Yr Athro Stephanie Van Goozen
MSc and PhD, University of Amsterdam, NL
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Crynodeb ymchwil
Rwy'n seicolegydd arbrofol ac mae fy maes ymchwil yn seicopatholeg ddatblygiadol. Fi yw Cyfarwyddwr yr Uned Asesu Niwroddatblygiad ac yn gyd-gyfarwyddwr yr MSc mewn Anhwylderau Seicolegol Plant. Mae gen i swydd hefyd fel Athro Niwrowyddoniaeth Ddatblygol ym Mhrifysgol Leiden yn yr Iseldiroedd. Rwy'n astudio mecanweithiau risg sy'n sail i ddatblygiad gwrthgymdeithasol o fabandod ymlaen, gyda'r nod o ddatblygu rhaglenni atal ac ymyrraeth mwy effeithiol. Mae fy ymchwil yn canolbwyntio ar y ffactorau unigol sy'n gwanhau neu'n gwaethygu'r risg i blant sy'n profi adfyd cymdeithasol cynnar. I'r perwyl hwnnw rwy'n mabwysiadu strategaeth ymchwil ryngddisgyblaethol, gan gyfuno dulliau arsylwadol, gwybyddol-arbrofol, niwroendocrinolegol, seicolegol, a fMRI / MRI. Cyn symud i Gaerdydd, gweithiais yn yr Adran Seiciatreg Plant a'r Glasoed yng Nghanolfan Feddygol y Brifysgol, Utrecht, Yr Iseldiroedd, ac yn Adran Seiciatreg Datblygiadol Adran Seiciatreg yr Adran Seiciatreg ym Mhrifysgol Caergrawnt.
Crynodeb addysgu
Rwy'n addysgu ar fodiwl Lefel 6 (blwyddyn olaf) "Datblygu Seicopatholeg mewn Plentyndod a Phobl Ifanc" (PS3414), lle byddaf yn darlithio ar niwroddatblygiad mewn plant a phobl ifanc. Rwyf hefyd yn gyd-gyfarwyddwr yr MSc mewn Anhwylderau Seicolegol Plant ac yn addysgu ar sawl modiwl.
- Eaton, S., Dorrans, E. M. and van Goozen, S. H. M. 2024. Impaired social attention and cognitive empathy in a paediatric sample of children with symptoms of anxiety. Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology 52(12), pp. 1945-1960. (10.1007/s10802-024-01240-7)
- Scoberg, B., Hobson, C. and van Goozen, S. 2024. Psychometric properties and validity of the screen for child anxiety related emotional disorders: parent version (SCARED-P) in an early childhood sample. Assessment 31(7), pp. 1442-1451. (10.1177/10731911231225203)
- Anning, K. L., Langley, K., Hobson, C. and van Goozen, S. H. 2024. Cool and hot executive function problems in young children: Linking self-regulation processes to emerging clinical symptoms. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 33, pp. 2705-2718. (10.1007/s00787-023-02344-z)
- Howe-Davies, H., Manstead, A. S. . R. and van Goozen, S. H. M. 2024. Atypical facial expressivity in young children with problematic peer relationships. Child Psychiatry and Human Development 55(3), pp. 695-704. (10.1007/s10578-022-01445-1)
- Keating, J., Uljarević, M., van Goozen, S. H. M., Abbot‐Smith, K., Hay, D. F. and Leekam, S. R. 2024. Assessing pragmatic language difficulties using the Revised Children's Communication Checklist‐2. Exploratory structural equation modeling and associations with restricted and repetitive behaviors. Autism Research 17(3), pp. 584-595. (10.1002/aur.3100)
- Anning, K. L., Langley, K., Hobson, C., De Sonneville, L. and Van Goozen, S. H. 2024. Inattention symptom severity and cognitive processes in children at risk of ADHD: The moderating role of separation anxiety. Child Neuropsychology 30(2), pp. 264-288. (10.1080/09297049.2023.2190964)
- Ferguson, C., Hobson, C., Hedge, C., Waters, C., Anning, K. and van Goozen, S. 2024. Disentangling the relationships between motor control and cognitive control in young children with symptoms of ADHD. Child Neuropsychology 30(2), pp. 289-314. (10.1080/09297049.2023.2190965)
- Howe-Davies, H., Hobson, C., Waters, C. and van Goozen, S. H. M. 2023. Emotional and socio-cognitive processing in young children with symptoms of anxiety. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 32, pp. 2077-2088. (10.1007/s00787-022-02050-2)
- Anning, K. L., Langley, K., Hobson, C. and Van Goozen, S. H. M. 2023. Dimensional associations between executive function processes and symptoms of ADHD, ASD, oppositional defiance and anxiety in young school-referred children. Cortex 167, pp. 132-147. (10.1016/j.cortex.2023.06.005)
- Keating, J., Van Goozen, S., Uljarevic, M., Hay, D. and Leekam, S. 2023. Restricted and repetitive behaviors and their developmental and demographic correlates in 4-8-year-old children: A transdiagnostic approach. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 17, article number: 1085404. (10.3389/fnbeh.2023.1085404)
- Paine, A. L., van Goozen, S. H. M., Burley, D. T., Anthony, R. and Shelton, K. H. 2023. Facial emotion recognition in adopted children. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 32, pp. 87-99. (10.1007/s00787-021-01829-z)
- Burley, D. T., Hobson, C. W., Adegboye, D., Shelton, K. H. and van Goozen, S. H. M. 2022. Negative parental emotional environment increases the association between childhood behavioural problems and impaired recognition of negative facial expressions. Development and Psychopathology 34(3), pp. 936-945. (10.1017/S0954579420002072)
- Daughters, K., Rees, A., Hunnikin, L., Wells, A., Hall, J. and van Goozen, S. 2022. Oxytocin administration versus emotion training in healthy males: Considerations for future research. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 377(1858), article number: 20210056. (10.1098/rstb.2021.0056)
- Dingsdale, H. et al. 2022. Cord serum brain-derived neurotrophic factor levels at birth associate with temperament outcomes at one year. Journal of Psychiatric Research 150, article number: 47-53. (10.1016/j.jpsychires.2022.03.009)
- Adegboye, D. et al. 2022. Understanding de novo onset of anxiety during COVID-19: Pre-pandemic socio-emotional functioning in vulnerable children. JCPP Advances 2(2), article number: e12076. (10.1002/jcv2.12076)
- Colonna, S., Eyre, O., Agha, S. S., Thapar, A., van Goozen, S. and Langley, K. 2022. Investigating the associations between irritability and hot and cool executive functioning in those with ADHD. BMC Psychiatry 22, article number: 166. (10.1186/s12888-022-03818-1)
- Hunnikin, L. M., Wells, A. E., Ash, D. P. and van Goozen, S. 2022. Can facial emotion recognition be rapidly improved in children with disruptive behavior? A targeted and preventative early intervention study. Development and Psychopathology 34(1), pp. 85-93. (10.1017/S0954579420001091)
- van Goozen, S. H. M., Langley, K. and Hobson, C. W. 2022. Childhood antisocial behavior: a neurodevelopmental problem. Annual Review of Psychology 73, pp. 353-377. (10.1146/annurev-psych-052621-045243)
- Burley, D. T., Anning, K. L. and van Goozen, S. H. M. 2022. The association between hyperactive behaviour and cognitive inhibition impairments in young children. Child Neuropsychology 28(3) (10.1080/09297049.2021.1976128)
- Wells, A. E., Hunnikin, L. M., Ash, D. P. and van Goozen, S. H. M. 2021. Improving emotion recognition is associated with subsequent mental health and wellbeing in children with severe behavioural problems. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 30, pp. 1769-1777. (10.1007/s00787-020-01652-y)
- Adegboye, D. et al. 2021. Understanding why the COVID-19 pandemic-related lockdown increases mental health difficulties in vulnerable young children. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry Advances 1(1), article number: e12005. (10.1111/jcv2.12005)
- Paine, A. L., Burley, D., Anthony, R., van Goozen, S. and Shelton, K. 2021. The neurocognitive profiles of children adopted from care and their emotional and behavioral problems at home and school. Child Neuropsychology 27(1), pp. 17-36. (10.1080/09297049.2020.1776241)
- Wells, A. E., Hunnikin, L. M., Ash, D. P. and van Goozen, S. 2020. Low self-esteem and impairments in emotion recognition predict behavioural problems in children. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment 42, pp. 693-701. (10.1007/s10862-020-09814-7)
- Cooper, S., Hobson, C. W. and van Goozen, S. H. M. 2020. Facial emotion recognition in children with externalising behaviours: A systematic review. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry 25(4), pp. 1068-1085. (10.1177/1359104520945390)
- Noten, M. M. P. G., Van der Heijden, K. B., Huijbregts, S. C. J., Van Goozen, S. H. M. and Swaab, H. 2020. Associations between empathy, inhibitory control, and physical aggression in toddlerhood. Developmental Psychobiology 62(6), pp. 871-881. (10.1002/dev.21951)
- Noten, M. M. P. G., van der Heijden, K. B., Huijbregts, S. C. J., van Goozen, S. H. M. and Swaab, H. 2020. Infant emotional responses to challenge predict empathic behavior in toddlerhood. Developmental Psychobiology 62(4), pp. 454-470. (10.1002/dev.21903)
- Van Adrichem, D. S., Huljbregts, S. C. J., Van der Heijden, K. B., Van Goozen, S. H. M. and Swaab, H. 2020. Aggression in toddlerhood: the roles of parental beliefs, parenting behavior and precursors of theory of mind. Social Development 29(2) (10.1111/sode.12422)
- Burley, D. T. and van Goozen, S. H. M. 2020. Pupil response to affective stimuli: A biomarker of early conduct problems in young children. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology 48(5), pp. 693-701. (10.1007/s10802-020-00620-z)
- van Adrichem, D. S., Huijbregts, S., van den Heijden, K. B., van Goozen, S. and Swaab, H. 2020. The role of inhibitory control, attention and vocabulary in physical aggression trajectories from infancy to toddlerhood. Frontiers in Psychology 11, article number: 1079. (10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01079)
- Hunnikin, L. M., Wells, A. E., Ash, D. P. and Van Goozen, S. H. M. 2020. The nature and extent of emotion recognition and empathy impairments in children showing disruptive behaviour referred into a crime prevention programme. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 29, pp. 363-371. (10.1007/s00787-019-01358-w)
- Savory, K. et al. 2020. Prenatal symptoms of anxiety and depression associated with sex differences in both maternal perceptions of one year old infant temperament and researcher observed infant characteristics. Journal of Affective Disorders 264, pp. 383-392. (10.1016/j.jad.2019.11.057)
- Wells, A. E., Hunnikin, L. M., Ash, D. P. and van Goozen, S. 2020. Children with behavioural problems misinterpret the emotions and intentions of others. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology 48(2), pp. 213-221. (10.1007/s10802-019-00594-7)
- van Adrichem, D. S., Huijbregts, S. C., van der Heijen, K., van Goozen, S. and Swaab, H. 2020. Aggressive behavior during toddlerhood: interrelated effects of prenatal risk factors, negative affect and cognition. Child Neuropsychology 26(7), pp. 982-1004. (10.1080/09297049.2020.1769582)
- Hunnikin, L. and Van Goozen, S. 2019. How can we use knowledge about the neurobiology of emotion recognition in practice?. Journal of Criminal Justice 65, article number: 101537. (10.1016/j.jcrimjus.2018.01.005)
- Meeuwsen, M., Perra, O., Van Goozen, S. H. M. and Hay, D. F. 2019. Informants' ratings of activity level in infancy predict ADHD symptoms and diagnoses in childhood. Development and Psychopathology 31(4), pp. 1255-1269. (10.1017/S0954579418000597)
- Noten, M., Van der Heijden, K. B., Huijbregts, S., van Goozen, S. and Swaab, H. 2019. Indicators of affective empathy, cognitive empathy and social attention during emotional clips in relation to aggression in three-year-olds. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 185, pp. 35-50. (10.1016/j.jecp.2019.04.012)
- Van Adrichem, D. S., Huijbregts, S. C. J., Van der Heijden, K. B., Van Goozen, S. H. M. and Swaab, H. 2019. Prenatal risk and physical aggression during the first years of life: The gender-specific role of inhibitory control. Infancy 24(5), pp. 807-826. (10.1111/infa.12307)
- Noten, M. M. P. G., Van der Heijden, K. B., Huijbregts, S. C. J., Bouw, N., Van Goozen, S. and Swaab, H. 2019. Empathic distress and concern predict aggression in toddlerhood: the moderating role of sex. Infant Behavior and Development 54, pp. 57-65. (10.1016/j.infbeh.2018.11.001)
- Van Zonneveld, L., De Sonneville, L., Van Goozen, S. and Swaab, H. 2019. Recognition of facial emotion and affective prosody in children at high risk of criminal behaviour. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society 25(1), pp. 57-64. (10.1017/S1355617718000796)
- Pijper, J., De Wied, M., Van Rijn, S., Van Goozen, S., Swaab, H. and Meeus, W. 2018. Executive attention and empathy-related responses in boys with Oppositional Defiant Disorder or Conduct Disorder, with and without Comorbid Anxiety Disorder. Child Psychiatry and Human Development 49(6), pp. 956-965. (10.1007/s10578-018-0810-z)
- Paine, A. L., Pearce, H., van Goozen, S. H., de Sonneville, L. M. and Hay, D. F. 2018. Late, but not early, arriving younger siblings foster firstborns' understanding of second-order false belief. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 166, pp. 251-265. (10.1016/j.jecp.2017.08.007)
- Airdrie, J. N., Langley, K., Thapar, A. and van Goozen, S. H. M. 2018. Facial emotion recognition and eye gaze in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder with and without comorbid conduct disorder. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 57(8), pp. 561-570. (10.1016/j.jaac.2018.04.016)
- Hay, D. F., Johansen, M. K., Daly, P., Hashmi, S., Robinson, C., Collishaw, S. and van Goozen, S. 2018. Seven-year-olds' aggressive choices in a computer game can be predicted in infancy. Developmental Science 21(3), article number: e12576. (10.1111/desc.12576)
- Suurland, J., van der Heijden, K. B., Huijbregts, S. C. J., Van Goozen, S. and Swaab, H. 2018. Infant parasympathetic and sympathetic activity during baseline, stress and recovery: interactions with prenatal adversity predict physical aggression in toddlerhood. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology 46(4), pp. 755-768. (10.1007/s10802-017-0337-y)
- Schoorl, J., van Rijn, S., de Wied, M., Van Goozen, S. and Swaab, H. 2018. Boys with oppositional defiant disorder/conduct disorder show impaired adaptation during stress: an executive functioning study. Child Psychiatry and Human Development 49(2), pp. 298-307. (10.1007/s10578-017-0749-5)
- Hubble, K., Daughters, K., Manstead, A., Rees, D., Thapar, A. and Van Goozen, S. 2017. Oxytocin increases attention to the eyes and selectively enhances self-reported affective empathy for fear. Neuropsychologia 106, pp. 350-357. (10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2017.10.019)
- Suurland, J., van der Heijden, K., Huijbregts, S., Van Goozen, S. and Swaab, H. 2017. Interaction between prenatal risk and infant parasympathetic and sympathetic stress reactivity predicts early aggression. Biological Psychology 128, pp. 98-104. (10.1016/j.biopsycho.2017.07.005)
- Suurland, J., van der Heijden, K. B., Smaling, H. J. A., Huijbregts, S. C. J., van Goozen, S. H. M. and Swaab, H. 2017. Infant autonomic nervous system response and recovery: Associations with maternal risk status and infant emotion regulation. Development and Psychopathology 29(3), pp. 759-773. (10.1017/S0954579416000456)
- van Zonneveld, L., Platje, E., de Sonneville, L., Van Goozen, S. and Swaab, H. 2017. Affective empathy, cognitive empathy, and social attention in children at high risk of criminal behaviour. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 58(8), pp. 913-921. (10.1111/jcpp.12724)
- Hay, D. et al. 2017. If you go down to the woods today: infants' distress during a teddy bear's picnic in relation to peer relations and later emotional problems. Infancy 22(4), pp. 552-570. (10.1111/infa.12172)
- Schoorl, J., van Rijn, S., de Wied, M., Van Goozen, S. and Swaab, H. 2017. Neurobiological stress responses predict aggression in boys with oppositional defiant disorder/conduct disorder: a 1-year follow-up intervention study. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 26(7), pp. 805-813. (10.1007/s00787-017-0950-x)
- Smaling, H. J. A., Huijbregts, S. C. J., van der Heijden, K. B., Hay, D. F., Van Goozen, S. H. M. and Swaab, H. 2017. Prenatal reflective functioning and development of aggression in infancy: the roles of maternal intrusiveness and sensitivity. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology 45(2), pp. 237-248. (10.1007/s10802-016-0177-1)
- Hallingberg, B., Van Goozen, S. H. M. and Moore, S. C. 2016. Characteristics associated with risk taking behaviours predict young people's participation in organised activities. Journal of Adolescence 53, pp. 189-194. (10.1016/j.adolescence.2016.10.008)
- Laurent, H. K., Harold, G. T., Leve, L., Shelton, K. H. and Van Goozen, S. H. M. 2016. Understanding the unfolding of stress regulation in infants. Development and Psychopathology 28(4 pt2), pp. 1431-1440. (10.1017/S0954579416000171)
- Hubble, K., Daughters, K., Manstead, A., Rees, D. A., Thapar, A. and Van Goozen, S. 2016. Oxytocin reduces face processing time but leaves recognition accuracy and eye-gaze unaffected. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society 23(1), pp. 23-33. (10.1017/S1355617716000886)
- Smaling, H., Huijbregts, S., Suurland, J., van der Heijden, C., Mesman, J., Van Goozen, S. H. M. and Swaab, H. 2016. Prenatal reflective functioning and accumulated risk as predictors of maternal interactive behavior during free play, the still-face paradigm, and two teaching tasks. Infancy 21(6), pp. 766-784. (10.1111/infa.12137)
- Pijper, J., de Wied, M., van Rijn, S., Van Goozen, S. H. M., Swaab, H. and Meeus, W. 2016. Callous unemotional traits, autism spectrum disorder symptoms and empathy in boys with oppositional defiant disorder or conduct disorder. Psychiatry Research 245, pp. 340-345. (10.1016/j.psychres.2016.08.053)
- Smaling, H. J. A., Huijbregts, S. C. J., van der Heijden, K. B., Van Goozen, S. H. M. and Swaab, H. 2016. Maternal reflective functioning as a multidimensional construct: differential associations with children's temperament and externalizing behavior. Infant Behavior and Development 44, pp. 263-274. (10.1016/j.infbeh.2016.06.007)
- Schoorl, J., van Rijn, S., de Wied, M., Van Goozen, S. and Swaab, H. 2016. The role of anxiety in cortisol stress response and cortisol recovery in boys with oppositional defiant disorder/conduct disorder. Psychoneuroendocrinology 73, pp. 217-223.
- Schoorl, J., Van Rijn, S., De Wied, M., Van Goozen, S. H. M. and Swaab, H. 2016. Variability in emotional/behavioral problems in boys with oppositional defiant disorder or conduct disorder: the role of arousal. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 25(8), pp. 821-830. (10.1007/s00787-015-0790-5)
- Schoorl, J., van Rijn, S., de Wied, M., Van Goozen, S. and Swaab, H. 2016. Emotion regulation difficulties in boys with oppositional defiant disorder/conduct disorder and the relation with comorbid autism traits and attention deficit traits. PLOS ONE 11(7), pp. e0159323. (10.1371/journal.pone.0159323)
- Northover, C., Thapar, A., Langley, K., Fairchild, G. and Van Goozen, S. H. M. 2016. Cortisol levels at baseline and under stress in adolescent males with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, with or without comorbid Conduct Disorder. Psychiatry Research 242, pp. 130-136. (10.1016/j.psychres.2016.05.052)
- van Goozen, S. H. M. et al. 2016. Identifying mechanisms that underlie links between COMT genotype and aggression in male adolescents with ADHD. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 57(4), pp. 472-480. (10.1111/jcpp.12464)
- Daughters, K., Manstead, A. S. R., Hubble, K., Rees, D. A., Thapar, A. and Van Goozen, S. H. M. 2015. Salivary oxytocin concentrations in males following intranasal administration of oxytocin: a double-blind, cross-over study. PLoS ONE 10(12), article number: e0145104. (10.1371/journal.pone.0145104)
- Van Goozen, S. H. M. 2015. The role of early emotion impairments in the development of persistent antisocial behavior. Child Development Perspectives 9(4), pp. 206-210. (10.1111/cdep.12134)
- Northover, C., Thapar, A., Langley, K. and van Goozen, S. H. M. 2015. Emotion regulation in adolescent males with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder: testing the effects of comorbid conduct disorder. Brain Sciences 5(3), pp. 369-386. (10.3390/brainsci5030369)
- Northover, C., Thapar, A., Langley, K. and Van Goozen, S. H. M. 2015. Pain sensitivity in adolescent males with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Testing for associations with conduct disorder and callous and unemotional traits. PloS ONE 10(7), article number: e0134417. (10.1371/journal.pone.0134417)
- Hubble, K., Bowen, K. L., Moore, S. C. and Van Goozen, S. H. M. 2015. Improving negative emotion recognition in young offenders reduces subsequent crime. PLoS ONE 10(6), article number: e0132035. (10.1371/journal.pone.0132035)
- Smaling, H. J., Huijbregts, S. C., Suurland, J., Van Der Heijden, K. B., Van Goozen, S. H. M. and Swaab, H. 2015. Prenatal reflective functioning in primiparous women with a high-risk profile. Infant Mental Health Journal 36(3), pp. 251-261. (10.1002/imhj.21506)
- Hallingberg, B., Moore, S. C., Morgan, J. E., Bowen, K. L. and Van Goozen, S. H. M. 2015. Adolescent male hazardous drinking and participation in organised activities: Involvement in team sports is associated with less hazardous drinking in young offenders. Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health 25(1), pp. 28-41. (10.1002/cbm.1912)
- Morgan, J. E., Bowen, K. L., Moore, S. C., Savage, J. C. D. and Van Goozen, S. H. M. 2014. Executive functioning, reward processing, and antisocial behavior in adolescent males. In: DeLisi, M. and Vaughn, M. G. eds. The Routledge International Handbook of Biosocial Criminology. Routledge International Handbooks London: Routledge, pp. 315-327.
- Waters, C. S., Hay, D., Simmonds, J. and Van Goozen, S. H. M. 2014. Antenatal depression and children's developmental outcomes: potential mechanisms and treatment options. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 23(10), pp. 957-971. (10.1007/s00787-014-0582-3)
- Morgan, J. E., Bowen, K. L., Moore, S. C. and Van Goozen, S. H. M. 2014. The relationship between reward and punishment sensitivity and antisocial behavior in male adolescents. Personality and Individual Differences 63, pp. 122-127. (10.1016/j.paid.2014.01.054)
- Hay, D. F. et al. 2014. Precursors to aggression are evident by 6 months of age. Developmental Science 17(3), pp. 471-480. (10.1111/desc.12133)
- Bowen, K. L., Morgan, J. E., Moore, S. C. and Van Goozen, S. H. M. 2014. Young offenders' emotion recognition dysfunction across emotion intensities: Explaining variation using psychopathic traits, conduct disorder and offense severity. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment 36(1), pp. 60-73. (10.1007/s10862-013-9368-z)
- Niarchou, M., Zammit, S., van Goozen, S. H. M., Thapar, A., Tierling, H. M., Owen, M. J. and van den Bree, M. B. M. 2014. Psychopathology and cognition in children with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome. British Journal of Psychiatry 204(1), pp. 46-54. (10.1192/bjp.bp.113.132324)
- Van Rijn,, S., Barendse, M., Van Goozen, S. H. M. and Swaab, H. 2014. Social attention, affective arousal and empathy in men with Klinefelter syndrome (47,XXY): evidence from eyetracking and skin conductance. Plos One 9(1), article number: e84721. (10.1371/journal.pone.0084721)
- Meeuwsen, M., Hay, D. and Van Goozen, S. H. M. 2014. Exploring the developmental course of potential precursors in the first year of life and the emergence of ADHD symptoms in early childhood with a longitudinal community sample.. Presented at: BPS Developmental Section Annual Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 3-5 September 2014.
- Moore, S. C., Crompton, K., van Goozen, S. H. M., van den Bree, M. B., Bunney, J. and Lydall, E. S. 2013. A feasibility study of short message service text messaging as a surveillance tool for alcohol consumption and vehicle for interventions in University students. BMC Public Health 13, article number: 1011. (10.1186/1471-2458-13-1011)
- Waters, C. S. et al. 2013. Infants at familial risk for depression show a distinct pattern of cortisol response to experimental challenge. Journal of Affective Disorders 150(3), pp. 955-960. (10.1016/j.jad.2013.04.054)
- Brouns, B. H. J., de Wied, M. A., Keijsers, L., Branje, S., Van Goozen, S. H. M. and Meeus, W. H. J. 2013. Concurrent and prospective effects of psychopathic traits on affective and cognitive empathy in a community sample of late adolescents. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 54(9), pp. 969-976. (10.1111/jcpp.12052)
- Fairchild, G., Van Goozen, S. H. M., Calder, A. J. and Goodyer, I. M. 2013. Research review: evaluating and reformulating the developmental taxonomic theory of antisocial behaviour. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 54(9), pp. 924-940. (10.1111/jcpp.12102)
- Roberts, S., Fyfield, R., Baibazarova, E., Van Goozen, S. H. M., Culling, J. F. and Hay, D. F. 2013. Parental speech at 6 months predicts joint attention at 12 months. Infancy 18(S1), pp. e12-e15. (10.1111/infa.12018)
- Baibazarova, E., van de Beek, C., Cohen-Kettenis, P. T., Buitelaar, J., Shelton, K. H. and Van Goozen, S. H. M. 2013. Influence of prenatal maternal stress, maternal plasma cortisol and cortisol in the amniotic fluid on birth outcomes and child temperament at 3 months. Psychoneuroendocrinology 38(6), pp. 907-915. (10.1016/j.psyneuen.2012.09.015)
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- Van Zonneveld, L., De Sonneville, L., Van Goozen, S. and Swaab, H. 2019. Recognition of facial emotion and affective prosody in children at high risk of criminal behaviour. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society 25(1), pp. 57-64. (10.1017/S1355617718000796)
- Pijper, J., De Wied, M., Van Rijn, S., Van Goozen, S., Swaab, H. and Meeus, W. 2018. Executive attention and empathy-related responses in boys with Oppositional Defiant Disorder or Conduct Disorder, with and without Comorbid Anxiety Disorder. Child Psychiatry and Human Development 49(6), pp. 956-965. (10.1007/s10578-018-0810-z)
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- Hubble, K., Daughters, K., Manstead, A., Rees, D., Thapar, A. and Van Goozen, S. 2017. Oxytocin increases attention to the eyes and selectively enhances self-reported affective empathy for fear. Neuropsychologia 106, pp. 350-357. (10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2017.10.019)
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- Van de Wiel, N. M. H., Van Goozen, S. H. M., Matthys, W., Snoek, H. and Van Engeland, H. 2004. Cortisol and treatment effect in children with disruptive behavior disorders: A preliminary study. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 43(8), pp. 1011-1018. (10.1097/01.chi.0000126976.56955.43)
- Van Goozen, S. H. M., Snoek, H., Matthys, W., van Rossum, I. and van Engeland, H. 2004. Evidence of fearlessness in behaviourally disordered children: a study on startle reflex modulation. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 45(4), pp. 884-892. (10.1111/j.1469-7610.2004.00280.x)
- Van Goozen, S. H. M., Cohen-Kettenis, P. T., Snoek, H., Matthys, W., Swaab-Barneveld, H. and Van Engeland, H. 2004. Executive functioning in children: A comparison of hospitalized ODD and ODD/ADHD children and normal controls. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 45(2), pp. 284-292. (10.1111/j.1469-7610.2004.00220.x)
- van Bokhoven, I. et al. 2004. Salivary cortisol and aggression in a population-based longitudinal study of adolescent males. Journal of Neural Transmission 112(8), pp. 1083-1096. (10.1007/s00702-004-0253-5)
- Cohen-Bendahan, C. C. C., Buitelaar, J. K., Van Goozen, S. H. M. and Cohen-Kettenis, P. T. 2004. Prenatal exposure to testosterone and functional cerebral lateralization: a study in same-sex and opposite-sex twin girls. Psychoneuroendocrinology 29(7), pp. 911-916. (10.1016/j.psyneuen.2003.07.001)
- Matthys, W., Van Goozen, S. H. M., Snoek, H. and Engeland, H. 2004. Response perseveration and sensitivity to reward and punishment in boys with oppositional defiant disorder. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 13(6), pp. 362-364. (10.1007/s00787-004-0395-x)
- Snoek, H., Van Goozen, S. H. M., Matthys, W., Buitelaar, J. K. and Van Engeland, H. 2004. Stress responsivity in children with externalizing behavior disorders. Development and Psychopathology 16(2), pp. 389-406. (10.1017/S0954579404044578)
- van de Beek, C., Thijssen, J. H. H., Cohen-Kettenis, P. T., Van Goozen, S. H. M. and Buitelaar, J. K. 2004. Relationships between sex hormones assessed in amniotic fluid, and maternal and umbilical cord serum: What is the best source of information to investigate the effects of fetal hormonal exposure?. Hormones and Behavior 46(5), pp. 663-669. (10.1016/j.yhbeh.2004.06.010)
- Zonnevylle-Bender, M. J. S., Van Goozen, S. H. M., Cohen-Kettenis, P. T., van Elburg, A., de Wildt, M., Stevelmans, E. and van Engeland, H. 2004. Emotional functioning in anorexia nervosa patients: Adolescents compared to adults. Depression and Anxiety 19(1), pp. 35-42. (10.1002/da.10145)
- Zonnevylle-Bender, M. J. S., Cohen-Kettenis, P. T., van Elburg, T. A., van Engeland, H. and Van Goozen, S. H. M. 2004. Emotional functioning in adolescent anorexia nervosa patients: a controlled study. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 13(1), pp. 28-34. (10.1007/s00787-004-0351-9)
- Van Goozen, S. H. M., Slabbekoorn, D., Gooren, L. J. G., Sanders, G. and Cohen-Kettenis, P. T. 2002. Organizing and activating effects of sex hormones in homosexual transsexuals. Behavioral Neuroscience 116(6), pp. 982-988. (10.1037/0735-7044.116.6.982)
- Cohen-Kettenis, P. T. and Van Goozen, S. H. M. 2002. Adolescents who are eligible for sex reassignment surgery: parental reports of emotional and behavioural problems. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry 7(3), pp. 412-422. (10.1177/1359104502007003008)
- Snoek, H., Van Goozen, S. H. M., Matthys, W., Sigling, H. O., Koppeschaar, H. P. F., Westernberg, H. G. M. and Van Engeland, H. 2002. Serotonergic functioning in children with oppositional defiant disorder: a sumatriptan challenge study. Biological psychiatry 51(4), pp. 319-325. (10.1016/S0006-3223(01)01230-6)
- Cohen, C. C., Van Goozen, S. H. M., Orlebeke, J. F., Buitelaar, J. K. and Cohen-Kettenis, P. T. 2002. A comparison of educational achievement in a national sample of Dutch female twins and their matched singleton controls. Twin Research 5(4), pp. 273-276. (10.1375/twin.5.4.273)
- Ramírez, J. M., Santisteban, C., Fujihara, T. and Van Goozen, S. H. M. 2002. Differences between experience of anger and readiness to angry action: A study of Japanese and Spanish students. Aggressive Behavior 28(6), pp. 429-438. (10.1002/ab.80014)
- Van Goozen, S. H. M., Cohen-Kettenis, P. T., Matthys, W. and van Engeland, H. 2002. Preference for Aggressive and Sexual Stimuli in Children with Disruptive Behavior Disorder and Normal Controls. Archives of Sexual Behaviour 31(3), pp. 247-253. (10.1023/A:1015248803022)
- Zonnevylle-Bender, M. J. S., Van Goozen, S. H. M., Cohen-Kettenis, P. T., Van Elburg, A. and Van Engeland, H. 2002. Do adolescent anorexia nervosa patients have deficits in emotional functioning?. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 11(1), pp. 38-42. (10.1007/s007870200006)
- Ramirez, J. M., Fujihara, T., Van Goozen, S. H. M. and Merino, J. V. 2001. Proneness to anger and aggression in Japanese and Spanish students measured by the Anger Situation Questionnaire [Abstract]. Aggressive Behavior 27(3), pp. 242-243. (10.1002/ab.1009)
- Ramírez, J. M., Fujihara, T. and Van Goozen, S. H. M. 2001. Cultural and gender differences in anger and aggression: a comparison between Japanese, Dutch, and Spanish students. Journal of Social Psychology 141(1), pp. 119-121. (10.1080/00224540109600528)
- Slabbekoorn, D., Van Goozen, S. H. M., Gooren, L. J. G. and Cohen-Kettenis, P. T. 2001. Effects of cross-sex hormonetreatment on emotionality in transsexuals. International Journal of Transgenderism 5(3), article number: 2.
- Van Goozen, S. H. M. 2001. The neurobiology of aggression: Studies on conduct disorder children [Abstract]. European Neuropsychopharmacology 11(S3), pp. S109-S110. (10.1016/S0924-977X(01)80023-7)
- Cohen-Kettenis, P. T. and Van Goozen, S. H. M. 1997. Sex reassignment of adolescent transsexuals: a follow-up study. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 36(2), pp. 263-271. (10.1097/00004583-199702000-00017)
- Van Goozen, S. H. M., Wiegant, V. M., Endert, E., Helmond, F. A. and Van de Poll, N. E. 1997. Psychoendocrinological assessment of the menstrual cycle: The relationship between hormones, sexuality and moods. Archives of Sexual Behaviour 26(4), pp. 359-382. (10.1023/A:1024587217927)
- Van Goozen, S. H. M., Frijda, N. H., Wiegant, V. M., Endert, E. and Van de Poll, N. E. 1996. The premenstrual phase and reactions to aversive events: A study of hormonal influences on emotionality. Psychoneuroendocrinology 21(5), pp. 479-497. (10.1016/0306-4530(95)00022-4)
- Van Goozen, S. H. M., Frijda, N. H. and Van De Poll, N. E. 1995. Anger and aggression during role-playing: Gender differences between hormonally treated male and female transsexuals and controls. Aggressive Behavior 21(4), pp. 257-273.
Book sections
- Morgan, J. E., Bowen, K. L., Moore, S. C., Savage, J. C. D. and Van Goozen, S. H. M. 2014. Executive functioning, reward processing, and antisocial behavior in adolescent males. In: DeLisi, M. and Vaughn, M. G. eds. The Routledge International Handbook of Biosocial Criminology. Routledge International Handbooks London: Routledge, pp. 315-327.
- Van Goozen, S. H. M. and Hay, D. F. 2009. Antisocial behaviour. In: Sander, D. and Scherer, K. eds. Oxford Companion to Emotion and the Affective Sciences. Series in Affective Science Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 39-42.
- Van Goozen, S. H. M. and Fairchild, G. 2009. The Neuroendocrinology of antisocial behaviour. In: Hodgins, S., Viding, E. and Plodowski, A. eds. The Neurobiological Basis of Violence: Science and Rehabilitation. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 201-221.
- Van Goozen, S. H. M. 2005. Hormones and the developmental origins of aggression. In: Tremblay, R. E., Hartup, W. W. and Archer, J. eds. Developmental Origins of Aggression. New York: Guilford Press, pp. 281-306.
- Meeuwsen, M., Hay, D. and Van Goozen, S. H. M. 2014. Exploring the developmental course of potential precursors in the first year of life and the emergence of ADHD symptoms in early childhood with a longitudinal community sample.. Presented at: BPS Developmental Section Annual Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 3-5 September 2014.
- Meeuwsen, M., Hay, D. and Van Goozen, S. H. M. 2013. The contribution of perinatal adversity to early symptoms of ADHD. Presented at: CogDev2013: Joint Annual Conference of the BPS Developmental and Cognitive Sections, Reading, UK, 4-6 September 2013.
- Van Goozen, S. H. M. and Fairchild, G. 2008. How can the study of biological processes help design new interventions for children with severe antisocial behavior?. Development and Psychopathology 20(3), pp. 941-973. (10.1017/S095457940800045X)
My main interest has been the neurobiological basis of antisocial behaviour in children.
Children who display antisocial behaviour have a range of emotional and cognitive problems that help to explain the way they behave. They have a tendency to interpret and respond inappropriately to the social signals emitted by others and have problems with decision making and emotion regulation in emotionally arousing circumstances. Being able to regulate one's emotions successfully is critical for rational decision-making and social adaptation, and a failure to do so is likely to lead to problems in forming or maintaining relationships.
In terms of emotional functioning we study the ability to recognise emotions in other people's faces. Being able to recognize distress cues in others serves to inhibit antisocial behaviour. Fearful and sad expressions act as aversive stimuli, and as such play a key role in socialization processes. Antisocial individuals fail to process expressions of fear and sadness appropriately, resulting in ineffective socialization and a greater propensity to cause harm to others. At the moment we study whether we can improve emotion recognition ability in young offenders, and if so, whether this has a positive effect on their behaviour, specifically crime reduction.
Another area of our research is the stress response systems. We have studied the development of the stress system prenatally, examining amniotic fluid cortisol. However, most of our research focuses on stress responses in children with behavioural and emotional problems. Having a deficit in experiencing stress is particularly crucial in the development of antisocial behaviour. Neurobiological responses to stress act as a form of 'warning signal' to restrain ongoing behaviour in situations of psychological or physical danger. Children who fail to activate these systems are likely to behave in a more dis-inhibited fashion. This could arise from genetic factors or from exposure to uncontrollable stress or maltreatment in early childhood.
Our research shows that antisocial children's appraisal of situations is not accompanied by contextually-appropriate patterns of emotional arousal and does not lead to activation of autonomic or endocrine stress response systems. Moreover, antisocial children who, as a result of their risky or impulsive behaviour, place themselves in threatening or dangerous situations gradually become further desensitized to stress due to habituation. This leads to a negative cycle in which the child becomes increasingly resistant to stress and is therefore likely to place him- or herself in increasingly threatening situations.
With Anita Thapar (Psych Med) and Kate Langley I study the development of aggression and Conduct Disorder in children with ADHD. We focus on a gene variant that affects a brain enzyme called COMT, and that has been found to be associated with antisocial behaviour in children with ADHD. Studies suggest that the COMT Val/Val genotype is associated with both executive function deficits and affective/emotional dysfunction. In our research we use lab-based tests to study cognitive and affective processing in children with ADHD. This research is important because it will lead to a better understanding of specific risk pathways using genetic and cognitive evidence and guide future new treatments and preventions.
We also study in our laboratory the development of aggressive behaviour up to the age of 3. In very young children the origin of antisocial behaviour is likely to be a combination of difficult temperament and a non-optimal environment in which ineffective socialization plays a key role. Individual differences in aggressiveness are clearly present before the age of 3. In the early years, emotional factors associated with aggressive outcomes include fearlessness in the face of novelty and challenge, and problems in regulating negative emotionality. Our group has shown that fearlessness in infancy predicts aggression two years later. We are also interested in how maternal prenatal and postnatal emotional state affects later aggressive behaviour. The affective quality of the parent-child relationship (harsh-rejecting vs. warm-responsive) can influence the sort of adult a child becomes. The role of parenting as a mechanism through which variation in children's normal and abnormal development may be explained is an important issue in developmental psychobiology. In our research the question of how such influences become long lasting is addressed by examining the neurobiological underpinnings of stress and coping in infants. The prediction is that women who experience greater stress transfer this to their child via disruptions in the affective quality of the mother-infant relationship, which in turn has implications for children's long-term behavioural well-being. In collaboration with colleagues at Leiden University (Netherlands) we carry out a randomised controlled trial in high-risk first pregnancies to study the effects of an early intervention ("Minding the baby') on child neurodevelopment.
Dutch Science Foundation: Biomarkers of aggression in children (Swaab & Van Goozen; NWO reference 056-21-010; €450,000; period: 1-6-2010 to 1-6-2014).
Dutch Science Foundation: A good start: An early intervention to prevent the development of antisocial behaviour in infants (Swaab & Van Goozen; NWO reference 056-23-001): €860,000; period: 1-6-2010 to 1-6-2015).
Medical Research Council (MRC) grant: Early Prediction of Violence and the Disruptive Behaviour Disorders: Follow-up of the Cardiff Child Development Study (Hay, Van Goozen, Collishaw, Goodyer & Johansen); reference MR/J013366/1; £1,056,708; period 1-6-2012 to 30-11-2014).
I teach Abnormal Psychology on the Level 5 (2nd year) Health in Society module for Medical students. I also teach on the Level 6 (3rd year) module Development of Psychopathology and Criminality (PS3417).
Undergraduate education
MSc Psychology (Experimental Psychology), University of Amsterdam, August 1988 (cum laude).
Postgraduate education
PhD (Experimental Psychology), University of Amsterdam, June 1994.
Aelodaethau proffesiynol
External Committees
Member of the Health Council of the Netherlands.
Elected council member of the International Society for Research on Aggression.
Member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the journal Review of Aggression and Violent Behavior.
Safleoedd academaidd blaenorol
2008-date: Professor, School of Psychology, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK.
2007-date: Visiting Professor of Developmental Neuroscience, Leiden University.
2004-2008: Reader, School of Psychology, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK.
2002-2003: Senior Research Associate, Department of Psychiatry, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK
1998-2002: Senior Research Fellow, Department of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, University Medical Centre Utrecht (tenured position).
1994-1997: Post-doctoral researcher, Department of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, University Medical Centre Utrecht (UMCU).
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
Diddordebau ymchwil ôl-raddedig
Mae fy niddordebau ymchwil mewn ffactorau sy'n effeithio ar ddatblygiad nodweddiadol ac annodweddiadol. I'r perwyl hwnnw rwy'n astudio systemau hormonaidd trwy ganolbwyntio ar hormonau fel cortisol, DHEA / S, oestradiol, a testosteron; y system ymateb seicolegol trwy, ymhlith mesurau eraill, cyfradd y galon, tôn y wagaidd a dargludiad croen; y cortecs rhagarweiniol trwy astudio galluoedd megis cynllunio ac atal; a thrwy archwilio'r gallu i adnabod a rheoleiddio emosiynau. Mae gen i ddiddordeb mewn cymryd rhan yn y prosesau hyn mewn gweithrediad nodweddiadol ac annodweddiadol, ond yn enwedig mewn gwahaniaethau unigol yng ngweithrediad y systemau hyn o dan straen. Hyd yn hyn, mae fy astudiaethau wedi cael eu cynnal gyda menywod beichiog, babanod, plant a phobl ifanc yn eu harddegau/oedolion ifanc.
Os oes gennych ddiddordeb mewn gwneud cais am PhD, neu am ragor o wybodaeth am fy ymchwil ôl-raddedig, cysylltwch â mi'n uniongyrchol (manylion cyswllt ar gael ar y dudalen 'Trosolwg'), neu gyflwyno cais ffurfiol.
Myfyrwyr presennol
Matthew Scott
Ellie Mae Dorrans
Alexandra Kouklaki Ntourou
Lydia Tian
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+44 29208 74630
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