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Bader Almagren

Mr Bader Almagren

Research student


Current work 

My research focuses on evaluating and understanding the relation between fixational eye movments and dyslexia using eye trackers and pschphysical procidures. Dyslexia is a 'reading difficulty' condition, in which one typically will not perceive texts, numbers other fine detials (High in spitial frequence) properly.


  • PhD Visual Neuropsychology (2022-Present): Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK.
  • Msc in Optometry & vision science (2019-20): Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK.
  • Bsc Optometry Doctor (2013-17): King Saud University (KSU), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.


  • Teaching & Supervising (2022-Present): Cardiff University, UK.
  • Lecturer & Optometrist (2021-Present): KSU, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
  • Optometrist (2018-21): MoH, Saudi Arabia.





Tracking eye movements while reading and performing other similar tasks could hopefully direct us to a better understanding of the dyslexics perceptual confusion. In our study, we aim to find correlations between different types of dyslexia and their symptoms, eye movement and other aspects.

Other research interests

Apart from the optometric field, I am interested in clinical reseach in general, and in cognitive, developmental and behavioural psychology.  


Matthew Dunn

Matthew Dunn

Lecturer, Deputy Director of Postgraduate Research