Mr Adam Cutts
Graduate Demonstrator
School of Biosciences
- Sir Martin Evans Building, Room W2.29, Museum Avenue, Cardiff, CF10 3AX
Molecular biology and biophysics focussed PhD stduent.
- Undergraduate Education – MSci Biochemistry at University of East Anglia (1st Hons), 2016-2020
- Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) - Chemistry Specialism, 2020-2021
- Post-QTS - Secondary Science Teacher, 2021-2021
- Postgraduate Education – PhD with Prof Colin Berry and Prof Paola Borri, 2022-ongoing
Professional memberships
- Student Member - Biochemical Society
- Student Member - Society for Invertebrate Pathology (SIP)
- Additional membership as part of the Bacterial Division of SIP
Research themes
- Biochemistry
- Molecular biology
- Structural biology
- Macromolecular modelling