Katharine Kavanagh
Teams and roles for Katharine Kavanagh
Module Leader
Teaching Associate
Research Associate
Katharine recently completed her PhD student in the Centre for Language and Communication Research, and currently teaches across the School of English, Communication and Philosophy and the School of Journalism, Media and Culture.
Her research takes a corpus-assisted critical discourse analysis approach to representations of audience experience, with a focus on evaluative language within the Creative and Cultural Industries.
Academic Background
- MA in Language and Communication Research at Cardiff University (2018-2019; Distinction)
- BA in Theatre at Dartington College of Arts (2002-2005; First Class Honours)
- Kavanagh, K. S. 2024. What’s so special about (the) circus - and who says so? A corpus-assisted discourse analysis of value difference and mediation in promotional texts. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
- Kavanagh, K. 2019. Valuing circus: A corpus-assisted critical discourse investigation of review texts. Taught Course Thesis.
Taught course thesis
- Kavanagh, K. 2019. Valuing circus: A corpus-assisted critical discourse investigation of review texts. Taught Course Thesis.
- Kavanagh, K. S. 2024. What’s so special about (the) circus - and who says so? A corpus-assisted discourse analysis of value difference and mediation in promotional texts. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
- Circus Studies
- (Critical) Discourse Analysis
- Corpus Linguistics
- Evaluation
- Arts Criticism
I also have an underlying interest in communication that bridges difference in value systems, particularly in education and public media.
- Kavanagh, K. (Forthcoming, 2025). A Gap to be Bridged: Communicating the Value in UK Circus Audience Experience. In Circus: Arts, Life & Sciences 4(2)
- Kavanagh, K. 2019. Criticism Within the Circus Sector: Redressing a Power Imbalance. In Platform 13(1), p.64-85
Book review:
- Routledge Companion to Audiences and the Performing Arts, In Cultural Trends, 32:4, 2023. 443-447 (Co-authored with Hannah Griffiths, Simon Piening, Beth Prevor, Lizzie Ridley & Serena Slack-Robins)
- Female Aerialists in the 1920s and Early 1930s: Femininity, Celebrity and Glamour, Abingdon/New York: Routledge, 2022. 196 pp. Kate Holmes. In Circus: Arts, Life, and Sciences 1(1), 2022.
- Circus as Multimodal Discourse: Performance, Meaning, and Ritual. By Paul Bouissac. London: Bloomsbury, 2014. Pp. 216 + 38 illus. £80 Hb; £79.99 eb; £24.99 Pb.The Greatest Shows On Earth: A History of the Circus. By Linda Simon. London: Reaktion Books, 2014. Pp. 296 + 136 illus. £29/$40 Hb. In Theatre Research International 41(1) Mar 2016, p.92-93
- Contemporary Street Arts in Europe: Aesthetics and Politics. By Susan C. Haedicke. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. Pp. xiii + 228 + 8 illus. £53 Hb. In Theatre Research International 40(1) Mar 2015, p.118-119
- The Metamodern Circus, 26th May 2023. NoFit State Circus, Cardiff.
Documentation available at https://thecircusdiaries.com/the-metamodern-circus/.
- 'Things That Make Us Go Ooh... (Why We Keep Rolling Up to the Circus)', at Corpus Linguistics 2023, 4 Jul 2023
- 'Opportunity in the Abyss: growing a critical culture of circus', at Platform Symposium: On Criticism, 23 Nov 2018, Central School of Speech and Drama, London
- 'Overcoming Academic Otherness - experiments in integration', at Circus and Its Others II, 27-29 Aug 2018, Prague
- 'Introduction to the Contemporary Circus: Studies and Spectacle', at Festival of Creative Learning, 22 Feb 2018, University of Edinburgh (School of Art)
- 'Circus and Criticism', at Theatre and Fandom, 7 July 2017, University of Bristol
Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA)
- Module Lead at Cardiff University, School of Journalism, Media and Culture (Mediating Childhood). 2024-25
- Teaching Associate at Cardiff University, School of English, Communication and Philosophy (Understanding Communication; Language and the Mind; How Language Works 2) and School of Journalism, Media and Communication (Digital Culture; Introduction to Media Audiences; Doing Media Research: Approaches and Methods; Creative and Cultural Industries; Media and Gender; Advertising and Consumer Society; Representations). 2019-
- Visiting Lecturer at Circomedia in Bristol, UK, teaching circus history, context and and criticality to BA and MA students. 2018-
- Guest lecturer at the University of Dance and Circus (DOCH) in Stockholm, Sweden, teaching circus performance analysis to BA and MA students. 2018-
- Module Lead (Performance Review and Analysis) at the National Centre for Circus Arts in London, UK. 2017-18
Contact Details
Research themes
- Corpus linguistics
- Evaluative language
- Audience Research
- Circus Studies