Xinyue Hao is currently a PhD candidate at Cardiff Business School in the Logistics and Operations Management (LOM) section. Her research topic is AI in supply chain decision-making. She holds a BSc in Management from Dongbei University of Finance & Economics and an MSc in Digital Innovation in Built Asset Management from University College London.
- Hao, X., Demir, E. and Eyers, D. 2024. Exploring collaborative decision-making: a quasi-experimental study of human and generative AI interaction. Technology in Society 78, article number: 102662. (10.1016/j.techsoc.2024.102662)
- Hao, X. and Demir, E. 2024. Artificial intelligence in supply chain decision-making: An environmental, social, and governance triggering and technological inhibiting protocol. Journal of Modelling in Management 19(2), pp. 605-629. (10.1108/JM2-01-2023-0009)
- Hao, X. and Demir, E. 2024. Artificial intelligence in supply chain management: Enablers and constraints in pre-development, deployment, and post-development stages. Production Planning and Control (10.1080/09537287.2024.2302482)
- Hao, X., Demir, E. and Eyers, D. 2024. Exploring collaborative decision-making: a quasi-experimental study of human and generative AI interaction. Technology in Society 78, article number: 102662. (10.1016/j.techsoc.2024.102662)
- Hao, X. and Demir, E. 2024. Artificial intelligence in supply chain decision-making: An environmental, social, and governance triggering and technological inhibiting protocol. Journal of Modelling in Management 19(2), pp. 605-629. (10.1108/JM2-01-2023-0009)
- Hao, X. and Demir, E. 2024. Artificial intelligence in supply chain management: Enablers and constraints in pre-development, deployment, and post-development stages. Production Planning and Control (10.1080/09537287.2024.2302482)
- Supply Chain Management
- Artificial Intelligence & Human Intelligence in Decision-Making
- Social Network Analysis
Professional memberships
HEA Associate Fellowship (AFHEA)
Emrah Demir
Professor of Operational Research
Daniel Eyers
Reader in Manufacturing Systems Management, Deputy Head of Section (Learning & Teaching), RemakerSpace Co-Director