Professor Richard Gwyn
Emeritus Professor
School of English, Communication and Philosophy
- Media commentator
- Gwyn, R. 2020. With Lowry in Cuernavaca. PN Review 255 47(1), pp. 40-44.
- Jaramillo, D. 2019. Impossible loves.Gwyn, R. Carcanet.
- Gwyn, R. 2019. The blue tent. Cardigan: Parthian Books.
- Gwyn, R. 2019. Border Country. In: Wack, A. ed. Poems from The Borders. Bridgend: Seren, pp. 28.
- Gwyn, R. 2018. Borders & crossings: varieties of exile. Pn Review 45(244), pp. 24-27.
- Gwyn, R. 2018. Stowaway: A Levantine adventure. Bridgend: Seren.
- Gwyn, R. 2018. The Stowaway's Log: In which no harbour signals home. Poetry Wales 54(2), pp. 12-17.
- Gwyn, R. 2017. Five Poems by Dario Jaramillo. PN Review 44(2), pp. 48-52.
- Gwyn, R. ed. 2016. The other tiger: contemporary poetry from Latin America. Seren.
- Gwyn, R. 2016. Translations: poems by Malú Urrriola and Daniel Samoilovich. New Welsh Reader 112, pp. 72-73.
- Gwyn, R. 2016. Ciudades y recuerdos. Una antologia de poemas.Fondebrider, J. Trilce Ediciones.
- Gwyn, R. 2015. Three Mexican poets: translations from the Spanish of Luis Felipe Fabre, Julián Herbert and Fabio Morabito. Poetry Wales 50(3), pp. 14-22.
- Gwyn, R. 2014. The Reading. Wales Arts Review 2014(14 Aug)
- Gwyn, R. 2014. Cómo me convertí en traductor. In: Fondebrider, J. ed. Poetas que traducen poesía. LOM, Santiago, Chile, pp. 55-63.
- Gwyn, R. and Fondebrider, J. 2013. Abrir una caja.Fondebrider, J. Gog y Magog.
- Gwyn, R. 2013. An invisible procession: how reading Cavafy changed my life. Poetry Review 103(3), pp. 37-42.
- Fondebrider, J. and Gwyn, R. 2013. The spaces between.Gwyn, R. Blaenau Ffestiniog: Cinnamon Press.
- Giuannuzzi, J. and Gwyn, R. 2012. A complicated mammal: selected poems.Gwyn, R. London: CB Editions.
- Gwyn, R. 2012. Review of ‘Traveller of the Century' by Andrés Neuman. The Independent, pp. 25-25.
- Gwyn, R. 2012. Review of ‘The Third Reich’ by Roberto Bolaño. The Independent, pp. 44-44.
- Gwyn, R. 2012. Enigmas of the night: reflections on Latin American poetry, part 2. Poetry Wales 47(1), pp. 9-13.
- Gwyn, R. 2012. Mother backwards (translation of ‘Madre Atrás' short story by Andrés Neuman). The Coffin Factory 3, pp. 58-58.
- Gwyn, R. 2011. 'Hunger for salt' and 'Translation'. Revue Svetovej Literatúry 47(1), pp. 146.
- Fondebrider, J. and Gwyn, R. 2011. 'Outburst', 'Poets', 'Epics' and 'Pressure of the moment'. Poetry Wales 47(1), pp. 14-15.
- Neuman, A. and Gwyn, R. 2011. A hell of one's own. The Coffin Factory 1, pp. 70-73.
- Gwyn, R. 2011. City of marvels (poem). Barcelona Ink(7), pp. 8-9.
- Gwyn, R. 2011. Promethean variations: from Wells to Houellebecq. Presented at: Myth and Subversion in the Contemporary Novel, Complutense University, Madrid, Spain, 9-11 Mar 2011.
- Gwyn, R. 2011. The vagabond's breakfast. Talybont: Alcemi.
- Gwyn, R. 2010. Translation of After Helena by Andres Neuman (short story, translated from the Spanish). Granta 113, pp. 123-133.
- Gwyn, R. 2010. The Green Whale of Summer: reflections on Latin American poetry, Part One. Poetry Wales 46(3), pp. 30-35.
- Gwyn, R. 2010. Sad giraffe café. Todmorden: Arc Publications.
- Gwyn, R. 2010. Roberto. Blown(2), pp. 24-5.
- Gwyn, R. 2010. The Multiple Disappearances of Roberto Bolaño: the Ciudad Juárez Murders and 2666. Presented at: Crime Narratives in Context, Cardiff, Vol. 10. Cardiff Crime Narratives Network
- Gwyn, R. 2010. The Handless Maiden. In: Davies, G. ed. Sing, Sorrow, Sorrow : Dark and Chilling Tales. Bridgend: Seren, pp. 59-69.
- Gwyn, R. 2010. Insomnia. In: The Reader. No. 37. Liverpool: University of Liverpool, pp. 13-22.
- Gwyn, R. 2010. 'Riscle' and 'The Writer Shoots Up the Past'. Southerly (Australia) 70(1), pp. 98-9.
- Gwyn, R. 2010. 'No Love for the Enemy' and 'More of Everything'. Ambit 200, pp. 53.
- Gwyn, R. 2010. Poems in translation from Spanish. Poetry Wales 46(3), pp. 36-44.
- Gwyn, R. 2009. Edwards, Gwynne: Lorca, Buñuel, Dalí - forbidden pleasures and connected lives - 256pp, I.B. Tauris, London, 2009, Hardback, £21.25, ISBN:9781848850071 [Book Review]. The Independent
- Gwyn, R. 2009. Bolaño, Roberto: 2666 - 912pp, Picador, London, 2009, Hardback, £25.99 [Book Review]. The Independent
- Gwyn, R. 2009. Crowther, Claire: The clockwork gift - 84pp, Shearsman Books, Bristol, 2009, Paperback, £8.95 ISBN:9781848610323 [Book Review] Etter, Carrie: The tethers - 64pp, Seren, Bridgend, 2009, Paperback, £7.99, ISBN:9781854114921 [Book Review]. Poetry Wales 45(3), pp. 66-68.
- Gwyn, R. 2009. Four Prose Poems: 'Alice Alone'; 'The Singers'; 'Dusk'; 'Alice, her thoughts'. Poetry Wales 45(1), pp. 25-27.
- Gwyn, R. 2009. Four Prose Poems: 'Translation'; 'Lone Rider'; 'Vagrant'; 'September Night'. Agenda 44(2-3), pp. 75-76.
- Gwyn, R. 2009. 20 Questions. Barcelona INK 1, pp. 41-44.
- Gwyn, R. 2009. Sicilian Lock-Up. New Welsh Review 84, pp. 51.
- Gwyn, R. 2008. Love Story. In: Byron, G. and Sneddon, A. eds. The Body and the Book: Writings on Poetry and Sexuality. Amsterdam: Rodopi, pp. 26.
- Gwyn, R. 2008. Hunger for Salt. In: Byron, G. and Sneddon, A. eds. The Body and the Book: Writings on Poetry and Sexuality. Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi, pp. 25.
- Gwyn, R. 2008. Sexual water: poetry, Dionysus and the aquatic ape. In: Byron, G. and Sneddon, A. J. eds. The Body and the Book: Writings on Poetry and Sexuality. Amsterdam: Rodopi, pp. 11-24.
- Gwyn, R. 2008. The color of a dog running away. New York: Anchor Books.
- Gwyn, R., Elwyn, G., Edwards, A. G. and Mooney, A. 2003. The problematic of decision-sharing: deconstructing 'cholesterol' in a clinical encounter. Health Expectations 6(3), pp. 242-254. (10.1046/j.1369-6513.2003.00245.x)
- Elwyn, G., Edwards, A. G., Gwyn, R. and Grol, R. 1999. Towards a feasible model for shared decision making: focus group study with general practice registrars. British Medical Journal (BMJ) 319(7212), pp. 753-756. (10.1136/bmj.319.7212.753)
- Edwards, A. G., Elwyn, G. and Gwyn, R. 1999. General practice registrar responses to the use of different risk communication tools in simulated consultations: a focus group study. British Medical Journal (BMJ) 319(7212), pp. 749-752. (10.1136/bmj.319.7212.749)
- Elwyn, G., Gwyn, R., Edwards, A. G. and Grol, R. 1999. Is 'shared decision-making' feasible in consultations for upper respiratory tract infections? Assessing the influence of antibiotic expectations using discourse analysis. Health Expectations 2(2), pp. 105-117. (10.1046/j.1369-6513.1999.00045.x)
- Elwyn, G. and Gwyn, R. 1999. Narrative based medicine: stories we hear and stories we tell: analysing talk in clinical practice. British Medical Journal (BMJ) 318(7177), pp. 186-188. (10.1136/bmj.318.7177.186)
- Gwyn, R. and Elwyn, G. 1999. When is a shared decision not (quite) a shared decision? negotiating preferences in a general practice encounter. Social Science & Medicine 49(4), pp. 437-447. (10.1016/S0277-9536(99)00067-2)
- Elwyn, G. and Gwyn, R. 1998. Stories we hear and stories we tell... In: Greenhalgh, T. and Hurwitz, B. eds. Narrative based medicine: dialogue and discourse in clinical practice. London: BMJ Books, pp. 165-175.
Adrannau llyfrau
- Gwyn, R. 2019. Border Country. In: Wack, A. ed. Poems from The Borders. Bridgend: Seren, pp. 28.
- Gwyn, R. 2014. Cómo me convertí en traductor. In: Fondebrider, J. ed. Poetas que traducen poesía. LOM, Santiago, Chile, pp. 55-63.
- Gwyn, R. 2010. The Handless Maiden. In: Davies, G. ed. Sing, Sorrow, Sorrow : Dark and Chilling Tales. Bridgend: Seren, pp. 59-69.
- Gwyn, R. 2010. Insomnia. In: The Reader. No. 37. Liverpool: University of Liverpool, pp. 13-22.
- Gwyn, R. 2008. Love Story. In: Byron, G. and Sneddon, A. eds. The Body and the Book: Writings on Poetry and Sexuality. Amsterdam: Rodopi, pp. 26.
- Gwyn, R. 2008. Hunger for Salt. In: Byron, G. and Sneddon, A. eds. The Body and the Book: Writings on Poetry and Sexuality. Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi, pp. 25.
- Gwyn, R. 2008. Sexual water: poetry, Dionysus and the aquatic ape. In: Byron, G. and Sneddon, A. J. eds. The Body and the Book: Writings on Poetry and Sexuality. Amsterdam: Rodopi, pp. 11-24.
- Elwyn, G. and Gwyn, R. 1998. Stories we hear and stories we tell... In: Greenhalgh, T. and Hurwitz, B. eds. Narrative based medicine: dialogue and discourse in clinical practice. London: BMJ Books, pp. 165-175.
- Gwyn, R. 2011. Promethean variations: from Wells to Houellebecq. Presented at: Myth and Subversion in the Contemporary Novel, Complutense University, Madrid, Spain, 9-11 Mar 2011.
- Gwyn, R. 2010. The Multiple Disappearances of Roberto Bolaño: the Ciudad Juárez Murders and 2666. Presented at: Crime Narratives in Context, Cardiff, Vol. 10. Cardiff Crime Narratives Network
- Gwyn, R. 2020. With Lowry in Cuernavaca. PN Review 255 47(1), pp. 40-44.
- Gwyn, R. 2018. Borders & crossings: varieties of exile. Pn Review 45(244), pp. 24-27.
- Gwyn, R. 2018. The Stowaway's Log: In which no harbour signals home. Poetry Wales 54(2), pp. 12-17.
- Gwyn, R. 2017. Five Poems by Dario Jaramillo. PN Review 44(2), pp. 48-52.
- Gwyn, R. 2016. Translations: poems by Malú Urrriola and Daniel Samoilovich. New Welsh Reader 112, pp. 72-73.
- Gwyn, R. 2015. Three Mexican poets: translations from the Spanish of Luis Felipe Fabre, Julián Herbert and Fabio Morabito. Poetry Wales 50(3), pp. 14-22.
- Gwyn, R. 2014. The Reading. Wales Arts Review 2014(14 Aug)
- Gwyn, R. 2013. An invisible procession: how reading Cavafy changed my life. Poetry Review 103(3), pp. 37-42.
- Gwyn, R. 2012. Review of ‘Traveller of the Century' by Andrés Neuman. The Independent, pp. 25-25.
- Gwyn, R. 2012. Review of ‘The Third Reich’ by Roberto Bolaño. The Independent, pp. 44-44.
- Gwyn, R. 2012. Enigmas of the night: reflections on Latin American poetry, part 2. Poetry Wales 47(1), pp. 9-13.
- Gwyn, R. 2012. Mother backwards (translation of ‘Madre Atrás' short story by Andrés Neuman). The Coffin Factory 3, pp. 58-58.
- Gwyn, R. 2011. 'Hunger for salt' and 'Translation'. Revue Svetovej Literatúry 47(1), pp. 146.
- Fondebrider, J. and Gwyn, R. 2011. 'Outburst', 'Poets', 'Epics' and 'Pressure of the moment'. Poetry Wales 47(1), pp. 14-15.
- Neuman, A. and Gwyn, R. 2011. A hell of one's own. The Coffin Factory 1, pp. 70-73.
- Gwyn, R. 2011. City of marvels (poem). Barcelona Ink(7), pp. 8-9.
- Gwyn, R. 2010. Translation of After Helena by Andres Neuman (short story, translated from the Spanish). Granta 113, pp. 123-133.
- Gwyn, R. 2010. The Green Whale of Summer: reflections on Latin American poetry, Part One. Poetry Wales 46(3), pp. 30-35.
- Gwyn, R. 2010. Roberto. Blown(2), pp. 24-5.
- Gwyn, R. 2010. 'Riscle' and 'The Writer Shoots Up the Past'. Southerly (Australia) 70(1), pp. 98-9.
- Gwyn, R. 2010. 'No Love for the Enemy' and 'More of Everything'. Ambit 200, pp. 53.
- Gwyn, R. 2010. Poems in translation from Spanish. Poetry Wales 46(3), pp. 36-44.
- Gwyn, R. 2009. Edwards, Gwynne: Lorca, Buñuel, Dalí - forbidden pleasures and connected lives - 256pp, I.B. Tauris, London, 2009, Hardback, £21.25, ISBN:9781848850071 [Book Review]. The Independent
- Gwyn, R. 2009. Bolaño, Roberto: 2666 - 912pp, Picador, London, 2009, Hardback, £25.99 [Book Review]. The Independent
- Gwyn, R. 2009. Crowther, Claire: The clockwork gift - 84pp, Shearsman Books, Bristol, 2009, Paperback, £8.95 ISBN:9781848610323 [Book Review] Etter, Carrie: The tethers - 64pp, Seren, Bridgend, 2009, Paperback, £7.99, ISBN:9781854114921 [Book Review]. Poetry Wales 45(3), pp. 66-68.
- Gwyn, R. 2009. Four Prose Poems: 'Alice Alone'; 'The Singers'; 'Dusk'; 'Alice, her thoughts'. Poetry Wales 45(1), pp. 25-27.
- Gwyn, R. 2009. Four Prose Poems: 'Translation'; 'Lone Rider'; 'Vagrant'; 'September Night'. Agenda 44(2-3), pp. 75-76.
- Gwyn, R. 2009. 20 Questions. Barcelona INK 1, pp. 41-44.
- Gwyn, R. 2009. Sicilian Lock-Up. New Welsh Review 84, pp. 51.
- Gwyn, R., Elwyn, G., Edwards, A. G. and Mooney, A. 2003. The problematic of decision-sharing: deconstructing 'cholesterol' in a clinical encounter. Health Expectations 6(3), pp. 242-254. (10.1046/j.1369-6513.2003.00245.x)
- Elwyn, G., Edwards, A. G., Gwyn, R. and Grol, R. 1999. Towards a feasible model for shared decision making: focus group study with general practice registrars. British Medical Journal (BMJ) 319(7212), pp. 753-756. (10.1136/bmj.319.7212.753)
- Edwards, A. G., Elwyn, G. and Gwyn, R. 1999. General practice registrar responses to the use of different risk communication tools in simulated consultations: a focus group study. British Medical Journal (BMJ) 319(7212), pp. 749-752. (10.1136/bmj.319.7212.749)
- Elwyn, G., Gwyn, R., Edwards, A. G. and Grol, R. 1999. Is 'shared decision-making' feasible in consultations for upper respiratory tract infections? Assessing the influence of antibiotic expectations using discourse analysis. Health Expectations 2(2), pp. 105-117. (10.1046/j.1369-6513.1999.00045.x)
- Elwyn, G. and Gwyn, R. 1999. Narrative based medicine: stories we hear and stories we tell: analysing talk in clinical practice. British Medical Journal (BMJ) 318(7177), pp. 186-188. (10.1136/bmj.318.7177.186)
- Gwyn, R. and Elwyn, G. 1999. When is a shared decision not (quite) a shared decision? negotiating preferences in a general practice encounter. Social Science & Medicine 49(4), pp. 437-447. (10.1016/S0277-9536(99)00067-2)
- Jaramillo, D. 2019. Impossible loves.Gwyn, R. Carcanet.
- Gwyn, R. 2019. The blue tent. Cardigan: Parthian Books.
- Gwyn, R. 2018. Stowaway: A Levantine adventure. Bridgend: Seren.
- Gwyn, R. ed. 2016. The other tiger: contemporary poetry from Latin America. Seren.
- Gwyn, R. 2016. Ciudades y recuerdos. Una antologia de poemas.Fondebrider, J. Trilce Ediciones.
- Gwyn, R. and Fondebrider, J. 2013. Abrir una caja.Fondebrider, J. Gog y Magog.
- Fondebrider, J. and Gwyn, R. 2013. The spaces between.Gwyn, R. Blaenau Ffestiniog: Cinnamon Press.
- Giuannuzzi, J. and Gwyn, R. 2012. A complicated mammal: selected poems.Gwyn, R. London: CB Editions.
- Gwyn, R. 2011. The vagabond's breakfast. Talybont: Alcemi.
- Gwyn, R. 2010. Sad giraffe café. Todmorden: Arc Publications.
- Gwyn, R. 2008. The color of a dog running away. New York: Anchor Books.
I began my academic career as a linguist, and my first academic publications were in the semiotics of illness and medical anthropology. At the same time I was publishing poetry, and in 2003 I transferred from the 'Language and Communication' section of the School to 'English Literature.' In the following years I published two further poetry collections, two anthologies of poetry, three novels, many articles and stories, and a memoir, The Vagabond's Breakfast, which won Wales Book of the Year Award for non-fiction in 2012. In 2024, the year of my retirement from Cardiff, I published a sequel: Ambassador of Nowhere: A Latin American Pilgrimage (2024).
I also work as a translator from Spanish, and have published a major anthology of Latin American Poetry, The Other Tiger (Seren, 2016) which included poems by 97 poets from 16 countries. Edith Grossman wrote that 'this is a book that belongs in every library . . . the translations are beautiful and to the point.' I have also published collections of poetry by the Argentine poets Joaquín O. Giannuzzi and Jorge Fondebrider. My translations of the Colombian Darío Jaramillo, Impossible Loves (Carcanet) was shortlisted for the Premio Valle-Inclán in 2020. A selected poems of the Italian-Mexican Fabio Morábito, Invisible Dog is published by Carcanet (2024).