Dr Maki Umemura
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Timau a rolau for Maki Umemura
Darllenydd mewn Rheolaeth Ryngwladol a Hanes Busnes
Mae Maki yn Ddarllenydd mewn Rheolaeth Ryngwladol a Hanes Busnes. Mae ei hymchwil wedi bod yn ymwneud ag esblygiad diwydiannau ar y ffin dechnolegol. Mae gan Maki arbenigedd yn economi wleidyddol arloesi biofeddygol a'r diwydiant gofal iechyd. Mae elfen newydd o'i hymchwil yn ymwneud ag ynni gwyrdd, trawsnewidiadau ynni, a'r strategaethau y mae cwmnïau a llywodraeth Dwyrain Asia wedi eu mabwysiadu yng nghyd-destun newid hinsawdd.
Mae Maki wedi denu cyllid ar brosiectau sy'n ymwneud â gwahanol agweddau ar arloesi, gan gynnwys Ymddiriedolaeth Wellcome, Pwyllgor Gwaddol Sefydliad Japan a Chymrodoriaeth Michelin. Bu hefyd yn ymchwilydd gwadd yn Adran yr Economi Wleidyddol yng Ngholeg y Brenin Llundain, a'r École des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS) ym Mharis. Maki yw Ysgolhaig Ymweld Rhyngwladol Alfred D. Chandler Jr Jr mewn Hanes Busnes yn Ysgol Fusnes Harvard ar gyfer 2023.
Mae Maki yn dysgu Systemau Rheoli Asiaidd ar gyfer israddedigion blwyddyn olaf, Rheolaeth Ryngwladol ar gyfer ôl-raddedigion, ac yn cynghori myfyrwyr MSc a PhD.
Mae Maki yn aelod o'r Gymdeithas er Hyrwyddo Economeg Gymdeithasol, y Gynhadledd Hanes Busnes, Cymdeithas yr Haneswyr Busnes a'r Academi Reolaeth. Mae hi hefyd ar fwrdd golygyddol y cyfnodolyn, Business History. Mae hi'n Gadeirydd Fforwm Entrepreneuriaeth ac Arloesi yr Ysgol Busnes ac yn aelod o'r Pwyllgor Pobl.
- Smith, A. and Umemura, M. 2022. The defence of cosmopolitan capitalism by Sir Charles Addis, 1914-1919: a microhistorical study of a classical liberal banker in wartime. Business History 64(9), pp. 1666-1683. (10.1080/00076791.2020.1726891)
- Ergen, T. and Umemura, M. 2021. Shifting patterns of expectations management in innovation policy: a comparative analysis of solar energy policy in the United States, Japan and Germany. Energy Research and Social Science 79, article number: 102177. (10.1016/j.erss.2021.102177)
- Morrison, M. and Umemura, M. 2021. Japan: A case study of national “readiness” for regenerative medicine. Open Access Government
- Umemura, M. and Morrison, M. 2021. Comparative lessons in regenerative medicine readiness: learning from the UK and Japanese experience. Regenerative Medicine 16(3), pp. 269-282. (10.2217/rme-2020-0136)
- Umemura, M. and Slater, S. 2021. Institutional explanations for local diversification: a historical analysis of the Japanese Beer Industry, 1952-2017. Journal of Strategic Marketing 29(1), pp. 71-92. (10.1080/0965254X.2019.1685567)
- Smith, A. and Umemura, M. 2019. Prospects for a transparency revolution in the field of business history. Business History 61(6), pp. 919-941. (10.1080/00076791.2018.1439019)
- Umemura, M. 2019. Challenging the problem of 'fit': advancing the regenerative medicine industries in the United States, Britain and Japan. Business History 61(3), pp. 456-480. (10.1080/00076791.2018.1476496)
- Umemura, M. and Slater, S. 2017. Reaching for global in the Japanese cosmetics industry, 1951 to 2015: the case of Shiseido. Business History 59(6), pp. 877-903. (10.1080/00076791.2016.1274735)
- Umemura, M. 2013. Crisis and change in the system of innovation: the Japanese pharmaceutical industry during the lost decades, 1990-2010. Business History (10.1080/00076791.2013.847428)
- Umemura, M. and Fujioka, R. eds. 2012. Comparative responses to globalization: Experiences of British and Japanese enterprises. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Umemura, M. 2012. Crisis and change in the system of innovation: the Japanese pharmaceutical industry since the 1990s. Presented at: Globalization of the Japanese Pharmaceutical Industry: Strategies, Innovations, and Future Trends [NESACS symposium], Woburn, MA, USA, 13 September 2012.
- Kaizer, A., Umemura, M., Delbridge, R. and Morgan, G. 2012. Japanese management twenty years on: The contemporary relevance of Japanese management practices. Project Report. [Online]. London: Advanced Institute of Management Research. Available at: http://www.aimresearch.org/uploads/file/Publications/Executive%20Briefings%202/AIM_Japan_EB_FINAL.pdf
- Umemura, M. 2011. Reviving tradition: patients and the shaping of Japan's traditional medicines industry. In: Francks, P. and Hunter, J. eds. The Historical Consumer: Consumption and Everyday Life in Japan, 1850-2000. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 176-203.
- Umemura, M. 2011. A second-tier performance: reflections on Japan's pharmaceutical industry, 1945-2005. Japan Forum 23(2), pp. 207-233. (10.1080/09555803.2011.599122)
- Umemura, M. 2011. The Japanese pharmaceutical industry: its evolution and current challenges. Routledge Studies in the Growth Economies of Asia Vol. 101. Abingdon: Routledge.
- Umemura, M. 2010. Reconsidering Japan's underperformance in pharmaceuticals: evidence from Japan's anticancer drug sector. Enterprise and Society 11(3), pp. 560-593. (10.1093/es/khq063)
- Smith, A. and Umemura, M. 2022. The defence of cosmopolitan capitalism by Sir Charles Addis, 1914-1919: a microhistorical study of a classical liberal banker in wartime. Business History 64(9), pp. 1666-1683. (10.1080/00076791.2020.1726891)
- Ergen, T. and Umemura, M. 2021. Shifting patterns of expectations management in innovation policy: a comparative analysis of solar energy policy in the United States, Japan and Germany. Energy Research and Social Science 79, article number: 102177. (10.1016/j.erss.2021.102177)
- Morrison, M. and Umemura, M. 2021. Japan: A case study of national “readiness” for regenerative medicine. Open Access Government
- Umemura, M. and Morrison, M. 2021. Comparative lessons in regenerative medicine readiness: learning from the UK and Japanese experience. Regenerative Medicine 16(3), pp. 269-282. (10.2217/rme-2020-0136)
- Umemura, M. and Slater, S. 2021. Institutional explanations for local diversification: a historical analysis of the Japanese Beer Industry, 1952-2017. Journal of Strategic Marketing 29(1), pp. 71-92. (10.1080/0965254X.2019.1685567)
- Smith, A. and Umemura, M. 2019. Prospects for a transparency revolution in the field of business history. Business History 61(6), pp. 919-941. (10.1080/00076791.2018.1439019)
- Umemura, M. 2019. Challenging the problem of 'fit': advancing the regenerative medicine industries in the United States, Britain and Japan. Business History 61(3), pp. 456-480. (10.1080/00076791.2018.1476496)
- Umemura, M. and Slater, S. 2017. Reaching for global in the Japanese cosmetics industry, 1951 to 2015: the case of Shiseido. Business History 59(6), pp. 877-903. (10.1080/00076791.2016.1274735)
- Umemura, M. 2013. Crisis and change in the system of innovation: the Japanese pharmaceutical industry during the lost decades, 1990-2010. Business History (10.1080/00076791.2013.847428)
- Umemura, M. 2011. A second-tier performance: reflections on Japan's pharmaceutical industry, 1945-2005. Japan Forum 23(2), pp. 207-233. (10.1080/09555803.2011.599122)
- Umemura, M. 2010. Reconsidering Japan's underperformance in pharmaceuticals: evidence from Japan's anticancer drug sector. Enterprise and Society 11(3), pp. 560-593. (10.1093/es/khq063)
Book sections
- Umemura, M. 2011. Reviving tradition: patients and the shaping of Japan's traditional medicines industry. In: Francks, P. and Hunter, J. eds. The Historical Consumer: Consumption and Everyday Life in Japan, 1850-2000. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 176-203.
- Umemura, M. and Fujioka, R. eds. 2012. Comparative responses to globalization: Experiences of British and Japanese enterprises. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Umemura, M. 2011. The Japanese pharmaceutical industry: its evolution and current challenges. Routledge Studies in the Growth Economies of Asia Vol. 101. Abingdon: Routledge.
- Umemura, M. 2012. Crisis and change in the system of innovation: the Japanese pharmaceutical industry since the 1990s. Presented at: Globalization of the Japanese Pharmaceutical Industry: Strategies, Innovations, and Future Trends [NESACS symposium], Woburn, MA, USA, 13 September 2012.
- Kaizer, A., Umemura, M., Delbridge, R. and Morgan, G. 2012. Japanese management twenty years on: The contemporary relevance of Japanese management practices. Project Report. [Online]. London: Advanced Institute of Management Research. Available at: http://www.aimresearch.org/uploads/file/Publications/Executive%20Briefings%202/AIM_Japan_EB_FINAL.pdf
- Smith, A. and Umemura, M. 2022. The defence of cosmopolitan capitalism by Sir Charles Addis, 1914-1919: a microhistorical study of a classical liberal banker in wartime. Business History 64(9), pp. 1666-1683. (10.1080/00076791.2020.1726891)
- Smith, A. and Umemura, M. 2019. Prospects for a transparency revolution in the field of business history. Business History 61(6), pp. 919-941. (10.1080/00076791.2018.1439019)
- Umemura, M. 2019. Challenging the problem of 'fit': advancing the regenerative medicine industries in the United States, Britain and Japan. Business History 61(3), pp. 456-480. (10.1080/00076791.2018.1476496)
- Umemura, M. and Slater, S. 2017. Reaching for global in the Japanese cosmetics industry, 1951 to 2015: the case of Shiseido. Business History 59(6), pp. 877-903. (10.1080/00076791.2016.1274735)
- Umemura, M. 2013. Crisis and change in the system of innovation: the Japanese pharmaceutical industry during the lost decades, 1990-2010. Business History (10.1080/00076791.2013.847428)
- Umemura, M. and Fujioka, R. eds. 2012. Comparative responses to globalization: Experiences of British and Japanese enterprises. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Umemura, M. 2012. Crisis and change in the system of innovation: the Japanese pharmaceutical industry since the 1990s. Presented at: Globalization of the Japanese Pharmaceutical Industry: Strategies, Innovations, and Future Trends [NESACS symposium], Woburn, MA, USA, 13 September 2012.
- Kaizer, A., Umemura, M., Delbridge, R. and Morgan, G. 2012. Japanese management twenty years on: The contemporary relevance of Japanese management practices. Project Report. [Online]. London: Advanced Institute of Management Research. Available at: http://www.aimresearch.org/uploads/file/Publications/Executive%20Briefings%202/AIM_Japan_EB_FINAL.pdf
- Umemura, M. 2011. Reviving tradition: patients and the shaping of Japan's traditional medicines industry. In: Francks, P. and Hunter, J. eds. The Historical Consumer: Consumption and Everyday Life in Japan, 1850-2000. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 176-203.
- Umemura, M. 2011. A second-tier performance: reflections on Japan's pharmaceutical industry, 1945-2005. Japan Forum 23(2), pp. 207-233. (10.1080/09555803.2011.599122)
- Umemura, M. 2011. The Japanese pharmaceutical industry: its evolution and current challenges. Routledge Studies in the Growth Economies of Asia Vol. 101. Abingdon: Routledge.
- Umemura, M. 2010. Reconsidering Japan's underperformance in pharmaceuticals: evidence from Japan's anticancer drug sector. Enterprise and Society 11(3), pp. 560-593. (10.1093/es/khq063)
Prif ddiddordebau ymchwil
- Esblygiad diwydiannau ffiniol (ex biofeddygaeth, ynni adnewyddadwy)
- Disgwyliadau wrth lunio datblygiad technolegol
Diddordebau ymchwil goruchwylio PhD
- Esblygiad diwydiannau ffiniol
- Arloesi mewn cwmnïau Dwyrain Asia
Ymrwymiadau addysgu
- Systemau Rheoli Asiaidd (israddedig blwyddyn olaf)
- Rheolaeth Ryngwladol (israddedigion ail flwyddyn)
- Goruchwylio PhD
- Ysgol Economeg a Gwyddor Wleidyddol Llundain, PhD, Hanes Economaidd
- Prifysgol Yale, BA, Hanes
Swyddi Cymrodoriaeth ac Ysgolor Ymweld
- Alfred D. Chandler Jr. Ysgolhaig Ymweld Rhyngwladol (2023), Uned Hanes Busnes, Ysgol Fusnes Harvard
- Cymrawd Gwadd (2013-2015), Adran yr Economi Wleidyddol, Coleg y Brenin Llundain
- Visiting Researcher (2015-2016), Ecole des hautes etudes en sciences sociales (Ffrainc)
Anrhydeddau a dyfarniadau
Fellow, Higher Education Academy
Aelodaethau proffesiynol
Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE)
Business History Conference (BHC)
Association of Business Historians (ABH)
Academy of Management (AOM)
Pwyllgorau ac adolygu
Gwasanaeth Academaidd a Phroffesiynol
Gweithgareddau pwyllgor
Fforwm Cadeirydd, Entrepreneuriaeth ac Arloesi
Aelod, Pwyllgor Pobl
Gweithgareddau adolygu cyfoedion
- Adolygiadau Cyfnodolyn: Hanes Busnes, Menter a Chymdeithas, Adolygiad Hanes Economaidd, Ymchwil Ynni a'r Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol, Strategic Management Journal, Journal of International Business Studies
- Adolygiadau Cyllid: Sefydliad Gwyddoniaeth Cenedlaethol yr Unol Daleithiau, Cronfa Gardiofasgwlaidd Sefydliad Ymchwil y Galon Cymru (WHRI)
Gwaith golygyddol
- Golygydd, H-Business Listserv (2008-2019)
- Aelod o'r bwrdd golygyddol, Revue d'histoire de l'énergie (2018- ), Business History (2020- )
Gwahoddwchd Sgyrsiau a Darlithoedd
- "Shifting Perceptions: Comparative Perspectives on Regenerative Medicine Development," Cymdeithas Atgyweirio Meinwe Ewropeaidd, Caerdydd (Ar Ddyfodiad, 3–5 Medi 2025).
- "Llwybrau Meddygaeth Drosiadol yn y DU a Japan," Ysgol Optometreg a Gwyddorau Golwg, Prifysgol Caerdydd (11 Gorffennaf 2022).
- "Gwella cysylltiadau hanes busnes yn yr oes ôl-COVID: methodolegau ac ymgysylltu â'r cyhoedd," Cynhadledd Hanes Busnes Canol Blwyddyn (28 Medi 2021).
- Mae sgyrsiau a wahoddwyd yn gynharach yn cynnwys ymrwymiadau gyda Chymdeithas Cemegol America (Adran y Gogledd-ddwyrain, 2012) ac Institut Datblygu'r Diwydiant Iechyd Coreae (2013).
Gwaith ymgynghorol
- Cynghorydd, prosiect BBSRC ar Nodweddu Strwythurol Nanoscale o feinweoedd Ocwlaidd sy'n deillio o gelloedd iPS dynol
- Arbenigwr, Canolfan Cydweithrediad Diwydiannol UE-Japan
- Cynghorydd Arbenigol, Prosiectau Hanes Busnes a Gefnogir gan Lywodraeth Japan (trwy Kreab)
Contact Details
+44 29208 75484
Adeilad Aberconwy, Ystafell Q07, Rhodfa Colum, Cathays, Caerdydd, CF10 3EU
Themâu ymchwil
- 21ain ganrif
- Hanes busnes a llafur
- Arloesedd
- Busnes rhyngwladol