Ewch i’r prif gynnwys
Lucie Warren  BM PhD RM

Dr Lucie Warren



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My PhD Research explored maternal dietary and physical activity behaviours during pregnancy and using Self Determination Theory as the theoretical underpinning resulted in the development of a Midwife-led intervention to facilitate healthful lifestyle behaviours.   The intervention combined brief Motivational Interviewing and goal setting in early pregnancy using a collaborative woman-centred approach.

Alongside my Doctoral studies I was a co-applicant on a successful Research Development Group (RDG) bid from Children and Young People Research Network (CYPRN). The RDG explored the application of the Motivational Interviewing training for midwives which had been piloted in all LHB$acirc;  s in Wales. This collaborative multi-organisational RDG included professionals working within the NHS, Cardiff University, and South East Wales Trials Unit.

In September 2012 I was seconded from my clinical role to work alongside Professor Hunter as a Research Associate on a joint Royal College of Midwives and Cardiff University research study. This project explored midwives understanding and experience of resilience in midwifery via the RCM online discussion forum.

Research interests:

Gestational weight gain, Diet and exercise in pregnancy, Health promotion including effective communication, Health behaviours, Psychology of lifestyle behaviours and impact on pregnancy, Behaviour change, Self Determination Theory, Perception of risk in pregnancy, Motivational Interviewing, Midwifery resilience and Resilience in other health professions.


£2,500 July 2012. Children and Young Peoples Research Network (CYPRN). Research Development Group. Behaviour change in pregnancy: Exploring the use of Motivational Interviewing techniques in the maternity context. Lead: Dr Sue Channon. Co applicants: Dr Julia Sanders, Dr Mike Robling, Rebecca Canning John, Professor Billie Hunter, Lucie Warren.

£51,558 April 1st 2009 $acirc;   March 31st 2012 Research Capacity Building Collaboration Wales for Nursing and Allied Health Professionals (RCBC, Wales) PhD Fellowship. Managing weight gain in pregnancy: women$acirc;  s experience and clinical practice. Swansea University. Academic Supervisors: Dr Jaynie Rance, Prof Billie Hunter, Dr Amy Brown.


I qualified and registered as a midwife in September 2006 and was employed at Abertawe Bro Morgannwg LHB as a core rotational midwife in a busy obstetric led unit for 7 years. In April 2009 I was fortunate to secure funding from Research Capacity Building Collaboration (RCBC), Wales to undertake a PhD. During my doctoral studies I continued to work part-time as a midwife. My PhD was concerned with maternal dietary behaviours and activity during pregnancy. I completed my PhD in October 2013.

I currently have two posts within the School of Healthcare Sciences: In March 2012 I joined Cardiff University as a research Associate working under the Maternal, Child and Family Health Research Theme, and In January 2014 I joined the Midwifery education team as a lecturer.