Dr Steven Whitcombe
Uwch-Ddarlithydd: Therapi Galwedigaethol
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Research Interests
- Student learner identities and health professional education.
- Professional development/ professionalisation of occupational therapy.
- Simpson, O., Bennett, C. L. and Whitcombe, S. W. 2024. Student nurse retention. Lived experience of mature female students on a UK Bachelor of Nursing (Adult) programme: An interpretative phenomenological analysis. Journal of Advanced Nursing 80(10), pp. 4244-4258. (10.1111/jan.16082)
- Krizaj, T. et al. 2023. There are no human beings without a voice. Ethical issues in occupational science research. Presented at: Occupational Science Europe Conference, 24-26 August 2023.
- Morville, A. et al. 2022. A scoping review on occupational science research in European contexts. Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy (10.1080/11038128.2022.2143421)
- Clouston, T. J., Whitcombe, S. W., Jenkins, J. and Mears, J. 2018. Evaluation of interprofessional working on a therapist/nurse-led rehabilitation ward for older people in Wales. International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation 25(4), pp. 193-197. (10.12968/ijtr.2018.25.4.193)
- Erwin, J., Edwards, K., Woolf, A., Whitcombe, S. and Kitty, S. 2018. Better arthritis care: what training do community-based health professionals need to improve their care of people with arthritis? a Delphi study. Musculoskeletal Care 16(1), pp. 48-59. (10.1002/msc.1202)
- Erwin, J., Edwards, K., Woolf, A., Whitcombe, S. W. and Kitty, S. 2018. Better arthritis care; patients' expectations and priorities of the competencies that community health professionals need to improve the care of people with arthritis. Musculoskeletal Care 16(1), pp. 60-66. (10.1002/msc.1203)
- Whitcombe, S. 2018. Research in health and social care practice. In: Clouston, T. J., Westcott, L. and Whitcombe, S. W. eds. Transitions to Practice: Essential Concepts for Health and Social Care Practitioners. M&K Publishing, pp. 127-136.
- Clouston, T. J., Westcott, L. and Whitcombe, S. eds. 2018. Transitions to practice: essential concepts for health and social care practitioners. M&K Publishing.
- Evans, N. and Whitcombe, S. 2016. Using circular questions in qualitative research. Nurse Researcher 23(3), pp. 26-29. (10.7748/nr.23.3.26.s6)
- Wong, K. Y., Whitcombe, S. W. and Boniface, G. 2016. Teaching and learning the esoteric: An insight into how reflection may be internalised with reference to the occupational therapy profession. Reflective Practice 17(4), pp. 472-482. (10.1080/14623943.2016.1175341)
- Whitcombe, S. W. and Clouston, T. 2016. Understanding students' expierences of problem based learning through an analysis of Bernstein's pedagogic device. In: Henderson, R. ed. Problem Based Learning : Processes, Methods and Challenges. Nova Sciences
- Whitcombe, S. W. 2014. Occupational therapy knowledge and professional identity: students' experiences of problem-based learning. Presented at: International Congress of the World Federation of Occupational Therapists, Yokohama, Japan, 16th- 21st June 2014.
- Whitcombe, S. W. 2013. Problem-based Learning and forms of 'Capital'. Presented at: College of Occupational Therapists, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, 18-20 June 2013.
- Whitcombe, S. W. 2013. Problem-based learning students' perceptions of knowledge and professional identity: Occupational therapists as 'knowers'. British Journal of Occupational Therapy 76(1), pp. 37-42.
- Whitcombe, S. W. 2013. Developing skills of problem-based learning: what about specialist knowledge?. International Journal of Continuing Education and Life Long Learning 5(2), pp. 41-56.
- Westcott, L. and Whitcombe, S. W. 2012. Continuing professional development: the public and personal interface. British Journal of Occupational Therapy 75(12), pp. 531-532. (10.4276/030802212X13548955545378)
- Whitcombe, S. W. 2012. Problem-based Learning and the Development of Capital. Presented at: PGCertHE Conference, Bangor University, Bangor, UK, 26 March 2012.
- Whitcombe, S. W. 2012. Professional knowledge or professional knowers? Re-positioning Knowledge at the Centre of Professional Identity. Presented at: Canadian International Conference on Education (CICE-2012), University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada, 18-21 June 2012.
- Hearle, D., Roberts, G. W. and Whitcombe, S. W. 2012. Appreciative Inquiry: Translating theory to practice. Presented at: Health Sciences Discipline Workshop, Cardiff University, UK, 15 February 2012. pp. 1-7.
- Whitcombe, S. W. 2011. Knowledge and Problem-based Learning. Presented at: Celebrating the Past and Embracing the Future: Evolution and Innovation in Problem-based Learning, Cumbria, UK, 30-31 March 2011.
- Whitcombe, S. W. 2011. Occupational Therapy Students' Perceptions of Knowledge and Problem-based Learning. Presented at: Canadian International Conference on Education (CICE-2011), University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, 4-7 April 2011.
- Whitcombe, S. 2011. The Influence of Pedagogy on Problem-based Learning Students’ Perceptions of Knowledge. International Journal for Cross-Disciplinary Subjects in Education (IJCDSE) 2(4), pp. 518-527.
- Matheson, R. and Whitcombe, S. W. 2011. Problem/Inquiry-based learning for Employment: Meeting Current and Future Challenges Through Collaboration. Presented at: HEA Seminar, University of Wales Institute Cardiff (UWIC), UK, 13 June 2011. Higher Education Academy pp. 1-6.
- Clouston, T. J. et al. eds. 2010. Problem-based learning in health and social care. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Whitcombe, S. W. and Clouston, T. J. 2010. A reflexive model for problem-based learning. In: Clouston, T. J. et al. eds. Problem-Based Learning in Health and Social Care. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell, pp. 115-124., (10.1002/9781444320541.ch9)
- Riley, J. and Whitcombe, S. W. 2010. Problem-based learning and the development of capital. In: Clouston, T. J. et al. eds. Problem Based Learning in Health and Social Care. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 139-146.
- Delport, J. P. and Whitcombe, S. W. 2010. Readiness for problem-based learning. In: Clouston, T. J. et al. eds. Problem-based Learning in Health and Social Care. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 25-34.
- Clouston, T. J. and Whitcombe, S. W. 2008. The professionalization of occupational therapy: a continuing challenge. British Journal of Occupational Therapy 71(8), pp. 314-320.
- Riley, J., Whitcombe, S. and Vincent, C. 2008. Occupational Therapy in adult social care in England: sustaining a high quality workfroce for the future. Documentation. London: Department of Health. Available at: http://www.dh.gov.uk/en/Publicationsandstatistics/Publications/PublicationsPolicyAndGuidance/DH_089467
- Galle, L. and Whitcombe, S. 2006. An Exploration of Ways of Knowing Employed Within Occupational Therapy. British Journal of Occupational Therapy 69(4), pp. 187-191.
- Whitcombe, S. and Clouston, T. 2005. An emerging person centred model for problem‐based learning. Journal of Further and Higher Education 29(3), pp. 265-275. (10.1080/03098770500166926)
- Whitcombe, S. W. 2005. Understanding healthcare professions from sociological perspectives. In: Clouston, T. J. and Westcott, L. eds. Working in Health and Social Care: An Introduction for Allied Health Professionals. Elsevier, pp. 63-74.
- Whitcombe, S. and Westcott, L. P. 2004. Collaboration: a Professional Approach Not Just for Practice [Editorial]. British Journal of Occupational Therapy 67(9), pp. 379.
- Clouston, T. J. and Whitcombe, S. W. 2004. Designing for the Future: Integrating Staff and Student Needs in a Problem-Based Learning Curriculum. Presented at: Building the Future: 7th European Congress of Occupational Therapy (COTEC), Athens, Greece, 22-24 September 2004.
- Whitcombe, S. and Westcott, L. P. 2003. Globalisation and Occupational Therapy: Poles Apart?. British Journal of Occupational Therapy 66(7), pp. 328-330.
- Clouston, T. J. and Whitcombe, S. W. 2003. Linking Interprofessional Working & Learning. Presented at: School of Healthcare Studies Annual Research Conference, University of Wales College of Medicine (UWCM), Cardiff, UK, November 2003.
- Clouston, T. J., Hannigan, B., Whitcombe, S. W. and Young, N. 2003. Working, Learning and Integrating: Meeting the Learning Needs of Interdisciplinary Mental Health Teams. Presented at: 5th International Collaborative Conversations Conference, Bournemouth University, Bournemouth, UK, 8-11 September 2003.
- Clouston, T. J. and Whitcombe, S. W. 2003. What are the Perceived Learning Needs of Occupational Therapists in Mental Health?. Presented at: College of Occupational Therapists (COT) Annual Conference, SECC, Glasgow, UK, 9-11 July 2003.
- Whitcombe, S. 2001. Using Learning Contracts in Fieldwork Education: the Views of Occupational Therapy Students and those Responsible for their Supervision. British Journal of Occupational Therapy 64(11), pp. 552-558.
Adrannau llyfrau
- Whitcombe, S. 2018. Research in health and social care practice. In: Clouston, T. J., Westcott, L. and Whitcombe, S. W. eds. Transitions to Practice: Essential Concepts for Health and Social Care Practitioners. M&K Publishing, pp. 127-136.
- Whitcombe, S. W. and Clouston, T. 2016. Understanding students' expierences of problem based learning through an analysis of Bernstein's pedagogic device. In: Henderson, R. ed. Problem Based Learning : Processes, Methods and Challenges. Nova Sciences
- Whitcombe, S. W. and Clouston, T. J. 2010. A reflexive model for problem-based learning. In: Clouston, T. J. et al. eds. Problem-Based Learning in Health and Social Care. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell, pp. 115-124., (10.1002/9781444320541.ch9)
- Riley, J. and Whitcombe, S. W. 2010. Problem-based learning and the development of capital. In: Clouston, T. J. et al. eds. Problem Based Learning in Health and Social Care. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 139-146.
- Delport, J. P. and Whitcombe, S. W. 2010. Readiness for problem-based learning. In: Clouston, T. J. et al. eds. Problem-based Learning in Health and Social Care. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 25-34.
- Whitcombe, S. W. 2005. Understanding healthcare professions from sociological perspectives. In: Clouston, T. J. and Westcott, L. eds. Working in Health and Social Care: An Introduction for Allied Health Professionals. Elsevier, pp. 63-74.
- Krizaj, T. et al. 2023. There are no human beings without a voice. Ethical issues in occupational science research. Presented at: Occupational Science Europe Conference, 24-26 August 2023.
- Whitcombe, S. W. 2014. Occupational therapy knowledge and professional identity: students' experiences of problem-based learning. Presented at: International Congress of the World Federation of Occupational Therapists, Yokohama, Japan, 16th- 21st June 2014.
- Whitcombe, S. W. 2013. Problem-based Learning and forms of 'Capital'. Presented at: College of Occupational Therapists, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, 18-20 June 2013.
- Whitcombe, S. W. 2012. Problem-based Learning and the Development of Capital. Presented at: PGCertHE Conference, Bangor University, Bangor, UK, 26 March 2012.
- Whitcombe, S. W. 2012. Professional knowledge or professional knowers? Re-positioning Knowledge at the Centre of Professional Identity. Presented at: Canadian International Conference on Education (CICE-2012), University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada, 18-21 June 2012.
- Hearle, D., Roberts, G. W. and Whitcombe, S. W. 2012. Appreciative Inquiry: Translating theory to practice. Presented at: Health Sciences Discipline Workshop, Cardiff University, UK, 15 February 2012. pp. 1-7.
- Whitcombe, S. W. 2011. Knowledge and Problem-based Learning. Presented at: Celebrating the Past and Embracing the Future: Evolution and Innovation in Problem-based Learning, Cumbria, UK, 30-31 March 2011.
- Whitcombe, S. W. 2011. Occupational Therapy Students' Perceptions of Knowledge and Problem-based Learning. Presented at: Canadian International Conference on Education (CICE-2011), University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, 4-7 April 2011.
- Matheson, R. and Whitcombe, S. W. 2011. Problem/Inquiry-based learning for Employment: Meeting Current and Future Challenges Through Collaboration. Presented at: HEA Seminar, University of Wales Institute Cardiff (UWIC), UK, 13 June 2011. Higher Education Academy pp. 1-6.
- Clouston, T. J. and Whitcombe, S. W. 2004. Designing for the Future: Integrating Staff and Student Needs in a Problem-Based Learning Curriculum. Presented at: Building the Future: 7th European Congress of Occupational Therapy (COTEC), Athens, Greece, 22-24 September 2004.
- Clouston, T. J. and Whitcombe, S. W. 2003. Linking Interprofessional Working & Learning. Presented at: School of Healthcare Studies Annual Research Conference, University of Wales College of Medicine (UWCM), Cardiff, UK, November 2003.
- Clouston, T. J., Hannigan, B., Whitcombe, S. W. and Young, N. 2003. Working, Learning and Integrating: Meeting the Learning Needs of Interdisciplinary Mental Health Teams. Presented at: 5th International Collaborative Conversations Conference, Bournemouth University, Bournemouth, UK, 8-11 September 2003.
- Clouston, T. J. and Whitcombe, S. W. 2003. What are the Perceived Learning Needs of Occupational Therapists in Mental Health?. Presented at: College of Occupational Therapists (COT) Annual Conference, SECC, Glasgow, UK, 9-11 July 2003.
- Simpson, O., Bennett, C. L. and Whitcombe, S. W. 2024. Student nurse retention. Lived experience of mature female students on a UK Bachelor of Nursing (Adult) programme: An interpretative phenomenological analysis. Journal of Advanced Nursing 80(10), pp. 4244-4258. (10.1111/jan.16082)
- Morville, A. et al. 2022. A scoping review on occupational science research in European contexts. Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy (10.1080/11038128.2022.2143421)
- Clouston, T. J., Whitcombe, S. W., Jenkins, J. and Mears, J. 2018. Evaluation of interprofessional working on a therapist/nurse-led rehabilitation ward for older people in Wales. International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation 25(4), pp. 193-197. (10.12968/ijtr.2018.25.4.193)
- Erwin, J., Edwards, K., Woolf, A., Whitcombe, S. and Kitty, S. 2018. Better arthritis care: what training do community-based health professionals need to improve their care of people with arthritis? a Delphi study. Musculoskeletal Care 16(1), pp. 48-59. (10.1002/msc.1202)
- Erwin, J., Edwards, K., Woolf, A., Whitcombe, S. W. and Kitty, S. 2018. Better arthritis care; patients' expectations and priorities of the competencies that community health professionals need to improve the care of people with arthritis. Musculoskeletal Care 16(1), pp. 60-66. (10.1002/msc.1203)
- Evans, N. and Whitcombe, S. 2016. Using circular questions in qualitative research. Nurse Researcher 23(3), pp. 26-29. (10.7748/nr.23.3.26.s6)
- Wong, K. Y., Whitcombe, S. W. and Boniface, G. 2016. Teaching and learning the esoteric: An insight into how reflection may be internalised with reference to the occupational therapy profession. Reflective Practice 17(4), pp. 472-482. (10.1080/14623943.2016.1175341)
- Whitcombe, S. W. 2013. Problem-based learning students' perceptions of knowledge and professional identity: Occupational therapists as 'knowers'. British Journal of Occupational Therapy 76(1), pp. 37-42.
- Whitcombe, S. W. 2013. Developing skills of problem-based learning: what about specialist knowledge?. International Journal of Continuing Education and Life Long Learning 5(2), pp. 41-56.
- Westcott, L. and Whitcombe, S. W. 2012. Continuing professional development: the public and personal interface. British Journal of Occupational Therapy 75(12), pp. 531-532. (10.4276/030802212X13548955545378)
- Whitcombe, S. 2011. The Influence of Pedagogy on Problem-based Learning Students’ Perceptions of Knowledge. International Journal for Cross-Disciplinary Subjects in Education (IJCDSE) 2(4), pp. 518-527.
- Clouston, T. J. and Whitcombe, S. W. 2008. The professionalization of occupational therapy: a continuing challenge. British Journal of Occupational Therapy 71(8), pp. 314-320.
- Galle, L. and Whitcombe, S. 2006. An Exploration of Ways of Knowing Employed Within Occupational Therapy. British Journal of Occupational Therapy 69(4), pp. 187-191.
- Whitcombe, S. and Clouston, T. 2005. An emerging person centred model for problem‐based learning. Journal of Further and Higher Education 29(3), pp. 265-275. (10.1080/03098770500166926)
- Whitcombe, S. and Westcott, L. P. 2004. Collaboration: a Professional Approach Not Just for Practice [Editorial]. British Journal of Occupational Therapy 67(9), pp. 379.
- Whitcombe, S. and Westcott, L. P. 2003. Globalisation and Occupational Therapy: Poles Apart?. British Journal of Occupational Therapy 66(7), pp. 328-330.
- Whitcombe, S. 2001. Using Learning Contracts in Fieldwork Education: the Views of Occupational Therapy Students and those Responsible for their Supervision. British Journal of Occupational Therapy 64(11), pp. 552-558.
- Clouston, T. J., Westcott, L. and Whitcombe, S. eds. 2018. Transitions to practice: essential concepts for health and social care practitioners. M&K Publishing.
- Clouston, T. J. et al. eds. 2010. Problem-based learning in health and social care. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Riley, J., Whitcombe, S. and Vincent, C. 2008. Occupational Therapy in adult social care in England: sustaining a high quality workfroce for the future. Documentation. London: Department of Health. Available at: http://www.dh.gov.uk/en/Publicationsandstatistics/Publications/PublicationsPolicyAndGuidance/DH_089467
I have a general interest in social science and health professional education, I am currently studying for a doctorate in education at the Cardiff School of Social Sciences. On going research projects include an investigation into Occupational Therapy undergraduates$acirc; experiences of problem based learning and also a Department of Health (DoH) funded research project exploring occupational therapy work force roles, recruitment and sustainability in social care settings in England.
Rwy'n therapydd galwedigaethol cymwysedig a chyn gweithio mewn addysg uwch roeddwn yn gweithio ym maes iechyd meddwl.
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
Mae gen i ddiddordeb mewn goruchwylio ac archwilio myfyrwyr doethurol yn y meysydd canlynol:
* Addysg broffesiynol iechyd
* Profiadau myfyrwyr iechyd/nyrsio/gofal cymdeithasol o ddysgu.
* Gwybodaeth a'i pherthynas â hunaniaeth ymarferwyr iechyd a chymdeithasol.
*Pontio addysgol a thrawsnewidiadau o fewn ymarfer gofal iechyd.
*Cymhwyso gwybodaeth yn enwedig mewn perthynas â therapi galwedigaethol a gwyddoniaeth alwedigaethol