Dr John Fox
Honorary Professor
- Field, S. L., Williams, M. O., Jones, C. R. and Fox, J. R. 2024. A meta-ethnography of autistic people’s experiences of social camouflaging and its relationship with mental health. Autism 28(6), pp. 1328-1343. (10.1177/13623613231223036)
- Marffy, M., Fox, J. and Williams, M. 2024. An exploration of the relationship between loneliness, the severity of eating disorder-related symptoms and the experience of the 'anorexic voice'. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice 97(1), pp. 122-137. (10.1111/papt.12502)
- McKechnie, V., Oliver, N., Amiel, S. A. and Fox, J. R. E. 2024. Hyperglycaemia aversion in type 1 diabetes: A grounded theory study. British Journal of Health Psychology 29(1), pp. 254-271. (10.1111/bjhp.12697)
- Howard, T. L. M., Williams, M. O., Woodward, D. and Fox, J. R. E. 2023. The relationship between shame, perfectionism and Anorexia Nervosa: a grounded theory study. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice 96(1), pp. 40-55. (10.1111/papt.12425)
- Field, S. L., Fox, J. R. E., Jones, C. R. G. and Williams, M. O. 2023. “Work WITH us”: a Delphi study about improving eating disorder treatment for autistic women with anorexia nervosa. Journal of Eating Disorders 11(1), article number: 17. (10.1186/s40337-023-00740-z)
- Morrison, J., Williams, M. O. and Fox, J. R. E. 2022. Negative childhood events and the development of the anorexic voice: A grounded theory. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice 95(4), pp. 1018-1035. (10.1111/papt.12416)
- Babb, C., Brede, J., Jones, C. R., Serpell, L., Mandy, W. and Fox, J. R. 2022. A comparison of the eating disorder service experiences of autistic and non-autistic women in the UK. European Eating Disorders Review 30(5), pp. 616-627. (10.1002/erv.2930)
- Babb, C., Jones, C. R. G. and Fox, J. R. E. 2022. Investigating service users’ perspectives of eating disorder services: A meta-synthesis. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy 29(4), pp. 1276-1296. (10.1002/cpp.2723)
- Adamson, J., Brede, J., Babb, C., Serpell, L., Jones, C. R. G., Fox, J. and Mandy, W. 2022. Towards identifying a method of screening for autism amongst women with restrictive eating disorders. European Eating Disorders Review (10.1002/erv.2918)
- Mason, D., James, D., Andrews, L. and Fox, J. R. E. 2022. "The last thing you feel is the self-disgust”. the role of self-directed disgust in men who have attempted suicide: a grounded theory study. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice 95(2), pp. 575-599. (10.1111/papt.12389)
- Hibbs, R., Pugh, M. and Fox, J. R. 2021. Applying emotion-focused therapy to work with the ‘anorexic voice’ within anorexia nervosa: a brief intervention. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration 31(4), pp. 327-347. (10.1037/int0000252)
- Stott, N., Williams, M. and Fox, J. 2021. Attentional bias in eating disorders: a meta-review. International Journal of Eating Disorders 54(8), pp. 1377-1399. (10.1002/eat.23560)
- Babb, C. et al. 2021. “It’s not that they don’t want to access the support… it’s the impact of the autism”: the experience of eating disorder services from the perspective of autistic women, parents and healthcare professionals. Autism 25(5), pp. 1409-1421. (10.1177/1362361321991257)
- Hampshire, K., Tierney, S., Varese, F., Haddock, G., Saeidi, S. and Fox, J. R. E. 2020. The development and assessment of a scale to measure the experience of an anorexic voice in anorexia nervosa. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy 27(6), pp. 940-954. (10.1002/cpp.2481)
- Brede, J. et al. 2020. "For me, the anorexia is just a symptom, and the cause is the autism” – Investigating restrictive eating disorders in autistic women. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 50, pp. 4280-4296. (10.1007/s10803-020-04479-3)
- Blythin, S. P. M., Nicholson, H. L., Macintyre, V., Dickson, J. M., Fox, J. R. E. and Taylor, P. J. 2020. Experiences of shame and guilt in Anorexia and Bulimia Nervosa: A systematic review. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice 93(1), pp. 134-159. (10.1111/papt.12198)
- Graham, M. R., Tierney, S., Chisholm, A. and Fox, J. R. E. 2020. The lived experience of working with people with eating disorders: A meta-ethnography. International Journal of Eating Disorders 53(3), pp. 422-441. (10.1002/eat.23215)
- Graham, M. R., Tierney, S., Chisholm, A. and Fox, J. R. E. 2019. Perceptions of the “anorexic voice”: A qualitative study of healthcare professionals. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy 26(6), pp. 707-716. (10.1002/cpp.2393)
- Henderson, Z. B., Fox, J. R. E., Trayner, P. and Wittkowski, A. 2019. Emotional development in eating disorders: a qualitative meta-synthesis. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy 26(4), pp. 440-457. (10.1002/cpp.2365)
- Faija, C. L., Tierney, S., Gooding, P. A., Peters, S. and Fox, J. R. E. 2017. The role of pride in women with anorexia nervosa: A grounded theory study. Psychology and Psychotherapy- Theory Research and Practice 90(4), pp. 567-585. (10.1111/papt.12125)
- Backer, C., Murphy, R., Fox, J. R. E., Ulph, F. and Calam, R. 2017. Young children's experiences of living with a parent with bipolar disorder: Understanding the child's perspective. Psychology and Psychotherapy- Theory Research and Practice 90(2), pp. 212-228. (10.1111/papt.12099)
- Fox, J. R. E. and Whittlesea, A. 2017. Accommodation of symptoms in anorexia nervosa: a qualitative study. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy 24(2), pp. 488-500. (10.1002/cpp.2020)
- Wittkowski, A., Patel, S. and Fox, J. 2017. The experience of postnatal depression in immigrant mothers living in western countries: a meta-synthesis. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy 24(2), pp. 411-427. (10.1002/cpp.2010)
- Fox, J., Dean, M. and Whittlesea, A. 2017. The experience of caring for or living with an individual with an eating disorder: a meta-synthesis of qualitative studies. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy 24(1), pp. 103-125. (10.1002/cpp.1984)
- Baker, P. D., Bambrough, J., Fox, J. R. E. and Kyle, S. D. 2016. Health-related quality of life and psychological functioning in patients with primary malignant brain tumors: a systematic review of clinical, demographic and mental health factors. Neuro Oncology Practice 3(4), pp. 211-221. (10.1093/nop/npv042)
- Howie, E., Bambrough, J., Karabatsou, K. and Fox, J. R. 2016. Patient experiences of awake craniotomy: an interpretative phenomenological analysis. Journal of Health Psychology 21(11), pp. 2612-2623. (10.1177/1359105315581513)
- Fox, J. R. E., Msetfi, R. M., Johnson, R. S. and Haigh, E. 2016. The perception of threat from emotions in predicting binge eating behaviours in people who are obese and seeking treatment for their weight. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy 23(5), pp. 452-459. (10.1002/cpp.1972)
- Seed, T., Fox, J. R. and Berry, K. 2016. The experience of involuntary detention in acute psychiatric care. A review and synthesis of qualitative studies. International Journal of Nursing Studies 61, pp. 82-94. (10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2016.05.014)
- Smith, H., Fox, J. R., Hedderly, T., Murphy, T. and Trayner, P. 2016. Investigating young people's experiences of successful or helpful psychological interventions for tic disorders: an interpretative phenomenological analysis study. Journal of Health Psychology 21(8), pp. 1787-1798. (10.1177/1359105314566647)
- Seed, T., Fox, J. and Berry, K. 2016. Experiences of detention under the Mental Health Act for adults with anorexia nervosa. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy 23(4), pp. 352-362. (10.1002/cpp.1963)
- Williams, K., King, J. and Fox, J. R. E. 2016. Sense of self and anorexia nervosa: a grounded theory. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice 89(2), pp. 211-228. (10.1111/papt.12068)
- Singh, K., Fox, J. R. E. and Brown, R. J. 2016. Health anxiety and internet use: a thematic analysis. Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberpspace 10(2), article number: 4. (10.5817/CP2016-2-4)
- Smith, H., Fox, J. R. and Trayner, P. 2015. The lived experiences of individuals with Tourette syndrome or tic disorders: A meta-synthesis of qualitative studies. British Journal of Psychology 106(4), pp. 609-634. (10.1111/bjop.12118)
- Faija, C. L., Fox, J. R. E., Tierney, S., Peters, S. and Gooding, P. A. 2015. Development and validation of the Pride in Eating Pathology Scale (PEP-S). Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy 24(1), pp. 126-138. (10.1002/cpp.1988)
- Kowlessar, O., Fox, J. R. and Wittkowski, A. 2014. The pregnant male: a metasynthesis of first-time fathers' experiences of pregnancy. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology 33(2), pp. 106-127. (10.1080/02646838.2014.970153)
- Kowlessar, O., Fox, J. R. and Wittkowski, A. 2014. First-time fathers' experiences of parenting during the first year. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology 33(1), pp. 4-14. (10.1080/02646838.2014.971404)
- McKenna, G., Fox, J. R. E. and Haddock, G. 2014. Investigating the 'Jumping to Conclusions' bias in people with anorexia nervosa. European Eating Disorders Review 22(5), pp. 352-359. (10.1002/erv.2310)
- Spence, N., Fox, J. R. E., Golding, L. and Daiches, A. 2014. Supervisee self-disclosure: a clinical psychology perspective. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy 21(2), pp. 178-192. (10.1002/cpp.1829)
- Field, S. L., Williams, M. O., Jones, C. R. and Fox, J. R. 2024. A meta-ethnography of autistic people’s experiences of social camouflaging and its relationship with mental health. Autism 28(6), pp. 1328-1343. (10.1177/13623613231223036)
- Marffy, M., Fox, J. and Williams, M. 2024. An exploration of the relationship between loneliness, the severity of eating disorder-related symptoms and the experience of the 'anorexic voice'. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice 97(1), pp. 122-137. (10.1111/papt.12502)
- McKechnie, V., Oliver, N., Amiel, S. A. and Fox, J. R. E. 2024. Hyperglycaemia aversion in type 1 diabetes: A grounded theory study. British Journal of Health Psychology 29(1), pp. 254-271. (10.1111/bjhp.12697)
- Howard, T. L. M., Williams, M. O., Woodward, D. and Fox, J. R. E. 2023. The relationship between shame, perfectionism and Anorexia Nervosa: a grounded theory study. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice 96(1), pp. 40-55. (10.1111/papt.12425)
- Field, S. L., Fox, J. R. E., Jones, C. R. G. and Williams, M. O. 2023. “Work WITH us”: a Delphi study about improving eating disorder treatment for autistic women with anorexia nervosa. Journal of Eating Disorders 11(1), article number: 17. (10.1186/s40337-023-00740-z)
- Morrison, J., Williams, M. O. and Fox, J. R. E. 2022. Negative childhood events and the development of the anorexic voice: A grounded theory. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice 95(4), pp. 1018-1035. (10.1111/papt.12416)
- Babb, C., Brede, J., Jones, C. R., Serpell, L., Mandy, W. and Fox, J. R. 2022. A comparison of the eating disorder service experiences of autistic and non-autistic women in the UK. European Eating Disorders Review 30(5), pp. 616-627. (10.1002/erv.2930)
- Babb, C., Jones, C. R. G. and Fox, J. R. E. 2022. Investigating service users’ perspectives of eating disorder services: A meta-synthesis. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy 29(4), pp. 1276-1296. (10.1002/cpp.2723)
- Adamson, J., Brede, J., Babb, C., Serpell, L., Jones, C. R. G., Fox, J. and Mandy, W. 2022. Towards identifying a method of screening for autism amongst women with restrictive eating disorders. European Eating Disorders Review (10.1002/erv.2918)
- Mason, D., James, D., Andrews, L. and Fox, J. R. E. 2022. "The last thing you feel is the self-disgust”. the role of self-directed disgust in men who have attempted suicide: a grounded theory study. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice 95(2), pp. 575-599. (10.1111/papt.12389)
- Hibbs, R., Pugh, M. and Fox, J. R. 2021. Applying emotion-focused therapy to work with the ‘anorexic voice’ within anorexia nervosa: a brief intervention. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration 31(4), pp. 327-347. (10.1037/int0000252)
- Stott, N., Williams, M. and Fox, J. 2021. Attentional bias in eating disorders: a meta-review. International Journal of Eating Disorders 54(8), pp. 1377-1399. (10.1002/eat.23560)
- Babb, C. et al. 2021. “It’s not that they don’t want to access the support… it’s the impact of the autism”: the experience of eating disorder services from the perspective of autistic women, parents and healthcare professionals. Autism 25(5), pp. 1409-1421. (10.1177/1362361321991257)
- Hampshire, K., Tierney, S., Varese, F., Haddock, G., Saeidi, S. and Fox, J. R. E. 2020. The development and assessment of a scale to measure the experience of an anorexic voice in anorexia nervosa. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy 27(6), pp. 940-954. (10.1002/cpp.2481)
- Brede, J. et al. 2020. "For me, the anorexia is just a symptom, and the cause is the autism” – Investigating restrictive eating disorders in autistic women. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 50, pp. 4280-4296. (10.1007/s10803-020-04479-3)
- Blythin, S. P. M., Nicholson, H. L., Macintyre, V., Dickson, J. M., Fox, J. R. E. and Taylor, P. J. 2020. Experiences of shame and guilt in Anorexia and Bulimia Nervosa: A systematic review. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice 93(1), pp. 134-159. (10.1111/papt.12198)
- Graham, M. R., Tierney, S., Chisholm, A. and Fox, J. R. E. 2020. The lived experience of working with people with eating disorders: A meta-ethnography. International Journal of Eating Disorders 53(3), pp. 422-441. (10.1002/eat.23215)
- Graham, M. R., Tierney, S., Chisholm, A. and Fox, J. R. E. 2019. Perceptions of the “anorexic voice”: A qualitative study of healthcare professionals. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy 26(6), pp. 707-716. (10.1002/cpp.2393)
- Henderson, Z. B., Fox, J. R. E., Trayner, P. and Wittkowski, A. 2019. Emotional development in eating disorders: a qualitative meta-synthesis. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy 26(4), pp. 440-457. (10.1002/cpp.2365)
- Dean, R., Siddiqui, S., Beesley, F., Fox, J. and Berry, K. 2018. Staff perceptions of borderline personality disorder and recovery: A Q-sort method approach. British Journal of Clinical Psychology 57(4), pp. 473-490. (10.1111/bjc.12180)
- Faija, C. L., Tierney, S., Gooding, P. A., Peters, S. and Fox, J. R. E. 2017. The role of pride in women with anorexia nervosa: A grounded theory study. Psychology and Psychotherapy- Theory Research and Practice 90(4), pp. 567-585. (10.1111/papt.12125)
- Backer, C., Murphy, R., Fox, J. R. E., Ulph, F. and Calam, R. 2017. Young children's experiences of living with a parent with bipolar disorder: Understanding the child's perspective. Psychology and Psychotherapy- Theory Research and Practice 90(2), pp. 212-228. (10.1111/papt.12099)
- Fox, J. R. E. and Whittlesea, A. 2017. Accommodation of symptoms in anorexia nervosa: a qualitative study. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy 24(2), pp. 488-500. (10.1002/cpp.2020)
- Wittkowski, A., Patel, S. and Fox, J. 2017. The experience of postnatal depression in immigrant mothers living in western countries: a meta-synthesis. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy 24(2), pp. 411-427. (10.1002/cpp.2010)
- Fox, J., Dean, M. and Whittlesea, A. 2017. The experience of caring for or living with an individual with an eating disorder: a meta-synthesis of qualitative studies. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy 24(1), pp. 103-125. (10.1002/cpp.1984)
- Baker, P. D., Bambrough, J., Fox, J. R. E. and Kyle, S. D. 2016. Health-related quality of life and psychological functioning in patients with primary malignant brain tumors: a systematic review of clinical, demographic and mental health factors. Neuro Oncology Practice 3(4), pp. 211-221. (10.1093/nop/npv042)
- Howie, E., Bambrough, J., Karabatsou, K. and Fox, J. R. 2016. Patient experiences of awake craniotomy: an interpretative phenomenological analysis. Journal of Health Psychology 21(11), pp. 2612-2623. (10.1177/1359105315581513)
- Fox, J. R. E., Msetfi, R. M., Johnson, R. S. and Haigh, E. 2016. The perception of threat from emotions in predicting binge eating behaviours in people who are obese and seeking treatment for their weight. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy 23(5), pp. 452-459. (10.1002/cpp.1972)
- Seed, T., Fox, J. R. and Berry, K. 2016. The experience of involuntary detention in acute psychiatric care. A review and synthesis of qualitative studies. International Journal of Nursing Studies 61, pp. 82-94. (10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2016.05.014)
- Smith, H., Fox, J. R., Hedderly, T., Murphy, T. and Trayner, P. 2016. Investigating young people's experiences of successful or helpful psychological interventions for tic disorders: an interpretative phenomenological analysis study. Journal of Health Psychology 21(8), pp. 1787-1798. (10.1177/1359105314566647)
- Seed, T., Fox, J. and Berry, K. 2016. Experiences of detention under the Mental Health Act for adults with anorexia nervosa. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy 23(4), pp. 352-362. (10.1002/cpp.1963)
- Williams, K., King, J. and Fox, J. R. E. 2016. Sense of self and anorexia nervosa: a grounded theory. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice 89(2), pp. 211-228. (10.1111/papt.12068)
- Singh, K., Fox, J. R. E. and Brown, R. J. 2016. Health anxiety and internet use: a thematic analysis. Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberpspace 10(2), article number: 4. (10.5817/CP2016-2-4)
- Smith, H., Fox, J. R. and Trayner, P. 2015. The lived experiences of individuals with Tourette syndrome or tic disorders: A meta-synthesis of qualitative studies. British Journal of Psychology 106(4), pp. 609-634. (10.1111/bjop.12118)
- Faija, C. L., Fox, J. R. E., Tierney, S., Peters, S. and Gooding, P. A. 2015. Development and validation of the Pride in Eating Pathology Scale (PEP-S). Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy 24(1), pp. 126-138. (10.1002/cpp.1988)
- Kowlessar, O., Fox, J. R. and Wittkowski, A. 2014. The pregnant male: a metasynthesis of first-time fathers' experiences of pregnancy. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology 33(2), pp. 106-127. (10.1080/02646838.2014.970153)
- Kowlessar, O., Fox, J. R. and Wittkowski, A. 2014. First-time fathers' experiences of parenting during the first year. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology 33(1), pp. 4-14. (10.1080/02646838.2014.971404)
- McKenna, G., Fox, J. R. E. and Haddock, G. 2014. Investigating the 'Jumping to Conclusions' bias in people with anorexia nervosa. European Eating Disorders Review 22(5), pp. 352-359. (10.1002/erv.2310)
- Spence, N., Fox, J. R. E., Golding, L. and Daiches, A. 2014. Supervisee self-disclosure: a clinical psychology perspective. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy 21(2), pp. 178-192. (10.1002/cpp.1829)
- Fox, J. R. E. and Diab, P. 2013. An exploration of the perceptions and experiences of living with chronic anorexia nervosa while an inpatient on an Eating Disorders Unit: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) study. Journal of Health Psychology 20(1), pp. 27. (10.1177/1359105313497526)