Professor Emrah Demir
Professor of Operational Research
- Available for postgraduate supervision
Emrah Demir is a Professor of Operational Research in the Logistics and Operations Management Section of the Cardiff Business School.
Before joining Cardiff University, Emrah worked as Assistant Professor at the Eindhoven University of Technology (Netherlands). He holds BEng and MSc degrees in Industrial Engineering from Baskent University (Turkey), and a PhD in Management Science from University of Southampton.
Emrah's current research interests are positioned within the areas of green logistics and operational research. He has mainly worked in the application of mathematical optimisation to real-life freight transportation problems. He possesses expertise in quantitative and analytical methods, such as exact and approximation methods. He has published more than 50 journal articles and six book chapters and has currently over 5,200 citations (h-index 28) to his publications on Google Scholar. He also serves as a reviewer in several international journals of operational research, transportation, and logistics. Emrah has also been involved in and obtained several external grants from different funding bodies which can be found under Research section.
Emrah has experience in teaching Logistics and Transportation, Operations Management, Project Management and Operational Research. Additionally, he supervises undergraduate and postgraduate students from a variety of academic backgrounds on a range of related subjects, including green vehicle routing, intermodal transportation, integrated transportation and etc.
Emrah has the following editorial roles:
- Area Editor (Logistics and Supply Chain Management) of Journal of Heuristics
- Associate Editor of IMA Journal of Management Mathematics
- Associate Editor of Frontiers in Future Transportation - Freight Transport and Logistics
- Associate Editor of OR Spectrum Journal
- Cheng, C., Demir, E., Hu, X. and Huang, H. 2025. Transforming last mile delivery with heterogeneous assistants: drones and delivery robots. Journal of Heuristics 31, article number: 8. (10.1007/s10732-024-09543-0)
- Lin, Z., Xu, X., Demir, E. and Laporte, G. 2025. Optimizing task assignment and routing operations with a heterogeneous fleet of unmanned aerial vehicles for emergency healthcare services. Computers and Operations Research 174, article number: 106890. (10.1016/j.cor.2024.106890)
- Hao, X., Demir, E. and Eyers, D. 2025. Critical success and failure factors in the AI lifecycle: A knowledge graph-based ontological study. Journal of Modelling in Management (10.1108/JM2-06-2024-0204)
- Sun, R., Abouarghoub, W., Demir, E. and Potter, A. 2025. Impact of imputation methods for ship technical parameters on emission estimations in ports. Maritime Policy and Management 52(1) (10.1080/03088839.2025.2463635)
- Sun, R., Abouarghoub, W., Demir, E. and Potter, A. 2025. A comprehensive analysis of strategies for reducing GHG emissions in maritime ports. Marine Policy 171, article number: 106455. (10.1016/j.marpol.2024.106455)
- Bencharif, B., Beghoura, M. A. and Demir, E. 2025. The Volume-Based Pollution-Routing Problem with Time Windows: A case study. Modelling 6(1), article number: 6. (10.3390/modelling6010006)
- Sun, R., Abouarghoub, W. and Demir, E. 2025. Enhancing data quality in maritime transportation: A practical method for imputing missing ship static data. Ocean Engineering 315, article number: 119722. (10.1016/j.oceaneng.2024.119722)
- Wang, X., Sanchez Rodrigues, V., Demir, E. and Sarkis, J. 2024. Algorithm aversion during disruptions: The case of safety stock. International Journal of Production Economics 278, article number: 109442. (10.1016/j.ijpe.2024.109442)
- Silva de Assis, L., Luiz Usberti, F., Demir, E., Cavellucci, C. and Laporte, G. 2024. Operational research on dengue: critical review and research agenda. Journal of the Operational Research Society (10.1080/01605682.2024.2436622)
- Hedayati, S., Setak, M., Van Woensel, T. and Demir, E. 2024. Re-supplying autonomous mobile parcel lockers in last-mile distribution. Future Transportation 4(4), pp. 1266-1296. (10.3390/futuretransp4040061)
- Hao, X., Demir, E. and Eyers, D. 2024. Exploring collaborative decision-making: a quasi-experimental study of human and generative AI interaction. Technology in Society 78, article number: 102662. (10.1016/j.techsoc.2024.102662)
- Lai, D., Costa, Y., Demir, E., Florio, A. M. and Van Woensel, T. 2024. The pollution-routing problem with speed optimization and uneven topography. Computers and Operations Research 164, article number: 106557. (10.1016/j.cor.2024.106557)
- Hedayati, S., Setak, M., Demir, E. and Van Woensel, T. 2024. A new approach to the joint order batching and picker routing problem with alternative locations. IMA Journal of Management Mathematics 35(2), pp. 241-265. (10.1093/imaman/dpad016)
- Le, B. L., Martin, L., Demir, E. and Vu, D. M. 2024. A* search algorithm for an optimal investment problem in vehicle-sharing systems. Presented at: Computational Data and Social Networks, Hanoi, Vietnam, 11-13 December 2023 Presented at Ha, M., Zhu, X. and Thai, M. eds.Conference proceedings: Computational Data and Social Networks, CSoNet 2023, Vol. 14479. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Singapore: Springer pp. 162–173., (10.1007/978-981-97-0669-3_16)
- Hao, X. and Demir, E. 2024. Artificial intelligence in supply chain decision-making: An environmental, social, and governance triggering and technological inhibiting protocol. Journal of Modelling in Management 19(2), pp. 605-629. (10.1108/JM2-01-2023-0009)
- Hao, X. and Demir, E. 2024. Artificial intelligence in supply chain management: Enablers and constraints in pre-development, deployment, and post-development stages. Production Planning and Control (10.1080/09537287.2024.2302482)
- Sun, R., Abouarghoub, W., Demir, E. and Potter, A. 2024. Cost evaluation of the environmental impact of container ships during red sea crisis. Presented at: International Association of Maritime Economists 2024 Conference, Valencia, Spain, 26-28th June 2024IAME 2024 Conference Proceedings. IAME
- Mogale, D. G., Wang, X., Demir, E. and Sanchez Rodrigues, V. 2023. Modelling and analysing supply chain disruption: A case of online grocery retailer. Operations Management Research 16(4), pp. 1901-1924. (10.1007/s12063-023-00405-9)
- Zhang, Z., Demir, E., Mason, R. and Di Cairano-Gilfedder, C. 2023. Understanding freight drivers’ behavior and the impact on vehicles’ fuel consumption and CO2e emissions. Operational Research - An International Journal 23, article number: 59. (10.1007/s12351-023-00798-2)
- Cheng, C. and Demir, E. 2023. Enhancing last mile logistics efficiency and sustainability through autonomous technologies. Presented at: Annual Conference OR65, 12-14 September 2023.
- Lai, D., Li, Y., Demir, E., Dellaert, N. P. and van Woensel, T. 2022. Self-adaptive randomized constructive heuristics for the multi-item capacitated lot-sizing problem. Computers and Operations Research 147, article number: 105928. (10.1016/j.cor.2022.105928)
- Masmoudi, M. A., Coelho, L. C. and Demir, E. 2022. The plug-in hybrid electric refuse vehicle routing problem for waste collection. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 166, article number: 102875. (10.1016/j.tre.2022.102875)
- Demir, E., Syntetos, A. and van Woensel, T. 2022. Last mile logistics: Research trends and needs. IMA Journal of Management Mathematics 33(4), pp. 549-561. (10.1093/imaman/dpac006)
- Mohammadi, D., Abd Elaziz, M., Moghdani, R., Demir, E. and Mirjalili, S. 2022. Quantum Henry gas solubility optimization algorithm for global optimization. Engineering with Computers 38, pp. 2329-2348. (10.1007/s00366-021-01347-1)
- Chen, C. and Demir, E. 2022. Drones and delivery robots: models and applications to last mile delivery. In: Salhi, S. and Boylan, J. eds. The Palgrave Handbook of Operations Research. Springer Nature Switzerland AG, pp. 859-882.
- Chen, C. and Demir, E. 2022. The adoption of autonomous assistants in route optimization. Presented at: EURO 2022, Espoo, Finland, 3-6 July 2022.
- Chen, C., Demir, E. and Huang, Y. 2021. An adaptive large neighborhood search heuristic for the vehicle routing problem with time windows and delivery robots. European Journal of Operational Research 294(3), pp. 1164-1180. (10.1016/j.ejor.2021.02.027)
- Marrekchi, E., Besbes, W., Dhouib, D. and Demir, E. 2021. A review of recent advances in the operations research literature on the green routing problem and its variants. Annals of Operations Research 304, pp. 529-574. (10.1007/s10479-021-04046-8)
- Tikani, H., Setak, M. and Demir, E. 2021. A risk-constrained time-dependent cash-in-transit routing problem in multigraph under uncertainty. European Journal of Operational Research 293(2), pp. 703-730. (10.1016/j.ejor.2020.12.020)
- Zhang, Z., Demir, E. and Mason, R. 2021. Green logistics and transportation: fuel consumption formula based on driver behaviour. Presented at: 22nd Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS 2021), Seoul, South Korea, 23-27 August 2021.
- Demir, E., Eyers, D. and Huang, Y. 2021. Competing through the last mile: strategic 3D printing in a city logistics context. Computers and Operations Research 131, article number: 105248. (10.1016/j.cor.2021.105248)
- Chen, C., Demir, E., Huang, Y. and Qiu, R. 2021. The adoption of self-driving delivery robots in last mile logistics. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 146, article number: 102214. (10.1016/j.tre.2020.102214)
- Tikani, H., Setak, M. and Demir, E. 2021. Multi-objective periodic cash transportation problem with path dissimilarity and arrival time variation. Expert Systems with Applications 164, article number: 114015. (10.1016/j.eswa.2020.114015)
- Sanchez Rodrigues, V., Demir, E., Wang, X. and Sarkis, J. 2021. Measurement, mitigation and prevention of food waste in supply chains: an online shopping perspective. Industrial Marketing Management 93, pp. 545-562. (10.1016/j.indmarman.2020.09.020)
- Hrusovsky, M., Demir, E., Jammernegg, W. and Van Woensel, T. 2021. Real-time disruption management approach for intermodal freight transportation. Journal of Cleaner Production 280(P2), article number: 124826. (10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.124826)
- Moghdani, R., Salimifard, K., Demir, E. and Benyettou, A. 2021. The green vehicle routing problem: a systematic literature review. Journal of Cleaner Production 279, article number: 123691. (10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.123691)
- Moghdani, R., Salimifard, K., Demir, E. and Benyettou, A. 2020. Multi-objective volleyball premier league algorithm. Knowledge-Based Systems 196, article number: 105781. (10.1016/j.knosys.2020.105781)
- Masmoudi, M. A., Anna Kuzmicz, K., Pesch, E., Demir, E. and Hosny, M. 2020. Container truck transportation routing as a mixed fleet heterogeneous dial-a-ride problem. Presented at: 9th International Conference on Engineering, Project, and Production Management (EPPM2018), Cape Town, South Africa, 24-26 November 2018, Vol. 312., (10.1051/matecconf/202031202005)
- Eshtehadi, R., Demir, E. and Huang, Y. 2020. Solving the vehicle routing problem with multi-compartment vehicles for city logistics. Computers and Operations Research 115, article number: 104859. (10.1016/j.cor.2019.104859)
- Masmoudi, M. A., Hosny, M., Demir, E. and Pesch, E. 2020. Hybrid adaptive large neighborhood search algorithm for the mixed fleet heterogeneous dial-a-ride problem. Journal of Heuristics 26(1), pp. 83-118. (10.1007/s10732-019-09424-x)
- Demir, E. and Eyers, D. 2020. Reshaping supply networks to enable manufacturing. Focus Jan, pp. 54-55.
- Mamaghani, E. J., Chen, H., Prins, C. and Demir, E. 2019. An Improved Tabu Search algorithm for a multi-period bid generation problem with the consideration of delivery lead time. IFAC-PapersOnLine 52(13), pp. 2602-2607. (10.1016/j.ifacol.2019.11.599)
- Masmoudi, M. . A., Hosny, M. and Demir, E. 2019. An adaptive large neighborhood search heuristic for the green dial‐a‐ride problem. In: Besbes, W. et al. eds. Solving Transport Problems: Towards Green Logistics. Wiley, pp. 1-26., (10.1002/9781119686750)
- Ghiami, Y., Demir, E., Van Woensel, T., Christiansen, M. and Laporte, G. 2019. A deteriorating inventory routing problem for an inland liquefied natural gas distribution network. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 126, pp. 45-67. (10.1016/j.trb.2019.05.014)
- Jelodari, E., Haoxun, C., Prins, C. and Demir, E. 2019. An Improved Tabu search algorithm for the multi-period bid generation problem with the consideration of delivery lead times. Presented at: 9th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control, 28-30 August 2019.
- Wang, X., Sanchez Rodrigues, V. and Demir, E. 2019. Managing your supply chain pantry: food waste mitigation through inventory control. IEEE Engineering Management Review 47(2), pp. 97-102. (10.1109/EMR.2019.2915064)
- Demir, E., Huckle, K., Syntetos, A., Lahy, A. and Wilson, M. 2019. Vehicle routing problem: Past and future. In: Wells, P. ed. Contemporary Operations and Logistics: Achieving Excellence in Turbulent Times. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 97-117., (10.1007/978-3-030-14493-7_7)
- Hrusovsky, M., Demir, E., Jammernegg, W., Wakolbinger, T. and Van Woensel, T. 2019. Innovative approaches for supporting sustainable and reliable planning of rail and intermodal transport. Presented at: EURO 2019, Dublin, Ireland, 23-26 June 2019. pp. -.
- Demir, E. 2019. Truck platooning: The future?. Presented at: Logistics Research Network Annual Conference 2019, Northamption, UK, 4-6 September 2019Building a platform for international success. CILT UK pp. 255-259.
- Hrusovsky, M., Demir, E., Jammernegg, W., Van Woensel, T. and Wakolbinger, T. 2019. Supporting sustainable freight transport by introducing innovative planning approaches. Presented at: Operations Research 2019, Dresden, Germany, 3-6 Sept 2019.
- Masmoudi, M. . A., Hosny, M. and Demir, E. 2019. An improved adaptive large neighborhood search heuristic for the green dial-a-ride problem. In: Besbes, W., Dhouib, D. and Marrekchi, E. eds. Optimization of Green Transportation Problems: Fundamentals and Applications. Wiley
- Demir, E., Hrusovsky, M., Jammernegg, W. and Van Woensel, T. 2019. Green intermodal freight transportation: bi-objective modeling and analysis. International Journal of Production Research 57(19), pp. 6162-6180. (10.1080/00207543.2019.1620363)
- Eshtehadi, R., Fathian, M., Pishvaee, M. S. and Demir, E. 2018. A hybrid metaheuristic algorithm for the robust pollution-routing problem. Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering 11(1), pp. 244-257.
- Masmoudi, M. A., Hosny, M., Demir, E., Genikomsakis, K. N. and Cheikhrouhou, N. 2018. The dial-a-ride problem with electric vehicles and battery swapping stations. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 118, pp. 392-420. (10.1016/j.tre.2018.08.005)
- Ghilas, V., Cordeau, J., Demir, E. and Van Woensel, T. 2018. Branch-and-price for the pickup and delivery problem with time windows and scheduled lines. Transportation Science 52(5), pp. 1191-1210. (10.1287/trsc.2017.0798)
- Hrusovský, M., Demir, E., Jammernegg, W. and Van Woensel, T. 2018. Hybrid simulation and optimization approach for green intermodal transportation problem with travel time uncertainty. Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal 30(3), pp. 486-516. (10.1007/s10696-016-9267-1)
- Masmoudi, M. A., Hosny, M., Demir, E. and Cheikhrouhou, N. 2018. A study on the heterogeneous fleet of alternative fuel vehicles: Reducing CO2 emissions by means of biodiesel fuel. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 63, pp. 137-155. (10.1016/j.trd.2018.04.025)
- Demir, E., Abouarghoub, W. and Syntetos, A. 2018. Modelling the delivery slots for the last mile delivery: Costs and emissions. Presented at: The 23rd International Symposium on Logistics (ISL 2018), Bali, Indonesia, 8-11 July 2018.
- Sever, D., Zhao, L., Dellaert, N., Demir, E., Van Woensel, T. and De Kok, T. 2018. The dynamic shortest path problem with time-dependent stochastic disruptions. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 92, pp. 42-57. (10.1016/j.trc.2018.04.018)
- Sanchez Rodrigues, V., Wang, X. and Demir, E. 2018. Ocado salads waste project - A modelling project from Cardiff University. Presented at: Efficient Customer Response Meeting, Hamburg, Germany, 7 June 2018.
- Demir, E. 2018. Value creation through green vehicle routing. In: Zeimpekis, V. et al. eds. Sustainable Freight Transport:Theory, Models, and Case Studies. Operations Research/Computer Science Interfaces Series Springer, pp. 63-78.
- Soysal, M., Cimen, M. and Demir, E. 2018. On the mathematical modeling of green one-to-one pickup and delivery problem with road segmentation. Journal of Cleaner Production 174, pp. 1664-1678. (10.1016/j.jclepro.2017.11.040)
- Demir, E., Hrusovsky, M., Jammernegg, W. and Woensel, T. V. 2018. Methodological approaches to reliable and green intermodal transportation. In: Cinar, D., Gakis, K. and Pardalos, P. M. eds. Sustainable Logistics and Transportation: Optimization Models and Algorithms. Springer, pp. 153–179., (10.1007/978-3-319-69215-9_7)
- Sanchez Rodrigues, V., Wang, X., Demir, E. and Mohammed, A. 2018. Food waste in the online grocery supply chain: The case of Ocado’s salads. Presented at: Efficient Customer Response Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal, 23-24 October 2018.
- Franceschetti, A., Demir, E., Honhon, D., Van Woensel, T., Laporte, G. and Stobbe, M. 2017. A metaheuristic for the time-dependent pollution-routing problem. European Journal of Operational Research 259(3), pp. 972-991. (10.1016/j.ejor.2016.11.026)
- Dabia, S., Demir, E. and Woensel, T. V. 2017. An exact approach for a variant of the pollution-routing problem. Transportation Science 51(2), pp. 607-628. (10.1287/trsc.2015.0651)
- Eshtehadi, R., Fathian, M. and Demir, E. 2017. Robust solutions to the pollution-routing problem with demand and travel time uncertainty. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 51, pp. 351-363. (10.1016/j.trd.2017.01.003)
- Masmoudi, M. A., Demir, E. and Hosny, M. 2017. Metaheuristic approaches for the multi-period vehicle routing problem with synchronization constraints and refuelling. Presented at: VEROLOG, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 10-12 July 2017.
- Demir, E., Burgholzer, W., Hrusovský, M., Arikan, E., Jammernegg, W. and Van Woensel, T. 2016. A green intermodal service network design problem with travel time uncertainty. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 93(Part B), pp. 789-807. (10.1016/j.trb.2015.09.007)
- Ghilas, V., Demir, E. and Woensel, T. V. 2016. A scenario-based planning for the pickup and delivery problem with time windows, scheduled lines and stochastic demands. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 91, pp. 34-51. (10.1016/j.trb.2016.04.015)
- Ghilas, V., Demir, E. and Van Woensel, T. 2016. An adaptive large neighborhood search heuristic for the pickup and delivery problem with time windows and scheduled lines. Computers & Operations Research 72, pp. 12-30. (10.1016/j.cor.2016.01.018)
- Ghilas, V., Demir, E. and Van Woensel, T. 2016. The pickup and delivery problem with time windows and scheduled lines. INFOR 54(2), pp. 147-167. (10.1080/03155986.2016.1166793)
- Bektas, T., Demir, E. and Laporte, G. 2016. Green vehicle routing. In: Green Transportation Logistics., Vol. 226. Kluwer, pp. 243-265., (10.1007/978-3-319-17175-3_7)
- Demir, E. 2016. Green vehicle assignment problem. Presented at: POMS, Orlando, USA, 6-9 May 2016.
- Demir, E. 2016. An integrated simulation and optimization towards sustainable transportation. Presented at: 9th Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis (TRISTAN16), Aruba, 13-17 June 2016.
- Demir, E., Huang, Y., Scholts, S. and Van Woensel, T. 2015. A selected review on the negative externalities of the freight transportation: modeling and pricing. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 77, pp. 95-114. (10.1016/j.tre.2015.02.020)
- Demir, E. 2015. Creating green logistics value. Presented at: Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, China.
- Demir, E. 2015. Green intermodal service network design problem. Presented at: VEROLOG, Vienna, Austria, 8-10 June 2015.
- Demir, E., Bektas, T. and Laporte, G. 2014. A review of recent research on green road freight transportation. European Journal of Operational Research 237(3), pp. 775-793. (10.1016/j.ejor.2013.12.033)
- Demir, E., Van Woensel, T. and de Kok, T. 2014. Multidepot distribution planning at logistics service provider Nabuurs B.V.. Interfaces 44(6), pp. 591-604. (10.1287/inte.2014.0742)
- Demir, E., Bektas, T. and Laporte, G. 2014. The bi-objective Pollution-Routing Problem. European Journal of Operational Research 232(3), pp. 464-478. (10.1016/j.ejor.2013.08.002)
- Demir, E. 2014. Vehicle assignment problem. Presented at: IFORS 2014, Barcelona, Spain, 13/18 July 2014.
- Demir, E. 2014. Adaptive large neighborhood search algorithm for the PDP-FSL. Presented at: VEROLOG 2014, Oslo, Norway, 22-25 June 2014.
- Demir, E. 2013. Environmental impacts of intermodal freight transportation. Presented at: VEROLOG 2013, Southampton, United Kingdom, 7-10 June 2013.
- Demir, E. 2013. Branch-and-price algorithm for the pollution-routing problem. Presented at: EURO-INFORMS 2013, Rome, Italy, 1-4 July 2013.
- Demir, E. and Van Woensel, T. 2013. Mathematical modeling of CO2e emissions in one-to-one pickup and delivery problems. Presented at: 2013 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM), Bangkok, Thailand, 10-13 December 2013 Presented at Adulbhan, P., Laosirihongthong, T. and Jiao, R. eds.Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM). Piscataway, NJ: IEEE pp. 63-67., (10.1109/IEEM.2013.6962375)
- Demir, E., Bekta, T. and Laporte, G. 2012. An adaptive large neighborhood search heuristic for the Pollution-Routing Problem. European Journal of Operational Research 223(2), pp. 346. (10.1016/j.ejor.2012.06.044)
- Demir, E. 2012. A bi-objective pollution-routing problem: trade-offs between fuel consumption and driving time. Presented at: EURO 2012: 25th Europan Conference on Operational Research, Vilnius, Lithuania, 8-11 July 2012.
- Demir, E. 2012. Adaptive large neighborhood search algorithm for the pollution-routing problem. Presented at: VEROLOG 2012, Bologna, Italy, 18-20 June 2012.
- Demir, E. 2012. Adaptive large neighborhood search algorithm for the pollution-routing problem. Presented at: JOPT 2012, Montreal, Canada, 7-9 May 2012.
- Demir, E., Bektaş, T. and Laporte, G. 2011. A comparative analysis of several vehicle emission models for road freight transportation. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 16(5), pp. 347-357. (10.1016/j.trd.2011.01.011)
- Demir, E. 2011. An algorithm to solve the speed optimization problem in vehicle routing. Presented at: ECCO 2011, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 30 June - 1 July 2011.
- Demir, E. 2011. A review and comparison of fuel consumption models and carbon dioxide emissions. Presented at: LASS 2011, Southampton, United Kingdom.
- Demir, E. 2008. Formulations for school bus routing problems. Presented at: ECCO 2008, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
- Demir, E. 2007. Integer programming models for school bus routing problems. Presented at: XXVII National Conference in Operational Research and Industrial Engineering, Izmir, Turkey.
- Demir, E. 2006. New mathematical formulations for generalized traveling salesman problem. Presented at: XXVI National Conference in Operational Research and Industrial Engineering, Kocaeli, Turkey.
- Demir, E. 2005. Mathematical formulations for generalized traveling salesman problem. Presented at: XXV National Conference in Operational Re- search and Industrial Engineering, Istanbul, Turkey.
- Cheng, C., Demir, E., Hu, X. and Huang, H. 2025. Transforming last mile delivery with heterogeneous assistants: drones and delivery robots. Journal of Heuristics 31, article number: 8. (10.1007/s10732-024-09543-0)
- Lin, Z., Xu, X., Demir, E. and Laporte, G. 2025. Optimizing task assignment and routing operations with a heterogeneous fleet of unmanned aerial vehicles for emergency healthcare services. Computers and Operations Research 174, article number: 106890. (10.1016/j.cor.2024.106890)
- Hao, X., Demir, E. and Eyers, D. 2025. Critical success and failure factors in the AI lifecycle: A knowledge graph-based ontological study. Journal of Modelling in Management (10.1108/JM2-06-2024-0204)
- Sun, R., Abouarghoub, W., Demir, E. and Potter, A. 2025. Impact of imputation methods for ship technical parameters on emission estimations in ports. Maritime Policy and Management 52(1) (10.1080/03088839.2025.2463635)
- Sun, R., Abouarghoub, W., Demir, E. and Potter, A. 2025. A comprehensive analysis of strategies for reducing GHG emissions in maritime ports. Marine Policy 171, article number: 106455. (10.1016/j.marpol.2024.106455)
- Bencharif, B., Beghoura, M. A. and Demir, E. 2025. The Volume-Based Pollution-Routing Problem with Time Windows: A case study. Modelling 6(1), article number: 6. (10.3390/modelling6010006)
- Sun, R., Abouarghoub, W. and Demir, E. 2025. Enhancing data quality in maritime transportation: A practical method for imputing missing ship static data. Ocean Engineering 315, article number: 119722. (10.1016/j.oceaneng.2024.119722)
- Wang, X., Sanchez Rodrigues, V., Demir, E. and Sarkis, J. 2024. Algorithm aversion during disruptions: The case of safety stock. International Journal of Production Economics 278, article number: 109442. (10.1016/j.ijpe.2024.109442)
- Silva de Assis, L., Luiz Usberti, F., Demir, E., Cavellucci, C. and Laporte, G. 2024. Operational research on dengue: critical review and research agenda. Journal of the Operational Research Society (10.1080/01605682.2024.2436622)
- Hedayati, S., Setak, M., Van Woensel, T. and Demir, E. 2024. Re-supplying autonomous mobile parcel lockers in last-mile distribution. Future Transportation 4(4), pp. 1266-1296. (10.3390/futuretransp4040061)
- Hao, X., Demir, E. and Eyers, D. 2024. Exploring collaborative decision-making: a quasi-experimental study of human and generative AI interaction. Technology in Society 78, article number: 102662. (10.1016/j.techsoc.2024.102662)
- Lai, D., Costa, Y., Demir, E., Florio, A. M. and Van Woensel, T. 2024. The pollution-routing problem with speed optimization and uneven topography. Computers and Operations Research 164, article number: 106557. (10.1016/j.cor.2024.106557)
- Hedayati, S., Setak, M., Demir, E. and Van Woensel, T. 2024. A new approach to the joint order batching and picker routing problem with alternative locations. IMA Journal of Management Mathematics 35(2), pp. 241-265. (10.1093/imaman/dpad016)
- Hao, X. and Demir, E. 2024. Artificial intelligence in supply chain decision-making: An environmental, social, and governance triggering and technological inhibiting protocol. Journal of Modelling in Management 19(2), pp. 605-629. (10.1108/JM2-01-2023-0009)
- Hao, X. and Demir, E. 2024. Artificial intelligence in supply chain management: Enablers and constraints in pre-development, deployment, and post-development stages. Production Planning and Control (10.1080/09537287.2024.2302482)
- Mogale, D. G., Wang, X., Demir, E. and Sanchez Rodrigues, V. 2023. Modelling and analysing supply chain disruption: A case of online grocery retailer. Operations Management Research 16(4), pp. 1901-1924. (10.1007/s12063-023-00405-9)
- Zhang, Z., Demir, E., Mason, R. and Di Cairano-Gilfedder, C. 2023. Understanding freight drivers’ behavior and the impact on vehicles’ fuel consumption and CO2e emissions. Operational Research - An International Journal 23, article number: 59. (10.1007/s12351-023-00798-2)
- Lai, D., Li, Y., Demir, E., Dellaert, N. P. and van Woensel, T. 2022. Self-adaptive randomized constructive heuristics for the multi-item capacitated lot-sizing problem. Computers and Operations Research 147, article number: 105928. (10.1016/j.cor.2022.105928)
- Masmoudi, M. A., Coelho, L. C. and Demir, E. 2022. The plug-in hybrid electric refuse vehicle routing problem for waste collection. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 166, article number: 102875. (10.1016/j.tre.2022.102875)
- Demir, E., Syntetos, A. and van Woensel, T. 2022. Last mile logistics: Research trends and needs. IMA Journal of Management Mathematics 33(4), pp. 549-561. (10.1093/imaman/dpac006)
- Mohammadi, D., Abd Elaziz, M., Moghdani, R., Demir, E. and Mirjalili, S. 2022. Quantum Henry gas solubility optimization algorithm for global optimization. Engineering with Computers 38, pp. 2329-2348. (10.1007/s00366-021-01347-1)
- Chen, C., Demir, E. and Huang, Y. 2021. An adaptive large neighborhood search heuristic for the vehicle routing problem with time windows and delivery robots. European Journal of Operational Research 294(3), pp. 1164-1180. (10.1016/j.ejor.2021.02.027)
- Marrekchi, E., Besbes, W., Dhouib, D. and Demir, E. 2021. A review of recent advances in the operations research literature on the green routing problem and its variants. Annals of Operations Research 304, pp. 529-574. (10.1007/s10479-021-04046-8)
- Tikani, H., Setak, M. and Demir, E. 2021. A risk-constrained time-dependent cash-in-transit routing problem in multigraph under uncertainty. European Journal of Operational Research 293(2), pp. 703-730. (10.1016/j.ejor.2020.12.020)
- Demir, E., Eyers, D. and Huang, Y. 2021. Competing through the last mile: strategic 3D printing in a city logistics context. Computers and Operations Research 131, article number: 105248. (10.1016/j.cor.2021.105248)
- Chen, C., Demir, E., Huang, Y. and Qiu, R. 2021. The adoption of self-driving delivery robots in last mile logistics. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 146, article number: 102214. (10.1016/j.tre.2020.102214)
- Tikani, H., Setak, M. and Demir, E. 2021. Multi-objective periodic cash transportation problem with path dissimilarity and arrival time variation. Expert Systems with Applications 164, article number: 114015. (10.1016/j.eswa.2020.114015)
- Sanchez Rodrigues, V., Demir, E., Wang, X. and Sarkis, J. 2021. Measurement, mitigation and prevention of food waste in supply chains: an online shopping perspective. Industrial Marketing Management 93, pp. 545-562. (10.1016/j.indmarman.2020.09.020)
- Hrusovsky, M., Demir, E., Jammernegg, W. and Van Woensel, T. 2021. Real-time disruption management approach for intermodal freight transportation. Journal of Cleaner Production 280(P2), article number: 124826. (10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.124826)
- Moghdani, R., Salimifard, K., Demir, E. and Benyettou, A. 2021. The green vehicle routing problem: a systematic literature review. Journal of Cleaner Production 279, article number: 123691. (10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.123691)
- Moghdani, R., Salimifard, K., Demir, E. and Benyettou, A. 2020. Multi-objective volleyball premier league algorithm. Knowledge-Based Systems 196, article number: 105781. (10.1016/j.knosys.2020.105781)
- Eshtehadi, R., Demir, E. and Huang, Y. 2020. Solving the vehicle routing problem with multi-compartment vehicles for city logistics. Computers and Operations Research 115, article number: 104859. (10.1016/j.cor.2019.104859)
- Masmoudi, M. A., Hosny, M., Demir, E. and Pesch, E. 2020. Hybrid adaptive large neighborhood search algorithm for the mixed fleet heterogeneous dial-a-ride problem. Journal of Heuristics 26(1), pp. 83-118. (10.1007/s10732-019-09424-x)
- Demir, E. and Eyers, D. 2020. Reshaping supply networks to enable manufacturing. Focus Jan, pp. 54-55.
- Mamaghani, E. J., Chen, H., Prins, C. and Demir, E. 2019. An Improved Tabu Search algorithm for a multi-period bid generation problem with the consideration of delivery lead time. IFAC-PapersOnLine 52(13), pp. 2602-2607. (10.1016/j.ifacol.2019.11.599)
- Ghiami, Y., Demir, E., Van Woensel, T., Christiansen, M. and Laporte, G. 2019. A deteriorating inventory routing problem for an inland liquefied natural gas distribution network. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 126, pp. 45-67. (10.1016/j.trb.2019.05.014)
- Wang, X., Sanchez Rodrigues, V. and Demir, E. 2019. Managing your supply chain pantry: food waste mitigation through inventory control. IEEE Engineering Management Review 47(2), pp. 97-102. (10.1109/EMR.2019.2915064)
- Demir, E., Hrusovsky, M., Jammernegg, W. and Van Woensel, T. 2019. Green intermodal freight transportation: bi-objective modeling and analysis. International Journal of Production Research 57(19), pp. 6162-6180. (10.1080/00207543.2019.1620363)
- Eshtehadi, R., Fathian, M., Pishvaee, M. S. and Demir, E. 2018. A hybrid metaheuristic algorithm for the robust pollution-routing problem. Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering 11(1), pp. 244-257.
- Masmoudi, M. A., Hosny, M., Demir, E., Genikomsakis, K. N. and Cheikhrouhou, N. 2018. The dial-a-ride problem with electric vehicles and battery swapping stations. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 118, pp. 392-420. (10.1016/j.tre.2018.08.005)
- Ghilas, V., Cordeau, J., Demir, E. and Van Woensel, T. 2018. Branch-and-price for the pickup and delivery problem with time windows and scheduled lines. Transportation Science 52(5), pp. 1191-1210. (10.1287/trsc.2017.0798)
- Hrusovský, M., Demir, E., Jammernegg, W. and Van Woensel, T. 2018. Hybrid simulation and optimization approach for green intermodal transportation problem with travel time uncertainty. Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal 30(3), pp. 486-516. (10.1007/s10696-016-9267-1)
- Masmoudi, M. A., Hosny, M., Demir, E. and Cheikhrouhou, N. 2018. A study on the heterogeneous fleet of alternative fuel vehicles: Reducing CO2 emissions by means of biodiesel fuel. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 63, pp. 137-155. (10.1016/j.trd.2018.04.025)
- Sever, D., Zhao, L., Dellaert, N., Demir, E., Van Woensel, T. and De Kok, T. 2018. The dynamic shortest path problem with time-dependent stochastic disruptions. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 92, pp. 42-57. (10.1016/j.trc.2018.04.018)
- Soysal, M., Cimen, M. and Demir, E. 2018. On the mathematical modeling of green one-to-one pickup and delivery problem with road segmentation. Journal of Cleaner Production 174, pp. 1664-1678. (10.1016/j.jclepro.2017.11.040)
- Franceschetti, A., Demir, E., Honhon, D., Van Woensel, T., Laporte, G. and Stobbe, M. 2017. A metaheuristic for the time-dependent pollution-routing problem. European Journal of Operational Research 259(3), pp. 972-991. (10.1016/j.ejor.2016.11.026)
- Dabia, S., Demir, E. and Woensel, T. V. 2017. An exact approach for a variant of the pollution-routing problem. Transportation Science 51(2), pp. 607-628. (10.1287/trsc.2015.0651)
- Eshtehadi, R., Fathian, M. and Demir, E. 2017. Robust solutions to the pollution-routing problem with demand and travel time uncertainty. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 51, pp. 351-363. (10.1016/j.trd.2017.01.003)
- Demir, E., Burgholzer, W., Hrusovský, M., Arikan, E., Jammernegg, W. and Van Woensel, T. 2016. A green intermodal service network design problem with travel time uncertainty. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 93(Part B), pp. 789-807. (10.1016/j.trb.2015.09.007)
- Ghilas, V., Demir, E. and Woensel, T. V. 2016. A scenario-based planning for the pickup and delivery problem with time windows, scheduled lines and stochastic demands. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 91, pp. 34-51. (10.1016/j.trb.2016.04.015)
- Ghilas, V., Demir, E. and Van Woensel, T. 2016. An adaptive large neighborhood search heuristic for the pickup and delivery problem with time windows and scheduled lines. Computers & Operations Research 72, pp. 12-30. (10.1016/j.cor.2016.01.018)
- Ghilas, V., Demir, E. and Van Woensel, T. 2016. The pickup and delivery problem with time windows and scheduled lines. INFOR 54(2), pp. 147-167. (10.1080/03155986.2016.1166793)
- Demir, E., Huang, Y., Scholts, S. and Van Woensel, T. 2015. A selected review on the negative externalities of the freight transportation: modeling and pricing. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 77, pp. 95-114. (10.1016/j.tre.2015.02.020)
- Demir, E., Bektas, T. and Laporte, G. 2014. A review of recent research on green road freight transportation. European Journal of Operational Research 237(3), pp. 775-793. (10.1016/j.ejor.2013.12.033)
- Demir, E., Van Woensel, T. and de Kok, T. 2014. Multidepot distribution planning at logistics service provider Nabuurs B.V.. Interfaces 44(6), pp. 591-604. (10.1287/inte.2014.0742)
- Demir, E., Bektas, T. and Laporte, G. 2014. The bi-objective Pollution-Routing Problem. European Journal of Operational Research 232(3), pp. 464-478. (10.1016/j.ejor.2013.08.002)
- Demir, E., Bekta, T. and Laporte, G. 2012. An adaptive large neighborhood search heuristic for the Pollution-Routing Problem. European Journal of Operational Research 223(2), pp. 346. (10.1016/j.ejor.2012.06.044)
- Demir, E., Bektaş, T. and Laporte, G. 2011. A comparative analysis of several vehicle emission models for road freight transportation. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 16(5), pp. 347-357. (10.1016/j.trd.2011.01.011)
Book sections
- Chen, C. and Demir, E. 2022. Drones and delivery robots: models and applications to last mile delivery. In: Salhi, S. and Boylan, J. eds. The Palgrave Handbook of Operations Research. Springer Nature Switzerland AG, pp. 859-882.
- Masmoudi, M. . A., Hosny, M. and Demir, E. 2019. An adaptive large neighborhood search heuristic for the green dial‐a‐ride problem. In: Besbes, W. et al. eds. Solving Transport Problems: Towards Green Logistics. Wiley, pp. 1-26., (10.1002/9781119686750)
- Demir, E., Huckle, K., Syntetos, A., Lahy, A. and Wilson, M. 2019. Vehicle routing problem: Past and future. In: Wells, P. ed. Contemporary Operations and Logistics: Achieving Excellence in Turbulent Times. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 97-117., (10.1007/978-3-030-14493-7_7)
- Masmoudi, M. . A., Hosny, M. and Demir, E. 2019. An improved adaptive large neighborhood search heuristic for the green dial-a-ride problem. In: Besbes, W., Dhouib, D. and Marrekchi, E. eds. Optimization of Green Transportation Problems: Fundamentals and Applications. Wiley
- Demir, E. 2018. Value creation through green vehicle routing. In: Zeimpekis, V. et al. eds. Sustainable Freight Transport:Theory, Models, and Case Studies. Operations Research/Computer Science Interfaces Series Springer, pp. 63-78.
- Demir, E., Hrusovsky, M., Jammernegg, W. and Woensel, T. V. 2018. Methodological approaches to reliable and green intermodal transportation. In: Cinar, D., Gakis, K. and Pardalos, P. M. eds. Sustainable Logistics and Transportation: Optimization Models and Algorithms. Springer, pp. 153–179., (10.1007/978-3-319-69215-9_7)
- Bektas, T., Demir, E. and Laporte, G. 2016. Green vehicle routing. In: Green Transportation Logistics., Vol. 226. Kluwer, pp. 243-265., (10.1007/978-3-319-17175-3_7)
- Le, B. L., Martin, L., Demir, E. and Vu, D. M. 2024. A* search algorithm for an optimal investment problem in vehicle-sharing systems. Presented at: Computational Data and Social Networks, Hanoi, Vietnam, 11-13 December 2023 Presented at Ha, M., Zhu, X. and Thai, M. eds.Conference proceedings: Computational Data and Social Networks, CSoNet 2023, Vol. 14479. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Singapore: Springer pp. 162–173., (10.1007/978-981-97-0669-3_16)
- Sun, R., Abouarghoub, W., Demir, E. and Potter, A. 2024. Cost evaluation of the environmental impact of container ships during red sea crisis. Presented at: International Association of Maritime Economists 2024 Conference, Valencia, Spain, 26-28th June 2024IAME 2024 Conference Proceedings. IAME
- Cheng, C. and Demir, E. 2023. Enhancing last mile logistics efficiency and sustainability through autonomous technologies. Presented at: Annual Conference OR65, 12-14 September 2023.
- Chen, C. and Demir, E. 2022. The adoption of autonomous assistants in route optimization. Presented at: EURO 2022, Espoo, Finland, 3-6 July 2022.
- Zhang, Z., Demir, E. and Mason, R. 2021. Green logistics and transportation: fuel consumption formula based on driver behaviour. Presented at: 22nd Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS 2021), Seoul, South Korea, 23-27 August 2021.
- Masmoudi, M. A., Anna Kuzmicz, K., Pesch, E., Demir, E. and Hosny, M. 2020. Container truck transportation routing as a mixed fleet heterogeneous dial-a-ride problem. Presented at: 9th International Conference on Engineering, Project, and Production Management (EPPM2018), Cape Town, South Africa, 24-26 November 2018, Vol. 312., (10.1051/matecconf/202031202005)
- Jelodari, E., Haoxun, C., Prins, C. and Demir, E. 2019. An Improved Tabu search algorithm for the multi-period bid generation problem with the consideration of delivery lead times. Presented at: 9th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control, 28-30 August 2019.
- Hrusovsky, M., Demir, E., Jammernegg, W., Wakolbinger, T. and Van Woensel, T. 2019. Innovative approaches for supporting sustainable and reliable planning of rail and intermodal transport. Presented at: EURO 2019, Dublin, Ireland, 23-26 June 2019. pp. -.
- Demir, E. 2019. Truck platooning: The future?. Presented at: Logistics Research Network Annual Conference 2019, Northamption, UK, 4-6 September 2019Building a platform for international success. CILT UK pp. 255-259.
- Hrusovsky, M., Demir, E., Jammernegg, W., Van Woensel, T. and Wakolbinger, T. 2019. Supporting sustainable freight transport by introducing innovative planning approaches. Presented at: Operations Research 2019, Dresden, Germany, 3-6 Sept 2019.
- Demir, E., Abouarghoub, W. and Syntetos, A. 2018. Modelling the delivery slots for the last mile delivery: Costs and emissions. Presented at: The 23rd International Symposium on Logistics (ISL 2018), Bali, Indonesia, 8-11 July 2018.
- Sanchez Rodrigues, V., Wang, X. and Demir, E. 2018. Ocado salads waste project - A modelling project from Cardiff University. Presented at: Efficient Customer Response Meeting, Hamburg, Germany, 7 June 2018.
- Sanchez Rodrigues, V., Wang, X., Demir, E. and Mohammed, A. 2018. Food waste in the online grocery supply chain: The case of Ocado’s salads. Presented at: Efficient Customer Response Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal, 23-24 October 2018.
- Masmoudi, M. A., Demir, E. and Hosny, M. 2017. Metaheuristic approaches for the multi-period vehicle routing problem with synchronization constraints and refuelling. Presented at: VEROLOG, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 10-12 July 2017.
- Demir, E. 2016. Green vehicle assignment problem. Presented at: POMS, Orlando, USA, 6-9 May 2016.
- Demir, E. 2016. An integrated simulation and optimization towards sustainable transportation. Presented at: 9th Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis (TRISTAN16), Aruba, 13-17 June 2016.
- Demir, E. 2015. Creating green logistics value. Presented at: Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, China.
- Demir, E. 2015. Green intermodal service network design problem. Presented at: VEROLOG, Vienna, Austria, 8-10 June 2015.
- Demir, E. 2014. Vehicle assignment problem. Presented at: IFORS 2014, Barcelona, Spain, 13/18 July 2014.
- Demir, E. 2014. Adaptive large neighborhood search algorithm for the PDP-FSL. Presented at: VEROLOG 2014, Oslo, Norway, 22-25 June 2014.
- Demir, E. 2013. Environmental impacts of intermodal freight transportation. Presented at: VEROLOG 2013, Southampton, United Kingdom, 7-10 June 2013.
- Demir, E. 2013. Branch-and-price algorithm for the pollution-routing problem. Presented at: EURO-INFORMS 2013, Rome, Italy, 1-4 July 2013.
- Demir, E. and Van Woensel, T. 2013. Mathematical modeling of CO2e emissions in one-to-one pickup and delivery problems. Presented at: 2013 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM), Bangkok, Thailand, 10-13 December 2013 Presented at Adulbhan, P., Laosirihongthong, T. and Jiao, R. eds.Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM). Piscataway, NJ: IEEE pp. 63-67., (10.1109/IEEM.2013.6962375)
- Demir, E. 2012. A bi-objective pollution-routing problem: trade-offs between fuel consumption and driving time. Presented at: EURO 2012: 25th Europan Conference on Operational Research, Vilnius, Lithuania, 8-11 July 2012.
- Demir, E. 2012. Adaptive large neighborhood search algorithm for the pollution-routing problem. Presented at: VEROLOG 2012, Bologna, Italy, 18-20 June 2012.
- Demir, E. 2012. Adaptive large neighborhood search algorithm for the pollution-routing problem. Presented at: JOPT 2012, Montreal, Canada, 7-9 May 2012.
- Demir, E. 2011. An algorithm to solve the speed optimization problem in vehicle routing. Presented at: ECCO 2011, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 30 June - 1 July 2011.
- Demir, E. 2011. A review and comparison of fuel consumption models and carbon dioxide emissions. Presented at: LASS 2011, Southampton, United Kingdom.
- Demir, E. 2008. Formulations for school bus routing problems. Presented at: ECCO 2008, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
- Demir, E. 2007. Integer programming models for school bus routing problems. Presented at: XXVII National Conference in Operational Research and Industrial Engineering, Izmir, Turkey.
- Demir, E. 2006. New mathematical formulations for generalized traveling salesman problem. Presented at: XXVI National Conference in Operational Research and Industrial Engineering, Kocaeli, Turkey.
- Demir, E. 2005. Mathematical formulations for generalized traveling salesman problem. Presented at: XXV National Conference in Operational Re- search and Industrial Engineering, Istanbul, Turkey.
- Dabia, S., Demir, E. and Woensel, T. V. 2017. An exact approach for a variant of the pollution-routing problem. Transportation Science 51(2), pp. 607-628. (10.1287/trsc.2015.0651)
- Demir, E., Burgholzer, W., Hrusovský, M., Arikan, E., Jammernegg, W. and Van Woensel, T. 2016. A green intermodal service network design problem with travel time uncertainty. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 93(Part B), pp. 789-807. (10.1016/j.trb.2015.09.007)
- Ghilas, V., Demir, E. and Woensel, T. V. 2016. A scenario-based planning for the pickup and delivery problem with time windows, scheduled lines and stochastic demands. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 91, pp. 34-51. (10.1016/j.trb.2016.04.015)
- Demir, E., Huang, Y., Scholts, S. and Van Woensel, T. 2015. A selected review on the negative externalities of the freight transportation: modeling and pricing. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 77, pp. 95-114. (10.1016/j.tre.2015.02.020)
- Demir, E., Bektas, T. and Laporte, G. 2014. A review of recent research on green road freight transportation. European Journal of Operational Research 237(3), pp. 775-793. (10.1016/j.ejor.2013.12.033)
Research interests
- Green Logistics
- Vehicle Routing Problem
- Intermodal Transportation
- Integrated Transportation
- City Logistics
- Operational Research/Optimisation
Research grants
- Colombia-UK PACT Programme (2023-2024): GIRO-ZERO - Steering the Colombian road freight sector towards a zero emissions strategy: Giro-Zero
- Colombia-UK PACT Programme (2022-2023): GIRO-ZERO - Steering the Colombian road freight sector towards a zero emissions strategy: Giro-Zero
- Ocado Group plc (2022): Operational excellence in logistics and supply chain management: Executive training
- Colombia-UK PACT Programme (2021-2022): GIRO-ZERO - Steering the Colombian road freight sector towards a zero emissions strategy: Giro-Zero
- Ocado Group plc (2021): Operational excellence in logistics and supply chain management: Executive training
- Ocado Group plc (2019-2020): Developing and testing analytical models to measure and optimise food waste in the Ocado supply chain
- ESRC - Cheshire & Warrington LEP (2019): Analytical support for local industrial strategies: Researcher placements in local enterprise partnerships
- Ocado Group plc (2019-2021): Knowledge Transfer Partnership Project: Enhancing the routing system to allow optimisation of a country-wide home delivery network: KTP
- CILT Seed corn funding (2018-2019): Truck Platooning
- Ocado Group plc (2018): Addressing Salad Supply Chains
- ESRC/Panalpina (2017-2018): Conquering the last mile
- ESRC/Panalpina (2017-2018): Same day, same way?
Current teaching commitments
- BS3010 Analysing and Improving Operations, Module Leader
- MSc Dissertation Supervision
Previous teaching commitments
- MSc Grand Challenges in Logistics and Operations Management
- BSc Advanced Operations Management (Year 3)
- BSc Operations Management (Year 2)
- MBA Strategic Operations Management
- MBA Dissertation Supervision
Previous academic leadership commitments
- Logistics and Operations Management (LOM) section - Deputy Head of Section (Learning & Teaching) (August 2021 - October 2022)
- Logistics and Operations Management (LOM) section - Senior Coordinator of Learning & Teaching (October 2020 - July 2021)
- Programme Director of MSc Logistics and Operations Management (August 2018 -September 2022)
- 2012 - PhD in Management Science, Southampton University, Southampton, United Kingdom (academic scholarship)
- 2008 - MSc in Industrial Engineering, Baskent University, Ankara, Turkey (academic scholarship)
- 2005 - BSc (4 years) in Industrial Engineering, Baskent University, Ankara, Turkey (partial academic scholarship)
Professional memberships
- Member of COPIOR (The Committee of Professors of Operational Research)
- Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA)
- Member of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT)
- Co-Director PARC Institute of Manufacturing, Logistics and Inventory
- Member of Logistics and Systems Dynamics Group (LSDG)
Academic positions
- 2021 - present: Professor of Operational Research
- 2019 - Reader in Management Science
- 2016 - Senior Lecturer in Management Science
- 2013 - Assistant Professor, School of Industrial Engineering, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
- 2012 - Postdoc Researcher, School of Industrial Engineering, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
- 2009-2012: PhD Candidate, Southampton Business School, University of Southampton
- 2005-2009: Research/Teaching Assistant, Department of Industrial Engineering, Baskent University, Turkey
Committees and reviewing
- Area Editor (Logistics and Supply Chain Management) of Journal of Heuristics (2018 - )
- Associate Editor of OR Spectrum Journal (2021 - )
- Associate Editor of IMA Journal of Management Mathematics (2019 - )
- Associate Editor of Frontiers in Future Transportation - Freight Transport and Logistics (2019 - )
Current PhD students
- First Supervisor, Zhuowu Zhang - "The role of drivers in green road freight transportation"
- First Supervisor, Xinyue Hao - "Human-machine collaborative decision-making in supply networks"
- Third supervisor, Ruikai Sun - "Estimation of port emissions"
I am interested in supervising PhD students in the areas of:
- Green logistics
- Vehicle routing problem
- Intermodal transportation
- Integrated freight and public transportation
- The uberization of last-mile transportation
- Autonomous vehicles
- Impact of 3D printing on transportation
- Combinatorial optimization
- Multi-objective optimization
- Heuristics and metaheuristics methods
Current supervision
Contact Details
+44 29208 70971
Aberconway Building, Floor 2nd, Room C26, Colum Road, Cathays, Cardiff, CF10 3EU
Research themes
- Transportation, logistics and supply chains
- Operational research
- Production and operations management