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Rebecca Oates

Rebecca Oates


Research student

School of Psychology


I initially studied Furniture Design & Construction and have 20+ years professional experience in product and commercial interior design. After studying Psychology at Birkbeck University, London, I moved to Cardiff to complete my MSc and am now a PhD student working in the School of Psychology and CUBRIC. My research combines design with psychology and seeks to better understand sensory sensitivities, specifically in relation to the built environment. Sensory hypersensitivity can be described as sensitivity to stimuli across one or more sensory modalities which can cause discomfort or overwhelm, or be soothing and enjoyable, depending on the individual. It is associated with areas of neurodiversity and a number of health and neurological conditions, but is also reported by many without a clinical diagnosis. People who have sensory hypersensitivities can find every day tasks such as shopping or visiting health and education settings challenging, and their coping mechanisms are often effortful. 

My PhD explores the mechanisms, triggers and soothers of sensory sensitivities and combines neuroimaging with qualitative research. This research will use stimuli from the built environment to better understand which specific architectural features are most uncomfortable for people who are sensory sensitive, and which have soothing or even therapeutic properties. Qualitative research to explore people’s lived experience of sensory sensitivity in built environments will also contribute to a broader understanding of how designers and architects can better accommodate people with sensory sensitivities in public spaces.

I am passionate about improving the inclusion of disabled, elderly and sensory sensitive people - people whose needs are often neglected in a trend-led design world. Working with academics and disability charities, my design work is research-led and I am currently leading an inclusion strategy for the built environment across the John Lewis Partnership. I deliver workshops to improve the understanding of inclusive design and as a subject matter expert in this field, I inform a range of activites including design and build projects, sensory brand identities, the delivery of sensory rooms and relaxed seasonal events. 


Georgina Powell

Georgina Powell

Research Fellow (Health and Care Research Wales)

Petroc Sumner

Petroc Sumner

Professor and Head of School, School of Psychology

Krish Singh

Krish Singh

Professor, Head of Human Electrophysiology

Research themes


  • Sensory processes, perception and performance
  • Inclusive Design
  • Neuroimaging
  • Clinical and health psychology