Yr Athro Peng Zhou
FHEA MSc BSc (Hons) BA (Hons) PGCE PhD (Econ)
Athro Economeg Gymhwysol
- Sylwebydd y cyfryngau
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Gyda gradd dosbarth cyntaf mewn Athroniaeth ym Mhrifysgol Peking (Prifysgol Peking ) ac MSc mewn Economeg a Chyllid ym Mhrifysgol Efrog, dechreuais fy ngyrfa mewn cwmni ymgynghori, gan ddarparu cyngor cyfreithiol ac ariannol i'r llywodraeth a busnesau mewn prosiectau seilwaith, megis gweithfeydd pŵer, gweithfeydd dŵr, gweithfeydd trin carthion, priffyrdd, a thanddaearoedd. Gadewais y cwmni i ddilyn fy PhD mewn Economeg ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd, gan ganolbwyntio ar fodelu macro-economaidd DSGE a micro-economeg gymhwysol.
Ar ôl ennill fy PhD, dechreuais fy ngyrfa academaidd fel darlithydd mewn Economeg a Chyllid ym Mhrifysgol Metropolitan Caerdydd, ac yna ymunais yn ffurfiol ag Ysgol Busnes Caerdydd ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd yn 2016. Rwyf bellach yn Athro Economeg Gymhwysol ac yn gyfarwyddwr Canolfan Ymchwil Busnes Tsieina a Sefydliad Ymchwil mewn Economeg a Datblygu Cymru.
Mae fy ymchwil mewn macro-economeg, arloesi a gwerthuso polisi wedi'i gyhoeddi mewn cyfnodolion maes gorau fel Polisi Ymchwil, Astudiaethau Reginal, Economic History Review, Journal of Business Ethics, Annals of Tourism Research, Energy Economics, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, ac ati.
Yn y cyfamser, rwy'n cadw cysylltiad agos â'r diwydiannau, gan ddarparu ymgynghoriaeth ar gyfer Confused.com, Ausnutria Dairy Co, Ltd a Peril Capital Ltd. Cyfrannais hefyd at werthusiad meintiol cynllun Addasu Byw'n Annibynnol Llywodraeth Cymru yn 2014 ac ymchwilio i anghenion iechyd y digartref yn 2016 (ar y cyd â Shelter Cymru). Mae fy erthygl gyhoeddedig ar fasnach ryngwladol wedi denu sylw eang yn llywodraeth Prydain, a chefais wahoddiad i gyflwyno fy nghanfyddiadau yn Nhŷ'r Senedd ym mis Chwefror 2015. Ysgrifennais hefyd erthyglau sylwebaeth ar gyfer Oxford Analytica, gyda darllenwyr eang yn amrywio o'r Cenhedloedd Unedig i fusnesau rhyngwladol.
- Yang, X., Zhou, P. and Dong, X. 2025. Wealth inequality, entrepreneurship, and aggregate output: a tale of two centuries in the UK. Macroeconomic Dynamics 29, article number: e74. (10.1017/S1365100525000045)
- Zhou, P., Gai, Y. and Wang, C. 2025. Determination of urban land value: a systematic literature review. Journal of Accounting Literature (10.1108/JAL-10-2024-0272)
- Wu, Q., Tong, G. and Zhou, P. 2025. Long-term wage inequality in imperial China: From 202 BCE to 1912 CE. PLoS ONE 20(1), article number: e0315627. (10.1371/journal.pone.0315627)
- Zhou, P. and Guo, D. 2025. Sanctions, co-sanctions, and counter-sanctions: a multilateral, evolutionary game among three global powers. Defence and Peace Economics 36(1), pp. 60-85. (10.1080/10242694.2023.2289820)
- Huang, J. and Zhou, P. 2025. Open innovation and entrepreneurship: a review from the perspective of sustainable business models. Sustainability 17(3), article number: 939. (10.3390/su17030939)
- Zhang, Y., Gong, B. and Zhou, P. 2024. Centralized use of decentralized technology: Tokenization of currencies and assets. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 71, pp. 15-25. (10.1016/j.strueco.2024.06.006)
- Zhou, P., Jin, S., Mazouz, K. and Ding, W. 2024. Choices and effects of different green labels in the EU bond market. Journal of Business Ethics (10.1007/s10551-024-05847-0)
- Zhang, Y., Tavalaei, M. M., Parry, G. and Zhou, P. 2024. Evolution or involution? A systematic literature review of organisations' blockchain adoption factors. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 208, article number: 123710. (10.1016/j.techfore.2024.123710)
- Huang, J. and Zhou, P. 2024. Causes and effects of social media engagement in luxury fashion marketing: a comparative study over the COVID pandemic. Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising (10.1080/10641734.2024.2377547)
- Chen, X., Mi, H. and Zhou, P. 2024. Whether to decentralize and how to decentralize? The optimal fiscal federalism in an endogenous growth model. Applied Economics 56(29), pp. 3499-3516. (10.1080/00036846.2023.2206629)
- Zhou, P. 2024. Make lectures match how we learn: The nonlinear teaching approach to economics. Education Sciences 14(5), article number: 509. (10.3390/educsci14050509)
- Xu, Y., Su, B., Pan, W. and Zhou, P. 2024. A high-frequency digital economy index: text analysis and factor analysis based on big data. Applied Economics Letters (10.1080/13504851.2024.2349128)
- Wei, H., Tu, Y. and Zhou, P. 2023. Technical barriers to trade and export performance: Comparing exiting and staying firms. Economic Modelling 126, article number: 106439. (10.1016/j.econmod.2023.106439)
- Foreman-Peck, J. and Zhou, P. 2023. Specialisation precedes diversification: R&D productivity effects. Research Policy 52(7), article number: 104808. (10.1016/j.respol.2023.104808)
- Wei, H., Deng, L. and Zhou, P. 2023. The impact of globalization on domestic employment. Applied Economics 55(29), pp. 3390-3403. (10.1080/00036846.2022.2114998)
- Guo, D. and Zhou, P. 2023. The evolution of financial market infrastructure: from digitalization to tokenization. International Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship 2(1), article number: 2. (10.56502/IJIE2010002)
- Yun, Z., Zhou, P. and Zhang, B. 2022. High-performance work systems, thriving at work, and job burnout among nurses in Chinese public hospitals: The role of resilience at work. Healthcare 10(10), article number: 1935. (10.3390/healthcare10101935)
- Zhou, P., Tzivanakis, N., Wang, T., Lu, Y. and Liu, P. 2022. Editorial: bridging the gap between innovation and entrepreneurship. International Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (10.56502/IJIE1010001)
- Foreman-Peck, J. and Zhou, P. 2022. R&D subsidies and productivity in eastern European countries. Economic Systems 46(2), article number: 100978. (10.1016/j.ecosys.2022.100978)
- Yang, X. and Zhou, P. 2022. Wealth inequality and social mobility: A simulation-based modelling approach. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 196, pp. 307-329. (10.1016/j.jebo.2022.02.012)
- Zhang, B. et al. 2022. The boundary conditions of high-performance work systems-organizational citizenship behavior relationship: a multiple-perspective exploration in the Chinese context. Frontiers in Psychology 12, article number: 743457. (10.3389/fpsyg.2021.743457)
- Guo, D. and Zhou, P. 2021. Green bonds as hedging assets before and after COVID: a comparative study between the US and China. Energy Economics 104, article number: 105696. (10.1016/j.eneco.2021.105696)
- Guo, D. and Zhou, P. 2021. The rise of a new anchor currency in RCEP? A tale of three currencies. Economic Modelling 104, article number: 105647. (10.1016/j.econmod.2021.105647)
- Zhang, B. and Zhou, P. 2021. Financial development and economic growth in a microfounded small open economy model. North American Journal of Economics and Finance 58, article number: 101544. (10.1016/j.najef.2021.101544)
- Wang, C., Le, V. P. M., Matthews, K. and Zhou, P. 2021. Shadow banking activity and entrusted loans in a DSGE model of China. Manchester School 89(5), pp. 445-469. (10.1111/manc.12319)
- Zhou, B., Zhang, Y. and Zhou, P. 2021. Multilateral political effects on outbound tourism. Annals of Tourism Research 88, article number: 103184. (10.1016/j.annals.2021.103184)
- Zhang, B., Zhang, Y. and Zhou, P. 2021. Consumer attitude towards sustainability of fast fashion products in the UK. Sustainability 13(4), article number: 1646. (10.3390/su13041646)
- Zhou, P. 2021. Separating yolk from white: a filter based on economic properties of trend and cycle. International Journal of Computational Economics and Econometrics 11(1), pp. 78-83. (10.1504/IJCEE.2021.111716)
- Zhang, B. and Zhou, P. 2020. An economic evaluation framework for government-funded home adaptation schemes: a quantitative approach. Healthcare 8(3), article number: 345. (10.3390/healthcare8030345)
- Foreman-Peck, J. and Zhou, P. 2020. Fertility versus productivity: a model of growth with evolutionary equilibria. Journal of Population Economics 34, pp. 1073-1104. (10.1007/s00148-020-00813-2)
- Huang, J., Matthews, K. and Zhou, P. 2020. What causes Chinese listed firms to switch bank loan provider? Evidence from a survival analysis. Emerging Markets Review 43, article number: 100678. (10.1016/j.ememar.2020.100678)
- Dai, L. and Zhou, P. 2020. The health issues of the homeless and the homeless issues of the ill-health. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 69, article number: 100677. (10.1016/j.seps.2018.12.004)
- Foreman-Peck, J. and Zhou, P. 2020. Devolving fiscal policy: migration and tax yields. Regional Studies 54(3), pp. 308-317. (10.1080/00343404.2019.1602256)
- Foreman-Peck, J. and Zhou, P. 2020. Welsh taxes. Welsh Economic Review 27, pp. 18-24. (10.18573/wer.254)
- Zhou, P. 2020. Use semi-structured discussion in health economics seminars. In: Al-Sartawi, A. et al. eds. Global Approaches to Sustainability Through Learning and Education. IGI Global, pp. 200-206., (10.4018/978-1-7998-0062-0.ch012)
- Minford, P., Wang, Y. and Zhou, P. 2020. Resolving the public-sector wage premium puzzle by indirect inference. Applied Economics 52(7), pp. 726-741. (10.1080/00036846.2019.1648748)
- Foreman-Peck, J. and Zhou, P. 2019. Response to Edwards and Ogilvie. Economic History Review 72(4), pp. 1477-1450. (10.1111/ehr.12819)
- Zhou, P. and Dixon, H. 2019. The determinants of price rigidity in the UK: Analysis of the CPI and PPI microdata and application to macrodata modelling. Manchester School 87(5), pp. 640-677. (10.1111/manc.12263)
- Wang, Y. and Zhou, P. 2019. The public sector wage premium puzzle. International Journal of Computational Economics and Econometrics 9(4), pp. 287-307. (10.1504/IJCEE.2019.10021464)
- Foreman-Peck, J. and Zhou, P. 2018. Late marriage as a contributor to the Industrial Revolution in England. Economic History Review 71(4), pp. 1073-1099. (10.1111/ehr.12651)
- White, G. R. T., Samuel, A., Zhou, P., Razak, A. A. and Thomas, S. 2018. Religious heterogeneity of food consumers: the impact of global markets upon methods of production. Journal of Consumer Behaviour 17(1), pp. 3-12. (10.1002/cb.1658)
- Thomas, A. M., White, G. R., Plant, E. and Zhou, P. 2017. Challenges and practices in Halal meat preparation: a case study investigation of a UK slaughterhouse. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence 28(1-2), pp. 12-31. (10.1080/14783363.2015.1044892)
- Wang, Y. and Zhou, P. 2017. Are we better off working in the public sector?. Presented at: 2016 International Conference on Applied Economics (ICOAE), Nicosia, Cyprus, 7-9 July 2016 Presented at Tsounis, N. and Vlachvei, A. eds.Advances in Applied Economic Research. Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing pp. 379-409., (10.1007/978-3-319-48454-9_28)
- Chen, X., Minford, A. P. L., Tian, K. and Zhou, P. 2017. Who provides the capital for Chinese growth: the public or the private sector?. Applied Economics 49(23), pp. 2238-2252. (10.1080/00036846.2016.1234704)
- Zhou, P., Youssef, N. and Sakr, A. 2017. The effect of board structure on Egyptian mutual fund fees: a structural equation model analysis. European Journal of Business and Management 9, pp. 86-104.
- Ahmed, S., Yousseff, N. and Zhou, P. 2017. The effect of board structure on stock picking and market timing abilities of the Egyptian mutual fund managers: Evidence from financial crisis. European Journal of Business and Management 9, pp. 91-110.
- Zhou, P. 2016. The Role of SOEs in the Chinese Growth Miracle: A “Pancake Theory”. International Journal of Economics & Management Sciences 6(1), article number: 1000393. (10.4172/2162-6359.1000393)
- Dai, L. and Zhou, P. 2016. Bubbles and overshooting crash. Business and Economics Journal 7(4), article number: 263. (10.4172/2151-6219.1000263)
- Zhou, P. and Li, D. 2016. Investment and technology upgrade of milk powder producers: A comparative study of Chinese and Dutch firms. Journal of Food and Dairy Technology 4(4), pp. 45-51.
- Zhou, P. and Li, D. 2016. Some new features of the global dairy industry. Journal of Food and Dairy Technology 4(4), pp. 38-44.
- Dai, L. and Zhou, P. 2016. Practice-oriented model selection in Forex market. International Journal of Economics & Management Sciences 5(6), article number: 1000383. (10.4172/2162-6359.1000383)
- Zhou, P. 2016. Money demand in China: A banking approach. International Journal of Economics & Management Sciences 5(6), article number: 1000381. (10.4172/2162-6359.1000381)
- Minford, A. P. L., Xu, Y. and Zhou, P. 2015. How good are out of sample forecasting tests on DSGE models?. Italian Economic Journal 1(3), pp. 333-351. (10.1007/s40797-015-0020-9)
- Foreman-Peck, J. and Zhou, P. 2015. Firm-level evidence for the language investment effect on SME Exporters. Scottish Journal of Political Economy 62(4), pp. 351-377.
- Bibbings, J., Boniface, G., Campbell, J., Findlay, G., Reeves McAll, E., Le Zhang, M. and Zhou, P. 2015. A review of independent living adaptations. Project Report. Cardiff: Crown Copyright.
- Li, D., Minford, A. P. L. and Zhou, P. 2015. A DSGE model of China. Applied Economics 47(59), pp. 6438-6460. (10.1080/00036846.2015.1071477)
- Minford, A. P. L., Xu, Y. and Zhou, P. 2014. How good are out of sample forecasting tests on DSGE models?. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Foreman-Peck, J. S. and Zhou, P. 2014. Firm-level evidence for the language investment effect on SME exporters. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Foreman-Peck, J. and Zhou, P. 2014. The rise of the English economy 1300-1900: a lasting response to demographic shocks. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Foreman-Peck, J. and Zhou, P. 2014. Cultures of female entrepreneurship. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Foreman-Peck, J. S. and Zhou, P. 2014. Cultures of female entrepreneurship. International Review of entrepreneurship 12(1), pp. 1-22.
- Foreman-Peck, J. S. and Zhou, P. 2013. The strength and persistence of entrepreneurial cultures. Journal of Evolutionary Economics 23(1), pp. 163-187. (10.1007/s00191-011-0239-z)
- Zhou, P. 2012. Microdata analysis of price setting behaviour and macrodata analysis of heterogeneous DSGE models. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
- Dixon, H. and Zhou, P. 2010. An empirical study on price rigidity. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Foreman-Peck, J. S. and Zhou, P. 2010. The strength and persistence of entrepreneurial cultures. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Foreman-Peck, J. S. and Zhou, P. 2010. Entrepreneurial culture or institutions? A twentieth century resolution. In: García-Ruiz, J. L. and Toninelli, P. A. eds. The determinants of entrepreneurship: leadership, culture, institutions. Perspectives in economic and social history Vol. 7. London: Pickering and Chatto, pp. 125-142.
- Yang, X., Zhou, P. and Dong, X. 2025. Wealth inequality, entrepreneurship, and aggregate output: a tale of two centuries in the UK. Macroeconomic Dynamics 29, article number: e74. (10.1017/S1365100525000045)
- Zhou, P., Gai, Y. and Wang, C. 2025. Determination of urban land value: a systematic literature review. Journal of Accounting Literature (10.1108/JAL-10-2024-0272)
- Wu, Q., Tong, G. and Zhou, P. 2025. Long-term wage inequality in imperial China: From 202 BCE to 1912 CE. PLoS ONE 20(1), article number: e0315627. (10.1371/journal.pone.0315627)
- Zhou, P. and Guo, D. 2025. Sanctions, co-sanctions, and counter-sanctions: a multilateral, evolutionary game among three global powers. Defence and Peace Economics 36(1), pp. 60-85. (10.1080/10242694.2023.2289820)
- Huang, J. and Zhou, P. 2025. Open innovation and entrepreneurship: a review from the perspective of sustainable business models. Sustainability 17(3), article number: 939. (10.3390/su17030939)
- Zhang, Y., Gong, B. and Zhou, P. 2024. Centralized use of decentralized technology: Tokenization of currencies and assets. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 71, pp. 15-25. (10.1016/j.strueco.2024.06.006)
- Zhou, P., Jin, S., Mazouz, K. and Ding, W. 2024. Choices and effects of different green labels in the EU bond market. Journal of Business Ethics (10.1007/s10551-024-05847-0)
- Zhang, Y., Tavalaei, M. M., Parry, G. and Zhou, P. 2024. Evolution or involution? A systematic literature review of organisations' blockchain adoption factors. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 208, article number: 123710. (10.1016/j.techfore.2024.123710)
- Huang, J. and Zhou, P. 2024. Causes and effects of social media engagement in luxury fashion marketing: a comparative study over the COVID pandemic. Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising (10.1080/10641734.2024.2377547)
- Chen, X., Mi, H. and Zhou, P. 2024. Whether to decentralize and how to decentralize? The optimal fiscal federalism in an endogenous growth model. Applied Economics 56(29), pp. 3499-3516. (10.1080/00036846.2023.2206629)
- Zhou, P. 2024. Make lectures match how we learn: The nonlinear teaching approach to economics. Education Sciences 14(5), article number: 509. (10.3390/educsci14050509)
- Xu, Y., Su, B., Pan, W. and Zhou, P. 2024. A high-frequency digital economy index: text analysis and factor analysis based on big data. Applied Economics Letters (10.1080/13504851.2024.2349128)
- Wei, H., Tu, Y. and Zhou, P. 2023. Technical barriers to trade and export performance: Comparing exiting and staying firms. Economic Modelling 126, article number: 106439. (10.1016/j.econmod.2023.106439)
- Foreman-Peck, J. and Zhou, P. 2023. Specialisation precedes diversification: R&D productivity effects. Research Policy 52(7), article number: 104808. (10.1016/j.respol.2023.104808)
- Wei, H., Deng, L. and Zhou, P. 2023. The impact of globalization on domestic employment. Applied Economics 55(29), pp. 3390-3403. (10.1080/00036846.2022.2114998)
- Guo, D. and Zhou, P. 2023. The evolution of financial market infrastructure: from digitalization to tokenization. International Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship 2(1), article number: 2. (10.56502/IJIE2010002)
- Yun, Z., Zhou, P. and Zhang, B. 2022. High-performance work systems, thriving at work, and job burnout among nurses in Chinese public hospitals: The role of resilience at work. Healthcare 10(10), article number: 1935. (10.3390/healthcare10101935)
- Zhou, P., Tzivanakis, N., Wang, T., Lu, Y. and Liu, P. 2022. Editorial: bridging the gap between innovation and entrepreneurship. International Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (10.56502/IJIE1010001)
- Foreman-Peck, J. and Zhou, P. 2022. R&D subsidies and productivity in eastern European countries. Economic Systems 46(2), article number: 100978. (10.1016/j.ecosys.2022.100978)
- Yang, X. and Zhou, P. 2022. Wealth inequality and social mobility: A simulation-based modelling approach. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 196, pp. 307-329. (10.1016/j.jebo.2022.02.012)
- Zhang, B. et al. 2022. The boundary conditions of high-performance work systems-organizational citizenship behavior relationship: a multiple-perspective exploration in the Chinese context. Frontiers in Psychology 12, article number: 743457. (10.3389/fpsyg.2021.743457)
- Guo, D. and Zhou, P. 2021. Green bonds as hedging assets before and after COVID: a comparative study between the US and China. Energy Economics 104, article number: 105696. (10.1016/j.eneco.2021.105696)
- Guo, D. and Zhou, P. 2021. The rise of a new anchor currency in RCEP? A tale of three currencies. Economic Modelling 104, article number: 105647. (10.1016/j.econmod.2021.105647)
- Zhang, B. and Zhou, P. 2021. Financial development and economic growth in a microfounded small open economy model. North American Journal of Economics and Finance 58, article number: 101544. (10.1016/j.najef.2021.101544)
- Wang, C., Le, V. P. M., Matthews, K. and Zhou, P. 2021. Shadow banking activity and entrusted loans in a DSGE model of China. Manchester School 89(5), pp. 445-469. (10.1111/manc.12319)
- Zhou, B., Zhang, Y. and Zhou, P. 2021. Multilateral political effects on outbound tourism. Annals of Tourism Research 88, article number: 103184. (10.1016/j.annals.2021.103184)
- Zhang, B., Zhang, Y. and Zhou, P. 2021. Consumer attitude towards sustainability of fast fashion products in the UK. Sustainability 13(4), article number: 1646. (10.3390/su13041646)
- Zhou, P. 2021. Separating yolk from white: a filter based on economic properties of trend and cycle. International Journal of Computational Economics and Econometrics 11(1), pp. 78-83. (10.1504/IJCEE.2021.111716)
- Zhang, B. and Zhou, P. 2020. An economic evaluation framework for government-funded home adaptation schemes: a quantitative approach. Healthcare 8(3), article number: 345. (10.3390/healthcare8030345)
- Foreman-Peck, J. and Zhou, P. 2020. Fertility versus productivity: a model of growth with evolutionary equilibria. Journal of Population Economics 34, pp. 1073-1104. (10.1007/s00148-020-00813-2)
- Huang, J., Matthews, K. and Zhou, P. 2020. What causes Chinese listed firms to switch bank loan provider? Evidence from a survival analysis. Emerging Markets Review 43, article number: 100678. (10.1016/j.ememar.2020.100678)
- Dai, L. and Zhou, P. 2020. The health issues of the homeless and the homeless issues of the ill-health. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 69, article number: 100677. (10.1016/j.seps.2018.12.004)
- Foreman-Peck, J. and Zhou, P. 2020. Devolving fiscal policy: migration and tax yields. Regional Studies 54(3), pp. 308-317. (10.1080/00343404.2019.1602256)
- Foreman-Peck, J. and Zhou, P. 2020. Welsh taxes. Welsh Economic Review 27, pp. 18-24. (10.18573/wer.254)
- Minford, P., Wang, Y. and Zhou, P. 2020. Resolving the public-sector wage premium puzzle by indirect inference. Applied Economics 52(7), pp. 726-741. (10.1080/00036846.2019.1648748)
- Foreman-Peck, J. and Zhou, P. 2019. Response to Edwards and Ogilvie. Economic History Review 72(4), pp. 1477-1450. (10.1111/ehr.12819)
- Zhou, P. and Dixon, H. 2019. The determinants of price rigidity in the UK: Analysis of the CPI and PPI microdata and application to macrodata modelling. Manchester School 87(5), pp. 640-677. (10.1111/manc.12263)
- Wang, Y. and Zhou, P. 2019. The public sector wage premium puzzle. International Journal of Computational Economics and Econometrics 9(4), pp. 287-307. (10.1504/IJCEE.2019.10021464)
- Foreman-Peck, J. and Zhou, P. 2018. Late marriage as a contributor to the Industrial Revolution in England. Economic History Review 71(4), pp. 1073-1099. (10.1111/ehr.12651)
- White, G. R. T., Samuel, A., Zhou, P., Razak, A. A. and Thomas, S. 2018. Religious heterogeneity of food consumers: the impact of global markets upon methods of production. Journal of Consumer Behaviour 17(1), pp. 3-12. (10.1002/cb.1658)
- Thomas, A. M., White, G. R., Plant, E. and Zhou, P. 2017. Challenges and practices in Halal meat preparation: a case study investigation of a UK slaughterhouse. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence 28(1-2), pp. 12-31. (10.1080/14783363.2015.1044892)
- Chen, X., Minford, A. P. L., Tian, K. and Zhou, P. 2017. Who provides the capital for Chinese growth: the public or the private sector?. Applied Economics 49(23), pp. 2238-2252. (10.1080/00036846.2016.1234704)
- Zhou, P., Youssef, N. and Sakr, A. 2017. The effect of board structure on Egyptian mutual fund fees: a structural equation model analysis. European Journal of Business and Management 9, pp. 86-104.
- Ahmed, S., Yousseff, N. and Zhou, P. 2017. The effect of board structure on stock picking and market timing abilities of the Egyptian mutual fund managers: Evidence from financial crisis. European Journal of Business and Management 9, pp. 91-110.
- Zhou, P. 2016. The Role of SOEs in the Chinese Growth Miracle: A “Pancake Theory”. International Journal of Economics & Management Sciences 6(1), article number: 1000393. (10.4172/2162-6359.1000393)
- Dai, L. and Zhou, P. 2016. Bubbles and overshooting crash. Business and Economics Journal 7(4), article number: 263. (10.4172/2151-6219.1000263)
- Zhou, P. and Li, D. 2016. Investment and technology upgrade of milk powder producers: A comparative study of Chinese and Dutch firms. Journal of Food and Dairy Technology 4(4), pp. 45-51.
- Zhou, P. and Li, D. 2016. Some new features of the global dairy industry. Journal of Food and Dairy Technology 4(4), pp. 38-44.
- Dai, L. and Zhou, P. 2016. Practice-oriented model selection in Forex market. International Journal of Economics & Management Sciences 5(6), article number: 1000383. (10.4172/2162-6359.1000383)
- Zhou, P. 2016. Money demand in China: A banking approach. International Journal of Economics & Management Sciences 5(6), article number: 1000381. (10.4172/2162-6359.1000381)
- Minford, A. P. L., Xu, Y. and Zhou, P. 2015. How good are out of sample forecasting tests on DSGE models?. Italian Economic Journal 1(3), pp. 333-351. (10.1007/s40797-015-0020-9)
- Foreman-Peck, J. and Zhou, P. 2015. Firm-level evidence for the language investment effect on SME Exporters. Scottish Journal of Political Economy 62(4), pp. 351-377.
- Li, D., Minford, A. P. L. and Zhou, P. 2015. A DSGE model of China. Applied Economics 47(59), pp. 6438-6460. (10.1080/00036846.2015.1071477)
- Foreman-Peck, J. S. and Zhou, P. 2014. Cultures of female entrepreneurship. International Review of entrepreneurship 12(1), pp. 1-22.
- Foreman-Peck, J. S. and Zhou, P. 2013. The strength and persistence of entrepreneurial cultures. Journal of Evolutionary Economics 23(1), pp. 163-187. (10.1007/s00191-011-0239-z)
Book sections
- Zhou, P. 2020. Use semi-structured discussion in health economics seminars. In: Al-Sartawi, A. et al. eds. Global Approaches to Sustainability Through Learning and Education. IGI Global, pp. 200-206., (10.4018/978-1-7998-0062-0.ch012)
- Foreman-Peck, J. S. and Zhou, P. 2010. Entrepreneurial culture or institutions? A twentieth century resolution. In: García-Ruiz, J. L. and Toninelli, P. A. eds. The determinants of entrepreneurship: leadership, culture, institutions. Perspectives in economic and social history Vol. 7. London: Pickering and Chatto, pp. 125-142.
- Wang, Y. and Zhou, P. 2017. Are we better off working in the public sector?. Presented at: 2016 International Conference on Applied Economics (ICOAE), Nicosia, Cyprus, 7-9 July 2016 Presented at Tsounis, N. and Vlachvei, A. eds.Advances in Applied Economic Research. Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing pp. 379-409., (10.1007/978-3-319-48454-9_28)
- Bibbings, J., Boniface, G., Campbell, J., Findlay, G., Reeves McAll, E., Le Zhang, M. and Zhou, P. 2015. A review of independent living adaptations. Project Report. Cardiff: Crown Copyright.
- Minford, A. P. L., Xu, Y. and Zhou, P. 2014. How good are out of sample forecasting tests on DSGE models?. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Foreman-Peck, J. S. and Zhou, P. 2014. Firm-level evidence for the language investment effect on SME exporters. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Foreman-Peck, J. and Zhou, P. 2014. The rise of the English economy 1300-1900: a lasting response to demographic shocks. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Foreman-Peck, J. and Zhou, P. 2014. Cultures of female entrepreneurship. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Dixon, H. and Zhou, P. 2010. An empirical study on price rigidity. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Foreman-Peck, J. S. and Zhou, P. 2010. The strength and persistence of entrepreneurial cultures. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Zhou, P. 2012. Microdata analysis of price setting behaviour and macrodata analysis of heterogeneous DSGE models. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
Diddordebau Ymchwil
- Pynciau macro: Twf economaidd, Cylch Busnes, Anghydraddoldeb Economaidd, Datganoli Cyllidol, Economeg Ariannol
- Micro Topics: Ymchwil a Datblygu ac Arloesi, Diwylliant a Sefydliad, Nwyddau Sylfaenol, Economeg Llafur, Economeg Ariannol, Economeg Gyhoeddus, Economeg Ryngwladol, Economeg Twristiaeth, Economeg Amgylcheddol, Economeg Reolaethol
- Modelu Economaidd: Modelu DSGE, Modelu CGE, Modelu Seiliedig ar Asiantau
- Modelu Econometreg: Microeconometreg Cymhwysol, Macroeconometreg Cymhwysol
Grantiau Ymchwil yn y Deyrnas Unedig
- 2019-2020, Asesiad o bosibiliadau, cwmpas ac ymarferoldeb treth gwerth tir i Gymru, £9,289 wedi'i ariannu gan Blaid Cymru (Plaid Cymru).
- 2016-2017, Anghenion Iechyd y Digartref, gyda Shelter Cymru, £39,649 wedi'i ariannu gan Cymorth Cymru: Papur Cyhoeddedig, Adroddiad Prosiect
- 2016, Effeithiau Economaidd Datganoli Treth Incwm yng Nghymru, £2,000 wedi'i ariannu gan Peril Capital: Adroddiad Prosiect, Sleidiau, Poster
- 2014-2015, Gwerthusiad Economaidd o Addasiadau Byw'n Annibynnol, gyda Shelter Cymru, £38,110 wedi'i ariannu gan Lywodraeth Cymru: Adroddiad Prosiect
Grantiau Ymchwil yn Tsieina
- 2023-2026, Effeithiau AI ar gyflogau a chyflogaethau (强人工智能对企业工资和就业的影响机制研究), gyda Qiang Wu (UIBE), ¥200,000 a ariennir gan Gronfa Genedlaethol y Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol Tsieina, rhif grant: 23BJY133.
- 2021-2024, cylchrediad arian cyfred a bondiau'r llywodraeth diwygio'r farchnad (货币回流的经济安全与国债市场渐进式开放策略研究), gyda Dong Guo (Banc Datblygu Tsieina), ¥200,000 a ariennir gan Gronfa Genedlaethol Gwyddoniaeth Gymdeithasol Tsieina, rhif grant: 21BGJ074.
- 2018-2023, Polisi ariannol darbodus mewn fframwaith rheoleiddio colofn ddwbl (双支柱调控框架下货币政策与宏观审慎政策协调机制研究), gyda Jianqiang Li (Banc Pobl Tsieina), ¥200,000 wedi'i ariannu gan Gronfa Genedlaethol Gwyddoniaeth Gymdeithasol Tsieina, rhif grant: 18BJY237.
- 2020-2021, gromlin cynnyrch o fondiau'r llywodraeth fel meincnodau cyfraddau polisi (基准策略:国债收益率曲线作为存贷款利率基准可行性研究), gyda Dong Guo (Banc Datblygu Tsieina), ¥30,000 hariannu gan Brifysgol Renmin.
- 2020-2021, Strategaethau a safonau newydd o fondiau gwyrdd: cynnydd bondiau glas (将"构建海洋命运共同体"理念纳入中债绿色金融标准的策略研究:基于蓝色债券视角), gyda Dong Guo (Banc Datblygu Tsieina), ¥30,000 a ariennir gan Brifysgol Renmin.
- 2018-2021, Polisi Cyllidol Optimaidd yn Tsieina (最优财政支出规模与结构的理论分析及基于中国数据的实证研究), gyda Dr Xiaodong Chen (XJTU), ¥200,000 a ariennir gan Gronfa Genedlaethol Gwyddoniaeth Gymdeithasol Tsieina, rhif grant: 18BJL031.
- 2018-2021, Cynnydd Technegol a Creu Swyddi ac Anghydraddoldeb Incwm (技术进步对岗位创造、收入不平等的影响:基于职位数据和DSGE的分析与预测), gyda Qiang Wu (UIBE), ¥100,000 a ariennir gan Weinyddiaeth Addysg Tsieina, rhif grant: 19YJA790089.
- 2018-2021, Gwasanaeth Cyhoeddus a Datblygu Economaidd (公共服务均等化对武陵山片区经济发展的影响机制与实证研究), gyda Li Dai (Prifysgol Hunan), ¥40,000 a ariennir gan Gronfa Gwyddoniaeth Naturiol Talaith Hunan, rhif grant: 2018JJ2067.
Am fwy o wybodaeth, ewch i'n gwefan.
Ymrwymiadau addysgu
- BS1547 Cyflwyniad i Economeg (2016-nawr)
- BS2549 Theori Macro-economaidd (2016-nawr)
- BS2547 Economi Prydain (2023-nawr)
- Dulliau rhifiadol BST179 (2014-15)
- BST264 Cyllid Empirig (2015-16)
Yn seiliedig ar fy ymarfer addysgu yn ystod y degawd diwethaf, rwyf wedi datblygu'r "Nonlinear Teaching Approach" (a gyhoeddwyd yn y Gwyddorau Addysg, 2024) ar gyfer darlithoedd a "Thrafodaeth Lled-Strwythuredig" ar gyfer seminarau. Am fwy o wybodaeth, ewch i'n gwefan.
- PhD Economeg, Prifysgol Caerdydd, UK
- MSc Economeg a Chyllid, Prifysgol Efrog, UK
- BA Athroniaeth a BSc Economeg (Deuol), Prifysgol Peking (北京大学), Tsieina
- Dyfarniad Lefel 2 WSET mewn Gwinoedd a Gwirodydd.
- Yr Academi Addysg Uwch, PgC mewn Addysgu mewn Addysg Uwch.
- Y Gymdeithas Economaidd Frenhinol.
- Cymdeithas Economaidd Ewrop.
- Cymdeithas Economaidd America.
Anrhydeddau a dyfarniadau
- Gwobr Arloesi mewn Dysgu ac Addysgu, Ysgol Busnes Caerdydd.
- Gwobr Llywodraeth Tsieina ar gyfer Myfyrwyr Hunan-Ariannu Eithriadol Dramor.
- Cynllun Gwobrau Myfyrwyr Ymchwil Dramor (ORS), CCAUC.
- Bwrsariaeth Astudiaeth Macro-economaidd Julian Hodge, Banc Julian Hodge, y DU.
Aelodaethau proffesiynol
- Dyfarniad Lefel 2 WSET mewn Wines and Spirit Taste
- Cymrodoriaeth yr Academi Addysg Uwch (trwy PgC THE®)
- Aelodaeth o Gymdeithas Economaidd America
- Aelodaeth o Gymdeithas Economaidd Ewrop
- Aelodaeth o'r Gymdeithas Economaidd Frenhinol
Safleoedd academaidd blaenorol
- Darlithydd mewn Economeg a Chyllid, Prifysgol Metropolitan Caerdydd.
Ymrwymiadau siarad cyhoeddus
- 28.06.2023: BBC ar dwf economaidd yn Tsieina.
- 20.05.2021: Grŵp Seneddol Hollbleidiol ar fuddsoddi a masnach iaith.
- 08.07.2019: ITV ar dwf rhanbarthol a chau ffatri Ford ym Mhen-y-bont ar Ogwr.
- 22.02.2015: Tŷ'r Senedd ar fuddsoddi a masnach iaith yn y DU.
Pwyllgorau ac adolygu
- Dyfarnwr ar gyfer ceisiadau cronfa ymchwil ESRC, Astudiaethau Reginal, Economeg Ynni, Journal of Population Economics, Oxford Economic Papers, Journal of Financial Markets Institutions and Money, Gwyddorau Cynllunio Cymdeithasol-Economaidd, Economeg Gymhwysol, Modelu Economaidd, ac ati.
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
- Twf Economaidd
- Cylchoedd Busnes
- Economeg Ariannol
Goruchwyliaeth gyfredol
Contact Details
+44 29206 88778
Adeilad Aberconwy, Ystafell D47, Rhodfa Colum, Cathays, Caerdydd, CF10 3EU
Themâu ymchwil
- Economeg gymhwysol
- Macro-economeg
- Rheoli arloesi
- Cynaliadwyedd
- Bancio, cyllid a buddsoddiad