Dr Rachel Wood
BA (Hons), MSt, DPhil, FHEA
Darlithydd mewn Hanes Helenistaidd
Mae fy ymchwil yn canolbwyntio ar sut y chwaraeodd celf a diwylliant gweledol rôl wrth lunio profiad yn y byd Hellenistaidd (c.330-c.30 CC), yn enwedig yn y Dwyrain Canol a Chanolbarth Asia, yn ac o amgylch ymerodraeth Seleukid. Mae gen i ddiddordeb arbennig yn yr hyn y gallwn ei ddysgu o eiconograffeg a gwrthrychau am ddulliau rhyngweithio diwylliannol a chrefyddau hynafol. Rwy'n addysgu amrywiaeth o bynciau mewn hanes ac archaeoleg hynafol, o'r cyfnod Clasurol i hynafiaeth hwyr ar draws Môr y Canoldir i Ganol Asia.
- Wood, R. 2021. Response to R. Hobbs, 'Use of decorated silver Plate in Imperial Rome and Sasanian Iran'. In: Elsner, J. and Wood, R. eds. Imagining the Divine: Art in Religions of Late Antiquity across Eurasia. London: British Museum Press, pp. 150-154.
- Elsner, J. and Wood, R. eds. 2021. Imagining the divine: Exploring art in religions of Late Antiquity across Eurasia. London: British Museum.
- Wood, R. 2020. Connecting art and Zoroastrianism in Sasanian studies. In: Elsner, J. ed. Empires of Faith in Late Antiquity: Histories of Art and Religion from India to Ireland. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 223-259., (10.1017/9781108564465.011)
- Wood, R. 2018. The Khosro Cup Replication Project. [Exhibition and video]. Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, 19 Oct 2017-18 Feb 2018.
- Wood, R. 2018. Wandering hero, wandering myths? The image of Heracles in Iran. In: Audley-Miller, L. G. and Dignas, B. eds. Wandering Myths: Transcultural Uses of Myth in the Ancient World. De Gruyter, pp. 327-355., (10.1515/9783110421453-014)
- Kelley, K. and Wood, R. eds. 2018. Digital imaging of artefacts: Developments in methods and aims. Oxford: Archeopress.
- Wood, R. and Ali, N. 2017. The emergence of Islamic art. In: Elsner, J., Lenk, S. and Parpulov, G. eds. Imagining the Divine: Art and the Rise of World Religions. Oxford: Ashmolean, pp. 135-161.
- Adrych, P. et al. eds. 2017. Images of Mithra. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (10.1093/oso/9780198792536.001.0001)
- Wood, R. 2017. The Khosro Cup. Oxford: Ashmolean Museum.
- Wood, R. 2011. Cultural convergence in Bactria: the votives from the Temple of the Oxos at Takht-i Sangin. In: Kouremenos, A., Chandrasekaran, S. and Rossi, R. eds. From Pella to Gandhara: Hybridisation and Identity in the Art and Architecture of the Hellenistic East. British Archaeological Reports, pp. 141-152.
Book sections
- Wood, R. 2021. Response to R. Hobbs, 'Use of decorated silver Plate in Imperial Rome and Sasanian Iran'. In: Elsner, J. and Wood, R. eds. Imagining the Divine: Art in Religions of Late Antiquity across Eurasia. London: British Museum Press, pp. 150-154.
- Wood, R. 2020. Connecting art and Zoroastrianism in Sasanian studies. In: Elsner, J. ed. Empires of Faith in Late Antiquity: Histories of Art and Religion from India to Ireland. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 223-259., (10.1017/9781108564465.011)
- Wood, R. 2018. Wandering hero, wandering myths? The image of Heracles in Iran. In: Audley-Miller, L. G. and Dignas, B. eds. Wandering Myths: Transcultural Uses of Myth in the Ancient World. De Gruyter, pp. 327-355., (10.1515/9783110421453-014)
- Wood, R. and Ali, N. 2017. The emergence of Islamic art. In: Elsner, J., Lenk, S. and Parpulov, G. eds. Imagining the Divine: Art and the Rise of World Religions. Oxford: Ashmolean, pp. 135-161.
- Wood, R. 2011. Cultural convergence in Bactria: the votives from the Temple of the Oxos at Takht-i Sangin. In: Kouremenos, A., Chandrasekaran, S. and Rossi, R. eds. From Pella to Gandhara: Hybridisation and Identity in the Art and Architecture of the Hellenistic East. British Archaeological Reports, pp. 141-152.
- Elsner, J. and Wood, R. eds. 2021. Imagining the divine: Exploring art in religions of Late Antiquity across Eurasia. London: British Museum.
- Kelley, K. and Wood, R. eds. 2018. Digital imaging of artefacts: Developments in methods and aims. Oxford: Archeopress.
- Adrych, P. et al. eds. 2017. Images of Mithra. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (10.1093/oso/9780198792536.001.0001)
- Wood, R. 2018. The Khosro Cup Replication Project. [Exhibition and video]. Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, 19 Oct 2017-18 Feb 2018.
- Wood, R. 2017. The Khosro Cup. Oxford: Ashmolean Museum.
Rwy'n gynullydd modiwlau ar gyfer yr opsiwn Blwyddyn 2 'O'r Byd Helenistaidd i'r Ymerodraeth Rufeinig' ac yn cyfrannu at addysgu ar fodiwlau eraill, gan gynnwys:
Blwyddyn 1
- Ymchwilio i'r Byd Hynafol: Sgiliau a Thystiolaeth
- Gwrthrychau Hynafol yna ac yn awr
- Ymerodraethau Dwyrain a Gorllewin 323 CC - 680 OC
- Byd yn llawn o dduwiau
- Archaeoleg Cymdeithasau'r Canoldir: Yr Aifft, Gwlad Groeg a Rhufain
Blwyddyn 2
- Y gorffennol a'r presennol: Dod ar draws hynafiaeth
- Cyflwyniad i Gelf ac Archaeoleg Groeg
- Gwneud Hanes yr Henfyd: Themâu a Dulliau
Darlithydd mewn Hanes Helenistaidd, Prifysgol Caerdydd, 2024-
Darlithydd Adrannol mewn Archaeoleg Glasurol, Prifysgol Rhydychen, 2018-2024
Mae'r cyd-guradur, 'Imagining the Divine: Art and the Rise of World Religions', arddangosfa yn Amgueddfa Ashmolean, Rhydychen ar agor o Hydref 2017-Chwefror 2018.
Ymchwilydd ôl-ddoethurol, prosiect Empires of Faith , Yr Amgueddfa Brydeinig a Phrifysgol Rhydychen, 2013-2018, yng nghelf a chrefydd Sasanian
Archaeoleg DPhil (Oxf) 2013 'Ar ôl yr Achaemenids: cyfnewid, trosglwyddo a thrawsnewid mewn celf yn niwylliant gweledol Babylonia, Iran, a Bactria c.330-c.100 BC': Yr Athro Bert Smith a'r Athro Rachel Mairs
Archaeoleg Glasurol MSt (Oxf) 2008
Archaeoleg Glasurol a Hanes yr Henfyd BA (Anrh) (Oxf) 2007
Contact Details
Themâu ymchwil
- Archaeoleg Glasurol
- Hanes Helenistaidd
- Hanes celf
- Iconograffeg
- Iran hynafol