Rwy'n ymchwilio i waith cymdeithasol plant a theulu, ac mae fy ngyrfa hyd yma wedi cynnwys ystod eang o bynciau yn y maes hwn ac o'i gwmpas. Yr edefyn cyffredin i'm gwaith diweddar yw ei fod i gyd wedi cynnwys gwerthuso ymyriadau cymhleth, un ffordd neu'r llall. Rwy'n tueddu i ddefnyddio ystod eang o ddulliau oherwydd bod y cyfuniad yn dweud mwy wrthym nag y byddai unrhyw ddull unigol yn ei wneud pe bai'n cael ei ddefnyddio ar wahân. Rwy'n cael fy nenu i'r maes ymchwil hwn oherwydd rwy'n hoffi meddwl am sut mae pethau'n digwydd yn y byd go iawn. Rwy'n hoffi adeiladu ar yr hyn rydyn ni'n ei wybod eisoes ac mae'r cylch ymchwil yn golygu bod y darlun rydych chi'n ei wneud yn y pen draw yn newid ac yn dod yn gliriach dros amser. Rwyf hefyd yn gwerthfawrogi natur gyflym gwneud yr astudiaethau hyn a'u cysylltiadau agos â newid polisi.
Ar hyn o bryd rwy'n cyd-arwain gwerthusiad Incwm Sylfaenol i Ymadawyr Gofal yng Nghymru, ac rwy'n gyd-ymchwilydd RCT o heddlu mewn ysgolion. Mae astudiaethau diweddar yn cynnwys Treial Gweithwyr Cymdeithasol mewn Ysgolion (SWIS), gwerthuso peilot y Llys Cyffuriau ac Alcohol i Deuluoedd yng Nghymru, a gwerthusiadau o eiriolaeth rhieni. Yn gynharach eleni fe wnes i gyd-olygu rhifyn arbennig o'r Journal of Children's Services, ar bwnc addysg a gwasanaethau ffurfiol a chymunedol i blant, ac rwy'n gweithio ar lyfr am ddulliau arbrofol mewn ymchwil Gofal Cymdeithasol Plant gyda chydweithwyr o Goleg Kings Llundain. Rwy'n aelod o Banel Cynghori Gwerthuso a Threialu Llywodraeth y DU, ac yn rhan o bwyllgor moeseg yr Ysgol Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol.
- Schroeder, E. et al. 2024. The cost-effectiveness and cost-consequences of a school-based social worker intervention: a within-trial economic evaluation. Children and Youth Services Review 166, article number: 107928. (10.1016/j.childyouth.2024.107928)
- Powell, S., Fitz-Symonds, S., Wilkins, D., Westlake, D., Long, F., Lilly, E. and Diaz, C. 2024. Understanding how and under what circumstances parental advocates support parents to participate in decision-making: a scoping review. Child Care in Practice 30(4), pp. 517-536. (10.1080/13575279.2024.2354823)
- Westlake, D. and Daly, A. 2024. Editorial: Journal of Children's Services Special Edition: the intersection of education and formal and community-based children's services. Journal of Children's Services 19(3), pp. 137-141. (10.1108/JCS-09-2024-088)
- Bennett, V. et al. 2024. Student perspectives on school-based social workers: A mixed-methods study. Journal of Children's Services 19(3), pp. 189-221. (10.1108/JCS-04-2023-0021)
- Westlake, D. et al. 2024. The basic income for care leavers in Wales pilot evaluation: Protocol of a quasi-experimental evaluation. PLoS ONE 19(10), article number: e0303837. (10.1371/journal.pone.0303837)
- Westlake, D. et al. 2024. Social workers in schools: A feasibility study of three local authorities. Journal of Social Work 24(5), pp. 607-626. (10.1177/14680173241258927)
- Meindl, M. and Westlake, D. 2024. Evaluation of the Family Drug and Alcohol Court in Wales pilot: Final Report. Project Report. Cardiff: CASCADE.
- Schroeder, E. et al. 2024. The cost-effectiveness and cost-consequences of a school-based social worker intervention: a within-trial economic evaluation. [Online]. SSRN. (10.2139/ssrn.4776734)
- Holland, S. et al. 2024. Basic income for care leavers in Wales pilot evaluation: annual report, 2023 to 2024. Welsh Government. Available at:
- Sanders, M., Westlake, D., Ellingwood, J., Bancroft, K. and Bennett, V. 2024. Pilot trial protocol: Police in corridors. Youth Endowment Fund Charitable Fund. Available at:
- Devine, R., Benson, K., Fitz-Symonds, S., Westlake, D., Campbell, K. and Diaz, C. 2023. Peer parental advocacy: A narrative review of the literature. Journal of Children's Services 18(3/4), pp. 244-260. (10.1108/JCS-08-2022-0020)
- Fitz-Symonds, S., Evans, L., Tobis, D., Westlake, D. and Diaz, C. 2023. Mechanisms for support: A realist evaluation of peer parental advocacy in England. The British Journal of Social Work (10.1093/bjsw/bcad200)
- Adara, L. et al. 2023. The Social Workers in Schools Trial: An evaluation of school based social work.. Project Report. Early Intervention Foundation.
- Diaz, C., Fitz-Symonds, S., Evans, L., Westlake, D., Devine, R., Mauri, D. and Davies, B. 2023. The perceived impact of peer parental advocacy on child protection practice: a mixed-methods evaluation. Project Report. [Online]. What Works for Early Intervention and Children’s Social Care. Available at:
- Westlake, D., Corliss, C., Thompson, S., Meindl, M., Diaz, C., Talwar, R. and Folkes, L. 2022. Devolved budgets in Children’s Social Care: A logic model based on three pilot evaluations. British Journal of Social Work 52(7), pp. 3999-4020. (10.1093/bjsw/bcac019)
- Meindl, M., Hosch, M. and Westlake, D. 2022. An evaluation of the Family Drug and Alcohol Court in Wales pilot: Interim report. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff University. Available at:
- Westlake, D. et al. 2022. Evaluating a school-based intervention through routine local authority data and national school data: challenges and opportunities. Presented at: International Population Data Linkage Conference 2022, 7 - 9 September 2022, Vol. 7. Vol. 3., (10.23889/ijpds.v7i3.1886)
- Westlake, D. et al. 2022. The SWIS trial: protocol of a pragmatic cluster randomised controlled trial of school based social work. PLoS ONE 17(6), article number: e0265354. (10.1371/journal.pone.0265354)
- Jones, R. K. and Westlake, D. 2021. Independent visiting with children in care during the pandemic: disruptions and discoveries. Qualitative Social Work 20(1-2), pp. 383-389. (10.1177/1473325020981087)
- Diaz, C., Westlake, D. and Evans, L. 2021. The perceived impact of peer parental advocacy on child protection practice: a pilot evaluation. What Works for Children's Social Care. Available at:
- Westlake, D. et al. 2020. Social workers in schools: an evaluation of pilots in three local authorities in England. Project Report. [Online]. London: What Works Centre for Children's Social Care. Available at:
- Westlake, D. et al. 2020. Devolved budgets: an evaluation of pilots in three local authorities in England. Project Report. [Online]. London: What Works Centre for Children's Social Care. Available at:
- Forrester, D., Killian, M., Westlake, D. and Sheehan, L. 2020. Patterns of practice: an exploratory factor analysis of child and family social worker skills. Child and Family Social Work 25(1), pp. 108-117. (10.1111/cfs.12664)
- Westlake, D. 2020. Direct observation in practice: co-developing an evidence-informed practice tool to assess social work communication. Journal of Children's Services 15(3), pp. 123-140. (10.1108/JCS-08-2019-0043)
- Forrester, D. et al. 2019. What is the relationship between worker skills and outcomes for families in child and family social work?. British Journal of Social Work 49(8), pp. 2148-2167. (10.1093/bjsw/bcy126)
- Wilkins, D., Jones, R. and Westlake, D. 2018. 'The activity does not archive well': Comparing audio and written records of supervision case discussions in Children's Services. Journal of Children's Services 13(3/4), pp. 93-109. (10.1108/JCS-03-2018-0005)
- Forrester, D. et al. 2018. A randomized controlled trial of training in motivational Interviewing for child protection. Children and Youth Services Review 88, pp. 180-190. (10.1016/j.childyouth.2018.02.014)
- Westlake, D., Silverwood, V., Wallace, S., Mayhew-Manistre, L. and Forrester, D. 2018. Safely reducing the need for children to enter care: telephone interviews with local authorities in England. Project Report. [Online]. London: What Works Centre for Children's Social Care. Available at:
- Killian, M., Forrester, D., Westlake, D. and Antonopoulou, P. 2017. Validity of the Working Alliance Inventory within child protection services. Research on Social Work Practice 27(6), pp. 704-715. (10.1177/1049731515596816)
- Schroeder, E. et al. 2024. The cost-effectiveness and cost-consequences of a school-based social worker intervention: a within-trial economic evaluation. Children and Youth Services Review 166, article number: 107928. (10.1016/j.childyouth.2024.107928)
- Powell, S., Fitz-Symonds, S., Wilkins, D., Westlake, D., Long, F., Lilly, E. and Diaz, C. 2024. Understanding how and under what circumstances parental advocates support parents to participate in decision-making: a scoping review. Child Care in Practice 30(4), pp. 517-536. (10.1080/13575279.2024.2354823)
- Westlake, D. and Daly, A. 2024. Editorial: Journal of Children's Services Special Edition: the intersection of education and formal and community-based children's services. Journal of Children's Services 19(3), pp. 137-141. (10.1108/JCS-09-2024-088)
- Bennett, V. et al. 2024. Student perspectives on school-based social workers: A mixed-methods study. Journal of Children's Services 19(3), pp. 189-221. (10.1108/JCS-04-2023-0021)
- Westlake, D. et al. 2024. The basic income for care leavers in Wales pilot evaluation: Protocol of a quasi-experimental evaluation. PLoS ONE 19(10), article number: e0303837. (10.1371/journal.pone.0303837)
- Westlake, D. et al. 2024. Social workers in schools: A feasibility study of three local authorities. Journal of Social Work 24(5), pp. 607-626. (10.1177/14680173241258927)
- Devine, R., Benson, K., Fitz-Symonds, S., Westlake, D., Campbell, K. and Diaz, C. 2023. Peer parental advocacy: A narrative review of the literature. Journal of Children's Services 18(3/4), pp. 244-260. (10.1108/JCS-08-2022-0020)
- Fitz-Symonds, S., Evans, L., Tobis, D., Westlake, D. and Diaz, C. 2023. Mechanisms for support: A realist evaluation of peer parental advocacy in England. The British Journal of Social Work (10.1093/bjsw/bcad200)
- Westlake, D., Corliss, C., Thompson, S., Meindl, M., Diaz, C., Talwar, R. and Folkes, L. 2022. Devolved budgets in Children’s Social Care: A logic model based on three pilot evaluations. British Journal of Social Work 52(7), pp. 3999-4020. (10.1093/bjsw/bcac019)
- Westlake, D. et al. 2022. The SWIS trial: protocol of a pragmatic cluster randomised controlled trial of school based social work. PLoS ONE 17(6), article number: e0265354. (10.1371/journal.pone.0265354)
- Jones, R. K. and Westlake, D. 2021. Independent visiting with children in care during the pandemic: disruptions and discoveries. Qualitative Social Work 20(1-2), pp. 383-389. (10.1177/1473325020981087)
- Forrester, D., Killian, M., Westlake, D. and Sheehan, L. 2020. Patterns of practice: an exploratory factor analysis of child and family social worker skills. Child and Family Social Work 25(1), pp. 108-117. (10.1111/cfs.12664)
- Westlake, D. 2020. Direct observation in practice: co-developing an evidence-informed practice tool to assess social work communication. Journal of Children's Services 15(3), pp. 123-140. (10.1108/JCS-08-2019-0043)
- Forrester, D. et al. 2019. What is the relationship between worker skills and outcomes for families in child and family social work?. British Journal of Social Work 49(8), pp. 2148-2167. (10.1093/bjsw/bcy126)
- Wilkins, D., Jones, R. and Westlake, D. 2018. 'The activity does not archive well': Comparing audio and written records of supervision case discussions in Children's Services. Journal of Children's Services 13(3/4), pp. 93-109. (10.1108/JCS-03-2018-0005)
- Forrester, D. et al. 2018. A randomized controlled trial of training in motivational Interviewing for child protection. Children and Youth Services Review 88, pp. 180-190. (10.1016/j.childyouth.2018.02.014)
- Killian, M., Forrester, D., Westlake, D. and Antonopoulou, P. 2017. Validity of the Working Alliance Inventory within child protection services. Research on Social Work Practice 27(6), pp. 704-715. (10.1177/1049731515596816)
- Westlake, D. et al. 2022. Evaluating a school-based intervention through routine local authority data and national school data: challenges and opportunities. Presented at: International Population Data Linkage Conference 2022, 7 - 9 September 2022, Vol. 7. Vol. 3., (10.23889/ijpds.v7i3.1886)
- Meindl, M. and Westlake, D. 2024. Evaluation of the Family Drug and Alcohol Court in Wales pilot: Final Report. Project Report. Cardiff: CASCADE.
- Holland, S. et al. 2024. Basic income for care leavers in Wales pilot evaluation: annual report, 2023 to 2024. Welsh Government. Available at:
- Sanders, M., Westlake, D., Ellingwood, J., Bancroft, K. and Bennett, V. 2024. Pilot trial protocol: Police in corridors. Youth Endowment Fund Charitable Fund. Available at:
- Adara, L. et al. 2023. The Social Workers in Schools Trial: An evaluation of school based social work.. Project Report. Early Intervention Foundation.
- Diaz, C., Fitz-Symonds, S., Evans, L., Westlake, D., Devine, R., Mauri, D. and Davies, B. 2023. The perceived impact of peer parental advocacy on child protection practice: a mixed-methods evaluation. Project Report. [Online]. What Works for Early Intervention and Children’s Social Care. Available at:
- Meindl, M., Hosch, M. and Westlake, D. 2022. An evaluation of the Family Drug and Alcohol Court in Wales pilot: Interim report. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff University. Available at:
- Diaz, C., Westlake, D. and Evans, L. 2021. The perceived impact of peer parental advocacy on child protection practice: a pilot evaluation. What Works for Children's Social Care. Available at:
- Westlake, D. et al. 2020. Social workers in schools: an evaluation of pilots in three local authorities in England. Project Report. [Online]. London: What Works Centre for Children's Social Care. Available at:
- Westlake, D. et al. 2020. Devolved budgets: an evaluation of pilots in three local authorities in England. Project Report. [Online]. London: What Works Centre for Children's Social Care. Available at:
- Westlake, D., Silverwood, V., Wallace, S., Mayhew-Manistre, L. and Forrester, D. 2018. Safely reducing the need for children to enter care: telephone interviews with local authorities in England. Project Report. [Online]. London: What Works Centre for Children's Social Care. Available at:
- Schroeder, E. et al. 2024. The cost-effectiveness and cost-consequences of a school-based social worker intervention: a within-trial economic evaluation. [Online]. SSRN. (10.2139/ssrn.4776734)
Mae fy ymchwil wedi ymdrin â'r pynciau canlynol:
- Sgiliau cyfathrebu gwaith cymdeithasol
- Gwaith cymdeithasol yn yr ysgol
- Diwylliant sefydliadol
- Cyllidebau datganoledig
- Eiriolaeth ar gyfer plant sy'n cael eu masnachu
- Llwybrau ar gyfer plant ifanc iawn sydd mewn perygl o niwed
- Moeseg ymchwil
Prosiectau cyfredol
- Treial SWIS
Prosiectau a gwblhawyd yn ddiweddar
- Gweithwyr cymdeithasol mewn cynlluniau peilot ysgolion
- Cynlluniau peilot cyllidebau datganoledig
Mae gen i brofiad addysgu sylweddol ar lefel israddedig ac ôl-raddedig ond rydw i'n canolbwyntio ar ymchwil ar hyn o bryd.
Prifysgol Caergrawnt; Mphil Troseddeg
Prifysgol Lancaster; BA Troseddeg
2024 - Prif Gymrawd Ymchwil presennol , Prifysgol Caerdydd
2021 - 2024 Uwch Gymrawd Ymchwil, Prifysgol Caerdydd
Cymrawd Ymchwil 2018 – 2021 , Prifysgol Caerdydd
2015 – 2018 Uwch Gymrawd Ymchwil, Prifysgol Swydd Bedford
2011 – 2015 Cymrawd Ymchwil, Prifysgol Swydd Bedford
Cyswllt Ymchwil 2007 – 2010 ; Prifysgol Loughborough
Cynorthwy-ydd Ymchwil 2006 - 2007 ; Prifysgol Bryste
Gwaith gwirfoddol
2019 – 2021 Ymwelydd annibynnol
Pwyllgorau ac adolygu
2022 - Aelod presennol Panel Cynghori Gwerthuso a Threialon Llywodraeth y DU (ETAP)
2017 – 2024 Golygydd Cyswllt Journal of Children's Services
2018 – Bwrdd Ymgynghorol Ymchwil CoramBAAF presennol
2018 – 2019 Cynghorydd academaidd, Astudiaeth Blinder Tosturi Prifysgol Bryste
2015 – 2018 aelod o bwyllgor Moeseg y Brifysgol