Whittle, A. 2015. Early agricultural society in Europe. In: Barker, G. and Goucher, C. eds. Cambridge World History Volume 2: A World with Agriculture, 12,000 BCE-500 CE., Vol. 2. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 555-588., (10.1017/CBO9780511978807.023)
Whittle, A. W. R. 2013. Enclosures in the making: Knowledge, creativity and temporality. In: Anders, G. and Kulcsar, A. eds. Moments in Time: Papers Presented to Pál Raczky on His 60th Birthday. Prehistoric Studies Vol. 1. Budapest: L'Harmattan Kiado, pp. 457-466.
Hofmann, D. et al. 2012. Kinds of diversity and scales of analysis in the LBK. Presented at: "Neue Fragen zur Bandkeramik oder alles beim Alten?" - internationale Tagung, Leipzig, Germany, 23-24 September 2010 Presented at Kreienbrink, F., Cladders, M. and Staeuble, H. eds.Siedlungsstruktur und Kulturwandel in der Bandkeramik: Beiträge der internationalen Tagung "Neue Fragen zur Bandkeramik oder alles beim Alten?" Leipzig, 23. bis 24. September 2010. Arbeits- und Forschungsberichte zur sächsischen Bodendenkmalpflege, Beihefte Vol. 25. Dresden: Landesamt für Archäologie pp. 107-117.
Whittle, A. W. R. 2012. El Neolítico en Europa: cuestión de escala y tempo. In: Rojo Guerra, M., Garrido Pena, R. and Garcia Martinez de Lagran, I. eds. El Neolítico en la Península Ibéerica y su Contexto Europeo. Madrid: Cátedra, pp. 13-26.
Whittle, A. W. R. 2012. Being alive and being dead: House and grave in the LBK. In: Jones, A. M. et al. eds. Image, Memory and Monumentality: Archaeological Engagements with the Material World (A Celebration of the Academic Achievements of Professor Richard Bradley). Prehistoric Society Research Papers Vol. 5. Oxford: Oxbow Books, pp. 194-206.
Oross, K., Marton, T., Whittle, A. W. R., Hedges, R. E. M. and Cramp, L. J. E. 2011. Die Siedlung der Balaton-Lasinja-Kultur in Balatonszárszó-Kis-erdei-dulo. In: Sutekova, J. et al. eds. PANTA RHEI: Studies in Chronology and Cultural Development of South-Eastern and Central Europe in Earlier Prehistory Presented to Juraj Pavúk on the Occasion of his 75th Birthday. Bratislava: Comenius University, pp. 381-407.
Whittle, A. W. R. 2011. Grand narratives and shorter stories. In: Hadjikoumis, A., Robinson, E. and Viner, S. eds. The Dynamics of Neolithisation in Europe: Studies in Honour of Andrew Sherratt. Oxford: Oxbow Books, pp. 10-24.
Whittle, A. W. R. 2010. The Körös culture of the Great Hungarian Plain: Implications of a recent research project at Ecsegfalva, Co, Békés. Presented at: Neolithisierung Mitteleuropas Internationale Tagung, Mainz, Germany, 24-26 June 2005 Presented at Petrasch, D. and Gronenborn, J. eds.Die Neolithisierung Mitteleuropas : Internationale Tagung, Mainz 24. bis 26. Juni 2005 = The Spread of the Neolithic to Central Europe : International Symposium, Mainz 24 June--26 June 2005. Mainz: Verlag des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums pp. 189-210.
Whittle, A. W. R. 2010. The long and winding road: reflections on sixth-millennium process. Presented at: Neolithization of the Carpathian Basin - symposium organized by the EU Project FEPRE, Krakow, Poland, 2010 Presented at Kozlowski, J. K. and Raczky, P. eds.Neolithization of the Carpathian Basin: Northernmost Distribution of the Starcevo/Körös Culture. Kraków: Polish Academy of Sciences pp. 91-102.
Whittle, A. W. R. 2009. The Neolithic Period, c. 4000-2400 cal BC: a changing world. In: Hunter, J. and Ralston, I. eds. The Archaeology of Britain: An Introduction from Earliest Times to the Twenty-First Century. 2nd ed.. London: Routledge, pp. 78-102.
Whittle, A. W. R. 2009. As we were saying: connecting people and places. In: Allen, M. J., Sharples, N. M. and O'Connor, T. eds. Land and People: Papers in Memory of John Evans. Prehistoric Society Research Papers Oxford: Oxbow Books, pp. 203-214.
Whittle, A. W. R. 2009. The people who lived in longhouses: What's the big idea?. In: Bickle, P. and Hofmann, D. eds. Creating Communities: New Advances in Central European Neolithic Research. Oxford: Oxbow Books, pp. 249-263.
Whittle, A. W. R. and Hofmann, D. 2008. Neolithic bodies. In: Jones, A. ed. Prehistoric Europe: Theory and Practice. Blackwell Studies in Global Archaeology Blackwell, pp. 287-311.
Cummings, V. and Whittle, A. 2025. The early Neolithic. In: Driscoll, S. and Cummings, V. eds. The Archaeology of Britain. Routledge
Whittle, A. 2015. Early agricultural society in Europe. In: Barker, G. and Goucher, C. eds. Cambridge World History Volume 2: A World with Agriculture, 12,000 BCE-500 CE., Vol. 2. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 555-588., (10.1017/CBO9780511978807.023)
Whittle, A. W. R. 2013. Enclosures in the making: Knowledge, creativity and temporality. In: Anders, G. and Kulcsar, A. eds. Moments in Time: Papers Presented to Pál Raczky on His 60th Birthday. Prehistoric Studies Vol. 1. Budapest: L'Harmattan Kiado, pp. 457-466.
Whittle, A. W. R. 2012. El Neolítico en Europa: cuestión de escala y tempo. In: Rojo Guerra, M., Garrido Pena, R. and Garcia Martinez de Lagran, I. eds. El Neolítico en la Península Ibéerica y su Contexto Europeo. Madrid: Cátedra, pp. 13-26.
Whittle, A. W. R. 2012. Being alive and being dead: House and grave in the LBK. In: Jones, A. M. et al. eds. Image, Memory and Monumentality: Archaeological Engagements with the Material World (A Celebration of the Academic Achievements of Professor Richard Bradley). Prehistoric Society Research Papers Vol. 5. Oxford: Oxbow Books, pp. 194-206.
Oross, K., Marton, T., Whittle, A. W. R., Hedges, R. E. M. and Cramp, L. J. E. 2011. Die Siedlung der Balaton-Lasinja-Kultur in Balatonszárszó-Kis-erdei-dulo. In: Sutekova, J. et al. eds. PANTA RHEI: Studies in Chronology and Cultural Development of South-Eastern and Central Europe in Earlier Prehistory Presented to Juraj Pavúk on the Occasion of his 75th Birthday. Bratislava: Comenius University, pp. 381-407.
Whittle, A. W. R. 2011. Grand narratives and shorter stories. In: Hadjikoumis, A., Robinson, E. and Viner, S. eds. The Dynamics of Neolithisation in Europe: Studies in Honour of Andrew Sherratt. Oxford: Oxbow Books, pp. 10-24.
Whittle, A. W. R. 2009. The Neolithic Period, c. 4000-2400 cal BC: a changing world. In: Hunter, J. and Ralston, I. eds. The Archaeology of Britain: An Introduction from Earliest Times to the Twenty-First Century. 2nd ed.. London: Routledge, pp. 78-102.
Whittle, A. W. R. 2009. As we were saying: connecting people and places. In: Allen, M. J., Sharples, N. M. and O'Connor, T. eds. Land and People: Papers in Memory of John Evans. Prehistoric Society Research Papers Oxford: Oxbow Books, pp. 203-214.
Whittle, A. W. R. 2009. The people who lived in longhouses: What's the big idea?. In: Bickle, P. and Hofmann, D. eds. Creating Communities: New Advances in Central European Neolithic Research. Oxford: Oxbow Books, pp. 249-263.
Whittle, A. W. R. and Hofmann, D. 2008. Neolithic bodies. In: Jones, A. ed. Prehistoric Europe: Theory and Practice. Blackwell Studies in Global Archaeology Blackwell, pp. 287-311.
Hofmann, D. et al. 2012. Kinds of diversity and scales of analysis in the LBK. Presented at: "Neue Fragen zur Bandkeramik oder alles beim Alten?" - internationale Tagung, Leipzig, Germany, 23-24 September 2010 Presented at Kreienbrink, F., Cladders, M. and Staeuble, H. eds.Siedlungsstruktur und Kulturwandel in der Bandkeramik: Beiträge der internationalen Tagung "Neue Fragen zur Bandkeramik oder alles beim Alten?" Leipzig, 23. bis 24. September 2010. Arbeits- und Forschungsberichte zur sächsischen Bodendenkmalpflege, Beihefte Vol. 25. Dresden: Landesamt für Archäologie pp. 107-117.
Whittle, A. W. R. 2010. The Körös culture of the Great Hungarian Plain: Implications of a recent research project at Ecsegfalva, Co, Békés. Presented at: Neolithisierung Mitteleuropas Internationale Tagung, Mainz, Germany, 24-26 June 2005 Presented at Petrasch, D. and Gronenborn, J. eds.Die Neolithisierung Mitteleuropas : Internationale Tagung, Mainz 24. bis 26. Juni 2005 = The Spread of the Neolithic to Central Europe : International Symposium, Mainz 24 June--26 June 2005. Mainz: Verlag des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums pp. 189-210.
Whittle, A. W. R. 2010. The long and winding road: reflections on sixth-millennium process. Presented at: Neolithization of the Carpathian Basin - symposium organized by the EU Project FEPRE, Krakow, Poland, 2010 Presented at Kozlowski, J. K. and Raczky, P. eds.Neolithization of the Carpathian Basin: Northernmost Distribution of the Starcevo/Körös Culture. Kraków: Polish Academy of Sciences pp. 91-102.