Rwy'n ymchwilydd cymdeithasol sydd â diddordeb mewn casgliadau achosol. Mae fy sgiliau craidd mewn ystadegau, rhaglennu R, GIS a dylunio ymchwil cyffredinol. Rwy'n gwneud llawer o ymchwil gan ddefnyddio arbrofion naturiol a lled-arbrofion sy'n ymdrin â phynciau amrywiol.
Ar hyn o bryd rwy'n arwain prosiect i werthuso effaith Sure Start yng Ngogledd Iwerddon ar ganlyniadau iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol. Gweler yma am fwy o fanylion.
- Zhang, M., Scourfield, J., Cheung, S. Y. and Sharland, E. 2018. Comparing fathers and mothers who have social work contact: A research note. Social Work Research 42(2), pp. 131-136. (10.1093/swr/svx027)
- Maxwell, N., Scourfield, J., De Villiers, T., Pithouse, A. and Zhang, M. L. 2018. The pre-training characteristics of Frontline participants and mainstream social work students. British Journal of Social Work 48(2), pp. 487-504. (10.1093/bjsw/bcx042)
- Zhang, M. L., Henderson, M., Cheung, S. Y., Scourfield, J. and Sharland, E. 2017. Predicting the recipients of social work support, and its impact on emotional and behavioural problems in early childhood. Child and Family Social Work 22(2), pp. 772-781. (10.1111/cfs.12294)
- Sharland, E., Holland, P., Henderson, M., Zhang, M., Cheung, S. Y. and Scourfield, J. B. 2017. Assembling life history narratives from quantitative longitudinal panel data: what's the story for families using social work?. International Journal of Social Research Methodology 20, pp. 667-679. (10.1080/13645579.2017.1279915)
- Zhang, M. 2016. Graduate destinations and labour market stratification across different fields of study. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
- Maxwell, N. et al. 2016. Independent evaluation of the Frontline pilot: Research report. Project Report. [Online]. Department for Education. Available at:
- Zhang, M., Scourfield, J., Cheung, S. Y. and Sharland, E. 2018. Comparing fathers and mothers who have social work contact: A research note. Social Work Research 42(2), pp. 131-136. (10.1093/swr/svx027)
- Maxwell, N., Scourfield, J., De Villiers, T., Pithouse, A. and Zhang, M. L. 2018. The pre-training characteristics of Frontline participants and mainstream social work students. British Journal of Social Work 48(2), pp. 487-504. (10.1093/bjsw/bcx042)
- Zhang, M. L., Henderson, M., Cheung, S. Y., Scourfield, J. and Sharland, E. 2017. Predicting the recipients of social work support, and its impact on emotional and behavioural problems in early childhood. Child and Family Social Work 22(2), pp. 772-781. (10.1111/cfs.12294)
- Sharland, E., Holland, P., Henderson, M., Zhang, M., Cheung, S. Y. and Scourfield, J. B. 2017. Assembling life history narratives from quantitative longitudinal panel data: what's the story for families using social work?. International Journal of Social Research Methodology 20, pp. 667-679. (10.1080/13645579.2017.1279915)
- Zhang, M. 2016. Graduate destinations and labour market stratification across different fields of study. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
- Maxwell, N. et al. 2016. Independent evaluation of the Frontline pilot: Research report. Project Report. [Online]. Department for Education. Available at: