Ewch i’r prif gynnwys
Catherine Walsh  BSc (SFX), BEd (UNB), MA (MUN), PhD (GUL)

Dr Catherine Walsh


BSc (SFX), BEd (UNB), MA (MUN), PhD (GUL)

Darlithydd (Addysgu ac Ymchwil)

Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig


I research in the areas of:

  • political communication
  • political rhetoric
  • financialization
  • political economy
  • technocratic discourses
  • elites

I am particularly interested in the construction of economic knowledge by officialdom, especially government treasury departments and independent fiscal instititutions.

I welcome supervising PhD students in any of these areas.












Book sections




Currently I am researching the UK's Office for Budgetary Responsibility (OBR), asking:

  • How does it construct economic knowledge for elites, for the media, and for the rest of us? 
  • How does it characterize the UK economy, and our Government's responsibility to and for that economy? 
  • To what extent do we accept its version as credible, and why? 
  • How does it help co-ordinate economic and political elites through discourses of technocracy and expertise? 
  • How does it compare to other independent fiscal institutions around the world?

In effect, what's the point of the OBR?


In 2017-18 I am developing, leading, and lecturing the following:

  • MC2632: Public Relations and Political Communication (20 credits)
  • MC3630: Media, Money, and Markets (20 credits)
  • MCT567: Public Relations Offline and Online (10 credits)

I also support undergraduate and masters' students with their dissertations.

I am primary PhD supervisor for Commonwealth Scholar Metji Makgoba, who is investigating discourses of corporate social responsibility and community relationship in the mining sector of Limpopo Province, South Africa.

I am an Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.


Before joining JOMEC in July 2017, I spent three years as a Lecturer at Newcastle University, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK.

I was awarded my PhD by the University of London in 2014, for dissertation research entitled, "Financialization and the UK State: 1976-2013," which I completed within the Department of Media & Communications at Goldsmiths' College.

I hold three degrees from Canadian universities: MA Religious Studies (MUN); BEd, Secondary, (UNB); and BSc, Chemistry (SFXU).

Meysydd goruchwyliaeth

I welcome supervising PhD students in any of:

  • political communication
  • political rhetoric
  • political-economic discourses
  • technocratic discourses
  • financialization
  • elites
  • treasury departments
  • independent fiscal instititutions

Goruchwyliaeth gyfredol

Yuhuang Lyu

Yuhuang Lyu

Myfyriwr ymchwil

Contact Details

Email WalshC9@caerdydd.ac.uk
Telephone +44 29225 10733
Campuses Sgwâr Canolog, Ystafell 1.34, Caerdydd, CF10 1FS