Sophie Wood
Cymrawd Ymchwil, GOFAL a CTR
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Rwy'n gymrawd ymchwil yn y Ganolfan Ymchwil Gofal Cymdeithasol i Oedolion (CARE) a'r Ganolfan Ymchwil Treialon (CTR). Rwy'n ymchwilydd dulliau cymysg, gyda phrofiad o ddadansoddi a chysylltu data gweinyddol mawr a gwerthuso ymyriadau cymhleth.
Fy mhrif ddiddordebau ymchwil yw iechyd meddwl, dibyniaeth, gofal cymdeithasol plant ac oedolion, pontio, ymarfer gwaith cymdeithasol, a defnyddio deallusrwydd artiffisial mewn gofal cymdeithasol.
Mae gen i ddiddordeb mewn datblygu ymchwil mewn sawl maes:
- Anghydraddoldeb rhywedd
- Pontio o wasanaethau cymdeithasol plant i wasanaethau cymdeithasol i oedolion.
- Defnyddio sylweddau, iechyd meddwl, ac ymyriadau cam-drin domestig.
- Defnyddio cysylltiad data gweinyddol mewn ymchwil gofal cymdeithasol.
- Cymhwyso deallusrwydd artiffisial mewn gofal cymdeithasol.
- Wood, S. et al. 2024. Family group conference provision in UK local authorities and associations with children looked after rates. The British Journal of Social Work 54(5), pp. 2045-2066. (10.1093/bjsw/bcae019)
- Wood, S., Williams, A., Warner, N., Hodges, H., Cummings, A. and Forrester, D. 2024. Outcomes for high-risk young people referred to secure children’s homes for welfare reasons: a population record linkage study in England. Journal of Children's Services 19(2), pp. 105-122. (10.1108/JCS-04-2023-0018)
- Scourfield, J. et al. 2024. Family group conferencing for children and families: Evaluation of implementation, context and effectiveness (Family VOICE). Study protocol. PLoS ONE 19(6), article number: e0300834. (10.1371/journal.pone.0300834)
- Roberts, L. M., Rees, A., Elliott, D. and Wood, S. 2024. ‘The worst day of my life’: Foster carers’ experiences of allegations. Adoption & Fostering 48(1), pp. 7-29. (10.1177/03085759231212501)
- Roberts, L. M., Wood, S., Corliss, C. and Anthony, R. 2023. Exploring online experiences, cyberbullying and wellbeing for young people looked after in Wales: An analysis of the school health research network 2017/18 survey. Developmental Child Welfare 5(4), pp. 204-222. (10.1177/25161032231204967)
- Wood, S. and Forrester, D. 2023. Comparing local authority rates of children in care: A survey of the children’s social care workforce in Wales. The British Journal of Social Work 53(6), pp. 3089-3109. (10.1093/bjsw/bcad097)
- Wood, S. et al. 2022. A UK-wide survey of family group conference provision. Project Report. Cardiff: CASCADE.
- Wood, S., Scourfield, J., Stabler, L., Addis, S., Wilkins, D., Forrester, D. and Brand, S. L. 2022. How might changes to family income affect the likelihood of children being in out-of-home care? Evidence from a realist and qualitative rapid evidence assessment of interventions. Children and Youth Services Review 143, article number: 106685. (10.1016/j.childyouth.2022.106685)
- Williams, A., Cummings, A., Forrester, D., Hodges, H., Warner, N. and Wood, S. 2022. Even secure children’s homes won’t take me. Children placed in alternative accommodation. Residential Treatment for Children and Youth 39(4), pp. 370-386. (10.1080/0886571X.2022.2044431)
- Stabler, L. et al. 2021. A scoping review of system-level mechanisms to prevent children being in out-of-home care. British Journal of Social Work 52(5), pp. 2515-2536., article number: bcab213. (10.1093/bjsw/bcab213)
- Freeth, H., Wood, S., Allsopp, M. and Wilkinson, K. 2020. Improving the quality of hospital care provided to people aged 11-25 years with a mental health condition. British Journal of Hospital Medicine 81(8) (10.12968/hmed.2020.0244)
- Williams, A., Wood, S., Warner, N., Cummings, A., Hodges, H., El-Banna, A. and Daher, S. 2020. Unlocking the facts: young people referred to secure children's homes. What Works for Children's Social Care. Available at:
- Brand, S., Wood, S., Stabler, L., Addis, S., Scourfield, J., Wilkins, D. and Forrester, D. 2019. How family budget change interventions affect children being in care: a rapid evidence assessment. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff, Wales: What Works for Children's Social Care. Available at:
- John, A. et al. 2019. Mental healthcare in young people and young adults. Report 2. National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death. Available at:
- Wood, S., Marchant, A., Allsopp, M., Wilkinson, K., Bethel, J., Jones, H. and John, A. 2019. Epidemiology of eating disorders in primary care in children and young people: a Clinical Practice Research Datalink study in England. BMJ Open 9(8), article number: e026691. (10.1136/bmjopen-2018-026691)
- Brand, S. et al. 2018. Mapping the evidence about what works to safely reduce the number of children and young people in statutory care: A systematic scoping review. Technical Report.
- John, A., Akbari, A., Marchant, A., Wang, T., Rees, S. and Wood, S. 2018. Child health clinical outcome review programme: the mental healthcare of young people and young adults. International Journal of Population Data Science 3(4), pp. 114. (10.23889/ijpds.v3i4.705)
- John, A. et al. 2018. What is an admission? a standardised approach to classifying inpatient episode data from multiple jurisdictions. International Journal of Population Data Science 3(4) (10.23889/ijpds.v3i4.775)
- John, A. et al. 2018. Self-harm, suicidal behaviours, and cyberbullying in children and young people: systematic review. Journal of Medical Internet Research 20(4), article number: e129. (10.2196/jmir.9044)
- Wright, M., Carter, B., Kemp, A., John, A. and Wood, S. 2017. Child health clinical outcome review programme: Health care utilisation, care pathways and educational status in children and young people with adolescent mental health problems with a focus on self harm, eating disorders and anxiety and depression. International Journal of Population Data Science 1(1), article number: 111. (10.23889/ijpds.v1i1.130)
- Wood, S., Demougin, P. R., Higgins, S., Husk, K., Wheeler, B. W. and White, M. 2016. Exploring the relationship between childhood obesity and proximity to the coast: a rural/urban perspective. Health & Place 40, pp. 129-136. (10.1016/j.healthplace.2016.05.010)
- Wood, S. et al. 2024. Family group conference provision in UK local authorities and associations with children looked after rates. The British Journal of Social Work 54(5), pp. 2045-2066. (10.1093/bjsw/bcae019)
- Wood, S., Williams, A., Warner, N., Hodges, H., Cummings, A. and Forrester, D. 2024. Outcomes for high-risk young people referred to secure children’s homes for welfare reasons: a population record linkage study in England. Journal of Children's Services 19(2), pp. 105-122. (10.1108/JCS-04-2023-0018)
- Scourfield, J. et al. 2024. Family group conferencing for children and families: Evaluation of implementation, context and effectiveness (Family VOICE). Study protocol. PLoS ONE 19(6), article number: e0300834. (10.1371/journal.pone.0300834)
- Roberts, L. M., Rees, A., Elliott, D. and Wood, S. 2024. ‘The worst day of my life’: Foster carers’ experiences of allegations. Adoption & Fostering 48(1), pp. 7-29. (10.1177/03085759231212501)
- Roberts, L. M., Wood, S., Corliss, C. and Anthony, R. 2023. Exploring online experiences, cyberbullying and wellbeing for young people looked after in Wales: An analysis of the school health research network 2017/18 survey. Developmental Child Welfare 5(4), pp. 204-222. (10.1177/25161032231204967)
- Wood, S. and Forrester, D. 2023. Comparing local authority rates of children in care: A survey of the children’s social care workforce in Wales. The British Journal of Social Work 53(6), pp. 3089-3109. (10.1093/bjsw/bcad097)
- Wood, S., Scourfield, J., Stabler, L., Addis, S., Wilkins, D., Forrester, D. and Brand, S. L. 2022. How might changes to family income affect the likelihood of children being in out-of-home care? Evidence from a realist and qualitative rapid evidence assessment of interventions. Children and Youth Services Review 143, article number: 106685. (10.1016/j.childyouth.2022.106685)
- Williams, A., Cummings, A., Forrester, D., Hodges, H., Warner, N. and Wood, S. 2022. Even secure children’s homes won’t take me. Children placed in alternative accommodation. Residential Treatment for Children and Youth 39(4), pp. 370-386. (10.1080/0886571X.2022.2044431)
- Stabler, L. et al. 2021. A scoping review of system-level mechanisms to prevent children being in out-of-home care. British Journal of Social Work 52(5), pp. 2515-2536., article number: bcab213. (10.1093/bjsw/bcab213)
- Freeth, H., Wood, S., Allsopp, M. and Wilkinson, K. 2020. Improving the quality of hospital care provided to people aged 11-25 years with a mental health condition. British Journal of Hospital Medicine 81(8) (10.12968/hmed.2020.0244)
- Wood, S., Marchant, A., Allsopp, M., Wilkinson, K., Bethel, J., Jones, H. and John, A. 2019. Epidemiology of eating disorders in primary care in children and young people: a Clinical Practice Research Datalink study in England. BMJ Open 9(8), article number: e026691. (10.1136/bmjopen-2018-026691)
- John, A., Akbari, A., Marchant, A., Wang, T., Rees, S. and Wood, S. 2018. Child health clinical outcome review programme: the mental healthcare of young people and young adults. International Journal of Population Data Science 3(4), pp. 114. (10.23889/ijpds.v3i4.705)
- John, A. et al. 2018. What is an admission? a standardised approach to classifying inpatient episode data from multiple jurisdictions. International Journal of Population Data Science 3(4) (10.23889/ijpds.v3i4.775)
- John, A. et al. 2018. Self-harm, suicidal behaviours, and cyberbullying in children and young people: systematic review. Journal of Medical Internet Research 20(4), article number: e129. (10.2196/jmir.9044)
- Wright, M., Carter, B., Kemp, A., John, A. and Wood, S. 2017. Child health clinical outcome review programme: Health care utilisation, care pathways and educational status in children and young people with adolescent mental health problems with a focus on self harm, eating disorders and anxiety and depression. International Journal of Population Data Science 1(1), article number: 111. (10.23889/ijpds.v1i1.130)
- Wood, S., Demougin, P. R., Higgins, S., Husk, K., Wheeler, B. W. and White, M. 2016. Exploring the relationship between childhood obesity and proximity to the coast: a rural/urban perspective. Health & Place 40, pp. 129-136. (10.1016/j.healthplace.2016.05.010)
- Wood, S. et al. 2022. A UK-wide survey of family group conference provision. Project Report. Cardiff: CASCADE.
- Williams, A., Wood, S., Warner, N., Cummings, A., Hodges, H., El-Banna, A. and Daher, S. 2020. Unlocking the facts: young people referred to secure children's homes. What Works for Children's Social Care. Available at:
- Brand, S., Wood, S., Stabler, L., Addis, S., Scourfield, J., Wilkins, D. and Forrester, D. 2019. How family budget change interventions affect children being in care: a rapid evidence assessment. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff, Wales: What Works for Children's Social Care. Available at:
- John, A. et al. 2019. Mental healthcare in young people and young adults. Report 2. National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death. Available at:
- Brand, S. et al. 2018. Mapping the evidence about what works to safely reduce the number of children and young people in statutory care: A systematic scoping review. Technical Report.
Mae fy ymchwil hyd yma wedi canolbwyntio ar ofal cymdeithasol ac iechyd meddwl. Rwyf wedi defnyddio ystod o ddulliau meintiol ac ansoddol gan gynnwys dadansoddi cofnodion data gweinyddol, arolygon, cyfweliadau, grwpiau ffocws, adolygiadau systematig ac adolygiadau realaidd.
Prosiect cyfredol:
Yn fy swydd fel cymrawd ymchwil ar gyfer y ganolfan CARE sydd newydd ei sefydlu, rwy'n arwain ac yn cefnogi datblygiad ceisiadau mewn ymchwil gofal cymdeithasol i oedolion.
Prosiectau blaenorol:
Dadansoddiad data i gefnogi gweithio amlasiantaethol ar gyfer plant a theuluoedd sy'n agored i niwed: Ymchwilydd cychwynnol yn arwain adolygiad ynghylch sut a pha ddata amlasiantaeth y gallai awdurdodau lleol ei ddefnyddio i lywio gwasanaethau ar gyfer plant a theuluoedd.
Beth yw canlyniadau'r gwasanaeth ar gyfer plant sy'n cael eu camfanteisio'n droseddol? Cyd-ymchwilydd ar brosiect sy'n archwilio llwybrau atgyfeirio a chanlyniadau plant sy'n cael eu camfanteisio yn droseddol gan ddefnyddio data ffeiliau achos awdurdodau lleol a data gweinyddol a gedwir ym Manc Data SAIL.
Llais y Teulu: Gwerthuso cynadleddau grwpiau teuluol yn y DU: Rheolwr astudio gwerthusiad mawr o gynadleddau grwpiau teuluol yn y DU. Defnyddiodd yr astudiaeth ddull cymysg realaidd i geisio deall sut mae cyd-destun ac ansawdd FGCs yn dylanwadu ar brofiadau teuluol a chanlyniadau FGCs.
Gwasanaethau cymdeithasol plant a chyfraddau gofal yng Nghymru: Arolwg o'r sector. Arolwg o unigolion sy'n gweithio ym maes gofal cymdeithasol plant i archwilio amrywiaeth yng nghyfraddau plant sy'n derbyn gofal ymhlith awdurdodau lleol yng Nghymru. Archwiliodd yr astudiaeth yr amrywiad yng nghyfraddau plant sy'n derbyn gofal ymhlith awdurdodau lleol yng Nghymru, o ran pam mae cyfraddau rhai awdurdodau lleol yn cynyddu, rhai yn gostwng, ac mae rhai yn parhau'n gyson. Canfuom y gallai gwahaniaethau mewn diwylliant sefydliadol, gwerthoedd, agweddau, gwneud penderfyniadau ac ymarfer gyfrannu at y gwahaniaethau hyn yng nghyfraddau gofal. Ariannwyd gan Lywodraeth Cymru. Adroddiad ar gael yma:
Beth sy'n digwydd i bobl ifanc sy'n cael eu cyfeirio at lety diogel? Prosiect cysylltu data gan ddefnyddio cofnodion data gweinyddol a gesglir yn rheolaidd a gedwir yn Lloegr: Ffurflenni Plant sy'n Derbyn Gofal, Cyfrifiad Plant Mewn Angen, a'r Uned Cydlynu Lles Diogel. Archwiliodd yr ymchwil y canlyniadau i bobl ifanc y cyfeirir atynt at lety diogel yn Lloegr. Wedi'i gomisiynu gan What Works for Children's Social Care a'i ariannu gan yr Adran Addysg. Adroddiad ar gael yma:
Adolygiad Realist Cyflym: Ymyriadau Newid Cyllideb i Deuluoedd. Asesiad tystiolaeth realistaidd cyflym i ddatblygu damcaniaeth rhaglen - gan ddefnyddio fframwaith EMMIE (effaith, cyfryngwyr, cymedrolwyr, gweithredu ac economeg) - ar gyfer sut, pwy ac o dan ba amgylchiadau ymyriadau sy'n cynyddu neu'n lleihau gwaith cyllideb teulu a sut mae'r ymyriadau hyn yn effeithio ar nifer y plant mewn gofal. Wedi'i gomisiynu gan What Works for Children's Social Care a'i ariannu gan yr Adran Addysg. Adroddiad ar gael yma:
Rhaglen Adolygu Canlyniadau Iechyd Plant: Gofal Iechyd Meddwl mewn Pobl Ifanc ac Oedolion Ifanc. Mae pedair cenedl yn astudio yn y DU gan ddefnyddio data gofal iechyd gweinyddol a gesglir fel mater o drefn i archwilio patrymau gofal iechyd ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc ag anhwylderau iechyd meddwl. Setiau data lluosog a ddefnyddir, gan gynnwys data o: CPRD (DU), SAIL (CYMRU), NHS Digital (Lloegr), ISD (Yr Alban), a HBS (Gogledd Iwerddon). Comisiynwyd gan y Health Quality Improvement Partnership a'i ariannu gan y GIG. Adroddiad ar gael yma: (adroddiad 2)
Y berthynas rhwng gordewdra plentyndod ac agosrwydd at yr arfordir. Gan ddefnyddio data lefel ardal sydd ar gael yn gyhoeddus (y Rhaglen Mesur Plant Genedlaethol, ONS, yr Adran Cymunedau a Llywodraeth Leol, Is-adran Seilwaith Data ac Ystadegau) a dadansoddiad gofodol, profwyd y cysylltiad rhwng gordewdra plentyndod ac agosrwydd at yr arfordir. Roedd yr astudiaeth yn seiliedig ar fy ymchwil MSc a gefnogwyd yn rhannol gan Raglen Gydgyfeirio Cronfa Gymdeithasol Ewrop ar gyfer Cernyw ac Ynysoedd Sili (11200NCO5). Papur ar gael yma:
- Prifysgol Exeter (2013-2014) - MSc yr Amgylchedd ac Iechyd Dynol: Rhagoriaeth
- Prifysgol Lerpwl (2010-2013) - BA Daearyddiaeth: Dosbarth Cyntaf Anrhydedd
Swyddi Academaidd
- Cymrawd Ymchwil - CARE, Prifysgol Caerdydd (presennol)
- Cydymaith Ymchwil - CASCADE, Prifysgol Caerdydd (2018-2024)
- Cynorthwy-ydd Ymchwil - Seiciatreg Poblogaeth, Hunanladdiad a Gwybodeg, Prifysgol Abertawe (2018)
- Cynorthwy-ydd Ymchwil - Is-adran Meddygaeth y Boblogaeth, Prifysgol Caerdydd (2015 – 2018)
- Cynorthwy-ydd Ymchwil - Canolfan Ewropeaidd yr Amgylchedd ac Iechyd Dynol, Prifysgol Exeter (2015)
Contact Details
+44 29206 87202
sbarc|spark, Ystafell 03.14, Heol Maendy, Cathays, Caerdydd, CF24 4HQ