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Helmut Peitsch

Honorary Professor


Professor Martin has been associated with the School since 2000, particularly the Collingwood and British Idealism Centre. He is a world renowned scholar in the areas of,Collingwood Studies legal philosophy, rights and Rawls and regularly visits the School and participates in conferences organized around Idealism and political theory in general. He is Professor of Philosophy at the University of Kansas, in Lawrence, where he has been since 1968 and also held a joint professorship at Swansea University from 1995-2000.

Professor Martin has been active in the International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy and was a member of the Executive Committee, 1991-2003 and Vice-President, 1995-2003. He was President of the American Section from 1993-1995. He has also served as Chair of the American Philosophical Association’s Committee on Philosophy and Law during the same period 1992-1995. His fields of major interest are political and legal philosophy (in particular rights and economic justice), history of political thought and philosophy of history. He is the author of articles in these fields as well as of three books: Historical Explanation: Re-enactment and Practical Inference, 1977, Rawls and Rights, 1985 and A System of Rights, 1993. Professor Martin edited the revised edition of R G Collingwood’s Essays on Metaphysics, 1998 and most recently he was the co-editor of Rawls Law of Peoples: A Realistic Utopia? 2006.
