Professor Jenny Kitzinger
BA (Cambridge), PhD (Glasgow)
Director of Research: Impact and Engagement and Co-Director of the Coma and Disorders of Consciousness Research Centre
- Media commentator
- Available for postgraduate supervision
Other Roles
Lead for REF, Director of Research Impact and Engagment
Co-director of
Originally training in Social Anthropology, my research has focused on media representation and cultural practices around key social issues such as sexual violence, health, science, and, most recently, end-of-life issues.
My in-depth research with families and clinicians, and longitudinal work on patient pathways, explores the treatment of patients in 'coma' and how these are represented in the media, and public debate around 'right to die' issues. I am active in public and policy engagement particularly around death and dying. I work closely with artists (e.g. poets and musicians) and policy makers and have co-produced a series of radio programmes on ethics and end-of-life decision-making, helped develop a touring exhibition about coma and curated an early 'Before I Die' Festival . I serve on the Lancet Commission on Death (2020), co-authored a report for the Welsh Government on Advance Decisions ('Living Wills'), and my research on vegetative and minimally conscious states (jointly developed with colleagues at the 'Coma and Disorders of Consciousness Research Centre') has also been crafted into a multi-media resource for families and e-learning courses for healthcare professionals. The impact of the work has been recognised by awards from the British Medical Association, ESRC and Cardiff University.
- Latchem-Hastings, J., Latchem-Hastings, G. and Kitzinger, J. 2023. Caring for people with severe brain injuries: improving health care professional communication and practice through online learning. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions 43(4), pp. 267-273. (10.1097/CEH.0000000000000486)
- Kitzinger, J. 2022. “He deserves a chance”? Continuities and shifts in decision-making about life-sustaining treatment. [Online]. Open Justice Court of Protection Project. Available at:
- Kitzinger, J. 2021. “Burdensome and futile” treatment and dignity compromised: Poor practice at a leading UK hospital. [Online]. Open Justice. Available at:
- Kitzinger, J. 2021. Life-sustaining treatment contrary to his best interests: Lessons from a supplementary hearing. [Online]. Open Justice. Available at:
- Kitzinger, J. 2021. Clinically-assisted nutrition and hydration: decisions that cannot be ignored or delayed. [Online]. Open Justice Court of Protection Project. Available at:
- Kitzinger, J., Kitzinger, C., White, B., Wilmot, L., Lewis, P. and Downie, J. 2021. International perspectives on reforming end-of-life law. In: White, B. and Wilmot, L. eds. International Perspectives on End-of-Life Reform: Politics, Persuasion and Persistence. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 250-276.
- Kitzinger, J. 2021. Delay is inimical to P’s welfare: guidance on clinically-assisted nutrition and hydration for PDoC patients. [Online]. Open Justice Court of Protection Project. Available at:
- Kitzinger, J. 2021. Improving decision-making for patients in vegetative and minimally conscious states: REF 2021 Impact Case Study. Research England.
- Wahl-Jorgensen, K. et al. 2020. Advice for journalists covering Covid-19: Welsh NHS confederation. Documentation. Cardiff: School of Journalism, Media and Culture, Cardiff University.
- Kitzinger, J. and Kitzinger, C. 2020. How to change the Law: challenging mandatory court hearings for people in vegetative and minimally conscious states. In: Politics, persuasion and persistence: International perspectives on end-of-life law reform. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
- Kitzinger, C. and Kitzinger, J. 2019. Supporting families involved in court cases about life-sustaining treatment: Working as academics, advocates, and activists. Bioethics 33(8), pp. 896-907. (10.1111/bioe.12583)
- Kitzinger, J. 2019. Can you wake up after decades in a coma? The story behind the headlines. The Conversation 2019(May 1), pp. -.
- Smith, R. et al. 2018. Lancet Commission on the value of death. The Lancet 392(10155), pp. 1291-1293. (10.1016/S0140-6736(18)32388-2)
- Kitzinger, J. and Kitzinger, C. 2018. Deaths after feeding tube withdrawal from patients in vegetative and minimally conscious states: a qualitative study of family experience. Palliative Medicine 32(7), pp. 1180-1188. (10.1177/0269216318766430)
- Chatfield, D. A., Lee, S., Cowley, J., Kitzinger, C., Kitzinger, J. and Menon, D. K. 2018. Is there a broader role for independent mental capacity advocates in critical care? An exploratory study. Nursing in Critical Care 23(2), pp. 82-87. (10.1111/nicc.12290)
- Kitzinger, J. and Kitzinger, C. 2018. Why futile and unwanted treatment continues for some PVS patients (and what to do about it). International Journal of Mental Health and Capacity Law 23, pp. 84-149.
- Kitzinger, J., Kitzinger, C. and Cowley, J. 2017. When ‘Sanctity of Life’ and ‘Self-Determination’ Clash: Briggs v Briggs [2016] EWCOP 53 - Implications for policy and practice. Journal of Medical Ethics 43, pp. 446-449. (10.1136/medethics-2016-104118)
- Kitzinger, J. and Kitzinger, C. 2017. Causes and consequences of delays in treatment-withdrawal from PVS patients: a case study of Cumbria NHS Clinical Commissioning Group v Miss S and Ors [2016] EWCOP 32. Journal of Medical Ethics 43, pp. 459-468. (10.1136/medethics-2016-103853)
- Latchem, J., Kitzinger, J., Kell, C. and Boniface, G. 2016. Developing a multimedia learning resource for allied health professionals: exploring the challenges of prolonged disorders of consciousness. Physiotherapy 102(Supp 1), pp. e53. (10.1016/
- Birchley, G., Jones, K., Huxtable, R., Dixon, J., Kitzinger, J. and Clare, L. 2016. Dying well with reduced agency: a scoping review and thematic synthesis of the decision-making process in dementia, traumatic brain injury and frailty. BMC Medical Ethics 17, article number: 46. (10.1186/s12910-016-0129-x)
- Birchley, G., Jones, K., Huxtable, R., Dixon, J., Kitzinger, J. and Clare, L. 2016. Dying well with reduced agency: a scoping review and thematic synthesis of the decision-making process in dementia, traumatic brain injury and frailty. BMC Medical Ethics 17, pp. 1-15., article number: 46. (10.1186/s12910-016-0129-x)
- Kitzinger, J. 2016. Coma stories. 23 June 2016. Available at:
- Greenhalgh, T. et al. 2016. An open letter to The BMJ editors on qualitative research. BMJ 352, article number: i563. (10.1136/bmj.i563)
- Kitzinger, J. and Kitzinger, C. 2016. Increasing understanding and uptake of advance decisions in Wales. Discussion Paper. Cardiff: Public Policy Institute for Wales. Available at:
- Latchem, J., Kitzinger, J. and Kitzinger, C. 2016. Physiotherapy for vegetative and minimally conscious state patients: family perceptions and experiences. Disability & Rehabilitation 38(1), pp. 22-29. (10.3109/09638288.2015.1005759)
- Kitzinger, J. and Kitzinger, C. 2016. Court applications for withdrawal of artificial nutrition and hydration from patients in a permanent vegetative state: family experiences. Journal of Medical Ethics 42, pp. 11-17. (10.1136/medethics-2015-102777)
- Edgar, A. R., Kitzinger, C. and Kitzinger, J. 2015. Interpreting chronic disorders of consciousness: medical science and family experience. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 21(3), pp. 374-379. (10.1111/jep.12220)
- Halliday, S., Kitzinger, C. and Kitzinger, J. 2015. Law in everyday life and death: a socio-legal study of chronic disorders of consciousness. Legal Studies 35(1), pp. 55-74. (10.1111/lest.12042)
- Saunders, B., Kitzinger, J. and Kitzinger, C. 2015. Participant anonymity in the Internet age: from theory to practice. Qualitative Research in Psychology 12(2), pp. 125-137.
- Kitzinger, C. and Kitzinger, J. 2015. Withdrawing artificial nutrition and hydration from minimally conscious and vegetative patients: family perspectives. Journal of Medical Ethics 41(2), pp. 157-160. (10.1136/medethics-2013-101799)
- Latchem, J. and Kitzinger, J. 2015. Breaking down barriers: the importance of good relationships. Nursing and Residential Care 17(1), pp. 30-33. (10.12968/nrec.2015.17.1.30)
- Kitzinger, J. 2015. Media representations of science and health: the case of coma. In: Miller, T. ed. The Routledge Companion to Global Popular Culture. Routledge Companions London: Routledge, pp. 333-341.
- Kitzinger, J. 2014. Coma songs. Between the Ears 11 October 2014. Available at:
- Nettleton, S., Kitzinger, J. and Kitzinger, C. 2014. A diagnostic illusory? The case of distinguishing between 'vegetative' and 'minimally conscious' states. Social Science and Medicine 116, pp. 134-141. (10.1016/j.socscimed.2014.06.036)
- Saunders, B., Kitzinger, J. and Kitzinger, C. 2014. Anonymising interview data: challenges and compromise in practice. Qualitative Research 15(5), pp. 616-632. (10.1177/1468794114550439)
- Holland, S., Kitzinger, C. and Kitzinger, J. 2014. Death, treatment decisions and the permanent vegetative state: evidence from families and experts. Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 17(3), pp. 413-423. (10.1007/s11019-013-9540-y)
- Kitzinger, C. and Kitzinger, J. 2014. 'This in-between': how families talk about death in relation to severe brain injury and disorders of consciousness. In: Van Brussel, L. and Carpentier, N. eds. The Social Construction of Death : Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Hampshire, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 239-258., (10.1057/9781137391919_13)
- Kitzinger, C. and Kitzinger, J. 2014. Grief, anger and despair in relatives of severely brain injured patients: responding without pathologising. Clinical Rehabilitation 28(7), pp. 627-631. (10.1177/0269215514527844)
- Kitzinger, J. 2013. Living wills: What would you want?. 22 August 2013. Available at:
- Samuel, G. and Kitzinger, J. 2013. Reporting consciousness in coma: media framing of neuro-scientific research, hope, and the response of families with relatives in vegetative and minimally conscious states. JOMEC Journal(3) (10.18573/j.2013.10244)
- Naccache, L., Kitzinger, J. and Samuel, G. 2013. Dialogue: context, conspiracy, pseudonym and self-report data: discussion of ‘Reporting consciousness in coma’. JOMEC Journal(3) (10.18573/j.2013.10245)
- Gabrielle, S. and Kitzinger, J. 2013. Context, conspiracy, pseudonym and self-report data: discussion of "Reporting consciousness in coma". JOMEC Journal 3(Jun 13), article number: 6. (10.18573/j.2013.10245)
- Kitzinger, J. and Kitzinger, C. 2013. The 'window of opportunity' for death after severe brain injury: family experiences. Sociology of Health & Illness 35(7), pp. 1095-1112. (10.1111/1467-9566.12020)
- Kitzinger, J. 2013. Using focus groups to understand experiences of health and illness. In: Ziebland, S. et al. eds. Understanding and Using Health Experiences: Improving Patient Care. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 49-59.
- Baldwin, T. and Kitzinger, J. 2013. Novelneurotechnologies: intervening in the brain. Project Report. [Online]. Nuffied Council on Bioethics. Available at:
- Turner-Stokes, L., Kitzinger, J., Gill-Thwaites, H., Playford, E. D., Wade, D., Allanson, J. and Pickard, J. 2012. fMRI for vegetative and minimally conscious states [Editorial]. BMJ 345(nov28), article number: e8045. (10.1136/bmj.e8045)
- Latchem, J. and Kitzinger, J. 2012. What is important to residents with neurological conditions and their relatives in rehabilitation and long-term care centres?. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Cardiff University. Available at:
- Chimba, M. and Kitzinger, J. 2010. Bimbo or boffin? Women in science: An analysis of media representations and how female scientists negotiate cultural contradictions. Public Understanding of Science 19(5), pp. 609-624. (10.1177/0963662508098580)
- Kitzinger, J. 2010. Disorders of consciousness: shaping a medical humanities initiative. Discussion Paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University. Available at:
- Kitzinger, J. 2010. Questioning the sci‐fi alibi: A critique of how ‘science fiction fears’ are used to explain away public concerns about risk. Journal of Risk Research 13(1), pp. 73-86. (10.1080/13669870903136068)
- Kitzinger, C. and Kitzinger, J. 2010. Giving voice to the voiceless – high-tech speculation, or basic respect?. The Psychologist 23(6), pp. 450-451.
- Haran, J. and Kitzinger, J. 2009. Modest witnessing and managing the boundaries between science and the media: A case study of breakthrough and scandal. Public Understanding of Science 18(6), pp. 634-652. (10.1177/0963662509338324)
- Kitzinger, J. 2009. Media and health. In: Alder, B. et al. eds. Psychology and sociology applied to medicine. 3rd ed. Illustrated colour text Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, pp. 52-53.
- Williams, A. J., Gajevic, S., Lewis, J. M. W. and Kitzinger, J. 2009. UK national newspaper coverage of hybrid embryos: source strategies and struggles. Project Report. Cardiff University.
- Haran, J. and Kitzinger, J. 2009. Human genetics and cloning in the media: mapping the research field. In: Atkinson, P., Glasner, P. and Lock, M. eds. The Handbook of Genetics & Society: Mapping the New Genomic Era. Genetics and Society London: Routledge, pp. 203-221.
- Kitzinger, J. 2009. Rape in the media. In: Horvath, M. A. H. and Brown, J. M. eds. Rape: Challenging Contemporary Thinking. Devon: Brian Willan Publishers, pp. 74-98.
- Kitzinger, J. and Hughes, E. 2008. Framing the Risks of New Technologies: How People Assess the Costs and Benefits of GM Crops, Stem Cell Research and Nanotechnology. Presented at: Sociological Research and Public Debate,International Sociological Association Forum of Sociology,, Barcelona, Spain, September 5-8, 2008. pp. 108-108.
- Kitzinger, J. 2008. The 'paedophiles-in-the-community' protests: press reporting and public responses. In: Letherby, G. et al. eds. Sex as Crime?. London: Routledge, pp. 356-376.
- Kitzinger, J., Haran, J., Chimba, M. and Boyce, T. 2008. Role Models in the Media: An Exploration of the Views and Experiences of Women in Science, Engineering and Technology. UK Resource Centre for Women in Science, Engineering and Technology (UKRC) and Cardiff University. Available at:
- Haran, J., Chimba, M., Reid, G. and Kitzinger, J. 2008. Screening women in SET: how women in science, engineering and technology are represented in films and on television. Project Report. [Online]. UK Resource Centre for Women in Science, Engineering and Technology (UKRC) and Cardiff University 2008. Available at:
- Haran, J., Kitzinger, J., McNeil, M. and O'Riordan, K. 2008. Human cloning in the media: from science fiction to science practice. Genetics and Society. London: Routledge.
- Kitzinger, J. 2008. Questioning hype, rescuing Hope? The Hwang stem cell scandal and the reassertion of hopeful horizons. Science as Culture 17(4), pp. 417-434. (10.1080/09505430802515114)
- Hughes, E. and Kitzinger, J. 2008. Science fiction fears? An analysis of how people use fiction in discussing risk and emerging science and technology. Working paper. Canterbury: University of Kent.
- Hughes, E., Kitzinger, J. and Murdock, G. 2008. Media discourses and framing of risk. Working paper. Canterbury: University of Kent.
- Boyce, T. and Kitzinger, J. 2008. Promoting Women in the Media: The Role of SET Organisations and their Science Media Communicators. UK Resource Centre for Women in Science, Engineering and Technology. Available at:
- Kitzinger, J. and Hughes, E. 2008. Social Contexts and Responses to Risk (SCARR): Science fiction fears? An analysis of how people use fiction in discussing risk and emerging science and technology. Project Report. [Online]. University of Kent at Canterbury. Available at:
- Kitzinger, J., Chimba, M. D., Williams, A., Haran, J. and Boyce, T. 2008. Gender, stereotypes and expertise in the press: how newspapers represent female and male scientists.. Project Report. [Online]. UK Resource Centre for Women in Science, Engineering and Technology (UKRC) and Cardiff University. Available at:
- Kitzinger, J. 2008. The media and public risk. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff University. Available at:
- Kitzinger, J. and Moorti, S. 2007. Introduction to 'Framing Michael Jackson: Celebrity on Trial' [Editorial]. Social Semiotics 17(4), pp. 413-415. (10.1080/10350330701637015)
- Kitzinger, J. 2007. Framing and frame analysis. In: Devereux, E. ed. Media Studies: Key Issues and Debates. London: Sage, pp. 134-161.
- Horlick-Jones, T. E., Walls, J. and Kitzinger, J. 2007. Bricolage in action: learning about, making sense of, and discussing issues about genetically modified crops and food. Health, Risk & Society 9(1), pp. 83-103. (10.1080/13698570601181623)
- Kitzinger, J., Williams, C. and Henderson, L. 2007. Science, media and society: the framing of bioethical debates around embryonic stem cell research between 2000 and 2005. In: Glasner, P. E., Atkinson, P. A. and Greenslade, H. T. eds. New Genetics, New Social Formations. Routledge, pp. 204-230.
- Chekar, C. K. and Kitzinger, J. 2007. Science, patriotism and discourses of nation and culture: Reflections on the South Korean stem cell breakthroughs and scandals. New Genetics and Society 26(3), pp. 289-307. (10.1080/14636770701701790)
- Henderson, L. and Kitzinger, J. 2007. Orchestrating a science 'event': the case of the Human Genome Project. New Genetics and Society 26(1), pp. 65-83. (10.1080/14636770701218175)
- Hughes, E., Kitzinger, J. and Murdock, G. 2006. The media and risk. In: Taylor-Gooby, P. and Zinn, J. eds. Risk in Social Sciences. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 250-270.
- Davidson, R., Kitzinger, J. and Hunt, K. 2006. The wealthy get healthy, the poor get poorly? Lay perceptions of health inequalities. Social Science and Medicine 62(9), pp. 2171-2182. (10.1016/j.socscimed.2005.10.010)
- Kitzinger, J. 2006. Constructing and de-constructing the 'gay' gene: media reporting of genetics, sexual diversity and 'deviance'. In: Ellison, G. and Goodman, A. eds. The nature of difference: science, society and human biology. Society for the Study of Human Biology Vol. 45. London: CRC Press, pp. 99-117.
- Kitzinger, J. 2006. Zero tolerance: public responses to a feminist anti-sexual violence advertising campaign. In: Weaver, C. K. and Carter, C. eds. Critical readings: violence and the media. Issues in cultural and media studies Maidenhead: Open University Press
- Kitzinger, J. 2006. The role of media in public engagement. In: Turney, J. ed. Engaging Science: Thoughts, Deeds, Analysis and Action. Wellcome Trust, pp. 44-50.
- Kitzinger, J. 2005. Media coverage of sexual violence against women and children. In: Byerly, C. M. and Ross, K. eds. Women and Media: A Critical Introduction. Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 13-38.
- Kitzinger, J. 2005. Focus group research: using group dynamics to explore perceptions, experiences and understandings. In: Holloway, I. ed. Qualitative research in health care. Maidenhead: Open University Press, pp. 56-70.
- Kitzinger, J. and Williams, C. 2005. Forecasting science futures: Legitimising hope and calming fears in the embryo stem cell debate. Social Science & Medicine 61(3), pp. 731-740. (10.1016/j.socscimed.2005.03.018)
- Kitzinger, J. 2005. Audience reception research. In: Bragança de Miranda, J. A. and Simões, G. eds. Rumos da Sociedade da Comunicação / 2º Congresso da SOPCOM. Vega, pp. 46-50.
- Batchelor, S. A., Kitzinger, J. and Burtney, E. 2004. Representing young people's sexuality in the 'youth' media. Health Education Research 19(6), pp. 669-676. (10.1093/her/cyg082)
- Kitzinger, J. 2004. Audiences and readership research. In: Downing, J. et al. eds. The SAGE handbook of media studies. Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE Publications, pp. 167-181.
- Kitzinger, J. 2004. Framing abuse: media influence and public understanding of sexual violence against children. London: Pluto Press.
- Kitzinger, J. 2004. Le sable dans l'huitre: analyser des discussions de focus group. Bulletin de psychologie 57(3), pp. 299-307.
- Williams, C., Kitzinger, J. and Henderson, L. 2003. Envisaging the embryo in stem cell research: Rhetorical strategies and media reporting of the ethical debates. Sociology of Health & Illness 25(7), pp. 793-814. (10.1046/j.1467-9566.2003.00370.x)
- Davidson, R., Hunt, K. and Kitzinger, J. 2003. 'Radical blueprint for social change'? Media representations of New Labour's policies on public health. Sociology of Health & Illness 25(6), pp. 532-552. (10.1111/1467-9566.00357)
- Kitzinger, J. 2003. Creating discourses of 'false memory': media coverage and production dynamics. In: Reavey, P. and Warner, S. eds. New Feminist Stories of Child Sexual Abuse: Sexual Scripts and Dangerous Dialogue. London: Routledge, pp. 94-107.
- Kitzinger, J. 2002. Media influence revisited: an introduction to the "new effects research". In: Briggs, A. and Cobley, P. eds. The Media: an introduction. 2nd ed. Harlow: Longman, pp. 272-281.
- Kitzinger, S. and Kitzinger, J. 2001. Sheila Kitzinger's and Jenny Kitzinger's Letter from Europe: Childbirth and breastfeeding in the British media. Birth 28(1), pp. 60-61. (10.1046/j.1523-536x.2001.00060.x)
- Kitzinger, J. 2001. Transformations of public and private knowledge: audience reception, feminism and experience of childhood sexual abuse. Feminist Media Studies 1(1), pp. 91-104. (10.1080/14680770120042882)
- Henderson, L., Kitzinger, J. and Green, J. 2000. Representing infant feeding: content analysis of British media portrayals of bottle feeding and breast feeding. British Medical Journal 321(7270), pp. 1196-1198. (10.1136/bmj.321.7270.1196)
- Kitzinger, J. 2000. Pertti Alasuutari (ed.), Rethinking the media audience: The new agenda. London: Sage, 1999. [Book Review]. Media, Culture & Society 22(5), pp. 689-690. (10.1177/016344300022005010)
- Kitzinger, J. 2000. Media templates: patterns of association and the (re)construction of meaning over time. Media, Culture & Society 22(1), pp. 61-84. (10.1177/016344300022001004)
- Kitzinger, J. and Lesley, H. 1999. The human drama of genetics: 'hard' and 'soft' media representations of inherited breast cancer. In: Peter, C. and Gabe, J. eds. Sociological perspectives on the new genetics. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, pp. 59-78.
- Kitzinger, J. 1999. Introducing focus groups. In: Pope, C. and Nicholas, M. eds. Qualitative Research in Health Care. London: BMJ Publishing Group, pp. 36-45.
- Kitzinger, J. 1999. The ultimate neighbour from hell? Stranger danger and the media framing of paedophiles. In: Franklin, R. ed. Social policy, the media and misrepresentation. London: Psychology Press, pp. 207-221.
- Henderson, L. and Kitzinger, J. 1999. The human drama of genetics: 'hard' and 'soft' media representations of inherited breast cancer. Sociology of Health & Illness 21(5), pp. 560-578. (10.1111/1467-9566.00173)
- Kitzinger, J. 1999. The power of the moving image: touching pictures of Diana, Princess of Wales. In: Walter, T. ed. The Mourning for Diana. London: Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 65-76.
- Kitzinger, J. 1999. A sociology of media power: key issues in audience reception research. In: Philo, G. ed. Message received. Harlow: Longman, pp. 3-20.
- Kitzinger, J. 1999. Researching risk and the media. Health, Risk & Society 1(1), pp. 55-69. (10.1080/13698579908407007)
- Kitzinger, J., Green, G., Macaulay, L. and Wight, D. 1999. Desperately seeking sperm: screening procedures of women seeking insemination by donor. British Journal of Midwifery 3(12), pp. 641-664.
- Kitzinger, J. and Farquhar, C. 1998. The analytical potential of 'sensitive moments' in focus group discussions. In: Barbour, R. and Kitzinger, J. eds. Developing Focus Group Research: Politics, Theory and Practice. London: SAGE, pp. 156-172.
- Kitzinger, J. 1998. The gender-politics of news production: silenced voices and false memories'. In: Carter, C., Branston, G. and Allan, S. eds. News, gender, and power. London: Routledge, pp. 186-203.
- Kitzinger, J. 1998. D. McQuail, Audience analysis. London: Sage, 1997. 176pp. [Book Review]. European Journal of Communication 13(3), pp. 419-421. (10.1177/0267323198013003010)
- Kitzinger, J. 1998. Image. Screen 39(1), pp. 73-79. (10.1093/screen/39.1.73)
- Kitzinger, J. and Reilly, J. 1997. The rise and fall of risk reporting - Media coverage of human genetics research, 'False Memory Syndrome' and 'Mad Cow Disease'. European Journal of Communication 12(3), pp. 319-350. (10.1177/0267323197012003002)
- Kitzinger, J. 1997. Sexual violence and midwifery practice. In: Kargar, I. and Hunt, S. C. eds. Challenges in Midwifery Care. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
- Kitzinger, J. 1996. Juhasz,A.: AIDS TV: Identity, community and alternative video [Book Review]. Media, Culture & Society 18(4), pp. 693-694. (10.1177/016344396018004015)
- Kitzinger, J. and Kate, H. 1996. Public place, private issue? The public's reaction to the Zero Tolerance campaign against violence against women. In: Hannah, B. ed. Defining Violence: Understanding the Causes and Effects of Violence. Aldershot: Avebury, pp. 45-58.
- Kitzinger, J. 1996. Media representations of sexual abuse risks. Child Abuse Review 5(5), pp. 319-333. (10.1002/(SICI)1099-0852(199612)5:5<319::AID-CAR294>3.0.CO;2-W)
- Kitzinger, J. 1995. Armstrong, L.: Rocking the cradle of sexual politics - what happened when women said incest [Book Review]. Feminism & Psychology 5(3), pp. 389-391. (10.1177/0959353595053010)
- Kitzinger, J. 1995. Qualitative research: introducing focus groups. British Medical Journal 311(7000), pp. 299-302. (10.1136/bmj.311.7000.299)
- Kitzinger, J. 1995. "I'm sexually attractive but I'm powerful": Young women negotiating sexual reputation. Women's Studies International Forum 18(2), pp. 187-196. (10.1016/0277-5395(95)80054-S)
- Kitzinger, J. and Skidmore, P. 1995. Playing safe: Media coverage of child sexual abuse prevention strategies. Child Abuse Review 4(1), pp. 47-56. (10.1002/car.2380040108)
- Macaulay, L., Kitzinger, J., Green, G. and Wight, D. 1995. Unconventional conceptions and HIV. AIDS Care: Psychological and Socio-medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV 7(3), pp. 261-276. (10.1080/713612974)
- Kitzinger, J. 1994. Counteracting, not reenacting the violation of women's bodies. Birth 19(4), pp. 219-220.
- Kitzinger, J. 1994. The methodology of focus groups: the importance of interaction between research participants. Sociology of Health & Illness 16(1), pp. 103-121. (10.1111/1467-9566.ep11347023)
- Kitzinger, J. 1994. Challenging sexual violence against girls: A public awareness approach to preventing sexual abuse. Child Abuse Review 3(4), pp. 246-248. (10.1002/car.2380030404)
- Green, G., Barbour, R. S., Barnard, M. and Kitzinger, J. 1993. "Who wears the trousers?": Sexual harassment in research settings. Women's Studies International Forum 16(6), pp. 627-637. (10.1016/S0277-5395(08)80007-6)
- Kitzinger, J. 1993. Understanding AIDS: Researching audience perceptions of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome?. In: Eldridge, J. ed. Getting the Message: News, Truth and Power. Communication and Society Routledge, pp. 246-277.
- Kitzinger, J. and Kitzinger, C. 1993. 'Doing it': representations of lesbian sex. In: Griffin, G. ed. Outwrite: Lesbianism & Popular Culture. Pluto, pp. 9-25.
- Kitzinger, J. and Hunt, K. 1993. Evaluation of Edinburgh District Councils' "Zero Tolerance" campaign against violence against women. Project Report. Edinburgh District Council.
- Kitzinger, J. 1992. Counteracting, not reenacting, the violation of women's bodies: the challenge for perinatal caregivers. Birth: Issues in Perinatal Care 19(4), pp. 219-220. (10.1111/j.1523-536X.1992.tb00406.x)
- Kitzinger, J. 1992. Sexual violence and compulsory heterosexuality. Feminism & Psychology 2(3), pp. 399-418. (10.1177/0959353592023007)
- Kitzinger, J. 1992. Taking it lying down: sexuality and teenage motherhood. By Hudson Frances & Ineichen Bernard. Pp. 234. (Macmillan, 1991.) £35.00 (hardback); £9.99 (paperback). [Book Review]. Journal of Biosocial Science 24(4), pp. 566-567. (10.1017/S0021932000020150)
- Kitzinger, J. 1991. Judging by appearances: Audience understandings of the look of someone with HIV. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology 1(2), pp. 155-163. (10.1002/casp.2450010209)
- Kitzinger, J. 1991. Battered Women as Survivors (Book). [Book Review]. Sociology of Health & Illness 13(2), pp. 279-280. (10.1111/1467-9566.ep11343075)
- Green, J. M., Richards, M. P. M., Kitzinger, J. and Coupland, V. A. 1991. Mothers’ perceptions of their 6-week-old babies: relationships with antenatal, intrapartum and postnatal factors. IRISH JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY 12(2), pp. 133-144. (10.1080/03033910.1991.10557833)
- Kitzinger, J. 1990. Audience understandings of AIDS media messages: a discussion of methods. Sociology of Health & Illness 12(3), pp. 319-355. (10.1111/1467-9566.ep11347258)
- Kitzinger, J. 1990. The internal examination. Practitioner 234(1492), pp. 698-700.
- Green, J. M., Coupland, V. A. and Kitzinger, J. 1990. Expectations, experiences, and psychological outcomes of childbirth: A prospective study of 825 women. Birth: Issues in Perinatal Care 17(1), pp. 15-24. (10.1111/j.1523-536X.1990.tb00004.x)
- Kitzinger, J. 1990. Recalling the pain. Nursing Times, pp. 38-40.
- Green, J. M., Coupland, V. A., Kitzinger, J., Harvey, J. D. and Hare, M. J. 1989. Observations on obstetric staffing: The myth of the three tier norm. Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 9(4), pp. 289-292. (10.3109/01443618909151066)
- Kitzinger, J. 1989. Child sexual abuse and the role of the teacher. In: Holly, L. ed. Girls and Sexuality: Teaching and Learning. Gender and Education Series Milton Keynes: Open University Press, pp. 52-66.
- Kitzinger, J. 1989. These hidden games. Libertarian Education 2(11), pp. 12-13.
- Kitzinger, J. 1988. Defending innocence: ideologies of childhood. Feminist Review 28, pp. 77-87.
- Coupland, V. A., Green, J. M., Kitzinger, J. and Richards, M. P. M. 1987. Obstetricians on the Labour Ward: implications of medical staffing structures. British Medical Journal 295, pp. 1077-1079. (10.1136/bmj.295.6605.1077)
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- Kitzinger, J. 1985. Take the toys from the boys - the social construction of gender and the women's peace movement. Bulletin of the British Psychological Society 38(5), pp. A68.
- Latchem-Hastings, J., Latchem-Hastings, G. and Kitzinger, J. 2023. Caring for people with severe brain injuries: improving health care professional communication and practice through online learning. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions 43(4), pp. 267-273. (10.1097/CEH.0000000000000486)
- Kitzinger, C. and Kitzinger, J. 2019. Supporting families involved in court cases about life-sustaining treatment: Working as academics, advocates, and activists. Bioethics 33(8), pp. 896-907. (10.1111/bioe.12583)
- Kitzinger, J. 2019. Can you wake up after decades in a coma? The story behind the headlines. The Conversation 2019(May 1), pp. -.
- Smith, R. et al. 2018. Lancet Commission on the value of death. The Lancet 392(10155), pp. 1291-1293. (10.1016/S0140-6736(18)32388-2)
- Kitzinger, J. and Kitzinger, C. 2018. Deaths after feeding tube withdrawal from patients in vegetative and minimally conscious states: a qualitative study of family experience. Palliative Medicine 32(7), pp. 1180-1188. (10.1177/0269216318766430)
- Chatfield, D. A., Lee, S., Cowley, J., Kitzinger, C., Kitzinger, J. and Menon, D. K. 2018. Is there a broader role for independent mental capacity advocates in critical care? An exploratory study. Nursing in Critical Care 23(2), pp. 82-87. (10.1111/nicc.12290)
- Kitzinger, J. and Kitzinger, C. 2018. Why futile and unwanted treatment continues for some PVS patients (and what to do about it). International Journal of Mental Health and Capacity Law 23, pp. 84-149.
- Kitzinger, J., Kitzinger, C. and Cowley, J. 2017. When ‘Sanctity of Life’ and ‘Self-Determination’ Clash: Briggs v Briggs [2016] EWCOP 53 - Implications for policy and practice. Journal of Medical Ethics 43, pp. 446-449. (10.1136/medethics-2016-104118)
- Kitzinger, J. and Kitzinger, C. 2017. Causes and consequences of delays in treatment-withdrawal from PVS patients: a case study of Cumbria NHS Clinical Commissioning Group v Miss S and Ors [2016] EWCOP 32. Journal of Medical Ethics 43, pp. 459-468. (10.1136/medethics-2016-103853)
- Latchem, J., Kitzinger, J., Kell, C. and Boniface, G. 2016. Developing a multimedia learning resource for allied health professionals: exploring the challenges of prolonged disorders of consciousness. Physiotherapy 102(Supp 1), pp. e53. (10.1016/
- Birchley, G., Jones, K., Huxtable, R., Dixon, J., Kitzinger, J. and Clare, L. 2016. Dying well with reduced agency: a scoping review and thematic synthesis of the decision-making process in dementia, traumatic brain injury and frailty. BMC Medical Ethics 17, article number: 46. (10.1186/s12910-016-0129-x)
- Birchley, G., Jones, K., Huxtable, R., Dixon, J., Kitzinger, J. and Clare, L. 2016. Dying well with reduced agency: a scoping review and thematic synthesis of the decision-making process in dementia, traumatic brain injury and frailty. BMC Medical Ethics 17, pp. 1-15., article number: 46. (10.1186/s12910-016-0129-x)
- Greenhalgh, T. et al. 2016. An open letter to The BMJ editors on qualitative research. BMJ 352, article number: i563. (10.1136/bmj.i563)
- Latchem, J., Kitzinger, J. and Kitzinger, C. 2016. Physiotherapy for vegetative and minimally conscious state patients: family perceptions and experiences. Disability & Rehabilitation 38(1), pp. 22-29. (10.3109/09638288.2015.1005759)
- Kitzinger, J. and Kitzinger, C. 2016. Court applications for withdrawal of artificial nutrition and hydration from patients in a permanent vegetative state: family experiences. Journal of Medical Ethics 42, pp. 11-17. (10.1136/medethics-2015-102777)
- Edgar, A. R., Kitzinger, C. and Kitzinger, J. 2015. Interpreting chronic disorders of consciousness: medical science and family experience. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 21(3), pp. 374-379. (10.1111/jep.12220)
- Halliday, S., Kitzinger, C. and Kitzinger, J. 2015. Law in everyday life and death: a socio-legal study of chronic disorders of consciousness. Legal Studies 35(1), pp. 55-74. (10.1111/lest.12042)
- Saunders, B., Kitzinger, J. and Kitzinger, C. 2015. Participant anonymity in the Internet age: from theory to practice. Qualitative Research in Psychology 12(2), pp. 125-137.
- Kitzinger, C. and Kitzinger, J. 2015. Withdrawing artificial nutrition and hydration from minimally conscious and vegetative patients: family perspectives. Journal of Medical Ethics 41(2), pp. 157-160. (10.1136/medethics-2013-101799)
- Latchem, J. and Kitzinger, J. 2015. Breaking down barriers: the importance of good relationships. Nursing and Residential Care 17(1), pp. 30-33. (10.12968/nrec.2015.17.1.30)
- Nettleton, S., Kitzinger, J. and Kitzinger, C. 2014. A diagnostic illusory? The case of distinguishing between 'vegetative' and 'minimally conscious' states. Social Science and Medicine 116, pp. 134-141. (10.1016/j.socscimed.2014.06.036)
- Saunders, B., Kitzinger, J. and Kitzinger, C. 2014. Anonymising interview data: challenges and compromise in practice. Qualitative Research 15(5), pp. 616-632. (10.1177/1468794114550439)
- Holland, S., Kitzinger, C. and Kitzinger, J. 2014. Death, treatment decisions and the permanent vegetative state: evidence from families and experts. Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 17(3), pp. 413-423. (10.1007/s11019-013-9540-y)
- Kitzinger, C. and Kitzinger, J. 2014. Grief, anger and despair in relatives of severely brain injured patients: responding without pathologising. Clinical Rehabilitation 28(7), pp. 627-631. (10.1177/0269215514527844)
- Samuel, G. and Kitzinger, J. 2013. Reporting consciousness in coma: media framing of neuro-scientific research, hope, and the response of families with relatives in vegetative and minimally conscious states. JOMEC Journal(3) (10.18573/j.2013.10244)
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- Gabrielle, S. and Kitzinger, J. 2013. Context, conspiracy, pseudonym and self-report data: discussion of "Reporting consciousness in coma". JOMEC Journal 3(Jun 13), article number: 6. (10.18573/j.2013.10245)
- Kitzinger, J. and Kitzinger, C. 2013. The 'window of opportunity' for death after severe brain injury: family experiences. Sociology of Health & Illness 35(7), pp. 1095-1112. (10.1111/1467-9566.12020)
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- Chimba, M. and Kitzinger, J. 2010. Bimbo or boffin? Women in science: An analysis of media representations and how female scientists negotiate cultural contradictions. Public Understanding of Science 19(5), pp. 609-624. (10.1177/0963662508098580)
- Kitzinger, J. 2010. Questioning the sci‐fi alibi: A critique of how ‘science fiction fears’ are used to explain away public concerns about risk. Journal of Risk Research 13(1), pp. 73-86. (10.1080/13669870903136068)
- Kitzinger, C. and Kitzinger, J. 2010. Giving voice to the voiceless – high-tech speculation, or basic respect?. The Psychologist 23(6), pp. 450-451.
- Haran, J. and Kitzinger, J. 2009. Modest witnessing and managing the boundaries between science and the media: A case study of breakthrough and scandal. Public Understanding of Science 18(6), pp. 634-652. (10.1177/0963662509338324)
- Kitzinger, J. 2008. Questioning hype, rescuing Hope? The Hwang stem cell scandal and the reassertion of hopeful horizons. Science as Culture 17(4), pp. 417-434. (10.1080/09505430802515114)
- Kitzinger, J. and Moorti, S. 2007. Introduction to 'Framing Michael Jackson: Celebrity on Trial' [Editorial]. Social Semiotics 17(4), pp. 413-415. (10.1080/10350330701637015)
- Horlick-Jones, T. E., Walls, J. and Kitzinger, J. 2007. Bricolage in action: learning about, making sense of, and discussing issues about genetically modified crops and food. Health, Risk & Society 9(1), pp. 83-103. (10.1080/13698570601181623)
- Chekar, C. K. and Kitzinger, J. 2007. Science, patriotism and discourses of nation and culture: Reflections on the South Korean stem cell breakthroughs and scandals. New Genetics and Society 26(3), pp. 289-307. (10.1080/14636770701701790)
- Henderson, L. and Kitzinger, J. 2007. Orchestrating a science 'event': the case of the Human Genome Project. New Genetics and Society 26(1), pp. 65-83. (10.1080/14636770701218175)
- Davidson, R., Kitzinger, J. and Hunt, K. 2006. The wealthy get healthy, the poor get poorly? Lay perceptions of health inequalities. Social Science and Medicine 62(9), pp. 2171-2182. (10.1016/j.socscimed.2005.10.010)
- Kitzinger, J. and Williams, C. 2005. Forecasting science futures: Legitimising hope and calming fears in the embryo stem cell debate. Social Science & Medicine 61(3), pp. 731-740. (10.1016/j.socscimed.2005.03.018)
- Batchelor, S. A., Kitzinger, J. and Burtney, E. 2004. Representing young people's sexuality in the 'youth' media. Health Education Research 19(6), pp. 669-676. (10.1093/her/cyg082)
- Kitzinger, J. 2004. Le sable dans l'huitre: analyser des discussions de focus group. Bulletin de psychologie 57(3), pp. 299-307.
- Williams, C., Kitzinger, J. and Henderson, L. 2003. Envisaging the embryo in stem cell research: Rhetorical strategies and media reporting of the ethical debates. Sociology of Health & Illness 25(7), pp. 793-814. (10.1046/j.1467-9566.2003.00370.x)
- Davidson, R., Hunt, K. and Kitzinger, J. 2003. 'Radical blueprint for social change'? Media representations of New Labour's policies on public health. Sociology of Health & Illness 25(6), pp. 532-552. (10.1111/1467-9566.00357)
- Kitzinger, S. and Kitzinger, J. 2001. Sheila Kitzinger's and Jenny Kitzinger's Letter from Europe: Childbirth and breastfeeding in the British media. Birth 28(1), pp. 60-61. (10.1046/j.1523-536x.2001.00060.x)
- Kitzinger, J. 2001. Transformations of public and private knowledge: audience reception, feminism and experience of childhood sexual abuse. Feminist Media Studies 1(1), pp. 91-104. (10.1080/14680770120042882)
- Henderson, L., Kitzinger, J. and Green, J. 2000. Representing infant feeding: content analysis of British media portrayals of bottle feeding and breast feeding. British Medical Journal 321(7270), pp. 1196-1198. (10.1136/bmj.321.7270.1196)
- Kitzinger, J. 2000. Pertti Alasuutari (ed.), Rethinking the media audience: The new agenda. London: Sage, 1999. [Book Review]. Media, Culture & Society 22(5), pp. 689-690. (10.1177/016344300022005010)
- Kitzinger, J. 2000. Media templates: patterns of association and the (re)construction of meaning over time. Media, Culture & Society 22(1), pp. 61-84. (10.1177/016344300022001004)
- Henderson, L. and Kitzinger, J. 1999. The human drama of genetics: 'hard' and 'soft' media representations of inherited breast cancer. Sociology of Health & Illness 21(5), pp. 560-578. (10.1111/1467-9566.00173)
- Kitzinger, J. 1999. Researching risk and the media. Health, Risk & Society 1(1), pp. 55-69. (10.1080/13698579908407007)
- Kitzinger, J., Green, G., Macaulay, L. and Wight, D. 1999. Desperately seeking sperm: screening procedures of women seeking insemination by donor. British Journal of Midwifery 3(12), pp. 641-664.
- Kitzinger, J. 1998. D. McQuail, Audience analysis. London: Sage, 1997. 176pp. [Book Review]. European Journal of Communication 13(3), pp. 419-421. (10.1177/0267323198013003010)
- Kitzinger, J. 1998. Image. Screen 39(1), pp. 73-79. (10.1093/screen/39.1.73)
- Kitzinger, J. and Reilly, J. 1997. The rise and fall of risk reporting - Media coverage of human genetics research, 'False Memory Syndrome' and 'Mad Cow Disease'. European Journal of Communication 12(3), pp. 319-350. (10.1177/0267323197012003002)
- Kitzinger, J. 1996. Juhasz,A.: AIDS TV: Identity, community and alternative video [Book Review]. Media, Culture & Society 18(4), pp. 693-694. (10.1177/016344396018004015)
- Kitzinger, J. 1996. Media representations of sexual abuse risks. Child Abuse Review 5(5), pp. 319-333. (10.1002/(SICI)1099-0852(199612)5:5<319::AID-CAR294>3.0.CO;2-W)
- Kitzinger, J. 1995. Armstrong, L.: Rocking the cradle of sexual politics - what happened when women said incest [Book Review]. Feminism & Psychology 5(3), pp. 389-391. (10.1177/0959353595053010)
- Kitzinger, J. 1995. Qualitative research: introducing focus groups. British Medical Journal 311(7000), pp. 299-302. (10.1136/bmj.311.7000.299)
- Kitzinger, J. 1995. "I'm sexually attractive but I'm powerful": Young women negotiating sexual reputation. Women's Studies International Forum 18(2), pp. 187-196. (10.1016/0277-5395(95)80054-S)
- Kitzinger, J. and Skidmore, P. 1995. Playing safe: Media coverage of child sexual abuse prevention strategies. Child Abuse Review 4(1), pp. 47-56. (10.1002/car.2380040108)
- Macaulay, L., Kitzinger, J., Green, G. and Wight, D. 1995. Unconventional conceptions and HIV. AIDS Care: Psychological and Socio-medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV 7(3), pp. 261-276. (10.1080/713612974)
- Kitzinger, J. 1994. Counteracting, not reenacting the violation of women's bodies. Birth 19(4), pp. 219-220.
- Kitzinger, J. 1994. The methodology of focus groups: the importance of interaction between research participants. Sociology of Health & Illness 16(1), pp. 103-121. (10.1111/1467-9566.ep11347023)
- Kitzinger, J. 1994. Challenging sexual violence against girls: A public awareness approach to preventing sexual abuse. Child Abuse Review 3(4), pp. 246-248. (10.1002/car.2380030404)
- Green, G., Barbour, R. S., Barnard, M. and Kitzinger, J. 1993. "Who wears the trousers?": Sexual harassment in research settings. Women's Studies International Forum 16(6), pp. 627-637. (10.1016/S0277-5395(08)80007-6)
- Kitzinger, J. 1992. Counteracting, not reenacting, the violation of women's bodies: the challenge for perinatal caregivers. Birth: Issues in Perinatal Care 19(4), pp. 219-220. (10.1111/j.1523-536X.1992.tb00406.x)
- Kitzinger, J. 1992. Sexual violence and compulsory heterosexuality. Feminism & Psychology 2(3), pp. 399-418. (10.1177/0959353592023007)
- Kitzinger, J. 1992. Taking it lying down: sexuality and teenage motherhood. By Hudson Frances & Ineichen Bernard. Pp. 234. (Macmillan, 1991.) £35.00 (hardback); £9.99 (paperback). [Book Review]. Journal of Biosocial Science 24(4), pp. 566-567. (10.1017/S0021932000020150)
- Kitzinger, J. 1991. Judging by appearances: Audience understandings of the look of someone with HIV. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology 1(2), pp. 155-163. (10.1002/casp.2450010209)
- Kitzinger, J. 1991. Battered Women as Survivors (Book). [Book Review]. Sociology of Health & Illness 13(2), pp. 279-280. (10.1111/1467-9566.ep11343075)
- Green, J. M., Richards, M. P. M., Kitzinger, J. and Coupland, V. A. 1991. Mothers’ perceptions of their 6-week-old babies: relationships with antenatal, intrapartum and postnatal factors. IRISH JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY 12(2), pp. 133-144. (10.1080/03033910.1991.10557833)
- Kitzinger, J. 1990. Audience understandings of AIDS media messages: a discussion of methods. Sociology of Health & Illness 12(3), pp. 319-355. (10.1111/1467-9566.ep11347258)
- Kitzinger, J. 1990. The internal examination. Practitioner 234(1492), pp. 698-700.
- Green, J. M., Coupland, V. A. and Kitzinger, J. 1990. Expectations, experiences, and psychological outcomes of childbirth: A prospective study of 825 women. Birth: Issues in Perinatal Care 17(1), pp. 15-24. (10.1111/j.1523-536X.1990.tb00004.x)
- Kitzinger, J. 1990. Recalling the pain. Nursing Times, pp. 38-40.
- Green, J. M., Coupland, V. A., Kitzinger, J., Harvey, J. D. and Hare, M. J. 1989. Observations on obstetric staffing: The myth of the three tier norm. Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 9(4), pp. 289-292. (10.3109/01443618909151066)
- Kitzinger, J. 1989. These hidden games. Libertarian Education 2(11), pp. 12-13.
- Kitzinger, J. 1988. Defending innocence: ideologies of childhood. Feminist Review 28, pp. 77-87.
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Book sections
- Kitzinger, J., Kitzinger, C., White, B., Wilmot, L., Lewis, P. and Downie, J. 2021. International perspectives on reforming end-of-life law. In: White, B. and Wilmot, L. eds. International Perspectives on End-of-Life Reform: Politics, Persuasion and Persistence. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 250-276.
- Kitzinger, J. and Kitzinger, C. 2020. How to change the Law: challenging mandatory court hearings for people in vegetative and minimally conscious states. In: Politics, persuasion and persistence: International perspectives on end-of-life law reform. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
- Kitzinger, J. 2015. Media representations of science and health: the case of coma. In: Miller, T. ed. The Routledge Companion to Global Popular Culture. Routledge Companions London: Routledge, pp. 333-341.
- Kitzinger, C. and Kitzinger, J. 2014. 'This in-between': how families talk about death in relation to severe brain injury and disorders of consciousness. In: Van Brussel, L. and Carpentier, N. eds. The Social Construction of Death : Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Hampshire, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 239-258., (10.1057/9781137391919_13)
- Kitzinger, J. 2013. Using focus groups to understand experiences of health and illness. In: Ziebland, S. et al. eds. Understanding and Using Health Experiences: Improving Patient Care. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 49-59.
- Kitzinger, J. 2009. Media and health. In: Alder, B. et al. eds. Psychology and sociology applied to medicine. 3rd ed. Illustrated colour text Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, pp. 52-53.
- Haran, J. and Kitzinger, J. 2009. Human genetics and cloning in the media: mapping the research field. In: Atkinson, P., Glasner, P. and Lock, M. eds. The Handbook of Genetics & Society: Mapping the New Genomic Era. Genetics and Society London: Routledge, pp. 203-221.
- Kitzinger, J. 2009. Rape in the media. In: Horvath, M. A. H. and Brown, J. M. eds. Rape: Challenging Contemporary Thinking. Devon: Brian Willan Publishers, pp. 74-98.
- Kitzinger, J. 2008. The 'paedophiles-in-the-community' protests: press reporting and public responses. In: Letherby, G. et al. eds. Sex as Crime?. London: Routledge, pp. 356-376.
- Kitzinger, J. 2007. Framing and frame analysis. In: Devereux, E. ed. Media Studies: Key Issues and Debates. London: Sage, pp. 134-161.
- Kitzinger, J., Williams, C. and Henderson, L. 2007. Science, media and society: the framing of bioethical debates around embryonic stem cell research between 2000 and 2005. In: Glasner, P. E., Atkinson, P. A. and Greenslade, H. T. eds. New Genetics, New Social Formations. Routledge, pp. 204-230.
- Hughes, E., Kitzinger, J. and Murdock, G. 2006. The media and risk. In: Taylor-Gooby, P. and Zinn, J. eds. Risk in Social Sciences. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 250-270.
- Kitzinger, J. 2006. Constructing and de-constructing the 'gay' gene: media reporting of genetics, sexual diversity and 'deviance'. In: Ellison, G. and Goodman, A. eds. The nature of difference: science, society and human biology. Society for the Study of Human Biology Vol. 45. London: CRC Press, pp. 99-117.
- Kitzinger, J. 2006. Zero tolerance: public responses to a feminist anti-sexual violence advertising campaign. In: Weaver, C. K. and Carter, C. eds. Critical readings: violence and the media. Issues in cultural and media studies Maidenhead: Open University Press
- Kitzinger, J. 2006. The role of media in public engagement. In: Turney, J. ed. Engaging Science: Thoughts, Deeds, Analysis and Action. Wellcome Trust, pp. 44-50.
- Kitzinger, J. 2005. Media coverage of sexual violence against women and children. In: Byerly, C. M. and Ross, K. eds. Women and Media: A Critical Introduction. Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 13-38.
- Kitzinger, J. 2005. Focus group research: using group dynamics to explore perceptions, experiences and understandings. In: Holloway, I. ed. Qualitative research in health care. Maidenhead: Open University Press, pp. 56-70.
- Kitzinger, J. 2005. Audience reception research. In: Bragança de Miranda, J. A. and Simões, G. eds. Rumos da Sociedade da Comunicação / 2º Congresso da SOPCOM. Vega, pp. 46-50.
- Kitzinger, J. 2004. Audiences and readership research. In: Downing, J. et al. eds. The SAGE handbook of media studies. Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE Publications, pp. 167-181.
- Kitzinger, J. 2003. Creating discourses of 'false memory': media coverage and production dynamics. In: Reavey, P. and Warner, S. eds. New Feminist Stories of Child Sexual Abuse: Sexual Scripts and Dangerous Dialogue. London: Routledge, pp. 94-107.
- Kitzinger, J. 2002. Media influence revisited: an introduction to the "new effects research". In: Briggs, A. and Cobley, P. eds. The Media: an introduction. 2nd ed. Harlow: Longman, pp. 272-281.
- Kitzinger, J. and Lesley, H. 1999. The human drama of genetics: 'hard' and 'soft' media representations of inherited breast cancer. In: Peter, C. and Gabe, J. eds. Sociological perspectives on the new genetics. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, pp. 59-78.
- Kitzinger, J. 1999. Introducing focus groups. In: Pope, C. and Nicholas, M. eds. Qualitative Research in Health Care. London: BMJ Publishing Group, pp. 36-45.
- Kitzinger, J. 1999. The ultimate neighbour from hell? Stranger danger and the media framing of paedophiles. In: Franklin, R. ed. Social policy, the media and misrepresentation. London: Psychology Press, pp. 207-221.
- Kitzinger, J. 1999. The power of the moving image: touching pictures of Diana, Princess of Wales. In: Walter, T. ed. The Mourning for Diana. London: Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 65-76.
- Kitzinger, J. 1999. A sociology of media power: key issues in audience reception research. In: Philo, G. ed. Message received. Harlow: Longman, pp. 3-20.
- Kitzinger, J. and Farquhar, C. 1998. The analytical potential of 'sensitive moments' in focus group discussions. In: Barbour, R. and Kitzinger, J. eds. Developing Focus Group Research: Politics, Theory and Practice. London: SAGE, pp. 156-172.
- Kitzinger, J. 1998. The gender-politics of news production: silenced voices and false memories'. In: Carter, C., Branston, G. and Allan, S. eds. News, gender, and power. London: Routledge, pp. 186-203.
- Kitzinger, J. 1997. Sexual violence and midwifery practice. In: Kargar, I. and Hunt, S. C. eds. Challenges in Midwifery Care. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
- Kitzinger, J. and Kate, H. 1996. Public place, private issue? The public's reaction to the Zero Tolerance campaign against violence against women. In: Hannah, B. ed. Defining Violence: Understanding the Causes and Effects of Violence. Aldershot: Avebury, pp. 45-58.
- Kitzinger, J. 1993. Understanding AIDS: Researching audience perceptions of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome?. In: Eldridge, J. ed. Getting the Message: News, Truth and Power. Communication and Society Routledge, pp. 246-277.
- Kitzinger, J. and Kitzinger, C. 1993. 'Doing it': representations of lesbian sex. In: Griffin, G. ed. Outwrite: Lesbianism & Popular Culture. Pluto, pp. 9-25.
- Kitzinger, J. 1989. Child sexual abuse and the role of the teacher. In: Holly, L. ed. Girls and Sexuality: Teaching and Learning. Gender and Education Series Milton Keynes: Open University Press, pp. 52-66.
- Haran, J., Kitzinger, J., McNeil, M. and O'Riordan, K. 2008. Human cloning in the media: from science fiction to science practice. Genetics and Society. London: Routledge.
- Kitzinger, J. 2004. Framing abuse: media influence and public understanding of sexual violence against children. London: Pluto Press.
- Kitzinger, J. and Hughes, E. 2008. Framing the Risks of New Technologies: How People Assess the Costs and Benefits of GM Crops, Stem Cell Research and Nanotechnology. Presented at: Sociological Research and Public Debate,International Sociological Association Forum of Sociology,, Barcelona, Spain, September 5-8, 2008. pp. 108-108.
- Wahl-Jorgensen, K. et al. 2020. Advice for journalists covering Covid-19: Welsh NHS confederation. Documentation. Cardiff: School of Journalism, Media and Culture, Cardiff University.
- Kitzinger, J. and Kitzinger, C. 2016. Increasing understanding and uptake of advance decisions in Wales. Discussion Paper. Cardiff: Public Policy Institute for Wales. Available at:
- Baldwin, T. and Kitzinger, J. 2013. Novelneurotechnologies: intervening in the brain. Project Report. [Online]. Nuffied Council on Bioethics. Available at:
- Latchem, J. and Kitzinger, J. 2012. What is important to residents with neurological conditions and their relatives in rehabilitation and long-term care centres?. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Cardiff University. Available at:
- Kitzinger, J. 2010. Disorders of consciousness: shaping a medical humanities initiative. Discussion Paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University. Available at:
- Williams, A. J., Gajevic, S., Lewis, J. M. W. and Kitzinger, J. 2009. UK national newspaper coverage of hybrid embryos: source strategies and struggles. Project Report. Cardiff University.
- Kitzinger, J., Haran, J., Chimba, M. and Boyce, T. 2008. Role Models in the Media: An Exploration of the Views and Experiences of Women in Science, Engineering and Technology. UK Resource Centre for Women in Science, Engineering and Technology (UKRC) and Cardiff University. Available at:
- Haran, J., Chimba, M., Reid, G. and Kitzinger, J. 2008. Screening women in SET: how women in science, engineering and technology are represented in films and on television. Project Report. [Online]. UK Resource Centre for Women in Science, Engineering and Technology (UKRC) and Cardiff University 2008. Available at:
- Hughes, E. and Kitzinger, J. 2008. Science fiction fears? An analysis of how people use fiction in discussing risk and emerging science and technology. Working paper. Canterbury: University of Kent.
- Hughes, E., Kitzinger, J. and Murdock, G. 2008. Media discourses and framing of risk. Working paper. Canterbury: University of Kent.
- Boyce, T. and Kitzinger, J. 2008. Promoting Women in the Media: The Role of SET Organisations and their Science Media Communicators. UK Resource Centre for Women in Science, Engineering and Technology. Available at:
- Kitzinger, J. and Hughes, E. 2008. Social Contexts and Responses to Risk (SCARR): Science fiction fears? An analysis of how people use fiction in discussing risk and emerging science and technology. Project Report. [Online]. University of Kent at Canterbury. Available at:
- Kitzinger, J., Chimba, M. D., Williams, A., Haran, J. and Boyce, T. 2008. Gender, stereotypes and expertise in the press: how newspapers represent female and male scientists.. Project Report. [Online]. UK Resource Centre for Women in Science, Engineering and Technology (UKRC) and Cardiff University. Available at:
- Kitzinger, J. 2008. The media and public risk. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff University. Available at:
- Kitzinger, J. and Hunt, K. 1993. Evaluation of Edinburgh District Councils' "Zero Tolerance" campaign against violence against women. Project Report. Edinburgh District Council.
- Green, J. M., Kitzinger, J. and Coupland, V. A. 1986. The division of labour: implications of medical staffing structures for midwives and doctors on the labour ward. Project Report. Cambridge: Child Care and Development Group, University of Cambridge.
- Kitzinger, J. 2021. Improving decision-making for patients in vegetative and minimally conscious states: REF 2021 Impact Case Study. Research England.
- Kitzinger, J. 2022. “He deserves a chance”? Continuities and shifts in decision-making about life-sustaining treatment. [Online]. Open Justice Court of Protection Project. Available at:
- Kitzinger, J. 2021. “Burdensome and futile” treatment and dignity compromised: Poor practice at a leading UK hospital. [Online]. Open Justice. Available at:
- Kitzinger, J. 2021. Life-sustaining treatment contrary to his best interests: Lessons from a supplementary hearing. [Online]. Open Justice. Available at:
- Kitzinger, J. 2021. Clinically-assisted nutrition and hydration: decisions that cannot be ignored or delayed. [Online]. Open Justice Court of Protection Project. Available at:
- Kitzinger, J. 2021. Delay is inimical to P’s welfare: guidance on clinically-assisted nutrition and hydration for PDoC patients. [Online]. Open Justice Court of Protection Project. Available at:
Recent publications see:
Key Research Interests
- Health/Science & the Media: I have researched a range of health issues from AIDS to health inequalities. Much of my work addresses debates about medical ethics and emerging technologies (e.g. stem cell research).
- Coma and Brain injury. I am now examining the cultural representations of, and debates about, coma and severe brain injury, working in collaboration with Prof Celia Kitzinger (Cardiff School of Law & Politics). We are analysing statutory frameworks (e.g. the Mental Capacity Act, 2005) alongside examining scientific papers, court hearings and press releases about neuroscience, coma and recovery and conducting in-depth interviews with families of people in vegetative/minimally conscious states.This research informed an online resource offering information and support for families and practitioners – see I served on the Royal College of Physicians Working Party rewriting guidelines on the management of the 'vegetative' state, and on the Nuffield Council on bioethics 'Working Party on novel neurotechnologies to intervene in the brain.' For more information about this work see
- Sexual Violence: My work around sexual violence has included examining the emergence of child sexual abuse as a public issue, the representation of scandals, responses to a feminist social awareness advertising campaign and the development of anti-violence initiatives in schools.
- Research Methods. I have written extensively about questions of media influence. I am also an expert in focus group research methods, and am especially concerned with the best way of using this methodology in sensitive and innovative ways to explore key social issues.
BA Modules:
- 'Birth, Marriage and Death in the media: the ‘personal’ in cultural context; 'Research Methods', 'Dissertations'; Previously: 'Understanding Media Audiences', 'Risk and Health Reporting', 'Politics & Social Media', 'Feminist Theory and Media Studies'.
MA Module
- Putting Research into Practice
PhD supervision
- Post-graduate supersion has included work on: Science & Health in the Media, Disability politics, Sexual violence, End-of-Life decision-making. I welcome PhD applications in any of these areas.
Education and qualifications
- 1999: PhD (Sociology) Glasgow University
- 1984: BA hons & MA (Social Anthropology) Cambridge University
Career overview
- 1985-88: Research Assistant, Cambridge University (Social and Political Sciences)
- 1988-91: Research Associate, Glasgow University (Glasgow Media Group)
- 1991-92: Senior Research Fellow, Medical Research Council, Medical Sociology
- 1992-99: Deputy Director + Senior Research Fellow, Glasgow University (Glasgow Media Group)
- 1999-2003: Reader, Brunel, Director of the Centre for Media & Communications Research
- 2003-present: Professor, Cardiff University (School of Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies)
Honours and awards
- Rockefeller scholarship award (2011)
- Cardiff University award for Outstanding Engagement and Innovation (2013),
- ESRC national award for ‘Outstanding Impact in Society’ (2015)
- Cardiff University award for ‘Outstanding Impact on Policy’ (2015)
- Joint runner-up to Guardian University Awards for ‘Research Impact’ (2015)
- British Medical Association 2015 award for ‘Information on Ethical Issues’
- Fellow of the Learned Society of Wales
I am interested in supervising students in the areas of:
- Representing Death
- Law, ethics and medical treatment
- Disability rights and the media
- End of Life decision-making and Advance Decisions
- Mental Capacity Act in the Media
- Euthanasia debates
- Sexual violence
Current supervision
Contact Details
+44 29208 74571
Two Central Square, Room 0.55A, Central Square, Cardiff, CF10 1FS