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Richard Andrew Hedges White

Honorary Visiting Professor


Richard White qualified as a Solicitor in 1971.  He has been a Consultant for McMillan Williams Solicitors since 2007 and specialises in advising a number of charities in respect of their work relating to children. He also undertakes private client work on all matters under the Children Act 1989, the Adoption Act 1976, the Adoption and Children Act 2002 and other areas of law relating to the welfare of children.

In 1986 Richard established the firm of White & Sherwin with his Partner Michael Sherwin, a niche firm specialising solely in the law relating to children. He has been a member of the Law Society Children Panel since its inception, is a Member of the Law Society Sub-Committee for Children and of the Committee of the Association of Lawyers for Children, and Secretary of the Michael Sieff Foundation.  Richard is a Tribunal Judge of the First-tier Tribunal (Special Educational Needs and Disability), he is Editor of Clarke Hall and Morrison, an encyclopaedia on the law relating to children, co author of four editions of White, Carr and Lowe, A Guide to the Children Act 1989, and was responsible for the publication of two editions of 'Significant Harm', an inter-disciplinary work on child protection.

Richard works closely with the family law team at Cardiff Law School.