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Meaghan Morris

Professor Meaghan Morris

Honorary Visiting Professor


Educated at the University of Sydney and the University of Paris-VIII (Vincennes), Meaghan Morris began working life in journalism as the regular film critic and occasional feature writer for the Sydney Morning Herald and then the Australian Financial Review (1978-85).

During this period she continued her engagement with academic debates in feminist theory and cultural studies, publishing The Pirate's Fiancée : feminism, reading, postmodernism (Verso) in 1988. This led to some years of nomadic teaching and research activities in the USA, followed by an Australian Research Council Senior Fellowship in 1994-1999 and the publication of Too Soon Too Late: History in Popular Culture (Indiana UP, 1998) and Identity Anecdotes: Translation and Media Culture (Sage 2006).

In 2000 she began a new life of steady employment as Chair Professor of Cultural Studies at Lingnan University, Hong Kong, establishing the first Cultural Studies degree in the Chinese world and researching the transnational circulation of Hong Kong martial arts cinema. She chaired the international Association for Cultural Studies in 2004-08, and after her return to Sydney in 2012 she Chaired the Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Society until 2015.

Currently Professor of Gender and Cultural Studies at the University of Sydney, Morris is a Fellow of both the Australian Academy of the Humanities and the Hong Kong Academy of the Humanities. In 2016 she received the inaugural ACS Stuart Hall Award for Lifetime Achievement in Cultural Studies.

Her hobbies are weight-lifting, walking, boxing, tennis and following Rugby League.