104(1), pp. 153-154. (10.1086/670872)
- Muir, S. and Totelin, L. M. V. 2013. Medicine & disease. In: Tulloch, J. H. ed. A Cultural History of Women in Antiquity., Vol. 1. Oxford: Berg, pp. 81-104.
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2012. And to end on a poetic note: Galen’s authorial strategies in the pharmacological books. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 43(2), pp. 307-315. (10.1016/j.shpsa.2011.12.019)
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2012. Botanizing rulers and their herbal subjects: Plants and political power in Greek and Roman literature. Phoenix LXVI(1-2), pp. 122-144.
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2012. Carian medicine (C.) nissen entre Asclépios et Hippocrate. étude des cultes guérisseurs et des médecins en Carie.(Kernos supplément 22.) pp. 397, ills, maps. liège: centre international d'étude de la religion Grecque antique, 2009. paper €40. ISBN: 978-2-9600717-5-7 [Review]. The Classical Review 62(1), pp. 61-62. (10.1017/S0009840X11002903)
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2011. B. Holmes, The symptom and the subject: the emergence of the physical body in Ancient Greece [Book Review]. Isis 102(3), pp. 551-552. (10.1086/663030)
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2011. Old recipes, new practice? The Latin adaptations of the Hippocratic 'Gynaecological Treatises'. Social History of Medicine 24(1), pp. 74-91. (10.1093/shm/hkq103)
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2011. J. Scarborough, Pharmacy and Drug Lore in Antiquity: Greece, Rome, Byzantium [Book Review]. Aestimatio 8, pp. 116-120.
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2010. C. Gill, T. Whitmarsh and J. Wilkins (eds.), Galen and the World of Knowledge [Book Review]. British Journal of the History of Science 43(3), pp. 478-479. (10.1017/S0007087410001032)
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2010. A recipe for a headache: translating and interpreting ancient Greek and Roman remedies. In: Imhausen, A. and Pommerening, T. eds. Writings of Early Scholars in the Ancient Near East, Egypt and Greece: Zur Übersetzbarkeit von Wissenschaftssprachen des Altertums. Beiträge zur Altertumskunde Vol. 286. Berlin: De Gruyter, pp. 219-237.
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2010. Bronwen L Wickkiser, Asklepios, medicine, and the politics of healing in fifth-century Greece: between craft and cult, Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2008, pp xiii, 178, £29.00, $55.00 (hardback 987-0-8018-8978-3) [Review]. Medical History 54(2), pp. 271-272.
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2010. Thomas Rütten, Geschichten vom Hippokratischen Eid, Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2008, CD-ROM €20.00 (978-3-447-05679-3) [Review]. Medical History 54(1), pp. 135-136. (10.1017/S0025727300004518)
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2010. A. Mayor, The Poison King: The Life and Legend of Mithradates Rome's Deadliest Enemy [Book Review]. Isis 101(3), pp. 639-639. (10.1086/657189)
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2010. Teaching the hippocratic gynaecological recipes?. In: Horstmanshoff, M. and Tilburg, C. R. v. eds. Hippocrates and Medical Education: Selected Papers Presented at the XIIth International Hippocrates Colloquium, Universiteit Leiden, 24-26 August 2005. Studies in Ancient Medicine Vol. 35. Leiden: Brill, pp. 287-300.
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2009. Galen's use of multiple manuscript copies in his pharmacological treatises. In: Doody, A. and Taub, L. eds. Authorial Choice, Authorial Voice: Greco-Roman Scientific and Medical Writing.. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, pp. 81-92.
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2009. Hippocratic recipes: Oral and written transmission of pharmacological knowledge in fifth- and fourth-century Greece. Studies in Ancient Medicine Vol. 34. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers.
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2009. Hospitals and Healing from antiquity to the later middle ages [Review]. Social History of Medicine 22(1), pp. 195-197.
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2009. Birth and reproduction. In: Gargarin, M. ed. Encyclopedia of Ancient Greece and Rome. Oxford: Oxford University Press
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2009. Gynecology. In: Gargarin, M. ed. The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Greece and Rome. Oxford: Oxford University Press
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2008. Parfums et huiles parfumées en médecine. In: Verbanck-Piérard, A., Massar, N. and Frère, D. eds. Parfums de l'Antiquité: La rose et l'encens en Méditerranée. Morlanwelz-Mariemont: Musée Royal de Mariemont, pp. 227-232.
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2007. (R.) Mayhew The female in Aristotle's Biology: reason or rationalization. Pp. xii+ 136. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, 2004 [Book Review]. The Classical Review 57(1), pp. 49-50. (10.1017/S0009840X06003118)
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2007. Sex and vegetables in the Hippocratic gynaecological treatises. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 38(3), pp. 531-540. (10.1016/j.shpsc.2007.06.001)
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2007. Hippokratic Corpus, nosological works. In: Keyser, P. T. and Irby-Massie, G. L. eds. The Encyclopaedia of Ancient Natural Scientists: the Greek Tradition and its many Heirs. London: Routledge, pp. 413-414.
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2007. Perfume. In: Cancik, H. et al. eds. Brill's New Pauly: Encyclopaedia of the Ancient World. Leiden ; Boston: Brill, pp. 753-754.
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2006. S. Amigues, Theophraste. Recherches sur les Plantes. Tome V. [Book Review]. Bryn Mawr Classical Review, article number: 2006.07.24.
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2006. Philip J van der Eijk (ed.), Hippocrates in context: papers read at the XIth international Hippocrates colloquium, University of Newcastle upon Tyne 27–31 August 2002, studies in ancient medicine, vol. 31, Leiden and Boston, Brill, 2005, pp xvi, 521, €149.00, US$199.00(hardback 90-04-14430-7) [Review]. Medical History 50(4), pp. 552-553. (10.1017/S0025727300010474)
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2004. Review: Maria Michela Sassi, The science of man in Ancient Greece. Translated by Paul Tucker. With a Foreword by Sir Geoffrey Lloyd. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 2001 [Book Review]. The British Journal for the History of Science 37(4), pp. 467-468.
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2004. Mithradates’ antidote: A pharmacological ghost. Early Science and Medicine 9(1), pp. 1-19. (10.1163/1573382041153179)
- Totelin, L. 2024. A thorn in the flesh: roses, rose gardens, and health in Greek and Roman antiquity. Studies in the History of Gardens and Designed Landscapes 44(2-3), pp. 105-117. (10.1080/14601176.2024.2367927)
- Totelin, L. 2024. Review of John G. Fitch, On Simples, attributed to Dioscorides. Studies in ancient medicine, 57. Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2022. Bryn Mawr Classical Review
- Totelin, L. 2023. Waxing lyrical: Ancient medical authors on wax and wax tablets. Deltos 33, pp. 13-18.
- Totelin, L. 2023. Before “breast is best”. Argo, A Hellenic Review 19, pp. 18-19.
- Totelin, L. 2022. [Book Review] (D.) Lavalle Norman and (A.) Petkas (eds) Hypatia of Alexandria. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2020.. The Journal of Hellenic Studies 142, pp. 460-461. (10.1017/S0075426922001057)
- Totelin, L. 2022. The body in antiquity. - (F.) Gherchanoc, (S.) Wyler (edd.) Corps en morceaux. Démembrer et recomposer les corps dans l'Antiquité classique. [Book review]. Classical Review 72(2), pp. 569-572. (10.1017/S0009840X22000439)
- Totelin, L. 2022. Paula S. De Vos, Compound remedies: Galenic pharmacy from the Ancient Mediterranean to New Spain [Book Review]. Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 77(3), pp. 372-374. (10.1093/jhmas/jrac019)
- Totelin, L. 2020. Do no harm: Phanostrate's midwifery practice. Technai, An International Journal for Ancient Science and Technology 11, pp. 129-143. (10.19272/202010501010)
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2019. Review of the pharmakon: concept figure, image of transgression, poetic practice ed. by Hermann Herlinghaus. Bulletin of the History of Medicine 93(3), pp. 453-454. (10.1353/bhm.2019.0061)
- Totelin, L. 2019. The map of knowledge: how classical ideas were lost and found: a history in seven cities, by Violet Moller [Book Review]. BBC History Magazine, pp. 73.
- Totelin, L. 2018. Review of A. Ferraces Rodriguez, Curae quae ex hominibus atque animalibus fiunt. Estudio y edición crítica. L’Antiquité Classique 87, article number: 396.
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2017. Milk: the symbolism & ambivalence of a substance. Viewpoint: the Magazine of the British Society for the History of Science 112, pp. 6-7.
- Trickey, H., Totelin, L. M. V. and Sanders, J. 2017. Nain, Mam and Me: Historical artefacts as prompts for reminiscence, reflection and conversation about feeding babies. A qualitative development study. Research for All 1(1), pp. 64-83. (10.18546/RFA.01.1.06)
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2017. Snakes and ladders: wonder cures of the ancient world. BBC History Magazine Collec, pp. 22-25.
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2017. Call the (Roman) midwife. BBC History Magazine Collec, pp. 40-43.
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2017. Technology in the ancient world. BBC History Magazine: The story of science & technology., pp. 16-19.
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2016. Ido Israelowich. Patients and healers in the High Roman Empire [Book Review]. Isis 107(3), pp. 620-621. (10.1086/688242)
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2016. Technologies of knowledge: pharmacology, botany, and medical recipes. Oxford Handbooks Online (10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199935390.013.94)
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2016. L’Expressivité du lexique médical en Grèce et à Rome: Hommages à Françoise Skoda ed. by Isabelle Boehm and Nathalie Rousseau [Book Review]. Bulletin of the History of Medicine 90(1), pp. 141-142.
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2016. Homo Patiens, Approaches to the patient in the Ancient World, edited by Georgia Petridou and Chiara Thumiger [Book Review]. Early Science and Medicine 21(6), pp. 575-577. (10.1163/15733823-00216p05)
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2015. Stephen M. Oberhelman (ed.), Dreams, healing and medicine in Greece: from antiquity to the present [Book Review]. Social History of Medicine 28(4), pp. 930-931. (10.1093/shm/hkv080)
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2015. When foods become remedies in ancient Greece: the curious case of garlic and other substances. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 167, pp. 30-37. (10.1016/j.jep.2014.08.018)
- Trickey, H., Sanders, J. and Totelin, L. M. V. 2015. Nain and Mam and Me: historical artefacts, social history and opening the conversation about infant feeding in Wales. NCT Perspective 29, pp. 33-34.
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2015. Ancient breast milk for modern debates. Breastfeeding matters: La Leche League GB mother-to-mother support for breastfeeding(209), pp. 12-15.
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2014. Review: Anne Van Arsdall and Timothy Graham (eds), herbs and healers from the ancient Mediterranean through the medieval West: essays in honor of John M. Riddle. Social History of Medicine 27(1), pp. 165-166. (10.1093/shm/hkt078)
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2014. J. Jouanna, Greek medicine from Hippocrates to Galen [Book Review]. Isis 105(1), pp. 206-206. (10.1086/676764)
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2014. Suzanne Amigues, Théophraste. Les causes des phénomènes végétaux. Tome I. Livres I et II [Book Review]. Aestimatio 11, pp. 168-170.
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2013. Richard A. Gabriel, Man and wound in the Ancient World: A history of miltary medicine from Sumer to the Fall of Constantinople [Book Review]. Isis 104(1), pp. 153-154. (10.1086/670872)
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2012. And to end on a poetic note: Galen’s authorial strategies in the pharmacological books. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 43(2), pp. 307-315. (10.1016/j.shpsa.2011.12.019)
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2012. Botanizing rulers and their herbal subjects: Plants and political power in Greek and Roman literature. Phoenix LXVI(1-2), pp. 122-144.
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2012. Carian medicine (C.) nissen entre Asclépios et Hippocrate. étude des cultes guérisseurs et des médecins en Carie.(Kernos supplément 22.) pp. 397, ills, maps. liège: centre international d'étude de la religion Grecque antique, 2009. paper €40. ISBN: 978-2-9600717-5-7 [Review]. The Classical Review 62(1), pp. 61-62. (10.1017/S0009840X11002903)
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2011. B. Holmes, The symptom and the subject: the emergence of the physical body in Ancient Greece [Book Review]. Isis 102(3), pp. 551-552. (10.1086/663030)
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2011. Old recipes, new practice? The Latin adaptations of the Hippocratic 'Gynaecological Treatises'. Social History of Medicine 24(1), pp. 74-91. (10.1093/shm/hkq103)
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2011. J. Scarborough, Pharmacy and Drug Lore in Antiquity: Greece, Rome, Byzantium [Book Review]. Aestimatio 8, pp. 116-120.
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2010. C. Gill, T. Whitmarsh and J. Wilkins (eds.), Galen and the World of Knowledge [Book Review]. British Journal of the History of Science 43(3), pp. 478-479. (10.1017/S0007087410001032)
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2010. Bronwen L Wickkiser, Asklepios, medicine, and the politics of healing in fifth-century Greece: between craft and cult, Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2008, pp xiii, 178, £29.00, $55.00 (hardback 987-0-8018-8978-3) [Review]. Medical History 54(2), pp. 271-272.
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2010. Thomas Rütten, Geschichten vom Hippokratischen Eid, Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2008, CD-ROM €20.00 (978-3-447-05679-3) [Review]. Medical History 54(1), pp. 135-136. (10.1017/S0025727300004518)
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2010. A. Mayor, The Poison King: The Life and Legend of Mithradates Rome's Deadliest Enemy [Book Review]. Isis 101(3), pp. 639-639. (10.1086/657189)
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2009. Hospitals and Healing from antiquity to the later middle ages [Review]. Social History of Medicine 22(1), pp. 195-197.
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2007. (R.) Mayhew The female in Aristotle's Biology: reason or rationalization. Pp. xii+ 136. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, 2004 [Book Review]. The Classical Review 57(1), pp. 49-50. (10.1017/S0009840X06003118)
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2007. Sex and vegetables in the Hippocratic gynaecological treatises. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 38(3), pp. 531-540. (10.1016/j.shpsc.2007.06.001)
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2006. S. Amigues, Theophraste. Recherches sur les Plantes. Tome V. [Book Review]. Bryn Mawr Classical Review, article number: 2006.07.24.
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2006. Philip J van der Eijk (ed.), Hippocrates in context: papers read at the XIth international Hippocrates colloquium, University of Newcastle upon Tyne 27–31 August 2002, studies in ancient medicine, vol. 31, Leiden and Boston, Brill, 2005, pp xvi, 521, €149.00, US$199.00(hardback 90-04-14430-7) [Review]. Medical History 50(4), pp. 552-553. (10.1017/S0025727300010474)
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2004. Review: Maria Michela Sassi, The science of man in Ancient Greece. Translated by Paul Tucker. With a Foreword by Sir Geoffrey Lloyd. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 2001 [Book Review]. The British Journal for the History of Science 37(4), pp. 467-468.
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2004. Mithradates’ antidote: A pharmacological ghost. Early Science and Medicine 9(1), pp. 1-19. (10.1163/1573382041153179)
Book sections
- Totelin, L. 2024. The dark side of sunthesis? fraud and substitution in Graeco-Roman pharmacology. In: Newman, W. and Schickore, J. eds. Traditions of Analysis and Synthesis. Archimedes (ARIM, volume 73) Cham, Switzerland: Springer
- Totelin, L. 2023. Orchids, lizards, and lettuce: aphrodisiacs and technosomata. In: Gerolemou, M. and Chesi, G. M. eds. Body Technologies in the Greco-Roman World: Technosôma, Gender and Sex. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, pp. 221-239.
- Totelin, L. 2023. Weaning and lactation cessation in late antiquity and the early byzantine period. In: Constantinou, S. and Skouroumouni-Stavrinou, A. eds. Breastfeeding and mothering in antiquity and early Byzantium. London: Routledge, pp. 130-151., (10.4324/9781003265658-7)
- Totelin, L. and Rieder, P. 2023. Purger, fortifier: remèdes lactés (d’Hippocrate à Pasteur). In: Foehr-Janssens, Y. and Solfaroli Camillocci, D. eds. Allaiter: De l’Antiquité à nos jours. Histoire pratiques d'une culture en Europe. Brepols, pp. 669-677.
- Totelin, L. 2022. Aelian’s fabulous trees. In: De Brasi, D. and Fronterotta, F. eds. Poikile Physis: Biological Literature in Greek during the Roman Empire: Genres, Scopes, and Problems. Science, Technology, and Medicine in Ancient Cultures De Gruyter, pp. 115-128., (10.1515/9783110796858-007)
- Totelin, L. and King, H. 2022. Body. In: Whitmarsh, T. ed. Oxford Classical Dictionary Online. Oxford University Press, pp. online., (10.1093/acrefore/9780199381135.013.1120)
- Totelin, L. 2022. Trade and exploration. In: Giesecke, A. and Mabberley, D. eds. A Cultural History of Plants in Antiquity., Vol. 1. A Cultural History of Plants London: Bloomsbury, pp. 67-83.
- Totelin, L. 2021. Hippocratic corpus. In: Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Oxford Classical Dictionary. Oxford: Oxford University Press, (10.1093/acrefore/9780199381135.013.8525)
- Bradley, M., Leonard, V. and Totelin, L. 2021. Introduction. In: Bradley, M., Leonard, V. and Totelin, L. eds. Bodily Fluids in Antiquity. London: Routledge, pp. 1-14.
- Totelin, L. 2021. Breastmilk in the cave and on the arena: early Christian stories of lactation in context. In: Bradley, M., Leonard, V. and Totelin, L. eds. Bodily Fluids in Antiquity. Routledge, pp. 240-255.
- Totelin, L. 2021. Easy remedies – difficult texts: the Pseudo-Galenic Euporista. In: Petit, C., Swain, S. and Fischer, K. eds. PseudoGalenica: The Formation of the Galenic Corpus from Antiquity to the Renaissance. London: The Warburg Institute, pp. 31-45.
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2020. A woman in flux: fluidity in Hippocratic gynaecology. In: Thumiger, C. ed. Holism in ancient medicine and its reception. Leiden: Brill, pp. 220-236., (10.1163/9789004443143_011)
- Totelin, L. 2020. A little old lady told me: appropriation of weak actors' knowledge in Graeco-Roman pharmacology. In: Epple, M., Imhausen, A. and Muller, F. eds. Weak Knowledge: Forms, Functions, and Dynamics. Campus Verlag, pp. 109-124.
- Totelin, L. 2020. Healing correspondence: letters and remedy exchange in the Graeco-Roman world. In: Totelin, L. and Flemming, R. eds. Medicine and Markets in the Graeco-Roman World and Beyond: Essays in Honour of Vivian Nutton. Classical Press of Wales, pp. 17-36.
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2020. What's a plant?. In: Taub, L. ed. The Cambridge Companion to Ancient Greek and Roman Science. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 141-159., (10.1017/9781316136096.008)
- Totelin, L. 2019. A sea of synonyms: naming plants in ancient pharmacological texts. In: Reggiani, N. and Bertonazzi, F. eds. Parlare la medicina: fra lingue e culture, nello spazio e nel tempo. Atti del Convegno Internazionale, Universita di Parma, 5-7 Settembre 2016. Le Monnier Universita, pp. 195-206.
- Totelin, L. 2019. Hystérie. In: Bodiou, L. and Mehl, V. eds. Dictionnaire du corps dans l'Antiquité. Presses universitaires de Rennes, pp. 326-327.
- Totelin, L. 2019. Puberté. In: Bodiou, L. and Mehl, V. eds. Dictionnaire du corps dans l'Antiquité. Presses universitaires de Rennes, pp. 529-531.
- Totelin, L. 2019. Utérus. In: Bodiou, L. and Mehl, V. eds. Dictionnaire du corps dans l'Antiquité. Presses universitaires de Rennes, pp. 635-636.
- Totelin, L. 2019. Gynécologie. In: Bodiou, L. and Mehl, V. eds. Dictionnaire du corps dans l'Antiquité. Presses universitaires de Rennes, pp. 296-298.
- Totelin, L. 2019. Sweet honey and hare's brains: Ancient pharmacology for children's diseases. In: Lambrugo, C. ed. Una favola breve: Archeologia e antropologia per la storia del''infanzia. Edizioni All'Insegna del Giglio, pp. 37-42.
- Totelin, L. 2018. Botany. In: Jones, A. and Taub, L. eds. The Cambridge history of science. Volume 1. Ancient Science. Cambridge University Press, pp. 238-247.
- Totelin, L. 2018. Animal and plant generation in classical antiquity. In: Hopwood, N., Flemming, R. and Kassell, L. eds. Reproduction: Antiquity to the Present. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 53-66.
- Totelin, L. 2018. Therapeutics. In: Pormann, P. E. ed. The Cambirdge Companion to Hippocrates. Cambridge Companions to Philosophy Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 200-216.
- Totelin, L. 2018. Gone with the wind: laughter and the audience of the Hippocratic treatises. In: Bouras-Vallianatos, P. and Xenophontos, S. eds. Greek medical literature and its readers: From Hippocrates to Islam and Byzantium. Routledge, pp. 30-47.
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2018. Tastes in ancient botany, medicine and science. In: Rudolph, K. C. ed. Taste and the Ancient Senses. London: Routledge, pp. 60-71.
- Totelin, L. 2018. Recréer les recettes de Galien. In: Verbanck-Pirard, A., Boudon-Millot, V. and Gourevitch, D. eds. Au temps de Galien: Un médecin grec dans l'empire Romain. Musée Royal de Mariemont, pp. 214-217.
- Totelin, L. 2017. The third way. In: Lemhaus, L. and Martelli, M. eds. Collecting Recipes: Byzantine and Jewish Pharmacology in Dialogue. Science, Technology, and Medicine in Ancient Cultures Boston and Berlin: De Gruyter, pp. 103-122., (10.1515/9781501502538)
- Totelin, L. 2017. From technē to kakotechnia: use and abuse of ancient cosmetic texts. In: Formisano, M. and van der Eijk, P. eds. Knowledge, Text and Practice in Ancient Technical Writing. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 138-162., (10.1017/9781316718575.008)
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2017. Whose fault is it anyway? Plant infertility in antiquity. In: Davies, G. and Loughran, T. eds. The Palgrave Handbook of Infertility in History: Approaches, Contexts and Perspectives. Basingstoke: Palgrave, pp. 57-75.
- Totelin, L. 2017. Motherhood in flux: Greek nymphs, breastfeeding, and ancient gynaecology. In: Guignard, F. P., Pedrucci, G. and Scapini, M. eds. Maternita e politeismi. Motherhood(s) and polytheisms. Patron Editore, pp. 359-370.
- Totelin, L. 2016. Pharmakopolai: a re-evaluation of the sources. In: Harris, W. V. ed. Popular Medicine in Graeco-Roman Antiquity: Explorations. Columbia Studies in the Classical Tradition Brill, pp. 65-85., (10.1163/9789004326040_003)
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2016. Breastfeeding. In: Bagnall, R. S. et al. eds. The Encyclopedia of Ancient History. Wiley, pp. 1-2., (10.1002/9781444338386.wbeah30237)
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2016. Hippocratic and Aristophanic recipes: a comparative study. In: Dean-Jones, L. and Rosen, R. eds. Ancient Concepts of the Hippocratic. Papers presented at the XIIIth Hippocrates Colloquium, Austin, Texas, 11-13 August, 2008. Leiden: Brill, pp. 292-301.
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2016. The world in a pill: local specialties and global remedies in the Graeco-Roman world. In: Futo Kennedy, R. and Jones-Lewis, M. eds. The Routledge Handbook of Identity and the Environment in the Classical and Medieval World. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 151-170.
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2015. L'odeur des autres: femme et odeur - l'intersection de la pratique Hippocratique et de la pratique religieuse. In: Jouanna, J. and Zinc, M. eds. Hippocrate et les hippocratismes : médecine, religion, société. Academies des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres, pp. 83-98.
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2014. Smell as sign and cure in ancient medicine. In: Bradley, M. ed. Smell and the Ancient Senses. The Senses in Antiquity London: Routledge, pp. 17-29.
- Baker, P., King, H. and Totelin, L. M. V. 2014. Teaching ancient medicine: the issues of abortion. In: Rabinowitz, N. S. and McHardy, F. eds. From Abortion to Pederasty: Addressing Difficult Topics in the Classics Classroom. Columbus, Ohio: The Ohio State University Press, pp. 71-91.
- Muir, S. and Totelin, L. M. V. 2013. Medicine & disease. In: Tulloch, J. H. ed. A Cultural History of Women in Antiquity., Vol. 1. Oxford: Berg, pp. 81-104.
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2010. A recipe for a headache: translating and interpreting ancient Greek and Roman remedies. In: Imhausen, A. and Pommerening, T. eds. Writings of Early Scholars in the Ancient Near East, Egypt and Greece: Zur Übersetzbarkeit von Wissenschaftssprachen des Altertums. Beiträge zur Altertumskunde Vol. 286. Berlin: De Gruyter, pp. 219-237.
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2010. Teaching the hippocratic gynaecological recipes?. In: Horstmanshoff, M. and Tilburg, C. R. v. eds. Hippocrates and Medical Education: Selected Papers Presented at the XIIth International Hippocrates Colloquium, Universiteit Leiden, 24-26 August 2005. Studies in Ancient Medicine Vol. 35. Leiden: Brill, pp. 287-300.
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2009. Galen's use of multiple manuscript copies in his pharmacological treatises. In: Doody, A. and Taub, L. eds. Authorial Choice, Authorial Voice: Greco-Roman Scientific and Medical Writing.. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, pp. 81-92.
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2009. Birth and reproduction. In: Gargarin, M. ed. Encyclopedia of Ancient Greece and Rome. Oxford: Oxford University Press
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2009. Gynecology. In: Gargarin, M. ed. The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Greece and Rome. Oxford: Oxford University Press
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2008. Parfums et huiles parfumées en médecine. In: Verbanck-Piérard, A., Massar, N. and Frère, D. eds. Parfums de l'Antiquité: La rose et l'encens en Méditerranée. Morlanwelz-Mariemont: Musée Royal de Mariemont, pp. 227-232.
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2007. Hippokratic Corpus, nosological works. In: Keyser, P. T. and Irby-Massie, G. L. eds. The Encyclopaedia of Ancient Natural Scientists: the Greek Tradition and its many Heirs. London: Routledge, pp. 413-414.
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2007. Perfume. In: Cancik, H. et al. eds. Brill's New Pauly: Encyclopaedia of the Ancient World. Leiden ; Boston: Brill, pp. 753-754.
- Totelin, L. and Perkins, E. Totelin, L. and Perkins, E. eds. 2025. Tools, Techniques, and Technologies Essays on Ancient Science and its Reception in Honour of Liba Taub. Trends in Classics – Pathways of Reception. De Gruyter.
- Bradley, M., Leonard, V. and Totelin, L. eds. 2021. Bodily fluids in antiquity. London: Routledge.
- Totelin, L. ed. 2021. A cultural history of medicine in antiquity. The Cultural Histories Series. London: Bloomsbury.
- Totelin, L. and Flemming, R. eds. 2020. Medicine and markets in the Graeco-Roman world and beyond: Essays in honour of Vivian Nutton. Classical Press of Wales.
- Totelin, L. M. V. and Nutton, V. eds. 2020. Ancient medicine, behind and beyond Hippocrates: essays in honour of Elizabeth Craik. Pisa: Fabrizio Serra.
- Hardy, G. and Totelin, L. 2015. Ancient botany. Science of Antiquity. Abingdon and New York: Routledge. (10.4324/9780203458358)
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2009. Hippocratic recipes: Oral and written transmission of pharmacological knowledge in fifth- and fourth-century Greece. Studies in Ancient Medicine Vol. 34. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers.
- Trickey, H., Totelin, L. M. V. and Sanders, J. 2016. Mamgu, mam and me: feeding babies in Wales - now and then. Exhibition for the general public at Cardiff Story Museum. [Exhibition]. Cardiff Story Musuem, 5-6 November 2016.
- Trickey, H., Totelin, L. M. V. and Sanders, J. 2015. Nain and Mam and me: Historical artefacts, social history and opening the conversation about infant feeding in Wales. [Blog]. Fferm Mathrafal, Meifod, Wales, 1-8 August 2015.
- Totelin, L. M. V. 2014. Sweet as honey. [Online]. The Recipes Project. Available at: http://recipes.hypotheses.org/4099
Botaneg hynafol
Ar y cyd â'r botanegydd Gavin Hardy, rwyf wedi cyhoeddi llyfr o'r enw Ancient Botany, Routledge 2015. Ein gobaith oedd i'r llyfr hwn hyrwyddo ymchwil pellach yn y maes. Yn bersonol, byddaf yn edrych ymhellach yn hanes a symbolaeth cydio, yn ogystal â chynghreiriadau gwleidyddol mewn testunau hynafol ar blanhigion.
Therapi Adwerthu: Gwerthu pharmaka, prynu iechyd yn y Byd Groeg a Rhufeinig
Efallai y bydd ryseitiau ffarmacolegol hynafol yn ymddangos fel pwnc ymchwil sych iawn, ond maent yn gloddfa o wybodaeth i unrhyw hanesydd hynafol sydd â diddordeb mewn hanes cymdeithasol neu economaidd. Rwyf wedi cyhoeddi llyfr ar y ryseitiau cynharaf a gedwir mewn Groeg, ryseitiau'r Corpws Hippocrataidd (Ryseitiau Hippocratig: Trosglwyddo Llafar ac Ysgrifenedig Gwybodaeth Ffarmacolegol yng Ngwlad Groeg y Bumed a'r Bedwaredd Ganrif, 2009). Daeth yr astudiaeth hon â'm diddordebau at ei gilydd yn hanes meddygaeth Roegaidd, hanes cymdeithasol, diwylliannol ac economaidd, astudiaethau o lythrennedd hynafol, ac astudiaethau rhywedd. Gyda Dr Rebecca Flemming (Caergrawnt), rwyf wedi golygu cyfrol ar y farchnad feddygol hynafol, Meddygaeth a Marchnadoedd yn y Graeco-Rufeinig World a Thu Hwnt. Traethodau ar Feddygaeth Hynafol yn Hnour o Vivian Nutton (2020). Ar hyn o bryd rwy'n gweithio ar lyfr sy'n archwilio agweddau economaidd ffarmacoleg hynafol. Rwy'n trafod sut y gwnaeth y rhai a oedd yn ymwneud â 'busnes' ffarmacolegol Groeg a Rhufeinig hyrwyddo eu rhwymedïau a'u gwerthu am y gost uchaf.
Wedi cael llaeth? Symbolaeth llaeth mewn hynafiaeth a thu hwnt
Mae gen i ddiddordeb yn arwyddocâd symbolaidd llaeth – pob llaeth, boed nhw'n ddynol, yn anifail neu'n lysiau – yn niwylliant Groeg a Rhufeinig. Ynghyd â Dr Mark Bradley a Dr Victoria Leonard, rwy'n golygu cyfrol o'r enw Bodily Fluids in Antiquity (Routledge, 2021). Rwyf hefyd wedi gweithio ar brosiect o'r enw 'Nain, Mam a Fi: bwydo babanod yng Nghymru, hanes cymdeithasol ac arferion modern' gyda'r cymdeithasegydd Dr Heather Trickey ac athro bydwreigiaeth yr Athro Julia Sander. Ein nod oedd defnyddio arteffactau hanesyddol i hyrwyddo trafodaethau ar fwydo babanod yng Nghymru.
- Ymchwilio i'r Byd Hynafol: Sgiliau a Thystiolaeth
- Gwrthrychau hynafol, ddoe a nawr
- Ymerodraethau Dwyrain a Gorllewin
- Bywyd yn Rhufain
- Rhyw a Rhywioldeb yn yr Hen Fyd
- Meddygaeth Groeg a Rhufeinig
- Astudio'r ail flwyddyn annibynnol
- Ymchwilio i'r Byd Hynafol: Traethawd Hir y Flwyddyn Olaf
Addysg a chymwysterau
- 2002–2005 PhD, Canolfan Ymddiriedolaeth Wellcome ar gyfer Hanes Meddygaeth yn UCL
- 2001–2002 MPhil mewn Hanes ac Athroniaeth Gwyddoniaeth, Prifysgol Caergrawnt
- 2000–2001 Gradd addysgu mewn Hanes ac Ieithoedd Clasurol, Prifysgol Rydd Brwsel
- 1996–2000 BA mewn Hanes yr Henfyd, Prifysgol Rydd Brwsel
Trosolwg gyrfa
- 2022–presennol Athro Hanes yr Henfyd, Ysgol Hanes, Archaeoleg a Chrefydd, Prifysgol Caerdydd
- 2019–2022 Darllenydd mewn Hanes yr Henfyd, Ysgol Hanes, Archaeoleg a Chrefydd, Prifysgol Caerdydd
- 2015–2019 Uwch Ddarlithydd mewn Hanes yr Henfyd, Ysgol Hanes, Archaeoleg a Chrefydd, Prifysgol Caerdydd
- 2009–2015 Darlithydd mewn Hanes yr Henfyd, Ysgol Hanes, Archaeoleg a Chrefydd, Prifysgol Caerdydd
- 2006–2009 Cymrawd Ôl-ddoethurol Ymddiriedolaeth Wellcome, Adran Hanes ac Athroniaeth Gwyddoniaeth, Prifysgol Caergrawnt, ac is-gymrawd yng Ngholeg Newnham. Cyfunais fy ymchwil ôl-ddoethurol gydag addysgu mewn amryw o sefydliadau yn y DU (Caergrawnt, UCL, Coleg Imperial a Reading)
Anrhydeddau a dyfarniadau
- Grant Consortiwm Marie Curie, dan arweiniad yr Athro Stavroula Constantinou, gyda chydweithrediad gan gydweithwyr yng Nghaerdydd, Bamberg, Lund, a Saleno, 2024-2028
- Grant Ymgysylltu â'r Sefydliad Astudiaethau Clasurol ar gyfer arddangosfa rithwir 'I'm Your Venus: An exhibition on the reception of Antiquity in Modern Cosmetic Advertising and Marketing', 2022
- Cydweithredwr ar gyfer Grant Hyrwyddo Ymchwil Cyprus a ddyfarnwyd i Dr Stavroula Constantinou a Dr Aspasia Skouroumouni ar gyfer eu prosiect MotherBreas, 2019-2021
- Grant Ymddiriedolaeth Wellcome Caerdydd ISSF ar gyfer 'Ancient-biotics, ail-werthuso meddyginiaethau traddodiadol ar gyfer therapïau gwrthfacterol yn y dyfodol', prosiect cydweithredol dan arweiniad yr Athro Les Baillie (Fferylliaeth), 2016
- Grant bach Ymddiriedolaeth Wellcome i drefnu'r gynhadledd 'Hylifau Corfforol/Cyrff Hylif mewn Hynafiaeth Groeg a Rhufeinig', 2016
- Grant gan y Gymdeithas Glasurol i drefnu'r gynhadledd 'Hylifau Corfforol/Cyrff Hylif mewn Groeg a Hynafiaeth Rufeinig', 2016
- Grant ICS i drefnu'r gynhadledd 'Hylifau Corfforol/Cyrff Hylif mewn Groeg a Hynafiaeth Rufeinig', 2016
- Grant Ymddiriedolaeth Wellcome Caerdydd ISSF ar gyfer 'Nain, Mam a Fi: bwydo babanod yng Nghymru, hanes cymdeithasol ac arferion modern', prosiect cydweithredol gyda Dr Julia Sanders (bydwraig ymgynghorol) a Ms Heather Trickey (DECIPHer). Dyfarnwyd grantiau llai i'r prosiect hwn gan yr Ysgol Hanes, Archaeoleg a Chrefydd, Tîm Ymgysylltu Caerdydd a Chaerdydd, 2015
- Grant Absenoldeb Ymchwil Prifysgol Caerdydd, 2014-2015
- Grant Ymddiriedolaeth Wellcome i drefnu cynhadledd 'Ymagweddau at Feddygaeth Hynafol' 2012 (Prifysgol Caerdydd), 2012
- Grant Cymdeithas Glasurol i drefnu cynhadledd 'Dulliau o Feddygaeth Hynafol' 2012 (Prifysgol Caerdydd), 2012
- Grant Cymdeithas Glasurol ar gyfer cynhadledd 'Dulliau o Feddygaeth Hynafol' 2010 (Prifysgol Caerdydd), 2010
- Grant Ymddiriedolaeth Wellcome i drefnu cynhadledd 'Ymagweddau at Feddygaeth Hynafol' 2010 (Prifysgol Caerdydd), 2010
- Grant Ymddiriedolaeth Wellcome i drefnu panel o'r enw 'Hanes gwyddoniaeth hynafol a meddygaeth yn erbyn hanes economaidd' yng Nghynhadledd y Gymdeithas Glasurol 2010 (Prifysgol Caerdydd), 2010
- Grant Ymddiriedolaeth Wellcome i drefnu panel ar Feddygaeth Hynafol yng Nghynhadledd y Gymdeithas Glasurol 2007 (Prifysgol Birmingham), 2007
- Cymrodoriaeth Ymchwil Ôl-ddoethurol Ymddiriedolaeth Wellcome, 2006-2009
- Canolfan Ymddiriedolaeth Wellcome PhD Studenthip, 2002-2009
- Maurice Wiener–Philippe Anspach Studentship, 2001-2002
- Medal Prifysgol Rydd Brwsel am Ragoriaeth, 2000
- Erasmus Studenthip, 1998
- Gwobr Marguerite Bervoets am y canlyniad blwyddyn gyntaf orau yn y Gyfadran Athroniaeth a Llythyrau, Prifysgol Rydd Brwsel, 1997
Aelodaethau proffesiynol
- Aelod o'r Gymdeithas Glasurol
- Aelod o'r Gymdeithas Brydeinig dros Hanes Gwyddoniaeth
- Aelod o'r Gymdeithas Brydeinig ar gyfer Hanes Fferylliaeth
Safleoedd academaidd blaenorol
- 2006-2009 Cymrawd Ôl-ddoethurol Ymddiriedolaeth Wellcome, Adran Hanes ac Athroniaeth Gwyddoniaeth, Prifysgol Caergrawnt
- 2006-2009 Is-gymrawd Coleg Newnham, Caergrawnt
- 2006-2009 Cymrawd addysgu, Adran Hanes ac Athroniaeth Gwyddoniaeth, Prifysgol Caergrawnt
- 2006-2009 Goruchwyliwr, Cyfadran y Clasuron, Prifysgol Caergrawnt
- 2006-2007 Cymrawd addysgu, Adran y Clasuron, Prifysgol Reading
- 2005-2006 Cymrawd addysgu, Canolfan Hanes Gwyddoniaeth, Technoleg a Meddygaeth Llundain, Coleg Imperial Llundain
- 2005-2006 Cymrawd addysgu, Adran Astudiaethau Gwyddoniaeth a Thechnoleg, Coleg Prifysgol Llundain
- 2003-2006 Goruchwyliwr, Adran Hanes ac Athroniaeth Gwyddoniaeth, Prifysgol Caergrawnt
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
Rwy'n croesawu cynigion PhD sy'n ymwneud â meddygaeth, gwyddoniaeth a thechnoleg Groeg a Rhufeinig. Yn benodol, mae gen i ddiddordeb mewn pynciau sy'n ymwneud â ffarmacoleg, botaneg a garddio, yn enwedig os oes ganddynt elfen rhywedd, a gynaecoleg. Byddai gen i ddiddordeb hefyd mewn pynciau yn ymwneud â derbyn botaneg a ffarmacoleg hynafol, yn enwedig yn y ddeunawfed ganrif, y bedwaredd ganrif ar bymtheg a'r ugeinfed ganrif.
Goruchwyliaeth gyfredol
Prosiectau'r gorffennol
Rhian Williams, Di-blant yn y Byd Rhufeinig
Gina Bevan, Pop! Medusa: The Reappropriation of the Gorgon in Pop Music
Shuya Yang (PhD sy'n ymweld), botaneg Theophrastus
Ioan McAvoy, Effeminacy a Orientalism mewn Llenyddiaeth Ladin
Contact Details
+44 29208 75631
Adeilad John Percival , Ystafell 4.03, Rhodfa Colum, Caerdydd, CF10 3EU
Themâu ymchwil
- Astudiaethau rhywedd
- Hanes gwyddoniaeth
- Hanes meddygaeth
- Hanes rhywioldeb