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Ozge Gezer

Dr Ozge Gezer

Research student


Research Summary 

My primary research interest is to understand neural mechanisms of social cognition and emotional processing in children, especially children with behavioural and emotional problems. My masters project was based on a coordinate based meta-analysis of embarrassment, a self-conscious emotion that requires social cognitive abilities such as mentalizing, social norm processing.

Undergraduate Education

Psychology, Koç University 2017; Law, Koç University, 2018

Postgraduate Education

MSc in Neuroimaging, Cardiff University, 2020


Research interests – Social cognition, emotion processing, fMRI, at-risk children

My primary research interest is to understand neural mechanisms of social cognition and emotional processing in children, especially children with behavioural and emotional problems. My masters project was based on a coordinate based meta-analysis of embarrassment, a self-conscious emotion that requires social cognitive abilities such as mentalizing, social norm processing.


Identifying biomarkers of social cognition in an at-risk sample of young children

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