Dr. Alan Netherwood was awarded an Honorary Research Fellowship by the School of Geography and Planning in September 2008. He has worked in Wales since 1993 for local government (Cardiff Council), academia (BRASS Research Centre (Cardiff University), Environment Agency Wales and voluntary bodies in the fields of sustainable development and climate change. He chaired the Welsh local government sustainable development officers network SDCC for 3 years and served on the Environment Agency's UK Climate Change Science Board. He was a visiting research fellow at the BRASS Centre in Cardiff University in 2004 while developing the Ecological Footprint of Cardiff, has a PhD in Environmental Management from the University of Central Lancashire and an MSc in Natural Resources Management from Leicester University. He has a range of publications in practitioner journals, books and conference papers in this field. He is currently working as a consultant with Welsh Local Government Association on their Sustainable Development Framework and on Climate Change, providing policy support to the Public and Third Sector and has co-authored the Review of the Effectiveness of the Welsh Assembly Government Sustainable Development Scheme, with Cardiff University. He has recently been elected as a Director of Cynnal Cymru: Sustain Wales.