Dr Catrin Williams
- Siarad Cymraeg
- Sylwebydd y cyfryngau
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Rwy'n ficrobiolegydd sydd â diddordeb mewn ffyrdd arloesol o ganfod a thrin afiechydon. Prif ffocws technolegol fy ngwaith yw cymhwyso microdonnau biofeddygol: meysydd electromagnetig a ddefnyddir yn gyffredin ar gyfer cymwysiadau diwydiannol, gwyddonol a biofeddygol. Fy nod yw deall yn well sut mae microdonnau'n rhyngweithio â systemau byw fel y gallwn ddylunio dulliau newydd o fynd i'r afael â materion iechyd cyhoeddus byd-eang, megis ymwrthedd gwrthficrobaidd. Mae fy nhîm wedi'i leoli yn y grŵp Microbiomau, Microbau a Gwybodeg (MMI) yn Ysgol y Biowyddorau Caerdydd.
Rwy'n cydweithio'n agos ag ymchwilwyr o bob rhan o'r pynciau STEM ac rwy'n angerddol am ymgysylltu â'r cyhoedd. Rwy'n mwynhau cyfathrebu fy ymchwil i gynulleidfaoedd amrywiol, gan gynnwys trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg, ac yn mynd ati i weithio tuag at ysbrydoli'r genhedlaeth nesaf o ferched a menywod mewn gwyddoniaeth. Rwyf hefyd yn teimlo'n freintiedig o gael y cyfle i addysgu ein myfyrwyr talentog yn Ysgol y Biowyddorau fel rhan o fodiwlau BI1001, BI1003, BI2332 a BI3155.
Fi hefyd yw arweinydd Gyrfaoedd a Chyflogadwyedd Ysgol y Biowyddorau, gan roi gwybod i fyfyrwyr Biowyddoniaeth am gyfleoedd cyflogaeth a gyrfa a chwrdd â chynrychiolwyr y diwydiant i nodi sut y gall Biowyddorau ymgorffori elfennau galwedigaethol i gryfhau cyrsiau israddedig a chynyddu cyflogadwyedd myfyrwyr.
Mae gen i ddiddordeb bob amser mewn clywed gan gydweithwyr neu fyfyrwyr posibl a hoffai weithio fel rhan o fy ngrŵp ymchwil. Am fwy o wybodaeth, cysylltwch â ni.
- Miles, A., Porch, A., Choi, H., Cripps, S., Brown, H. and Williams, C. F. 2025. Direct measurement of non-thermal microwave effects on bacterial growth and redox dynamics using a novel high-throughput waveguide applicator. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences (10.1098/rsta.2020.0568)
- Williams, C. F. et al. 2023. Non-thermal disruption of β-adrenergic receptor-activated Ca2+ signalling and apoptosis in human ES-derived cardiomyocytes by microwave electric fields at 2.4 GHz. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 661, pp. 89-98. (10.1016/j.bbrc.2023.04.038)
- Williams, C. F. 2022. Microbial metabolism. In: Rezaei, N. ed. Encyclopedia of Infection and Immunity., Vol. 1. Elsevier, pp. 363-376., (10.1016/B978-0-12-818731-9.00188-9)
- Ahortor, E. K., Malyshev, D., Williams, C. F., Choi, H., Lees, J., Porch, A. and Baillie, L. 2020. The biological effect of 2.45 GHz microwaves on the viability and permeability of bacterial and yeast cells. Journal of Applied Physics 127(204902), pp. IMPORTED. (10.1063/1.5145009)
- Lloyd, D. et al. 2020. Functional imaging of a model unicell: Spironucleus vortens as an anaerobic but aerotolerant flagellated protist. Advances in Microbial Physiology 76, pp. 41-79. (10.1016/bs.ampbs.2020.01.002)
- Williams, C. F. et al. 2019. Bioluminescence of Vibrio fischeri: bacteria respond quickly and sensitively to pulsed microwave electric (but not magnetic) fields. Journal of Biomedical Optics 24(5), article number: 51412. (10.1117/1.JBO.24.5.051412)
- Malyshev, D., Williams, C. F., Lees, J., Baillie, L. and Porch, A. 2019. Model of microwave effects on bacterial spores. Journal of Applied Physics 125(12), article number: 124701. (10.1063/1.5085442)
- Groves, L. M. et al. 2019. Fluorescent functionalised naphthalimides and their Au(i)–NHC complexes for potential use in cellular bioimaging. Dalton Transactions 48(5), pp. 1599-1612. (10.1039/C8DT04069A)
- Williams, C. and George, C. 2019. Connect and conquer: collectivized behavior of mitochondria and bacteria. Frontiers in Physiology, pp. -. (10.3389/fphys.2019.00340)
- Williams, C. et al. 2018. Real-time microscopic observation of biological interactions with microwave fields. Presented at: International Microwave Biomedical Conference (IMBioC), Philadelphia, USA, 14-15 Jun 2018International Microwave Biomedical Conference (IMBioC). IEEE pp. 199., (10.1109/IMBIOC.2018.8428902)
- Leitsch, D., Williams, C. F. and Hrdy, I. 2018. Redox pathways as drug targets in microaerophilic parasites. Trends in Parasitology 34(7), pp. 576-589. (10.1016/j.pt.2018.04.007)
- Langdon-Jones, E. E. et al. 2017. Luminescent 1,8-Naphthalimide-Derived ReI Complexes: syntheses, spectroscopy, X-ray structure and preliminary bioimaging in fission yeast cells. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2017(44), pp. 5279-5287. (10.1002/ejic.201700549)
- Pope, S. J. A., Langdon-Jones, E., Jones, A., Williams, C. F., Hayes, A. J., Lloyd, D. and Mottram, H. J. 2017. Anticancer, azonafide-inspired fluorescent ligands and their rhenium(I) complexes for cellular imaging. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2017(3), pp. 759-766. (10.1002/ejic.201601271)
- Williams, C. F. et al. 2017. Corrigendum to The redox-active drug metronidazole and thiol-depleting garlic compounds act synergistically in the protist parasite Spironucleus vortens [Mol. Biochem. Parasitol. 206 (1-2) (2016) 20-28]. Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology 211, pp. 104. (10.1016/j.molbiopara.2016.07.007)
- Williams, C. F. et al. 2016. What the deep sea can tell us about microwaves. Presented at: International Microwave Symposium IMS, San Francisco, California, 22-27 May 2016Microwave Symposium (IMS), 2016 IEEE MTT-S International. IEEE, (10.1109/MWSYM.2016.7540432)
- Williams, C. F., Geroni, G. M., Pirog, A., Lloyd, D., Lees, J. and Porch, A. 2016. The separated electric and magnetic field responses of luminescent bacteria exposed to pulsed microwave irradiation. Applied Physics Letters 109(9), article number: 93701. (10.1063/1.4961970)
- Williams, C. F. et al. 2016. The redox-active drug metronidazole and thiol-depleting garlic compounds act synergistically in the protist parasite Spironucleus vortens. Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology 206(1-2), pp. 20-28. (10.1016/j.molbiopara.2016.03.001)
- Lloyd, D. and Williams, C. F. 2015. Avoid excessive oxygen levels in experiments with organisms, tissues and cells.. Advances in Microbial Physiology 67, pp. 293--314. (10.1016/bs.ampbs.2015.09.001)
- Stacey, O. J. et al. 2015. Water soluble, cyclometalated Pt(II)–Ln(III) conjugates towards novel bimodal imaging agents. Chemical Communications 51(61), pp. 12305-12308. (10.1039/C5CC02623G)
- Lloyd, D. and Williams, C. F. 2015. New tunes from the heart. Biophysical Journal 108(8), pp. 1841-1842. (10.1016/j.bpj.2015.01.041)
- Williams, C. f., Walton, G. E., Jiang, L., Plummer, S., Garaiova, I. and Gibson, G. R. 2015. Comparative analysis of intestinal tract models. Annual Review of Food Science and Technology 6(1), pp. 329-350. (10.1146/annurev-food-022814-015429)
- Lloyd, D., Lewis, I. B., Williams, C. F., Hayes, A. J., Symons, H. and Hill, E. C. 2015. Motility of the diplomonad fish parasite Spironucleus vortens through thixotropic solid media. Microbiology 161(1), pp. 213-218. (10.1099/mic.0.082529-0)
- Lloyd, D. and Williams, C. F. 2014. Comparative biochemistry of Giardia, Hexamita and Spironucleus: Enigmatic diplomonads. Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology 197(1-2), pp. 43-49. (10.1016/j.molbiopara.2014.10.002)
- Williams, C. F., Yarlett, N., Aon, M. A. and Lloyd, D. 2014. Antioxidant defences of Spironucleus vortens: Glutathione is the major non-protein thiol. Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology 196(1), pp. 45-52. (10.1016/j.molbiopara.2014.07.010)
- Lloyd, D. et al. 2014. Intracellular oxygen: similar results from two methods of measurement using Phosphorescent nanoparticles. Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences 7(2), article number: 1350041. (10.1142/S1793545813500417)
- Millet, C. O. M., Williams, C. F., Hayes, A. J., Hann, A. C., Cable, J. and Lloyd, D. 2013. Mitochondria-derived organelles in the diplomonad fish parasite Spironucleus vortens. Experimental Parasitology 135(2), pp. 262-273. (10.1016/j.exppara.2013.07.003)
- Williams, C. F., Millet, C. O., Hayes, A. J., Cable, J. and Lloyd, D. 2013. Diversity in mitochondrion-derived organelles of the parasitic diplomonads Spironucleus and Giardia. Trends in Parasitology 29(7), pp. 311-312. (10.1016/j.pt.2013.04.004)
- Pritchard, V. E. et al. 2013. Simple Polyphenyl Zirconium and Hafnium Metallocene Room-Temperature Lumophores for Cell Imaging. Organometallics 32(12), pp. 3566-3569. (10.1021/om400212y)
- Williams, C. F. 2013. Life cycle, biochemistry and chemotherapy of Spironucleus vortens. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
- Leitsch, D., Williams, C. F., Lloyd, D. and Duchêne, M. 2013. Unexpected properties of NADP-dependent secondary alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH-1) in Trichomonas vaginalis and other microaerophilic parasites. Experimental Parasitology 134(3), pp. 374-380. (10.1016/j.exppara.2013.03.034)
- Williams, C. F., Vacca, A. R., Lloyd, D., Schelkle, B. and Cable, J. 2013. Non-invasive investigation of Spironucleus vortens transmission in freshwater angelfish Pterophyllum scalare. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 105(3), pp. 211-223. (10.3354/dao02618)
- Joshi, L. T., Phillips, D. S., Williams, C. F., Alyousef, A. and Baillie, L. 2012. Contribution of Spores to the Ability of Clostridium difficile To Adhere to Surfaces. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 78(21), pp. 7671-7679. (10.1128/AEM.01862-12)
- Williams, C. F. et al. 2012. Disrupted intracellular redox balance of the diplomonad fish parasite Spironucleus vortens by 5-nitroimidazoles and garlic-derived compounds. Veterinary Parasitology 190(1-2), pp. 62-73. (10.1016/j.vetpar.2012.05.011)
- Balasingham, R., Williams, C. F., Mottram, H. J., Coogan, M. P. and Pope, S. J. A. 2012. Gold(I) complexes derived from alkynyloxy-substituted anthraquinones: Syntheses, luminescence, preliminary cytotoxicity, and cell imaging studies. Organometallics 31(16), pp. 5835-5843. (10.1021/om300475y)
- Fernández-Moreira, V., Ortego, M. L., Williams, C. F., Coogan, M. P., Villacampa, M. D. and Gimeno, M. C. 2012. Bioconjugated rhenium(I) complexes with amino acid derivatives: synthesis, photophysical properties, and cell imaging studies. Organometallics 31(16), pp. 5950-5957. (10.1021/om300610j)
- Williams, C. F., Kombrabail, M., Vijayalakshmi, K., White, N., Krishnamoorthy, G. and Lloyd, D. 2012. Evaluation of two novel methods for assessing intracellular oxygen. Measurement Science and Technology 23(8), article number: 84005. (10.1088/0957-0233/23/8/084005)
- Balasingham, R. G., Thorp-Greenwood, F. L., Williams, C. F., Coogan, M. P. and Pope, S. J. A. 2012. Biologically compatible, phosphorescent dimetallic rhenium complexes linked through functionalized alkyl chains: syntheses, spectroscopic properties, and applications in imaging microscopy. Inorganic Chemistry 51(3), pp. 1419-1426. (10.1021/ic201654d)
- Millet, C. O., Lloyd, D., Williams, C. F., Williams, D., Evans, G., Saunders, R. and Cable, J. 2011. Effect of garlic and allium-derived products on the growth and metabolism of Spironucleus vortens. Experimental Parasitology 127(2), pp. 490-499. (10.1016/j.exppara.2010.10.001)
- Williams, C. F., Lloyd, D., Poynton, S. L., Jorgensen, A., Millet, C. O. and Cable, J. 2011. Spironucleus species: economically-important fish pathogens and enigmatic single-celled eukaryotes. Journal of Aquaculture Research & Development(S2), article number: 2. (10.4172/2155-9546.S2-002)
- Millet, C. O., Lloyd, D., Williams, C. F. and Cable, J. 2011. In vitro culture of the diplomonad fish parasite Spironucleus vortens reveals unusually fast doubling time and atypical biphasic growth. Journal of Fish Diseases 34(1), pp. 71-73. (10.1111/j.1365-2761.2010.01213.x)
- Thorp-Greenwood, F. L. et al. 2011. A 'Sleeping Trojan Horse' which transports metal ions into cells, localises in nucleoli, and has potential for bimodal fluorescence/PET imaging. Chemical Communications 47(11), pp. 3096-3098. (10.1039/c1cc10141b)
- Fernández-Moreira, V. et al. 2010. Uptake and localisation of rhenium fac-tricarbonyl polypyridyls in fluorescent cell imaging experiments. Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry 8(17), pp. 3888-3901. (10.1039/c004610h)
- Miles, A., Porch, A., Choi, H., Cripps, S., Brown, H. and Williams, C. F. 2025. Direct measurement of non-thermal microwave effects on bacterial growth and redox dynamics using a novel high-throughput waveguide applicator. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences (10.1098/rsta.2020.0568)
- Williams, C. F. et al. 2023. Non-thermal disruption of β-adrenergic receptor-activated Ca2+ signalling and apoptosis in human ES-derived cardiomyocytes by microwave electric fields at 2.4 GHz. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 661, pp. 89-98. (10.1016/j.bbrc.2023.04.038)
- Ahortor, E. K., Malyshev, D., Williams, C. F., Choi, H., Lees, J., Porch, A. and Baillie, L. 2020. The biological effect of 2.45 GHz microwaves on the viability and permeability of bacterial and yeast cells. Journal of Applied Physics 127(204902), pp. IMPORTED. (10.1063/1.5145009)
- Lloyd, D. et al. 2020. Functional imaging of a model unicell: Spironucleus vortens as an anaerobic but aerotolerant flagellated protist. Advances in Microbial Physiology 76, pp. 41-79. (10.1016/bs.ampbs.2020.01.002)
- Williams, C. F. et al. 2019. Bioluminescence of Vibrio fischeri: bacteria respond quickly and sensitively to pulsed microwave electric (but not magnetic) fields. Journal of Biomedical Optics 24(5), article number: 51412. (10.1117/1.JBO.24.5.051412)
- Malyshev, D., Williams, C. F., Lees, J., Baillie, L. and Porch, A. 2019. Model of microwave effects on bacterial spores. Journal of Applied Physics 125(12), article number: 124701. (10.1063/1.5085442)
- Groves, L. M. et al. 2019. Fluorescent functionalised naphthalimides and their Au(i)–NHC complexes for potential use in cellular bioimaging. Dalton Transactions 48(5), pp. 1599-1612. (10.1039/C8DT04069A)
- Williams, C. and George, C. 2019. Connect and conquer: collectivized behavior of mitochondria and bacteria. Frontiers in Physiology, pp. -. (10.3389/fphys.2019.00340)
- Leitsch, D., Williams, C. F. and Hrdy, I. 2018. Redox pathways as drug targets in microaerophilic parasites. Trends in Parasitology 34(7), pp. 576-589. (10.1016/j.pt.2018.04.007)
- Langdon-Jones, E. E. et al. 2017. Luminescent 1,8-Naphthalimide-Derived ReI Complexes: syntheses, spectroscopy, X-ray structure and preliminary bioimaging in fission yeast cells. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2017(44), pp. 5279-5287. (10.1002/ejic.201700549)
- Pope, S. J. A., Langdon-Jones, E., Jones, A., Williams, C. F., Hayes, A. J., Lloyd, D. and Mottram, H. J. 2017. Anticancer, azonafide-inspired fluorescent ligands and their rhenium(I) complexes for cellular imaging. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2017(3), pp. 759-766. (10.1002/ejic.201601271)
- Williams, C. F. et al. 2017. Corrigendum to The redox-active drug metronidazole and thiol-depleting garlic compounds act synergistically in the protist parasite Spironucleus vortens [Mol. Biochem. Parasitol. 206 (1-2) (2016) 20-28]. Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology 211, pp. 104. (10.1016/j.molbiopara.2016.07.007)
- Williams, C. F., Geroni, G. M., Pirog, A., Lloyd, D., Lees, J. and Porch, A. 2016. The separated electric and magnetic field responses of luminescent bacteria exposed to pulsed microwave irradiation. Applied Physics Letters 109(9), article number: 93701. (10.1063/1.4961970)
- Williams, C. F. et al. 2016. The redox-active drug metronidazole and thiol-depleting garlic compounds act synergistically in the protist parasite Spironucleus vortens. Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology 206(1-2), pp. 20-28. (10.1016/j.molbiopara.2016.03.001)
- Lloyd, D. and Williams, C. F. 2015. Avoid excessive oxygen levels in experiments with organisms, tissues and cells.. Advances in Microbial Physiology 67, pp. 293--314. (10.1016/bs.ampbs.2015.09.001)
- Stacey, O. J. et al. 2015. Water soluble, cyclometalated Pt(II)–Ln(III) conjugates towards novel bimodal imaging agents. Chemical Communications 51(61), pp. 12305-12308. (10.1039/C5CC02623G)
- Lloyd, D. and Williams, C. F. 2015. New tunes from the heart. Biophysical Journal 108(8), pp. 1841-1842. (10.1016/j.bpj.2015.01.041)
- Williams, C. f., Walton, G. E., Jiang, L., Plummer, S., Garaiova, I. and Gibson, G. R. 2015. Comparative analysis of intestinal tract models. Annual Review of Food Science and Technology 6(1), pp. 329-350. (10.1146/annurev-food-022814-015429)
- Lloyd, D., Lewis, I. B., Williams, C. F., Hayes, A. J., Symons, H. and Hill, E. C. 2015. Motility of the diplomonad fish parasite Spironucleus vortens through thixotropic solid media. Microbiology 161(1), pp. 213-218. (10.1099/mic.0.082529-0)
- Lloyd, D. and Williams, C. F. 2014. Comparative biochemistry of Giardia, Hexamita and Spironucleus: Enigmatic diplomonads. Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology 197(1-2), pp. 43-49. (10.1016/j.molbiopara.2014.10.002)
- Williams, C. F., Yarlett, N., Aon, M. A. and Lloyd, D. 2014. Antioxidant defences of Spironucleus vortens: Glutathione is the major non-protein thiol. Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology 196(1), pp. 45-52. (10.1016/j.molbiopara.2014.07.010)
- Lloyd, D. et al. 2014. Intracellular oxygen: similar results from two methods of measurement using Phosphorescent nanoparticles. Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences 7(2), article number: 1350041. (10.1142/S1793545813500417)
- Millet, C. O. M., Williams, C. F., Hayes, A. J., Hann, A. C., Cable, J. and Lloyd, D. 2013. Mitochondria-derived organelles in the diplomonad fish parasite Spironucleus vortens. Experimental Parasitology 135(2), pp. 262-273. (10.1016/j.exppara.2013.07.003)
- Williams, C. F., Millet, C. O., Hayes, A. J., Cable, J. and Lloyd, D. 2013. Diversity in mitochondrion-derived organelles of the parasitic diplomonads Spironucleus and Giardia. Trends in Parasitology 29(7), pp. 311-312. (10.1016/j.pt.2013.04.004)
- Pritchard, V. E. et al. 2013. Simple Polyphenyl Zirconium and Hafnium Metallocene Room-Temperature Lumophores for Cell Imaging. Organometallics 32(12), pp. 3566-3569. (10.1021/om400212y)
- Leitsch, D., Williams, C. F., Lloyd, D. and Duchêne, M. 2013. Unexpected properties of NADP-dependent secondary alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH-1) in Trichomonas vaginalis and other microaerophilic parasites. Experimental Parasitology 134(3), pp. 374-380. (10.1016/j.exppara.2013.03.034)
- Williams, C. F., Vacca, A. R., Lloyd, D., Schelkle, B. and Cable, J. 2013. Non-invasive investigation of Spironucleus vortens transmission in freshwater angelfish Pterophyllum scalare. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 105(3), pp. 211-223. (10.3354/dao02618)
- Joshi, L. T., Phillips, D. S., Williams, C. F., Alyousef, A. and Baillie, L. 2012. Contribution of Spores to the Ability of Clostridium difficile To Adhere to Surfaces. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 78(21), pp. 7671-7679. (10.1128/AEM.01862-12)
- Williams, C. F. et al. 2012. Disrupted intracellular redox balance of the diplomonad fish parasite Spironucleus vortens by 5-nitroimidazoles and garlic-derived compounds. Veterinary Parasitology 190(1-2), pp. 62-73. (10.1016/j.vetpar.2012.05.011)
- Balasingham, R., Williams, C. F., Mottram, H. J., Coogan, M. P. and Pope, S. J. A. 2012. Gold(I) complexes derived from alkynyloxy-substituted anthraquinones: Syntheses, luminescence, preliminary cytotoxicity, and cell imaging studies. Organometallics 31(16), pp. 5835-5843. (10.1021/om300475y)
- Fernández-Moreira, V., Ortego, M. L., Williams, C. F., Coogan, M. P., Villacampa, M. D. and Gimeno, M. C. 2012. Bioconjugated rhenium(I) complexes with amino acid derivatives: synthesis, photophysical properties, and cell imaging studies. Organometallics 31(16), pp. 5950-5957. (10.1021/om300610j)
- Williams, C. F., Kombrabail, M., Vijayalakshmi, K., White, N., Krishnamoorthy, G. and Lloyd, D. 2012. Evaluation of two novel methods for assessing intracellular oxygen. Measurement Science and Technology 23(8), article number: 84005. (10.1088/0957-0233/23/8/084005)
- Balasingham, R. G., Thorp-Greenwood, F. L., Williams, C. F., Coogan, M. P. and Pope, S. J. A. 2012. Biologically compatible, phosphorescent dimetallic rhenium complexes linked through functionalized alkyl chains: syntheses, spectroscopic properties, and applications in imaging microscopy. Inorganic Chemistry 51(3), pp. 1419-1426. (10.1021/ic201654d)
- Millet, C. O., Lloyd, D., Williams, C. F., Williams, D., Evans, G., Saunders, R. and Cable, J. 2011. Effect of garlic and allium-derived products on the growth and metabolism of Spironucleus vortens. Experimental Parasitology 127(2), pp. 490-499. (10.1016/j.exppara.2010.10.001)
- Williams, C. F., Lloyd, D., Poynton, S. L., Jorgensen, A., Millet, C. O. and Cable, J. 2011. Spironucleus species: economically-important fish pathogens and enigmatic single-celled eukaryotes. Journal of Aquaculture Research & Development(S2), article number: 2. (10.4172/2155-9546.S2-002)
- Millet, C. O., Lloyd, D., Williams, C. F. and Cable, J. 2011. In vitro culture of the diplomonad fish parasite Spironucleus vortens reveals unusually fast doubling time and atypical biphasic growth. Journal of Fish Diseases 34(1), pp. 71-73. (10.1111/j.1365-2761.2010.01213.x)
- Thorp-Greenwood, F. L. et al. 2011. A 'Sleeping Trojan Horse' which transports metal ions into cells, localises in nucleoli, and has potential for bimodal fluorescence/PET imaging. Chemical Communications 47(11), pp. 3096-3098. (10.1039/c1cc10141b)
- Fernández-Moreira, V. et al. 2010. Uptake and localisation of rhenium fac-tricarbonyl polypyridyls in fluorescent cell imaging experiments. Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry 8(17), pp. 3888-3901. (10.1039/c004610h)
Book sections
- Williams, C. F. 2022. Microbial metabolism. In: Rezaei, N. ed. Encyclopedia of Infection and Immunity., Vol. 1. Elsevier, pp. 363-376., (10.1016/B978-0-12-818731-9.00188-9)
- Williams, C. et al. 2018. Real-time microscopic observation of biological interactions with microwave fields. Presented at: International Microwave Biomedical Conference (IMBioC), Philadelphia, USA, 14-15 Jun 2018International Microwave Biomedical Conference (IMBioC). IEEE pp. 199., (10.1109/IMBIOC.2018.8428902)
- Williams, C. F. et al. 2016. What the deep sea can tell us about microwaves. Presented at: International Microwave Symposium IMS, San Francisco, California, 22-27 May 2016Microwave Symposium (IMS), 2016 IEEE MTT-S International. IEEE, (10.1109/MWSYM.2016.7540432)
- Williams, C. F. 2013. Life cycle, biochemistry and chemotherapy of Spironucleus vortens. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
- Biosynwyryddion a Diagnosteg Rhyngddisgyblaethol Hyfforddiant Doethurol Hub (5 ysgoloriaeth), aelod o'r tîm rheoli gyda CHEMY (arweinydd), ENGIN, PHARMY A MEDDYGOL.
- Cymrodoriaeth Sêr Cymru II, gan ERDF, Llywodraeth Cymru a Phrifysgol Caerdydd (£185,298), 2016
- Efrydiaeth PhD SWBio (£ 70,000) a ddyfarnwyd fel cyd-ymgeisydd gyda'r Athro Joanne Cable (BIOSI), 2018
- Cronfa Ymchwil Offer Bach yr Ysgol Peirianneg (£ 16,933) a ddyfarnwyd fel cyd-ymgeisydd gyda'r Athro Adrian Porch i brynu microsgop fflworoleuedd, 2015
- Cronfa Ymchwil Offer Bach yr Ysgol Peirianneg (£5,700) wedi'i ddyfarnu i brynu cyfleusterau diwylliant celloedd, 2017
- Grant Crwsibl Cymru (£5,000) a ddyfarnwyd fel cyd-ymgeisydd gyda Dr Jo Welton (Prifysgol Metropolitan Caerdydd) i hwyluso'r cydweithrediad newydd hwn, 2018
- Grant Ymchwil Bach Cymdeithas Pysgodfeydd Ynysoedd Prydain (£5,000) i hwyluso cydweithrediad newydd gyda Dr Rachel Paterson (BIOSI), 2018
- Bwrsariaeth Myfyrwyr MSc CITER (£2500) i gynhyrchu data peilot ar gyfer cais cymrodoriaeth newydd gan Ymddiriedolaeth Wellcome, 2021
- Myfyriwr Haf CUROP (£2,000) i gefnogi cyflog myfyriwr prosiect israddedig, 2018, 2020
Teithio yn y gynhadledd:
- Ail Gronfa Deithio Symposiwm Chance Britton ( $ 1000) i fynychu'r gynhadledd, Mehefin 2018
- Cymdeithas Ryngwladol Protistologists - Gwobr Teithio Cyfarfod Bioleg Proftist Prydain i Fyfyrwyr a Postdocs ($ 500) a ddyfarnwyd i fynychu a chyflwyno yng nghyfarfod ar y cyd ISOP/BSPB a gynhaliwyd ym Mhrifysgol Caint, Caergaint, 18-23 Gorffennaf 2010
- Grant Teithio Cyfarfod Gwyddonol Cymdeithas Microbioleg (£350) a ddyfarnwyd i fynychu a chyflwyno yng Nghyngres Protistolegwyr Ewrop, Berlin, 25-29 Gorffennaf, 2011
- Grant Cynhadledd Cymdeithas Microbioleg (£ 350) a ddyfarnwyd i fod yn bresennol a chyflwyno yng Nghynhadledd Flynyddol SGM, Birmingham, 30 Mawrth - 2 Ebrill, 2015
- Grant Cynhadledd Cymdeithas Microbioleg (£270) a ddyfarnwyd i fynychu a chyflwyno yng Nghynhadledd Flynyddol y Gymdeithas Microbioleg, Caeredin, 3-6 Ebrill, 2017
Ymweliadau â labordai rhyngwladol:
- The Journal of Experimental Biology Travelling Fellowship ($800) a ddyfarnwyd ar gyfer ymweliad ymchwil â Phrifysgol Feddygol Fienna, 2010
- Ysgoloriaeth Teithio Urdd Lifrai Cymru (£500) a ddyfarnwyd am ficrosgopeg electronau sganio a gynhaliwyd ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd, 2010
- Ysgoloriaeth Deithio Charles Coles (£400) a ddyfarnwyd am ymweliad ymchwil â Phrifysgol Johns Hopkins, MD a Phrifysgol Pace, NY, 2011
- Ysgoloriaeth Teithio Goffa Gillian Powell (£100) wedi'i dyfarnu ar gyfer ymweliad ymchwil â'r Sefydliad Dyframaeth ym Mhrifysgol Stirling, 2010
- Grant Allgymorth Cymdeithas Microbioleg (£ 1000) ar gyfer gweithgareddau yn yr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol, 2018
- Grant Allgymorth NRN (£500) ar gyfer gweithgareddau yn yr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol, 2017
Rwy'n Ddarlithydd Microbioleg sy'n addysgu ar y modiwlau canlynol:
- Sgiliau BI1001 ar gyfer Gwyddoniaeth: Datrys Problemau mewn Bioleg ac ymarferol ar dechnegau aseptig
- Organebau a'r Amgylchedd BI1003: y microbiome a'r ymwrthedd gwrthficrobaidd.
- Cysyniadau Clefyd BI2332: microbiome y perfedd ac ymarferol ar achosion o heintiau.
- BI3155 Bioleg Heintiau ac Epidemioleg: virulence bacteriol.
Rwyf hefyd wedi darlithio gwadd ym Mhrifysgol Metropolitan Caerdydd, am y drydedd flwyddyn mewn Gwyddor Gofal Iechyd ac MSc mewn Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymhwysol, yn ogystal â modiwl Electroneg Feddygol Blwyddyn 3 ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd, Ysgol Peirianneg.
Rwy'n Gymrawd Cyswllt o'r Academi Addysg Uwch.
Rwyf wedi goruchwylio >20 o fyfyrwyr israddedig, ôl-raddedig a lleoliadau haf yn eu prosiectau labordy ac rwyf hefyd yn gyd-oruchwyliwr tair ysgoloriaeth PhD ryngddisgyblaethol (BBSRC SWBio, BIOSI-ENGIN; EPSRC IDTH mewn Biosynwyryddion a Diagnosteg, ENGIN-CHEMY-BIOSI a CHEMY-BIOSI).
Darlithydd mewn Microbioleg, Ysgol y Biowyddorau Caerdydd
Mehefin 2021 - presennol
Cymrawd Ymchwil Sêr Cymru II, Ysgol Peirianneg Caerdydd
Rhagfyr 2016 – Awst 2021
Cydymaith Ymchwil Ôl-ddoethurol Sêr Cymru (NRN), Ysgolion Biowyddoniaeth a Pheirianneg Caerdydd
Rhagfyr 2014 - Tachwedd 2016
Cydymaith Ymchwil Ôl-ddoethurol KTP, Cultech Cyf. & Prifysgol Reading
Mehefin 2013 - Tachwedd 2014
PhD, Prifysgol Caerdydd
Hydref 2009 - Mai 2013
Ysgolion Biowyddoniaeth a Chemeg, Prifysgol Caerdydd a Neem Biotech Ltd. (EPSRC)
Goruchwylwyr: Dr Joanne Cable, Dr Michael Coogan, Yr Athro David Lloyd a Dr David Williams
Anrhydeddau a dyfarniadau
- Wedi'i ddewis fel un o'r 50 o Fenywod Gorau mewn Peirianneg y Telegraph, 2017
- Wedi'i ddewis fel un o 35 o fenywod busnes a phroffesiynol ifanc gorau Wales Online o dan 35, 2017
- Dyfarnwyd gwobr 1af am gyflwyniadau poster/llafar yn Fforwm Microbioleg Cymru Gyfan a De-orllewin Lloegr, Abertawe, 2012; Darlith Nodedig NRN, 2015; a Gŵyl Ymchwil Sêr Cymru, 2017
- Tystysgrif Cymeradwyaeth gan Gymdeithas Sŵolegol Llundain ar gyfer gwobr Thomas Henry Huxley, 2013
- Gwobr Datblygiad Proffesiynol City and Guilds, 2009
Aelodaethau proffesiynol
- Cymdeithas Microbioleg Gyffredinol (SGM), rhif aelodaeth: 1081390
- Cymdeithas Microbioleg Gymhwysol (SfAM), rhif aelodaeth: 504010
- Cymdeithas Peirianneg Menywod
- Sefydliad y Peirianwyr Trydanol ac Electroneg (IEEE), rhif aelodaeth: 93806199 (2018)
Pwyllgorau ac adolygu
- Golygydd Adolygu ar gyfer Frontiers in Microbiology, 2015-presennol. Mae cylchgronau eraill yn cynnwys Nature Scientific Reports.
- Aelod panel Fforwm Gyrfa Gynnar Peirianneg EPSRC, 2018-presennol.
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
Ar hyn o bryd rwy'n goruchwylio'r myfyrwyr canlynol
- Božo Lugonja (Ysgol y Biowyddorau): Triniaethau Dŵr Newydd ar gyfer Cryptosporidium Pathogen Zoonotig Waterborne Cryptosporidium (ymgeisydd PhD)
- Angharad Miles (Ysgol Peirianneg): Rhyngweithio sylfaenol celloedd â meysydd electromagnetig (ymgeisydd PhD)
- Charlotte Morgan (Ysgol y Biowyddorau): Ymchwilio i botensial therapiwtig microdonnau wrth wella clwyfau (MRes)
Contact Details
+44 29208 74595
Adeilad Syr Martin Evans, Ystafell W/2.12, Rhodfa'r Amgueddfa, Caerdydd, CF10 3AX