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Pablo Ezquerra Silva

Mr Pablo Ezquerra Silva

Lecturer, Quantitative Social Sciences


I am a Lecturer in Quantitative Social Sciences and PhD Student at Cardiff University.

My interests are centred around the use of New and Emerging Forms of Data (NEFD) for the analysis of social phenomena, particularly criminological research. I am passionate about how we act on social media and what that says about us.

My PhD project, funded by the Uruguayan government, analyses punitive attitudes comparatively between the UK and Uruguay, using social media and Google data.

Methodologically, I am interested in Computational Social Science and Big Data for Quantitative Social Research in general.





On a theoretical level, I am interested in the intersection between social attitude studies, criminology, and digital sociology. In particular, my interest is centred around how people use social media and the internet and what this tells us about society and social order.

In this hyper-connected world in which much of our social life is mediated by the use of digital technologies, the opportunity to harness this information for the development of the Social Sciences implies a new amalgam of unprecedented possibilities.

At the methodological level, I am interested in tools that allow us to handle the enormous volume of data generated by these new technologies. At the same time, I am interested in quantitative methodologies for descriptive and causal inference.

Latest publications:

  • Fernández, T., Cardozo, S., Ezquerra, P. and Wilkins, A., 2021. Determinantes del egreso de la Universidad de la República hasta los 25 años. Comparación entre los paneles PISA Uruguay 2003 y 2009. Revista de la Educación Superior50(198), pp.83-107.
  • Ezquerra, P., 2020. "Você deve estar sempre olhando": múltiplos significados dos conceitos de risco e segurança em contextos de privação de liberdade. Laboreal16(Nº1).


I am originally from Uruguay, where I did my undergraduate and master's studies at the University of the Republic. I was also a lecturer at this institution between 2016 and 2020.

I currently live and work in Cardiff. Passionate about Science.


  • 2021 - present: PhD (Social Sciences). Cardiff University (UK)
  • 2014 - 2018: MSc (Sociology). University of the Republic (UY)
  • 2009 - 2014: BSc (Sociology). University of the Republic (UY)


  • 2021 - present: Lecturer in Quantitative Social Sciences - Cardiff University (UK)
  • 2016 - 2020: Professor at the School of Social Sciences - University of the Republic (UY)
  • 2014 - 2016: Student with a grant from the National Agency for Innovation and Research (ANII).

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