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Tom Duggan

Mr Tom Duggan

Research student


Anglo-American Relations and Decolonisation, 1961-1968

The focus of my research is on decolonisation in the 1960’s and how it affected the Anglo-American relationship. The aim of this research is to study how the relationship between these two countries were challenged by decolonisation in the 1960’s.  This search for a balance between anti-communism and anti-colonialism in the 1960’s, I will argue, goes a long way to explain an identity crisis of the United States in the era and thus how it approaches the United Kingdom. The case studies involved in this project will be the West Indies Federation, Rhodesia and Cyprus. Overall, the purpose of this research is to add a major contribution to a growing field within Anglo-American relations and diplomatic history.



The Anglo-American Relationship 1961-1968


I completed an undergraduate degree in History at the University of South Wales before I went on to work in the education sector as a teaching assistant. I then went on to complete my MscEcon in International Relations where I submitted a dissertation on American foreign policy. I then worked in insurance, finance and local government. I am now undergoing my doctoral study on Anglo-American relations and decolonisation in the 1960's. 


Stephen Marsh

Stephen Marsh

Reader in Politics

Peter Dorey

Peter Dorey

Professor of British Politics

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  • 20th Century