Current Research Interests
- Digital human modelling applied to postural management (KESS II funded)
- Clinical decision support systems using machine learning (KESS II funded)
- Clinical acceptance of technology in remote rehabilitation assessment (MRC/Ser Cymru funded)
Odesola D. F., Kulon J., Verghese S., Partlow A. and Gibson C. (2024) Smart Sensing Chairs for Sitting Posture Detection, Classification, and Monitoring: A Comprehensive Review. Sensors 24(9), 2940.
Haigh S., Kulon, J., Partlow, A., and Gibson, C. (2022) Comparison of Objectives in Multi-Objective Optimization of Ultrasonic Positioning Anchor Placement. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 71, 1-12 (Print ISSN: 0018-9456 Online ISSN: 1557-9662 Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/TIM.2022.3189729).
Partlow, A., Gibson, C. and Kulon, J (2021) 3D Posture Visualisation From Body Shape Measurements Using Physics Simulation, to Ascertain the Orientation of the Pelvis and Femurs in a Seated Position. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 2021-01-01, Volume 198, Article 105772.
Haigh S., Kulon, J., Partlow, A., Rogers P. and Gibson, C. (2020) Improved Obstacle Mitigation and Localization Accuracy in Narrowband Ultrasonic Localization Systems Using RoBCUL Algorithm. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 69, 5, 2315-2324.
Haigh S., Kulon, J., Partlow, A., Rogers P. and Gibson, C. (2019) Mitigating the Effect of Obstacles in Narrowband Ultrasonic Localization Systems. IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC) Auckland, New Zealand, 20-23 May 2019 ISBN 978-1-5386-3460-8. Haigh S., Kulon, J., Partlow, A., Rogers P. and Gibson, C. (2019) A Robust Algorithm for Classification and Rejection of NLOS Signals in Narrowband Ultrasonic Localization Systems. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 68, 3, 646-655.
Haigh S., Kulon, J., Partlow, A., Rogers P. and Gibson, C. (2019) Mitigating the Effect of Obstacles in Narrowband Ultrasonic Localization Systems. IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC) Auckland, New Zealand, 20-23 May 2019 ISBN 978-1-5386-3460-8.
Kulon, J., Partlow, A., Voysey M. and Gibson, C. (2016) Development of a system for anatomical landmarks localization using ultrasonic signals. 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA 2016) Benevento, Italy 15 – 18 May 2016 ISBN 978-1-4673-9172-6.
Hosking J. and Gibson C. (2016) Impact of the single point of access referral system to reduce waiting times and improve clinical outcomes in an assistive technology service. Journal of Medical Engineering and Technology, 40, 5, 265-9.
Kulon, J., Partlow, A., Gibson, C., Wilson, I. and Wilcox, S. J. (2014) Rule-Based Algorithm for the Classification of Sitting Postures in the Sagittal Plane from the Cardiff Body Match Measurement System. Journal of Medical Engineering and Technology, 38, 1, 5-15.
Partlow A., Gibson C., Kulon J., Wilson I. and Wilcox S. (2012) Pelvis feature extraction and classification of Cardiff body match rig base measurements for input into a knowledge-based system. Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology, 36, 8, 399-406.
Rogers P., Gibson C., Chong A and Wilcox S. (2009) Computer simulation to aid the risk assessment of wheelchair and special seating systems used in transport. Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology. 33, 8, 642-649.
Armstrong J., Gibson C., Kulon J. and Wilcox S. (2007) Rule-based system for the design and manufacture of wheelchair special seating. Proceedings of the 13th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine at Cardiff University, 10th-12th September 2007. ISBN 978-1-903613-32-0.
Rogers P., Wilcox S., Chong A. and Gibson C. (2007) Virtual Crash Testing of specialist wheelchair devices using computer simulation. Proceedings of the 13th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine at Cardiff University, 10th-12th September 2007. ISBN 978-1-903613-32-0.
David T Pooley, Judith Larsson, Graham Jones, Michael H Rayner-Brandes, David Lloyd, Colin Gibson, William R Stewart (2004) Continuous culture of photobacterium. Biosensors and Bioelectronics. 19, 11, 1457-1463.
Pooley D. T., Gibson C., Stewart W.R. Magee J., Ellison B.N. and Lloyd D., (2003). Biological effects of millimeter-wave radiation: A high-throughput screening system. Review of Scientific Instruments, 74, 3, 1296-1302.
Pooley D. T., Ellison B., Gibson C., Stewart W.R. (2001) A cell-culture exposure system for millimetric wavelength radiation. Proceedings of the European Conference on Wireless Technology. London. 27 September 2001.
Ellison, B. Gibson, C. Grant, N.A. Hyland, G.T. Magee, J.T. Pooley, D. Stewart, B. (1999) An investigation into the non-thermal biological effects and medical applications of microwave radiation. Microwave and Optoelectronics Conference, Rio de Janeiro, 1999. SBMO/IEEE MTT-S, APS and LEOS - IMOC '99. International, 1, 57-62. ISBN 0-7803-5807-4.
Gibson C., McCarthy J., Powell A., Roberts D., Spark P., and Truran R. (1998) Minimising clinical risk in the use of active intravenous infusion devices. British Journal of Intensive Care, 8, 4, 114-119.
McCarthy J.P., Gibson C, Powell A, Roberts D, Spark P, Truran R.J. (1997) ‘Powered Infusion Devices: Management of the Technology and Implications for Patient Safety.’ World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering; Nice, France, 1997: J29-OS1.03.
Powell A., Gibson C., Spark P., Truran R., Roberts D. and McCarthy J. (1997) Improving safety in the use of intravenous infusion devices. Pharmaceutical Journal. 8 November. R17.
Powell A., Gibson C., Spark P., Truran R., Roberts D. and McCarthy J. (1995) Electronic infusion devices and their use in an acute hospital. Pharmaceutical Journal. 25 November. R4.
Matthews I.P., Gibson C. and Samuel A.H. (1994) Sterilization of implantable devices. Clinical Materials, 15, 3, 191-215.
Zhu Z, Gibson C., Samuel A.H. and Matthews I.P. (1994) Measurement of gas concentrations by means of the power saturation technique in a microwave cavity spectrometer. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 43, 1, 86-89..
Zhu Z, Gibson C., Samuel A.H. and Matthews I.P. (1993) A gas monitoring system for ethylene oxide sterilizers with constant sample flow through a microwave cavity spectrometer. Journal of Medical Engineering and Technology, 17, 4, 147-151.
Zhu Z, Gibson C., Samuel A.H. and Matthews I.P. (1993) Triple modulation technique applicable to microwave spectrometers with cavity gas cell. IEE Proceedings-H, 140, 2, 141-143.
Zhu Z, Gibson C., Samuel A.H. and Matthews I.P. (1993) Cavity modulation coupled with asynchronous source modulation in a microwave cavity spectrometer. Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 14, 1, 32-37.
Zhu Z, Gibson C., Samuel A.H. and Matthews I.P. (1993) Microwave cavity spectrometer for process monitoring of ethylene oxide sterilization. Review of Scientific Instruments, 64, 1, 103-108.
Matthews I.P., Samuel A.H., Gibson C. (1989) Optimization of the ethylene oxide sterilization process. Journal of the Institute of Sterile Services Management, 1, 5, 4-7.
Gibson C., Matthews I.P., and Samuel A.H. (1989) A computerized model for accurate determination of ethylene oxide diffusion in sterilized medical supplies. Biomaterials, 10, 5, 343-348.
Matthews I.P., Gibson C. and Samuel A.H. (1989) Enhancement of the kinetics of the aeration of ethylene oxide sterilized polymers using microwave radiation. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, 23, 143-156.
Gibson C., Matthews I.P. and Samuel A.H. (1988) Microwave enhanced diffusion in polymeric materials. Journal of Microwave Power and Electromagnetic Energy 23, 1, 17-28.
Samuel A.H., Matthews I.P. and Gibson C. (1988) Microwave Desorber : a combined sterilizer/aerator for the accelerated elimination of ethylene oxide residues from sterilized supplies. Medical Instrumentation 22, 1, 39-44.
Consultant Clinical Engineer, Head of Rehabilitation Engineering Artificial Limb & Appliance Service (ALAS) - Cardiff and Vale UHB 08.10.98 - present
Main Duties and Responsibilities
- Healthcare Scientist Consultant Head of Service for Rehabilitation Engineering.
- ALAS Healthcare Science Lead for 60 scientists, practitioners and associates/assistants.
- ALAS Quality & Safety and Reasearch & Development Lead.
- Chair of Cardiff & Vale UHB Medical Physics and Clinical Engineering Professional Group.
- Implemented a successful re-organisation of rehabilitation engineering services 1998-9.
- Initiated and developed first UK Master of Science course in Clinical Engineering from 1998.
- Honorary Senior Research Fellow at Cardiff University since 2001.
- Chair of RESMaG Council 2003-5 and 2015-17.
- Institute of Leadership & Management Certificate in Applied Healthcare Management (2006).
- Member of the IPEM Engineering Advisory Group 2006-2014 and JMET referee since 2008.
- Chair of the RESMaG Education & Training Working Group 2007-2020 leading on Modernising Scientific Careers for rehabilitation engineering inc. co-authoring HSST CBE Curriculum..
- Visiting Professor in Rehabilitation Engineering at Coventry University 2010-2013.
- Vice President:Professional of IPEM 2012-2015 and UKAS MPACE TAC member since 2017.
- External examiner for DClinSci Clinical Biomedical Engineering at University of Manchester 2017-2022.
- Consultant Clinical Scientist (CS00841; HSSR ID: 1858), CEng, FIPEM, FIET and FAHCS.
Director, Cymtox Ltd, Cardiff Business Technology Centre 02.06.04 – 23.02.06
Managing Director, MRBP Research Limited Cardiff University Institute of Medical Engineering and Medical Physics 18.07.01 - 16.11.05
Main Duties and Responsibilities
- Managing Director and Company Secretary of NHS/university spin-out company.
- Leader of Research and Development and Intellectual Property Manager.
- Attracted investment in excess of £500,000 from various sources.
- Successful business start up, demonstration of proof of principle and filing of patents.
- Successful licensing of Intellectual Property and delivery of Research & Development Contracts including leading research team to successful proof of concept of Cymtox device.
- Successful sale of all commercial rights to third party.
Clinical Engineer - Medical Physics and Clinical Engineering University Hospital of Wales Healthcare NHS Trust 07.09.93 - 07.10.98
Main Duties and Responsibilities
- Laser Protection Adviser.
- Scientific and Technical Support for the Medical Equipment Management Service.
- Directorate Health and Safety Co-ordinator for the University Hospital of Wales site.
- Chairman’s Quality Award 1997 - Improving the Safety of Intravenous Infusions.
- Initiated and developed the Laser Protection Advisory Service.
- Initiated and developed training programmes for the users of medical equipment.
- Initiated and developed Trust procedures and policy for the safe use of infusion devices.
- Co-ordinated successful outcome of health and safety inspection of Directorate by HSE.
- Certificate of Competence to Practice and Advise in Radiation Protection (IPEM).
- Corporate Member of the Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine.
- Successful review of rehabilitation engineering services provided by Directorate 1997-8.
Research Officer - Environmental Health Technology Group University of Wales College of Medicine 01.11.84 - 31.08.93
Main Duties and Responsibilities
- The research and development of innovative technology with the aim of achieving practical and commercially viable technical solutions to measurement and control problems of particular relevance to the field of environmental health.
- Successfully demonstrated non-thermal interaction of microwaves with electrostatic bonds.
- Developed microwave desorption process.
- Developed microwave spectrometer for process/effluent monitoring of ethylene oxide.
- Designed molecular rotational microwave spectrometer for air quality monitoring.
- Co-authored successful grant application obtaining £150,000 from Department of Health and contract research applications obtaining £250,000 from 3M and Griffiths Micro-Science.
- Regional winner (Wales and N. Ireland) and U.K. finalist of the Toshiba Year of Invention Award 1991 as co-inventor of the Legionella Population Time Differential Monitor.
Basic Grade Physicist - Regional Medical Physics Department Newcastle General Hospital 01.10.81 - 02.10.83
- Designed, constructed and tested medical electrical equipment to comply to BS 5724.
- Undertook gamma camera scans and dispensed radiopharmaceuticals.
- Succesful completion of two year training period.